Adorable Goblin Peggle Roguelike! - Peglin

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hey everyone wannabot here and welcome to peglin it is probably going to be one of the cutest roguelikes i've played for a while you play as a little goblin and you play peggle but as a roguelike it's weird but it works alright i didn't really choose that but maybe i did i don't know okay so upcoming slimes stone no special effects i don't know i'm gonna hit whatever that r is and we'll just see what happens okay 14 damage dagger does very little damage as a regular attack but it's straight incredibly strong on a crit if you don't think you can hit the exclamation mark this turn you can discard the dagger by using the garbage icon near the orb informant on the left okay [Music] well yep that is strong ah that oh but that was a stone [Music] now the bombs worry me a little bit they worry me a lot i also don't know what the r means unless it's like a refresh thing i guess i get to find out momentarily unless it blows up again i don't know we'll see what happens [Music] wow that was bad ah that's what that does oh but that was dagger this is gonna hurt no didn't hurt i oh that's what the bomb does oh my gosh okay that's better new orb inferno orb 3d oh lighter than other orbs detonates bombs in one hit high damage so this is this is i guess kind of a weapon or doctor kills you for every peg hit can only be used once per battle so do i want the infernor or the heel self orb i'm gonna try the inferno orb [Music] all right and i'm going to go for the mystery this is so cute i love it onwards i get it this this makes sense okay and we've got stone [Music] well in that case [Music] i this is going to oh that works okay oh but i don't get my bombs back that's a that's an issue [Music] that was bad can you tell i'm horse garbage at peggle really have never been that good at it i really enjoyed the peggle demo oh i might take some damage here maybe i should have gone for the heel it's all damaged yeah it's gonna hurt [Music] okay well i got that one but this is going to hurt [Music] that's piss poor place yeah i don't have any bombs [Music] oh come on i'm gonna trash this stone [Music] oh just drop it on the ground all right instead of aiming for a lot of these i think i should go for the big pegs okay i mean it's like 21 damage but i'm getting clobbered by this sucker is enough no okay we're out of the danger zone but that hurt okay view orbs view orbs upgrade an orb inferno dagger so increases the damage increases the damage so that increases the overall crit let's upgrade the inferno orb i'm obviously having some travels is what it is i'm curious about these mystery things we gotta go left as you walk you start to notice shadows dancing in the edge of your vision creeping closer and closer the instant the closest one touches you oh it touches your shadow you feel a strange sensation and after blinking the shadows are gone you notice your satchel feels heavier all of your orbs have been duplicated oh well that's terrifying well i wanted to go elsewhere but i guess we're going this way it's fine like i said pretty bad at peggle i want to head for the treasure oh it's one of these well here's the tragedy i've got a ton of rocks and i don't want them on the plus side i think i just destroyed that that is you ever want to just wreck with a rock ah damn not as strong [Music] i mean gotta give it credit it hits like a truck [Music] okay i don't think i'm gonna get the crit like this but i'm gonna get some good daggage [Music] okay now this is the dagger there we go that's some good damage [Music] okay i don't think i'm gonna get to the fireball so instead i'm just gonna i'm just gonna lay up for the big hit yeah that's good enough i could have tried going for the bomb but i don't i guess it didn't need to this is satisfying uh let's see so do we operate an orb i upgrade this further i can [Music] or do we heal hp nope all in mysteries oh he's got to check the mysteries i am digging this i think this is oh i should have actually gone for the fight well you know what whatever it's okay you reach a clearing the force where the sun shines through brightly rest few moments of solace with the sun beaming on your face leaving you feeling quite refreshed and you continue on your journey with a fresh bounce in your step no consequences apparently [Music] do okay oh that was the dagger it's fine though because i need the bomb ow oh one of them has a ranged attack dang i was really hoping i get that bomb [Music] come on fall on the bottom nope oh wait no it did it did hit the bomb shhh [Music] [Music] well [Music] there we go did good damage and we get an uber dagger all right and then i'm just gonna hit the crit pad [Music] and that's enough okay didn't take too much new orb rubber orb extra bouncy or bolt or guys passes through pegs while traveling upwards it attack pierces all enemies [Music] i love the idea of the rubber orb so we're going to add that and just i don't know well shoot oh yes i want to head for the treasure i don't know what the treasure oh gosh this looks awful uh come on get them all beautiful beautiful destroy him kill him dead okay this is dagger i am here there we go there's our crit pretty good shot all things considered now do we go for the bomb [Music] or do we hope for the best the best happened it was incredible eat bomb then die there we go i'm just gonna refresh [Music] there we go got bomb no crit good damage they're dead okay do we upgrade them i mean extra bouncy on that looks like inferno orb level three is the best yeah let's upgrade extra bouncy and i want to head for treasure i don't know what i'm doing necessarily i'm just kind of on on a journey a journey of discovery and pedal spurious necklace walls and bouncers contribute to damage [Music] i'm just gonna grab every bit of treasure i'm probably in trouble but who knows light shaft potion r also grants a crit the woods grow darker and darker as you progress until you find a clearing where it's pouring rain as you walk into the middle of the clearing you're struck by lightning you shiver as the energy courses through you but it harmlessly congeals in your satchel in the form of a lightning orb oh boy i really wish i could get rid of all these stones that i have strange brew special pegs also contribute to damage neat and now to fight this guy i i don't know if i'm gonna be fine or not oh gosh i thought i thought this is gonna be something completely different okay oh the potions are permanent [Music] okay i was not necessarily expecting that but i'm not against it either all right i'm just going to go i'm really hoping i can hit the boost pad nope but i do a lot of damage farewell bombs farewell to bombs okay i'm the biggest it's fine i was hoping i'd hit a bomb but that's okay [Music] i am really digging this power up system i did i get him i got him okay upgrade an orb upper orb extra bouncy lightning orb can target any enemy on screen lightning hits an additional nearby peg every bounce over upgrading that take a relic every shot has plus one level of multiball for reduced damage from pegs or extra damage per sphere but confusion three or pegs almost never pop when hit so do i reduce my damage that would make my rocks useless i'm gonna go for a gift that keeps on giving i don't actually know if that's a good idea ah area one complete okay we're doing another run oh [Music] uh let's go with heavy shaft potion and let's just do that again that was really fun i want to play more of this obviously you know kind of limited on how much content there is at the moment but as far as like promising new uh rogue i'm gonna call it a roguelike fusion game where effectively it yoinks the idea of another game effectively and says like hey what if what if we made you know this this into a game ah dang it you know what if what if we had roguelike taggle and i realized that it's technically already been done before that there's oh right crits refresh that's actually that's really big there we go if only this did splash damage eat rock there's more isn't there well crits refresh so i'm just gonna i'm gonna make the most of things perfect all right i'm gonna aim for bomb wow never mind that was a wash i should have aimed for the crit i don't want it there we go there we go that's what i'm looking for that's the damage this is definitely the kind of roguelike i'd like to go for a while on do you want to go for the inferno orb or the rubber orb the inferno orb is good yeah i like the rubber orb but it wasn't actually that much bouncier than i was expecting uh can i check the map yeah it looks like it can check the map at any point i want to check out the mid bosses see how many i can survive i don't see any treasure chests anyway so i might as well what's the worst good that can happen right death clearly okay so we've got two stones let's just go with that [Music] all right refresh does not crit that was the previous run well blow him up blast him dead perfect okay i don't think i'm gonna see if [Music] i'm doing a good job at this i'm learning learning is fun dang and then again i don't think i need the crit to be honest dagger is very weak but bomb is pretty strong yeah we're good okay upgrade an orb so obviously we could up the dagger damage but i like upgrading the infern orb [Music] i'm really curious what happens if i hit the fire maybe i should try it next time uh do we just blast these guys to kingdom come [Music] i guess we hammer him to kingdom come dagger i kind of want to avoid the bombs if i can avoid it because it says upcoming which means they should be spawning in which means the more i let spawn the more okay [Music] do we blast them all yeah screw it because i think those bombs are going to kill this entire lineup and then we hit him with the fireball there we go all right and we continue to be an absolute uh absolute boring person upgrade that infernorb so biggest things that i really like about this already i like the power-ups i think they're really cool oh this guy looks tough [Music] i don't see any bombs but i guess we don't need to there we go yeah we just got to hit him with some big damage [Music] and i mean repeatedly critting with everything obviously critting with a dagger would probably be the biggest [Music] i'll take what i can get that would have been the money shot there oh well pissed that didn't work i might take some hits here uh i'm reloading and it's not good well i wonder if you can double crit in this probably maybe [Music] okay it's gonna hurt 70 damage that's pretty good 32 no oh interesting he does a ton of damage however he only does it every other round we just aced him in the nuts uh let's see can't upgrade the inferno orb could upgrade a stone but it's not great but is it better than the dagger [Music] yeah [Music] i picked cookie oh heal a little every time you hit r i'll take it [Music] okay [Music] i think that's where we want to go nope that's not where we wanted to go oh well yeah i could have actually hit more okay reach a clearing with a strange amount of crows circling above you don't think much of it until they start to drop stones on you catch stones were broad you sprint through the clearings the stones rain down on you you take a few knocks but at least you don't have to lug around extra stones it's true yeah i should have gone for that good items well whatever that's why i should always check the map okay so we've got a lot of jerks okay stupid dagger that's fine hit the reload never mind all right let's just beast up stone go fight another mid boss i have taken some damage that's a little bit of a concern took more damage oh from the stones yeah yeah yeah well let's see if i survive this oh [Music] that kills one of them and hits the only bomb on the map i'll take it okay what do i want to do is hit the reload if i can on the plus side everything does tons of damage here i'm just gonna hail mary and hopefully get it nope damn screw it we're just i gotta get the kill [Music] that reload is in the worst spot okay good stuff bad stone positioning at the same time even if the stones aren't that good that bonus crit damage is good well any shot will do any shot will do getting with big knife there we go yeah we didn't actually take too much damage here and it looks like i might have been healing off of the crits bramble applies bramble and hit for two turns rebels deal six damage per brand bravo level passing to two passing enemies or another dagger i'm going to grab the brown ball and board will contain three resets instead of one increase damage we're going peg okay let's let me check the actual map here it literally does not matter as long as i don't end up in heck all right time to end up in heck now yes got it okay i guess you don't really want to go down the right side anyway as you walk you start to notice shadows dancing in the edge of your vision creeping closer and closer the instant the closest one touches you touches your shadow you feel a strange sensation and after blinking the shadows are gone oh all my robes have been duplicated um you know all things considered i think that's okay it's not my favorite but i'll take it hey we get a chest decoy orb enemies don't get their extra turn for your first reload oh well that's nice i don't know why there are bombs on the treasure chest and at this point i'm afraid to try and find out okay regular fight things got hairy [Music] i mean big shot found a bramble these orbs will apply bramble status to an enemy when we're hammered enemies unable to move at enemies that pass the enemy will be struck inflicting bramble gives you precious time to deal damage from a distance useful very useful so in that case you don't really want to do a whole lot of damage with the brand ball that can work bad dagger i'm not big on this level design this level design i don't know it's okay [Music] okay give me a good quick spot there we go unfortunately yeah this always happens and it kills the front guy okay that healing is actually pretty good it's not much but it's enough to like keep the damage off of shoot boy i really gotta stop aiming for those and it does okay damage [Music] but what i need is a bomb i mean i guess he dies i'll take it [Music] okay there's one maybe we need a bomb a while ago but at least we get a bit of one [Music] okay that's okay they die and my hp is staying fine okay upgrade orbs we do have a pair of brown balls i don't have anything other than brambles that i'd really want to upgrade anyway do i i guess either more rock or more dagger because brambles don't actually do any more damage than stones and to some degree uh let's see hello uh so the rea got to go back the reason why i want to upgrade the stone over the bramble is i don't actually want to do a whole lot of damage with the bramble if that kills an enemy it doesn't get to use its ability and would you find a clearing with a strange tree directly in the center there's hole in the trunk with brambles twisting wildly out of it reaching the brambles ah it's just gonna give me a bramble i don't need to lose the damage anyway time to go for this guy again this is such a cute little roguelike it's super charming here's the question is the boss rambleable no [Music] well that sucks i was trying to aim for the crit but i had to aim the angle up so much [Music] i might actually lose this one this level layout is way worse it's very spread out and there's not a whole lot to rely on if i get really lucky one of my fire orbs is going to hit a crit or a reset and we'll hit some bombs but no they're just avoiding this is not a very dense level which is unfortunate own this is my upgraded stone [Music] it's kind of my best hope to someone heal through the damage [Music] because yeah if i can hit a bunch of those we're good [Music] not the best healing okay we set off the bomb inside of it worrying [Music] coming in for an orb work with me here yeah we're good we live we live got him that was tough few orbs upgraded brown ball okay orb has a weak magnetic attraction to orbs and strong magnetic attraction to those uh pegs provide explosive force and extra damage per peg but you can no longer discard it works oh discard i don't know lucky meteorite sounds great unfortunately we're done damn like if i could keep one of these i'd be such a happy camper that said all of it is fine i mean light shaft potion is great don't care about that one too much either way super charming little roguelike i love the fact that i'm i'm changing the pegs and i think that's one of the the issues that i often find with a lot of roguelikes is that they don't integrate the uh the base game in particularly well demon crawl did a decent job of it but as far as like the weird like hey this is like a poker roguelike or this is i this is a peggle roguelike like half of them are just kind of like i mean it's just peggle but a roguelike this one is a true peggle roguelike where you're changing the pegs you're changing your ball you're changing how you react to all sorts of things and i think that is incredible and it's a lot of fun and i will say that this demo holds up like for a 15 minute playthrough thing there's a decent amount of kind of initial build variety that i'm already seeing and i can't wait to see what more that they add uh i guess what else that they add to the completed product i i'm also very impatient i can't wait to see you know when and where that comes out but you know what whatever it's fine i i will be patient this will come out eventually and it will be great and i will play a bunch of it because it's so cute and it's so fun and i don't know what else to say about that so with all of that said uh if you guys like this video in any way shape or form leave me a like helps more than you know and if you want to see more hit subscribe because yeah i'm gonna come back for more peglin for sure but also i got a lot of other indie games to check out in the meantime so check those out as well but with that thanks for watching i'll see you next time you
Channel: Wanderbots
Views: 9,033
Rating: 4.9467683 out of 5
Keywords: Peglin Preview, Peglin Let's Play, Peglin Alpha, Peglin Beta, Peglin Demo, Peglin English, Peglin, Peglin Ep 1, Peglin Quick Look, wanderbots, wanderbot, Peglin Review, Peglin Letsplay, Peglin Part 1, Peglin Playthrough, Peglin Walkthrough, Peglin Guide, Peglin Early Access
Id: Cj_oh7WeajA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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