King of kings and Lord of lords

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God's people said amen Oh Jim deeply the honor to be here thank you brother for the privilege to be in this great church and to hear this wonderful music it's a joy to have Judy with me you don't know what a special day is Saturday is when you don't have to get on an airplane that's a awesome day and we drove up from Jacksonville Florida yesterday and so thank you for the opportunity listen we have a service tonight and this is a one-day revival and say preach again you have a revival in one day you never vile in one service you really can but tonight I've got a special message I want to preach to the church to the body I'm gonna ask every church member of second baptist to be here tonight I'll be preaching on the subject a church that scares the devil what kind of church do you think scares the devil I want you to come tonight and find out it's going to be wonderful in the house of the Lord today take your Bibles today and go to the last book of the Bible the book of Revelation and go to the nineteenth chapter of that book I saw where your pastor has been preaching a series on heaven and that's wonderful I want to preach about an event that's going to happen after we go to heaven and come back with him I want to preach on the return of Christ not at the rapture but it is coming and I'm preaching today on this subject king of kings and Lord of lords king of kings and Lord of lords from one of those great majestic peaks in the Bible revelation 19 would you stand for the reading of the word of God everybody's standing Revelation chapter 19 when I was here last year I had the privilege to be here last year I preached on the event called the rapture well today I want to preach on the different event the revelation or the coming of the Lord it's found in Revelation 19 beginning with verse 11 the Bible says and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with the sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written church would you shout that with me king of kings and Lord of lords that's what I'm preaching today I'm preaching on this subject king of kings and Lord of lords may God bless the reading of his an arid book please be seated as you're praying with me around the building heads are bowed and eyes are closed my father I thank you for the wonderful music we've heard today thank you for the privilege to praise your holy name and now God what I need at this moment I need from you alone I cannot work it up or manufacture it I cannot perform it or borrow it I ask you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost so god I pray that you would loose me and let me go god I come against every devil and demon spirit and father we just confess out loud right now to any demon that can hear us we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord God would you preach right now and I promise we'll thank you and praise you for what only you can do in Jesus name and all God's people said amen Zechariah 14:4 says his feet shall stand that day on the Mount of Olives he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords I love the story of the travelin businessman who had had a long day and he got back to his hotel room that night exhausted he went up the elevator to his room sat down on the edge of the bed tired he huffed and puffed and reached out untied one of his shoes and he dropped it on the floor with a thud but the businessman who was thoughtful thought I may have bothered somebody in the room below me so he gently and quietly took up his other shoe and laid it down quietly on the floor he rolled over and went to sleep about thirty minutes later there was a knock on his door he opened the door and there was a man standing there in his pajamas with tousle hair and the man was bleary-eyed the man standing at the door looked at him and he said buddy would you please drop the other shoes so I can get some sleep so let me tell you something our tired troubled world right now seems to be waiting for the other shoe to drop and you can be sure it's going to drop but when it drops there won't be anything quiet about it soon and very soon King Jesus is going to get on a milk-white stallion he is going to fly down from heaven and land on a mountaintop in Israel he's going to get off that horse and put his nail-pierced foot down on top of that mountain and pirate when he does it's gonna be as if he is saying that's enough that's enough sin and sickness and sorrow that's enough that's enough difficulty and death and disease that's enough that's enough of the devil that's enough trial and torment and trouble that's enough because I want you to know be sure the other shoe is going to drop but when it drops it will belong to the king of kings and the Lord of lords that's exactly what John the Revelator said in Revelation chapter 19 I love that grand 16th verse look what John says about his title John says he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords now Jesus has many names in the Bible students matter of fact he has over 300 names in Scripture but this is his most important name this is his royal name this is his regal name this is his righteous name not just King but King of Kings not just Lord but the Lord of lords everybody be reminded where we are in Scripture this is not the rapture this is the event known as the revelation of Jesus Christ the rapture and the revelation are two distinctly different events at the rapture he's coming in mystery at the revelation he's coming in majesty at the rapture he's coming in secret at the revelation he's coming in spotlight at the rapture is coming privately at the revelation he's coming publicly at the rapture he's going to open his mouth with a shout at the revelation he'll open his mouth with a sword at the rapture he's coming to evacuate the church at the revelation he's coming to eliminate his enemies at the rapture he's going to remove the revelation he's going to roll sudden this is not a hostile takeover it's a holy takeover he's going to take down take back take names and takeover he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords and there's three things about his coming I want to say today three things about the coming of King Jesus first of all I want you to know the king is coming visibly I'm gonna say that one more time the king is coming visibly it's gonna get good now watch this look at verse 11 he says John says and I saw I love that word choir saw John said I saw that word literally in the Greek language means to look and be sure John didn't say I dreamed it he didn't say I imagined it he didn't say I thought it John said I saw it and I want you to extend what John saw John sees Jesus riding on a horse in the sky now boys you just don't see something like that every day now you and I live in a world that claims to see some strange things some folks have seen aliens some have seen UFOs so somebody even say they've seen zombies I've seen something - in Baptist churches on Sunday morning I guarantee you that and some even claim to have seen ghost brother Jim hey I'm a traveling evangelist and I've stayed in some unusual places I've stayed in two or three empty churches you know I don't do that no more but some of those old churches in the mountains AI prophets rooms and I've stayed in empty churches so there's something spooky about an empty church if y'all don't believe me come in here tonight with the lights out and sit around for a while and see how long you stay I mean there's something spooky about an empty church but you know where I've stayed I've stayed in some bed-and-breakfast about 10 years ago I was preaching in Union South Carolina and they put me in a bed-and-breakfast and it was a beautiful old home that had been built before the Civil War and had been restored and they put me in that bed and breakfast well y'all know I was the only one there except for the proprietors downstairs and I came downstairs on Monday morning after spending a couple of nights there came down on Monday morning waiting for the pastor to pick me up for lunch and I was sitting in the parlor looking through their gifts book they had a guestbook there an old book and this is the truth I began to look through that book preacher and I found out that that bed-and-breakfast was one of the eating most popular spots for clairvoyance and ghost hunters in the South Man and there had been ghost sightings in that bed-and-breakfast this is the truth I mean they claimed to have seen a a ghost bride on the stairs and somebody saw a ghost wedding party and check this out the most familiar ghost was a Confederate General he lived in that bed-and-breakfast and I'm not making this up and I looked at the room that they called his room and it was my room man I mean that was the room where the Confederate General was supposed to be and folks I got a little bit creepy about that and then that night the packs were dropped me off I got home real late to that bed-and-breakfast and I walked up them creaky stairs I was only one there except for the folks downstairs this is the truth and I laid down in that bed to kind of go over my sermon for the next night doing a little memory work and all of a sudden I heard somebody walking the halls and they walked up right to my room and just paused and I still believe it was the proprietor of the place that was putting some towels or something upstairs I don't know but I did lay there and plead the blood of Jesus I'm gonna tell you that right now and now folks listen to me very carefully the only ghost I believe in is the Holy Ghost but I told that preacher and I've been back to that church three times you can put me in a motel 6 you can put me in a tent in the woods you put me in a camper by the lake but I'm not gonna stay in that bed and breakfast anymore man and I didn't I see there's a lot of folks that believe they've seen some strange things well I want y'all to know I've never seen a monster I've never seen a ghost I've never seen a UFO I've never seen Bigfoot and I've never seen the Easter Bunny but hallelujah one day I'm gonna see Jesus son the Bible says that I will see him in the sky I'm going to see him visibly can I just stop for a minute and tell you what that means what it means to see Jesus physically check this out number one I'm going to see visibly the color of his horse check it out the color of his horse look what it says in Revelation 19 verse 11 John said I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse you all want me to tell you what the word horse means in the Greek language horse it's a literal horse John said I saw somebody sitting on a horse a real horse but it's a white horse you do know why it's why don't you students you see in those ancient Roman processions when the conquering general wrote victorious down the main street of Rome he would ride up to the temple of Jupiter on Capitol Hill and he would be on a horse but it wouldn't just be any horse it would be a white horse because the white is the conquering color that the white is the color the conquering general road you'll remember those old black and white westerns back in the day yeah you'll remember those those that are old enough we always knew who the hero was because he had a white hat and rode a white horse and son this is the hero of heaven his second coming is nothing like his first coming and his first coming is mama who was pregnant rode a donkey from Nazareth to Bethlehem whenever Joseph fled with little billy boy Jesus to Egypt he fled on a donkey Zechariah in Zechariah 9 says that he wrote a donkey down the streets of Jerusalem when he entered Jerusalem and they laid palms down before he was crucified but y'all when he comes back he's not gonna be on a donkey he's gonna be on a five stallion you know why because this is different and his first coming was a baby but his second coming he'll be the boss and his first coming he was an infant but in his second coming he'll be invincible and his first coming he was tied to a whipping post but it his second coming he's gonna stand on a mountaintop and his first coming he was executed as a criminal but in his second coming he'll be exalted as the King and his first coming he came to be rejected and resisted but it is second coming he's going to rule and reign he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords hey you know what John said John said I saw the color of his horse but I'm not finished gonna get real good now John said I not only saw the color of his horse John said I saw the crown on his head let me say the Crown's on his head what's what John says now look what he says in verse number 12 and I'm gonna get in your grille now cuz I'm gonna get in my grille John said his eyes were as a flame or a blaze of fire and on his head were many crowns and had a name written that no man knew but he himself the Bible says quired that he's got many crowns on his head now I've got many crowns on my head not to be compared with King Jesus I'm not trying to be cute or funny you see you guys that are not follically in pain you guys don't understand you've got a cushion up there but us other guys don't and brother Jim I don't know what it is but I banged my head all the time I've got more abrasions and scrapes and cuts and scars on my head I mean some of your other guys do we just can't see yours I mean I've got all those things on my hand I was at my mother-in-law's a couple of weeks ago after a depression tropical depression in Florida and I was helping her get some limbs off her roof and there's a big old tree branch that extended out over her roof where my ladder went up now folks I'm almost embarrassed to tell you this I hit the dumb thing three times I mean how can a grown man hit the same branch three times man and my wife Judy says honey don't you know where your head is yes I know where my head is and sometimes I don't think I need a bald cap I think I need a helmet the last time Jesus was on this earth he had a crown like that he had a crown of pain the Bible said he had a crown of thorns but I want you to descend the bible says when he comes back he won't have a crown of thorns he'll ever kind of power he won't have a thorny crown here but how about have a triumphant crowd and John said he's got not just one crown choir but many crowns you see that word crowns there's the word Diadema in the Greek language and the word Diadema means the king's crown so the Bible says he's wearing the Kings crowns and the Word of God tells us in John John said in revelation 19:16 he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords everybody say Lord of lords with me Lord of lords you know what that word Lord means I'm gonna preach to you now that word Lord means somebody with absolute power and authority if you're saved and you know it say Amen then you need to understand listen to me don't miss this student when you got saved you didn't just take Christ as Savior you took Christ as Lord and Savior he's called Lord no less than 747 times in the New Testament he is Lord understood what that means and by the way you didn't make him Lord he already owns the title all you did was submit to his lordship when you got saved you yielded to the absolute lordship of Jesus Christ now I'm gonna preach something we don't preach much in church anymore but you need to understand that means he's the absolute owner of everything in your life he's absolute owner of your plans of your pleasures of your pursuits of your purposes of your possessions they can I say something young couples of your purchases I learned that not long after Judy and I were married I love cars man I love classic cars I'm still praying somebody will donate a 1969 Camaro to my ministry I mean I love classic cars you know what we had shortly after we were married brother Jim before we had children we had a Ford Pinto y'all remember them a 4-speed Ford Pinto and I was a student minister in a church and I was fished in the hospitals one day at the church I served and I was over in Clearwater Florida and on the way home I passed by a car lot that had sports cars exotic sports cars and I had an hour so to kill it was lunch time and I went in and began to look and I saw me a triumph tr7 and I've never seen one of those before but I wanted that car it was cool y'all it only had two seats it had headlights that went up and down and that was cool for the 1970s the dashboard looked like an airplane man not one of that sports car I call my young life and I said I saw a car I wanted she said Rick we can't afford it because our car payments would double but I went out and looked at that thing and I begin to have a discussion with God about that car and if you're a blood-bought child of God you know when God's speaking to you can I hear an amen amen and I begin to talk to God about that car said god I want this car God said you've got a car I said God but this is a cool car God said you don't need this car I said God I know I've got a car but have you seen it God it's a Pinto it's a Pinto God and God this is a triumph tr7 I want this car now you know they'll make it happen and they made me a deal I could not refuse and I drove off the parking lot with that car a young couple on a on a tight income and our car payments doubled and buddy when that car hit the pavement I knew I was out of the will of God and for the next 30 12 months it was in the shop 13 times it was the biggest piece-of-junk I've ever owned in my life and why the reason I bought the car to begin with was to be cool because I'm a cool sue diminish from early twenties well well God knows our telephone number he'll ring our Bell man and God got my attention the first night I had that car we had a big youth event at church and I pulled up in the church parking lot when all the kids were gathered outside you know 60 or 70 of them gathered outside and I pulled up in my cool triumph tr7 man and the lights in the parking lot world everybody gather around my car was so cool and I was feeling real good about myself turn that car off and one headlight went down and one stayed up and one of my students said why this guy said hey Rick your car's weakened at me and you know what I did I got out of the glove compartment I got that you know the the manual and I had to get out and crank that thing down by hand I mean son I was so embarrassed and I knew I was out of the will of God and it was thirteen months later or so that I finally got right with God and God helped me get out of that car see you here's the truth now the truth is I own the car but God didn't and I'm gonna say it one more time when God becomes the Lord of your life through Jesus Christ I want you to understand what happens God owns your car your calendar God owns your computer God owns your cell phone God owns your career God owns your children God owns your checkbook when Jesus Christ is Lord that means he's the owner of your family your faith your finances your fortune and your Facebook page what I'm trying to say on the day you got saved you made your last decision he is the absolute owner of you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet it's not you but it's Christ you're under new management son you're a purchased possession in him you know what Jesus said jesus said in Luke 6:46 why do you call me Lord Lord and do not the things that I say and I'm gonna fly tell you why we've got some church members today who barely aching back bite and fight and fuss because Jesus Christ is not Lord I'm gonna tell you why there's some church members who are dippers and not tithers who are occasionally not faithful who get more passionate about their football team than the things of God I'm you why because Jesus Christ is not Lord but when Jesus is Lord he's the absolute ruler of your life he's the king of your life and I wouldn't have it any other way kind of hear it amen amen go see he knows how I ought to live better and I know how I live the Bible says no man can serve two masters and this king that comes back on this white horse one day its crowned with many crowns because he's Lord watch what John said John said I visibly saw the colour of his horse John said I visibly saw the Crown's on his head and then John said don't miss this and I'll quickly go to my second point John said I saw the clothing of his holiness look what John said in verse 13 he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God brother Jim I'm in that fundamental camp I believe that the blood on his robe the word Wester means robe I believe the blood on his robe is not the blood of his enemies I believe that's taken care of in the fifteenth verse at the Battle of Armageddon I believe the blood in his robe don't miss this somebody needs this I believe that blood symbolizes the precious blood that was shared in the Battle of the cross for sin and Satan I believe that's the blood I believe when we're riding with him in the cat in the cavalry of heaven I believe will forever be reminded that the only reason we're on the white horse is because we've been washed in the blood of the Lamb of God we've already sung it today it is well with my soul my sin oh the Bliss of this glorious thought my sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more praise the Lord praise the Lord O my soul a couple of years ago I spoke in a public high school in the state of Alabama the principal of the school was a member of the church I was at and he invited me to come speak and he said now Rick you can say anything you won't do about Jesus isn't that awesome he said but you can't give an invitation preacher I got in that public high school that day and there's I don't know 1,200 students there and it wasn't like speaking at a student camp what like speaking at a church student rally I'm speaking of a public high school I had 20 minutes you know what I try to do brother Jim I tried to be real cool because I mean I mean look at me man I I mean I'm out of my league with those students I mean they're climbing the hill I'm over the hill I mean they're hip my hip hurt I mean they shaved their her on purpose and I'd like to have transplants on purpose I mean I'm nothing like those kids you know I tried to preach I tried to be cool I tried to be a little cute and a little humorous and and it was just laying flat you must fear to God said to me choir just tell them about Jesus so you know what I did I just went straight to the cross I reminded them there's a savior that died for the sins of the world I went straight to the cross and you know what happened I could not give a public invitation but I could invite students to come down after the service and speak to me and some of the counselors from the church you know 12 kids got saved that day did you know one student a boy walked up to me in the Bible Belt in the deep south and said preacher I've never heard that story before that I could be forgiven of my sins through the blood of Jesus can I remind you it is still our only hope our hope is not at a president or a politician they cannot deliver us our hope is not in science or social reform that is not the answer our hope is still in the cross and in the lamb and in the blood because you can make it to heaven without name or fame or wealth or health or pedigree or position but you can't make it to heaven without Jesus what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus you know what we're gonna see we're gonna see the colour of his horse we're gonna see the Crown's of his head we're gonna see the clothing of his holiness but I'm not finished I'll do this very quickly will not only see him visibly the king is coming visibly but more some Christian needs us today the king is coming victoriously look what the Bible says one more time in verse number 16 yes on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords now the word lords means absolute ruler but the word king you know what it means the one whose sovereign with power and it comes from a Greek word that means to totally triumph there is victory in Jesus I've read the back of the book choir and we win I've read the end of the story I love the story of the daddy that got off worked late and went to his son's Little League game and he got there in the middle of the first inning the daddy walked up behind the center field fence causes war played center field when he got there his boys jumping up and down and chatting and pounding his glove and and smiling with a big old grin daddy said hey man how you doing the boy said great dad he said you must be winning the boy said no we're losing 12 to nothing and the dad said how come you're so happy and the kid said we hadn't been up to bat yet hey folks I've read the back of the book and I hear an amen I mean we win son see this victory and Jesus thing understand what it means that now this is good first of all look he's coming back but he's not coming alone first of all he's coming with his warriors look at verse 14 and the armies which are in heaven this is good now and I by the way I'll have a spell all by myself now because this is good that word armies there means body of troops I want every suitor to look at me you know that means that means when Jesus comes back a body of troops is coming back behind him you were the body of troops the blood-bought church the Old Testament Saints the tribulation believers and Matthew 25:31 says a whole group of angels that's a pretty impressive sight you've not seen a spectacle like that I was preaching on the east coast of Florida a few years ago in my home state and I was preaching to the Cape and they were shooting the space shuttle launch that day and I'd forgotten all about it and I was born and raised in Florida lived there now but I've never seen a launch in person I was on my way to the church that night for a student gathering and it was 5 o'clock they had a late lunch at Sun I was writing their Cocoa Beach and when I turned down that road y'all toward the ocean I mean I heard this noise sound like an explosion and in front of me I saw this shaft of smoke look like it's 100 miles wide I mean just going up as far as I could see it was spellbinding and I pulled off the side of the road and a bunch of people standing outside taking pictures and traffic had kind of stopped and it happened just like this and I forget it I walked up behind a group of folks who were not together but there was a senior adult woman standing there a silver haired grandmother there and there was a man and his son standing there and they were not together and I heard the boy say to his daddy daddy is not the Space Shuttle and the deficits son that's either the Space Shuttle of the second coming and when the dad said that that grandmother never missed the beach she said well I'll tell you she said it ain't the second coming because if it were the second coming I wouldn't be standing here I'd be riding back with him and she said I hope you'll be riding back him too and I wanted a high fiver I was kind of go granny you go girl I mean you tell him how many gonna be riding back with him when he comes again can I get a witness you know what that means you're one of the Warriors man that's coming with him the Bible said the Bible says we're coming with him y'all come on Colossians 3:4 says when Christ who is our life shall appear then will we also appear with him in glory Zechariah 14 5 says the Lord is coming in all of his saints with him the Word of God tells us in the book of Jude verse 14 that the whole the lord comes with ten thousand of his Saints one of these days King Jesus is going to get on a white stallion he's gonna gallop down the streets of gold and ride past the gates of pearl he's going to descend down through the galaxies and the constellations and the planets and the stars he's going to come into Earth's airspace and enter the sky and the clouds and you better hear this clear when he comes back I'll be riding back right behind him son because I'm one of the Warriors but somebody here needs to hear this today forward clothes he's not only riding back with his warriors he's riding back with his winners I believe somebody I need to say that to some dead Christian he's riding back with his winners see the Bible says in that fourteenth verse and the armies which we're in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean now went everything everybody get a mental picture I know there's a military base here so y'all identified get a mental picture folks that word clean means pure and unblemished this will be the most unusual military battle gear in world history we won't be wearing helmets or combat boots our camouflage or desert gear our guns or grenades we gonna be in white robes who in the world heard of wearing a white robe to a desert war we go wear white robes and by the way will be totally unarmed you know why because the King won't need one bit of help and we won't get one drop of blood on our robes because his victory is our victory how do you say that one more time brother Jim his victory is our victory see I'm speaking listening I'm speaking to a Christian I'm speaking of somebody here today that's forgotten that remember when we were little children we'd sing that song I may never marching the infantry ride in the cavalry or shoot the artillery I may never zoom or the enemy but I'm in the Lord's army and we sing it and clap our hands and stomp our feet and smile and I know somebody thinks I'm being too emotional but when some grown-ups get in church they don't look like that no more I think come on folks I preached in about 45 churches a year I've never seen today when the faces of Christians are so discouraged and dejected and defeated and dissolution I've never seen a day when so many believers are sad and sorrowful and sullen and somber because all of the weight of the world is on their shoulders now I'm not saying we ought to run around the building and fall out in the aisle and have a mosh pit in front by the preachers preach in her chest bump or high-five like you did last night when Georgia scored the winning touchdown I'm not saying we ought to do all that stuff I watch the game too I'm not saying we ought to do all that stuff but here's what I am sayin Briscoe there ought to be a little life and passion in the house of God man I mean this is the day the Lord has made you've got permission not to look like the picture on your driver's license matter of fact brother Gary we all have a big sign up above the choir you've got permission to smile and shout and sing for we are Victor's in Jesus Christ Romans 8:37 says we're more than conquerors through him that loved us first Corinthians 15:57 says we have victory in Jesus yes the alma mater of the church somebody's coming here today loaded down with the world we've got victory how dare we ride back with him in victory one day I'm not stand with him in victory today I gotta tell you this because I love you there's somebody here and there's a believer here that doesn't have victory there's somebody here is chained to their computer held captive to an addiction the Bible said he came to set the captives free there's somebody here today this in bondage to bitterness the Bible says he who the Sun sets free is free indeed there's somebody here right now who is a prisoner to discouragement and the Bible says let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus the Bible says for those of you that are handcuffed to hatred that you can let the peace of God rule in your hearts according the book of Colossians some of you are locked up by the flesh some you're bound up in some type of bondage that is overwhelming you victory and Jesus is not for tomorrow it's for today we're winners but the gym been doing this a long time it's so wonderful to be in an alive church like this and I'm in a lot of alive churches but I'm in a lot of dead ones and I'm in a lot of churches where you want to take a pulse I'm in a lot of churches where you want to hold a breathe I'm in a lot of churches look I feel like the head preacher let your vein stick out go ahead and spit and sweat we were dead before you got here we'll be dead after you leave give it your best shot I mean I'm preacher I'm in a lot of churches like that brother Jim I was in six in a row the spring in all my years I've never been in six in a row six in a row those churches I really believe could have been called dead dead urdead is deader than a doornail dead and a hammer deader in a graveyard I mean I was in six in a row well the devil got ahold of me along about that fifth one or sixth one I was in North Carolina a wonderful pastor not slamming the church because he was struggling the Jim that was in the spring of the year and we'd been in all those dead churches and I looked at I was in the password study by myself one night I think it was a Tuesday night and I looked out the wind and just a handful of cars pulling in for that big old church building and I know Pope folks were busy and boy you know the devil just jumped on me with discouragement I began to figure it up and I realized that all these years of marriage I probably been away from my wife almost 14 years and all these years on the road they never reminded me how many ballgames I've missed watching my son play and all the events in my children's lives ambrosial I just had me right there in that pastor study about ten minutes till 7:00 that night I just had me a pity party and for the first time in all these years and evangelist and preacher I thought God I'm not sure I want to do this anymore now all that's demonic and you know what happened to me that night and it's didn't some great a bragging on me thing because son I was I should have been far more mature than this but I just got a belly full of myself after that I'm looking at that crowd and I knew I was fixing to get up and preach I'm look at that crowd pull up and I knew brother Jim that oppression was coming from the enemy and you know I spoke to him right there in that pastors office in North in Dallas North Carolina and as food to the enemy that night and I said shut up I refuse to listen to you anymore I'm fixin to go in and preach so get off of my back I refuse to listen I've already won through Jesus Christ you know what I've come to tell somebody somebody literally needs to tell the enemy today shut up get out of my face your back was broken at Calvary through the blood of the Lamb of God and I don't have to live like a loser I've got victory in Jesus Christ I got one more we're done when the King comes he'll be coming visibly when the King comes he'll be coming victorious then I gotta give you this one and I'm finished when the King comes he'll be coming violently now nobody wants to hear that I understand don't nobody wants to hear that I call your attention one more time to verse 11 I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that set up at him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he does what what judge now that that word judge quire means to avenge and condemn and I know nobody wants to hear that I was preaching in a church just last year one night I preached on love and grace you know we do preach that it's in the Word of God but the next day I preached a sermon on judgment and a woman went out my door and said this to me I've got some advice for you preacher if you want people to like you you need to stick to the good stuff in other words she was telling me she liked the stuff the night before a whole lot more than that but folks if we're gonna preach the wrath of God we must preach the love of God and if we're going to preach the love of God we must preach the wrath of God and the Bible says whether you want to hear it or not somebody he's coming violently one day literally saying that's enough and when he comes he's coming two ways and I'll give this to you very quickly the Bible says he's coming with a sword look at the language verse fifteen out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword not a sword but a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's Stephen students the Bible says Jesus when he comes is going to speak and the battles over the same voice that told the world to wake up and the dead to get up and the blond to look up and the lame to leap up and the lepers to clean up and the storm to clear up he's going to speak because he's coming with a sword but he's coming with a slaughter because the Bible says second in verse 15 out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should smite that word smite there literally means to kill he shall tread on them with a rod of iron he treadeth the winepress that's the judgment of God fiercest and wrath of Almighty God alright before I close squad this is the Battle of Armageddon this is the end you know the Battle of Armageddon Joel the prophet said in Joel 3 that God's going to gather all the nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat Zechariah the Prophet said God's going to gather all the nations to battle and this is it this is it the Battle of Armageddon you know that place in Israel the plains of Megiddo to the north down the valley of Jehoshaphat to the east and the slopes of Edom to the south Napoleon once called it the world's most perfect battlefield here's what's gonna happen y'all as I wrap this up the two greatest armies number-wise in the history of mankind we're gonna gather in that valley on this side you've got the armies that are the Confederation of the west and the east they stir on the alone has two hundred million men and the Bible teaches us the Antichrist will have his army the Antichrist and the armies of the east of the West have marshaled in the valley okay none of us can imagine it out of the Mediterranean not not very far away or all the ships at sea with all of their big missiles and their weapons pointed to the battlefield the Antichrist will be assembled in the battle field with all of those multiplied tens of thousands and while they get ready to battle each other all of a sudden the Bible says the sky will open and Jesus Christ will appear on a white stallion and all of us who will be behind him on the white horses and he'll fly back down to the valley and the Bible says he'll speak when he does John said in Revelation 14 the blood will run to the bridle of the horses for a hundred and eighty miles and he'll call all of the carrion birds of the air in the next couple of verses it says together to feast on all of those that have been slaughtered say brother Rick what a cruel picture no no my God's gonna have the last word and I'm not talking about a cruel vicious God I'm talking about a God that loves you right now and wants to know you personally so I'll ask you before I close do you know him said Rick I'm a member of the Second Baptist Church I didn't ask you that I said do you know him Rick I'd go to student camp I didn't ask you that I said do you know him I've been baptized in the Babbage had to ask you that do you know him but the Jim here's what happened with his son finished this passage in and this had never happened before I was preaching in your wonderful state of Georgia in Oglethorpe County y'all know where that is about 15 miles east of Athens it was an outdoor stadium Crusade Association or wide crusade and on we're seen I listen to students June the 15th got about a thousand people there that night here's what happened I preached on being religious but lost and I asked folks to pray a simple prayer with me to be saved and asked him and that stands there were 50 yards or so in front of me I was out on the grass field I said if you prayed that simple prayer lift your hand and oh I don't know 35 or 40 people lifted their hands praise God and I said the crusade Choir behind me it's gonna sing and I want you to leave your seats come down those bleachers come through those open gates and come stand right here on the field in front of me brother Jim they begin to come and I begin to rejoice and then I noticed out of my peripheral vision there was a woman standing right here I found out later his name's Angie Garrett Angie's 47 years old and I looked down me Angie called my eye y'all cause Angie suddenly went like this just just like this and I noticed a man walked up to her and suddenly the man who supported her to keep her from falling motion frantically through the stands and a man came running down that I found out later was her husband and I found out another man came or I saw another man come found out later that he was a member of their church and literally hoisted her legs up and they carried that woman back to the stands and while all this is going on there's an ambulance parked right there because it was a County event like a football game and so the ambulance is right there by the stadium gate on the asphalt track and brother Jim I looked up I noticed in the stands as the choirs still singing they began to do the the pump on the woman's chest I can't describe what it was like how somber that thing was I've never seen a thousand people get so quiet all at once the car stopped singing they put that woman in the ambulance and carted her off Athens is four and a half hours from Jacksonville Florida and I had to go home that night because we were headed to our own student camp had to get back home it's quick turnaround so I was gonna drive home that night after the crusade service and I told the director of the crusade I said brother call me tell me about Angie I want to know about her condition brother Jimmy called me about 15 minutes later he said Rick she's gone said she's dead they believe she died on the field five minutes after she prayed to receive Christ crier she didn't have a pulse on the field and brother Jim here's the thing she was a preacher's daughter raised in church her two daughters hurt themselves were members of the crusade choir but she was lost and she got saved five minutes maybe before she went to heaven and you said a Rick don't you tell me that I'm young I've got plenty of time but here's the deal it doesn't matter how old you are you don't know the last five minutes you'll have on this earth if you're gonna get saved you need to get saved right now cuz this event I've described to yous gonna happen and I want to be sure I'm on the right side of the horse when Jesus comes again bow with me
Channel: Second Baptist Church Warner Robins
Views: 1,152
Rating: 4.0769229 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jim Perdue, Jim Perdue, mysecondfamily, secondfamilytv, warner robins, second baptist church, baptist, Georgia, SBCWR, Moody Rd., Dr. Jim Perdue, church,,
Id: ZCsooDRskaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2016
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