What Double Standard Disgusts You? (r/AskReddit)

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what double standard disgusts you if you always arrive to work late you're in big trouble if work never finishes on time shrug no big deal i offered to work extra hours in a salaried position to get the company over a hurdle if they'd do the honourable thing and comp me our four-hour for my trouble outright refused because you were salaried even though my giving up a few weekends would make a huge difference for their bottom line so when they tried the extra hours mandatory free overtime thing later i told them to piss up a rope right now in canada we're in strict lockdown but a dozen of our politicians have been found vacationing around the globe in other words we can't bury grandma at a funeral but these politicians can go work their time thankfully many of them have resigned in the last two weeks in america the politicians can barely get the words out of their mouth by the time they are breaking the rules none of them ever resign either hell in california a city council woman literally voted to ban indoor dining and then immediately went out to eat following the vote here in denver the mayor made a statement about staying home for thanksgiving from the effing airport when i leave a job i'm generally expected to give two weeks notice so the company isn't left without essential things being done when a company decides to let me go though no warning to start putting in applications or saving more money you're just gone total horse not in countries like germany it's harder for the company to get rid of you than you leaving similar in australia they need to give notice i think i had one where it was one month notice but they got around it by just paying me for the month and not having me come in as i could have been a security risk if i was disgruntled certainly didn't mind being paid for a month to not come to work the employee should give two weeks notice anything else is unprofessional but the employer will actively obscure their intentions until the very last minute i trained my replacement once who had been introduced to me as my assistant so obviously i wanted to teach them the job properly i came into work after my weekend and was called over by my boss and told that my assistant had transitioned into my position and thank you for helping them ease into the role i was in this scenario as the transitioned assistant not knowing what was going to happen to the awesome woman who trained me when i was able to quit the job i walked in one morning and just left the keys on the desk i was the only person who knew how to do multiple things but fully felt they deserved nothing more holy sh that's evil i was looking to move up at one workplace so i figured out how to very effectively automate some of the more road aspects of my job i then went to my bosses and showed them how i just freed up about 30 of my time which i told them i was looking forward to filling with some extra projects whether it was something of their choosing or with something similar to google time that google employees used to work on interesting ideas no they can't me and happily took my automation and hired someone with a lot less experience for about 30 care less it was incredibly demoralizing in so many ways if those people straight to hell bro same exact thing happened to me to make matters worse our ceo had everybody in the office working double their normal hours to hit a really important deadline that week we all busted and barely made the deadline then he laid us all off the next air fine day i'm done with this one internally a few employers i've given two weeks notice they've tried to cut it short and screw me out of a paycheck the last one walked people out the door routinely the day of despite the notice and they had the audacity to tell me i was unprofessional like why would i give you notice you haven't respected it when a single one of my colleagues did just complete lack of perspective my last job would actively try to fire you if you put in your notice and they'd make sure you wouldn't be eligible for unemployment or rehire when they did bastards i've done this before i gave them about 10 day notice as i needed to start a new job the manager goes i'm blacklisting you from applying to the company for three years for not giving two weeks well then i guess a response solidified my decision to leave so i ended up telling her that i'm using the remainder of my vacation from the next day until my last day that didn't go well i had a part-time job as a barista at starbucks for about 18 months it was the only way to keep our family's heath insurance and not go bankrupt after a catastrophic injury situation starbucks offers really good insurance for people who work 20 hrs week i was 50 years old i had two degrees and a bunch of experience but i couldn't work full-time when things had finally settled down enough that i could work full-time again i got two job offers and both of them wanted me to start right away why normal life i was very happy i told my manager to take me off the schedule she was very pissed like how dare you cause me all this trouble now i have to redo the schedule she told me i'd better not jump ship like this or she wouldn't give me a good reference i actually smiled at her honey do you think i'm ever going to admit that i actually worked here eater on the flip side i had an employer who brought my entire team into the conference room pretending it was for a meeting and informed everyone that we were terminated effective immediately they collected the work laptops and then escorted each person to their desk had somebody standing there watching while we packed up and within half an hour we were all in the parking lot unemployed kind like that scene in succession there really is a big double standard here there are only two reasons to give your employer any notice you like the people you work with and don't want them to be inconvenienced by your sudden leave you already have an offer from a new company and are giving your current employer the opportunity to make a counter offer to keep you around the company itself doesn't care about you past your potential to generate income for it you should return the sentiment you want to use your employer as a reference if you work in a field where you may end up working with that manager owner again at a different company happens a lot in it you don't want to burn bridges business should do whatever it takes to get ahead but if the employee tries to make their life better or find a new job they are lazy and ungrateful recently on here there was a thread about employers hiding the pay for a posted position most people hated it as it was a waste of time to get to the point where they are willing to tell you the pay and it's an insulting amount a few people were defending it one guy said that it only makes sense for the employer to hide this from you and try to manipulate you about pay from the employer's point of view they need to pay you as little as possible and if they post a salary then people who want more than that will not apply so no chance to underpay someone who is worth more and they will have to deal with people who aren't good enough for that mika salary so according to this guy really it's for the best that they try to screw you with hidden a salary for job postings he's saying this as if we're supposed to just agree with it and not stand up for ourselves and just bend over and take it but us demanding to know the salary during the first contact about a job unacceptable how dare we try to interfere with the company trying to screw us what makes that even worse is it isn't even good for the company it isn't like people do the interview on their free time everyone involved is wasting time that costs money further training people up and having them leave is a huge money sink for companies i worked at a place that would intentionally hire people out of college and lowball them because the new hires didn't know any better and then they would act shocked when those people would leave after six months of training to take a job making twice as much with the skills i remember listening to a manager say that we were just losing money training these guys and how they were so ungrateful one of our senior guys was like wait you're paying them what well then i'm your problem i'm the one telling them what they should be making in this industry can't really be mad at the kids for finding out you use their ignorance against them the awkward enraged silence that followed was priceless if i wake up at 4 pm and go to bed at 9 00 a.m i'm lazy do nothing all day etc wake up at 4 00 am bed at nine you're seen as a responsible member of society doesn't matter if you work the exact same number of hours make the same money do the exact amount of housework this is one of those sought by controversial posts child predators both men and women should receive the same charges cigarette butts they are not biodegradable and it's a fire hazard we have issues with coffee cups plastic bottles etc but we're totally fine with cigarette butts if you're a smoker make sure it only hurts you and nobody else i just don't understand why smokers feel it's okay to leave their butts on the ground toss them out the window and so on they'll be within 10 feet of a trash can and still just litter why is this acceptable probably a bit late and will get buried but the one that probably affects me the most directly is that idea that if i have my kids out with me alone i'm either some miracle from the heavens doing god's work a stranger actually said that to me or hearing thee or why is it daddy's day to babysit f you karen i'm the stay-at-home parent and it's not babysitting when fear my fine kids mr mom came out in 1983 and i still can't get a break about it wealthy people don't seem to be accountable for white collar crimes like poor people who commit petty crimes wealthy people get huge tax breaks and can spend more money on themselves or invest to make even more investments are taxed at lower rates so people that can afford to invest make even more meanwhile those at the bottom get no wage adjustments for inflation while the cost of everything else increases from inflation benefits and pensions are cut so the wealthy get rich from the profits as a result of lower pay and benefits corporations can move to tax sheltered countries to avoid paying more taxes the average person gets none of this and is paying more out of pocket look at bernie madoff who went four years stealing other people's money and no prosecutions from the 2008 financial crisis i guess it's easier to go after the poor powerless and weak i was at the park working out a few years ago and on a bench was a couple arguing the girl proceeds to slap the crap out of her boyfriend she then goes for another but the dude blocked her and held her wrist the girl then burst into tears and questions why he hurt her like that to myself i was thinking wait you can hit him but when he defends himself it's wrong like wtf i wish i could spend one day talking to my mother the way she talks to me sniping at her over every mistake shouting her name from across the house and expecting her to drop everything and come talk to me dismissing anything she says that i don't agree with by just saying no with no actual argument and expecting her to drop it me logical argument with facts mom well no because i said so me mom can i please have some choco milk mom i don't want to fight with you well i know it might sound like a far-off dream but one day you will move out one day you will have your own place when that day comes you absolutely can do that if she complains tell her welp i learned it from you and you're under my roof now so deal with it or leave men vs women guys as untrustworthy skeevy characters around children there was a guy who posted a while ago who portrayed my point exactly about his experience being a teacher in infant school or something can't remember exactly but the kids were pretty young he loved being a teacher to help them give them a good future and watching them learn and develop into smart kids however there were a couple of occasions he got pulled aside by the head teacher for being inappropriate one of them being taking a young girl to the classroom nurse's office and giving her some antiseptic cream and plaster for her scrapes since she fell over in the playground purely because he was a guy he was told parents might feel uncomfortable about that by his own head teacher like leaving a crying bleeding kid in the playground was a more appropriate idea than her own teacher helping it's usually the instructions that the male teachers are given in school to not have any sort of physical contact with any female student so cases like the one you mentioned have become commonplace if a female student gets injured and the teacher has to wait until a female teacher or other female student comes in to help all he can do is watch and verbally comfort the student but he cannot offer a helping hand this is such a bad thing to have in practice like what if one of the girls starts to get a seizure or is choking and needs immediate heimlich maneuver a very harmful environment has been created for male teachers in schools when i worked at a preschool we always very strictly followed the rule of three there were always at least three people ideally two adults but even another kid in a situation like above in any room this was for male and female teachers a woman with her kids is taking care of man with his kids is babysitting i went to the bank with my kids once and i got hit with being mr mom i am their primary caregiver i get hit with that crap when i take my kids to the physician i didn't bring a pacifier when my infant got a shot he didn't need one anyway and the nurse says don't worry i won't tell your wife i snapped back and said i'm the one who made the damn appointment my dad got this bullsh a lot too he was a single father take my daughter to peter piper for shtai pizza buffet and arcade games that aren't four dollars per play and i'll be damned if someone would make a comment about it being daddy's day with a kid then i started saying yeah someone had to do it when my wife died and bask in the paradigm shift i'm tired of this i was in a beating and my husband was taking care of our three-year-old while i finished up then i cooked cleaned up fed the child and went back into a meeting my colleagues were like such a hands-on father it took all of my patience and i just went you mean looking after his child that shut them up my husband is very hands-on he helps around the house in the kitchen and with our child i'm lucky compared to the other women who are from where i am but that doesn't mean my husband is doing something beneath him he's being a father a partner he's showing our child that we are all one in the house abusive behavior is funny when coming from a woman i pointed out to my husband that in movies and tv shows women get upset by a man's actions and slap him and no one bats an eye i'm an older woman who grew up with a violent mother and i know firsthand the scars that remain from those acts of abuse over the years i've heard too many horror stories from male friends and in forums where they describe horrific physical verbal and emotional abuse from their female partners showing a woman hitting a man normalizes this cruelty and it needs to stop spot on as a man who had previously been pushed around and punched in one instance let alone the constant psychological and emotional abuse throughout the entire relationship before leaving an ex many years ago it was treated as a complete joke by both the police and most friends people i knew the policeman laughed at me and said mate that doesn't sound right women don't do that sort of thing and most other people i know just had a laugh about it not taking it seriously whatsoever i wasn't in any real danger as i'm a strong person who is physically capable of defending themselves but that is irrelevant would it have been the same story if i had been cracked in the jaw and pushed around by a bloke if i was a woman you be the judge i know so who many men that are victims of female abuse and can't don't say anything bc society doesn't permit it it's a human issue that transcends gender race religion culture etc it's not okay i was one of them especially not fun knowing that if i ever tried to defend myself i'd most likely be the one going to jail not her benefiting from somebody performing a service whilsting on individuals who perform said service thinking of sex work and minimum wage labor why do men get pockets big enough to hold all this and women get fake pockets sewn shut or a refined micro pocket is it too much to ask that i don't have to carry around a satchel like a peasant my wife has me carry her stuff i'm like a walking handbag oh yes the man bag i'm single so don't have that glorious upgrade available sadly how you can't have your opinion but someone else can have theirs when did it become acceptable to threaten someone with violence or death when a differing opinion came into play rich people can abuse the system and no one bats gnarly dead large companies with taxes etc but when poor people do the same they are met with absolute hell fire from those above them when the penalty for breaking a law is a fine that law is meant for poor people set limit fine sure this is why we should have it based on percentage of wealth that men can't be alread or physically mentally abused that effying josh harned movie he gets are read by his ex and has to apologize to his girlfriend for being our red clothes from the women's section fall apart after six months meanwhile i have a 15 year old shirt from the men's section that i still wear playing video games is a waste of time unproductive and you should be ashamed of doing that in your free time if you're older than 18 in fact you're immature if you do but reading a book watching tv netflix going to a bar club btc is completely fine and encouraged for all ages well except bars and clubs why the hell do people despise video games specifically with such a passion you're playing games when you could be something productive bullsh you wouldn't say that to someone doing anything that i specified above during their free time but you were to someone playing games regardless if they actually were productive during the rest of the day or not i think double standards are harmful to everyone a father is no less a parent than a mother a woman is no more a hoe for casual sex than a manny's having opinions on styles was at a bar with some friends and the girls were making fun of this guy's hair then a girl came in with a buzzed side of the head thing and i commented that i wasn't a fan of that style and they got super defensive for her and telling me she can do whatever she wants and i can go f myself pedophile teachers when it's a man you tend to see male teacher red student and when they are women it's normally female teacher had sex with student i despise the down playing of it when the teacher is a woman and seeing comments like that kid should be lucky his teacher is hot disgusts me it's not just the headlines either female offenders typically receive much lighter sentencing in the court system as well the male female discrepancy in the justice system is a huge one the fact that black people get longer sentences for the exact same crimes rightly used to show how much bias there is against black people but use the exact same evidence to show the much greater discrepancy against men and people hand wave it away if a woman sleeps with hundreds of men she's a [ __ ] but if i do it i'm gay i care nobody calls you a chef if you cook a meal but suck a dick suddenly you're gay it being more acceptable for a man to not be in a child's life or take care of the child as much as the female know a lot of gaming knowledge and law omg what a geek know every member of every super bowl and world series winning team what a cool guy making fun of mending comedy movies every father has half the ike of his wife i especially notice that in commercials every single commercial the guy is wrong or an idiot there was even one where a dad orders takeout but suddenly can't pay for it so his seven-year-old daughter steps up and pays for and it rolls her eyes at him congressional pensions are made available vested after five years of service congressmen can retire at 62. that being said a person can be elected to congress at 57 and can retire at 62 with a full pension what other organization offers such a benefit watching people play video games is weird but watching people commentating on sports normal women rarely get complimented for the things men get complimented for assertiveness accomplishments basically any intentional act they'll be passed on as b y triggered and over achieving the compliments women get are compliments men rarely get being told that certain characteristics about their personality makes other feel good appearance compliments this is absolute fuel for who has it worse i know but there is no lying in that both sides are receiving an imbalance in the kinds of recognition they wish they'd get if i'm in a movie and i ask for beer i get one if i order a beer in real life the bartender will condescendingly ask which one i'm a bartender the only folks who ever ordered just a beer were my regulars and i knew what they drink with the exception of some guy i never saw before i handed him a cause light and he complained it wasn't what he wanted i said next time he should specify or he'll keep getting the closest thing to hand when i open the [Music] fridge [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 288,748
Rating: 4.9445314 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Id: 5lKdP1Vdy2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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