Harvey Pekar Collection on Letterman, 1986-1994

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[Applause] our next guest tonight works as a file clerk at a cleveland hospital he also writes comic books which deal with his day-to-day pains and pleasures and this is an anthology of the nine of those comics it's entitled American Splendor from off the streets of Cleveland folks please say hello to Harvey Pekar Harvey [Applause] we're economy curious you know I mean I said before the show you know and uh I'm a curious in a fascinating way all right a man who Lopez has the presence of one who is quite fascinated because I mentioned before - I thought you you're a pretty nice guy you know yeah well I think I'm a damn they don't know you might that might be a nursing a viper in my bosom about this huh yeah oh yeah all right settle down Harvey yeah all right now now let's let's explain to folks who may not be familiar with your work what it is you do here exactly you have comic books about you in your daily life in Cleveland that's right and are they embellished at all or is it pretty much your back slope it's all true uh-huh oh yeah and how long have you been doing this what writing comics yeah well for about 14 years now so you know but I've been published my own stuff for about 11 yeah and and you also have a regular job in Cleveland working at a hospital yeah that's right now it seems to me that you're sick yes aiding the sick well that's certainly noble work thank you thank you but it seems to me Harvey that you have a very successful career here this is being published by a major publishing company Doubleday that's right and and why why do you maintain the day job to make a living I don't make a living as a writer yeah I've been writing for many years David maybe more years and you've been alive yeah I know I know but my youthful appearance belies you know my actual age yeah but I've been around but I have a feeling though if you wanted to you could probably get by on what you make selling your work because I know people are after you to write other things and you're publishing this anthology well what people what do you I know I know that you [Applause] you know that's a no showbiz phony I'm telling the truth now you are man now you can't you mean to tell me that other people haven't contacted you about writing literary criticism for various publications well I mean you don't like that you could make a living as a writer what do you talk what do you mean how do you know all that stuff I've been writing since I was 19 years old man I'm now 47 for nationally you know you don't believe I'm eight years older than you man I don't look at man I look bad he's bad compared to me I look bad compared to you this is mine I don't rely on any you know press theses or any good that's a technical have you thought about a decaffeinated coffee [Applause] no no no come on no but I'm serious you have the magazine me okay all right you can't make a look you can't make a living here I can't make a living as a writer but see I think maybe and this is only me conjecturing hear that what you're unwilling to get you don't want to lose the daily activity in the daily contact with ordinary piece that's right so it's not so much the money I know it's not so much this until he briefed you on me it's it's not so new right it's not so much that you you can't get by without the day job you just you like the contact with every day what do you want you know like when I was writing for Tommy I was getting like four bucks for a record with you okay a lot of people I write for I get nothing I wrote find finally in a book review in the New York Times I got to 54 they should have said it myself okay now let's go on to other matters you've proven your point and I'm sorry if I touched the source okay no it's all right okay big man I can shrug it off right now good now you either the people you work with appear as characters in your in your club now do they know that they're in the comic well most of them do you and how do they feel about they love it yeah you like it you know I mean I think you'd like to be on your show they're flattered about beauty clatter yeah people like publicity I think it's a big thing you know and and do all of them that are in the books no they're in the books or some don't have any idea a few of them don't most of them do yeah you know I mean there's not really you know very very many unflattering portraits that I've done of people I'd you know I do stuff accurately a lot of this stuff is pretty serious actually if some of its humorous what I'm trying to you know I'm focusing on everyday life you know rather than the highs and lows of people's uh you know like lives that never why did you select the comic books as a forum for that why couldn't it have been a series of essays or articles or whatever guys it said you know it just goes along you know it's a wonderful medium this is good and artistic medium as any other medium it's you know it's words and pictures and you can do anything you want with the words and pictures yeah there's no limit to how good the words can be his own limit to how good the pictures could be and but it's you know considered a junk medium because it's been always been aimed at a Louis canal but you know now common denominator audience sure but you know I mean it's it's you know very you know the potential of it it's just you know you know been odd hasn't been hasn't been on see exploited to anything what would you do you ever see one day see yourself writing a screenplay or writing something that might reach a broader audience television show do you have you ever written a script no I am it huh what that I had a play based on my comic battle but uh a screenplay or you know theater plays you know very similar you know my comic book stuff be or a comic book script because what it involves is right involves writing dialogue and it involves you know instructions either to the actors her or to the our to the don't worry I'm not worried about it you don't worry good job trying I know you've got a job I've got a job we're both very lucky [Applause] [Music] Harvey I like you I'm on your side I and I enjoy the comic books in here and here to quickly tell us about the little dolls my wife made okay and there and there we know you don't give me nervous we have to go now and I just wanted to mention that these are for sale yeah they're made out of your old clothing that's right yeah and what do these go for 34 bucks $34 $34 billion in me no but would you pay $34 for that no but I'm not asking it my wife is all right [Applause] we'll do it for us we will be back here with Harvey he's gonna stick around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Harvey Pekar if enough the streets of Cleveland even mentioned your wife she's making those dolls and I imagine you're probably selling those are you are you an easy man to be married to do you think yeah I think so that the problem is my wife seven thoughts on how many times you've been married hardly time three times and how long have they last we're just worried about 12 years well there's about three this this one's you know it's like three years in accounting [Applause] you're a nice guy easygoing I think you're cheap though aren't you you're cheap you know tight yeah yeah and you eat a lot of junk food probably yeah yeah he's got a dick I miss you oh you guys just got liquid stuff out there you're having so you came here looking for handouts something we have finger sandwiches or crackers man even at least I get doughnuts you get doughnuts in Cleveland I can you know something there well broke I ate all the doughnuts I'm sorry but no on the on the cover of here on the cover of your anthology here it has a little scenario you on a talk show and that's you and you're saying geez I never nine years ago when I started never imagined being on a talk to me well now you're on a talk show what do you think well first of all that idea came from a guy who worked with double bit of general idea I wrote the dialogue but a guy named Mike barson you know put this thing over with double baby thought up that idea yeah so what do I think about it yeah I don't know man it's a way to you know publicize the thing look you know I wanna be a celebrity yeah you don't want to be a don't you think if there's bounds abuse there's problem like there's problems at all levels there's some questions I mean oh yeah do you have you ever even seen this show hurry I've seen it twice [Applause] shut up you're just you just playing with a module you're just playing with a little yeah it's just yeah no how are things in Cleveland going what do you mean how are things in Indianapolis going well pretty darn well going pretty guy well in Cleveland I got a job you got a job it's nice be when you retire when you retire from your job at the hospital did somebody ask you to ask me oh I just want to know because I have a feeling you mentioned the chief the fact you probably it's nine years ago when I get a pension yeah your squirreling away a lot of money on this book deal but you're you're you don't want to give up the pension isn't that it I want to give up the pension on there yeah Wow I went through 20 years yeah yeah you think I'm stupid I'm not my maid you know maybe last year I made two grand on comics yeah where's the priest you never broke even I know but see Harvey you're you're the embodiment of the American dream [Applause] admittedly I should be the embodiment of the America you are you're a man from the heartland of America which is you yeah yeah but you lose you win since herb Shriner herb Shriner was a terrific man it was a great man yeah many a little different from you and twin he was from a rural area well that's so what we all helped around is making a point I'm a great admirer of bug you know I like a lot George aid Georgie yeah no yeah I know I've everybody don't know him but I want to read his stuff sure are you from Indiana yeah I'm reading a biography about Theodore Dreiser now that I'm supposed to review yeah I have mine how much you're making for that I don't owe me 65 bucks [Laughter] it's a truthful all right Harvey they told me to come out here do anything I wanted I don't care man that's the same thing NBC tells me every night I feel pretty much the same way you don't are doing all right right now Harvey Harvey let me ask you something will you come back and talk with us again sometime resist it freedom yeah I'll come back if you pay for my plane fare my hotel room no what's your tell about my make a hundred bucks on this thing you're making more than a hundred how do we get her view for a hundred bucks jelly room one it's 100 bucks but you're also get a chance to advertise your doll when you go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay my apologies to that Drake say there young comedian who was to be with us tonight we ran out of time gosh I wonder why and he'll be back as soon as we can find an opening from him a very funny young man from Seattle also my thanks to Tom Brokaw that's all right well I'm Donuts next time you come in tomorrow Paulina Porizkova John Waters and Bonnie Raitt have a nice night folks thank you very much [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] you know this is such a great show and it's our second show of the new year and since it is the the new I'm afraid to say it now I think what I'm gonna do Paul if you cover me for a second you know there's this other television show introduction right across the hall it's a it's called it's called live at 5:00 and it's a very good afternoon program featuring a Jack Cafferty and Sue Simmons and Al Roker and chauncey Howell no no he went to ABC in fact as a matter of fact let's now think of everybody who used to work over there who's now at ABC Kitty Kelly Katie Kelly who is that Katie Kelly she's now at ABC Frank dr. Frank fields used to be part of the show he's not CBS give you an idea what kind of operation they get going over there are we ready to go now why I thought maybe I had the thumbs up earlier then also we're out of sync now so we're as soon as they're ready over there we're gonna go over and commercial yeah they're in a commercial you know what I want to tell the world is that this is not the old show you're used to watching ladies and gentlemen from the bottom of my heart this is the all-new late night 87 [Applause] [Music] and here is a just a word of caution when we do the new logo when that comes flashing at the screen like that don't sit too near the set in fact you probably want to leave the room because that really almost triples the amount of radiation coming off your screen now we're ready to go oh okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over and they're on the air live now and we're gonna plug tonight's show on their program and thank you very much here's here's our green room it's full of guests it's Harvey Harvey Pekar ladies and gentlemen from Cleveland nice to see you Harvey we're gonna go across the lobby and we're gonna visit the folks at live at five Harvey's started without me you notice okay here we are out in the hallway how do you do a nice to see you how are you Beth now there are the elevators and down there the many offices of fellow employees here at NBC Harvey what do we get inside thank you very much are you with the network okay thank you sir and there's the makeup room and there's a various folks getting their makeup for live at 5:00 hi thank you very much what is your name so is he nice to see you thank you very very good thank you so much who was that oh and this is the studio where they're doing quite well they're in the middle of a story there's a raise Al Roker over there over there are we just just for a second just for 61 here in this this is a morning Harvey this is this is Harvey Pekar this is a Jack Cafferty this is sue Simmons Harvey Pekar he's on the show tonight anyway come over and explain to you what we're gonna do on the program tonight I don't know if you've heard about it or not jack Harvey's on the show and you know it's not the old yeah a little bit late night that we're accustomed is brand new it's late night 87 [Applause] well that's still and we're also I have a clip of the show that you're gonna see a little bit later if we could roll tonight several yeah yeah we really knock yourselves up New Yorkers as well the holidays are over and people are starting now to realize oh it's a wonderful deliver not returnable all right Harvey lets you and I leave these good people alone I think we'll be all right yeah okay all right we're gonna do a commercial and then we'll be right back for more wonderful television anything put smugly I mean this is not Russ go on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Paul Paul how come you don't go with me sometimes when I do those why don't you come along so I wasn't invited I thought you should have just maybe invited yourself along helped out where you could that was fun it was fun to watch from over here it was people squirm you dropped in you were down the hall yeah we were down the hall you were doing your own show yeah you heard the pasta ha you have to go and visit that's awesome Alex show business listen Paul today is the day that all of our new interns are here yeah all of our new college interns of join us you know we go through what is it three or four batches of interns a year about three or four batches of interns here and Paul this year I want you and myself especially to take some time to get to know the young kids well let's have a dinner all right let's have a roast know immediately roast one of the interns III wonder no no I want to I want to learn all about them what makes them happy what makes them sad I want to spend quality time with the kids okay you got to spend quality time it's more important really then in fact we should have sent interns over there instead of me that's more a job for an intern don't you think let's take it again let's go over there no I don't think we'll go over there again ah you all set yeah are you ready to do the show no come on get your old South back getting get you some hey who's here on the program tonight oh geez for some reason Harvey's plane got stuck in the Cleveland so he he won't be with us Jerry Seinfeld funny young man is here and Baron Christian Demi Massey Christendom us Dimas a Christian did ma say Dimas a close enough so that's the show for tonight and we're certainly glad you've selected us as your viewing entertainment for the evening all right let's begin shall we yeah hit it huh hit it listen to Harvey whining back there like the show will instantly get better when he comes up he's whining millet what's the matter Harvey he's upset man you waste all this time all right all right go back and I'll give you the introduction come on we're gonna do it it's a show we have a rundown everything that's show business get in there Harvey just get in there get off we had a handler for Harvey okay Harvey go back there I'll introduce her he's over there visiting with his new friend Paul welcome please program he lives in Cleveland where in between his job as a file clerk at a Veterans Hospital he writes and publishes this autobiographical comic book which is entitled American Splendor ladies and gentlemen once again the lovable Harvey Pekar see first of all Harvey thanks for coming back to do the show and how was your new year did you have a good celebration I don't care about holidays man there was all right every day's the same to me yeah the day I saw do you get together with friends for New Year's no man I try not to like you know I don't have any friends anyway you have no friends very none yeah you could say that yeah I like to sit home and read I don't like to be bothered are you are you a sports fan yeah so you must be wildly excited about the success of the Browns I'm happy you know but I mean I might I didn't come to New York to rub it in or anything like that no I mean you know I'm happy you know but I didn't do it no little defensive about this Harvey you're always telling me on defense and I don't even pay attention here but you're happy thickness but you're happy about the success of the browser by the successor to Browns and the Indians led you cut me off on it see and Lanie has led the majors in batting last year 284 I got up the fifth place for Cleveland boy so that was good so it's been a good year for a Cleveland sports it's been a good year and B Cavaliers guy had a hell of a draft I'm the best and basketball usually I don't I don't follow like draft choices like like you do but I know you're from Indiana Indiana no I gotta say that I'd like basketball that so much I don't I don't pour over the fine print in the sports page okay I know that the the Indiana Pacers a sports fan I would say sure a casual sports than I enjoy sports yeah yeah what's your family's boy I like baseball pretty well baseball all right okay enough how about a Super Bowl prediction - see I only bet on sure things are you betting on the Browns no I'm not betting on nobody huh the bad factual stuff like up a guy you know like tells me you know like god somebody won more games than somebody else or something I know he's wrong a bit on earth oh I see so little ki Barbet kind of things what's the biggest wager you've you've won or lost I don't know man a little bit much money I don't know I thought for a second dinner then you had brought up the whole notion let me you know let me talk let me talk I want to thank ya let him get a word in edgewise you're not doing it you know hot look look I'll show you something that first of all I want to thank you know whoever's responsible for these donuts which would denied me the first time I came here and I you know I would offer you want one no I don't think you I'll give you a quarter the donuts were denied you the first time yeah they were denied me some kind of conspiracy pervy I don't know let me tell you a funny thing about that I wouldn't dozen donuts I wanted a dozen donuts they told me that I you know and I came up here in a box at five of them so I raise some hell yeah I eventually got them you know so you got a full dozen yeah well good for you Harvey thank you David you know you don't know [Music] like that huh what do you got here I'm an encyclopedia there we have here a copy of the yearbook 1987 Colliers encyclopedia and here's oh yeah you like that there's a little entry about you Harvey and your your comic book that was the comic book doing America Oh God it wasn't helped a bit by my appearance on the show David is there I hope that doesn't distress your advertisers give me that back where the host is stolen your personal property that much you look I don't have that much experience on TV and you know better be safe than sorry a deadbeat huh not necessarily you you you let all kind of people walk around here I don't know but I'll tell you I was really thin I'm really pleased with this look well I have no control over their sparkling repartee huh folks don't Harvey tell people tell people what the comic book is what it is it's give them I told them last time you don't buy it why should I waste my turn but see this way maybe people who are watching now that weren't watching last time will be interested in what you have to say in one and what it seems like a fantasy to me I know but try it you know I ran Auto by a guy I told the last time I write autobiographical stories huh you know about your life you have a job you work there in the Veterans Hospital what are you trying to go over all ground no I just when was the last time you were on three months ago what do you mean well it's less likely that people are committing this stuff to me and I understand that you're your last appearance on this show is also gonna be featured in your next guy that's right yeah yeah give us a hit of what its gonna be like it's gonna be like what happened man it's not gonna surprise you I took and I transcribed you know I got a videotape and I transcribed it and I'm just gonna think about you know I'm gonna put that in there that's gonna be the main part and I'm gonna have an introductory there duct resection about how I got on the show you know did you get on the show Harvey because hurt anybody yeah Steve O'Donnell your head writers very nice man yeah came to visit me in Cleveland yeah he wanted at me Benny yeah yeah very very talented mannered think I know now well that's who's responsible primarily also Lori Leonard a beautiful wonderful great works on this staff right okay now now tell me about your your life what are you doing your spare time you mentioned that you don't have many friends I know you're married how's your wife how's my wife you want to get me look ma'am I wonder if it's great I don't know you can think up stuff buying something if you think when life is doing fine huh she's a wonderful person is your first wife farming remember I told you third wife how long have we been married three and a half years yeah are you an easy guy to get along with her babe you know we'll see see we've done like maybe 400 shows since I last saw you so forgive me if some of this stuff is a rehab I leave it to the audience to judge whether I'm an easy guy to get along with I like to talk you more but you don't get around it too much two hours a day four days a week I do what I'm sure you knew not around here much I'd like to have a nice talk with you or something sometime we can talk yeah I know but that's just like for about 10 minutes you know I thought came in early nice to see ya something after the show watch the thing I'll go on get some pizza we'll have some donuts go to a play look at man because I have a party I'm hosting over in my hotel not these donuts to defray the cost and will you get your doughnut so we'll do a commercial and then we'll be back here with Harvey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right Harvey Pekar is here Jerry Seinfeld and Baron christendom se you Missy D Missy Baron christendom SE RV do you have brothers and sisters you have come from a big family no I got a brother discount need to see if there's time calculator tell me about your brother what does he do for a living man you know my brother's a chemist he's a good kid how old are you I'm 47 yeah you look like you're in pretty good shape do you work out here do you run you lift weights do you play tennis squash go ahead tell me what you know all right go ahead I bet I know what you must think oh well what do you think I'm gonna say no but if I know what I'm gonna say never mind never mind forget it forget it again - what was I gonna say what you were gonna come in mourning let's go no no no an important doesn't need to come in here well you want to talk about this one hand and push up side there now Morton's room right you were doing one-handed push-ups yeah you know I was doing I wasn't thinking man I'm not an exhibition always wants to think and likes to do that stuff you like the you don't do that's nothing what's a one-handed pusher I've never even seen one do one for us are [Applause] oh that's a great country we live in Harvey yeah yeah that's that's tough to do you're quite a strong fellow than aren't you I leave it up to you to make that determination are you making do you ever you ever think you'll be in a position where you leave your day job or do you want to hang on to that as long as you can David I would like to hang out of my bed job until I'm very very wealthy because I find that is very boring to work on my day job I got a lot of users in contact with the real people of the world all right yeah that's where your friends are isn't it on the job my friends are on did you mention it mentioned who your friends all right David listen are they yeah they watch it listen since you gave me this opportunity this is a golden opportunity first of all what do you there's guys that everybody's coming up mentioned me mention the alright Greg : all right you got you know why you wanted 30 seconds but I get off I got a great guy he works in on like a Travel section something's a good guy he's great guy and Toby Radloff never take him out to dinner what do you guys hang out together do you go places you go like to see a Holiday on Ice or anything when they're in time how much time you know I wanted more time man why don't you reckon wanted more time it was either Donuts our time Harvey and you blew it no you know like you know as a woman Martha wall-mount there wants a husband you know stuff like that I don't know I guess clyde Carter Clyde's I mentioned I mean it's good to see you again now you like coming on the show you enjoy coming on the show don't you can pay me man you know I'll enjoy I'm not coming in 400 bucks man I don't know ninety now and that's good that's good I have to sell books I have to do anything but you come because you like being with me don't you I don't even know you man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much ladies gentlemen welcome back to the show and during that commercial folks in the audience were saying that they thought that tonight's program was perhaps our greatest show ever [Music] our first guest this evening this man is a fascinating individual quite creative quite talented he is a file clerk at a Cleveland Hospital that's what he does by day and he's also quickly becoming one of America's most popular comic book writers this is his latest anthology right here it's called more American Splendor from the streets of Cleveland ladies and gentlemen please welcome back the one the only you know him you love him Harvey Pekar Harvey come on out buddy Harvey we wanted to get you out as soon as we could to kind of salvage the night did you get my I got you questions here no no but did you get my letter I said yes I got you there Dave Harvey wrote a piece for the Cleveland Plain Dealer a couple of months ago it was very touching man I appreciate that very much as a matter of fact I enjoy you should don't mention it thank you it's funny you should mention that because that touched me and I'm keeping their letter as a memento but I mean this is not rehearsed it's just for you what you're spelling errors corrected dinner very nice par Vieux training my personal correspond to that oh you know and that's pretty good for a guy having the ball state which is a party school huh no it's not a party school it's a fine state into you what are you doing through your eyebrows Zero Mostel or st. Maron the shovel because you know I haven't do this getting out one day's notice yeah well I appreciate you coming in on a short notice daddy hell if you don't like I don't want to you know screw these questions and I got these questions half these questions I don't want to answer it and the other hand you know like any other half I told me I want to talk about it and I don't want to talk about him it's because you don't like what I want to talk about those guys will stop me now our lever our Leiber and Stoller ready because we can how many hits do you have Harvey how's your book now this is your second book right your second anthology still alright yeah does the first one do pretty well no I didn't do it why do you think I'd be out I'm trying to hype this first book in a second but let me - what is the price of the first book how much how much do they go for 695 seven bucks it's a pretty good deal so good deal good deal let me tell you folks I came all the way from Cleveland up there on one day's notice you would add any around me let's let him vote which which would you rather have had I anybody if I could give half of the by the book I do good all right this is 695 and 795 now this is good stuff oh yeah like you know like it's entertaining reading I think it's fun that it's deep man's deep this is you know this isn't this superhero crap freeze by the New York Times in the back yeah Los Angeles Herald exam Murphy why don't you make yourself a superhero like you're talking about cuz I didn't sort of science um in common with um like you know man you know you what did you call me man like dining or something like what do you know but I deal you know like American youth or something uh-huh I can see anyways um like these books and I just want some kind of Ward man give it to me now I wanna show and uh you know I you know this book here I come out here to earlier books night on us in you know in the stores and I know that this audience they're probably not great readers you know what I mean so bodies you understand that if the guy don't have it ask him to get it and go in and get it you know like couple weeks later you don't ask me if he got it in hey what are you positive you know Harvey I think people will buy now because they'll remember you're pleasing personnel they'll say to themselves my what a nice young man Harvey was and I'd be happy I'd be proud to purchase one of his books well you'll get them back after the show I'm not dealing I'm from your fun - what - clearer cuz you have other things to present would you feel more comfortable Harvey if these were over there all right there yeah all right now we have to do a commercial Harvey all right just relax get a hold of yourself we'll be right back here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay Pekar is with us and you know it's interesting to me that you write the comic books but you don't actually do the illustrations you you hire very well-known comic book illustrators to do that don't you what are crumbs pretty well known yeah does he work on this one yeah no well I think that's interesting it's a nice approach don't you think that's interesting yeah it's a nice interesting approach but do you find Harvey that people are less than satisfied when they discovered that you're not actually drawing the photos the the drawings rather she only talked my about my trip to British Columbia or anything David no we can talk about your trip but I just was wondering what the reaction was when they see oh I guess Harvey doesn't doesn't draw those nobody cares but but but as a wouldn't you feel better about selling the book if you were doing all the work yourself if you were actually doing the drawings like many cartoonists write and draw their own strips don't they yeah well I'm just saying wouldn't things be wouldn't that give you more peace of mind if you were if you were doing both of them would it be a little easier to look at yourself in the mirror when you get up in the morning Harvey you don't care that I would how about this guy what do you think of this good sexiest man alive sexiest men alive sexiest man alive are you kidding me 1987 all right now let's talk about your trip to the Great Northwest that's beautiful up there Vancouver yeah wouldn't know a Victoria Victoria up there to lecture at college it's an island Victoria that's an island oh no Vancouver is the island Victoria is the capital of British Columbia up there a lecture at college but isn't Victoria one of the islands out in the Vancouver the island and Vancouver's a city that's not an island you got there right but then Victoria Wood Victoria would be the island Vancouver were on the mainland I don't know what you're talking about anyways that went out there it had a nice time you look like a lot of guys you see sleeping on buses no you look fine Harvey I don't I don't look too much tonight I don't look too good myself no I know that Ellie dodges that yuppie thing what's not it was a gift from the manager of the Dodgers yeah anyways yeah so you're out there you go out there to lecture of my gameplay I'm sorry you're out there to lecture yeah I'm not gonna lecture I had a nice time and I you know I me and my wife went out there Joyce yeah my wife Joyce and it was very nice and a nice woman I've met her yes she's very nice you never met my wife what are you blind oh that's right I forgot no no if I never did meet your wife right anyways uh they had a benefit dance for me a benefit dance it was nice did you dance Harvey this was before I went there man was the rod pawns the rod pod hey Moe got a dream the name Oh God all right yeah benefit dance to raise money for me I see $15 yeah and you blew it all on clothes you know we're doing what we can all right well I'm just nodded you did you find I find that that part of the country is is dear to majestic yeah yeah puts me in mind days when I was running around a country wild and free with a couple other big buddies in line before they became big celebrity big celebrities and media stars like me Robert Redford and Tom Brokaw we were great friends together we had a good time together we're just trying to struggling guys out of Hollywood we like to go out there and whitewater raft and rock you do a lot of rock climbing games but we do know a lot of guys wanna hang in there with us you know hang out with us and stuff well you know like Burt Reynolds always was there right but we wouldn't let him in a group why why not because he wasn't clean enough what did you say to Burt we're talking cut it off you know man and come back we'll check you out okay he's done all right now no he's doing all right now I mean we're all doing all right Yeah right see Thomas how was the anchor of the night menus here at NBC very good very nice ma'am well respected ooh you like Tom yeah I like Tom I sees a little disturbed now you know get this conflict interesting now he's talking about what ji-hyo Nana you know I'd be seeing all that being a third biggest defense contract yeah that's rough man you know so that will make his job more difficult to be a reporter of what's going on the conflict difference you know yeah how you doing with robber right yeah I think so yeah dead silence don't be too don't be too hard on yourself you'll get used to the dead silence yeah you sure do yeah well listen Harvey thank you for coming out from Cleveland it was good to see you again yeah and as always give my best to the folks back there in Cleveland yeah all right Harvey Pekar ladies and gentlemen we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we'll talk to James Tuesday or Wednesday you know every time our next guest is in the studio all of our lives are in serious danger a big mess is left behind and once again I'm forced to hold strange creatures here's a tape of what he used to be like watch closely ma'am I don't know ninety now and that's good that's good do I have to sell books I have to do it but you tell because you like being with me don't you I don't even know you man please welcome the new and improved comic book author Harvey Pekar Harvey [Applause] really [Music] yeah Harvey you know Harvey first of all thank you very much for putting us on the cover of your new issue of American Splendor volume number 12 right and I I read the I read it cover-to-cover very entertaining stuff thanks thank you very much and you look you look good and you sound you sound better us-- last time you sound a little force now you sound very relaxed kind of a contented man you don't know what I sound like like see bite when I thought like you that's how you used to say yeah yeah and now you sound a little like Vaughn Monroe Yeah right you're like if you want me to sing racing with the moon yeah let's early but why would what has caused the change cause a chair you happier now are you more relaxed now no I didn't know what's caused the change David the last time I saw an ENT doctor ear nose and throat death very good David I know you were up on a technical jargon the last time like you know like I saw an ENT doctor and this is the truth he said that you know like he didn't know what was wrong with me and I had his advices that I should you know like call on my inner resources team trying to heal yourself $35 that's what I paid for so you went to the tops Mike Landon saying they're all the same I work in a hospital they look good you see you see them a little more I don't lay back no I I keep it I don't know man you know I feel all right that's good how are things in Cleveland I always like to hear how things are from the city on the banks of Lake area that's a stupid question you know it's a stupid question you know are you trying to bait me I'm not trying to beat you at the end okay now tell me about Cleveland how are things how's the summer house the ball team are they out of it now we want to talk about baseball I asked me about the nasty straight forward dirt yeah it looks like a bad year you go to a lot of games I haven't gone this year I'll go see oh yeah all right you know I mean I'm disappointed I haven't pitching you know yeah always next year wait till next year yeah wait till Thanks now Harvey ain't being called to my attention it's been called to my attention that you and I'm guessing as a result of your appearances on this program have been so they have been offered your own television show as a matter of fact is that true that folks I want to tell you that's the truth that is I don't want to tell you what Network I mean it was maybe it was like offer to do a pilot a pilot for whom who made the all high I don't want to tell you because I turned it down and I don't want him derelict I'm sorry tell us right what I'm gonna tell you no no was it a cable deal was all Gaul was for another network was it like ABC but it was ABC ABC it was another network cuz they got nothing you know ABC has really hurt [Music] CBS wasn't CBS look man you're gonna get it down to one no I don't want to tell you because I play I was nice to them to make the offer I don't want to spit on them you know what I think what what kind of what kind of show wasn't what a talk show gonna be the talk show yeah it was a talk show and then what kind of guests would you have I didn't even consider that question cuz I don't want to do it now why wouldn't you want to do it well I'd seen you here [Laughter] yeah but don't be discouraged by one lousy example you want to know how give you a serious it go harvey big interrupted I'm gonna give you you know the answers there's a variety of reasons why first of all you get co-opted you can't not that this is serious but you can't do anything serious and it's a drag to go on night after night doing simple minor book but you don't have to be so serious all the time I mean I you know like once in a while I wouldn't mind it you know like on this show like you know like I didn't have an aggravation for two damn days now you know like I don't want to I did just have it all back Harvey whatever whatever you're feeling let it out not all the time David discretion is the better part of valor I sometimes yeah that old adage got you huh all right but the thing is that I you know like you know like I I come up with you know I've been being aggravated and then like you know Morton your man ask me all these questions about what I'm gonna talk about you got standard procedure and I don't know and then when you have your own show you'll have somebody preparing everything for us show what you sing on the show Harvey would they be a little headlight I might have when you open the show with a song right I might an aria sorry but you can't you can't do you know like you want meat and potatoes stuff you want issues yeah okay I'd like to have some issues that wait a bit all right will do come around and then we'll get there some issues now is that you've messed up the Segway a beautiful segue that I set up you don't stick a commercial in here yeah I know you buzzer alright going through the exam [Music] all right we're back here with Harvey Pekar and again I want to mention this is a really nice piece of work I wanted to run the coverage oh yeah all right fine that's gonna be on this floor anyway it's a giant yuppies magazine man you know anyway I want to tell you like you know you're talking about being you know I was talking about being co-opted and about ninety two mean exactly co-opted what do we do they buy you out or something like that well that wouldn't even be compromise that's right you don't like the guy like you you'll have you know wouldn't anybody think you because I don't like that well yeah not so much that but you don't read much and so some of the stuff don't read I don't realize you're right you know present a guy right in comic books telling me I don't read much I wanted to tell you this you always make any little she remarks about GE but there's a reason that you know people should be you know watching GE real close that don't have nothing to do with you know Robert Wright's toilet habits and I want to tell you so about that stuff not waiting I'm serious know whatever what damn it now man don't mess with number one yeah yes number one they're being sued in Ohio because they sold they sold these nuclear reactors around a country Marvin are very bad manners I don't care me this is very very in important to do I come to where you're working at and badmouth the Veterans Administration geon's got a place called cuter Peabody that they own a Wall Street firm that they just had to pay twenty five million dollar fine on Joe's back there was this place bring out a handful of snakes for her again a long history of antitrust violation but but again Harvey let me just interrupt your no no no I just don't think not so much out of Defense of the General Electric but I just feel that this is not the forum this kind of discussion see if you had your own talk show Harvey if you had your own talk show you could talk about this stuff on your talk show right okay [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna ask you something I know one might they don't know what you are you're a guest in my house and you sneeze into our girls what did you come play softball with us tonight man don't get something what do you win you can't play with us awful you you are terribly impolite you are terribly impolite I don't I invited you to play softball and you make a reed gesture oh my thanks to Jack Hannah and all those wonderful animals Monday it will be latisha Baldridge and singer Carl Perkins have a good weekend folks good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ah ready for our next guest well I want a lovely weekend here in New York you missed a great weekend Paul how was your weekend great my stacked bar widows matter Brian ever stacked bar one it's never in my life I haven't done it you know some writers turn their lives into art our next guest turns his life into comic books folks please welcome back the author of American Splendor straight off the streets of Cleveland Harvey Pekar would you or going into that little competition would you have a favored one position over another man what do you that's you know that what do you expect me to do with this show man I hope you don't blame me for it it's so screwed up man it's a waste what do you mean it's screwed up I thought it was going on our - did you get the list of questions I asked you to ask me but would you have known here I got no comment on there okay let the record show mr. peanut has no comment on our little busting down the door demonstration yeah how have you been I'm doing fried David how are you I feel pretty good yeah I feel pretty good okay how are things in New York things here have been alright yeah yeah we had a lovely weekend lovely weather do you hear from back in Indianapolis everything's fine back in Indianapolis I would things in glocca Morra they don't care well you got me there Harvey how about the let's talk a little bit about that your reactions to the big stock market correct well yeah that was why I should ask you what if I well I don't know I don't feel like talking about it you don't want to talk about not talk about know what know if you don't talk about it Harvey you know Harvey it was about a year ago this month that's right almost last month a year ago last month that you made your first appearance on a show what has happened to you since have we been able David and we've been able to positively influence your life slightly yeah that's why I'm sticking with it but it's yeah you know it's no panacea you know it's no panas it's slow-going I still have the same job uh-huh where do you work tell people again where you work I work at the VA hospital in Cleveland folks where I'm a file clerk how long have you worked there I worked there for about 22 years I got seven more years ago when I retired I got a pension [Applause] now have you been able to I know you come on and you mention your comic book and so forth have we have we been able to help the sales or as a matter of fact the why is that useful because you know you've people here apparently don't read much even when they got pictures to look at sorry that's it I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be no slag yeah yeah I just say to you I don't I don't suppose that has anything to do with your winning personality does it that they that's what I'm selling that's what I'm selling is you that's right you're the commodity that's right yeah my winning personality and I understand quotation I understand Harvey that there are not one but maybe several plays about your life in the works is that true do I do I hear that correct that's right David let's talk about that for a second folks ah yeah there might be a little something in it for you that's right and that's what it's about money you know I mean just merely being on television isn't much is it no not for a guy like you an unsophisticated guy I'm sorry well I I don't find me the world's most sophisticated way yeah anyway yeah but I'm guessing you could walk into the finest restaurants in town and deliver meat [Applause] that's a big night for the night minam bask in his glory where were we now tell me about the place tell me about the place all right I got one at the light there was one that was done an adaptation of my work that was done in Lancaster Pennsylvania in 1985 it was some one act play no I was like four acts funny you should ask [Music] Jerry there's there's one currently being done at the arena Theatre in Washington all you folks in Washington get out there and go down and see it it's been very well received as a result of that a guy from New York is talking to me about signing an option and maybe setting it up here the arena theater is a great place wait a minute I got wait a minute I get a percentage of the money do people in Washington want to help me out you're you know working for the government a lot of you you know and you know I can help them you know I can take it usable help you know Harvey when I look at you on the monitor there I think of myself you look like every police artist sketch I've ever seen [Applause] David we told you sorry just a father fly Fremont's three much you got your writers work on jokes you know bearish in Alaska G that's right that's right that's right now now did you help write the the plays at all do they come and talk to you they just came to talk to me and they adapted my material some of the lines are mine yeah well that must be a big thrill for you that's a real honor to have your life depicted on stage yeah you bet yeah it's great yeah I sure how's your wife for Joyce she's doing real well she's also a writer she's all yeah she writes and she edits a comic book called real war stories real Wars all right yeah you have a copy of it out there no I don't know [Music] were we supposed to well you know but that's okay what do you enjoy new what's a fun like you ever have like a getaway weekend you and Joyce giver yeah we're you know we had a getaway weekend this weekend we went up to New York yeah so you haven't the time yeah what now what do you do for fun when you just want to really relax and get away from the pressure of being a file clerk I'm not wrong I know I didn't I didn't mean that I didn't mean that because I know it's it's all right thank you very much yeah I know you're you know intentions are the best wrote the hell is paved with good intentions they keep that in mind now that I hurt your feelings are because it was only a slip of the tie no Dave I know I know what do I do I like to read a good book read a good boy laughs yeah really good eat a jelly doughnut jelly doughnut that's right I can eat him nah you know my cholesterol is down so I can I could eat him again good there for a while you were having a cholesterol problem I was but you know like I conquered it you know I went out done and dieted yeah I got I got it down you know does have an iron will David why don't you do yeah thank you you know I have the strength of 10 men well I knew that would impress him what are we doing Oh we'll do a commercial Harvey and then we'll come back and continue [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're back Harvey don't know if I keep your house I wouldn't put my feet up when you're safe your house take it off take it off thank you very well you shouldn't behave that way you know I want to know what he's buying my book they claim they see it like this why do I want to give this guy money oh I don't know but you know like other people anybody would folks there's some people out there that might don't pitch I get a little owned by the damn baby let's uh oh yeah you want to go back use the book I don't know that I got all different prices my own books no what do you mean you have all different price well as some of the books I don't publish myself some I do just some you know if you want to give me some extra money I'll take it all right what can I tell you what about what about a sign 695 795 Harvey what about us what about a screenplay do you ever see that maybe writing it oh yeah if the price is right yeah yeah that's right now I notice that every time it seems like whenever you're on this show within about a week or two we see a piece published somewhere about your experience that's right there yeah you know because my stuff that's about real life so you know I write about the show I mean it's it's part of my life Why Why should there be and I think I must say in all honesty that the pieces are hand er handled fairly objective right yeah I think you do a nice way I do a nice job I portray you very well I always give you the benefit of doubt I do appreciate ya you know you're a good Union man and everything I just joined in Union did you which union are you and then after not just like you will graduate others do well I'm prophet be in the same union with you man well let's go to the picnic together yeah let's do that let's do it you know a nice show right for the waste ice show yeah I should or the ice show let's operate me and Harvey we're gonna go see maybe I knew you loved big skating puppets harvey is there anything you want to cover or from your list of questions because we've talked about none of it that's all right you know well that's that's the narrator unpredictability you know that's that's the key to leave my appeal Davis unpredictably is there anything you want to mention the stock market at all sure no I don't want to talk about the stock market that was just a sham question I put in there I see I see to throw us off the tracks right David you know I'm tricky I'm a tricky go so so what's going on now is your wife looting the dressing rooms while you're out here is that what's happening is this some kind of elaborate if you don't want to talk about the questions and that way after the show David is there anything you want to leave us with her well you you really you've really not done much you just came out and you started crabbing and you didn't answer the questions is there anything you want to leave us with what the hell do I have to leave you with anything for just thank you that's all you know I'm not making any kind of money on the show I had to join a union man I had a page like you know four hundred forty bucks to join the Union but that's okay I don't complain I don't try and duck like some of your other guests do a union yeah all right well good hard look right listen it's good to see you again I hope you have a great holiday see thanks a lot you heard about the tree there's not gonna be a tree that I could care less [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to thank our guests who are here tonight Tony Curtis you like 20 Curtis seems like a nice fellow yeah I mean you like his you like his work like some like it hot you know it seems like an okay guy you know well they get a chance another person is a fella back there also my thanks to the two gentlemen who helped get us into the a locked door issues for this captain Oh gorgeous happen tomorrow late nights festival of destruction continues with Susan Saint James and Emilio Estevez [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sad it's great I ain't on sitting much better thank you very much Mithun I guess you'd really use boy Biff you'd really be out of luck if I was dead right not really Dave I'm a regular employee of the network uh-huh if you died and CNBC would just shift me to another show I see you know something else Biff if you could prove emotional distress you probably get you know two-week paid vacation really man that'd be sweet yeah and Dave I'll tell you another thing the debate show always has a big platter doughnuts ya know I can't believe what I'm hearing that a big platter of doughnuts with that was scared God oh boy okay there you go we have to do a commercial we'll be right back here with the stupid human trip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the show ladies gonna win in our thanks to those folks who helped us up tonight with stupid human tricks a lovely assortment didn't you think Paul cute very cute talents they had yes most people are generally pretty nice if you give them half a chance I would say so yeah what are you getting at nothing just I was just I'm trying to be really nice too optimistic and nice yeah positive and after you thank you you know ladies and gentlemen when the Thoreau wrote that most men lead lives of quiet desperation he obviously had not met my first guest who happens to lead a life of whining desperation and writes about it in his American Splendor comic books ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to the show Harvey Pekar Harvey come on out are they get dilated run [Music] how you been Harvey all right how you been good yeah what'd you do the strength oh let's see I was in Los Angeles for a while then I was in New York for a while and trying to keep busy you did what were you doing to keep trying to keep this Oh various took some small trips with sporting events visited with friends some barbecuing running reading swimming basketball riding did a little writing for well would like lengthy letters to my friends that's all cuz I heard you how to deal with Disney yes yeah I'll deal with this why don't you do something for him you know what kind of get out of the rut you're in rut yeah how would you describe the rut Harvey will you do the same thing all the time you know over and over every night Harvey you didn't get the memo about the dress code I guess did you I think I put the real mice everybody else compliment your heart what are you talking about man this looks nice you know we don't want so hot yourself sneakers in a suit that looks weird man so let's talk about your summer what did you do this summer I worked what did you do I just I just kind of come on no you covered did you write just lengthy letters okay did you take trips do you take vacations do you know this is my vacation then after I get through with this show it's gonna be my vacation where you don't know oh I'm in New York Dave that's where I'm gonna take my vacation in New York after the show this is work then I have vacation for a few days yeah okay you say look stop day you're doing that I got this NC are you meditating now Harvey's no I mean I'm talking that's not meditation talking is audible yeah meditation is silence right hey do you uh did you enjoy did you watch you to either of the conventions the Republican I didn't because you know it was a foregone conclusion Dave and I got to go to bed early at night anyway so that's how I you know I mean I knew that the caucus in Bush would each win I can't though express my preference for a candidate because I'm a federal employee and it would be a violation of the Hatch Act and you know like I'd hate to do anything illegal especially in front of you millions of viewers there but who well I think you can only you can even know or you want to know what my politics aren't they know really look right and left this day Thomas Cranmer yes yeah well I could have guessed half of that you couldn't you could against all of the day we're here over here the night of July 31st last year so I sound like Howard Cosell they yeah it's pretty good you're doing impressions now Harvey yeah well so my impressions I'm semi impersonal go ahead what about we have to do a commercial all right okay aren't you gonna hold up my book Dave I got something to sell here thanks the front show them the front I want you to savor this appearance have a look it's a it's a comic book it's a comic book and these are actual stories from your actual life that's right yeah friends that you work with yeah and it's about it what about a hundred pages here no the artwork is very nice beautiful why don't you look at it day well I look initially I won't miss you arjan a quarter fariñas water day but for you two fifty we'll settle up after the show my god I'll just keep this copy right here no all right we'll talk about it yeah you can have that copy let me know I'm trapped before you die yeah would you my all right you Harvey will autograph the magazine and then an hour down here I happen to have a pen here it's a US government ten I hope nobody turns me we'll be right back with Harvey Pekar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome back to the program Harvey Davis tomorrow my god visitors Larry will be here and herpetologist Jack covered that he's from the National Aquarium in Baltimore oh we're having trouble with NASA again they're swarming these all get me some off will you counterpoint yes Harvey listen Dave I I noticed you looking at that that one story I hope you look at that that's the the GE show remember that that was that was a real memorable moment in TV I enjoyed it did you anyway I wanted to ask you you know like ah listen we're getting into a Dave just keep me out for another 10 minutes anyway I wanted to ask you why praying for a terrorist dissident in the audience you this is your house state you should treat me well you've got this delusion that this is your house why don't you treat me well be a nice host you know you think you own the RCA Building kidding me well Dave anyway I'm serious I wanted to ask you why when I started to talk about your luggage nurse in the green room Dave come on it may be time for the medication see if it doesn't time a cop out man oh wait a minute I want to ask you man why I'm gonna try says wait why why you defended gee that was really I thought that was really dumb because you know it made you look like a shield 4G and I was really surprised to hear you do that you know I like first of all you Harvey what you're saying is not true second of all this is not the place to say it and if you want to continue talking about this go somewhere else because we're not gonna talk about it on the sign perfect no no Harvey no no Harvey one you're wrong what you're saying is look like what you're saying is wrong Harvey so I said it looked like you were that's why I don't understand because you wanted last that night and I got you you laughs see I had a plan I figured if I Harvey you've never planned anything in your life what did you plan your wardrobe Dave Dave look yeah I had it this color gorgeous wareness pair of $75 shoes and I'm very hurt because you didn't you know compliment yeah I use the rock boardwalk who saved these our rent well yeah that's nice all right Dave this is free with your subscription to feel'n scream door I won't come back and unless you really ask no you're not coming back at all Harvey because we've given no no we've given you many many chances to come on this show and talk about things that we thought would be a general interest to people so to promote your little Mickey Mouse Magazine here your little newsletter your little Clubhouse a funny rainy day fund for boys and girls weekly reader he'll hear Dave won't every single chance you've had Harvey so not coming back I was a falconer Edward Murphy relax [Applause] we have to work I'd like to god rise to Cleveland America so it's Pittsburgh and Cleveland you have my deepest most heartfelt Apollo [Applause] [Music] you very much welcome back to the show ah who's next Oh what look look I have a fistful of comedy right here in my left hand kids it's dumb ads Paul do we have music for dummy yes I do original composition dumbest icon those crazy ass those cuckoo you know jeez I thought we were gonna do dumb ads tomorrow night but it looks like we have some time here tonight so well for you tonight oh look here's an ad for something called cheesy and easy sounds like sounds like mean nicknames for the länder sisters doesn't it you want Harvey back here's an ad that says scratch shares stomach and see what you get oh yeah you scratch shares stomach and see what you get it's me isn't it fall I need therapy don't I need some kind of some kind of counseling don't I know it wasn't you this time wasn't me this time we're still on it's one of those 90-minute shows we do periodically I'd like to thank most of my guests for being here tonight tomorrow on the program from the National Aquarium in Baltimore Jack cover will be here and actor Peter Scolari from the Newhart show have a nice evening folks [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] - rolling boys very nice Rick garran trouble Harvey tough to follow that lady everybody gets paid this relax darling that was that was great fun agree let's have more of that why don't you think about a peppy tune now on them you come at me just sing a little peppy song and so I never thought about that date now I'll start thinking about it by day our next guest is a mild-mannered VA file clerk but by night he turns into the writer of this comic book right here American Splendor I just said please welcome Cleveland favorite son Harvey Pekar [Applause] nice to see ya you know you've been gone like eight nine years or something we had a fight we had a falling-out a misunderstanding all that's behind us I'm genuinely happy to see you back really yeah and you know something else you had me in one of your a comic book I had you in about three of them yeah I saw the one I guess it was the last show when you and I exchanged words and you hit the road I loved it it was great it was one of the few times I can recall being factually accurately quoted by any kind of publication you you had it word for words right I'm meticulous yeah it was great and I thought it was heinous can you put me in another one of your little comic books could I be in another you're supposed to be about three minutes now what are you putting me on it's really late you know I'm sorry let me get paid right everybody gets paid I mean there's a party completely from what what the guy you know what you know was working on he may he may he may not have been with the show just trying to meet you at your room just be here a couple of weeks ago we ran out of time that's all right you don't have to I like to relish your apology you don't have to apologize because you know like I say I'm here not to talk to you but to make money and if I could you know and I got booked to come on again and I'm making more money and that's the name of the game yes and as a matter of fact I made even more money you don't have to you know let me just tell you this I maybe because we don't have much time for your Oh Harvey I'm on the edge of my seat I know I know I know about what you said about your fans they're like professional wrestling fans you know anyway you just you know you just proven my point no I actually got a whole bunch of t-shirts as you know and junk like there's some t-shirts for those solution fries all right and my wife was able your wife Irene Oh what if I you know Irene [Applause] my life join me there for a second like your heart actually stopped I know you're just goofing around I'm playing around we're trying to have something you know like come on you know sex RV how are things in Cleveland it's a real 15 million dollar question it's the mid it's the Midwest the Heartland sort of is it that's right but aspects of Cleveland life are you particularly interested in things used to be a staff meteorologist in Indiana would you be interested in the climate in the snow when you have the lakes no the lake effect snow the lake effect we have a link effect yeah yeah Lake Erie how do people treat you in Cleveland are you like a hero are you like a folk hero are you a blue-collar kind of hero to the folks no I'm not I'm a blue-collar hero to the people in Los Angeles where I'm known as the blue-collar Mark Twain but the people you notice the blue-collar that's right that's that's what variety called that's high praise now do you praise indeed do you like the writings and the work and the life and times of Samuel Clemens Mark Twain [Music] [Applause] as a matter of fact I do as a matter of fact I do although I specialized specialize in writing about George aid who's a writer really great who's your fighters no no Alice in her Eudora dreicer we had this conversation years ago but it's fun isn't it the good ones never die maybe the air is crackling with good conversation well by your standards yeah yeah for me [Applause] I'm lucky am I gonna handle another joke RV here pretty much dealing with a chimp here tonight aren't you are we finished here it would be right back no job I don't come I don't come to where you work and knock the pan out of your hand we'll be right back Murphy I'm driving a lady up to Westport go along with me okay I got a stick with Irene all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] well our next guest is a favorite of ours but for some reason we have not had him on the brand new show just yet here is a copy of the autobiographical comic book which chronicles his life ladies and gentlemen he's out here isn't he please welcome one of the sweetest guys I know Harvey Pekar Harvey [Applause] welcome to the show Harvey thanks for getting all fixed up for the program I'm getting $20 for this thing I think it's paper I write for this paper they gave $25 to you know wear it so I'm wearing it backward you know it was either that or you know turn around what a hip guy yeah you like that strictly speaking is that legal to be taking money for advertising on somebody else's show I don't know I mean that revenue should go to CBS you know let them come after the yeah that's also John Linda Smith you owe me 10 bucks for naming you on TV here mentioning your name on national TV I'll see you Monday well straighten out if you don't have the money we can wait till payday all right sorry John remember that I made that deal a lot certainly a red-letter day in his life yes have you been how are things what I tell you what let's just begin here with the this is the new edition of what do you call this American Splendor de Vries it's probably new to you but that's what it's called all right and and tell tell people what they will find in here I notice you have a cover a picture of yourself right here in the middle that's right and then who is this here that's my wife Joyce and who is this up here Harvey looks like you Dave oh yeah it's a dead ringer for me well you know I think it captures the interview pretty well and what is the story in the comic book there it's called step out of the nest it's about a trip I made to New York about over a year ago I was supposed to be on your show but I got bumped because Barry Mann was alright well you can understand yeah I can understand it Dave you got to make a buck and you were supposed to be here I understand this time on your birthday and then we had to change things around a little bit when was your birthday Oh so that's been a while as well happy happy birthday well thanks how old are you I'm 54 you know you look like you're in pretty good shape for a guy I'm 47 so I predicted what you know the first time I was on I said you look worse than me then and you know gasps men whining prostate you know Harvey I don't have any false impressions of how I look no I don't say I've seen myself in the mirror almost every day for four to seven years I know I'm not winning awards for how I look yeah but dear God in heaven I do look much better than you [Applause] [Applause] it's like your Rickles connecter whiskey let's go on to another topic no you don't find that appetizing let's let's talk about other things in your life I know in addition to writing the American scrum for Dark Horse Comics I want to mention that not that of me it'll mean something to the Dark Horse people and you know like it'll show I'm on their side okay also do they want that Harvey they want me and they want you honor they will they like the publicity this is I did a cartoon for this this is a slim Gayler album on verb records I did a cartoon for the whiner okay I just you know I just I love people and they're also taken very seriously as a jazz critic yeah how long have you enjoyed jazz all your life you grew up with jazz is there as a jazz community in Cleveland where you work yeah I mean what do you mean Jay you there are people that like jazz there and they're jazz music so is it a hotbed of jazz are there jazz clubs it was a hotbed David no it's not a hot day I wouldn't say that day so we're so then how of what is your interest in jazz I like the music I listen to it I liked it I mean it's you know who's good you know I really like is a Kenny G you listen to her [Laughter] well I mean you know what's funny about Kenny G I don't know I just like you know I said I like Kenny G and I thought they might have an opinion thank you and are you still working at the Veterans and I'm still working at the Pels what you do there the better now for Dave hey Paul what do you mean nutball you know anyway excuse me come on man it's lovely to see it God well I thought you're on my side of course I am perfect thank you you're a lovely nut ball Oh Harvey Paul is better looking than you are Letterman has more contempt for you that I do don't kid yourself think about that he compared you to a professional wrestling audience he really doesn't I have a lot of contempt for you but he has even more Harvey leave there's nobody left out there so now tell me about a movie there's talk of making a movie out of your life another was a play about your life yeah yeah yeah did you like the play where you pleased with the work it's fine wasn't it you know what about the films well I'm hoping to sign an option pretty soon yeah so that'd be a lot of money for you you could be you well it's not a lot of money do you know you know I mean not by your standards you know I mean I'm coming out here making $25 for this $10 for mentioning the guy's name you know we can't all make you know 15 million a year like you but I'm trying to you know piece it together it here a little there the lawyers getting work for the option than I am you know they told me to talk about it you know Harvey Harvey if you were better looking you'd make a lot more money you go a whole play in the movie would you like a shot at it no no I'm sick let's give the people a strong dose of reality would play you in the movie I don't have any idea man whoever they want the plane yeah who would you like to play you in the film I don't care man you know I mean you know as long as I get paid yeah I mean I'd like it to be a nice movie but you know if I get paid it's cool you know Danny DeVito I see Danny DeVito [Applause] you know what you told me once you can attack me if you want to but the fans will be the audience will be on my side cause it's my show right no Danny DeVito I don't care he's a good actor I like him he could play having fun in New York City Harvey yeah enjoying myself what I'll come to this it'll be even better at all this is the nadir Dan oh no really I'm sorry I feel to Advanta well well that's very nice things yet we have to pause here we'll be right back with Harvey Pekar [Music] [Applause] I want to thank everybody who's on the program tonight Heather Locklear and of course Travis Tritt you ever watched the Melrose Place you know I don't mean tomorrow on the show Jeff Goldblum will be here Sonic Youth and James Carville now Harvey if you ever come back and I'm not saying that you will it's just a little tip for you if you're gonna be on talk shows you got to have something to talk about you didn't really say anything you're shrugging like that so that's not the attitude of a winner that's not what we're looking for Harvey what kind of you know I'm beginning to question your heart do you have the heart do you want it how bad do you want it I'm saying to myself [Applause] [Music] worldwide pants
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 200,713
Rating: 4.8554654 out of 5
Keywords: Harvey Pekar, Biff Henderson, Gerard Mulligan
Id: biOodnioY8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 43sec (5863 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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