It's Clusterin' Time!

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let's see this is the critical moment where you never know if it's actually live or not but is this thing on hello hello test check test I think it is it says it's live okay so let me get over to this camera and uh let me get over here too so I can actually see what you're seeing and yeah we have uh whoops we have this uh this board here this is the tur p 2 cluster board and you might notice it's it's actually running right now that's cuz I was doing a little testing um but uh these are some brand new rk1 single board computers they have the RK 3588 chip which is even faster than the pi5 and I have four of them and uh so in uh in this live stream I'm going to try to set up uh let me make sure I can actually see okay I'm going to try to set up four of these and see how fast this cluster goes I don't know how far we'll get but if you're watching this after February 22nd I'll be sure to add chapter markers down below so you can skip around to the parts that you're interested so uh let's get started with this and hopefully you can hear me if you can't I'm well it it looks like people can hear me so that's good um they did not send me a turning Pi 2 to test with uh Jonathan um this is actually my turp 2 2.4 revision and I upgraded it to the firmware 2.0 a few months ago when I got some early test test boards to test with I also bought uh four of these 8 GB modules uh but they sent me these 32 gig that's why I put somewhere in the top Corner the paid promotion or whatever they didn't pay me anything but they did send me these to test so that's what we're going to do today um let me switch back on my camera something possible with risk 5 not uh risk 5 is not going to be fast enough to do much useful clustering but you could do it with a marcm or something like that I haven't tested that uh but let's switch over to the camera over here I'm going to unplug everything I was just doing some testing uh because I know that there's some some preset up work that you need to do but I'll I'll reset everything here and I'll show you how this all goes [Music] together and uh the camera's autofocus is a little wonky sometimes so I'm sorry if you have to have a beautiful view of the hair on the back of my hand or something but uh this is the turn P two board and there's no video I think there's definitely video uh this is the Turning pie two board uh this was announced I don't know two years ago 3 years ago actually this is the this is the first version that I got and this is the version that was from the the videos I did a couple years ago on the compute modle 4 clustering and they sell these little adapters yeah there we go they sell these little adapters from this is the Jetson Nano form factor and these adapters let you take a compute module 4 like this you plug it in like that and then you can put four compute module fours on one tur Pi 2 board so kind of a fun thing uh each one of these slots has an Ethernet connection it has uh the first slot has a connection to let's see if you can actually see this I'm not even looking at the preview it has a connection to the HDMI port and the USB port uh and then other features on the board are distributed to other slots so like one slot has this little two channel SATA connection here another slot has USB 3 controller with an internal header here and these ports there's two ethernet uh Nicks that go in through the switch chip to all the pies but as far as I can tell so far you can't do any lag or anything so you're limited to one gigabit per second in and out of the board so one one thing that I noticed a lot of people say is like oh you know this board is is actually like a cluster is good for redundancy but this board is not not as good for that because you have one single point of failure and that's true uh if you're going to deploy something like this for production you might want to have two of these boards uh but it is nice to have multiple nodes on a board like this especially when they're faster than the compute module four um but yeah so that was the cluster that I set up last year or two years ago I don't remember anymore uh but let me put this back away it is a curious board let's see oh sorry about that I'm clipping here this is the first live stream I've done at the new office and uh let me uh here I'll show you my setup I uh I'm I'm pulling out all the stops and trying everything today so let's see if this actually works if I go to the iPhone source so I I have the camera over here with a little intro that I read that's an Elgato prompter I have my lights at the desk there's OBS hello uh there's you guys chatting in the Stream here's uh a camera for what I'm working on uh there's my other cameras another Sony that comes uh this way and gives you a view of of me back here and yeah I have it all all set up and the this iPhone which you can't see let me switch back to this camera the iPhone is running ndi so it's all Wireless and uh sending its signal into OBS so some cool stuff part of the reason I'm doing this live stream is just to make sure that I can do live streams in here uh that was one goal with the studio to make it easier eventually I want to do live streams at the main shooting desk which let me get the iPhone back out uh I want to do some live streams over there uh but I don't have a setup yet for that that's just for recording right now uh but I do have I'll show you I do have a lot of the groundwork for it if I go to home assistant I can just go to screen here so you can see that uh if I go to home assistant I can turn on the uh the studio lights over here I'll do that and then come back into the iPhone and there's the studio lighting so there's a lot of stuff that I'm still automating over time uh but we'll get there anyway let's come back to this camera and we're going to get this thing set up so I'm just using it bare on the desktop right now that's probably not advisable you should probably put some sort of protection whether it's just some things on these these holes this is a a mini ITX board by the way so you could put this inside of any Mini ITX case speaking of this is a case from my electronics this case here which you've probably never seen before because it's newi is well they might be selling it already I don't know but this is two Mini ITX cases that are strapped together in one two you rack mount so I'm going to actually put this board into here once I have it set up along with a pie cluster uh for more comparisons so that's a fun thing uh but let's get setting this up uh somebody pre-stream mentioned what is this weird weird thing I have here this is called a Pico PSU and uh if I remember I'll put a link to it down in the description but it's a Pico PSU it's literally an ATX PSU this one I don't remember I think it's 250 Watts Max I don't know if the 12vt power supply I'm using can supply that much but this one can do up to 250 Watts it comes with a few cables for internal PC stuff but these are great for this kind of board cuz you don't need a full ATX power supply for this you could do that but it it makes a little harder and it's nice because uh not only is it compact this will stay on even at low power so if you're only using a few Watts this won't turn off like some ATX power supplies will uh but anyway I'm going to plug this in for power to a standard 24 pin ATX header this board has uh front panel connections over here where if you put a normal power switch on it you can power on and off the board through that uh there's some other setting headers on here that I cover in my video that I did last year uh I also noticed today um this they had a hardware bug this is you know these boards were designed this is like the the second generation board there's always going to be Little Hardware bugs but there's a there's a battery adapter from CR 2032 down to 1220 uh because they had to fix a bug in the RTC clock battery so that's always fun thank you Keith for that uh that wonderful little donation and yes I would I love uh helping inspire people to do other projects too but since I have the batteries out and since I can remember now and I'll forget later I'll just stick that in there come on get in there there we go okay so now the RTC has a battery I don't remember if the firmware supports it yet or not uh there's there's some things that are still being worked on in this Sports firmware um and also I think the newer revision of this board this is a 2.4 the 2.5 has a new microcontroller I think and maybe some other new stuff to um little changes and things to make things better cuz what invariably happens is you send Hardware out into the world people start using it and they find all these little problems uh but also if you use a turing pie uh rk1 this supports these m.2 slots on the bottom the compute module 4 doesn't because its single PCI Lane gets broken out into all these different things oh uh that was very delayed but uh there's the Super Chat showing up in the actual stream um so I'm going to put these team group ssds these are all one tbte yeah it is a 1220 too batter it's tiny um I I don't remember I think that this board was fine with that somebody mentioned there's an extra resistor somewhere in here we have to desolder one one of these little resistors I I either did that on this board or this board was fine and it was my initial board that I had to do that I don't remember uh in any case this board should at least boot up I I tested that already so I'm going to put these in I have my m.2 screw bag and uh I don't have a mat down so these are going to go flying everywhere I'll probably be finding them for the next few years they all stayed okay good and we'll try to find some screws that fit uh I don't know what size these These are threaded for it's obviously not that one oh it is that one never mind [Music] okay let's get these in I just want to see if they work they should I have no reason to believe they won't but uh trust but verify they say oh shoot especially with Kickstarter projects Kickstarter GoFundMe all those things um you can never expect whenever I back something on Kickstarter which I did back these on Kickstarter I basically think you know what it'd be great if it ever happens but I don't expect it to so if you come in with the right expectation you won't be disappointed a video up from last year on a Seth cluster using six raspberry pies with the desk Pi super 6C that one has six nvme ssds on the bottom and it's really fun for practicing Stu clustering so check that out too I don't have any links to any of these things but I'll try to remember afterwards to put them in the description you can also tell that this board was a earlier revision because there is evidence of hand rework on it there's a lot of little bits of stuff oh somebody Ford donated $2 thank you so much um and uh let's see there's also messages o clusters and cereal yes I do I do enjoy cereal in high school I could eat quite a bit um all right uh the other thing that's important for these so this uses the RK 3588 system on a chip oh wow it actually focused that's good um this chip is faster than than what's in the Raspberry Pi 5 which is nice uh and it has a six tops npu built in so I had I know that there's a there's a setup for frig now that uses that it requires some custom setup work but uh the advantage of a chip like this is it's pretty darn fast for S so the disadvantage is it's pretty darn expensive this particular module the 32 gig version was $2.99 and uh that's pretty expensive for an SBC that's like beyond beyond Jetson pricing but there are 32 gigs of RAM there's two 16 gig modules here and there's I think 32 gigs of emmc and a gigabit I think that's gigabit it might be 2 point that one 2.5 GB it RTL 821f I think that's 1 gbit but you can correct me in the chat if I'm wrong uh but anyway this this board is $299 they make one I think it's 129 I where's one of my this is one of my 8 gig boards oh there goes one of my m.2 screws just went flying oh well uh this is the 8 gig board I think it's like $129 or something they're not cheap that's for sure this Raspberry Pi this is the 1 gig light uh so no Wi-fi no EMC this one starts it's used to start at 25 bucks and I think it starts at 35 now I think I could be wrong again but anyway 300 bucks 35 bucks bucks big difference this is like three four oh goodness hopefully that still works three or four times more expensive or three or four times faster but it's like four or five times more expensive so you get what you pay for and uh if you're an early adopter for these things you end up paying a little more too sometimes so yeah and somebody was asking about thermals there is there is a solution for that on here cuz this chip does get hot it it's a little bit hotter than the Raspberry Pi 5 chip and much hotter than the pi 4 so I also bought these heat sinks with fans and we'll see if we can get one of these out who oh here's a two thermal pads and some screws oh boy this will be this will be fun just what you came to see je trying to get these little stickers off the thermal pads H could spend most of the stream just doing that probably uh I don't know which chip I'm guessing it's the rock chip this little controller chip RK 8061 I think that's the pmic the power management chip and yes they can get kind of hot so I'm going to try it on that one cuz that's what this looks like and uh I did touch a grounded portion of my desk a minute ago so I'm going to call that good enough to prevent any static discharge on these things and uh someone's mentioning n100 boxes for 130 bucks now that was quite a deal that I got on the n100 uh gmk tech mini PC generally they go for 160 to 200 bucks so keep that in mind the deal that I had is kind of rare and that keeps going out of stock uh it was enough that gmk Tech actually emailed me and asked me to change my listing for a while uh because they had none available oops it seems like that's the right height on the thermal pad cuz it's stuck on there perfectly right away okay try to get these lined up and uh we're just going to tear that cuz they gave me five screws oh boy how many of these will we lose during the live stream I'm guessing at least one but they included five so that's okay and each one of these heat sinks has a fan built in and that fan is PD controlled so just like the Raspberry Pi 5 has these little mini jst connectors this has this has like the neck size up I think it's you know what they could be the same let I'll check that in just a minute I have a Raspberry Pi 5 over here that'd be interesting if uh if they are because then you could repurpose these little heat sinks uh for the pi five I haven't seen many with fan connectors that small I think the pi5 is is smaller let's see here yep Pi five Pi five is like 2 mm or it's tiny this jsd connector is so small um if you look it up online like the battery connector for RTC on the pi5 all these connectors the standard size is the the size that they're using here these are all like just a tiny bit smaller okay so we have we have this guy set up uh this one I actually I cheated and pre- flashed it with ubun UB Ubuntu I always say Ubuntu but uh people keep always uh making fun of me for how I pronounce Ubuntu and I actually asked one of the Ubuntu employees at CES how to pronounce it and he said it's ubun 2o so I'm going to try to try to update that but anyway I actually pre-lash this one because it takes 90 minutes 80 minutes something like that to flash one of these uh and I couldn't get USB working so it it flashes over ethernet Through The BMC to one of the slots very slow I'm going to put this into slot one which is this node here and we'll get this in here and I don't think we'll have time today to test every single feature of these things uh but we'll test as much as we can that's interesting I wonder did I do this upside down I think I might have done this upside down because I think the band connector is supposed to come out the other end yeah h I don't know if there is a right side up or upside down but let's do another one I'm going to put this one aside BMC SSH is faster you know what I have not tried that so maybe I'll have to try that at some point uh The BMC lets you you can log in over a web UI you can log in over SSH it's actually a nice uh BMC especially compared to the turp 1 which you could do almost nothing uh so I do like that uh let's get out another heat sink yes it is running BMC version 2.0.0 I don't know if there's a newer version of that as well H the heat sinks came with an instruction this doesn't have an instruction on it I could check so one nice thing is uh they do have a lot of documentation here mounting heat sink let's see what it says that's what it looks like so we're good so far and uh okay I chose correctly they're using this little tweezer that' be nice but uh I don't have my tweezers on hand but maybe I'll grab them if I need to the wire is on the left okay so I think I did that the opposite way if I'm looking like this the wire should be on the other side okay well we'll switch that out okay hi YouTube yeah your chat was in the uh burned in there thank you for being thank you everyone for behaving during that time period an apple chomecast what's an apple chomecast get out of there already making my mistakes but luckily no screws have fallen yet is the sound level okay cuz that's another thing I did not get to check um it's my health good no scary hospital videos knock on wood well that's Amin it but underneath is particle board so that's good enough oh here's some wood some some bamboo um I have not had any major health issue uh in the past year or so so that has been awesome thanks for asking now it's kind of stuck on there the problem is now this is off I'm going to have to gently peel you away all right let's try this again so it wants the power cable coming at the left read the instructions rtfm okay now try it this way and it should that should line up with the uh the cable being correct 30 HZ highpass filter is it the siblin that's getting you or is there some sound that you're hearing because luckily there's no trains rolling by right now rk1 support and Mainline uh maybe I know that they were working on that or at least the RK 3588 and Main line with a more standardized install but right now the uh the Ubuntu install that you get uh has kernel 5.10 okay this is correct so now if I go in here see the the fan cable comes out and uh we got that nice tiny cable and I could go get my tweezers but instead I'll just try using fingernails there we go okay we got one three to go that's already out and heat sink the desk base ah I I would do that right now the problem is that OBS can be finicky with audio when you change it on the fly so I don't want to screw that up um you hear nothing else hopefully you can hear like things out inside your house or something I don't want to be tuned directly into your brain yeah a full video maybe maybe not um what I might do for a full video is compare this cluster to the desk pie super 6C running compute module 4S uh for performance differences and things what I'd really like to happen is Raspberry Pi to come out with a compute module 5 which they said is going to happen and then I could compare that to these but so far I have not heard a word and uh besides it will happen first half 2024 so we'll see what am I going to use this cluster for mostly for testing uh if you look around in my studio there's a lot of stuff that I use for testing uh I have in the past I've swapped over my like home lab services to clusters like these but the problem is I when I'm when I'm trying to compare the Clusters compare the things against each other I don't have enough money to buy like two sets of clusters for testing and all that so I end up like taking down the main one and using it for the testing so this will be a test cluster probably in the main rack I don't know if I'll put it in the main Rack or my secondary rack uh we'll see okay I'm going to do it the right way put it on the left and then put this on and line up the holes get these out yeah get out of there the trash pile is starting to grow but you can't see that cuz it's s the camera thank you very much BP Brainiac that'll probably pop up on the live stream soon but uh I can see it in the live chat too what OS am I using I am using Ubuntu because that is the only supported OS on these so far uh I forget the name of the guy who's maintaining these things uh but there's a maintainer of a Custom Distribution for a lot of different Rock Chip boards and uh they're kind of working with him I think on it um but anyway so I will be using that and I am still maintaining my pie cluster Playbook uh at least minimally I don't have enough time to maintain it all the time but uh right now it should install at least on Raspberry pies I haven't tested it on the on this board because I haven't put the whole cluster together yet let's see if I can get a second one of these in just freehanding [Music] it oh boy you should definitely use tweezers for this but you know why use tweezers when you can use your fingernail and bend it backwards all right number three my name Jeff okay another heat sink and someone mentioned I'm not using the LTT screwdriver I do I do use it for a lot of things it's a it's a good screwdriver but uh the problem is that when you want to do little detail work it does come with a decent uh small Phillips but then you got this giant screwdriver it's just a lot of Mass to move around so small electronics use Precision screwdrivers this is a Klein oh I didn't know that came off but anyway this is a Klein it has uh small flat small Phillips large flat large Phillips large-ish I mean small compared to that uh but it's it's a good one there's tons of these I think LTT is coming out with one they have not contacted me about getting one to test so I'll just wait until they're available and pick one up and test it out see if it's any better than any of these I don't really like ratcheting for small electronics I I like having very precise control I don't know if theirs will be ratcheting though lots of Thumbs Up I fix it kits yeah also in this new studio I've been testing out a few different tools um and uh once I get the uh electronics workbench set up I'm going to be exploring that topic a bit more again we got some screws get out get out get out get out you're welcome James wartega and uh thank you for the good health wishes oh I did the wrong side first on that one there's always a side that's like flimsy and a side that's stiffer do the flimsy side first and you peel these things off I'm getting my finger oils all over it there's that one like how these are cut the uh the little paper on this I don't know if you can see that let me see uh let me go to OBS here uh I don't know if you can see that but the uh the plastic is cut oversiz so it's actually a lot easier to peel this off I wish that they would do that for these but I know it's hard to do that because you have to cut the cut the thermal pad first and then put the plastic on or do other creative ways of putting that together okay left side yeah left side and put it on all right by the time you do four of these you start having a system down and then you can do them quickly but then you're done with it so there's that one from James oh and thanks jup jup tur tur Turon that's I'm sorry but I am the worst probably one of the top five worst people in the world for pronouncing anything that's not like Jeff or Joe but yeah you're welcome 62 and playing around with this stuff I hope when I am in my 60s I still have the energy and health and uh time especially to share with grandkids hopefully if I ever have any right now the kids but uh only one of them has shown much interest in Computing stuff yet but that's okay that's why I'm setting up a retro Corner in the office which uh maybe we'll show you at some point on this live stream and raldo Faria sorry again about the pronunciation but uh there's three of four and there's jupes okay this one's going to be tricky I'm going to move this out of the way there's a heat sink for the the switch chip and it's right where I would normally stick my fingernail get this in ow okay well I'm still not going to do it the right way bye there okay three on the last one finally you know I've never used Linux Mint I've used many distributions but I've never used Linux Mint so maybe I should sometime I kind of live vicariously through explaining computers use this mint a lot so I figure that I pick up enough on it from his videos that I don't have to do my own okay last one H self host a Minecraft server so my idea is uh while I'm putting this one together that uh they could in the Retro corner so far I have not plugged Ethernet or any kind of networking into either of the Mac The PowerBook 3400 and the uh G4 mirror Drive door that I'm setting up up there I'll have a video coming out on those soon don't worry because I've done a lot of fun stuff talked to a lot of fun YouTubers uh there will be four different ones appearing in that video uh but I'm setting up an area my goal is to have zero internet but maximum fun basically how it was when when I was a kid uh tons of games and apps and things everything Works offline and almost nothing even requires an internet connection to set it up so that's my goal up there and I think giving the kids the freedom to play like that and especially when they're younger not have the internet access and this is not coming off okay not have that uh the overhead of social media and all that I'm hoping that that'll be a fun thing for the kids and uh a safe on-ramp into the Computing World cuz I know I was fascinated by graphic stuff by games by um what I could do with Photoshop and an old scanner that my dad brought home a lot of fun stuff okay do this right way left side and flip that and I almost have enough screws from the spares now that I could do this this one I'm not going to tear I'm going to open the bag and get out one more screw and we'll save the rest of these in one of these heat sink containers these are fun little containers I'll save them and figure something out to something to do with them we're almost to the boot time CM 3.4 no it is not it is not a cm3 or a cm4 it is the Turning P rk1 system on a module and it's in the uh Nvidia Jetson Nano form factor I think that's the one uh but it's in a in a kind of memory dim kind of form factor and I'm putting these heat sinks on right now and once I get them on we'll get this board booted up and see what happens hopefully no magic smoke if I ever used BSD I do use BSD for uh open sense I have open sense routers at home and at work here and uh it's good for that and I use Mac OS which is of course based on BSD uh but mostly Linux that's what I'm most familiar with okay that's in this fan on now I think when I when I boot this up these fans are going to be kind of loud I don't know if you'll be able to hear them uh because by default they just go 100% you have to install the the system firmware to uh to get the fans to SP with pwm so what I might end up doing is unplugging the fans if they're too loud uh all right so we got that in I'm going to clean these up before I make my m.2 screws go flying all over the place and yes it would be good to have a little mat on the desk I'm just lazy I haven't brought my mat from home right now there's a drill press and some lights sitting on top of that mat and I'm just too late lazy to go get it and uh you might also notice I have this little USB uart cable here we might or might not need that I did when I did the firmware upgrade uh but I should be able to get into this through SSH or through the web UI uh but that's in I'm going to grab let's see there's my network cable and we'll plug it into I I think both of the ports are set up as just you know bridged bridged ports go go to the whole switch but there might be some software setup you can do that changes that sorry about not doing anything on camera right now I'm just throwing away all the stuff that I need to throw away uh let's see any other questions Gamers Nexus I have one of those at home I just haven't brought it um the fans are very quiet once you get the software installed I do have a PO box if you go to Midwestern Mac LLC uh Midwestern uh yeah no screws under the board that is a good thing to check no okay Power before e i I plug in Ethernet first usually yes I got the diet Dr Pepper that is uh keeping me caffeinated today I also have uh some water and uh yeah let's see thank you Louis for mentioning me in Blue Sky and yes I am on Blue Sky and threads and Twitter X whatever it is now and uh what is the other one oh Mastadon so find me on all those wherever you are I think in five or 10 years one of those will probably win out for at least for Tech but right now people I know are all over those uh but let's go back to this guy and and you'll see if it explodes hopefully it doesn't I got the battery in got the four modules in don't need to plug anything else in and uh somebody asked about the power supply so this is a Pico PSU uh this one can support up to 250 Watts but I'm using a 12vt 8 Amp Barrel plug power supply which because of the the length of the distance to my power cord under the desk I can't show you it right now otherwise I have to reroute the cable uh but it's a 12v uh 8 amp power supply I got on Amazon for like 20 25 bucks something like that and it's useful for anything not just this but uh this should power the board just fine with four nodes even at Full Tilt so should I plug it in covering my ears okay we'll see okay nothing bad so far uh this led is for the bmc's network connection and then I saw there's also a power led up there just showing the board has power there's my hand the the camera loves focusing on my hand I hate that like anytime my hand comes in it's like oh a hand I love hands it's like Quinton Tarantino with feet except for hands anyway that's uh some Sony engineer somewhere must be fascinated with hands uh but no boom and the BMC is booting up I also see lights on the network connection let me move this little Fel out of the way oh and I hear fans so all four all four boards booted at the same time and remember I I told you I cheated on the first one I actually have this one flashed with a boom to I think it's auntu 2004 or 2204 or something like that and can you hear the fans let me know in the chat let me get the uh I'll get the iPhone to give you another perspective on this and we'll see if it actually does audio too the iPhone and uh turn on sound from here I might sound terrible I'm not sure there's those little fans oh there's some dust on the table let's get that off there can you hear that I don't know I'm going to mute the iPhone oh when I talk you can hear yeah I do have uh oh gosh I forgot I'm still on there um I do have the uh compressor and limiter set in OBS so it and I I think I have Noise Gate or something anyway the audio gate does cancel the fan okay yeah sorry about the iPhone yeah I'll I'll keep that off I'll keep the audio off on that no matter what uh camera aperture is actually at f8 right now unfortunately this is a fullframe camera so you know anyway Let's uh let's go to my screen there it is and uh there's YouTube let's see how many people are watching I don't I don't know how to even check that on here analytics nothing the stream is healthy that's good yeah I don't know I don't know how this all works but uh I I thought it would say something concurrent viewers maybe oh 1649 oh nice thanks for watching no new members oh that's terrible I don't chill for members but uh but if you want to become a member there's you get to see a a post for members and that's about it uh let's go over here so we did the heat sink and uh oh thank you everybody for saying there's 1649 okay I'm going to cover that up just in case we'll go back to that in a minute uh but one of the things that I like to do with any new SBC that I get is I have basically my whole life is in get somewhere or another most of it's on GitHub publicly uh but I have this repo called SBC reviews and I started doing this a couple years ago 2022 I think is when I started around this time and now anytime I get a new one in I run through kind of a gauntlet of test to see how it works see how fast it is all that kind of stuff and see if it works it's uh it's always fun finding like oh this this thing doesn't actually work uh it says it should but it doesn't um so and then I document it all here and then after this I'll make a video if the board warrants making a video about it uh but a lot of people are like oh did you ever test this or you going going to do a video on it it's like yeah I'm not going to do a video on it but I did do a lot of testing on like the core 3566 and the um what's another one like that the orange Pi 5 I've done a lot of testing but it's like I I did a video on the Rock five model B which is similar uh but they're not different enough that I decided to do another video on it so anyway that's my philosophy on that uh but we did the mounting heat sink flashing OS so what I'm going to try to do uh I believe if you just plug it into your network and you have uh mdns working you should be able to go to turning. local and that should take you to the BMC I don't know if there's password protection H I say that that should work let's check on my network I go in here oh turn pi. local that's what it might be there it is and I think it does have uh basic authentication and it might be like turning turning or something like that uh there's something about BMC up here there's documentation it's helpful um connect to the BMC here we go so serial console is how I did it the first time route entering SSH so I'm going to see if that works that's Let's test it really quick make this bigger so you can actually see it well some people will be able to see it still kind kind of small on phone screens say SSH uh what would be root Turing py. local and the password's Turning oh we're in and it's doing stuff so it's it's basically running its own little thing that's nice um I might be able to flash through there we'll see uh and I think what I'm going to do right now uh let me let me switch back over to this guy uh so this this BMC gives you a web UI that lets you do all these different things you can I don't know what the USB I think USB is to like connect the USB port to different to different uh slots so that you can Flash them and do things like that um Power turns on and off Turing Pi so if I turn off all but one I think you can see the screen down here let me know if you can't uh but that turned off all of those this one's still going full blast on the fan it shouldn't be if it's a booted into a wtu let's see it's uh yeah it's booted up so I don't know why that one is not not doing it oh I got a I got a chat thing let's see it's Unix system Zen admin Ah that's cool awesome yeah keep spreading the word I'm I'm going to go back to my college in a week or two and and talk to them about some Raspberry Pi stuff open source stuff so lot of fun stuff but yes we are in uh and uh where's let me get back to yeah you know what I'm going to stick this live streaming thing over on my other monitor that way I can still check on chat oh wow holy cow go away okay uh and then we're going to go back over here so node one is running and it's weird though the fan I I thought the fan would would slow down but maybe there's something else I need to install for that but I'm going to turn on the other ones we'll get them going and you should be able to see I think you can see let me check yeah you should be able to see that the little red lights lit up again let me zoom in on the board here since there's nothing else down there that you need to see right now whoa It's hard to do this through the computer I should just do it through the camera but there we go thumbs up yeah it's really good at focusing on hands the Sony uh it's a little low let's oh now it's a little high okay uh and then I don't know what type of connected nodes I don't know what this node info is for SD card I guess it's just information about I think the flash on here maybe maybe there's I might have an SD card on the bottom this is risky no I don't have one in there there is a Micro SD card slot which I don't know if you can see it oh this is really risky oh boy um I can't see what I'm doing right now oh you can't see it either uh there we go see right right there there's a Micro SD card slot I think that's you can use that for flashing The BMC and things like that uh but I don't know what sorry about that there we go uh let's get back here I am not a live streamer by any means at all but I think thatth this is for that but I I don't know why it would show this anyway this is showing that it's on uh version 2.0.0 you can upgrade the firmware through this webui which is scary I hate upgrading firmware on any kind of board um it might have emmc somewhere on it I uh I can't pronounce your name or your username pakao EMC uh but this this is the flashing the node thing so I'm I'm going to do that while we're talking going to go ahead and upload this and this is a fun thing too so if you look at you can't see it because this is in 1080P uh but it'll like be like Oh I'm almost done but if you look at the percentage here which you can't see because it's so tiny it's like 0.4% 0.5% so it's actually this is the percentage actually showing what it's doing but this bar is like we so just a little little bug in the uh in the UI here but I think I have to leave that UI open if I want to uh keep flashing it so I'm going to leave that up come back over here and uh we'll start testing one of these boards since one of them is up uh so let me get logged in here and just get a few of these basic bits of information uh so Neo fetch update I'm going to update the software well I'm just going to update the uh the APT cache and then I'm going to install Neo Fetch and check what it sees on the board because this is the first time I booted up one of these 32 gig modules I think they're the same as the 16 gig that I tested before um and let me know in the comments if you can't see can't see something that that uh that I'm doing progress bars are usually for show you know what was funny is I realized like setting up that old Mac the Power Mac G4 uh progress bars I noticed that most people don't use them at all anymore because they're just so nonsensical they don't mean anything oh there was something what was that I keep hearing that sound uh BP Brainiac oh thank you yes upgrade because YOLO did I just what did I just just do I'm just installing neof fetch holy cow why is it installing so much stuff that's a lot of dependencies maybe I shouldn't use neofetch anymore realize it installed so much all right Neo fetch I'll clear neof fetch okay so we got uh auntu 2204 so that's nice but it's Colonel 510 uh the rock chip Fork of it I I don't know why Rock Chip like rock chip could do so much better if they would just work with Linux more they don't as much I mean it's nice that they're at least on 510 it's not the oldest kernel in the world but it could be on six 62 63 whatever you know oh well anyway uh and we got 8 cores so this is sort of a lie uh if we look at the RK 3588 uh if we look at the specs here it's uh four a76 cores and four a55 of course I believe that they run at different frequencies I don't know what the 1.8 GHz is um and also the different boards can run them at different frequencies as well these might be at at 1.8 GHz I don't know but we have 32 gigs of memory and uh we'll do a few tests here so first I'm going to grab this output and paste it in here because I like to do that to have reference and we'll get un name this is the information for the I I always do my tests with the default install from the company that makes the thing A lot of people are like why don't you do this setting why don't you do that setting it's because like this is the experience people will get when they buy the thing so you know all right and then I'm going to do a quick geekbench six run just for the kicks geekbench uh and I don't know if they have a download for arm yet I think you still have to do preview downloads to go for Linux uh oh it just downloaded for Intel or AMD uh geekbench 6 arm I wish they just make it oh that's geek bench no just downloading the same thing over and over and over again I go here uh it doesn't have the link to like their the preview thing geekbench 6 preview here there we go preview versions AR 64 okay uh W get I'll download this and will I remember on the live stream the right Arguments for tar xvf yeah good [Music] okay six okay so we'll let that run for a minute and while it's doing that sorry if I keep kicking the camera the tripod is literally right where my foot goes poor planning on my part uh while that's running I did not plug in I'm silly I didn't plug in my power Monitor and I don't think there's a way let's see if there's a way to get power uh BMC there's I don't think there's a way to get like power there's you can turn on and off nodes do that you can't do you can't get power info to each slot so that'd be a cool feature for one of these things but I can't I can't see exactly how much power is being used by each one so I can't really get the like performance per watt out of this that easily uh but that's running let me go back and check on here a subscription service I think that was user Benchmark geekbench I actually pay for geekbench premium or Pro or whatever it is the funny thing is you can't use geekbench premium or whatever that is with the preview release I have an issue open for that because it's like I'm paying for it I would like to be able to connect my account to my geekbench installs but I can't uh not for armor risk 5 uh yeah XKCD comic strip on it that's that's how I remember a lot of things uh but yeah Power top I don't know if I well it's running The Benchmark so I don't want to screw it up right now um but I I could check and see if there's any power metrics available there but that might also just be on the rk1 it might not be on the thing um the RAM on the CPU boards yeah so uh let's go back to here and top on here so while it's doing that I'll give you a quick overview of this board especially for anybody not familiar with a system on module so you might be used to something like the Raspberry Pi which has uh gpio and input output oh gosh sorry about that uh so it has GPO input and output like USB ports and all that it has HDMI ports all that's built in this is a um there's an S so system on a chip on here and this is a single board computer in SBC these are called system on modules or s or SS and it has a system on a chip but you'll notice there's no way to plug anything into it there's no HDMI USB anything like that that's all exposed through all these pins over here so the the S the S so in here has the CPU and the GPU it has memory these are two 16 gig well this is an 8 gig so these are two 4 gig memory chips and then there's a em MC module on this one I don't know if you can get them without EMC I think they all have 32 gigs built in uh then there's a power controller the rock chip pmic that controls power to everything and then there's a little Network chip I think this is a 1 GB real Tech Network chip and on the back side there's no there's there's a couple little ic's I don't know what they're for probably uh try the firmware or something on it uh but that's this is a system on module so you can't do anything with it unless you plug it into something else so with a compute module 4 there's lots of different uh boards like this is called The Flash stick which you plug it into USB and you can Flash the compute module directly on here which is Handy then there's things like this this kind of turns the compute module 4 into a Raspberry Pi 4 same size and form factor uh and then there's also boards that break out everything like the compute module 4 iio board that has PCI Express and it has gpio it has all the ports and things it has four camera and display connectors so it'll be really cool if if they release a Raspberry Pi cm5 I want to see what kind of inputs and outputs they give us because this gives us I think two lanes of PCI Express I could be wrong uh PCI Express gen 3 uh so the specs on this rock chip RK 3588 are pretty cool it's a it's a it's a neat chip it's expensive though like I said earlier this one the 8 gig model I think is 129 or something I'll look that up while it's running the uh The Benchmark here green uh turning I'm going to put away this 8 gig module uh we'll go to here H you can't there's no link here you have to add the cart to see it that's kind of funny it's like forcing you to put one in your cart but it should just say like buy now cuz you're not actually adding it to the cart yet so that oh so I I wonder if I got this on a deal on the kickstarter it was like $129 or something so $149 it's not cheap these things are not cheap uh the 16 gig is 189 32 gig is 300 bucks so that is uh that is it it's it's there there it is and if you want to get more information about it I think I have a link to it in the description uh but still doing the single core multicore will be a little bit faster um I can't do any of the power bench marks right now because I don't have a way to just isolate one board um but I'll I'll end up doing that soon what I can do is do all the tests with one board and then do it with two and then I can determine how much uh Power is used by one board uh from that because there is overhead with the BMC probably a water too uh on the Turning P to uh but I also wanted to test the built-in emmc because uh they had a bug in early firmware with this that is supposedly nonexistent now uh how long will the stream be I have to finish by three for sure Central Time right now it's two central time so it'll have to be before then but uh I don't know how much longer I'll go it'd be nice if I could get like all these flashed but I don't think that's going to be possible this is only at 27% and someone mentioned it's faster over SSH um let's see if uh if there's a guide for that if there's not I'm not going to try doing that on the live stream um bmmc getting started that's turning pip two there's tp1 turn Pi one getting started here we go flashing uh wait this is tur Pi one we don't want that we want flashing OS here we go okay flashing using the BMC yep yep yep I know all that I don't see anything about doing it through SSH I don't want to try experimenting with that just cuz I've never done it before and I don't know if that's supported or not and and all that but if I figure it out I'll I'll definitely document that process in this issue so if you are watching the stream and you got to pop off or if you are watching the stream and want to find more uh I put everything I do in this GitHub issue so I'll I I think I already linked to it in the description but right now how am I flashing it I'm using this BMC interface it's a UI that's running over the web uh to The BMC that's running on the Node so if I The BMC is running on this little chip it is a all winner p113 so a little a little s so of its own uh that runs the software that runs the this board and lets you power up nodes remotely and interact with them uh so that's going it's up to 31% it's going to it takes like 60 or 80 minutes or something like that uh um this is oh it's on multicore it's almost finished now so when we get there I'm going to log into geek geekbench geekbench and we'll we'll add the result in here so on my on my result list I do have one for the rk1 this was for the 16 gig ram version so you look at the the result from this one and compare it to something like the Raspberry Pi 5 uh multicore was twice as fast which is kind of surprising because it's a70 a55 core I don't remember what cores it has the the the efficiency cores uh so basically uh this chip uses the um the kind of big little architecture that that arm chips sometime use U where there's like efficiency cores and performance cores it has four a76 cores which are the same 4 a76 cores the Raspberry Pi 5 has probably some teeny tiny little differences in architecture and RAM speed and the the connection to the memory module uh but it also has four efficiency cores and those cores somehow add up to twice the multicore score I don't know how that's possible um but you know more performance testing warranted for sure uh but it's still a lot slower than a modern desktop like this is my M1 Max that I'm streaming this on is more than double the single core performance and like triple quadruple the the multi-core performance but it's still cool and if you have four of them then that's what we're going to see uh so let's see this is the the result with the 32 gig module and we'll see how it Compares 795 and 3157 so almost identical uh so I'm going to edit this uh tring machines rk1 I'm going to edit this and call it rk1 32 gab rk1 running on turning Pi 2.4 board 32 gab Ram module so there's that one and uh here's the results I'll just scroll through them really quick in case you want to compare that to something else uh but it's it's a good chip so if I refresh this it should be in the top of the list now and I'm going to change this one and say it's the 16 gig version edit uh 16 not 17 16 okay so we got oh I should have should have left this open and gone to my results hey go wa why is this menu stuck there we go uh I'm going to grab this result and put it into here and 795 and I don't know any of these yet but I will check on the disc because I do want to see that clear okay so oh so it is it is seeing the nvme drive I forgot to check for that but there it is and uh apparently I had used this oh I I did I used it in the uh Asus store uh my flash store 12 uh for my my Nas I was using this in there but now I'm going to uh use it as utility drive that NASA's currently set up I was using it for editing stuff um and it's down under my desk but I'm switching to the hom lab hl5 server which I have a video on from a couple weeks ago and I have another video coming out soon on that one getting it more efficient because 150 watts for an assas is not that that efficient but I did get it down to 50 and uh there's some opportunities to get even lower than that but uh anyway so this is working and I'm not using that Asus store for my editing Mass anymore right now it's my general purpose in the office until I I get uh the hl1 15 setup uh but this is it doesn't have a brand on it as far as I can tell uh that's SC oh no uh SEC 240 so I don't know I don't know who makes that but but it's a 32 gig emmc so I'm just going to put 2 gab emmc built in and I don't know if this will actually work I haven't actually tested this command I usually download the script and and mess with it let's see if it just works out of the box because the uh the initial firmware that they had for these boards had a bug with the emmc that made it basically half the speed so if I go to uh rk1 is it closed here we go so I go to this issue uh the speed that I was getting were in the 150 megabyte pers second range supposedly it should be much faster than that so we'll see uh yeah so let's see um I'm just going to download the script I need to fix the script let we get uh this Benchmark and yeah I need to I need to run this differently this should be slash and that should be MC BLK zero no no have to have permission to actually run it and here it goes so now it's doing the disc benchmarks we're going to see how fast that is any chats over here yeah down to a third of wers so it's uh that's an interesting thing with the hl5 um I'll just I'll give a couple uh hints one is hard drives use a lot of power another is hbas that adapt hard drives into PCI Express use a lot of power so that's a large portion of it um also I swapped out all the fans for noctua which uses a lot less power with PDM control so now it's instead of being 60 DB it's 34 DB huge difference and uh there's so I'm I'm not using uh raspberry pies on the H hl5 I'm using the Amper Ultra chip uh yeah uh po POG Champion mode I don't I don't know how that stuff works I need somebody to like help me get live streaming working because I'm not a live streamer at all um okay so that finished let's check all these results I'm still only getting 144 megabytes per second here so I don't know it's a something maybe I need to update more firmware somewhere I don't know uh 252 this is a little [Music] faster uh random right is 105 29 is 22.1 28.9 39.0 uh let's see network results let's check this uh sudo app install Dy H perf 3 and I'll say hper 3-s so I'm running an ier server on my computer here which is on 10 gig networking and uh that's where I normally that's my target for these tests because that way if it's 2.5 gigs one gig whatever it'll hit that and if I go hyper 3-c 10.0.2 do15 so it's getting 940 megabits per second which is expected and we'll wait for this to end we'll grab that value yeah if you got to go you got to go that's uh what Malcolm said in Jurassic Park 942 okay we'll do a reverse GI off g off GIF that's exactly how you pronounce those but that's why I'm Jeff and not g off yeah so clustering I was hoping to get that set up but then when I realized like an hour before this started that it would take more than an hour to flash one node I realized we're not going to get the cluster set up so either I'll do another live stream later or not later today but later on uh or that'll be part of the video is getting this thing set up as a cluster and doing that I usually use my pie cluster my piie cluster setup which could be called like SBC cluster but I've used it for many different rber Pi clusters in the past and it's uh pretty generic it uses anible to install kubernetes on the cluster and then you can do a bunch of different tests on it so I'll be doing that uh as soon as I get all these flashed which will take hours I wish there was a way you could just give it like here's an here's an ISO uh put it on all four nodes or something like that but right now that's not that's not possible so this is 927 then I'm going to do a bir directional test um the reason I do these is because a lot of times the uh the chipsets for networking are good for up to a gigabit or .5 GBS total bandwidth you know when when you're doing networking you want to have good upstream and downstream at the same time uh thank you I think I might have said who that was but I heard a thing wi wiow 17 oh I did pronounce that so thanks again uh so but sometimes like some chips are good at getting the full like one gigabit up and down at the same time other ones like this one it's still good um but you're losing a little bit of bandwidth but it's just to test the interfaces that that uh with how fast they can be 937 up and 230 down uh but this information goes into my videos when I make them uh tiny M bench uh let's see grab this we'll do a memory Benchmark and whoops ah and we'll let that run for a minute while we check on things uh SPC bench I'll probably do that later because that takes a little bit of time and then I'll do my fonics test Suite later as well but generally when I get one of these boards I started explaining this a bit ago um but I will I will try to get a feel for how it runs how fast it is all that kind of stuff using this and then um then I'll start doing some things with it so set it up set it up in a cluster um see see how it works together see if there's any rough spots things like that then I'll try to do a real world application for it so whether that's running my Drupal website on it or something and then I start working on a video so a lot of people are like oh this you know a 15minute video it's like 15-minute video took me you know four to eight weeks to make sometimes so uh it can probably not run crisis though unfortunately um the the problem is so another thing is a lot of times people think that a cluster like this you take these four computers and all of a sudden you have all that resource together and that's not really the case um each computer is still an individual computer and you have to write software or use software that coordinates itself between all the nodes uh so kubernetes does that but kubernetes breaks up containers across the nodes and if your application isn't set up to scale that way horizontally uh this is horizontal scaling versus making one node really beefy uh then you're not going to get the performance benefit so anyway just something to think about with clustering when you cluster it doesn't make it automatically faster it makes it so that your software can spread out to the nodes more easily let's come back here it's still doing the memory testing so memory bandwidth is pretty good here uh 12 gbits 30 gbits that's uh I think that's a little better than the Raspberry Pi uh something that I was interested in seeing with these boards is uh if I go over here and if I I don't know what you're seeing uh they it has two memory modules these two chips um and it splits it up so 8 gigs this is 4 gig and 4 gig these are 32 gigs so those are 16 and 16 that could be faster for certain things because it can split up the uh the dam channels but I don't know about the chip architecture on The RK 3588 if it actually benefits from having multiple channels like that uh for desktops a lot of times that's the case uh but also it can slow things down sometimes too so that's why you have to do a bunch of micro benchmarks like this uh to see what happens in different scenarios and see how much cash there is uh so you can see like here there's no there's no latency when you're under this uh 65 kilobytes so the level one cache is probably here and you know different layers of cache you'll see the latency increases by a lot when it hits a certain amount of cash so you can see there's another like uh up to a Meg or so there's uh that might be level two or something so anyway these are ways to see your RAM performance in different scenarios with tiny M bench so I'm going to grab that and uh pop back over here paste in those results not that here we go update okay this is still going so we're at 68% how long has it been it's been like 40 minutes 30 minutes since I started that yeah Seth cluster so one big downside is um for uh if you want to run Seth on a board like this you have a 1 gbit connection it'd be so cool I mean it'd be really cool if they had a 10 gig connection to the cluster because then you could have each board could have a 2.5 gig interface and you could actually get some decent Stu performance like decent being you wouldn't run want to run VMS off of it or something but it would be good enough that you could use it in some production scenarios problem is this board has a one gig connection it's like the big bottleneck in front of all the computers so it's kind of annoying you know and and you'd think oh you could just plug in two and use lag L um to get double the bandwidth so you could get 2 gbits but that's these these ports don't work like that at least not with the firmware that's on here right now so you can only use one port at a time or you could have two different networks coming into here so that's the big downside to this if you want to do storage on it or something like that but thank you very much for the donation Julian and uh yeah lag link aggregate but it's it's usually L is how it's it is so in my brain I think L lag but yes uh must go faster ah more more Jurassic Parker refences okay so that's going that's going and uh the sad thing is well you know I I have enough time I'm going to wait for this to finish um uploading that and then what we can do is try to get the pie cluster running on two nodes uh two nodes for the time being and that way we can see if if my pie cluster clode works on the Ubuntu setup uh the same as it does on Raspberry Pi OS it should but I haven't tested that so question for those in live chat let's see um would you like to see some other parts of the office while it's doing this because it's 73% probably has like 10 or 15 minutes or something and then I will definitely throw people off as they come into the watch the VOD afterwards like what is this about this is not a cluster of computers H diet Dr peer more specifically okay yeah we'll we'll try doing an office tour so here's the problem I have not tried this at all and I won't have the live chat actually I could you know what I have an iPad this is the old broken one from the family I used this as my teleprompter so this was the last thing I don't even know what that script was uh but I use this as my teleprompter because the screen is broken there's tape holding it together uh but what I'll do is I'll try to get YouTube up on here so I can see live chat in case things mess up because that' be sad if things mess up and I'm just like standing somewhere talking to you and don't know what's going on uh YouTube oops ah no no this is also an old iPad apparently the last thing we watched on here was Bluey uh Jeff thank you to mevin oh a new channel supporter thank you very much nice hair Chef Kling so I can pop open my live stream and this will be trippy you can see 1800s here okay hopefully there's not too many ads playing I set it to like low frequency ads because you don't need like for people that watch the live stream I don't want you to see many ads but it's nice to see at least one or two so that I get a little bit of something uh but let's see here oh two ads come on now sometimes I forget uh that not everybody has YouTube premium for me it's worth it because I watch a lot of YouTube so it would just be so much time spent watching ads if I did not have it so I can justify it okay so how do I get to live chat on here I can't see live chat what do you have to sign in to see live chat that' be insane uh or there's no live chat if you're not signed in and I've never signed in on this iPad I don't know if I want to then Google can track me on everything and I I can't really G well you know what I'm not going to do is that I'm just going to leave this over here and we're just going to wing it so there are ads on YouTube well if you use an ad blocker or something there isn't um but what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch to the iPhone and we'll we'll take a short tour of the office we probably have 10 or 15 minutes uh because it's still doing go over here it's still doing this uh this forever and ever flashing so once it flashes that we'll reboot it and we'll see what we can do uh but let me switch over to the iPhone which hopefully has enough charge for this go here there we go okay ndi is working oo it's always fun to do wait what yeah up here there we go whoa all right uh so hopefully you guys can see what I'm going to do is switch audio I'm going to turn off okay I've turned off the uh mic before I walk away can you hear me well thank you very much Mario before I walk away let me know if you can hear me uh there's the little cluster it's still still flashing still going the audio is the audio crackling right now okay uh I'm not going to do that audio then what I can do is just yell okay turned off that audio can you hear me now okay I wonder if it's doing like Bluetooth okay I'll just yell so I'll I'll start with my desk uh this is the pile of projects that I'm working on which is kidding it's kind of embarrassing but uh I mean we all have piles like that don't we and that's only one of the piles there's another pile too but there's a lot of uh I hope there's nothing redacted in there that you can't see yet because it's not actually released uh but there's a lot of things too where it's like I did a lot of testing so these are some smart plugs they're very smart when they're plugged into each other I just never did a video on them so they're just sitting there um I was talking about like reflashing with the SP home that kind of thing that just never happened uh the lint roller is not a project that's just because sometimes you get lint um but yeah there's tons of things over here that I just not have not had time to work on yet uh the open air stuff um I actually have the air gradients set up I haven't done a video on it yet but I have these set up with ESP home and they go into home assistant so if I come over here and uh open up home assistant uh that's coming into here and you can see the CO2 as I talk whenever I close my uh Studio door you can see it Spike like that so I'm I'm going to have to figure out a ventilation solution if I want to close the office the studio doors right now they're open letting air come in the back and go out the front uh but also it does temperature and it does voc's and things like that uh and then so here's the problem I don't know you you probably won't be able to hear me uh I I I used to have like a little megaphone that would have been funny uh but I'll just I'll go back and I'll look at something then I'll tell you about it how about that we'll figure that out H so I'll close that okay that's still flashing okay so I'm going to go back to the uh the Rack Room area and I'll tell you about it once I come back I do have airpods you know what I don't know uh let me see if I can get the airpods into obs yeah well I just I hate bad audio so I'm going to try this if I go this could just break everything too I go to airpods oh sorry you guys are just seeing like the table right now let me go back to here um let's see airpods why are you're not connecting OBS test test this is not that properties let's try no it's not connecting to my airpods that's the problem here uh properties you know I oh you know what I can do I have uh I can use my phone or my uh my wireless mic I have these uh DJI guys let me take these back out and I can just use my camera input Maybe don't know if that'll work or not I go to alt camera no plus audio input capture camera input device device cam link 4K let's see if that works hello is that this one oh sorry about that but yeah that's the one okay so now you're through that one and if I take one of these out on the go this in get you plugged in test hold on a second that's oh I don't know why this never turns on I got these new DJI mics and uh the receiver doesn't turn on unless you manually turn it on okay test test can you hear me can you hear me okay I think this is working I'm seeing levels sorry about uh making all that noise there okay here we go this this is fun this is uh sorry about sking out on it but I I just love uh doing little fun technical things with my stream that I've never done before so let me hello this is sorry about that so I got to add this uh audio input capture camera input okay turn that off test test can you hear me now oh gosh sorry about that um yes okay so now we can actually do it and there I'll do a Trippy Zoom there and uh by the time that we get this set up you know it'll probably actually be finished yeah it's 98% oh sorry about that but you know since we got this all set up now now I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I won't be able to see chat until I'm back um oh it's low we can turn this up uh where's H shoot [Music] function level test test better better test hello yeah hopefully that's better okay all right 33 minutes left okay awesome so let's come back here so back here I have this uh for for home assistant I have a motion sensor and it works great out all the way out into the office a little bit so that's awesome uh but I've been testing this human presence sensor and for some reason I keep screwing up like I don't know why see it's not turning on this is the ep1 light I think it is the everything presence sensor and it's just now it's on I do that so I don't know if it's a delay if it's locking up or what happens but sometimes it doesn't turn on until I like manually hit the on button uh and then I I don't know I don't know what's up with that but that's the everything presents light I have a couple pies running in this rack that are totally not racked up but this is that wave share uh Pi five Poe hat and this is just a pi4 uh there's my home assistant yellow box Simply Safe that tries to catch my office on fire I have a video on that uh right now I'm running this router but I'm thinking about upgrading to a oneu uh I think go in makes a oneu rack that serve the home covered uh that is faster and it uses the n305 so maybe this this switch is now redundant all it does is I think it plugs into the uh this this is a 2.5 gig cable modem but it only gives me 35 megabits up uh but it plugs in there and then it goes up to the switch up there so I might take that switch out soon it's a nice little qap 2.5 gigs switch it's good for utilitarian use uh I have another air gradient back here uh the reason I have one here is I want to see if there's any voc's or anything from any server I install something you don't think about like things off gas uh so you get a new product and you turn it on and it heats up so I want to see if any servers that I install end up giving uh nitrous oxides or voc's uh or cause any other weird quirks also good for temperature monitoring when I run the hl5 which it's not running right now that's putting out 15 50 watts of heat into this room continuously so if I leave the doors uh closed that can actually heat the room up so something I'm working on testing over time and I'll have to figure out a better cooling solution than just a vent that sometimes comes on uh and there's there's still just a cable up here we need to fix that at some point I do have some cable channel that I'm going to run around uh so that I can easily put cables between the two racks and have them hidden and tucked away kind of like that one but this was this is by far my favorite thing I've done in the whole studio so far anytime I need a cable I just grab use it's it's so nice to have a patch cable holder never have had one of those before but I got my DAC cables these are direct attach um I don't have any fiber stuff in here yet but then I have longer and shorter uh patch cables some cage nuts and things the tools that I use back here it's funny like every piece of equipment there's a screwdriver that's best for it whether it's a stubby or a big big thick bulky one or you know the cage nut the finger saver I call it um and you need a scissors everywhere all the time and then you have your velcro because you always need to tidy things up anyway so that's that's the rack there's uh there's the low power ups in the bottom storinator xl60 and hl1 15 I was starting to install that Mars 400 server a little Seth server in this rack but I could not get the rails to go in correctly uh so I'm going to need to find the the manual for that they're like King King rails or something I don't remember what these are uh but I'm going to work on that soon that is a big long server though uh what else I got things cleaned up back there hopefully you can hear me still let's see if you can is there anything where did you get the cable yeah Amazon so I think the last moving Vlog or two two Vlogs ago uh it was uh in there I have another one here at the desk this is I mean it's it's messy but this is a working desk it is not a showes I'm not I mean you could call me an influencer I guess but I I don't like influence look at this this is this is about as clean as it gets right now that's because I did the live stream today uh but this is highly functional need e ethernet boom ethernet you need a a micro USB charger got it there need USBC here's a uh a plug to my computer so I can plug in USB devices up here I don't know what this oh it's not plugged into the computer that's the that's the whole cord right now oops HDMI to the second monitor in case I need it uh micro SD and SD card reader into the computer lightning charging all that stuff's here and this these are all my Chargers so I need to charge something I just set it on the desk and and charge and there's that iPad that is broken and is not signed into YouTube uh this is not recorded no the voice is great that's good uh that is awesome so that's it's something I need to remember I can just use my camera input I also just bought these lightstands which are so when you have space it's so much easier to do recording stuff I can just roll these anywhere in here and I have lighting so just for fun I was like I'm going to put a light on the eclipse picture e Eclipse sorry it's Eclipse I say Eclipse but it's just Eclipse anyway I put a light back back there cuz now it looks nicer um I'll show you what I mean if I switch to my main camera see here it's like lit there if I turn off this light this is not going to be permanent but it's it's just a fun way to play with different lighting scenarios if I turn that light off then it's just kind of pitch black back there so it's it's so nice to have like lights you can move around on Wheels uh let me go back to the iPhone and uh late you're never late you you arrive precisely when you mean to uh so anyway uh then camera setup like I have this is the camera I take most pictures with uh it's the a6600 and I have Sony's E6 to 55 it's a nice general purpose zoom lens that is very flexible and then this camera is what I do most of my video recording on it's an A7 C2 with Sony's f420 to 70 it's a great lens too very general purpose and then I have some other lenses too and then up here at my desk I have another a6600 and you'll notice I have the screen off so that the it can get better cooling to the back these are not made for video but they they work and it's using I think a 20 mm 24 24 1.8 uh Sony lens and that is in the Elgato prompter which lets me see live chat and see people in Zoom calls and stuff it's a nice purchase and then uh from for audio at my desk I have this asden I don't remember it's the sgm 250cx and that comes into the computer through a baringer interface and yeah this is very messy that's how it is like I said working desk not a uh uh it's functional it works and then this is oh shoot I left these lights on this Burning Up wattage that I don't need to but this is through home assistant little button studio lights press it and they all go off including this oh that was weird I've never had that happen before but it just like turned back on for a second uh so anyway there's a p6x flat panel light up there for a rim light and then there's uh I think a p200 or two whatever the 200 model series is amaran 200x and 100x with a couple soft boxes again things that I could not put into my home because the uh the setup there was was too small I was in a space literally like if you cut the floor here well if you cut the floor here that was my whole office recording area testing just boxes were everywhere so it's nice to have the space uh there's storage for Raspberry Pi stuff storage for PC building stuff storage for camera and photography stuff there's all the the boxes for the lights I should probably just throw those away but it's fun to have the boxes up there um and then this is the Retro corner this is what I've been working on for the past couple weeks mostly there's a mirrored Drive door G4 and it is truly like a mirror now it was not like that before and uh I'll do this for you because it's just ridiculous if I plug this in it has the world's loudest startup chime listen to this and there's no way to get it quieter I I've tried firmware hacks and all kinds of stuff it's like even if you cover this up then your hand vibrates and turns into a speaker so anyway this is there this is a whole project it's been a lot of fun setting that up there's a PowerBook 3400 there's a Canon gl1 this is one of the cameras was the first few videos I made on YouTube where with this camera or an XL one that I did not own because they were way too expensive back then uh but that was a cool find cuz for 100 bucks I got that it complet everything works on it it's a little needs a little cleaning up but it works this one needed a lot of work but it booted but not very well and it's still kind of loud and it uses 250 Watts uh The PowerBook G The PowerBook 3400 uh needs a little more work but I'm trying to Max it out too um and I I even found this old book that I had in my basement how Max work so fun so and then this is this is like my utility rack in the front just has networking from the back and uh little qap switch that I I talked about in one of my moving Vlogs that server right now is is my backup Nas here so I have my main Nas is under my desk and that's my backup nass I figured that this wall will block fire you know for at least like 3 seconds so it's nice to have that separation and then eventually my main Nas will be back in the rack room but I've been working on it so anyway that's that and uh I finally hung up a couple things so I have the uh x-ray of the Raspberry Pi 5 here metallic print you can get that at Redshirt this is the the dialup tone on a modem that is a Sega Game Gear I did a a a retrofit of a raspberry pie inside the Game Gear using M gear so anyway I need some water and we'll get back to the desk and keep working on things hopefully it finished that other pie and we still got we still got 20 minutes that's enough time to do some fun stuff let's see 250 Watts yeah that's it's a lot of power hello can you hear me test test test can you hear me here oh shoot hold on got to mute that turn on this mic Ox test test uh okay can you hear me can you hear me test test okay good I'm going to turn off this well you know what I'll I'll just leave this in case I need need it again I don't think I will cuz got to be wrapping up soon close this up okay you can hear noise gate is fierce yeah there is a noise gate on the overhead mic yes yeah I I love that dial up tone it's it's fun to look at that and also listen at the same time and you're just like oh there's an analog picture representing the sounds that I'm hearing okay so this one finished and here's another funny thing I'm you're not seeing my screen uh but this one finished and uh when it finishes it goes to 100% and then it says upgrade failed it worked but it failed you know it's it's kind of funny um so that is not the desk banging that I I think so next door is actually a place where they sometimes drop heavy things and that just happened so that's probably what you're hearing unfortunately but yeah task failed successfully yeah that's JavaScript so I'm guessing there's like an object that has some reference in it that was not accounted for and then it says failed uh but anyway uh we got that the second node might be up let me check switch off of here really quick uh I'm not seeing oh yeah so uh let me make sure that I'm on here if you look it's focusing on my hands again the Sony Engineers they love hands if you look there you can see an orange light on node number two that's this one uh the orange light means it's connected to the network so that's a good thing funny thing is I don't know why there was a bug on here that would like act like it wasn't a gigabit or it would only get 100 megabits but I think that was with the jet so these are good don't feel any heat coming off of them so I mean it's not doing much anyway uh but let's get back over the screen uh in just a second open this up object object object yes I'm going to scan my network really quick and see if I can find this and uh then I'll switch back my screen got to get this py five out of here hold on just a moment okay 240 oh there's a bunch of new devices on my network I wonder if the other ones somehow booted up into something going try 238 go back to screen exit oh I can quit out of this uh 10. 0.2.2 38 uh that's interesting maybe it's not 238 try 240 241 yes nope 242 maybe one of my viewers is uh is hacked into my network or something but I I'm I'm guessing these come pre- flashed with something on them that uh it's doing that I need to change my password and yes I will be changing these passwords again don't worry uh oops that's not the password shoot ah let's try that again it's making me change the password current password is Ubuntu Ubuntu and new password is this weird thing here that I'll change later and now I'm going to SSH copy ID and now I should be able to SSH without using the key okay so I'm in uh let's see if we see yeah so there's that nvme drive so all the nvme slots seem to be working I'm going to assume that the rest will work too um must be okay there's the nvme and the built-in emmc so that's good that those work yep yep uh now okay so I'm going to go to and make this bigger so you can see at least a little bit uh what is it Pi cluster make sure I'm on the latest code I wasn't and you know what I'm going to turn off screen sharing for a second and check and make sure I have no secrets in here uh 10.0.2 um file system we're not going to use ZFS right now okay now just use that hash salt save okay then hosts all right I'm going to close that and come back to screen sharing just wanted to make sure because I've done in the past some silly things before uh this is all going to get nuked so don't worry about that hosts uh we have I'll just use the IP addresses right now that's node one that's node two so we'll go control plane will be on node one and H you know what this is going to change my networking too so this might not work out of the box I might need to do some more setup work for this that I'll have to do in the main video I'm going to delete those nodes uh storage do it on that guy so the cluster is going to have the control plane which is the the I'll I'll have it on the first server that's going to run kubernetes as control plane and then nodes right now there's only one that I know is running UB ubun uh so what is happening right now is I'm setting up the cluster so that all the nodes can work with each other right now these are all individual computers and you can address one or the other or the other but I can't do anything to coordinate between the four of them um you could do it with custom software you could use something like kubernetes or other clustered software uh I'm going to install kubernetes on it I'm just going to see what happens here it's probably not going to work uh but we'll see if it works but this is my this is my pie cluster well it's easier if I just show it to you over in Safari uh Pi cluster do I have it up somewhere no Pi cluster if you want to do this on your own cluster it doesn't need Raspberry Pi is it's just anything running Debian basically uh but this is the software that I use to uh test test clusters of of these single board computers I have that set up and H some things might be Pi specific I don't think they are but oh yeah I do have some Pi specific stuff so this isn't going to work uh because I don't think if I CD into boot yeah oh well huh is there a command line in here I don't know if this uh drro use the same kind of setup there's no command line in here so some things will fail on here so this won't work and we'll probably end up wrapping up the stream around here um but what I what I will do is make this Playbook work with the turpie as well um and yeah in terms of yeah Shep is talking about load balancers and things there's there's a lot of different ways to lay out a cluster of computers and uh for this one you like I said earlier you're bottlenecked by a single one gbit connection so you can't do a lot of things that you would want to do with clustered Computing when you have higher power individual nodes but you can do a lot um am I from Great Britain or the USA I'm definitely from the USA with how and I'm from the Midwest so if if I pronounce things funny sometimes that's that's probably why I'm from Missoura which is actually Missouri but some of us say Missoura and wash waser and warsh and FY and things like that uh but but yeah I'm not going to be able to do this in today's stream because we got you know I got to be done in 10 minutes anyway I think we can wrap it up there and then uh like I said I will be putting time stamps so if you came in late I will have time stamps up later either today or tomorrow that you'll be able to go in and find the spots that you want to see whether you want to see the tour of the office or whether you want to see um the hardware setup or um information about the Turning P rk1 or whatever Car Wash yeah misery um but yeah so uh yeah I think I'm going to wrap it up there and I'll I'll Flash the rest of the noes what I'll probably end up doing is another video on the board um where I put it into this guy I don't even know if I'm on the right camera I'm not I'm not on the right camera like I said not a live streamer I'm going to put the turpie 2 with the RK 1's in one of these two and then desk pie super 6C cluster with six raspberry pies and another then I'm going to do like a cluster off or something like that uh the cool thing is you can uh pop these out and this could be its own little mini ITX case two mini ITX cases or altogether it's a one like a 2u rack mount server with two ITX boards there's some little tricky things about this and uh I oh this is cool I didn't even know that you can you can turn this into two 10in rack mount uh devices so if you have a tenant rack which in America they're very hard to find they're easier to find in Europe but if you have a tenant track you can have two of these two two you things in tenant Tracks Of course that it's pretty big for tenant track anyway very cool little unit and this is from my electronics they sent this to me like a year or two ago it's been a while um I don't know if they're selling it or not but if they are I'll try to link to it but I'm going to put those two in there and I'll do a video on that at some point I don't know exactly when that'll be hopefully it'll be soon but uh thank you everybody for watching and uh do something about my sound what's what's wrong with the sound right now it seems like it should be okay I mean I I have a noise gate and stuff this is the problem is that there's fans running right here that are pretty loud um this is not my normal Studio setup uh 10 10 in whatever that is in your non-freedom units uh but yes yeah no the buzzing in the background is the fans if I I shut this down let's see if this fixes it for you uh shut those two down and go to node power and turn those two off let's see how that sounds okay those are all off is that better does it sound better for you now 25.4 CM rack yeah uh let's see yep yep okay so that should be better yeah it's sorry about that I mean these are they they the funny thing is the pwm worked last time I set up the cluster with the 16 gig modules so I don't know if there's something in the software that's wrong or what I'm sure that somebody in the live chat probably said like oh so fix something but but whatever the the problem with not noise gating is that there's usually a couple sounds in here that I don't realize are there that uh that cause issues so yeah yep yeah the rack is definitely very bare right now I I'll I'll be putting more stuff in there don't worry there's also I didn't show you the project rack here because a couple of these things I don't know if I can show you yet but uh one of them is a frig NVR running on a compute module 4 in access's Interceptor case which is a a one new rack mount server for U running your own DVR NVR so that'll be in the rack to there's a lot of stuff uh uh yes this is in the new studio and yes it's it's cleaner I could close the doors it would go from let's see what we're at um let me see if you can even see this okay so oh wow that's been on for like three hours now anyway if I I'm quiet which I'm not so we you know down to like 30 34 DB or so is the typical noise floor in this area um but if if I am quiet and I close the doors it goes down to 32 DB so we could get down that quiet it starts getting a little uncomfortable once you get past like 33 32 DB your head feels weird uh so yeah the P envr video I've had that on my list for like six months now I have everything working I even have three setups with it that I was using for different testing we're going to get there don't worry um but yeah yeah all right well thank you everybody for watching and uh as as I always say until next time I'm Jeff Garling
Channel: Jeff Geerling
Views: 159,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turing pi, rk1, rockchip, sbc, linux, cluster, edge, cloud, iot, device, computer, computers, clusterboard, tp2, turing pi 2, raspberry pi, compute module, cm4, clustering, hpc, learning, educational, education, teaching, bringup, testing, live, stream, nvme, ssd, install, benchmarking, benchmarks, performance, kubernetes, k3s, k8s, local, power, pico psu
Id: YH_GPeq4o3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 42sec (6822 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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