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never have ever secretly made out with my friends sibling 3 2 1 I am here with my sister like you always do that I am here with my sister Lexi hey guy and also Ben thank you and we are about to play never have I ever so basically we're gonna pick from this hat and we're gonna say if we have done it or we have not done it these are going to get interesting I think I'm gonna learn a lot about these two alright let's do this here we go alright who wants to pick this I will want to pick it up oh I'm so scared okay first question never have I ever faked my parents signature count 3 2 1 everyone has to make their apparent signature oh yeah alright next one never have I ever broken something of my mom's and didn't tell her I definitely have me Tim you have yeah mom's perky bottle I looked it up afterwards it was like a hundred and twenty dollars oh here we go never have I ever kissed someone in my parents room yeah yeah me too gross you kiss your mom too and you her bedroom oh we're a little we kiss our mom and stuff yeah well there you go wait for you sorry mom alright here we go never we practice kissing on my pillow I know oh yes you have you guys bow okay next month here we never have ever secretly made out with my friends sibling three two one never have I ever made out with someone in this room before I found a question does it matter yes it does I'm not fair we have to answer it it's not on the paper it doesn't matter Taylor isn't that fair I can ask it's my video it's my video I can ask whatever question right no it's your video you can ask a question Kelly here we go what never have ever made out with someone in this room before we're just learning a lot about each other today right guys right like this next one's gonna be really bad I don't know why never have I ever paid more attention to my face almost every time uh-huh I just feel like it's a waste of money like if you're going to the movie and you pay you the money like you want to watch the movie you know not in bed okay the thing is you two movie with the girl I'm not really going to watch the movie this means that like she's never going to go to the movies with bed I will be there I will be at the movies so I will be disguised you will not know that I'm there have you seen drinking Josh pip pip dilly-doo alright so bender I'll never however galaga someone else's toilet but the thing is like for me the twirl was already kind of broken you know you have it like other places this one time I clogged my friends toilet three times in one day my okay it was a rough day yeah it was so bad but I called it three times in one day I don't think you've ever caught guard toilet though I've been so close to doing it I was like man it flushes never have ever taken food out of a trash can and eat it she's completely lying about this I go to the movie theaters and sometimes to believe you have those big things you get refills right yeah yeah like so I just get their big thing out of the trash can and I get a free refill and it's free popcorn ever have I ever fantasize who wrote these that's the question here we go three two one no I'm literally done with this game oh come on I'm sorry I am here for you guys I'm trying to find out more information oh we're done we're done we'll just do the outro and then probably this if this video gets a hundred thousand likes we'll do a part two but thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did hit that like button goodness beyond 100k likes and we might do a part two also subscribe to both of their channels the link is gonna be in the description thank you so much for watching all of our so she'll be makes agha me down below and I will see you guys next week adios amigos [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 21,326,468
Rating: 4.9413114 out of 5
Keywords: brent, rivera, mrbrent98, never have i ever, dirty, funny, girlfriend, sister, comedy, from, vine, instagram, compilation, jake paul, shane, dawson, mind of, logan, paul
Id: 4vuUMdkYWog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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