Penn & Teller Fool Us Andrew Evans

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tonight's already had wonderful we might just have another take a look ideas are like sources of light ideas ever die looking back in the past overly inspirational to me it was about these geniuses who are using the technology available to them at that moment to create incredible magic but then like to see what I can learn from that past err and using modern technology create something new today I'm inspired by magicians who are performing their own space the theatre itself becomes part of the trick so I realized that the kinds of tricks I needed to do needed a space to do them in the magic patio is this show I've been running in my backyard for the past four years you enter into my bedroom which I've built to transform into a box office this is the world's first underground magic speakeasy I'm a creator I'm a designer I'm a builder and a performer so all of those things together is what makes me a magician [Music] Andrew hi everyone Penn & Teller thank you for having me on the show so a lot of people might call me an illusionist instead of a magician because the things that I like to build and perform are typically a little larger than you know say a deck of cards but I mean honestly an illusionist would probably roll out onto a big Las Vegas stage with some sort of hip bump and soundtrack coming through the speakers I mean I'm a designer I studied engineering that is not how we roll demonstrate physics now this idea came to me while I was in the workshop and I was trying to reach a tool that was on the top shelf okay now my mom said to being five foot five is nothing to be ashamed of just saying anyways the ladder was just a little precarious and I realized there was a much safer way to get that tool [Music] that's right ask a friend for help [Music] this is Naomi she's the tallest person I know all right now back to physics we're gonna start by building a bridge of sorts you can really only screw this up at the beginning so it's important for step one there's an exact three inch overhang on either side [Music] that's okay careful see all right step two we gotta have some infrastructure [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we've got the foundation we've got the infrastructure we need support [Music] [Applause] [Applause] man I gotta get me one of those alright what you're about to see might look impossible but honestly it's nothing more than subtle scientific principles and innate human abilities let's play along the way so you don't get lost so first we're gonna start with what appears to be a precarious balance it looks really difficult but it's not actually that hard yeah she's being modest but it does start to get more interesting if you remove one of the quotes [Music] hold on even more so if we adjust the angle just right [Music] [Applause] basically I workout yeah but know that for my fence and you've used up seven points all right so this is where the science comes back in because she's able to shift her center of mass by moving her body will stay at rest [Music] [Music] everything you've seen here so far can be achieved between physic and peak athleticism yeah but this next little bit we've been running the numbers and I think it might be quantum string theory may be transcendental meditation but frankly we don't know ourselves kind of tell her maybe you can help us out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here [Applause] really really creative way to use your engineering for magic yeah absolutely it all kind of goes hand in hand I've always loved kind of try to bring those things together and yeah this is one way we did tonight and you built the whole yeah absolutely that's half the fun for me is designing and building these things that's awesome yeah so do you do magic full-time I don't know so I work at a design firm as well and I teach design and Stanford me that's fantastic all right well let's check in with the boys you know it's it's the hardest thing to do on fool us is to do big tricks and this is a big trick that's just beautiful and the audience just loved it what's wonderful about this is what you brought new to it what you made unique about it I mean you've gone back to the original ethereal suspension which you know then became this cheesy bad version brutal suspension yeah which everybody does and everybody hates and doesn't have the phases in this that have all the provers in there we also liked really nice touches of you just drilling the holes for the poles right in front of us then we love the way you you handle all the power tools with somebody off to get you in here to actually work on our stage and build something for us yeah you're very good at building all this stuff and there's something else I'm gonna say because there's a thing that sleight of hand guys always do which is hiding hiding something under a natural action what you did here was sleight of bored and you hid stuff under natural actions it was really nice we really loved it and we think we've got it figured out and maybe we said enough that gives you the idea that we do know I think they got it
Channel: eufhaye
Views: 643,415
Rating: 4.5634136 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Evans, Penn Teller, Fool Us, season 5
Id: EqmAmpElb-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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