Peace with God | Romans 1 | Lesson 11

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that's your Advent him cord the Old Testament God laid out the order oh we got people going out practice for youth night God laid out the order in which the priests were to serve we got the whole annual calendar there and then you go to the New Testament you find out that the Father John the Baptist do you find out when he was serving at the temple it's all laid out there in the scripture and you put that all together and the Jewish Robbins have their calendar and the early church did their studies and it was determined the birth of Jesus Christ was was somewhere between the 21st and the 25th of September in the Bible now we we wouldn't have a mass in honor of that we would we would just thank God that Christ came into the world to save sinners and so anyway that was your that was your Jesus birthday him for the for the year you know Bible says better is the day of one's death and the day one's birth I wish people get as excited about Jesus dying on the cross as they are about even being born in a manger but we don't deny any of that we believe all of it people say there's their preachers that knocks you don't believe in the birth of Christ I said such a such a dumb thing to say we just don't believe in tying the birth of Christ to a pagan Roman festival that's that's all we're just so anyway it's not not that we don't need the money I mean it's I mean I know exactly why they these guys they they know they just won't teach it because it Christmas is the cash cow nobody wants to kill the cash cow so but that's alright to pray for brother Bob Wynn recovering from surgery doing okay soup Wellington done so praise the Lord for that it's amazing what they can fix nowadays and get you going get you patched up and then mother Ron gray his father is pretty close to stepping out into eternity so pray for Ron Ron's dear brother he's just he'll call here submit text message about every other day all excited about some I saw in the Bible reading reading God's Word and so appreciate appreciate brother on everybody okay after the storm anybody still without power electric power not spiritual power maybe nobody's got the lights back on man I'll tell you those little churches all over those islands down there in the Caribbean they just meet little shacks a lot of them and a lot of those church buildings be gone Christian's homes would be gone we see the trucks heading back home we say wow that took a whole week to get our power back on and get everything up and running and take those people years and years and years and years we were in Belize I don't know oh six oh seven something like that we're down there and the man who was driving us in the taxi he said he said this is the temporary capital building we're that they're meeting here until they can get the the building they their actual capital building repaired and he said it's the hurricane did so much damage to it they hadn't been able to use it and I said when was the hurricane he said 1961 if you you got no money you got no money you just you can't call FEMA in and and build the taxpayer and just repair everything so those people in a bad really bad way down there on those islands that somebody said this evening the entire island of Puerto Rico's without electricity and power that won't be pleasant for a great number of reasons the be a tough situation so just try to remember the saved people down there Christians down there they're having to deal with this we we must a Sunday a church a man is really tough but our buildings here when we get back and for them houses gone buildings gone the I guess he's Prime Minister I think that's what they call him in Dominica beautiful island beautiful island heard a clip from him on the radio this afternoon he said to my knowledge we don't have a single street building or dwelling that has not been damaged in some way by this storm every everybody living on the mountains come straight down into the end of the ocean big tall and green mountains Adani go in the ocean man those things fill up with water nest or having the mudslides and that muddle just take a whole town just take it right out into the sea and just we got it good you just you just saw thank God you were born here and whatever your political views are there's a reason people will try anything to get into this country I mean you you don't have to like it because you've lived here all your life I love my country but if you live on those other places you you don't see anybody making rafts and the keys to try and get to Cuba but Obama might think it's a great place but I know since he retired he hadn't been down there to hang out so anyway I just go to Romans chapter number one Romans chapter number one and we were in the middle of verse seven last time we were together told the be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ what a wonderful thing that God you know God man where it at enmity still are still our sin separates between God and man the wages of sin is death the just and righteous and a holy God he'll not tolerate and Nick WA T and sin and all of that you know that so how is it that we could we could be addressed as Saints and be told that God sends his peace our way his son the Lord Jesus Christ sends his peace our way one amazing truth that is and so we're gonna run tonight there's nine different definitions in the Bible of peace and I hope you have all of them as you would on through the checklist in any of them that you're lacking I hope you just get in on real quick as it's available God God wants give peace to the Saints and Jesus Christ wants to provide peace to the believers so let's pray father help us tonight please help me to say what you want said the way that you'd have it to be said and just ask Lord that you lead us and guide us into the glory of your truths and will thank you for it in Jesus name Amen all right Romans 5 and Philippians 4 Romans chapter 5 and Philippians chapter 4 peace from God and our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 5 and Philippians chapter 4 Bible says in Romans 5 verse 1 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ i'ma try not to go negative it's just it's just easy for me to teach negative versus positive but but the negative side of this is religion will offer you peace with God without justification through Jesus Christ and you'll never have peace with God that way sacraments and rituals and liberalism and make a church rock and roll nonsense they tell you that God's not angry with you but if you have a conscience that's not been seared with a hot iron you know that he is and they tell you that you're okay with God but in the quiet hours if you ever have any if you ever turn off all that electricity goes out a hurricane or something we actually have some time to think and entertain your thoughts you know you know that God is at war with your soul because of your sin but I'll tell you when you are justified declared righteous by faith in and through our Lord Jesus Christ then you may have peace with God hallelujah listen listen I don't have to throw away the Bible to say it'll be okay for me in the day of judgment I can read the Bible and read of Christ paying for my sins so that God could justify me and know that I'll be okay in the day of judgment because of what Jesus Christ did see religion reason religion doesn't open the Bible if they ever opened the Bible it would destroy their whole con game it would expose them for the frauds that they are you cannot face judgment biblical judgment unless your sins have been taken care of and so what people do they close the Bible and they say well God loves everybody and everybody's going to heaven and and we're all God's creatures and all that all that foolishness I'm telling you you are not a child of God until you're born again and you are not ready to stand on the day of judgment until your sins have been washed away in the precious blood of Jesus Christ and if you have been if you are justified before God through the finished work of Jesus Christ what a blessing to have peace with God wonderful wonderful Philippians chapter 4 says this lipids for started verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus now not only not only are we entitled to peace with God as touching eternity but because of that we have available to us peace with God in our day-to-day lives now save people lose their minds all the time save people lose their tempers all the time save people pitch little temper tantrums all the time save people have nervous breakdowns all the time it's not because life is incapable of being lived peacefully it's because when something arises in their life they always default to the flesh not to the spirit the Bible didn't say verse 7 and the peace of God which passes all understanding the Bible says verse 6 if you take everything to God with prayer and supplication and the peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts in mind so so what you have is you have if you're saved if you're justified your eternal destination is settled you can have peace with God regarding eternity but when something comes up in the family or something comes up in the in the medical report or something comes up in your finances or or something comes up in your church life if your first reaction is to get all in the flesh and and just act like there's not even any God out there you don't get peace but if you if we will take everything to God in prayer then that peace of God that we have is touching our eternity we can enjoy as touching time you know the songwriter said it so well Scriven I believe it was that that that road our great hymn said that what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear he sitting that in that song all what peace we often forfeit Oh what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer I'd say if people were as quick to get on their knees as they were to pick up their phone if people are as quick to talk to God about something as they are to talk to somebody else about it they wouldn't so often lose their peace and the Bible says in verse 6 the same peace that you have is touching eternity you could have as touching all the things that arise in this life if we just learn to go to God with it in prayer so thank the Lord peace is by definition here's the first one a rest in one soul resulting from salvation by grace is a rest in one soul resulting from salvation by grace now come to Ephesians chapter number two Ephesians two and I don't know if these are definitions as much as they are points here but let's read in Ephesians two and verse number 14 fusions 2:14 and the scripture says here well let's let's start at verse some 13 no 12 11 11 here we go wherefore remember that ye being in time past Yankees in the flesh who are called all kinds of names and by those that are rebels in the flesh made by hands and you that are new found lenders and and you're called all kinds of names by those in Quebec and you that are belong to one tribe are called all kinds of names by the other tribe and look this thing is so old it's as old as time it doesn't make you any better to find somebody you think that's not as good as you and say look at you you're lower than I am so what you're all gonna die and go to a hole in the ground and what God cares about is your soul so verse 12 says that time you were not Christ that's Gentiles being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope without God in the world so the Jews had a bunch of special blessings from God and the Gentiles didn't but now in Christ Jesus you sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ for he is our peace who had made both one if you saved you're saved you're not a hyphenated saved I'm a Messianic Christian no no you're not either you're Christian or you're not I'm an American Christian I'm an african-american Christian I'm a I'm an oriental American Christian I might know you're a Christian why do you why do you have to tack anything onto that what's what's as good as being a Christian what could you tack on to it to make being a Christian better well I was just a Christian but you know I'm I'm gonna I'm an American Christian well so what how does that make make being a Christian better so he says he says he's our peace and and he's broken down the middle wall of partition between us I hope he's you've let him break down all those walls in your life having abolished in his flesh the enmity even law commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of Twain one new man so making peace and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby and came and preached peace to you which were far off and unto them that are and in them that were nigh so what do I have verse 18 for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father so there isn't a a prayer room for the brown man and a prayer room for the white man and a prayer room for the black man a prayer room for the the mixed-race man who doesn't know which prayer room to go into everyone that is save has has the same relationship to God because they have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ now when everyone who has that peace allows that peace to rule and govern their hearts it will it will move horizontally and they will have peace with other saved people knowing that I was on my way to hell how about you and the only reason I'm not on my way to hell is Jesus Christ so why don't we make Jesus Christ the main thing instead of what we see when we look in the mirror they had a the first night of the meeting up here in Canada they have an international missions dinner and they do this every year it's kind of kind of a neat thing they pick five or six of the countries where their missionaries are and a group of ladies will research the food from that country and they'll they'll prepare it and they'll serve it and I I go around that line and and thank God I'm an American one of the tables was China and asked the ladies at the table said so which one of these is the dog and I never trust the country that names its dog chow anyway so I like our food because that's what I grew up with and if you grew up in another country you like that food what's that got to do with anything spiritual anything about your relationship to God you eat what you like to eat we'll eat what we like to eat you wear the kind of hats you wear well what it kind of hats we wear and we come to church will be Christians and thank the Lord we can see what the United Nations is trying to accomplish with no success without Jesus Christ a bible-believing Church accomplishes without government funding and Wars and intervention and public service announcements and everything else you don't need armies to make people live together in peace if you can get Jesus Christ to control their hearts and if they don't have Jesus Christ in their hearts I what would we hear coming in here today the the United Nations they're trying to figure out how to get rid of this guy they put this guy in charge of the Congo and they pumped they pump a billion dollars a year into keeping peace in the Congo and they got this guy up on charges because the UN workers are raping Congolese women and girls by the hundreds but they can't get rid of this guy because he's so politically connected nobody wants to touch him you know what that is that's just a bunch of lost stupid people who can steal money from working people at gunpoint just living after the lust of their flesh and pretending that they're saving the world but your reprobates man it's absolute reprobates somebody said Trump went up and made it made a speech it was a good one it wasn't good enough if he didn't say no more money that's the speech I want to hear I want to hear I want to hear the US president say you got the last dime you're getting from us and pack this thing up and get it out of New York City that's I'd be the way to go anyway sorry about that well I'm not sorry about it but it sorry we got off track on that because we're talking about peace the United Nations can't bring peace you can't have a peace march throwing rocks and bottles and Molotov cocktails at police that's not a peace march you want people to get along get them saved after you get them saved get them to believe what the Bible says and peace the source of peace what we see right here is Jesus Christ and the result of peace is that the blessings that flow from God to us then begin to flow out from us to others and it's a wonderful thing it really is just a just a great thing all right let's look in Luke chapter one and John chapter 16 Luke chapter 1 and John chapter 16 so we could say first of all that the source of peace is Jesus Christ and that the first and greatest peace in the Bible is peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ and then peace with others as our hearts are governed and controlled by Jesus Christ and then how about this definition of peace Bible Bible definition of peace it is mental and emotional happiness it is mental and emotional happiness and let me assure you of one thing you're not going to get that anywhere but God I I hope that all of you are very happily married I am my wife's trying to be and I hope all of you very happily married but if you are looking to your spouse as the source of your mental and emotional peace that can change from day to day well we'll just have some children our marriage is falling apart but let's have some children great idea great idea just just add more strife and conflict and crying and tears and sleepless nights I bet that'll be that'd be really good and but anyway so people think think their children are gonna be the source of mental and emotional peace and happiness and let none always work out and then people say well I'll just find a good church and go to church and and you will meet the best people on earth in church none of whom will meet your expectations because nobody agrees that you're right about everything and since you can't find anybody degrees that you're right about everything nobody can bring you the emotional happiness that you're looking for because they don't agree with you just just being fair well look what they did well they don't like what you did they just don't go around telling everybody some people vocal about it some people keep it in themselves there's not a person here that likes everything about me and I know that surprises you you thought you were the only one there's not a person here that likes everything about anybody else so where are we going to find mental and emotional happiness and stability I'd say it would have to be in Jesus Christ because you can't find anything wrong with him you I mean you thought you find something criticizing Jesus you're just sunk there's there's no place left for you to turn Luke chapter 1 and verse number 78 through the tender mercy through the tender mercy of our God whereby the Dayspring on from on high that's the birth of Jesus Christ to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace now look at that you can get peace with God regarding salvation one time one afternoon one Sunday morning close with church service you can bow your knee call on Jesus Christ and have peace with God and eternal life that's true you can have the indwelling Holy Spirit he can work sometimes not work other times but this emotional peace that you're looking for this mental peace that you're looking for it is not something found in one church service it is not something found in a series of counseling sessions with a pastor it is a way you see that the way of peace what are they referring to God became man and Jesus Christ as a man walked this earth his mother was called a lewd fallen woman he was called all the names that are associated with someone born out of wedlock he was hungry he was thirsty he was tired he was lied about he was falsely accused he was misrepresented and he did all of that without ever having a nervous breakdown an emotional breakdown a fit of violent anger without once ever evident I'm just telling you instead of just believing that Jesus saved you one day out of your life if you could learn to walk in his ways you could find peace in your heart no matter what people say about you no matter what people do to you no matter how things turn out look at the life of Jesus Christ you could you could not read Matthew Mark Luke and John and say well that guy he really had some emotional problems didn't he you could not read those for gospel to say well that guy what a basket case and yet whatever people say to you or however people treat you or whatever happens to you in this life it all happened to him so there is peace but it's not something it's just gonna fall down out of the sky and land on you when things get tough it is a way of walking in a way of living in a way of responding in a way of conducting yourself in a way of thinking but again it's all about the person of Jesus Christ people get upset they go to other people who are upset and say well do you think I'm upset enough or do you think I should be less upset with this upset you why don't you go to Jesus once you want to the one person who never lost his marbles it's amazing isn't it we tend to seek out people that will you know you've had this problem can you why would you I'm not I'm not trying to be mean but if you give me a book on dieting and you weigh 320 I'm probably not gonna read it if you give me a book on on wealth and you can't hold a job and can't pay your bills I'm probably not gonna read it if you're having troubles if you lack peace in your heart and peace in your mind why do you keep piling around in person and online with other people who are emotionally distraught there's a way to peace it's the footsteps of Jesus Christ hallelujah glad it's there John chapter 16 John 16 and let's try verse 33 these things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace now watch what he's gonna follow it up with is not how you think you would have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world now here's why here's why a lot of saved people almost every lost person a lot of save people here's why they can't find peace they are looking for God to take them into a world that has no tribulation in it and if the Lord would take away all these things that people are saying about me and all these things that people are doing to me and all these hardships in my life then I can have peace and Jesus said no you could have peace and good cheer with that tribulation if you'd start paying attention to what I said see if you're looking for peace that is the absence of trouble you're gonna have to wait till you die but Jesus offers you peace surrounded by tribulation read it again these things have I spoken unto you that would be the Word of God that ye that in me ye might have peace so he didn't say peace is guaranteed but he said you can have it if when the tribulation comes instead of locking in on the tribulation you lock in on my words praise the Lord so everybody wants peace from God they just want it you know in a nice little box with a bow on it and they open the box and peace jumps out and gets all over them instead he put it in a long book said read it and read it and read it and study it and study it and practice it and practice it and do what it says and you'll find peace and I'm glad of that glad of that all right how about Ephesians 4 again in Acts chapter 12 seasons 4 and Acts chapter 12 have you noticed maybe after hurricane maybe after a jury verdict maybe after two automobiles collide in a parking lot maybe after two church members cross paths have you noticed that the natural order of things is conflict not peace wouldn't it be nice if everybody was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and peace came naturally and conflict was just a rare thing that sprang up once in awhile but instead you have to have police and courts and jails and principles and security guards and managers and rules and pastors and parents because it takes a lot of work to maintain peace it doesn't take any effort to maintain strife but it takes a lot of work to maintain peace in in 30 years pastoring this church a great church full of tremendous people great church full of tremendous people you are rarely I've had to sit down with two people and say you know it just bugs me that you all get along so well you kind of get a jaded view because almost every meeting in the office is about strength or conflict which happens all by itself nobody got up in the morning said you know by the end of the day I'm gonna fight with him I think today be a good day to pick a fight with her you don't have to look for it strife just shows up like blue ting after a storm it just happens but peace has to be worked at let me show you if he's ins for fees in Chapter four everybody's saved by grace hallelujah justified in Jesus Christ got eternal life alright well that's that's all well and good verse one I therefore the prisoner the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you're called with all lowliness and meekness and long-suffering and forbearing one another in love you know what God just told you in Ephesians 4:2 people are going to rub you the wrong way people gonna disappoint you people are gonna offend you people gonna say things you would never say except you do and people gonna do things you would never do except when you do them it's okay when they do them it's terrible look why would God tell you you need lowliness meekness long-suffering and to forbear one another in love if everybody's gonna treat you the way you want to be treated well you know I just don't go to church to those church people you know I would search the people down there did some things people everywhere do those things and you know it wherever you go now since you quit going to church they do them there you put up with it in places you want to be no say you and I don't go to church cuz people there they you know they say bad things about me people are P everybody knows you suspend things about you and you say bad things about everybody you know I can't believe those people knowing about me well what were you talking about just all we cats all you've done is tell lost people about Jesus you didn't tell any any sane person something you didn't like about somebody else come on come on everybody does it don't act so indignant when it comes your way look at verse 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace you guys want to preach go to the rescue mission you want to preach go the nursing home you want to preach just down the street corner you want to be a pastor that's gonna be your job non-stop round-the-clock trying to get saved people full of the Holy Ghost to treat each other right husbands wives parents children brothers sisters all saved all know the Bible although the verses before you read them to them just for some reason the default position is strife not peace it is an endeavor it will be an endeavor I don't care who you marry you're gonna have to endeavor to keep peace I don't care who your best friend is you're gonna have to endeavor to keep the peace I don't know how good your church is you're gonna have to endeavor to keep the peace and the people involved in that endeavor have good marriages good friendships and and good church lives and the people that cannot cannot be lowly meek long-suffering and forbearing can't get along with anybody because strife strife is gonna happen you don't have to make it happen questions not who started it the questions whose going to end it that's the endeavor God could have sat in heaven said we use sinners you started it but he came down went to the cross and ended it praise the Lord Acts chapter would we say 12 we say okay what did I say to acts act 12 verse 20 acts 12:20 and Herod was highly displeased with a matter in Sidon but they came with one Accord to him and having made Blastoise the Kings Chamberlain their friend desired peace because their country was nourished by the Kings country ok so what they want they didn't want the governor they didn't want the King angry with them because it was beneficial to them to be at peace with the king and so they went and sought peace okay we don't have to preach about Blastoise and heretonight we just have to see a principle here the Bible said we're all members of one body we all need each other we all minister to each other we all provide each other spiritual blessing and benefit if you have aught against a brother and know a brother has ought against you you ought to go like these people did and go to that man and seek peace see the the carnal man the flesh says I don't need that guy God said you do I don't need her if she's gonna be like that I don't need her but you do baba said we're all members one of another one member suffer the whole body suffers people think nothing of tearing chunks out of churches they they wouldn't call the cops if somebody tried to tear a chunk out of them you ought to care much about the Lord's body as you do your own body so peace peace where it is not present there should be an endeavor made to restore it or to establish we had a couple of 50 50th wedding anniversaries here recently three of them I think praise the Lord you want the differences between those three couples and the couples that didn't make it to five years six years seven years it wasn't that they never had any falling outs it's that they endeavored to have a falling back in it wasn't that they never had their differences it's that they determined not to let their differences over run over rule what they had in common well you know I thought it was gonna be better than this but then I found out she and I found out he well yeah what a surprise you're married to a sinner amazing who knew well he didn't do those things we were dating well you should ask his friends I told you to ask her sisters all get listen all have and come short of the well okay so we know that until somebody proves it and then we're just amazed I can't believe it you think it's bad now try it with the power out for five days well there's something bout being uncomfortable just brings out Adam in a big way in it all right so let's let's move on here I don't even know how we're I'm jumping all around in my notes first Corinthians 14 let's try this first Corinthians 14 first Corinthians 14 I'll send you some notes students cuz the outline is out every time I try to use an outline it just doesn't work I don't have an orderly mind 1st corinthians 14 verse 29 let the prophets speak 2 or 3 and let the other judge if anything be revealed to another that sitteth by and let the first hold his peace free may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comfort comforted and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints let you women keep silence in the churches but is not permitted unto them to speak I wonder what that means but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home so you ought to marry somebody knows something about the Bible for it is a shame for women to speak in the church you say what a churches do when they read that they get scared and hope nobody else notices it that's what they do but but he he talks about let's go back 27 If any man speaking unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God so a man says oh I feel the spirit after the spirit I must speak in tongues and there's somebody else already speaking in tongues the Bible says you sit down keep quiet then we're sorry anybody got a word from the Lord and one guy gets up and then the second guy gets up then third guy gets up and the fourth guy wants to get up but the Bible says two or three so the fourth guy says well maybe next time and then I was in a brethren church when I got saved and and they had Lord supper like we did and this family visited and two or three of the men read a little something scripture and this lady got up and read something from Scripture and I'm surprised weren't six heart attacks in a place and so after the service the elders went up and told her you know read of that verse and she said forgive me I thought the Brethren included the sister and I still remember I still remember hearing her saying that but look here's what God said and I know you you young people some of you won't like this but that's okay rules are put in place to keep peace and if you want a peaceable life and a peaceable Church and peaceable relationships there have to be rules agreed upon that everyone goes by fair enough now in a church God makes the rules if there's things that aren't touched on in the Bible you have leadership making rules look we don't have many here's one if you're gonna smoke could you just stop in the parking lot up there finish the cigarette and then when you get to the church lot you're not standing out there in the church parking lot smoking cigarettes it's bad testimony you want smoke at home smoke all day long I don't care help yourself we'll kill you everything kills you you notice everybody dies so now it's a bad test we only have good testimony I'd quit you don't know how to quit just every time you like one turn it around and suck on the lid end it create a little fear in you about two times of that be all done but so anyway that's always the words not in the Bible I know we made that rule and if if you would rather if you would rather not come to church because you can't smoke in the lobby then abide by that simple rule there'll be something else you won't like okay you can argue you can argue all you want we don't want our boys wearing dresses to church we think that's what women should wear to church not boys now if you don't like that rule you can join the multitudes that now attend a church where they learn nothing about the Bible and do nothing for Jesus but their boys can wear a skirt without being criticized really the church is like that you know exactly what I mean now why now listen as long as everyone agrees I'm going to go by the rules there's peace Hebrews 12 says fathers have the Liberty to make rules for their children and they don't they're not always right but the children are obey their parents where's that see bruised 12 look it up you dad's well I'm sure okay here's the rule lights out at 10 o'clock only the much sleep shut up the only little bed didn't ask you lights out ten o'clock now listen if everybody agrees and turns the lights out at ten o'clock there's peace as soon as somebody bucks up against the rules their strife right come on you you could it could be onward Christian soldiers marching as to war if everybody just agree to the rules these lost people ever said wonder you know how come there's so many denominations because everybody's a rebel if Jesus Christ is the only Savior how come there's all these different churches cuz people don't want to go by the rules come on that's that's that's fair that's obvious so here's what we say we say we're gonna go out and we're gonna we're gonna get in the Vans and we're gonna roll out at six o'clock and we're gonna go down we're going to preach at the at the catfish festival in Crescent City and somebody says I ain't gonna be there at six and hang it right on that van I'll go preach there anytime I want and you know what your problem is you're just a rebel you don't want to get along with anybody and it wouldn't matter what the rule was the what's what's wrong with six o'clock in the van nothing except you didn't make it up what's wrong with doing the catfish festival and givin out trouble I don't like that track well so what we're gonna be there for two hours you've got six days and twenty two hours to give out another tract your strife comes from it doesn't come from rules it comes from people who refuse to be ruled over that's where it comes from you want peace you want to speak in tongues and there's no interpreter keep quiet everybody get along fine you want peace if you're the fourth guy wanting to give a testimony you save it for next time and we all have peace you want peace you don't say well god bless his joints mayor and she's a woman preacher who told you God blessed her you mean you think because somebody's rich God's blessed them then God's blessed Bill and Hillary tremendously because they're pretty rich well we better move on see people want peace but they want to do their own thing people want peace but they don't what Jesus tell them what to do people want peace but they don't want to cooperate with anybody and then they wonder why they don't have any peace people want mental and emotional peace but they don't want to study their Bible look you get one the easy way salvation the rest of them you got to kind of line up with some things in order god I wish you'd have taken that later flame man you two just got this on Sunday Matthew chapter 10 Matthew 10 let's run some some verses on this Matthew chapter 10 I kid you not just the truth I'm telling you the truth I got a plane from Orlando to Minneapolis last Saturday morning and in the aisle across from me in the seat next to the aisle was a woman and in the middle seat was a Siberian Husky that that woman brought on the airplane I said well what's next man whatta Molins with their chickens well I felt like I was on a bus in Honduras man where's the goat it's crazy I'm not talking about a little fifi in a cage this a full-grown Siberian Husky slobberin sitting it's behind in the chair where the next unsuspecting customer is going to sit in their clean clothes I couldn't believe it none this this Tinker Bell comes up the the stewardess and he says with these with these he's got a big pink watch on he says can I get you anything I said yeah I get rid of that dog this country is it's lost its mind it's absolutely lost its mind they put that dog in first class but had a Berk on well I better keep going here do you ever think you'd live to see the day and it'd be dogs flying in seats and airplanes it's amazing man no offense to you from Guatemala Honduras it's just taken some bus rides in third-world countries and it's a little different alright 34 Jesus says think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword now does that contradict everything we've said absolutely not if you don't have peace with God through Jesus Christ people reject Jesus Christ you're not gonna have peace if you want to have peace among races and ethnic groups and and and that sort of thing through faith in Jesus Christ then you're not gonna have peace if you're against Jesus Christ if you don't have peace among brothers and sisters in the Lord if they're obedient to the Word of God and living by the rules then if you go against what Jesus said you're not gonna have peace so he said you can have peace but if you don't want me you get the sword pretty clear Luke 12 51 that might be a cross reference sir Luke 12 verse 51 suppose you that I'm come to give peace on earth I tell you nay but rather division for from henceforth there should be five against five in one house divided three against two and two against three father should we divide against the Son and the son against the father the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law okay so if you're living under somebody's roof and they're paying your bills and you're sleeping in their bed and eating their food at their table you do what they say but the day you move out and get your own place if your daddy says don't live for Jesus Jesus said live for me if your mama said don't sell out and go buy that Bible you say I love you but Jesus died to save me I'm following him and that vision is not caused by the saved person it's caused by the lost person because peace comes from Jesus Christ all right Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter 7 you know they're still blaming Christians for the wars and they have to go back a thousand years to the Crusades but nobody wants to blame Islam for the wars that are going on now it's an odd thing admit they weren't Christians anyway they were Papists brother David brought me something from Rome you ought to see it it's lovely it's a Pope Francis bobblehead I never imagined there could be such a thing but I I now have one think of all kinds of uses for it not many of them noble acts acts 726 and the next day he showed himself unto them as they strove and would have set them at one again saying sirs your brethren why do ye wrong one to another now this is Moses in Egypt before he got sentenced to 40 years and he saw two of his brethren fighting with each other and he stepped up there and and tried to stop it tried to get him to stop fighting stop the conflict you know what that is that's an illustration of what you read in Ephesians 4:3 he is endeavoring to keep the unity among his brethren stop stop stop wait why are you fighting your brothers are you striving with each other your brothers that's the task that the Holy Spirit's taking on and those of us that are all of us should be engaged in that same task 1st Corinthians 7 1st Corinthians 7 and verse 15 we'd not get in the context all this the unbelieving depart let him depart a brother sisters not in the body in such cases but God hath called us to peace now somebody walks away you can't make him get along with you somebody turns her back and leaves you that you didn't you didn't break that fellowship they broke that fellowship but God wants you to know that his calling is peace if God had his way that relationship wouldn't be broken so whoever breaks the relationship they can find a group of carnal Christians to tell them they're justified and they're right God says they're not I'm for peace so whoever turned their back and walked away instead of working it out that's the one that's on the other side I'm on the side of the one that wants to keep the peace alright Hebrews 12 Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews 12 can wait for I'm gonna tell you what verse let's let's just be honest I'll be honest with you you'll be honest with me there are some people that Chris Riley finds easy to get along with that are a little difficult for me to get along with because our personalities are different there are some people that that Pat and get along with no problem at all I'd have a little difficulty getting along with them because our personalities are different there's people I would really enjoy I find it easy just just being the company of certain people and some of you they you know they just that look you know that is that's personality that's flesh that's nature we're not talking about who you like to sit with at the fellowship dinner if we have if we have six meals in that pavilion some of you sit with the same people the same table every time because that's who you're comfortable with that's who you like okay that that's not what we're talking about we're talking about not getting along with the other people you don't have to have a 30-minute conversation with everybody on Sunday but to walk by and not speak what's wrong with you you don't have to like everybody you go to church with but you're you are told to love them I mean III would I would I would I'm trying I really I'm trapped on all my life I have tried to get along with everybody I really have there's some people that just for some reason they're not able to get along with me okay for a lot of reasons all those things you thought about sate so we all naturally gravitate to people you see in the children they make friends with certain kids and I look it's okay for your daughter to have two best friends it's not okay for her to be nasty to the other girls it's okay for your son to have his best buddy it's not okay for him and his best buddy to gang up on some other kid and be be mean to him okay that's that's for Tommy's whoa you're like you don't like me as much you like her nobody likes everybody as much as they like everybody else I heard a pastor one time at a meeting and he got up he read this verse the Lord liked David and he said so I just got my concordance I was going i'ma do a message on all the people that God liked and he said David was the only one in the Bible so he said the title of my message is I gotta love you but I don't have to like you God don't like you it was really it was funny all right Hebrews 12 and watch this verse verse 14 verse 14 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord here why you have peace with Jesus Christ tonight because he keeps working on it and he would like to have his his governing influence and control over us work out the same way in our lives there is no one here tonight that has had anyone disappoint you as much as I have disappointed Jesus and yet he has never turned away from our relationship he has constantly worked to keep it a good one so if I could let Jesus Christ govern my heart I would never be the one to end a relationship with any of you right and and and vice versa so well you don't know what he did you don't know what she did nothing compared to what we've all done to Jesus so lord help us peace wonderful thing I like living in a country it's at peace not at war don't you appreciate all you soldiers I know you've got to have troops so you're not gonna have peace but I like peace better than war I like calm days better than hurricanes I like church when everybody's getting along better than when there's all kinds of little uprisings here and there and boys and girls listen your home would be a disaster without rules you got to have rules rules bring peace that's Bible it's a Bible amen all right father thank you for your word please bless it to our hearts tonight help us Lord to live in peace with you have peace in our hearts and situations of life and Lord live at peace one with another and where that's lacking may we not just pass it by like it's not important but maybe we deal with it and fix it make it right well thank you for it Jesus name
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 1,063
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Truth, Bible, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, The Lord Jesus Christ, Romans, Romans 1, Romans 1:7, Peace from God our Father, How do I have peace?, Where can I get peace?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 9sec (3789 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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