No Regrets: Dalai Lama's Advice for Living & Dying

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Oh put his sister Tibetan Buddhist sister and I think s so their brothers and sisters firstly I want to express my deep appreciation what you are doing and since many years I heard the disc I know activities carried by some of the member of Lama services organization so now today actually I have the opportunity to visit your own place and meet some of the your staff member and volunteers and also some clients clients patients so I extremely happy that it is human nature not only we human being but including these mountains or auctions appears more less permanent but actually even these things also this beginning there's end whole or plexus also this beginning and there's end so it is quite natural any phenomenon which has beginning there must be and then the other plants or mountains rocks auctions or collects it starts this I think no love senses of cognitive power they have no commuting capacity so suddenly except the chemical reaction alloys no feeling therefore no pains no pleasure no joyfulness but then sensing being a similar a living thing with life but more than that this cognitive capacity capacity with that the experience feeling so therefore the other living thing when they come to end this is a sense that then we who have the feeling and particularly we human being the Gosselaar memory and because of our I think capacity of vision much greater than other animal so other inner world may be a strong feeling at the moment some pains and pleasure like that but we because of this intelligence so and memory about long past compassion and also vision future so therefore when we passing through our life and generally speaking eventually old age then some serious illness which come too near the end where terminal illnesses and because our intelligence as I mentioned earlier memory and visions so we usually facing additional psychological problem areas or emotional problems so therefore it is not sufficient just taking care of the body but we need more this is a day and Tibetan Buddhist tradition there is was it a same the practitioner I think drop practitioner it was also the end of life there is such drop practitioner actually happy towards the end of the life because that is the new opportunity to take young body I had some cases so other better planet less trouble including so-called heaven like that they're worried about the desolation areum's then middle kind of practitioner there was out of the life no solos today no reluctance you are ready for that you prepared for that so no no sort of reference then the last practitioner right at least by business no joy from this or happiness regarding death no Kuroda I mean hello that I mean modern reluctance right that doesn't read me kiss oh now they look at me that that that that they no regret so while I alive I done my best now and come no regret I think more less there's the practicals of attitude realistic attitude that is part of life as I mentioned earlier where there's beginning the end logically come so from the Buddhist viewpoint the end as a human being it's much much fortunate because they are helpers the more people who really keep taking care and also because of our intelligence even at the moment of dying so you can still utilize your intelligence so to cultivate at that moment some positive the mind such as still as truism my own case although some different to the practice in my daily practice some different sort of practice they are suppose vibration for my death but I'm not really sure whether I can materialize these practice this preparation satisfactorily or not I don't know so sometimes a little bit cause of the doubt but one thing quite sure at the time of death I will remember about attrition and still thinking if future life should be something meaningful something useful to others so that's Buddhist practitioners overview of thinking so in anyway so at the time of end so we really need this is some what's a day house loss of her costliness looks like a counseling or counseling I think we're very useful very useful that is is it taking care about our emotions what our sadness not only the dying person himself or herself but also he saw her close friends so it is very you and meantime I've no doubt different job so I visit some Hospital in Japan where deformed children the taking care deformed where Jordanian season with deformities oh really very very sad I really admire those people who are working for taking care about these children with deformities something like hopeless patient really that's all this is taking care ah much sort of disturbed minded people not easy so I I want to special tack to those people who in war in such different aspect I think this is anyway I think service without an order without any expectation or invite so that's the real service otherwise is it through copulation if I have this much and what I will get there is something I'll treat but this service is really selfless right now surface of cover selfless also success service really great then now how to how to deal how to deal the person who are facing now that at of course I am NOT expert I'm just this is someone who really admire such work and realize it's really important and necessary and also there I think a last service rate last opportunity sells to other or last sort of opportunity of the implementation of love and compassion that was I know but then how how to deal of course better to research work and with some other experts I think you may gain more as a method or more efficient sort method my knowledge of course very limited but generally speaking I think they are the right of people what now listen to the process of that and I think firstly non-believer the non-believer there the end of that beat the ad note at the time of the end I came all the same feeling and some feeling of I everybody where the practitioner not professional or believe on non-believer or arrow or rich or poor educated or uneducated or high-ranking or the Lord people I think from the President or the king or Emperor that the dock or beggar same at that moment is feeling of I is same so that with that feeling they somewhere was a feeling now I am no longer that very strong feeling every single being use experience at it at that time so because of the feeling of self one once everyone I know I am no longer so there sometimes fear sometimes really further shocking something hapless this so so to non-believer I think at that moment dual to help however I think in daily life or before you see that a true sorrow happen I think it is important to accept sooner or later data sky when I passing through big cities and when they as I what called row highest rosa cemeteries or cemeteries when I Basel to cemeteries and I usually is it Ted telling my sorrow I mean the Companions this is our final destination not a big house but that is now a real final destination yeah so so better to accept that so no later that will come just part of our life then when that about to approach and accept now part of part of our life as the life part of the nature now come to nearer to me okay I think that's better sometimes I noticed some people even you see the void a void ray no your they try to avoid oh this is a very would on that's quite silly unrealistic it's better to draw better to accept there's a reality so I think like another our activities should be realistic even good or bad and said that no use pretend potentially pay attention hmm or no use formality whenever that comes there's no formal tea just a couple may also be but no formality is it just to come this is the sunlight Tibet this a friend who very much concern about what what is called Casa duty Oh astrology is Ray astrology Esther Esther Blodgett astronomy astrology salon see maybe ecology so some basically I have no faith or astrology so so I joking the teasing is some of these people who really very much concern about this astrology and I am Telling them in our life lifetime most important is two things beginning at the end so in this most important two things birth a death we cannot go according astrology ah birth come but bomb death come see we cannot say oh this is bad day according it's ROG so I will not not die ah is it built or control so then begin their comparatively minor they're not important even according the astrology is something bad day doesn't matter go ahead so that's my my view and so so you important to accept that and pursue more realistically that ITIL helpful to reduce additional manual projected inciting or anxiety or sorry harass SRO or fear then I think the best method to avoid fear or regret at the time of death is while we are alive our time our energy must utilize meaningful way serving other that's like the most profound civil right way of what meaning of usefulness one's own survival even animals also it can do but for service to other is something unique about human being I think bondage where the mother and child or offspring the bond the bond between mother or nurse even other animals also have but there are so that kind of close the feeling short period but we human being because of intelligence that kind of feeling we can prolong whole our life extended travel now so serving other people helping other people is that I think very very proprietary according our intelligence way or human ability we have such an ability so then utilize that ability president in the most appropriate way of most appropriate way is seven other people then at the end you feel no regret I done my best some useful some meaningful life now and come on oh sorry sad but no regret so this is a believer or non-believer I think everybody is just write a comment so same thing then believer again two categories in general speaking they believe God according test of religions then I think very another useful think God God is the creator so this very life created by God according to religion so therefore and also they according to God's plan so although some sort of unfortunate death looks very sad not just justified ray no doesn't seem justified oh but there must be some meaning which we may not understand God plans that so therefore there must be some meaning some positive meaning then the deadlines also have for then don't use religion such as Buddhism we believe everything happened due to Loco salty happy for the event or sad event including illness incredible business red or old age or death also due to all conditions and from the viewpoint of of say some of these not has religion who also is a accept the rebirth theory continuing on the basis of continuation of mind or continuation of subtle mind and energy we believe devious life and future life the past life limitless the future life also till the ignorance eliminate their life will continue so therefore they from that viewpoint that is something like changing our cloth clothes become old as the culture motive when it is usually more any use hmm then time come change new clothes perhaps more expensive as I like that so another another angle that means sometimes deeps sleep this consciousness certain level that's the awakening state then go down dream state further go down deep sleep further were down faint further world at the time of depth time or death the most was the log let alone mind so then again goes in the reverse order earth so life circle like that our consciousness certain level can go go go go again come back go like that so that means you see that means time of change our body but continues the mind still there on on that of the continued continuation of the mind is basis we descended it the self there's no independent self like that so knowing these things I mean the dead dying person if you see the belief or accept these horizontal concept then actually at that moment the best sort of opportunity to examine the different stage of dissolution of our physical components although I asked is amazing a friend who also is a practitioner with a Wendy Wendy passing through some surgery with varsity Shimon high anesthesia no so I asked at least two or three do find some kind of the indication of these different stages of dissolution I asked at least a two person they say no so I don't know maybe you see the due to death sorry they bill or they then smell or something maybe I think the reaction be quickly so you see you cannot recognize this indication of these different signs of at different levels if enzymes that accompany the different stages of dissolution so in any way is it now conclusion the non-believer better to accept this is part of our part of reality part of our life and sooner or later it will come dance among the believer believe in God totals of blinkers or the brief total set means submission to God is useful in that moment then Gaza in the case of no case no non-theistic religious people it is believer then si think about rebirth theory it's also useful so that usually or then then the dose remainder has a remain anyway there are the family members those were left Bihar usually I sort of positioning with these people now for example at the time of my own mother with a guy and also particularly my teacher death the death of my teacher at that time of course feel very sad but then I wake up my own my own mind ah if I remain too much sadness then some way my teacher or my mother knows about my mental state then suddenly they feel much sort of worry of course death one of your closest for a friend is very sad but but still you remain more normally no composed ah and carry your life usually and like is your service or your meaningful life still even using carry more rigorously then they your loved one may feel ok now I know more there but my friend still carry continuously with full of strength full of enthusiasm and that person in if this way to know right then that I think they that that's all the one as you feel much happier is that if you try to worry then that dead person not only his or her own death but also see his his or her remaining people too much worried and tested it and sometimes that was down Dre refers back down oh then additional worried about that person so temp isn't deadline so the remaining people of course sad sometimes unacceptable sort of tragedy but death already happened too much worried no help to return to revive that person no too much worry is simply dream your own health you own peace of mind that actually additional tragedy you yourself then this is really involve one on addition sort of suffering more programs so does usually I also use experience like that way and also this is telling some is my friend who I'm the friend or some people who come to see me after you Cindy facing some tragedy you should I or City give that kind of suggestions so finally thank you you invited me here I don't know and also you cuz I former Republican although a lot of tradition and also you see you arrange this as a helicopter so very very easy to come here the other day the helicopter raining so helicopter physical very pleasant but mentally little worried cause of it rains but to date it physically very comfortable mentally also safe like thank you thank you very much
Channel: Karuna Hospice Services
Views: 429,043
Rating: 4.8385773 out of 5
Keywords: Dalai Lama (Religious Leader), Lama (Profession), Religion (TV Genre), dying, living, no regrets, karuna, karuna hospice services, his holiness
Id: k3eJ4ezYXDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2015
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