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we're about to literally free climb a roller coaster bro oh my god dude oh my god dude it's moving keep running keep running hours [Music] okay what is up guys oh dude you're so close you gotta finish it hey it's nate and alex here gotta say what's up guys what's up guys jaden alex here no i'm just kidding what's up guys it's sam mccoy and today we are here with nate and alex and we are at the famous abandoned six flags in new orleans yes this is a video we've been looking forward to for months we already drove past it there was a security guy that saw us but that's okay he's at the front of it so we're gonna go through the back real quick through all these woods behind us and if you guys don't remember they have been in videos in the past before so welcome back nate and alex they're like every single kansas video so go check out that we are parked on the side of a highway road so we probably have an hour before our car gets towed so we gotta make this fast without security catching us so this oh my god throw it throw it throw it throw it oh you he did that dude that's poison ivy your favorite hat why are you throwing at them we're like let's get in fast throw us a hat through the woods like no no wait for 20 minutes to get the hat god dang it dude that's poison ivy so in 2005 there was a hurricane new orleans your girlfriend when that happened the six flags closed down for that week and it got so demolished that ever since that hurricane this has been abandoned so that's been what like 13 years that this has been just dying there was even a sign on the very front that said close for storm talking about it it's so sick it's literally like all right we're going to be closed this weekend for the storm for the hurricane and then they never reopened that's so sad but i've looked everywhere on the internet about this place and it is considered one of the most difficult places for explorers to get in to and out without like security and cops so hey okay this is going to be very difficult we got this it's going to be easy it's a hole in the entrance right yeah yeah so right by that sign that said closed before storm i honestly think even though it's literally the front if we make a break for it that's our best bet because we won't have to go through all this stuff i would say honestly let's just like hook it in there no we're coming just a little bit of a tip for anybody who wants to get away from security if you act like you're on your phone they usually don't erupt you even police people like they'll wait till you're done with your call so if you're trying to walk past police act like you're on your phone it'll be okay that was the security guys that was definite did did he stop is he stopping light and he definitely saw that we're walking this way so he knows is this stupid of us to go on right now he just saw us i think we should go in now or if he turns around and we're not their home and we went in right yeah yeah let's go better get around the corner and hide oh i already see an entrance to it all right we gotta go scope that and see if there's uh other cops first case scenario we need to find a way the other exit over there that's gonna be straight through all this brush man that's gonna take us hours not to mention it's a swamp bro okay there could quite possibly be security right here so let's take it slow all right guys we're at a second fence right there and they're gonna be on the lookout man yeah i say let's go in and dive down like let's get to hiding as soon as possible these are literally all light posts look at this guys there it is there's the entrances for parking that side and walked all the way down try to make it to that that red barn back there as soon as we get into place where are we fine don't stop don't stop whatever you do water slide it's freaking sick and we made it i made it oh my god oh this is so sad wow get in one dude i'm going to push you nate can i get your muscles man [Music] [Applause] oh yeah here we go here we go here we go yeah yeah yes yes it just like breaks the fact that this still works what the heck this is like one of those makeshift sets right they have this in like every amusement park where it's just oh actually no that's the entrance right there guys i'm telling you this right now if the audio sucks because it's windy i'm so sorry not our fault we don't have a mic it's all good so maybe it is our fault a little bit but that's okay okay whoa oh my god oh it's a whole stage bro dude look at that clock this is incredible it looks so like intact still even though it hasn't been used in 13 minutes did you uh put on a performance for me really quick [Music] still a better story than twilight what the hell did you leave this open was that you got it i gotta respect these places dude how about we go out another exit then we get an uber to our car i'm just saying that security guard definitely saw us with a camera 20 feet from the end which means he could have gone down that street and saw a car let's like go explore these roller coasters in the coolest places and then try to be more stealthy oh my god dude oh my god dude you guys dare me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what oh do it do it dude oh that's just what's it look like in there girls are freaking gross dude that was one of those things where it was like a swing and you swung around and like raised really high giant swings yeah it looks like it still works oh wait you're talking about that the giant swings oh i'm pretty sure what's that called like a zip cord or something ripcord ripcord right when people look up like abandoned six flags this is the picture right this is the picture wow you're strong dude are we doing a shirtless exploration from now on dude i want to see your nipples alex look at that mate i honestly think the best part of the abandoned six flags is there's no lines we can get in anywhere we can go as many times as we want seriously can we get ice cream please ice cream sure oh my god ice cream is this ice cream only for short people you know wait what'd you find nate alex why'd you have to leave that there could be ice cream but we can go with poop giant roller coasters next this is the thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail i think we found the staple of all six flags giant roller coaster you were talking about the snowball megazips i mean maybe holy shirt what time to ride the rolly rolly rolly rolly because i really think you should yell at katrina when we get home for doing this because this was actually a really cool part yeah seriously katrina if you're watching this why this is cool whoa we could probably climb this bro yeah you could just scale with that i feel like we're going to fall through though we're going to be fine yeah that's what i said we're going to be fine we made it to the roller coaster please keep their hands in the vehicle at all times and if you don't you're probably going to die should we just climb up this and cut the bullet or what what what's that did you see that dragonfly it's a dragonfly we're about to literally free climb a roller coaster bro if anyone's looking at the park they're gonna see us on top of the coaster so this might need to be the thing we do before we get out of here true colby if we go up here we gotta make it fast because everyone for square ten miles can see this yeah it's gonna be we're gonna be seen by the highway so we get up get the shot then run down let's go dude we got to make this fast let's run it having four full grown dudes at the top this is hard i feel like everything we do nowadays just makes us tired i get it i get that you need to lay down and rest but we gotta be up here fasting okay out here oh my god i think my ass got ten times bigger from all those stages for those of you guys that are afraid of heights here you go it's a nice workout this is a good thing you're snapchatting everybody you might want to sit down [Music] i'm trying to cover the mic but that doesn't work sorry we have a lot more for this place to explore but nate's right if you can see straight down that path right there there's two security cars just sitting there so there's the same people so they're waiting for us to leave nate your turn oh my god you're a crazy guys do you think i'm a monkey in the videos look at nate here's nathan you almost just died i saw that oh my god time to go dance [Music] the action movies were actually like this like more realistic and so it's like a whole 30-second scene of you just walking downstairs [Music] dude getting into my nostrils the dragonflies no we were just up there at the top jesus that's so high i love these like videos that you can literally see for miles that's so sick i feel like every video would end up panting for like five minutes of it we're like trying to explain the video it's just like look at that this yo dude it's just temporarily out of service all right we probably shouldn't go in uh i think the door is actually unlocked it's turned from funny to scary real fast we got a we got a little car here so this is one of those like indoor roller coasters right they like went in circles and made you throw up i look like i'm the palest ghost in this entire freaking place if we only have like 10 minutes let's hit the ferris wheel ferris wheel and that's it if we have time let's keep going but if we see security guards still we gotta book it i don't know man i've got mad poison i've even really think you're already right there remember when i tossed alex's hat into the bush at the beginning karma don't you don't you remember me being like poison ivy's in there nate everybody's like boy scouts boy scouts first class almost eagle what's up mom what's up mom what what is alex doing getting that airplane i feel like dad's like taking our son to the amusement park dude that's a funny picture right there you got you got games on your phone see it'd be cool if we could actually go and play games but it's just empty rooms it's only been closed for what 10 years 13 13 2005. yeah i remember when i was like elementary school middle school kid coming here like it looks exactly the same oh my god dude oh we found the prize dude yes i now pronounce you husband and nate thanks nate is his own husband let's do a high school musical ready three two one what what we need to put the explorer sticker on top of the roller coaster well you know what we can get on the top of the freaking ferris wheel okay we gotta do that we can't forget we have explore stickers that's so sick look right there that ferris wheel explore sticker for six flags i know this is probably just another video to you guys but i've been looking forward to this place for like a year this is something that hardly anyone ever goes to this is the only abandoned six flags in like the entire united states who in the world gets to do this what how is it up there how did you how did you guys stop there what oh my god shut up now that all security knows where we are because we just screamed for that funny skit let's get out of here right or let's get to the ferris wheel right there ferris whale explorer sticker get out ready you see that roller coaster in front of us i hated those the ones that goes straight up and then just straight forward that just always just slam my head whoa get the explore sticker to the top or at least as high as we possibly can what if two people stay down here two people get in one of those we push it dude and we go to the top wait push it how a 15 year old ferris wheel is going to be able to hold us while it's been swaying for 15 years up in the air you really want to do that sam this is a dumb idea i'm not gonna lie keep going guys good good work good work sam you're gonna get like right there and they're they're not gonna be able to pull you anymore how are you gonna push up the entire thing it's going to fall back down though gravity isn't going to be too heavy gravity it can go both ways it's not like an operated machine that goes one way true fine guys that's a cool idea and i went to work dude i just don't want to see you die dude that's my responsibility i think there's two ladders on each side no i meant like you guys can both be on that side and i can get behind you on those just like every time you have a new idea yeah let's do it climb up this is crazy our first ferris wheel idea did not work second one they're just going to manual climb the whole thing you guys got this what why what these we're gonna do something stupid all right what i think he's gonna try to throw me the backpack is there anything important in the backpack uh just my computer every video i've ever filmed all the memory cards oh we got it explore sticker why the are you filming that win above you i'm trying to turn it on why because there's a possibility it might work from here on out you're gonna have to film on your phone bro okay if i said that i wasn't scared then i would be lying there's sam down there there's something touching my back oh bee just flew on my back that's like the worst time for a bee to fly on your back right now my hands are shaking incredibly bad that is okay it's fine so i'm gonna grab the explore sticker out of my backpack and i'm gonna put it right on there that was so i turned off the camera to go grab my explore sticker and nate just appears behind me like what's up dude how do you get up here dude teleportation ladder right here okay cool great okay well i'm gonna take this off right now we're gonna put it right there legendary explorer sticker on the legendary ferris wheel of death did you get it there we go boys and girls how do i switch this oh that's what i'm talking about i don't even know if you can see that the view one last time guys we climbed at the top of that making my way downtown here we go i was on my way down and nate spotted an alligator in the water do you guys see that oh my god we really are in louisiana i didn't i didn't know we would actually just see there's another one there's another one right there you see it it's coming towards us oh my god they're gonna kill us dude how crazy is it that we get to travel around states like we're in louisiana right now who goes to louisiana exactly we were just talking about with nate and alex here we're saying like we used to do this in kansas yeah this is just for fun we've made a career of literally going across the country literally the crazy stuff too was just like you know what as a group we always get back once a year we do stuff like this like urban exploration exploring the crazy stuff and he said these are one of the most like fun moments he has in his life that's why we encourage you guys to go out and explore obviously be safe about it don't get in trouble but that's what it's all about don't explore the world get off your butt exactly like do something with your life take chances xplr will be on the norm like it's all of that combined into one thing it's just living life to the fullest you stuff different you get to experience things like this yeah and one more thing one more thing you might be like talking to you i'm talking to you the guy or girl sitting down watching the screen right now being like yeah that'd be cool but i don't think i can do it no listen you can do it guys like you can go out and do this find friends go out we had no money like we didn't even have cars when we first started exploring like literally we would walk miles into like a forest and find like a warehouse or find like an abandoned school or silo it doesn't cost money free fun if you don't get caught interested so try not to try not to do that just go have fun live your life a little nate you want to play some bumper carts oh my god dream come true they literally have everything here this place is huge i always hated the fact these things because they had sparks you know how like the electrical thing like fire coming down i was like this has to be some sort of safety hazard please 2018 save us [Music] wait okay alex later just spotted a car as we were walking past this roller coaster if we would have crossed that roller coaster we would have been screwed where was he where was he here alex alex where was he over there like driving he's like he's going to roll down one of these streets okay okay you gotta wash it on your eyebrow though whoa whoa whoa whoa me yeah you're good now quick update we literally just ran into the woods which is the last thing we filmed there the security caught us there's just one dude and he came in and just asked what we were doing we took like we say every time if you guys got to get away from security make sure you take out your sd card that's why i turned off the camera immediately and you didn't get that footage got away he let he let us off straight into the swamp yeah we were literally going straight into the forest and the guy caught us we just basically pleaded 100 guilty like yeah we we explore this to get away he saw us running into the woods we were just being stupid innocent like oh we're not vandalizing anything like which we weren't and he let us go free because we we weren't from around here and we just acted dumb oh you you're nice you didn't play nice too yeah we played nice sometimes you got to be a little bit did you just get a situation he's like i don't care that you're in here i care that you guys are alive and stuff and alive he was just like do you know what happens in here people die weekly i came in here what if it wasn't me running up on you guys right now he has a good point sometimes these things are super dangerous but luckily super nice yeah thank you to like the six flags of new orleans security like holy crap they they let us off easy is it this way we're just trying to find our way out this way okay yeah like we're saying we're like on our way out because we don't want to mess with this guy anymore he was super nice so we'll see you guys back at the car made it back that guy was so nice and i'm so thankful for that there we were this close not having this video and being arrested and ending our new orleans trip because of that you guys want to see any other videos with these guys we have like a ton of kansas videos so check that out so this amusement park was on the top 10 most crazy abandoned places in all the united states if you guys want to see us continue on that list of the top 10 let's see if we can get this to 80 000 likes do it make sure you guys check out our new merch line we're also going on tour we got a ton of other stuff so check all that in the description below we hope to see you guys soon this summer but either way we'll see you guys next time [Music] whoa whoa
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 10,300,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, abandoned, six flags, exploring six flags, exploring abandoned six flags, abandoned six flags, abandoned amusement park, exploring amusement park, got caught exploring, got arrested exploring, sam and colby exploring, sam and colby six flags, exploring top 10
Id: nBGO_cLSqfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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