Paying Sister and her "Boyfriend" to Tell their DEEP Secrets! | Brent Rivera

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Oh what's up everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel I am here with the legendary Ben my husband's call you Ben Ben and Lexi what's up I feel like we haven't done like a sit down video with you two in a long time yeah it's been really nice even hiding oh you've been hiding yeah boy - doing this for a long time so today is a very very special day not for me so I thought it'd be a good idea to offer you guys a chance to win a thousand dollars and try to take it down with no crime nope nope nope so usually I don't give away money in my videos but I thought it would be fun because I am about to learn everything about you guys inside and out basically I'm repaying you guys to tell me your deepest secrets I don't know our deepest secrets are worth a thousand dollars but I kind of want that thousand dollars so every question I ask if you answer it I give you a hundred dollars okay and if you choose not to answer it that means you have to give the money back okay hopefully they turn on each other or something hundred dollars is $100 okay you guys ready to get started alright alright so the first question is for Ben Oh No all right Ben how many girls have you dated and who was the best kisser what oh I have to answer this one because I don't have any money to give back to Brant so I'm kind of forced to answer it okay so I've dated three girls the best kisser the best person that kissed I don't want to say it but I kind of have to right Oh probably Lexie yeah it's probably Lexie yeah could I have the money yeah yes yes this video was your idea a hundred bucks no breath smells B it's making me uncomfortable now my next question let X questions for Alexei are you ready what was the biggest lie you've ever told Ben oh I like this question Brad what's the biggest lie you've ever told me that doesn't count I mean it's not that big but it's probably the biggest lie ever told um he asked me where a few of his sweatshirts went and I was like but they're upstairs in my closet so you admitted that you take his sweatshirt is that the porridge one and the white one yeah never trust a girl that lies to you that's all I'm saying I kept with it right now alright so the next question for you Ben and Han here here we go next question who was the last girl you dated before Lexie the last girl you dated give me a name or I can just give you back a hundred dollars I mean it's up to you Ben here's $100 why don't you want to you don't want to say she's only here for the money all right so the next question Lexie is for you what's Ben's biggest insecurity that no one knows except for you like gives Brent back $100 a week give me the tea what Lexie come on all right it's my gosh you guys are now you guys have no money except that you're gonna answer every single question I thought so Tim ah here we go next question this questions for you bad who is the last girl you texted that wasn't Lexie my check yeah you can check my mom does it count can't say your mom what you can't be related to you ask me some other girl what well there's a let's go you checks it come on I don't have a choice well the t's spell it Alexis well it's gonna be more of like it's bad for you right now that for me I don't think Lexi's gonna care well actually the last girl that texted me I don't think I texted you yeah she's next to me oh I didn't text first Lexie hearing this it was a book all right what did she say she asked if I was home because you wanted to go skate with skating Refik a you Lexie next question is for you if you weren't seeing Ben right now who would you date [Laughter] what do you say Mason I share those a surprise no seriously I see no Rocky oh why no no way I don't know if I really yeah [Music] Landru okay so you both have $100 right now and it is Ben's turn what was the biggest lie you've ever told Lexi okay I don't want to say it spill it say it then come on come on all the way no the ring that I got you the one that you're wearing it's like supposedly a few thousand dollars I got it for your birthday except I think I know what it is it's not real its fake you bought a fake grade how dare you maybe you can afford a real ring this - I was trying to be nice you know which was it I was like 30 bucks that is so fine it's better than no ray that is true so now Ben has $200 Lexi eyes of 100 Lexi it's your turn here we go what is the last thing then did to you that really bothered you you know one thing that Ben's been doing a lot lately that's just been getting under my skin and all over me up my nose and burning like what stuff I know I've heard this multiple times you I heard that he has had a court process basically he farted in friend me for the first time and ever since then he's been like so comfortable that he just keeps doing nuclear there hereby Lexi saying I keep doing it is maybe two or three times in the past few months sure three times today stop you guys I don't want this to get out of hand I don't they don't have a farting problem okay okay so these next two questions are gonna get crazy because they're gonna be for both of you and whoever choose to answer it first yes the hundred dollars okay so you guys can turn on each other as much as you want okay alright here we go so the first question for both you guys who is the less talented kisser between the both of you wish answer this one I was gonna get back the hundred dollar bad I don't know I deserved that hundred dollars I just got fun the bus yeah I'll buy it special all right so the next question do we go guys this is for both you again what is one thing that you would change about the other person you guys can both get a hundred always here if you really have one I would love to change Ben's attitude [Applause] legend you just say things that aren't even high five me yet that was great what about you thought was gonna make my super innocent nice because they actually care about like I was gonna say I wish that you would what it takes so long to get ready all right guys final round here bonus question whoever gets this one gets the remainder of the money we pretty much squeeze all the juice out by now but there's a little bit left at the end of the box and we're what do you think let's do it ready eyes hands last question if your celebrity crush DM you right now and said let's go on a date would you guys do it you're talking Ariana Grande I'm talking whoever you think you know what I'll answer it I would hang out with them as a friend but I wouldn't go on a date with them it wouldn't be like that no no I can't say the same I'm kidding oh yeah you guys there you go there you go and then I have one extra hunter who wants it I mean we can split it okay I'll split over if it don't rip the plexi just keep this right okay all right all right all right guys like this video if you thought that I exposed them pretty hard no you didn't yeah I think I do guys like this video come on it makes you subscribe to my channel as well as their channels it will be in the description below thank you guys for stealing all of my money thank you for exposing me thank you for this wonderful opportunity you know it was worth it it was actually worth this money to find out this kind of juice you know I'm saying all right guys I will see you guys actually [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 16,737,870
Rating: 4.9216127 out of 5
Keywords: brent rivera, mrbrent98, vine, instagram, ben and lexi, bexi, tik tok, reaction, reacting, funny, diy, comedy, sketch funny, money, paying, deep, secrets, to tell me, from, compilation, funniest, brent, david, dobrik, git up, challenge, vs, slime, how to, biggest
Id: Z3i66WPJius
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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