Peach Cobbler (Simple & Easy)

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[Music] foreign alright YouTube I am back with another video today I'm coming to satisfy your sweet tooth with this delicious quick and simple peach cobbler recipe whether you're using canned peaches fresh or frozen peach cobbler is one of the easiest and quickest desserts that you could make so let's jump into the video and I'll show you what all I use all right so what all I use for this is uh one stick of butter this is salted butter I use some cinnamon peel vanilla extract this is two cans of Del Monte sliced Peach some granulated sugar one cup of whole milk and one cup of self-rising flour all right so first thing I did is I got my butter in the pan I want to get this in the oven and get that melted and then I went on ahead and I added my uh one cup of self-rising flour to this bowl and next I'm going to come in and add some sugar to it I don't have an exact amount of sugar you're gonna just have to kind of use your judgment of how sweet you want your alcohol to be and you just mix that just a little bit and after I get that mixed together then I'm going to come in and add one cup of milk now if you would like actual uh crust what's your problem then you could definitely use our maybe one and a half cup of flour or two cups of flour but you just always want to make sure that you have the same amount uh of milk that you do flour so if you're having two cups of flour two cups of milk and you just want to just stir that and get it all combined and once we get it combined then my whole butter should be melted and I'll show you the next step foreign it's melted completely melted and I'm just going to come in and pull my batter into this make sure you get all of it out of that bottom of the bowl and now you don't have to stir this together or anything I mean you probably could but I never do I just simply pull it in and then I'll just take my pan and move it from side to side just to make sure that has completely covering the bottom of the pan and after that we're going to mixing our peaches now you could just rinse that same bowl out and use that same bolt on dirty up all those dishes because nobody feels like that so this is the same bowl and now I'm going to come in and just add in my uh peaches to this now I keep the juice in this you could probably I'll maybe use one can with the juice and discard the other one if you want I'll discard both but I like for my uh called that I have juice in it so I just use both cans just like that and after that then I'll come in and I'll add my ground cinnamon into this another thing I like cinnamon I really like cinnamon so I probably overdid it but still okay then I'm going to come in and I'm going to add some all white sugar and I didn't add too much sugar to this because that juice off with peaches are sweet also and you have sugar in the yellow in the batter also so okay so I added my vanilla and then you just want to come in you just want to give just a good stir just look at everything well Incorporated and then we'll move on to the next step of putting this together and getting it in the oven all right guys so we got our last step before we put this in the oven so I'm gonna come in and put my peaches in now now you don't want to just dump them in you just want to take a spoon and just come in and just place it down on top of your battle like that and you don't need to stir it in or anything like that just place it down and once you start cooking your batter will rise to the top and completely cover the peaches and that's the way you're going to want your peach cobbler to look so I just want to get all of that in excuse me for covering the hole pan with the bowl and get that well distributed amongst the pain and then we can put this in the oven now remember you don't have to have all of this juice like I have um I like you know a lot of juicing my late daddy liked a lot of juice with this caramel so I definitely want to include this so you'll come back and give me a good whooping okay guys now you don't have to do this step this is just something I do because I like cinnamon and I think it gives the uh final outcome a nice brown color I just sprinkle a little bit more cinnamon over the top of this before I put it in the oven and then we're going to put it in the oven on 350 for about 30 35 minutes until it bubbles around the edges all right guys our cobbler is out of the oven that is done perfectly Golden Brown still bubbling around the edges that let me know that it is done now you definitely want to let this cool down before you serve it if you value your tongue you will let this cool down before you serve because this is hot hot and everything looks good and has a nice brown crust like I like and that crust is nice and crispy like I like so this is the way that I like my peach cobbler to look all right guys if you like this video please leave me a thumbs up leave me a comment click the Subscribe button if you haven't already and also share this with your family and friends a lot more content is to come and until next time guys peace
Channel: Cookin’ & Chillin’ With Kenny
Views: 95,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5BnxTK3vi40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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