Peach Habanero Pork Belly Burnt Ends

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hey guys it's matt pittman with meat church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen today we're making you guys something that we've been known for for a long time pork belly burn-ins [Music] pork belly burn-ins may be the barbecue that meat church is most known for we rolled these out in 2015 at a festival my buddy chase colston invited me to red dirt barbecue music festival and at that festival a good friend of mine jordan jackson who's the pit master at franklin barbecue said this was the bite of the festival i took that as a compliment we made a video on it two and a half years ago and we thought it's time to update that you know as time goes on we learn we evolve we tweak we change and so we love that video it served a lot of people well but one of the things we picked up in the last year if you guys watched our how to make bacon burn-ins with our buddy travis heim we're not making bacon burn ends today but one thing i really liked what he did was he actually cooks his in a pan so the pork belly kind of is cooking like con fee style because it's sitting there in its own rendered fat and so i thought we would try that today full disclosure we've actually never done that travis you know makes bacon and then cooks bacon on this pan so we thought let's give it a shot from raw pork belly and we're honestly gonna find out together how they turn out but i'm sure they'll be good so what we've got here is half a slab of pork belly this is a prairie fresh belly if you put this in a cure for a week and then smoked it that's how you would have bacon but this is just a raw pork belly this would cost you about 45 dollars for the whole slab so this you're looking at you know 23 bucks or so for this amount of meat and it'll feed quite a lot of people even though meat prices are pretty high right now i'm gonna cut it into one-inch cubes it's that simple you want to start with really cold meat and that's what we've got here today you also want to make sure this belly is nice and even which this is there's not a whole lot to do with this trim off anything unnecessary but i'm lucky with this one it's pretty even if it wasn't i would actually trim the fat down in the tall parts to make it even because that will ensure that your whole tray cooks very evenly so now we're going to make one more cut on these and you know cut them into one by one cubes and then do that for the entire belly [Music] [Music] i've got them all cubed up perfect little one by one cubes and now it's time to season okay lots of ways to season these in our previous video we used the gospel all-purpose rub today i'm gonna use our kind of o.g it is our og when i was on barbecue pit masters in 2014 i had our honey hog on there and myron moe and tuffy said we had the best taste and that's why it's one of our most popular rubs there's no right or wrong way to do this you season whatever you want to season with and you just want to toss this stuff around get dirty with it it's impossible to over season these so just season season season and we're simply going to let this stuff sit for probably 20 minutes let the seasoning adhere let it you know kind of sweat out as i like to say that's all we're going to do and then we're going to get to cooking [Music] [Music] so the seasoning has fully adhered you can see these are sweat out as i like to say so it's time to put them on a pan so we're going to go you know you can go fat up or meat up but my thought here is these things are me cooking in their own fat so i'm gonna put these on fat down this time i've done both uh when i cook these on a wire rack so this is probably a preference thing probably no right or wrong way just slightly different and we're just going to load this pan up with all these [Music] all right we've got them all on here they look good so i think these are going to take a little bit longer to cook than when we cook them just uh on a on a rack like we have done in the past because you've got a pan underneath it but we'll see we're going 250 degrees we've got meat church pellets in the traeger timberline xl you could obviously smoke these with you know with whatever you got at 250 degrees but we're going with the traeger here we go we'll see you guys a little later we've been cooking the pork belly for right at three and a half hours so let's check in on it whoo and it looks awesome so we've been temping this along the way and you know first you're looking for color this has got beautiful color they look great but with an instant read thermometer i want you to probe these without looking at the temperature just the feel and like that when you feel there's no resistance you're good which normally for me is kind of in the 190s if you're lower than that you could have a little bit of a chew so i like to go i'm just going to call it 195. every piece of meat is different and that all depends on the size like if you have a huge one like this a pretty big one that one might take a little bit longer and you can see all of this fat down here these uh pork belly pieces have been cooking in their own fat we talked about earlier kind of con fish style so i'm just going to pick them up and throw them over here in a pan because we're going to sauce them now that worked out perfect i love to finish these in a half pan so now we're on to the second stage at this point super simple you simply toss these in your favorite barbecue sauce and i'm actually going to add a little bit of pepper jelly to it so what we've got here is just a sweet barbecue sauce that i'm going to squirt on here and here just use your favorite sauce so what it is isn't that important this is something that i make and it's just a sauce that i like so again choose your favorite barbecue sauce you want to kind of toss these around so it was important not to overcook these if you would have cooked these north of 200 degrees internal temperature these would kind of be falling apart as you toss it so you just want enough sauce to coat the pork belly just a little bit more you don't want these just sitting in like an inch of sauce just want them just you know what you're looking for here is the equivalent of dunking this down in sauce and dumping it back in here now i'm going to add a little pepper jelly you guys know me craig sherry good friend of mine texas pepper jelly rib candy he's got tons of flavors and i don't get anything for telling you this other than the satisfaction out of this is my absolute favorite barbecue product besides meat church seasoning you can use lots of different flavors i love peachy peach so i'm going to add some of this and this is optional but this will give you that sweet heat so if you ask me for a measurement like how much of this am i doing i would say two parts barbecue sauce to upwards of one part rib candy or so but you really just do it to taste now you could have mixed that in a bowl you could pre-mix it if you're trying to be precise and then you know just douse that whole mixture on here but look i grew up cooking where nothing was measured my granny never told me how much of this or how much of that so i prefer to do it this way and live and learn sometimes it comes out great sometimes it comes out not so perfect when you cook that way but i can tell you that this is not gonna suck so that looks good here's what i'm looking for those are super wet but not too much sauce in the bottom of the pan i mean there's a little bit of sauce in the bottom of the pan but you know not too much and also how many pork belly burnings are in this pan you don't want to overload it that way as this is cooking that sauce will not only tack up the fat will continue to render and they'll be delicious so we're gonna we're gonna put this back in the traeger at the same temperature this last step is to your preference 30 minutes to an hour whatever you love so we're going to check back in a little bit and i'll see y'all then okay guys the pork belly burnt ends have been continuing to cook for about 45 minutes so i told you that stage is really based on preference and i'll be honest i like them a little more on the saucy side so i may do this stage a little bit less than some other people so that's totally your preference i'm going to pull them out on the board and allow them to cool and then we will be back to try them and see how they turned out with this new method all right guys i can't wait any longer so let's dig in and see how these turned out i ain't mad at that i mean you already know these are good super tender honey hog's the winner i'm down uh recap this this was super easy cook right four hours total three and a half on the first step 30 45 minutes on a second some just over four hours couldn't be any easier it's 25 bucks um i'm really digging the way that we did these on the pan like travis does one big benefit of that my grill didn't get dirty all the fat was right there on the pan these cooked in that fat i think they were a little more tender the flavor's awesome you know and you can play with this and change the flavors up to all sorts of different things so if you guys dig this check out the rest of this hardcore barbecue playlist there's loads of recipes in here that are they've honestly been a ton of fun appreciate you guys watching like and subscribe and we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 382,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork belly burnt ends recipe, pork belly recipe, pork belly, bacon burnt ends, pork belly burnt ends, traeger timberline, timberline xl, burnt ends, brisket burnt ends, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, timberline xl review, smoked pork belly burnt ends, how to make pork belly burnt ends
Id: iHP1RNdHmQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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