5 Tips for BBQ Rib Perfection! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to Chad's barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to give you my top five tips for how to make the perfect Texas style spare ribs these are some spare ribs Pat em dry which is tip number one here in Texas we're all about the spare rib they're the biggest fattiest and meatiest of all the ribs you're gonna find at your grocery store speaking of which these are the three variations you are likely going to find we've got your full spare rib you got your St Louis cut spare rib which is the same exact cut but just super trimmed up for you and then you've got your loin back or your baby back ribs and on the peg the ribs sit like this I've got opposite sides here so really this should be like this but this is a left rib that's a right rib but this is the rib cage of a pig and when butchering it they split it right down the middle giving you spare ribs and your baby back ribs and the real difference is one the size obviously these are a lot shorter and two the type of meat you're dealing with these come from the back side of the pork loin and these come from the backside of the pork belly so when looking for ribs you really need to decide do you want loin meat or do you want belly meat do you want big ribs do you want Little ribs they're both delicious but I prefer the spare rib because pork belly is a lot more tasty than pork loin a lot fattier a lot juicier going to do a lot better on the barbecue pit super tasty stuff but that being said we do need to trim these up because they are looking a little bit big we got these flaps hanging off there's a chine bone right here so first thing we're going to do is remove this giant bone if you look at the end here you can kind of see where this bone ends you can just get right in there and just do a nice straight cut with a rather heavy knife to make the job easier and there we go this big bone is now removed next up we're going to take the skirt meat off the back this one's pretty small sometimes it's really big and flops over we want to take that off so it Cooks nice and evenly just like a brisket anything thin and hanging off like this is just going to burn up and not be too tasty going through clean this up a little bit nothing to it and then this end is really thin we've got some tiny little bones in here so I usually like to find the first little baby bone and then cut right on the other side of that square it off and this is starting to look like a pretty good rack of ribs except this top part is really thin and kind of like a brisket that lean end will overcook peel up get really hard and crunchy we don't want that so we're going to just give this thing some good shape kind of following this cut and terminating it right at the top of the bones over here take all that off and there we have a beautiful looking rack of spare ribs and again to compare that to our St Louis cut over here St Louis cut is in the front we got a whole extra inch or so A beautiful meat on there and not to mention these St Louis were selling for about four dollars a pound where these spare ribs were selling for two so with about four seconds of Butchery we're getting more meat at half the cost highly recommend it and you can use all this trim for making sausage making pork burgers whatever you want to do so now that we've got our spare ribs trimmed up it's time to move on to tip number two which is all about the rub now ribs are great because they're incredibly versatile when it comes to flavor profiles you can go sweet spicy Savory sticky ribs you can really get away with a lot but here in Texas we keep it traditional with just salt and pepper and I think it's a really great way to cook a rack of ribs a lot of people will use rubs that are full of paprika and other powdery spices that have a really nice color to them but adding paprika for color in my experience just doesn't really make as much sense because a lot of powdery spices and a mustard binder on here will create a bit of a barrier that the smoke can't penetrate but by using just salt and pepper and no binder I found you can get a really a nice natural red color from the smoke on these ribs plus a little extra Smoky flavor so oddly enough by adding paprika to add color you're adding paprika color but you're preventing smoke color and that's what we're after today so I'm going to hit this with a nice coating of some kosher salt and some 16 mesh black pepper on sale now at shopshots.com and as always I'm going to start on the bone side that way we can preserve our presentation sides when we flip this thing over to do the other side it's not going to smear the rub or anything like that but just a nice even coating not too heavy because this is a rather thin piece of meat and I like to do my salt and pepper separately just so I can make sure I get enough salt in a nice even application of pepper for a nice presentation looking good fight in the wind and again I don't like to use a binder I really don't think it's necessary especially because this is going to sit out for about 10-15 minutes while we wait for the pit to fire up anyway which would give the salt some time to repulsive moisture out of the meat which will then help all the pepper sticks and don't forget the sides folks come on and that is looking perfect to me let's fire up the pan foreign [Music] this video has brought to you by hellofresh America's number one meal kit hellofresholder is fresh quality produce from the farm to your door in less than a week so you can Savor all the flavors of Summer right from home you can choose from over 55 weekly options featuring seasonal pre-proportioned ingredients picked at Peak ripeness so you can be sure that everything you get is going to be absolutely delicious my favorite part about hella fresh is that it saves so much time money and stress because someone else has already done all the shopping for you and delivered it right to your door in the exact 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this is the way I've been doing it lately and it's been working out great kind of hit we go meet Side Up thick end towards the fire and we're gonna rock this pit right around 250 degrees for the first few hours to make sure we get some really nice smoke on there some really nice color on there set the bark on top and then we'll check back in in a little bit two hours later let's see how these ribs are looking oh yeah got some beautiful color on there already so now I'm gonna flip them over that way we can get some color on this Underside and we can crisp up this membrane that we've got on here a lot of people like to remove it but I like to leave it on it kind of holds in all the fat to the meat giving it some more tender fatty rib at the end of the day and if you flip it over and toast this Underside a little bit it'll cook up and be nice and pleasant to eat so another hour or so on this side and then we'll check back in two hours later let's see how these ribbies are looking oh yeah looking real nice beautiful color on there now I'm going to flip these back over so we can start spritzing this top side now spritzing ribs is something I really like to do it's a great way to add another layer of flavor to your ribs and generally I like to go with a sweet glaze all you got to do is pick a liquid of some sort and pick a sweetener some sort and mix them together usually I go with water or apple cider vinegar apple juice would work really well pork stock anything you want and for sweeteners I've done honey I've done simple syrup I've done brown sugar simple syrups I've done agave nectar before but my classic go-to is some maple syrup so into this here squirty Square bottle I'm going to go in with some apple cider vinegar and some beautiful maple syrup from New Hampshire just enough to add some sweetness but we want to make sure it stays nice and thin so it's still viscous enough to come out of the old squirt bottle here well this is a great place to get creative you know you can throw some Worcestershire sauce in there some hot sauce whatever you want we're keeping it pretty basic today though so we're about four and a half five hours into this cook and I'm gonna start spritzing these guys every 15 20 30 minutes or so until they are done that way the vinegar can evaporate leaving just the syrup and some extra flavor behind giving us a lovely sweet glaze so I'll see y'all when it's time to wrap after several spritzes let's see how these ribs are looking shall we looking good nice and red beautiful bark on there smelling fantastic don't think I mentioned it but tip number four was the Spritz and tip number five is the wrap nice rack so before I wrap these up I'm gonna hit it with one last Spritz as well as some barbecue sauce don't mind if I do and we're just gonna rub that in all nice nice looking good flip them over we'll do a little sauce on this meat side over here as well one more Spritz for good measure and wrap them up tight now when wrapping ribs I always like to go bone Side Up meat side down and that's for a few different reasons one if we went bone side down those bones would very likely puncture the foil and all of our juices would leak out but by having a bone side up all the juices will collect in the bottom and surround the meat tenderizing it making sure everything is nice and flavorful nice and soft and nice and tender so that being said back on the pit these go they're around 180 internal right now and we're gonna cook them for another probably 30 45 minutes until they come up to Temp around 200 degrees feeling nice and flexible and probing nice and tender and just like that these are done six and a half almost seven hours in which is weird usually rib Cokes are only five or six hours for me but the cook I did last week also took a lot longer I think it's because it's so hot outside which is kind of counterintuitive but I had to throw a lot less logs on this fire to get this pit up to 275. so I think I was cooking with a lot more radiant heat than convective heat and hot moving air Cooks a lot quicker than heat just radiating from the steel so that might have something to do with it I don't know either way we're gonna let these rest for about 15 30 minutes or so until they come down to eating temperature and then we're going to slice on in look at those Beauties folks nicely rested ready to slice in just look at that wobble that is a beautiful looking rack of ribs so to recap my top five tips for how to cook the perfect Texas style rib is one start with some spare ribs with a beautiful trim on them two keep it simple with just salt and pepper three start to cook low and slow around 250. flip them over two hours in then you can start ramping that temperature up to around 275. tip number four get yourself a sugary Spritz get a wonderful glaze and add some nice sweetness to your ribs tip number five is wrap them up with some barbecue sauce let them finish cooking and what you're left with is some beautiful Saucy tender Smoky ribs let's slice in yeah and there you have it folks some beautiful Smoky Saucy sweet Savory perfect looking Central Texas style barbecue spare ribs I think it's time to dive in let's go for a nice middle of the rib nice meaty guy shall we look at that beautiful color on there oh nice and tender nice smoke ring on there hard to complain with that folks I can't wait any longer beautiful bite mark on there clean off the bone oh that is so so good can't beat it can't beat it I mean what's not to love about a Texas style spare rib right sweet Smoky tender oh nice and bite through but clean off the bone beautiful amount of sweetness the saltiness is right there peppery that is a damn fine rib if I do say it so myself that's what life is all about folks I'm gonna have ribs in a minute these are hitting the spot I'll tell you what and like I was saying earlier there's a million different ways to do ribs this is just one of my favorites but you can do whatever you you want you can make them sticky you can make them Saucy add some Asian flavors some Mexican flavors and I'd be lying to you if I said that this is how I cook ribs every time you know half the time I'm feeling lazy if I'm just cooking for myself I'm gonna grab some St Louis cut ribs throw some chub rub on there toss them on the pit don't flip them at all might not even Spritz them and they still come out great you know ribs are very forgiving and a great way to experiment in the backyard because these are just fantastic beautiful but again there's something to be said about the simplistic rib you know salt pepper barbecue sauce some nice smoke on there but without further Ado I think it's time for the official taste test give myself a boneless chunk who's a good girl all right John that is it that is my top five tips for how to make the perfect Central Texas style spare ribs I really hope you enjoyed this video and if you did let me know by slapping that subscribe button right in the pecker let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chud and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 309,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ rib tips, bbq ribs, how to smoke ribs, meat church ribs, Franklin bbq, texas style bbq, how to cook ribs, pork ribs, grilled ribs, Ribs recipe, St Louis Ribs, Spare Ribs
Id: qWinWOPtmqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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