Pawn Stars: TOP 8 SWORDS OF ALL TIME (Rare Blades and Expensive Sabers) | History

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i've got something i think you'll find very unique   okay these are two swords that my dad acquired  from germany during the second world war cool   my dad brought these homeless war prizes  the two swords are in excellent condition   they haven't been played with like a lot of  world war ii garments might have been played with   i'm hoping to get 20 000 for both  swords i won't take any less than 15. whoa that is fancy up until the second half of  the 1800s you didn't really get that many medals   the thing that distinguished you was your sword  if you were in a really big battle and you really   showed yourself in that battle the navy or the  army would have bought you a very expensive sword   this one's a little weird it could be polish  it could be swedish this is laid out gold that   was just not your average guys sword right  there that was an expensive expensive sword   you want to sell them i'd like to sell them  yes did you have an idea what you wanted   i'm hoping to get twenty thousand dollars   okay um what really determines  the value on something like this   is whose sword was it i mean if it's high-ranking  general sword it's worth a lot of money   let me help my buddy take a look at  it mark yeah it's good to see you this one is actually german it's an imperial  eagle with the with the crown on it it looks   like a lieutenant sword it's not that fancy  no it isn't but it's in very nice shape   this one however is very nice it's cross swords  on this side that means it's a cavalry piece   scheidenin is it's separation it's retirement  it's a retirement sword for oberst von winterfeld   it was given to him when he retired  from the unit in 1897. an oberst is   a commander colonel a light colonel now though  a little higher than that probably a brigadier   general something in that range but you have a  couple of very nice swords here and very good   examples of the sword maker's art so a sword  like this generally goes for like 1500 bucks   really this thing was very  expensive when it was made   and 1500 for a european sword is a lot of money  so this one i would give you like 100 bucks for   this is sort of plain it's a it's a german one  this one i would give you a thousand dollars for i appreciate the offer i'm  thinking i'm gonna take him home   okay thanks very much for the  information appreciate no problem hey how's it going hey great i've  got this ancient japanese katana   signed by koida ishida himself and  i'm interested in selling it all right   yeah i definitely wouldn't want to be on  the receiving end of it that's for sure   well i've displayed the sword  in my office and here comes   this japanese guy and he says oh my  goodness that's worth a lot of money   and i knew then that i had something that was  really valuable i've been told the value is   anywhere from twenty thousand to a hundred  thousand dollars and so the sky's the limit so what can you tell me about it i have been in  swords for quite a few years i like reproductions   and i've never had an original okay and when  i seen this one here that was it i wanted it   all right and you mentioned the name that's signed  by a gentleman by the name of koida ashida and who   is he he could be the descendant of uh mitsunari  ashida the colonel and the war the battle   of sakigahara does that make it special i've  never seen anything like this one here anywhere   you got a few man you got a couple but you  notice nothing like this we picked up one of   our japanese swords for 4 500 bucks and after  having it restored it's worth 15 grand if i can   make that sort of profit on this thing i've got  to have it you say it has markings in it signed   where are they the swordsmith usually puts his  signature on it on the tank so if we remove this   handle we'll see the signature underneath right  this was all deciphered by a japanese lady kuida   ashida right that's what's on the tank okay so  some guy we don't know right that's useless to me i'm not trying to be a jerk to this guy  but i do need to be extremely careful   there's a ton of fakes out there some stranger  appraised it and no one even knows who kawida   ishida is but the markings on the sword  are fairly unique so i think it's worth   having someone take a look at it how much  are you looking to get well a million bucks you mind if i have a buddy of mine  come check it out um welcome nick   all right let me go give him a call all right  thank you i'm excited because now i got a   professional that knows what he's doing and by  golly that's what i've been looking for what you   got today got a katana sword for you may i take  a look at your sword oh absolutely right ahead you know swords like this they're laminated  and they're made with like about 33 000 layers   of steel yes sure so their cutting ability is  unparalleled during world war ii there was footage   of one that cut through a machine gun barrel  wow this was very prominent around 1002 around   the late 1200s and swords in that time period are  well worth anywhere from 50 000 up to 4 million it is really rare to find a sword from  the 1200s in fully intact condition   getting a sword like that is  kind of like winning the lotto   so tell me is it real we have to remove  the handle to take a look at the signature so what this says is actually shinjo  he's a very famous maker iwama shinjo   but there is no such maker as ishida koeda  unfortunately and swords from the kamakura   period were worn opposite so the signature  would actually be on this side of the tank   okay what we have here is actually a  reproduction of a kamakura period sword wow   these swords were actually made  in china about 15 years ago i've seen this go for anywhere  from 50 to 200 dollars   well man unfortunately we're not going to  be able to make a deal i got no room for 50   swords so mike you might give them my hand no  problem appreciate it all right thank you yeah   i'm disappointed because it looks real it fooled  me and i was really looking forward to this   but i learned a lot what do we have here these  are my freddy krueger fingers a guitar blade   i think it's called a scissor guitar scissor  katar didn't they used to kill tigers with   those you can't kill a tiger with a knife with  a guitar you can no it's an 800-pound killing   machine we're talking about a ninja that the  800-pound killing machine couldn't even see i came to the pawn shop today to try and  sell what i believe is a scissor qatar   in the right hands this would be a very  deadly weapon i'd like to get about 500   for it i would go i guess as low as 50 if  it pushed him to shove so where'd you get it   i own a local junk hauling franchise and uh  we were cleaning out someone's garage and   at first i thought it was like maybe a world war  one bayonet or something but uh different cultures   all have different kinds of knives and swords and  everything like that this is just the one that   developed in india right you can just tell the  way the patina's at they're like 100 years old   the majority of them do not have a little scissor  action they're just a blade like this could use it   in one hand like ketchup a sword or something like  that and you can stab him with it too i read that   the really good guys could punch somebody open  it up when it was inside and do maximum internal   damage looks like you could trim hedges with  this really trim hedges like edward scissorhands god i love you chum some stuff just brings out  the crazy in chop a 100 year old indian mechanical   push dagger definitely does the trick i don't  see it as a real realistic weapon i mean this   metal is very thin can be bent really easy but  it's still difficult to make this you know this   is like all iron and it feels like spring steel  inside there and it was really beautiful at one   time i imagine i mean the silver inlay right here  it looks like it went all the way down the sides   across the handles right here i think  someone really prized it at one time   so what do you want to do with it i want to sell  it because i have two young boys at home that   i don't need them fighting tigers or taking  each other's liver out with it or something   okay generally people who collect swords and  knives like that they like really really high   quality stuff and this isn't i'm assuming i'm  gonna get a hundred bucks out of this thing okay   you would think more but i wouldn't think that  you see too many of these though you don't but   you don't see 150 year old spaghetti that often  but it's not going to be worth a lot of money   i mean i mean that's the same analogy  you know now i'll give you 50 bucks i've got two kids can we do 75 60 bucks i think you're gonna   you're gonna be able to do so many things with  this yeah you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna   take him to the hospital and get stitches  with it that's what i'm gonna do with it 65. all right 65 bucks go write  them up chum don't play with it the 65 isn't gonna get me the trip to disneyland i   was hoping for but uh probably happy  meals for the boys tonight at least ain't nothing but a ninja party chum put the thing away before  someone gets put in the hospital   ninjas don't go to the hospital  so where do they go into the woods these guys just don't give  me the respect that i deserve   i know in a past life i must have been a ninja  i mean come on they've seen my ninja skills   how much we pay for that hunk of metal i paid 65  bucks for it i think i'll probably get a couple   hundred for it yeah chum we don't kill himself  you wouldn't understand you're not a ninja like me when you cut your hand out chum we don't  expect working comp out of this company chum and weapons do not mix part  of me finds him entertaining the   other part makes me want to get a  new insurance policy for the shop what are you doing chumway opening mill ever since  rick bought that damn knife chummy's been obsessed   it's like using a sledgehammer to swat a fly  what's that man see how good that works this   blockhead's guaranteed to land somebody in  an emergency room i just hope it ain't me this guitar knife that rigba is awesome i've  been finding all kinds of practical uses for   it what in the world are you doing  chumway having a snack you want some yeah well maybe all right  i'll make you some right here   what are you doing i'm putting this up before  you cut yourself chumway i have ninja skills   you know i'm getting that back right if  you do i'll cut you six feet wide somewhere   i can't believe the old man is hating on my ninja  skills this is why i'm not more helpful around the   shop cause every time i do something awesome  i get nothing in return flips like a glove chum was running around with this guitar  like a kid with scissors so i took it everyone around here sucks i mean yeah sometimes  i get carried away but it's not like i hurt anyone   at least not in a while who's the ninja now chum really hi looking to see if maybe you'd be  interested in purchasing this sword oh wow   are you a closet samurai or something like that no i'm here at the pawn shop today hopefully to  sell my 16th century katana ceremonial sword   my father-in-law brought it back from world war ii  when he was stationed in japan i think this sword   is really cool and i'm looking to get 10 000. it's  a great piece of history during world war ii there   was this whole thing called the spoils of war and  war prizes might sound a little strange now but   it just goes back from thousands of years i mean  that was part of a soldier's pay if you went to   battle you got take a few prizes home generally  out of europe they would take flutes i've seen   lugers i've seen all these other things one of  the big things guys brought back from japan was   samurai swords wow can you tell me what this says  right here well he actually did ask a japanese   kid to tell him what the writings meant the kid  said it was a sword used for beheading christians   um i mean i have never heard of the japanese  beheading christians okay can we see the blade   on this thing do you mind if i take it apart  absolutely please it's a little excitement in here ooh check out the blade on that sword don't be  touching that rick you know better than that what   have i taught you over the years what have you  taught me yeah not to touch that with your hands   so what can you tell me about this job humor  what do you know about it uh let's see here   it's pretty old it looks pretty nice  it definitely looks like it was used probably beheaded you know an out of  line boston once or twice and it's time   i definitely find it interesting what were you  looking to do with it sell it okay how much you   want for it ten thousand okay uh to be perfectly  honest i have no idea what it's worth it's in   need of some reconditioning i'll tell you that  yes with these things i have a friend who knows   everything about them but when they come in that's  who i call so if you don't mind hanging out for a   little bit i'll give them a call have them come  down check it out and um great that will give us   a much better idea what it's worth here it is so  what do you think well let me take a look at the   hello with your permission absolutely that was  slick let's got some writing on the blade huh   you seen anything good down there so this blade  is actually very interesting because during the   1800s there was a great rebellion and a civil  war going on and many factions were trying to   take over japan this blade was made in 1863 by  naga hero and was given to the lord of choshu   to protect japan against enemies of the emperor  the imperial family and especially against the   tokugawa the military leader so this is quite an  important sort historically she was told a story   that it was used for beheading christians which  i said probably not there is a term called joy   that's written on the tang which means  protecting or reverence to the imperial   family so not literally beheading christians  but just anybody who was considered an enemy   of the emperor at the time okay so the question  what's it worth well in this prison condition   and the fact that it has very high historical  value i'd say this sword is probably worth about   ten thousand dollars wow all right thanks man okay  this sword is a very good buy for the shop because   it's a very unique item anytime you get a sword  that was actually owned personally by the lord   that's got to be something special all  right so what are you willing to take for it   i have to make money on it oh i realize  that five can you make money at that   yeah i can i'm making a little too much money at  that the fact of the matter is i i don't i don't   take advantage of people uh 5 000 is just too  low i will give you six thousand dollars for it   i would go more but this is a  multi-year project here most likely   uh so i'm assuming six thousand is fine since  you wanted five yes six thousand is great okay   all right thank you chum will you write her  up i'm gonna write this ticket up and then i   might be hedging with this sword rick oh oh  i'm amazed i asked for 5 000 for the sword   and rick cut me some slack and actually gave me  six it's awesome hey what's going on man rick here   thank god no he's actually out getting a quote  to repair that golf sign he got in chattanooga   cool all right well maybe you can help me with  this a filipino bolo knife from the insurrection   war all right definitely has some weight to it  you're probably probably chopping up some coconuts today i brought in a filipino insurrection  bolo knife i got this from a connection of   mine who got it from an estate sale in virginia  this knife is really unique because souvenirs   from the philippines direction are very scarce  to find and i think i can get a thousand bucks   normally i'd call rick but he really  doesn't want me bugging him right now   it's pretty cool um i don't know too much about it  and what's really cool about this is it's got an   original label here by whoever captured it stating  where this was found and who it was given to   my insurgent war bowler taken at the battle  of ballentown philippine island november 21st   1899 by the 26th infantry that's pretty cool  what are you looking to do with it you know   you should bring stuff in here for rick and he's  not here but i figured thousand bucks man i mean   something like this that's hard to price and  you can't find there's no comparables out there   first off i don't know too much about it normally  call someone but i'm guessing it's probably some   worse somewhere in maybe like the 500 range yeah a  little more than 500 man 850. 500 that's the most   i'm gonna give you seven see now i'm getting hard  now see i've come off so much and you're just not   bringing it up enough that's you know still gonna  be a lot my wall 600 bucks that's it i'm walking let's call you don't see us  somewhere else and get rick all mad   all right i'll give you 600 bucks for it all  right man you're tough you're tougher man   no you're tough i'm gonna get fired for this i  just bought something for what it's probably worth   no man i think you guys are gonna do great with  this all right all right man i'll see you up front   in the end 600 bucks is great this knife  is really unique i don't know what the   true value will be i'm sure these guys  will figure it out and do good with it   what are you doing wrapping up an item  for customers gonna take it home with them   okay chum that stuff costs money stop stop it's  wrapped it's a piece of art it's wrapped what's   this a philippine war knife where'd you buy this  i bought it from spencer your dad's buddy would   you pay for it 600. sure this is worth like maybe  200 bucks 200 plus about 800. that thing's easily   worth a thousand dollars if not more i know it's  not worth that i'll bet you bet me what chum   that i'm right i know i'm right i bet you  it's worth 600 or more and if i'm right you're   walking pinkie in a tutu cool and if i'm right  you're cutting your ponytail off with this thing   i'd never cut my ponytail off but i'll accept that  back because i know i'm right if you want to make   the bet make the bed but i'm telling you it's  a bad idea so you're willing to bet you're here   yeah there's no way i'm wrong i'll happily bet  my ponytail you're gonna be losing your hair man hope they got a tutu in his size alex i'm glad  you're here what's up check out this score i've   got philippine war knife they call this a barong  yes they do me and sean have a bet what's it   worth what's the bet on i bought that from your  buddy spencer he came in and you weren't around   yeah and trump paid 600 bucks for it he thought  i overpaid it's worth about 300 bucks right well   these are actually really popular with collectors  but what's really cool is this little label here   the 26th infantry regiment that's when it was  formed in the philippines for the philippine   insurrection so this is a legendary infantry  regiment a regiment that's still in service today   these guys were in in the beginning of world war  one there were some of the first troops in france   same thing with world war ii they're at the  battle of kazareen pass and this early date   1899 i mean this could have been one of their  first battles ever that totally affects the   value if this were just a barong in this it's you  know 500 knife maybe but with this and tied to   the 26th infantry regiment i think it's like you  probably get a thousand bucks for it oh damn it   all right so what did you guys bet or  whatever corey has to walk peeking in a tutu come on let's get this over with oh okay oh that's  a walk right there wait turn around let me get a   picture of you guys corey i really think you  should get a small dog what do you think rick i'm done now you know what corey pinkie's not  enjoying this walk it's cool if you finish   up now just take her back inside i can't believe  you got to wear that you lost a bet you know i   will never forgive you for this jump he offered me  a thousand dollars to get out of it pictures are   worth more than a thousand dollars yeah hi how's  it going i want one second here what do we got so   i have this really cool old sword  so do you mind opening it absolutely okay you can set it down here you don't really  need to be holding a sword like that i'm here at   the pawn shop today trying to sell my antique  sword i've had it for about three years and   i'm just not finding much use for it i'm hoping to  sell this sword for eight thousand dollars this is   pretty cool so what are you looking to do with it  i'd like to sell it uh any idea on how much you're   looking to get i'm thinking eight thousand dollars  how'd you come up with that number um comparing it   to other swords in the same condition okay so  here's the issue when it comes to these swords   yeah all the information i need is inside of here  what's inside of there is the maker where it was   made possibly i mean it could go on and on and  on right you know the more information the better that being said do you mind if i have somebody  come down and pop this off and take a better look   at it yeah and you know hang out i'll be right  back and see if i can get them down there right   perfect okay i'm really excited for an expert  to come in and see what's under that handle   all right i'm ready you ready yeah corey called  mike into the shop to evaluate a japanese sword   that a customer brought in but before he gets  down to business i've got a plan of my own   for years mike's been telling me he's  gonna teach me how to cut with a sword   and today's finally gonna  be that day come over here okay put sword out we're gonna go  up this way put your left foot out   okay and we will try to go right to  left okay so therefore for one swing two   good very good you ready for the real  thing i'm ready okay let me add that one the important part is grip it super hard  okay you don't want to let go okay all right   and treat it like a loaded gun because the  sword is always loaded okay okay so same grip   when i count we're going to try ready what's going on here i'm the best one in  the shop at shooting guns so i figured   why not be the best in the shop with  a sword and you trust him with this   not really i think we should stand over there  okay let's do that you ready corey sure here we go you want to give one more try of course  i do okay just a little bit lower and not   too low about right here right there that's pretty good i'm proud of you chum i i'm   still not understanding the purpose behind  this but okay clean the stuff up get dressed   get to work mike would you mind checking out a  sword for me no problem okay i'll see you inside   good job chum thank you i think i like this better  than shooting guns that's a lot of people say yeah   i believe it's a choto well from the looks of it  looks like a very nice sword in good condition   so we can tell a lot from the upper portion  of the blade by the way it's made but all   the important information usually is in  the tang where the sword maker signed it   okay yeah the whole blade is held in by  this little tiny pin believe it or not   wow because the handles are made so perfectly  to fit it that's all it takes to hold it in okay there we go it looks like you got  lucky do you see this gold writing yes   that was only done at the order of very high lords  and this sword is actually made by a very famous   sword maker named yukihiro who worked in the  1600s and his swords were known for sharpness   but what's important is this was actually  tested by the number one decapitator for   the government of japan during that time  it sounds like an interesting job to have a tang is all in original condition uh  signature is genuine no question about it okay   i mean this is like a museum quality blade wow   okay that's awesome i guess the big question is  what's it worth i mean you're really looking at   about an easy fifteen thousand dollars oh  my gosh aren't you glad i called him in yes   that's amazing mike i appreciate it do you  mind putting it back together for me no problem thank you very much man appreciate it thank you  yeah thank yes you do yeah so i'm gonna offer you   ten because i'm gonna have to put in an auction  auctions aren't cheap they charge commissions   i gotta make money on it absolutely that's true  we did learn a lot today though and he said 15   and that's a huge difference so i'll tell you  what i'll do 11. don't get greedy on me uh 14   14. uh you're getting greedy on  me i'll tell you what we'll do 12.   12. all right we have a deal okay come with  me you got to do some paperwork okay i was   really excited to find out that it was worth  fifteen thousand dollars i was hoping to get   eight thousand we settled at twelve that's four  thousand dollars extra i'm very happy with that hey a rifle huh well check it out oh  it's not a rifle that's a sword yeah sir what i have is a very old sword  i got this from my grandfather he   he recently passed away he wheeled it to me  i don't know much about this sword just that   it's worth a lot of money i'm hoping to get 40  000 from it i really don't have much use for it   and i really don't think he would mind if  i used it for a little bit of personal gain   it looks pretty cool um do you know what it is i'm  actually not too sure uh i know my grandfather got   it at an auction i just know that it's valuable  that's pretty much it so at first glance it's   amazing it's very ornate it's got some very cool  detail like the head of medusa what looks like   a lion right here a date of 1810 on it with  some russian writings let's take it out here oh that's nice careful it is sharp yeah that's  really weird right there um that's arabic writing   kind of puzzled here i mean it's got arabic on  the blade it's got russian writing right here   it's dressed up really nice and fancy almost  like a dress piece you know what i mean   i'm just kind of lost here what are you  looking to do with it i'm looking to sell it   and how much are you looking to get well i  i was looking for 40 000. 40 000 seems like   a stretch to me do you know how much  grandpa paid for it i actually don't   my uncle was telling me though that that he  did pay a pretty penny for it well this blade   is so nice and the sword is so ornate it's  too much going on here for me to decipher   i'd like to have someone come in and take  a look at it especially if you're asking   money like forty thousand dollars of course yeah  i understand all right let me get my guy alex down   here and hopefully he knows something about this  sword at least more than you or i yeah sounds good   all right give me a few minutes i'll be right back  great i'm very happy that an expert's coming in to   take a look at it i think that it would help  me out knowing its value and kind of knowing   a little more of the history so even if i don't  sell it today it would help me out in the future   it's not the holy grail but this thing is pretty  mysterious wow i know this sword at least one of   us does this is actually it's like a historically  significant sword really uh do you mind if i touch   it go for it yeah yeah um oh my gosh yep so this  sword belonged to a russian prince that name ivan   ivanovic adevsky he was a hazar and he was killed  at the battle of brienne in france in january 1814   by napoleon's troops wow he was a war hero and  this guy gets killed with this sword on him whoa   so that's what i was confused about it  has an arabic mark on the blade yeah this   arabic writing means it came out of persia which  wouldn't be uncommon for this so this was built   with the intention of being like a head  of state sword because this is about the   finest blade you can put on it and i mean this  thing is massive and you can hold it and feel like   it's got some weight to it yeah and it's well  balanced so we'll definitely take an arm off   this was not just a ceremonial  sword this was also a battle sword   but it does have a ceremonial filter right you're  completely right it's about as fancy as they come   i mean it's beautiful i mean it's it's really  second to none have you ever seen your speech   it's just you know you hear about these things you  never really think you're gonna like walk in and   see it um what kind of value do you think this has  so here's the thing the sword sold at auction for   thirty thousand dollars and frankly the sword  undersold now the the funny thing about the   auction is it wasn't the right option to put it  in and so the collecting community didn't actually   know that this was out there until after it was  sold if you take it to auction today and get it in   front of the right buyers i would imagine you're  talking 75 100 000. well um i think that's all   i need to hear all right thank you for letting  me thank you of course of course yep all right   it's a lot to take in it is so for me to be in the  sword anywhere comfortable i'd buy it for 20 000. yeah i don't know about that yeah the problem is  it's too big of a risk for me i'd love to offer   you 50 000 for this sword possibly even more  but it's already sold once in an open market   and it didn't come anywhere close to the reserve  it was expected right so it's just a dangerous   territory for me yeah i don't know if i can do  that especially after what he just said i don't   know now that makes me think that i should find  the right auction for it all right well thanks   for coming in listen i appreciate it have a good  day you too thank you after knowing the actual   value on this sword i'm glad i didn't sell it and  i think now i'm going to try to find the proper   auction and hopefully i can put it in front of the  right people to get a better price for it i've got   a hero sword here for you a hero sword yes it was  used by john wayne in rio grande hey john wayne   yeah your guy yeah he was a hell of an actor i  think they went to the same high school yeah right   where did you get it i got it from a  prop store called western costume company   being a marine corps veteran you know i've got a  kind of an affinity to military swords and stuff   and this was probably a sword that was used in the  american cavalry and when the government decided   to sell off or get new swords they sold them  to the prop stores okay and you got paperwork   i got the coa right here all right i probably  have seen rio grande i do not remember the plot   rick anything john wayne those was classic movies  back in the day the plots were almost all the   same you know saved a girl cetera center  so you don't remember the plot no i don't i may not remember all the details but rio  grande is considered one of the greatest   westerns ever made we can prove this sword  was in the movie and used by the iconic   john wayne it would have all kinds of value  i mean i i think it's damn cool i mean this   is an american cavalry sword the weird  thing is is it's been plated over this   isn't the way the calvary would receive it  it wasn't gold plated it was polished brass   um they might have done that just to make  it shine a little bit more in the movies   is there an identifying mark on this thing  well what it is is that it came along with this   tag written on the sword itself it has this  number zero zero one five okay how much you want   well um i was thinking at minimum  i'd take twelve thousand dollars   whoa that much huh i mean when you think america  you think john wayne and for him to actually   have held it and used it in a classic movie do  you mind if i have someone look at this i know   somebody who knows everything there is to know  about john wayne stuff who are you talking about   john wayne's son ah okay i met ethan wayne  a while back and we've become friends   having his dad's stuff come through my shop  is a good reason to give him a call you'll be   able to tell me yes or no i mean he he's really  authority on just about anything about his father   uh i'm gonna go give him a call sure no problem  i have the certificate and i have everything   that'll prove that it's a john wayne sword i'm  pretty sure that he'll look at the certificate   and he'll look at the sword and he'll confirm that  it was used by his father but either way it's cool   to meet him what do you got here supposedly used  by your dad a sword from rio grande before my time but cool rio grande is one of the trilogies uh  three cavalry films that my father made with john   ford directing john ford really responsible for  his start as a major player in the movie business   john wayne who's a stunt guy first right well  he works as a prop man and he did whatever they   wanted him to do and he was a physical guy he you  know he went to to seeing a football scholarship   had an injury got lucky enough to get a job as  a prop man's assistant and since he was athletic   they'd use them for whatever they could use them  for is that why you had that special walk for   that footballing no i think i think that when  he was first put on film he wasn't comfortable   about the way he walked and talked and looked to  himself so he watched guys like harry carey and   yakima connect and he built this sort of on-screen  persona you know representing american heroes and   the epitome of the american male his films were  in the middle east and in india and asia and all   these places and and so he represented the united  states of america to a large portion of the world   before we were so connected you know these things  would typically be in a big bin and everybody   sort of wore the same thing so it's going to be  tough without like specific markings to call this   one out as a specific one that he used i think we  should start with the certificate of authenticity it comes from western costume company  i know that a lot of times they would   engrave wcc up by the hilt so i don't see any  inscriptions do you know if there's one well   there's the this number right here and which  matches the tag that was sent along with it   okay you know we could do this certificate of  authenticity is signed by eddie marks who runs the   company i know eddie and uh he's just a phone call  away so i think to really get to the bottom of it   we call him up and we send him the coa because his  signature's on it okay give him a call since ethan   actually knows the guy who authenticated the sword  i can find out with 100 certainty if it's legit   you can't do much better than that hello eddie yes  it's ethan hey ethan how are you so i'm sitting   here with this sword and scabbard uh supposedly  from rio grande and i've sent you the coa even after looking through this  certificate of authenticity   that stamp of cellar western costume and  my signature it's definitely my signature   but that stamp at the bottom was never put on any  certificate of authenticity that i actually signed that looks like it came off of the bottom of  a contract this was cut and paced by somebody   else this document is a piece that obviously  someone went through great lanes to put together   western costume doesn't have a specific  certificate of authenticity especially   this one do you know who the seller was i  thought it was western costume company so the   proof that we have isn't conclusive that it was  actually the sword used by my father in the film exactly thanks for your time thanks   wow don't shoot the messenger i don't know i'm so  devastated you know i have five more swords with   the same coa and so i have a feeling that all  those swords were also fakes wow forgers will   do anything to get one over on a prospective  buyer this certificate has the right signature   but it's still a fake that's why it always  pays off to bring in an expert it's not for me i'm devastated i really am i mean  i it's one of my prized possessions   now to find out it was a fake you know i'm glad  i found out but at the same time i'm really sad
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,186,957
Rating: 4.840673 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, rick harrison, pawn stars show, Rare Blades, Expensive Sabers, TOP 8 SWORDS OF ALL TIME, super sharp, super sweet blades, TOP 8 SWORDS, watch pawn stars clips
Id: BaZfj_KkueY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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