Peach Cobbler

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it is my sister my little sister Ginger's Birthday Ginger Michelle and she was just the other day we were together and she kept exclaiming about our mama already's peach cobbler and it is just that little basic jump all in one casserole dish you know and it makes up Ooey and gooey and it's so very comforting and that's what she remembers as a little girl is eating that at Mama's house and it just was so comforting so I thought for her birthday I'm gonna surprise her today she and I are going over to my daddy's our daddies I always say my daddy and uh so I'm all surprise her with this she doesn't know I'm making it for but maybe it will comfort her as much or close to Mama's first thing I'm going to do I have a stick of butter mine's unsalted that's eight tablespoons and what our half a cup and I'm gonna slide this in an oven that's 350 degrees Fahrenheit and this is what our mama would do she would put it in there in the casserole dish you're going to cook it in now this one is a 9 by 13 by two you could do it in a smaller one as well just remember you know the smaller you get the thicker it'll get so any size really what you prefer um or my mom would slide this in the oven and let it get really melted and almost like browned butter y'all know what I'm talking about so I'll start this before I do anything else because I want that to really melt and really Brown in that oven so I'm gonna get this going we are going to start with one cup of sugar just white sugar I think it'd be great to add a little brown sugar with that you know but we're just sticking to Mama's recipe today this is going to be one cup of all-purpose flour so for All Purpose we are going to have to put a pinch of salt counteract our sweetness and we're going to put one and one half teaspoons of baking powder and let's see I need my half teaspoon may not forget that that'll help it rise and become golden bubbly and now I'm going to whisk this around this will be our dry mixture and yes you can use self-rising flour if you would like to do that and I know my mama would she would sometimes too so absolutely feel free to do that I had a chunk of sugar in there I was trying to start around okay guys and to this I am going to add um three quarter to a cup of milk and I did get some whole milk for this recipe so it'll be richer than John and Mike's two percent right and I'm going to pour this in here and mix it around to this I can put a little bit of this peach juice and I have got two 15 ounce cans of peaches you certainly can you see I'm just sort of draining about half a can of that juice in here just to flavor our dough right um you certainly can use frozen peaches I have and you can use fresh peaches yes I have done that too now if you use the fresh peaches or the Frozen you are going to have to cook them a little bit on your stove and add some sugar to them to make a syrup that's all the difference is so these canned peaches they're working in our favor right okay y'all you see that beautiful beautiful dough for us now I'm going to take my 15 ounce can of peaches my grandmother would not always use two cans but today I'm using two cans it's ginger's birthday we're just going to go over the top I may not spoon them all in there I'll just see how it looks I'm just going by how many peaches I think looks good in the recipe okay so I'm getting these ready because you spoon them on top get me a little light or that way I can put juice and peaches y'all see that okay y'all I'm gonna check on our butter and see if it's really melted and almost browned in the oven and then I'm gonna get y'all right on top of this so you can watch me put it together I'll see you on a second you see how this even got little brown bits in it I just pulled it out of the oven so it's good and hot and you just evenly pour all your crust your dough or your batter around just like that putting that peach juice in there makes it already taste like a cake batter oh it's good all right guys we do not stir this okay we're just gonna go straight into our peaches and we're just going to spoon our peaches in and this is where I can get some of the juice as well and begin placing them honestly I think I'm gonna give them all to see us let's give them all to see us you see there will be some peach juice left I was just dipping it with this Ladle and the juice that's left casserole dish is still hot and I am just for just for giggles kicks and Giggles I am going to sprinkle a little more sugar on top just like that so it can crystallize a little bit on top and we're gonna let this bite 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about one hour or until it's golden and bubbly as you would like it okay so I will see y'all back then oh it's ready I'm trying to scrub on my stove while I was waiting okay y'all y'all ready are y'all ready me too [Music] would you look at that yum that's what they mean by gold and bubbly because it's just a bubbling I'm gonna let this cool a little bit maybe we'll sneak us a little bit I'll see you on a second okay you know I can't stand it anymore can y'all it's juicy down in there and Ooey and gooey y'all see I got just a little bit and I'll use my spoon kind of feel it back in and nobody and know y'all ready oh it's still hot though you see it um I taste a little bit of my mama's loving there I do mm-hmm melting your butter in the oven and letting it brown just a little bit gives it a nice caramelized flavor I really hope Ginger enjoys this happy birthday sis
Channel: Amy's Louisiana Kitchen
Views: 32,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sWBc5mIAolw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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