"I Have Been Inside Area 51" - (Reddit Ask Me Anything)

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read it ask me anything as requested I have been an area 51 ask me anything I am writing this for my mom's boyfriend who we live with Stephen Gaurav on who has in fact been an area 51 he was their testing the Mars rover he is the chairman and co-founder of honeybee robotics how much of it did you see how was security compared with a regular military base did you see anything unusual or unexpected I saw a lot of it it's a big place I was driving around probably for 25 miles I think it was from the southwest gate security was effective but light in other words there were civilians outside the gate with lawn chairs and telescopes but they didn't get anywhere near getting inside but I had a pass yes I saw the strange it wasn't just me two of us saw strange aircrafts flying low across the desert floor and it went up and over these mountains that were in front of us we figured it was a test flight of a secret aircraft but it was weird I've never seen anything like it what was it shaped like how did it move it moved fast subsonic speed but it seemed quite fast because it was only about a hundred or 200 feet off the ground it was flying across flat ground and when it came to the mountains had just hugged the mountains and stayed a hundred feet off the ground even as it was climbing the mountain it was black and look like an f-117 a like I said it didn't make much noise either at least I don't remember hearing anything based on what you saw of the low-flying aircraft how many decades away would you estimate we are from hoverboard technology this is an important and serious question probably pretty damn close area 51 has a gift shop yes except for aliens is there anything else area 51 is involved with testing it's like the test range for the military and other government agencies other government agencies any one agency specifically while certainly NASA is the one I'm sure off JPL and those are the only ones I'm sure off well and probably at least one University but I'm sure there are more what's one thing can you tell us about area 51 that we don't know that should I would say probably how truly vast it isn't how remote despite the fact that it's in the USA it's so remote what is the most interesting fact you know let's just get straight to it and I mean interesting as in wow I can't believe that that is true that the size of the apparent disk of the moon and a solar eclipse is the same exact size as the Sun if there is no reason why that should be this had never occurred to me before what the dark is it mainly underground or above-ground I didn't see any underground facilities it's mostly desert and I was out in the desert maybe because they are underground damn hipsters what part of the Mars rover was he involved with in other words what field is he a genius in it was for the rat rock abrasion tool he was a member of the MIR science team we were controlling it from JPL and pretending area 51 was Mars have you seen anything significant patch you are not allowed to talk about at area 51 number implying elsewhere then yeah I don't want to talk about it okay without giving away specifics Kandee answer this can you not talk about it because it could jeopardize national security or is it something the government wants to keep from the people probably the second one so it would jeopardize the security of the government as opposed to the security of the country or is it because our little minds are not ready for such a huge shift in understanding thank you for this ask me anything sort of closer to the latter I wouldn't exactly explain it that way but they don't think it's time thank you but now I'm extremely curious but I'm sure you are too he won't say anymore and yet I'm with you guys on this one I really wish he would I respect his discretion it's crazy that this type of stuff has not been leaked by now by somebody you know I mean Lady Gaga can't take a pool without three continents knowing what color it is but not one of the thousands of gov't people that indirectly have access to all of this slipped up once sucks guys stop ragging on this ask me anything he is answering the questions truthfully do you want him to just make up stories about him ducking aliens or something thank you I'd love a story about him ducking aliens actually will you really get shot if you cross a gate into area 51 with no warning or are there warning shots and people who come and get you out arrest you I don't know what the nature of the security was if I tried to break in what does an area 51 pass look like do they have a secret handshake - no our name was on a list and our NASA badges got us through what was running through your head when you heard you were going to be working there whether you believe any of the rumors or not there are still a ton of them I thought it was very cool I was looking forward to it did you get to go inside hangar 18 number I don't think I went inside any buildings the crew was there for two weeks and I camped probably half of that I'm the other half I drove into a town in Nevada and stayed there I forget the name of it I drove like 90 miles at like 100 miles per hour no speed limit NASA made you camp while working at area 51 yep does that scream there is some seriously secret [ __ ] inside these buildings to anyone else how many women worked at area 51 a few probably about 10% do you think that the government has made contact with aliens but are afraid of chaos if they acknowledge it number it's possible but I don't think so who's in charge of area 51 I have no idea what was the name of area 51 when you went did they have an official name threat you're going to be working in area 51 inches or what it may have had another name but we all knew it was area 51 and that's what we called it could you ask him I'm in a technical field as well cop see how do I increase my creativity so I to confound a robotics company some day don't take no for an answer persevere keep coming back for more that's the secret actually most people give up how do I value myself and continue to develop when I can see the infinitely better people out there better than me at what I do become a because most people even people that you think are smarter or more creative than you will give up if you persevere people will stop being your competitor and before you know it you'll be the only one left standing that is some real duck and talk right there did you ever feel like you were being personally watched by any surveillance just because of the level of clearance I never felt I was under surveillance that means they are doing their job right sneakily what was the latest project that you are aware of that has been Declassified I have no comment aaww what's your view on the Roswell UFO incident edit grammar I think it probably with the government but they're not telling us the whole truth of what they were doing how many people actually know the truth there is it constrained to just a handful or is it a secret protected by thousands the CIA FBI NSA etc in other words how large is the cover-up if there is one I would bet it has to be small otherwise somebody would spill the beans like the old saying goes the only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead if you could go to Mars in the remaining years of your life knowing you could die be it while traveling or on Mars itself will you do it none I'm an Earthling how much access does the president have to the files of area 51 how much does he no one does there anything neither him or anyone is allowed to know that's above my pay grade why was the rover tested at area 51 didn't the government have their own area that was similar to other planets such as where the Apollo crews trained in similar terrain to the lunar surface also did you have to sign an NDA upon exiting the base because we needed a lot of room and a road and we needed no interference from the public yes but the public could have gotten into some of those areas this was more secure and I think also it had something to do with the communication facilities we were trying to pretend we were on Mars so we were relaying information from a satellite to the rover so I think area 51 offered us the perfect kind of logistics for that test number probably I signed an NDA before I went there I don't remember but I probably did number probably I signed an NDA before I went there I don't remember but I probably did any other strange memory gaps from the time that you should have spent at the Nevada Test Site wait a minute you just flashed that thing it erases her memory and you just make up a new one were you aware of the various rumors before entering and what were they were you influenced into thinking something was up and why if so is it possible that simple secrecy or influence from the rumors contributed to this as well not really I didn't know anything specific I didn't hear anything specific number I mean I was looking around but what was your best memory we're just probably looking at the stars at night where there was no civilization around anywhere it was just the perfect sky it was a lot of fun there if you like the desert it's beautiful do you believe in aliens aliens oh that's a good question I'm neutral on that I don't know more importantly is he an alien Allen no that's what he wants us to think were you involved with the rover mission after they landed on Mars if so have they located anything classified semicolon nothing classified and was still operating one of the Rovers is still working I'm still with the team thoughts on the whole idea that the moon landing was filmed at area 51 it's ridiculous I know Harrison Schmitt he was on the moon Buzz Aldrin punched a guy in the face for saying the moon landing was faked was bouncing the signals off a satellite important in terms of delay and signal strength but just a convenient way of covering the area if the delay mattered did you have to add more since the satellite was much closer than Mars how autonomous is the rover we just wanted to simulate trying to control it from Pasadena where JPL is and the delay time didn't matter so much as the fact that we were trying to do it form a satellite of some kind the rover is supervised door Ptolemy's we tell it what to do once a day but then it avoids rocks and hazards on its own it drives to where we tell it to go on its own path I could give a [ __ ] less about aliens or other skeptical things that have been rumored to be there but I want to know what kinds of aircraft testing goes on there what kinds of crazy systems and aircraft are being hidden from our view I know that's pretty much the real intent of area 51 in its modern existence while I'm not sure but I wasn't there for aircraft testing but clearly they're working on low-flying stealth aircraft because apps I think what we saw did you have to get clearance of any sorts in order to do this ask me anything number how many people do you think work at the facility it's very hard to say it's so big impossible for me to say whoa you made it to the end you're ducking Beast thanks for watching mate make sure to smash that like button and subscribe for more high quality content
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Id: FLcSQhJ4xGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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