Paradox How is God the same yesterday, today, and forever?

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Oh well we needed to rain but the Lord is like sending us a lot of it how many though we need to be thankful for the rain when it does show up thank God for the rain but you know sometimes when you are in rain especially on a sunday morning people are little quiet they're just a little sleepy a little in hibernation so here's what I want you to do at all of our campuses and all of those that are watching online turn to somebody and say okay now it's time to wake up and listen to Pastor Joe come on thank you so much thank you so much don't leave me up here all by myself I don't like talking to myself and again we do want to welcome you and we do want to welcome our campuses online those that are here in the city of austin and even our churches if you will that are being planted in military bases many of our military personnel located around the world are gathering and watching our services can we put our hands together for everybody we welcome you guys just to kind of give you an update that sometimes as many as 18,000 people on average are watching us on line and so when I say hey we want to welcome those it's not just two people sitting somewhere in a lonely park bench in New York City there really are people that call celebration their home through online experience and so again we're honored that you're with us you're lying in bed and your underwear enjoy if you are in bed watching us and your underwear you tithing is not ten percent its twenty percent for those that are watching how many would agree I mean if you're lying in bed and your underwear come on you need to show some love and so we're just glad that it's not a two-way camera we are in we're in a series of messages that we're calling paradox and and we know what a paradox is or are I I think we most of us know and that is these contradictory like statements or truths or propositions that seem opposite of each other but yet it is the same or if it remains true so so for instance we can say like this a fast turtle now that seems like a paradox is there now when you think of a turtle what do you think about you think of a slow turtle you don't ever think about a fast turtle you don't say man that's a faster you think about slow Turtles well all of a sudden you know in the turtle world I'm sure there's some fast turtles or how about a short giraffe you know I mean all drives are tall if you will but then I'm sure there's some that look at each other and go man you are a little giraffe and or how about how about a smart LSU graduate that's a paradox so I went to LSU now Lori did as well she's the only one that's smart but a smart LSU gradual how about a good a good Texas football team that's a paradigm not object I'm Jesus you know they had a good spring practice yesterday they're always good playing goods themselves and then all right come on longhorn I'm not gonna leave the Aggies out how about a humble Aggie yeah it's hard to find and so when it comes to the paradoxes of God when it comes to the paradoxes of God's kingdom if you will to be strong you have to be if three week that's God's paradox that the strong in other words if you're going to be powerful in God you're gonna have to be weak not we can God but we can yourself so that God can be strong or if you want to be first you have to be last if you want to be first among them jesus said you got to be left jesus said if you want to be great you got to be small you got to be like a child the greatest among us are those who are child like not childish but childlike or those that how about this this is truth the loudest people the people that live life loud or people who live life large have to also live life in the quiet you will never have a large loud life for God if you will not obnoxious loud but loud as an impact if you don't have quiet time with god if you don't learn to live in a place much like Jesus described the closet or even the place that Jesus if you will live for for most of his life in fact 30 years of his life he lived quietly and then in three years the whole world was turned upside down by the loudness of his life if you will because he learned to live quietly with the father and so that's just the paradoxes those are just some of the the paradoxes that we all deal with and in today's paradox I want to deal with as as it is true in our world today that that we just are constantly seeing so much change and God is a God who who put who put in fact in Clichy a skeeze the Bible says there's a there's a time there's a season for what for everything there's a time for change there's times if change when we of course come alive or or when we die there's a there's a time to weep there's a time to laugh there's a there's a time to sow there's a time to to harvest and and we can just see in Clichy ass tease that truth that God even puts in our world an ever-changing world change is back what he came to do Jesus came into this world to change you and me he is a God who puts seasons of change he he didn't just create the seasons to be all one he didn't just make it to be summer or winter spring or fall he put change in the economy of God we need change we need seasons of change what we need changes of perspective we need to be changing our scenery we just need to change how we sit in our posture so that my chiropractor told me but at the same time we also need to realize that God is a God who will never change and that's where I want to go today turn with me if you have your Bibles if not will be on the screen Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 8 the paradox is how can God be the same yesterday today and forever and Hebrews 13 and verse 8 it tells us he says for I he said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever that in our world of change we need some things to stay the same and what he says about himself and what is said about God in the person of Christ as he doesn't change he doesn't move he doesn't shift he doesn't alter if you will he doesn't progress because He is God his nature is all-sufficient it's called the immutability of God he doesn't move but in the world that we live in today we live in this world naturally that has changed but we also are living in a world politically that it's constantly seeing changes we're seeing moral changes into our world we're seeing we're seeing all sorts of changes economics if you will we're seeing nations change we're seeing governments change we're seeing ideologies change it you and I wake up every morning and there's there's a new world there's a new kind of belief there's a new morality there's a new thinking there's new definitions there's new theories there's new philosophies and and to this I think this is exactly why the writer many believe Paul wrote it but this is why the writer of Hebrews wrote what he said is that he was watching the church who was living in a world of constant change and therefore being affected by that change he had to come back and say but don't let Jesus change Jesus doesn't change the truth as it is in Jesus doesn't change he is the same yesterday today and forever he doesn't shift he doesn't move from what he used to believe into a new belief he he does not have a new way of approaching life life to God because he is the god of the past the present in the future because he lives outside of time he doesn't shoot up shift he doesn't move he he remains and it's important for us to understand this truth today especially for those that are young for those that are teenagers are those who want to pretend they're teenagers but you're really 50 the truth is especially our young generation I have a 16 year old and their world the world that we live in today is just filled with change and it's not just the world that is filled with change it's it's the it's the impact that it's having upon faith and the world is trying to make our faith change that Christ is not the same Christ that he was 2000 years ago that God is not the same God that the the approach that God had in the old testament is is a far different approach in the New Testament I want to say something about that that when somebody says he's a different God than the Old Testament know he's the same God he's the same God yesterday today and forever God doesn't change from the old testament to the New Testament but what he was revealed if you will when you read the Old Testament Scriptures it is Christ hidden it's it's Christ hidden within the scriptures it's hidden within the truth of God for instance when Adam and Eve are naked and they are a course exposing their nakedness they're hiding from the presence of God and and in that moment of that garden experience God doesn't leave them naked he he sacrifices an animal the Bible tells us he closed he closed at him and he closed Eve with the skin of an animal what is that telling us there was even in the Old Testament the shedding of blood there had to come for the protection or for the covering of the naked life the the naked human being without without the protection of god that that is a type in a picture of Christ Christ was in the Old Testament even there revealing himself he was that that was going to clothe Adam and Eve so that they would not have to live their life out in the cold without God see that's how you read the scriptures you're always looking in the Old Testament for the revealing of Christ in the Old Testament and the New Testament is Christ not hidden but revealed well passage I thought he was an angry god in the Old Testament well they're there is no question there are no question times and seasons that you can read in the Old Testament of God's dealing with nations but you can also see the incredible mercy of God you can see even God being revealed as the father in the Old Testament you can see in the story of Hosea Hosea who who was commanded by God to marry this harlot this woman who was just in just complete debauchery of a lifestyle and God says I want you to go love her I want you to marry her I want you to be committed to her I want you to show the world what kind of God I am that no matter how bad people have become I never give up on people let's throughout the old and the New Testament and of course it was revealed in the in the new but what we have to come back to today is just this reality that I'm going to share with you and that is that in our in our world that is changing in fact the Bible tells us in Malachi chapter 3 and verse 6 the Lord says about himself I do not change I do not change do not allow anyone to change me Hebrews chapter 1 he says Lord in the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the works of your hands but God verse 11 they're gonna change their gonna perish but you what you remain I don't know about you but I love the fact that God is the same he is the only constant that you have in this life nothing else in this world nothing else in the world the universe creation is like God everything is going to change even the world the heavens he says other works of your hands they're gonna perish but you remain and they all become like an old garment how many are ready to go buy some new clothes let me see your hand you're gonna roll them up like a new garment they all get holes everything good holds everything begins to fade everything goes out of style and like a mantle you will roll them up like a garment they will also be changed but you are the same Hebrews chapter 1 but you are the same and your years will never come to an end James also says the same thing every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights and this father of lights the Bible says he has no variation or ding shadow he doesn't move there's no shadow no shadow is cast this is literally what that translation means no shadow is ever cast by his turning he doesn't move he's the same but this world this world really wants changed it wants the world the spirit of the world wants to change it wants to change God once the change truth wants to change your faith but the world not people but the spirit of the world also has within it a plan and that plan is to shift you this is what he says in Isaiah woe to those who call evil good and good evil who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness whoa he says woe to those who substitute bitter for sweet now that's not Splenda for sugar or trivia or sweet lo I know I'm not supposed to do it he says but they substitute bitter for sweet sweet for bitter wad of those and this is why now watch why does change come because they are wise they are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own site they're wise in their own eyes and clever in other words the world says we the world have our own standard we will have our own definitions we will have our own terms we will have our own truth we will have our own opinions and it doesn't always have to be what God says are the standards and the opinions and the terms see this is what I want to deal with today because this is where we are as a generation woe to those who are shifting who are turning who are changing and they're changing wrong in the right or riding it wrong or dark in the light and light in the wrong or bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter and we're constantly seeing this in the news you're constantly seeing this just in our world and you and I are being brought to constantly maybe in your own company if you will this word has been captured this this world this the thought about tolerance in other words you got to learn to tolerate you got you got to have Alyssa I can just tell you oftentimes the spirit of this thing I know that we are too if you will have a tolerant spirit but God never calls us to tolerate he calls us to love people and to love everybody not tolerate but what I want you to understand is that behind the scenes this is what the writer and Hebrews was dealing with that we're going to have to move definitions we're get the move lines we're gonna have to shift we're going to have to change regardless of what you see regardless of of what you've been taught and the world behind this is really ultimately because I know the one who's behind the world the spirit of the world and there is a satanic plot and a Santana plan to ultimately and they are after this and that is to change the definition of who Christ is and you and I are going to have to come to these days and we're going to have to live in these days in the Bible tells us that in the last days it's going to be filled with deception so Jesus notice i want you to see this in Matthew chapter 24 and verse 4 jesus said to them see to it that no one misleads you for many many will come how in my in my name mini in the last days are going to come using my name it's called for jury they're going to come and they're going to preach my name they're going to talk about me like they know me saying I am the Christ but they will mislead people at that time many will fall away many will follow now minutes that is a very sobering description of the last days many are going to fall away from Christ and will betray one another and hate one another I want you to see something the Christian is only to hate sin never to hate people and you don't start with the sin and people you start with the sin in your own life but in the last days he says hatred hatred is going to dominate in people are going to come with the spirit of hate how do we know where of Christ we don't hate what we don't have nor are we to walk in anger or revenge or we don't walk with intolerance God is a God of freedom he's got a grace he says but in these last days many false prophets will arise and will mislead many people how many here like this is great last week was why does a God who is so good allow bad things that happen and today pastor joe you are scaring the heck out of it because it's true i'm just reading the scriptures many false prophets will arise and mislead many because why verse 12 because lawlessness is going to increase now what does that mean no rules i call it the outback theory of life outback steakhouse no rules just right no rules just right so i walk in there one day I said listen I love your theory i love your marketing plan no rules just right and here's my rule i'm not paying for it don't be dropping no rules on me it out back I'm gonna order an onion a bloomin onion I'm gonna order everything I can get and then I'm gonna walk out on my own rule and it's gonna feel right to me now watch what Jesus said in the last days part of the last days deception is that in the preaching of the gospel and in the preaching of Christ and into the Ministry of the word of God these false prophets are going to mislead people why because within it there gonna be a lawless pneus you can't say there's a law of truth you can't say there's a law of life you can't say there are laws of marriage you can't say that these are lost you can't say that and guess what the lawlessness as it increases will cause most people's love what does it say their love is going to grow cold you give up you give up standing for the truth you give up walking in righteousness you give up what the Word of God says but the one verse 13 but the one who endures to the end he will be saved the one who endures to the end will be saved the one who endures to the end not the one who prayed the prayer when they were seven years old and walked away not the one who just prayed a prayer or prayed the sinner's prayer jesus said it I believe in a sinner's prayer but jesus said very clearly the ones who endure to the end this is not just about coming to Christ and then walking away it is coming to Christ and walking with Christ and remaining in Christ the one who endorsed at the end he will be saved this gospel of the kingdom has to be priests until the whole world hears it Peter would say the same thing he goes false prophets will rise among the people just as there will be false teachers who will secretly introduce destructive heresy destructive heretical teaching denying the master what does that mean denying who Christ is denying his lordship denying who he really is adulterating Christ making Christ and altogether different man who is the master of course he bought them and as a result of now denying the master through destructive heresies it will bring upon them Swift destruction so I want to just kind of land around this phrase that Paul the Apostle and these few portions the script sure how many believe it's important to know your Bible how many believe it's important okay I want all of you if you're new to celebration and one of the things that I love having at celebration church is brand new people who have never been in church their life that's really how we do church here so that people at any and every level Indian every age any and every exposure get it any anywhere where you come into celebration church who maybe you've never walked into a church ever in your life all of a sudden you have a hunger and a thirst of the word of God maybe you've been in church your whole life you have a new hunger and a thirst for the word of God can I just tell you the greatest joy that I have as a pastor is not just leading you to cracks but it's leading you to the scriptures and leading you to a personal walk with god through the incredible Living Word of God that's the greatest compliment that you can pay me Pastor Joe I want to read my Bible like I've never read it before and if I can get you in the Bible guess what I'm gonna get you in heaven Paul says this in Galatians chapter 1 i'm almost done i am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Jesus I'm amazed and blown away that you are so quickly deserting him who called you by the grace of Christ for another gospel which is really not another gospel it's not another Christ there is only one crisis only one gospel only that there are people who are coming and they are disturbing you they're distorting the gospel of Christ the good news and Paul says it like this if we are an angel from heaven should come to you and preach a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you he is to be damned don't listen to it Paul said even me if I come along who because he knew he was a human being there for he knew that his heart could be deceived Paul says have I come and I switched the gospel if I switched this Christ if i change the Jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever don't listen to me or if you have this encounter with some angelic being that you are convinced it's Christ or you're convinced it came from God and it is a different Christ don't listen to that experience if you had a dream if you've had someone come to you and say something very spiritual and very spooky spiritual and when you begin to dissect it you begin to get into the the manner of it when you begin to realize it's not the same Jesus he says let it be damned don't receive it because it may damn you the Bible tells us in the last days if possible the elect are going to be deceived in the last days if it's possible if we give ourselves to a different Christ in the Bible Christ the scripture it could cost you your life forever and so Paul says I can't believe you guys have a fallen for this as we have said before verse 9 so I say again now if any man is preaching you a gospel contrary to what you have received he's to be a curse from now on I'm i seeking am i seeking the favor of manner of God now Paul is saying now let me tell you why i'm saying what i'm saying i'm not here to make you happy but i am here to make you holy and he says I don't want to just bring to you that which pleases you he says I've got to first please God do you know before I am concerned about my audience I am concerned about the God whose over our audience do you realize that huh listen I love crowds I love growing churches but I will never ever be concerned about crowds more than about the scriptures and I think yeah thank you thank you mom I'm with you thank you but it's important for you wherever you are watching maybe you're visiting today for the first time it's important for you to be like Paul concerned about the Christ that you're hearing the Christ that you're being connected to Paul says I'm not here to try to please men he says if I was time to please men then I would no longer be a bondservant of Christ so let me just give you these three or action I'm gonna give you five hey you know three points in this church Jesus is the same now let me just tell you Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever when it comes to salvation I'm gonna give them an S forms number one Christ does not change when it comes to salvation jesus said enter through the narrow gate for the gate is widen and the way is broad that leads to destruction and there are many who entered through it for the gate is small in the way is narrow that leads to life and there are few who find let me just tell you why it's narrow let me just tell you why salvation can only come through Christ in fact Matthew 11 28 jesus said come to me all who are weary and let heavy laden and I will give you rest come to me jesus said I am the way the truth of life and no one comes to the Father but through me Jesus is simply saying salvation cannot come except through him well pastor Jill what about all the other religions all i know is that jesus said he is the way the truth and the life which celso tells me he meant business when he said go into all the world and preach the gospel which means we have to get the gospel to a lost and dying world because Christ is the only way well I just don't believe in that well then you're changing the Christ the very Christ who said this jesus said this and it's narrow because it's only one name there's no other name there's no other name there's only one name given to you in to me that we can have salvation it's in the name of Jesus not in the name of spirituality not in the name of sincerity not in this name of our hearts our hope but in the name of Jesus all you have to do is call upon the name of Jesus number two Jesus is the same when it comes to in Jesus has not changed now in that same second Peter chapter that I just read about many false prophets when it comes to sin Peter goes on to say in these false prophets many are going to follow their sensuality because of them the way of truth will be maligned okay it's going to be mixed and in their greed they're going to exploit you with false words in their greed they're going to exploit you with false words the sheep are going to be exploited through false words they're gonna tell you what you want to hear so you will stay in the church and bring your tithes and offerings if I was of the flesh building a 28 million dollar building up on top of the hill here at celebration church I wouldn't preach this message somebody like yeah right and I'm gone I'm just telling you this is not smart are you tracking with me according to the world you don't say this in fact the world would say Joe you gotta keep your audience happy don't worry be happy in other words it's all good it is all good in Christ and he says in the last days what they're going to do they're gonna exploit for their judgment now watch this their judgment from long ago is not idle their destruction in other words God said I see this coming God didn't spare the angels when they sinned but cast him into hell and committed into pits of Darkness reserved for judgment this is New Testament and did not spare the ancient world but preserve no a preacher of righteousness was seven others when he brought a flood upon the world and if he condemned the cities of Sodom Gomorrah to destruction by producing them Nash is having them having made known to them an example of those who would live ungodly and lives there after if you rescued righteous lot in other words now let me bring you some good news you can live righteously like lot even though you were oppressed by the central conduct of unprincipled men because he constantly heard about this he was tormented day after day because of their lawless deeds then the Lord knows how to rescue the body or the godly from temptation and to keep the unrighteous on punishment for the day of judgment and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise Authority daring self-willed they do not tremble when they revile angelic Majesty Peter but basically saying is that they're going to alter the gospel they're gonna alter the truth and they're gonna say God is a God of love and he has no concern for sin I saw that an open many years ago lady came back to the dead and she was sharing her story she said in this particular segment she said the Lord told me to come back to the world and to tell the world that they make a big deal about sin sin is not a big deal to God and I went yeah if it's true I can go do it I want to do yes my flesh win yes I like that kind of preaching Jesus told a man who had just healed he said go and sin no more I don't have time to read that scripture but after you'd raised that man up from that pallet for 38 years you know the story of the pool where Jesus came down and every so often an angel would come and God would raise that man up in that particular situation in that moment the Bible tells us Jesus found in verse 14 Jesus found him in the temple and he said to him hey you're well now do not send any more so that nothing worse happens to you in other words what are you doing here in the temple why have you fallen from grace don't go back to your old way life the law didn't set you free how many are thankful gray sets us free grace sets us free now you gotta understand the same grace that sets you free set you free from living to sin and before Jesus is the same when it comes to scripture jesus is the same yesterday today when it comes to scripture real quickly when Jesus comes he's immediately led after his water baptism where's he led he's led to the wilderness to be tempted by Satan Satan comes to him and what does Jesus do to handle the temptation he said if you are the son of God why don't you command that this stone becomes bread Jesus what did he do did he say don't be doing that to me stop it what did he do his first words okay read this with me okay I asked you to be with me today verse 4 come on those in your underwear come on watch this jesus answered he said it is what okay what does that tell you it is written that means you have to read the Bible so you can say what is written and what came out of his mouth was the scriptures what does that tell you about the authority or the power of the scriptures according to Jesus if Jesus lived according to the scriptures how do you think you're going to live without the scriptures when Jesus started his public ministry when Jesus came to Nazareth Luke chapter 4 the Bible says as it was his custom he entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath he stood up to read and guess what he did he took the book of the prophet Isaiah and he opened it and he found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because you know what all I hell was saying who do you think you are who do you think you are who do you think you are can I just tell you everybody in this room everyone watching in their underwear right now are out of our campuses constantly have this in your ear who do you think you are and will tell you what he says about you the enemy says about your a loser is what you are you're nothing is what you are you're a failure and Jesus even Jesus needed the Bible to build him up to encourage him how many could use some encouragement and guess what it's right there on your coffee table some of you have a 42-pound Bible you got from costco use it if you don't have one go to the wingate hotel and steal it I promise here's what I hear don't want you to if you don't have a Bible I want you to go to any hotel and just say hey can I check out when your rooms before I stay I'm just checking out bedbugs and steal the Bible the Gideons will put another one in there I promise don't get the Mormon one but get the good okay all right real quick I'm Way over time okay yeah steel steel steel steel okay lawlessness Pastor Joe whatever it takes to stay holy fact my best Bibles came from the holiday yeah all right are you with me do you see the paradox I'm giving you right now are we laughing yet at the same time we're talking about very serious matter you see the paradox you guys understand that we are living in this world in a very serious time but you know what God fills us with laughter at the same time that's life the goodness of God and the severe to gut it all flows together now here's the fourth one Jesus is the same when it comes to his soon return Jesus is the same now brother he says Paul wrote this with regard to the coming of our Lord and the gathering together with him that you do not be quickly shaken from your composure or your posture if you will or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if it came from us an email that came through YouTube or through Facebook or Instagram to the effect that the day of the Lord has come let no one in any way deceive you now watch what he says it will not happen unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction in other words what Paul was having to deal with a lot of people who are told that the Lord's return is not going to happen or it's already happened jesus said in acts chapter 1 and verse 11 they said men of Galilee why do you stand here looking into the sky this same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven is going to come just in the same way how many believe that the Lord is going to come again I want you to believe that now there are in the world today this is a recent report and you understand i come from a mixed family my my mom was Catholic my dad was Baptist most of our ministry most of our best friends were born and raised in in end up in Catholicism but I want you to see this came from the Vatican you can do your own research them Cardinal Jorge y el salvador announced this is what he said officially announced today the Vatican the second coming of Jesus the only Son of God may not happen after all but her just follow us to continue in their faith here's what he said we just feel like Jesus is not coming back by the looks of it okay it's been ages like he's probably flat out doing other really good things for people somewhere else the divan accan defended Jesus broken promise does he break promises get claiming he was probably drinking wine at the time when he made this come in having the ability to turn water into wine has its ups and it's downs we all make promises we can't keep when we're drunk Jesus was no different the church said it will now focus attention on rebuilding its reputation around the world that's nothing i'm not making an anti-catholic statement listen to me it's not an anti-catholic statement because the deeper the spirit the spirit many of my catholic brothers and sisters are absolutely said there's no no doubt about that but listen can I just take how many believe there's something a little bit off in this comment that's another Jesus that's another Jesus and as a worship team comes the worship team comes at our campuses the last one Jesus is the same yesterday today forever when it comes to his station I put them all in this fourth best for me but his station his station his his place let me just tell you in Genesis 1 26 when God made this comment let us make man in our image Genesis 126 let us make man why did God say us it's called the Trinity us community us God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit now watch Colossians Paul writes this in Christ all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form in Christ all the fullness of God's DD God's divine nature was in body form translation and this is what you cannot miss you can miss a lot of things that I have said today but don't miss this Jesus is God he's God not a son of God as some teachings go Jehovah's Witnesses Mormons he's a son and they get around that by having their own scriptures well how do you know your Bible is the correct Bible because the Bible and the scriptures that we go from are those that are supported by historical facts and teach it's not hard in fact I encourage you to just look at anything written or put out there by a man by the name of josh mcdowell josh mcdowell do you research jesus is god and if anybody denies that christ is god and just makes him a man just makes him a prophet just makes him a teacher literally walks out on who he really is you have to come to that understanding can we stand to our feet pastors will you come will land this plane we're gonna move on get you home because I got another service come and I get in trouble with my staff would you just bow your heads please just for a moment no one move around please no one moving unless you have an emergency and if you do let me know what it is right now okay just for my just stop just stop just stand still want you to focus just close your eyes not only you saying this just to help do you know them do you know him and if you don't you can know he's real he's here and he stands at the door of your heart and he is knocking and he said whosoever will open up the door of his heart I will come in and we will have the best time together forever endeavour I will forgive you of your sins and I will fill you with the Holy Spirit and that will make you fruitful in this life and the life to come heads about eyes are closed i'm gonna say pastor joe he's been on the outside of my life today I want him on the inside let me see your hand just slip it up right now just quick quick quick quick quick good good good yeah yeah yeah yeah I love it love it love it love it love it just hold it up high hold it up high don't just go up and down I want you to really feel what you're doing I want you to feel what you're doing I love it 40 50 hands praise God say this with me everybody out loud you may put your hands down Jesus thank you for coming to this world to rescue me I confess I was blind but now I see I was dead now i'm alive i was guilty but now i'm free because of jesus and his blood Jesus you or what I live for from this day forward forever and everybody said come on let's give the Lord a clap of praise today you
Channel: Celebration Church
Views: 865
Rating: 4.2727275 out of 5
Id: Tx_X_NbNi4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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