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hello friends it's me and today I actually brush my hair so it is 3 in the morning right and we're going to be sipping tea buzzes Lacroix and exposing liars le posted this picture on Instagram and Megan was like oMG I love your eyebrows they're perfect perfect for what if by perfect you mean a diagram of a root of hair then yeah sure but Meghan you are a bad friend and a terrible liar for telling her that her eyebrows are perfect that you love them not if you are a real friend you gotta say how it is like you like what are you doing you got a little something over there let me wipe it off for you come on guys if you know something that looks horrible and your friend is just gonna be like time to get some new friends that's something my friends always appreciate about me you wearing something ugly I will tell you it looks ugly you get a new haircut and look bad I'm gonna tell you it looks bad I would probably roast you for it too but as I ain't gonna stay here and lie to somebody and be like oh my god yeah play clean so I probably get dummy thick we don't do that here oh just got that from my trip to France guys oh my god how long ago was this today I just got back sorry final look different it's just the jet lag jet lag got me like 350 feet up above everybody I lost my legs part of my arm a little bit of my armpit but you know what it's okay I got to softly caress the Eiffel Tower it was a great day and I look different but I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow shaking my head her shadow so childish force niching she photoshopped her but I forgot to photoshop her shadow oh no Ashley what is you doing that curvy sidewalk could have fooled me but then I looked down at the shadow it's like no I'm not playing your games I'm expose you the real you for who you truly are if Instagram BIOS we're honest I did a photo shoot once same does that make me a model traveler 32,000 and debt I thought they just got that sugar daddies to pay for it verify no one knows why booking and bio aspiring actor writer liar but is that real with the debt like people racking debt going on vacations and stuff for Instagram I don't know I don't travel that much and it's like a lot of people I know like companies pay for them to travel so they're not paying anything for it but the booking in bio ya can confirm that's pretty accurate the more money I made the faker they got left emoji Adrian we make 775 a Jimmy John's day got my first paycheck time to post on Twitter the more money I make the faker they get who your fellow free smell associate or your parents what are you trying to flex here my mother told my grandson if you're bad Santa will not give you gifts under the tree and my grandson told her I don't believe in Santa I believe in God and through him all things are possible he's only three but he knows the word can I get an amen [Music] lying on Facebook my nephew speaks in Power Ranger quotes can't say none of this oh no man three years old and go talk back to his mom and be like nah Santa am real where you all know that Santa's not real that's crazy I just got a damn from Seth Rogen and it just says far tuesdays are cool no you didn't oh what a stupid lie like come on man your verified he's most likely gonna see your post like why even lie about something so dumb like this my boyfriend made a promise to me that we would visit Paris and lock a padlock to this very bridge throwing away the key a symbolic gesture of our love and commitment he is my soul mate let my reason for fighting Oh brah that's Australia do you not see the background post in this like oh we're gonna go to Paris there's gonna be so romantic when it's Australia Jenny changed her profile picture yeah take this picture of me on my hands on the wall like I want you to show off the guts really stretch em out in Photoshop I want it to look like I got a diaper but filled with Dookie yeah oh by the way the wall was made like that don't try to tell her otherwise oh this is all flute bugger out of my nose this girl edited herself and a picture with Justin Bieber about to kiss him I have to admit this is really good I don't know if she edited herself in or edited him in by thinking it came out pretty good just spike the lighting and quality difference her friends obviously fell for it like is this real yeah omg you're so lucky yes I am I know where he is staying and his phone number yeah cuz he would give his phone number to like a ten year old band definitely wait but didn't he cut his hair oh what's his phone number I'm not telling you cuz then you will tell everyone and everyone will bother me and my mom said not to tell anyone so like I can't tell anyone oh like every 10 year-olds dream but it's like this was really also back then everybody would have fell for this but now ain't nobody buying it literally nobody so this musician was like Nashville sorry I can't come out and say hey tonight after the show still not feeling a hundred percent and needs asleep so sorry and this was at four in the morning after the show and then at 7 in the morning he tweeted best night ever out of karaoke bar in Nashville scuse me what you had fans waiting for you and you were like I don't feel good enough to come say hi to my family to sleep but goes out stays up until almost 8 in the morning I karaoke what I don't feel good I'm seasick those dude is selling sunglasses he said brand-new and box never been worn not my shape you're literally wearing them in your profile pic bra you nasty for that like what you mean brand-new and box never been worn whoever's gonna come by that let's go see your grease all over the nose bridge like what oh they just came like that how you won't be literally wearing glasses and then put them for sale like brand new I promised my grandmother before she died that I will get this page 250 K and in a week can you please help me because I want to keep my promise please help by liking my page that's sweet of you I like both the video in your comment you promised your grandmother on her deathbed that you would get a nash grier fan page 250 k before she died I don't think so grandmother I swear before you death I'll make a Nash Grier fan page have 50 lights in your honor and with those final words grandma died big guy that is a stupidest thing I've ever heard I'm sure you will make grandma very proud with 50 K likes on a fan page of a celebrity she's probably never even heard of no edits just me and my blues no edits what you mean though edits you desaturate of the whole pic you told me somebody walking around the real life look in this color are you dead what do you mean know it magic going outside and see it a person that look like this in real life is a bright blue eyes sepia tones this is setting unrealistic standards for how girl should look ain't nobody that color in real life my marshmallow caught on fire today in Arizona due to the heat brah I'm from Arizona and I know marshmallows spontaneously combusting in the heat you can literally see the gas stove in the background oh no maybe the marshmallow just set on fire out and then he rushed inside and took a picture in the kitchen oh it makes perfect sense it's like charred and everything you a liar this is fake news smash like if you're too smart to fall for this good birthday yesterday laughs oh my golly I think I'm still drunk I don't know who you trying to impress but you definitely on drunk I'm sitting opposite of you in the library that is so embarrassing like imagine just good fit guys joke while doing homework breath y'all look like high schoolers love me and my new legging so hot bet it's all bad okay new leggings but where the rest of your legs go oh my god are those the new like eating Lululemon was it worth it to lose half of each leg for those leggings I mean this is seeking a thigh gap way too far like breath it ain't even a gap anymore it's a gaping abyss and it's not cute so she just basically painted over her legs to make it look like they were skinny move over skinny legend coming through the things we find in our parking lots but this tops them all off was shaking my head how could someone leave them there some of all postal reddit link so she just made this up Wow yeah I'm just gonna take this photo off reddit have a box of puppies and just post it like it was in my parking lot like oh I found this yeah I've never heard of reverse image search I feel like nobody knew about that until catfish and now every time you want to look up where a picture came from if it's legit just rub our sandwich search easy-peasy Sun was in my eyes at Lowell but my new favorite picture the Sun was in your eyes why is your shadow in front of you what love to take pictures like this or like do the I squint don't love to make stupid faces in picture and lie unprovoked oh my god he was like you see the shadow when it's sunny outside stay in school if the Sun was in front of you your shadow would be behind you mind blown out of stupidity but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these was the worst one and have your friends ever lied on social media you guys enjoyed this video make sure that that like one another and make sure you turns out notifications today today and subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,338,986
Rating: 4.9413919 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, funny, funniest, reaction, people, lying, caught lying, social media, caught, people lying, people who got called out for lying
Id: o0kCzzdfGfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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