Pineapple Dump Cake with 3 Ingredients πŸπŸ‹|🍰🧈With White Cake MixπŸ‘¨β€πŸ³πŸ˜€|😎🍍Easy Recipe

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my pineapple dump cake with three ingredients recipe is easy and delicious it's the perfect dessert if you're looking for a great cobbler that's ideal for beginner Cooks who need to feed a crowd let's go over the ingredients you will need two 20 ounce cans of pineapple I am using crushed pineapple but you can also use pineapple tidbits my pineapple was in 100 juice and that's what I recommend but if it's in syrup that's okay too I drained both cans and out of each can I got two thirds of a cup of juice I may add a little bit of that juice back in we'll see how it goes one 15.25 ounce box of white cake mix and two sticks of unsalted butter although you only really need those three ingredients for this pineapple dump cake I'm also going to add one tablespoon of lemon juice this is going to help bring out the pineapple flavor even more so I highly recommend it but like I said it's optional this recipe is super easy because hence the name all you have to do is dump the ingredients into a 9x13 baking dish I use some of the butter for one of the sticks to grease the pan so I can go ahead and start making the dump cake it's gonna literally dump in the pineapple that's the first step so now I'm just going to spread this out and then I will bring you back now that the pineapple is spread out more or less evenly I am going to drizzle in the lemon juice like I said this is optional but I still highly recommend it because it's going to bring out the flavor it's going to help make this taste like you use fresh pineapple and not canned now I'm just going to mix that in a little bit you probably see that off to the side the butter is not there anymore that's because I put it back into the refrigerator it's important to keep your butter cold until it's ready I'll explain why later now that the crushed pineapple is spread out evenly it's time to add the cake mix but here I have my box of white cake mix and hence the name all I'm literally going to do is dump it in I'm just gonna shake it over the top like this and just to clarify I did not add any more juice I honestly don't think that we don't need anymore like I said just move the Box over the top like this I am using white cake mix but I'm sure you could use yellow as well because that is another neutral flavor I think spice cake mix would be interesting I think strawberry would be interesting as well probably even chocolate so if you make this recipe and you use a different type of cake mix let me know how it turns out and now I'm going to smooth out the cake mix so here I have a fork you can use a spoon whatever you want I'm just going to gently drag it across the top foreign like this smooth everything out even though I try to shake it over evenly there's some places that have a little bit more cake mix than others and also if I see any clumps I'm just breaking them up with the fork and I am not packing it down and I am not mixing the cake mix in with a pineapple you literally just wanna even it out across the top now that the cake mix is smoothed out and I'm preheating my oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit it's time to add the butter so this is the most time consuming part of this recipe but it is very important so here I have a sharp knife I'm just going to cut into the butter like this and make pads of butter very thin slices probably four to six slices per tablespoon and see if I could a little bit closer you know all I'm going to do is just lay the butter on top of the cake mix the pads of butter they should just barely be not touching so they're very close to each other but not quite touching now the point of doing this is that as the pineapple dump cake bakes the butter is going to melt down into the cake mix down and out and it's going to turn the raw cake mix into a delicious crumble crispy and crunchy and buttery and just awesome and this is why it's important to keep the butter cold because warm butter is very difficult to slice so when you make this at home I highly suggest that you keep the butter in the refrigerator until you are ready to start cutting it I know some people on the internet when they make dump cakes they melt the butter and then pour that on top you could do that but I think it would be hard to control exactly how much goes where and it's possible maybe you would put too much here and too little there and if you do that with melted butter there's not much you can do but with these pads of butter if you don't like where you put it you can just pick it up and move it like I just did another idea and I always say I'm going to try this but I never do another idea is to freeze the butter and then grate it on a cheese grater or put into a food processor and then sprinkle that over the top so I want to try that but honestly I've always just slice the butter like this and I think it turns out pretty well I normally have about two tablespoons of butter left over so say one stick plus six tablespoons I think any less than one and a half sticks of butter you run the risk of having some of the top turn out dry so as you can see I'm just cutting the butter and putting it on top if there are any spaces where there's not much butter I can just do this cut small pieces and put where I need to put it put it where I need to put it I am going to continue doing this and then I will bring you back I just finished laying the butter slices on top of the cake mix as you can see where there were spaces between the pads of butter I just cut little pieces and filled in the gaps used about one stick plus six tablespoons so now this three ingredient pineapple dump cake is going to go into a 350 degree oven uncovered I'll let you know for how long I just pulled the dump cake out of the oven it was in at 350 degrees Fahrenheit uncovered for one hour as you can see this dump cake had a perfectly golden brown crust even more salt than the others that I've made it had a very nice buttery pineapple smell so I couldn't wait to dig in and give it a try and when I took the first bite I knew that my pineapple dump cake with three ingredients recipe was a big success because it was absolutely delicious considering that I usually try to stay away from canned pineapple because I think it lacks flavor this dump cake actually had a lot of pineapple flavor as usual I think it was the lemon juice that helped to bring out the fruit flavor and since this dump cake did have almost two sticks of butter there was plenty of butteriness in the crumble topping and it combined very nicely with the sweet entire pineapple speaking of sweetness as I said at the beginning of the video I used canned crushed pineapple with 100 juice even though the filling didn't have any extra sugar I didn't think it needed it I thought that it was just perfect it had the right amount of sweetness and tartness to balance out the buttery and sweet crumble topping And in regards to the topping I thought it was very good as well and now that you can see the First Slice of dump cake held up to the camera you can get a really good look at the crumble topping and even just on camera it looks crispy which is exactly how it tasted and I think that Crispy Crunchy crumbly texture combined very nicely with the soft filling another thing that I really liked about this three ingredient pineapple dump cake is that it held its shape when cut and served so honestly I thought it turned out pretty perfectly so in terms of flavor and presentation I thought that this was perfect even though this recipe is pretty easy and I thought it turned out perfectly there is one thing I wanted to talk about as I said when I was going over the ingredients I drained the cans of pineapple pretty thoroughly I drained off two-thirds of a cup of juice from each can so with two cans together that's a lot of juice I decided to not add any of the juice back into the dump cake but I think that if you want to make this recipe you could with less moisture in the filling the crumble topping Brown very nicely and was crispy and crunchier than some of my other dump cakes and it also had a stronger butter flavor that contrasted nicely with the pineapple filling however although I personally did not think the filling was dry I think some people might say it's not dry but that it was not as moist as they would have expected I like for my dump cakes to have a crispy top so if you're like me I think you could add back in somewhere between a quarter cup and a half a cup of the juice it would make the filling moisture the top wouldn't be quite as crispy or perfectly golden brown but it would still be pretty close if you really wanted to make this recipe easy you could drain one of the cans of pineapple and not the other but like I said any more moisture than that and I don't think the top would Brown very much honestly I think that this pineapple dump cake recipe is flexible so if you want a moisture filling add more juice if you want a dryer like I do and you want a crisp your top add less another thing I wanted to point out is that although I use crushed pineapple I think you could use pineapple tidbits pineapple rings maybe you would want to cut those up but you can use whatever type of canned pineapple that you have on hand for this dump cake critiques aside I thought that my pineapple dump cake with three ingredients recipe turned out great if you make it I know you'll like it as always thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Parnell The Chef
Views: 15,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tD2Z7-q-bD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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