GOD'S WILL IS SUCCESS: The Love of Money (Part 5) (Aug 19, 2018) Keith Moore

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if you would put up third John please guys on the screen third John - on the screen we're still I'm still on the series when I'm with you on God's will is success and just like we prayed just now I'm believing for revelation not just for myself but for you and for everybody in Branson everybody online everybody that'll watch listen to this later because it is necessary revelation the scripture says Paul said in Saints at Corinth he said we're not ignorant of Satan's devices well one of his biggest device or devices is deception and the thing about deception is if you knew you were deceived you wouldn't be does that that makes sense say what what does deception mean it means you think something's right you think something is true you believe it but you're wrong but you think you're right you don't have to raise your hand or anything but have you ever been deceived I know you have so what's one of the enemy's main ways he operates one of his big devices it's deception so how do you get free from deception revelation you will know the truth hallelujah and the truth will make you free from being ignorant of it from being in blindness from being confused from being deceived so said out loud Lord I asked you open my eyes enlighten my heart and my mind to see what is deception and what is truth what is the enemy and what is you amen praise God and you don't want to assume I'm there I'm completely enlightened where I sit today and I'm not thinking wrong or believing wrong about anything that's wishful thinking because we know in part you'll see what I'm talking about in just just a moment clearer and third John 2 if you haven't been with us I've already covered the Lord's helped us to cover several things along this line you can get the previous messages online won't cost you anything catch up with us but our text here says beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers is it God's will is it his desire that we prosper and that we be in health yes as our inner man and as our soul prospers absolutely in some 35 verse 27 some 35 27 is that let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous calls yay let them say continually let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant now to hear many even preachers preach today you would think that said God has pleasure in the poverty of his servant but it doesn't say that and this was not an isolated verse are you his servant I know you're his child but you should also serve him right out of love you be a servant to does he take pleasure in your prosperity hmm if he didn't he'd be out of step and in disagreement with every good father and mother we know right I mean how many of you have children grandchildren let me see how many of you with children and grandchildren it would bless you for your child to be broke and get kicked out of their place for their living get their stuff repossessed not have enough to eat would you go yeah that's what I'm talking about they'll learn some good things now no would it bless you for them to be multimillionaires living good doing good successful huh would it make you mad oh you sure you see them living in the big house driving a new car nice clothes and plenty of money and you'd say that just makes me sick would you say that well I your your pretty unanimous in your agreement about this but people right and left try to tell us that our Father is not that way that actually anything that's expensive or nice irritates him bothers him for us to have it and really if you want to go all out committed to God you basically need to take a vow of poverty especially if you're a minister you really should that's another way of saying God takes pleasure in the poverty of his servant does he or not now in this world you got two sources for what you believe you got you got what God said and everything else huh come on there's only one solid rock sure foundation to build your beliefs in your life own and it is it is written thus saith the Lord come on are y'all with me or not hi don't get messed up by everybody's goofy ideas and don't let an unbeliever tell you what Jesus thinks a non-christian tell you how Christians ought to live what do they know about it well enough on that is it God's will does he take pleasure in our prosperity listen to Psalm 112 verse 1 Psalm 112 one said praise he the Lord blessed is the man that fears the Lord that delights greatly in his commandments now if you had asked Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph David Solomon if poverty was a blessing they'd look at you like you had lost your mind because nobody in the Old Testament covenant people with God believed that poverty was anything other than a terrible bad curse right and they had the Word of God that if you'd obey God with all your heart mind and strength he would bless you he had bless your sheep and your goats and your cows is that right and your camels and your crops and when you went out and when you came in and your basket and you start true have you ready well when did God change when did God change so yeah I used to like that but now in this new testament I'm just fed up with all this money and all this stuff I don't like it anymore now who changed hooch a people not God but people have invented all this stuff nope verse 2 his seed the man the woman that that reverence is God and obeys him they'll be mighty on the earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed verse 3 wealth and riches shall be in his house well this makes the devil mad it makes religious people mad which is why I'm going to read it again real loud wealth and riches shall be in here huh that means he's got a house he's got a house and he's got stuff he's got stuff in the house and it ain't cheap stuff it's this wealth and riches his righteousness endures forever keep going down to verse nine for times sake he has dispersed he's given to the poor his righteousness endures forever his horn shall be exalted with honor now you there are some some blatant inconsistencies in what many church folks say and say they believe people say you should help the poor but you shouldn't be wealthy huh but you should do a lot for the poor but you shouldn't have much does that work come on does that work does that work and if it's really God's will for people to be poor why should you help them help them get out of the will of God [Applause] see then this stuff don't even make sense outside of church know if it's right to help people in need then it was not God's will for them to be in need elsewise you're getting in the way of the will and plan of God and if it's God's will for you to help people it's got to be God's will for you to have something to help them live come on guys this this ain't rocket science right [Laughter] he told us things to do let me let me mention a couple of these things to you and you'll have to you'll have to hear with your heart on this first thing people said well you know Jesus Jesus didn't niemoller house and Jesus you know he said didn't have a place to lay his head and you should be like Jesus if we lived just like Jesus lived we will be completely disobedient to do what he told us to do well what you heard me Jesus never got married if you live just like him you won't get married Jesus never traveled outside of his home area if you live just like him you won't either come on here with me Jesus was on a short course to the cross and didn't live past what 33 years of age or something we must distinguish between what Jesus did as our substitute from what he did as our example coming out with me or not he told us to do some other things did he did he or did he not let me give you a couple of things he told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everybody and costs money that takes coin is that right have you ever left the house going anyway you ever took a big trip you better bring some money with you he told us to take care of our families didn't he he said if you you know forsake your family you've denied the faith worse than an infant he wants you is it God's will for you to have more than enough to take care of your babies and your kids put them through school and good clothes and help them income O'Neal with me or not this is the will of God it takes money and a fair amount so this stuff about God won't you broke and poor who won't you broken poor say and here's the thing the devil never comes as the devil the scripture says he transforms himself as an angel of light so he always is trying to get you to become convinced he brings a message and and with the light show and he says is God God and you've got to know enough word and know the Holy Spirit well enough to go I see you I see you it is written it is written God takes pleasure in the prosperity it is written going to all the world crazy it is written take care of your family hmm he told us to honor our ministers he told us to honor our fathers and mothers he told us to honor widows and orphans he told us to help the poor he told us to do good to all men with what you got to have something right and the more you got the more you can do if that's your heart if you're willing though somebody say I believe it do you thank you Lord go with me in the scriptures please to John what are you going over there just said out loud God takes pleasure in my prosperity he's pleased when I do well amen I I perceive I believe I'm speaking by the Spirit of God now our churches and the Ministry hear us where were family that God is working something in us in this area he wants to add to us big time you believe it or not ken does your spirit bear witness with this he wants to add to us ability ability through money through equipment through stuff through opportunities through open doors he wants to advance he wants to multiply but in order for that to happen like he wants it to the limiters have to be removed you remember Psalm 1 at Psalm 78 11 I believe it is it said that the first covenant people that he brought out of Egypt they turned and limited the Holy One of Israel limited him in their lives you don't limit him in being him and who he is but you can limit what he does in your life and two of the big ones I see here that I'm believing for revelation I'm believing we're getting this and we're going to right we're gonna break through these things one of the big limiters is not knowing or believing it is his will for you to prosper for you to be blessed for you to increase not not knowing it or not believing it are not receiving it so we've been camping on this for a while we're going to be on it some more I need to say that again don't just wait for the second one here I'm about to say don't assume you know this hmm come on said another time it is God's will for me to be abundantly supplied and of course this is not just for you this is not just for yourself right because it's you can be lazy spiritually you can be lazy with your faith you can be lazy with your vision you know I've worked hard and I'm comfortable and I'm retired I mean I'm semi-retired not from the kingdom you ain't retired you're never going to be retired from the king you retired when you breathe your last till then you better be on the job with something for the kingdom believing it is his will number two we must overcome the love of money and stuff we're going to begin to touch and get on that today but these these two things limit believers they limit what God wants to do in the area of finances and provision most people do not do well with extra time and extra money anybody wait most most most people you give them three months off in a million dollars you won't see them in church next week coming at me where are they what are they doing and gods you know there are different ways to get money and things in life just because you got a bunch of money and much of stuff doesn't mean you're blessed it doesn't mean God gave it to you either we don't know how you got that you can lie you can steal there's all kind of ways to get things but we're not we're not talking about that we're talking about the Lord adding to you and if he's if he's going to add it to you it's gonna come the right way and the right time come on here with me and it's not gonna hurt you he's not going to add something to you that's gonna take you away from him he can't do that but the limiter is not on his in if we'd grow up some come on out with me and not take another 20 years to do it he could and would add much more to us is that okay now in John 12 we see something that we've looked at before John 12 of 1 Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany where Lazarus was which had been dead whom he'd raised from the dead there they made a supper made him a supper Martha served Lazarus was one of them that said at the table with him is that something or is that something a couple of days ago he was in his body was in the cemetery and I sitting up here saying fast potatoes and Mary who is so happy to have her brother back alive and in the house two of her favorite people sitting at the table telling her how good her casserole is and her heart is just full and she wants to express honor and respect and the most valuable thing she has is this stone box kind of like a little thin marble box that was full of precious ointment it was a kind of thing a grandmother and a mother might pass down to their daughter it was worth depending on average day's wage and the economy probably anywhere from thirty thousand sixty thousand dollars a surprised possession but you got you got a watch about saving things till later because there are come a time when there is no more later right and when the when the Lord prompts you to do something don't miss the opportunity and she didn't this time it came to her heart I'm gonna I'm gonna bless the Lord with this and so she took it and she broke it and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair she's expressing as much humility as much gratitude as much honor as she knows how and the house was filled with the odor of fragrance of the ointment then said one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son which should betray him and if you read Matthew's account and lurks account you know that just I guess hours after this he went to the priest and said how much will you give me and I'll turn him over to you this was hours before he did this I suppose verse 4 why wasn't this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor have you ever heard that before have you ever heard people say that's that's ridiculous they spent all that money on that church building right do you know how many people that would have fed right and the jet oh forget it forget it forget it that just makes me sick I could have been sold and given to the poor people say it with such enthusiasm like they're coating Jesus who are they quoting did Jesus say this did Jesus agree with this he corrected them can you see how skewed this thing is that people think they're quoting Jesus and they're quoting the devil inspired man why wasn't this sold and given to the port and I noticed the next verse this he said why not that he cared for the poor so he said it but he didn't mean it and he didn't feel that way he didn't if he didn't care about the poor what did he care about because he if you read the other passages he said he was indignant strong feelings indignant mad upset over this waste heat the scripture says it had nothing to do with him caring about the poor he said it because he was a thief and had the bag carried the money bag and bear what was put in and other translations bring out he helped yourself to what was put him so if he had been honest what would he have said this is complete hypocrisy and so it is with people that say similar things today its hypocrisy if it had been honest what would he have said what what what he said he looked at it he said no no no I could have had a bar for that by tomorrow and sold it for 40 grand I could have pocketed 20 and told y'all I sold it for 20 no my 20 grand my 20 grand is everybody awake here is one of the biggest revelations to get free from deception in this area why do people get upset about money because they care about money yo with they're not you don't get upset about something you don't care about if Judas had really cared about the poor he wouldn't have been harassing this woman and trying to shame her over her selfless act of trying to show gratitude and honor at another appropriate time he would have talked to Jesus about how they could do more for the poor come on can you see that instead of judging what's the money into if you care about people in need you do something for people who are in need with your own money right now and if you don't do it you're a liar and a hypocrite and a judge of other men and women and the reason you would get so upset is not because you care about people in need because you care about money money the love of money it's a prevalent thing it's all over the place people like to pretend it has no place in them and has no is not an issue in their life but it's everywhere it's quiet go with me to Luke the sixteenth chapter now this is this is one of the biggest things you could get all year I'm telling you why do people get upset about money come in why because they love money it cannot be any other way you don't get upset about something you don't care about now with me or not it can't be any other way why was Judas so indignant he talked about the poor but it was complete hypocrisy he cared about the poor he'd been endeavouring to do something for the poor and what we're talking about it it's just religious to talk about the poor and not do anything the poor is not a generic group we're tell my people in need but we need to come back to this why are people in need folks don't want to talk about that there are people in the world that are suffering because of the mistakes of their parents and their parents parents for generations that left God hmm the only fix to it is a nation coming back to God because some of these places one of their biggest problems is droughts they've had a terrible drought for years no crops who can fix that man can't fix that but God could fix that disaster man hmm but if you're worshiping false gods and idols and blaspheming God you have forsaken your source and your help and sadly innocence pay the price young ones babies starve and die it's awful it's terrible and it is a good thing as the Lord enables you and leads you to help people help them with food help them with water it's a good thing there's other people in this country and abroad if they had an opportunity to get a decent job did jump on it then they'd make a difference and in I mean in a few months that have a different life if they if they had a good opportunity there's other folks have had hundreds of opportunities and they have rejected everyone they won't submit to anybody they refuse to work and the scripture says if anybody refuses to work they should meet you know what I'm saying when you say the poor you're talking about different reasons right so people many times of just being religious when they're adamant about it and when they talk about that just you know if I had the money they paid for that painting on their wall I could do so much you are a liar and a hypocrite yes you are who easily therefore what are you doing right now with what you have because the cording to Jesus that's exactly what you do with another million oh no if I had a lot you're lying people who care about those in need don't judge other folks for what they're doing with their money they take their money come on in here with me and they do something jane says fourth chapter if you're a judge you are not a doer Romans the second chapter says if you judge somebody you are guilty of doing the same thing so when you hear these people saying you know aha these preachers they just love money that's all they're after and I don't doubt that there are preachers that love my but the person who's mad and says that what do you know they love money or they wouldn't even care come on can you say this or not can you say this or not they love money or they wouldn't even care do you see what they had my guy over there paid for that sports car do you hear that two hundred thousand dollars two hundred two hundred thousand what am i say it that way because people do talk that way and you know why they are in awe of what what are they in all of their in all of the amount of money which means what they love love Wow do you know what I could do with $200,000 what I could do what I could do what I could do with $200,000 they love money you can be completely obsessed and head over heels in love with money and have none friends the love of money is a big issue and don't act like you've never yielded to any of it because the question is have you ever gotten upset about just look straight ahead don't do is you'll raise your hand right there have you ever gotten upset about money why did you get so upset about money you don't get upset about things you don't care about you got upset because you cared about money can you be delivered yes can you be completely delivered from the love of money come on raise your hand set out like father God I want to be completely free from the love of money open my eyes help me to see it help me to put my finger on it and get rid of it and give no place to it anymore in Jesus name hallelujah thank you lord you understand what I said earlier this is a key to you you and I qualifying to handle more right if the Lord put a bunch in your hands tomorrow is it going to hurt you is it gonna take you away from him are you gonna know how to handle it if he says give it all away by the end of the week will you will you do it or we you love it so much that you'll love it more than him and won't listen to him come on can you see this people don't want to talk about these things but this is a big big issue you believe the Lord just heard your prayer is he working in you right now are you going to be completely delivered from the love of money all right okay where are you Luke 16 I tell you what before you read that go to Matthew 6 these actually go together let's do it this way I have something stirring in my spirit I believe we're making progress we're going to become completely convinced that God's a good God he takes pleasure in our prosperity right and we're going to think big so big reap big come on here with me but we're going to be so delivered from the love of it that it ain't gonna hurt us and he can add as much as he wants to to us and we won't we won't get squirrely on him we won't we won't get snooty on him we won't get to write get the big head not all that kind of stuff are you laughing but there's a lot of folks you put them in a nice car they change good ride around like this you better you better ride around like this look thank you lord coming out with me or not you you better you better ride around like this there's a lot of folks you put them in a big house step out on the balcony there new threads your drink then ask God you've arrived Oh buddy you got you but you better come out like this oh thank you lord thank you lord being so kind to me Thank You Lord Lord I'll do anything you say with it I'll do any you want us to liquidate this thing and put it here in the gospel you want us to do this and and give the people in need we are I am yours to command everything under my hand anytime anywhere yes I'm yours hmm people that God can use Matthew 6 are you there verse 19 Jesus said lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt where thieves break through and steal there is no such thing as a truly secure thing in this earth whether it's an investment whether it's you know whatever you consider to be wealth you can lose it I don't care how secure you think it is you can't lose it you know you see sometimes people that are what's the word anyway they're they're stockpiling and hoarding for the last days but somebody with a bigger gun can come and take that away from me if it really gets bad you better be depending on something else other than you're thorough and meticulous preparation kösem I didn't like that you better be counting on something else because if God don't take care of you okay don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth moth and rust doth corrupt there's only one 100 percent safe and secure investment that you cannot will not ever lose its the kingdom 19 verse 20 let for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt where thieves do not break through nor steal you know what the crime rate is in heaven zero I mean they got none none at all verse 21 why we need to take this more seriously for where your treasure is there will your heart be also this is what it's really about God looks at what man looks at the outward appearance God looks at the heart and he knows if you love something more than you love him he knows if you love something more than you love people Phylis talked about that last Sunday what do we care more about money things are people I only heard two answers we know the right answer but when it comes down to it and it's a Thursday afternoon and it's going to cost you money then you find out what you really believe where your treasure is that's where your heart will be also some years ago Phyllis and I changed our vocabulary where the word love is concerned we no longer use the word love concerning any thing I don't love cars I don't love clothes I don't love we don't love houses we don't love jewelry we don't love I don't love pizza coming out with me don't love sports I can enjoy something I can appreciate it but love I love God and we love people coming out with me the other stuff we don't love that's too strong the word come on you with me I encourage you to do the same thing change your vocabulary sit out loud for me say it out loud I don't love money I don't love things I don't love food I don't love pleasure I love God and I love people all right all right keep reading verse 22 the light of the body is the eye how we see things determines whether there's light in us or whether there's darkness how we look at things you can look with hate or you can look with love you can look with faith or you can look with fear and how we look at things affects what's in us whether it's light or darkness the whole body will be full of light verse 23 but if your eye be evil your whole body will be full of darkness if therefore the light that's in you'll be darkness how great is that darkness verse 24 no man can serve two masters either he'll hate the one and love the other why because they get in each other's way you you're trying to serve this one and this one wants you to do something and you'll hold to the one and despise the other and specifically says you cannot serve God and Mammon modern translations say money with a capital M how do you want Jesus bring this up because millions and millions are serving money people make their decisions based on what field they go into because of money they make their decisions about where they live and where they work solely based on money they make their purchase decisions and and their decision with whatever's gonna put the most money the most money if you're led by money if I'm led by money we're not led by the Holy Spirit come on sit out a lot money it's not my mastery it doesn't leave me I don't follow money now that's a big statement I said that's a big statement this needs to apply to every purchase you don't just buy the cheapest one coming out with me you don't just go to work for whoever says they'll pay you the most coming out with me or not if you are your money's your master its leading you said another time money's not my master I'm led by the Holy Spirit not by money not by money did you know God could make you the richest man or woman in the state without a dollar you believe it or not is it my listening to me or not God could make you the richest person in the country without a single dollar huh he rained manna out of the sky is that right he brought foods through the Raven Express is that Ronnie he can do some stuff is that right he can do so many things that have happened for it you've heard us recently we thought we needed all this money to get this particular thing we didn't got it for Half Price got it for nothing coming out with me money is not my answer money is not my solution to everything money is not the FULFILLER of my dreams money's not my master God is my source he supplies all my knees if I need some money he'll get that to me but he can do it without money sans money y'all okay or not you can't the NIV says you cannot serve both God and money easy to read says you can't serve God and money at the same time the Lord is delivering us from every vestige of love of money can you say Amen or not thank you Lord say it out loud he's delivering me from every bit of love of money and we're going to get to some things I believe eventually that'll there are some specific exercises that you have to do at the lord's leading to get completely free there's no other way I mean saying it's good but there's got to be follow-up too right but do you want to qualify yeah hmm you want to be God's go-to man God's go-to woman that if he wants to put ten million in your bank account right and have you distribute it yeah but I couldn't invest this and live off the interest you're not listening money is not the answer to fix all your problems the rest of your life money is not the fulfilling of all your dreams you could have the biggest house in the state you can have the nicest cars and everything and be completely miserable miserable if your relationship with God is not right and your relationship with the people it's not right you got no joy you got no peace come on you understand money can't buy healing money can't buy love it can't buy peace that can't buy joy sure can't get you in heaven it's a tool mm-hmm it's a tool we can use but it's not our master we don't serve it we don't follow hallelujah I'm taking my time is that Alright plus thank you lord thank you lord take your lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord now look at Luke 16 maybe I got time for this Luke 16 won't take time to read the whole thing because it's the account of what we call the unjust steward steward is somebody that manages somebody else's stuff so he was managing this guy's stuff and apparently did a bad job and when he told him he's fired him he called in creditors and took stuff illegally immorally off their bill to incur favor with them because he's about to be out on the street and verse 9 the master said I say to you make to yourself friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness that when you fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations now I've heard of all kind of ideas about this verse but Phyllis was talking about this this past Sunday she's talking about giving tipping generously right those kinds of things right you're not trying to buy anybody can we always be not you if you're giving people money with an expectation in return you're not giving you're trying to trade that's not giving if you ask for anything in return you're not giving that's not giving no we're talking about though using money to bless to affect eternal things you were there for them when they needed it you helped them out you were just generous you were kind it got their attention next thing you know they're a little more open to God than they used to be come on you're with me next thing you know that actually came to church can you see and in this case money is temporary as it was became an instrument that affected and eternal outcome now this is big because in this world money's big versus verse 10 he that's faithful in that which is least is faithful in much he the son Justin least is unjust in much if you've therefore not been if he hadn't been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to you trust the true riches and if you hadn't been faithful in that which is another man's who will give you that which is your own and he says it again here no servant can serve two masters either he'll hate the one love the other he'll hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and money come and sit out lout three times you cannot serve God and money say it again you cannot serve God and money you can't doesn't work you'll do one or the other you'll turn loose the one in order to serve the other you'll get frustrated trying to do both and then you'll choose you'll quit trying to serve one and serve the other he said when the verse 14 the Pharisees also who were cut who were what now who's the pharisees who's the pharisees they were considered the most conservative the most conservative the most letter of the scripture keeping people you'd call them script ourian's they'd quote the scripture for you and yet they were what covetous covetous remember that one of the commandments is thou shalt not covet deuteronomy said you shall not desire your neighbor's house your neighbor's wife your neighbor's donkey your neighbor's ox or anything that your neighbor sports cover it means longing for it what I could do with that money they spend on that you're coveting their money what I could do with the money they blew on that car but and people know it's wrong to say I love that money and I want that money they know that's wrong so you know what they'll say I could do so much to help people I could if I had that I could do so you her liar and a hypocrite if you really cared about people in need come on help me out you know you would be doing something for people to knit with your money your money even if there was five dollars with your money right now you wouldn't be judging somebody else and lusting after their money is there a lot of religious junk we need to get for you we need the church oh man the church needs a real clean up on this they were covetous and they hurt and they derided him and and he said to them he didn't lighten it up on he said you are they which justify yourselves before men but God knows your hearts and see this is back to that phrase where your treasure is that's where your heart will be - I don't want my heart in a Mustang [Laughter] or a Camaro or a Cadillac or a house it's a bad place for your heart because in a few more days it's gonna be gone is that right it's where's your heart gonna be then I know I know a rainbow some years ago I heard some Roman students talking eyes at the cafeteria and they were talking loud I wasn't trying to eavesdrop I just and then and one of them was kind of he's supposed to have been testifying but he's just bragging about all the stuff he had it was irritating some of the other guys because you know the thing was his parents were wealthy and they had given him a bunch of stuff and I don't mean you had faith that doesn't mean you know how did you get it and finally wouldn't looked at him and said well okay so what your pile of ashes will be bigger than mine because it is all gonna burn is that right it's all gonna melt with fervent heat and no matter how much you brought into this world you didn't bring anything no matter how much you accumulated while you were here you're taking nothing with you like one fellow said you never saw a hearse pulling the u-haul never no need he said God knows your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God now now get this guy's and then I'm closing for now these Pharisees they are men with doctorates in theology there are the leaders of the synagogue they are we'd call them the leaders of the church if you asked them do you love money what would they say oh no no no but did they they loved money remember what we started talking about in the beginning if you knew you were deceived you would no longer be right we prayed of Prayer how many believe the Lord heard that prayer is he going to help us today and tomorrow he's gonna help put a finger on it and and when he does I didn't say if when when and as he does do not be a bad poor student humble yourself and acknowledge it and just stop and go that's covetousness asked me longing for something that somebody else's that's that's loving money and things I repent for that I detest that I am NOT gonna be like that I'm not gonna have that come on are y'all with me there's no such thing as a person who doesn't need to do this don't sit there that yeah man I arrived years ago I got this oh no no no it 1 years ago and you quit trying no how many want to qualify for the Lord to use you to add a whole lot more to you and for you to be you it how many want to be involved in some significant Kingdom projects huh in some significant things helping people in need significant things getting the gospel I because in just a few days we're gonna be out of here is that right how many want to make a mark while you here come mate right yeah yeah and don't you think we am I come from humble beginnings and I know how much education God will use anybody that will present themselves to him he don't need people with money he knows how to get the money to you he don't need people with big education he needs somebody that will listen to him and do what he tells them that he needs somebody that loves him so much that no matter what he gives them they still love him more and they'll do exactly what he says to do come on anybody like that that's what he's short on in the earth stand on your feet
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 2,631
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Keith Moore, Love, faith
Id: jcGmY3SBoCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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