The Last of Us HBO Panel: Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Joel and Ellie

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you too over there [Applause] [Music] [Music] you go wow amazing police this one said [Applause] [Music] oh wow [Music] foreign [Applause] that's amazing that's amazing can you guys hear us yes yeah all right okay oh that's beautiful huh well I feel people are excited to be to have you here in Brazil are you excited to be here very much so very much I know welcome back deja vu no lightsabers the same all right all right look we're obviously we're all very excited to hear about less of us but we know about it a few years ago because of the game this is a very very um it's an adaptation we've won so much we want to hear so much but it must be a challenge right to adapt something so beloved how to find the balance between how to be faithful to it and how to create new things yo guys oh I have to answer this okay okay um well I'm like everybody else here I'm a fan of The Last of Us I played the game I love the game I am one of you so my job was to make sure with Neil that we were able to make a television show that is just as compelling and beautiful as the game uh it's it's different because we don't do gameplay we watch it on television but I promise everyone here everything that made you feel and love and cry it's all here plus we have Bella and Pedro and we have Gabe and we have Merle and we have this incredible cast performing the story you created I I've been talking with Craig about it was like we somehow got lucky twice the first time you know we had Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson playing Joel and Ellie and now we have another set of amazing Joel Nelly with Pedro and Bella and I cannot wait for you all to see what they've done and how much they've honored what the game has done it's amazing Pedro and Bella uh Ellie and Joe in the games they build a father and daughter relationship in fact that's a such a moving part of the games to see them bonding and Ellie getting to know to defend her uh herself how has it been for both of you how do you feel protective of each other already yes we do I feel protective of him we love each other [Music] um yeah she's all right uh yeah thank God we got along really well I know we had to spend a year together we were a whole year together um I think we were very shy uh at first uh I was very concerned and and hoping that she would that uh that they would like me and that and that and maybe Bella felt the same and I did it was a perfect um gradual uh way of getting to know each other because I think Joel and Ellie are very reluctant to um to fall in love but but we fell in love just like they did we did our relationship progressed as theirs did it was nice now look at us and Bella and Bella Bella over here such a crowded yeah and are you ready to be playing early for the future in the next few years because she's a central piece of this mythology yeah I would like to play Ellie forever um if that was possible we would love for you to play Ellie some more as well well however much however many seasons you want to do I'm down all we need is for all of you to watch the show and then we can make more [Applause] we promise you cool yeah well in the games we know the future of some of the characters right Gabriella this is your case also uh how is it for you knowing what's going to happen inform your performance or you'd rather not know about it in one step at a time well I knew everything that was going to happen because I I played part one and part two back to back before we started working so I played the games and I and I kind of spoiled the story for myself but uh once we got there it was it it just unfolded in a much different way and it was very exciting it's wonderful was it was it was it for you this is not uh I I was I was doing all right you know I searched every room I opened every drawer I found every single comic book that's the kind of player I am I'm a completionist took a long time so I was ready to fight everything when I got to it what about you Leo and Craig uh how to deal with spoilers uh does knowing about the future affect the experience well um wait you're asking me how the spoilers affect the audience yeah they know here's the thing we see TV uh shows and movies that are based on books we know how they end people saw Titanic they knew how it ended I made a show about a nuclear reactor that exploded we all knew that was going to happen yeah it's thank you the it's about the journey it's entirely about the journey I have played the last of us about 12 times I Know How It Ends I love the journey and we promise there will be surprises along the way if you've played the game I promise you there are things that you don't know that are coming that will blow your mind it's great to know if I could I could add there's stuff that um was written that we didn't get a chance to put in the game that is in the show so you'll get to see like an enrichment of these characters in a way that um it's interesting we've now we've not talked to people that have watched the entire season and went back and played the game and they say the game is now richer having watched the show it's amazing to know yeah and a question related to that when uh playing the game you explore the environments and you find letters notes that people left behind where do it's used in some way when creating the show we had to make the show work for people that don't know anything about the game don't know Naughty Dog don't know The Last of Us however if you have played the game like for example if you know ish's story with the notes and everything you will have a greater understanding and you will be able to point things out in a way that someone hasn't played a game can all right and Marlon you're playing you're the expert here because you're playing Merle for the third time around right that's right well maybe the the fourth time is that we did a live-action stage version as well that's right yeah wow we've done it I've played Marlene in many iterations and I met her 10 years ago this month um but one of the hurdles that I had to jump over was to release what I knew about her because I had these these guys to play opposite of you know and and it was um you know how finding fresh inspiration and releasing myself from what I thought I knew and having uh you know a new experience in her shoes and because it's this medium I got to walk into different scenarios as Marlene that that I that had not been in my Canon before and that was really exciting it's exciting that I got to play her once to play her twice to play her four times as an honor and then to have this all of this and all of you show up good grief come on so much thank you so much yeah and one thing that we have in the show is the creatures right uh in the game they're really frightening in fact when playing and have to sneak by as a clicker it's so terrifying it's one of the most terrifying experiences I had in the game uh how did you manage to recreate that feeling on the screen we uh we worked with one of the best prosthetic team in the world led by Barry and Sarah Gower so there's a lot of practical Prosthetics that Pedro and everybody had to like act against and wrestle with and fight uh anything else you want to add only that um we believe that uh CG only works if you don't know it's there we integrate the real with CG I think in a way where people will won't know which is which we've already put a teaser out which I hope you all saw and there's a clicker in there and people were trying to figure out is it real is it not real and it's it's real to us but I think the reason it's scary is because these two over here Pedro and Bella were really scared terrifying [Applause] you weren't scared you're a liar I was scared I was scared but how was your experience when you saw the first clicker like you saw a clicker in backstage you saw for shooting and how was it what do you feel like I thought it was disgusting [Laughter] um they were amazing they they worked with a a movement choreographer I think that you guys went through very extensive casting in terms of what physical movements were and and and we had to do a rehearsal uh with Neil uh you know all of a sudden I see like spoilers spoilers shut up shut up um but basically that was the first in this rehearsal we got a chance to see the clickers up close uh different variations of them and um I guess that made it easier to to made it a little less scary because it was a good intro desks and they would just have a conversation with you as if they looked normal that's true you have a picture of a clicker just on their phone yeah they just because they don't see what's on their face as they're talking it's it's quite disturbing they were it was actually kind of sweet because they couldn't see very well and so you just sort of have to hold their hand and guide them into position and and stuff like that they'd be like oh oh thank you thank you thank you Pedro and Bella and we've heard that both of you if you have one here yes [Applause] didn't know before did you have to learn how to play for the series you have to learn I uh I I Bella knows how to play guitar okay [Music] [Applause] and two you can it's on sure it's plugged [Applause] this is happening oh my God I'm sure the defense they are bouncing right now yeah [Applause] [Music] amazing [Music] [Applause] it's amazing thank you so much ladies and gentlemen oh wow I got emotional it's so beautiful this is beautiful thank you guys thank you so much for being much it wasn't really an honor it was great thank you we can't wait to see the show this is great let's come over here guys can we take a picture quick would you come over here guys are awesome thank you so much [Music] can we take a quick picture Pedro balak do you mind if we take a picture I'm gonna come over here come over here Gabrielle Gabriel they're bounding [Music] [Applause] I made it back back a lot of people yeah [Music] so much thank you Gabriel thank you thank you Mom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dekon
Views: 820,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us hbo, the last of us panel, the last of us hbo comic con, the last of us hbo new trailer, the last of us hbo qna panel, the last of us season 2, the last of us pedro pascal, the last of us bella ramsey, the last of us neil druckmann, the last of us neil druckmann interview, the last of us hbo episode 1, the last of us hbo season 2, the last of us Brazil, the last of us brazil comic con, the last of us episode 7
Id: T-lVPQ7WapQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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