Pawn Stars: TOP 5 TRADING CARDS OF ALL TIME (Super Rare Pokemon Cards and More) | History

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how's it going yeah pretty good what do  we got i got uh five tops 1967 pete rose   baseball cards here mint condition you got five  mona lisas too i'm dead don't i wish i don't   really know too much about pete rose the baseball  player i'm a fan of pete rose the gambler yeah i used to be a big collector of baseball cards  and i don't collect any longer i've got five of   these 1967 pete rose baseball cards they're in  like mint condition they've got to be worth some   money pete rose was the man too bad he screwed  up i mean he definitely would have gone down as   one of the best baseball players that ever  lived oh yeah he is fortunate he's in that   shoeless joe jackson club that no one likes to be  in when he was playing he was one of the greats   realized he's been banned but i just i just still  think they're really fabulous neat cards they're   they're pete roses so how'd you come across these  man i was cleaning out the garage and stumbled   across them what do you know about them they're  authentic cards they're labeled tops 430 the   little cartoon shows him hitting one out of the  park there it's got all these stats for the year   no tears no marks you have any idea what these  are worth no i did do a little checking online   they should be worth about 50 bucks a piece so  it's about two and a half all right before i buy   these i got to know that they're legit and these  things look like they're in great shape maybe   a little too good of shape my concerns are that  they're in like almost two perfect shape and that   you got five of them i'm just not willing to take  the risk of buying counterfeit cards i just don't   know enough about them to buy them no they're not  counterfeit they've been sitting in my garage for   years well there's always a shot let me call my  dad over and see what he knows about him hey pops this guy's got five pete rose cards i forgot to  let you look at him genius how you don't trust   me with anything yeah pete rose was the he was  the man back in the day won three world series   over four thousand heads uh on the all-star team  17 times so what you want to know about these   if they're real i'd be willing to bet on  pete rose's reputation these cards are real no how do you how can you tell that what do you  what do you mean because the color's all faded   everything's a blur even his face it doesn't  look silk screened they're printed with an inkjet   printer and the picture looks overexposed they  probably scanned it and reprinted it it's just not   right at all they've been in my garage for years  i mean they're good they've been faking baseball   cards forever people come in here all the time and  think just because they've had an item for years   it's real no what it means is years ago they  bought a fake and another suspect thing is also   you have five of them that are just perfect these  were bubble gum cards so they were in a pack with   bubble gum yeah okay and they're not like baseball  cards today that come in a nice neat box where   nothing screwed up these were old baseball cards  that were just thrown out on the candy shelf kids   would open them up so it's really really rare  to find one in good shape these things right   here i wouldn't i wouldn't touch them at all they  look completely fake to me think you're wrong but   all right i'll get something someplace else for  them okay um thanks thanks for coming in thanks if these cards are fake then what else  is real the wife reel the dog the cat   you know what's real oh you again how you doing  pretty good what do you got for me this time   well i got a couple collections of these things  called wacky packs um they're like old trading   cards slash stickers and they're pretty funny  they actually have a bunch of different brands   that they spoof that's pretty cool let me check  it out here okay oh yeah i know these we got a   head and boulders shampoo yeah i think we all know  what that is cover ghoul something i don't want   to use yup oh here's my favorite gel oh yeah  i like that one too that was my favorite too i came to the pawn shop today to sell a collection  of wacky ads wacky ads are trading cards and   stickers that were popular in the late 60s and  it's rare to see a whole collection of them   together like i have today these are pretty  cool they came out in uh the late 60s they   were made by tops and these would have been real  popular when they came out i mean these are play   on all the most popular brands and a lot of these  products are still around right you know 50 years   later totally and i found that these actually at  one time were more popular even than um baseball   trading cards i bet they were because these were  fun you could laugh at them they could take them   off lick them stick them you know put one on your  buddy's locker do whatever yeah just have a good   time with them yep there's like about a total of  i think 356 uh individual cards or stickers to see   a whole set is actually pretty cool and then you  have two hole sets that's even cooler yeah so what   do you want to do with them um i'd like to sum for  how much well i think a fair price might be around   a thousand um all right i'm gonna go call my buddy  johnny down and um he's gonna take a look at him i i actually don't have that much time today i'm  sorry i was gonna ask if you know we could try to   get this done now while i'm here i mean we can  try usually i'd call my guy in but i do know a   lot about these so i'm gonna offer you 200 bucks  um that's quite a difference would you do eight no   i'll tell you what it's gonna be my highest offer  i think i would feel comfortable at 500 because   i think no matter what i could at least get that  back out of them i think i could live with 500.   all right uh it's a deal thanks a lot i really  hope i don't come to find out somebody that   thing's worth like a bazillion dollars but i'm  pretty sure that i'm gonna be happy with the 500   bucks that i got today i have probably the world's  number one pokemon collection inside this case   little figures cards and they're all charizards  which is the number one pokemon guy okay hold   on one second yes chomp yeah this guy's got  pokeman cars big it's not pokey man it's pokemon   okay i'm here to sell my pokemon collection i  got into pokemon collecting with my sons and   eventually they grew up and went to college and  i never did grow up so i continued with pokemon   for the last 17 years this is pretty cool man  absolutely so rick you don't know about pokemon   it's like a game like eight-year-old kids play  right basically each player has a deck of 60 cards   and you battle with your pokemon by pulling cards  out of your deck and getting enough energy points   so that you can attack your other player you  win by your opponent not having any pokemon left   it's really popular they have whole tournaments  with where a thousand people enter and they have   pokemon battles okay i really don't understand  why pokemon is such a big deal but if something   like a beanie baby can become worth a lot of money  maybe these can too i just need to know a lot more   they're pretty cool actually some of them can  be worth a lot of money so these go for a lot   of money yes what's your most expensive one uh  the most expensive card is probably the pristine   10 first edition based charizard the card itself  is considered the crown jewel of the pokemon world   and how much is that worth in the range of 50  to 100 000. whoa and people pay that for these   yeah especially now with the new pokemon  craze i know you heard of the new game out   the new pokemon game everyone's playing  on their phone pokemon go no you just walk   around until you find one and then you sling  pokeballs on it maybe you need an ultra ball   okay so how much do you want for these things  i'm looking for right in the area of 500 000 do you mind if i have someone look at this  that's fine i'll be right back it's just   this is baffling yeah he doesn't  know what to think right now right   pokey man it seems to me the one who's gonna  make the decision really doesn't know what he's   looking at i'm happy that the expert is coming  in to educate the fella he's going to know what   these are selling for and the future collectible  value of them i'm sort of like in a baffled cloud   here um what can i do for you guys today he's got  pokeman cards and pokeymon okay so pokemon cards   and he says they're worth a half a million dollars  and it just doesn't make any sense to me well   there's a lot of cards here right so pokemon  started in japan in 95 probably about 2000   to 2002 is when it really took off so that's why  these first edition cards are really hard to find   because you still hadn't created like this large  market for what it became and charizard's like one   of the best characters in the game he's also one  of the most collectible characters in the entire   bookie verse so boy hold on the pokey verse the  pokeverse the pokemon world yes sir okay graded   tens i believe there's less than 50 psa tens  in existence and by looking at this there's 20   of the market sitting on your counter i look at  this collection and i just can't believe my eyes   there's pristine tents everywhere charizard being  one of the top collectible pieces in pokemon   this is a one-of-a-kind collection what do you  think this stuff is worth so this one here there's   only one of them in existence there's no other  graded a 10. beckett grades so much harsher than   psa does when it comes to giving their 10 stamp  this card could go 30 to 40 000 all together i'm   estimating anywhere from 380 to 390 000 for this  collection really obviously this guy's a little   upset over steve's appraisal but i'm absolutely  blown away these are really really interesting i   mean you actually have lots of value here but  my problem with these is if i go to sell them   i can't have any conversation about them because  i know absolutely nothing i don't even know what   a charizard does well it depends on which one  okay all right chomp chomp i don't i rick throw   him out of offer i'm not gonna make an offer  i just it's out of my skill set completely 100   i'm not gonna be able to sell something i don't  understand whatsoever so i'm making one offer not with my money i don't have the  knowledge or expertise to sell these things   thanks for bringing it in thank  you 380 000 worth of charizard   i still don't know the difference between  a pokeman and a charizard it's actually   charizard is a pokemon no i have a babe ruth  baseball card did you say babe ruth candy bar   really i was hungry i came down to the pawn shop  today to try to sell my babe ruth baseball card   when i found this card holy moly almost  crap my britches i like sale because i   would like a new car asking 65 000 a day  but below i would go probably about 45 000.   where did you get this i found it in our shed in  our backyard you just found it in a shed it was a   lot box it was my grandfather's all right um you  know this is babe ruth when he was still with the   red sox some people consider the best baseball  player ever i mean if he wasn't a pitcher at   the beginning of his career he would have probably  hit over a thousand home runs wow no one knew him   as a pitcher yeah most people don't realize  he started off as a pitcher and most people   don't realize what a great pitcher he was i mean  literally one year of pitching his era was 175.   wow what happened with babe ruth i believe is  he kept on telling the owner of the red sox i   want to be a hitter full-time i don't want to  pitch i don't want to pitch and it eventually   ended up going to the yankees it's got to be the  dumbest trade in baseball history you know what   that's why they didn't win the world series  for a very long time it was the curse of   the bambino babe ruth is one of the guys who made  baseball america's favorite pastime his record of   60 homers of a season took over 30 years to break  and his lifetime home run record took even longer   baseball cards like this were generally sold in  cigarette packs back in the day major stars used   to endorse cigarettes nowadays they don't do that  now this one i find it a little weird that it's   got a newspaper advertisement on the back of it  do you have an idea what you wanted for it 65 000 65 000 this is the big thing with a babe  ruth baseball card they've been faking these   things since the 40s and the 50s they've always  been worth money so they've always been faked   so i'm not gonna say it's real  until i have someone else look at it   that sounds awesome to me if it's real you hit  a jackpot it's extremely rare for authentic babe   ruth memorabilia to walk into the store this could  be an absolute jackpot but 65 grand is way too   much to risk without getting it checked out first  dumb how you doing doing good man what do we have   the great bambino we got an old baby ruth card  man you got to be kidding this is just awesome   i own ultimate sports cards and memorabilia here  in las vegas the guys call me down to the shop any   time a card comes in the shop that they need some  help with in baseball there's no name bigger than   babe ruth by the time he was 19 he signed a minor  league contract the problem was since he wasn't 21   the owner of the minor league organization had to  take custody of him so he could sign the contract   then his teammates kind of teased him saying hey  that's jack's newest babe and that's how the name   babe ruth came to be that's cool then after  that that's when the dumbest move in sports   history happened when he got sold to the yankees  it's been over 90 years and i'm telling you red   sox fans are still pissed off that the best player  in the sport was dealt to finance a broadway play   to a rival especially to finance a broadway play  yeah the owner of the red sox had i guess another   interest aside from the sport and it's known  as the dumbest move ever it happened in sports   but babe ruth items especially from his playing  days these are pretty much one of the only   guarantees in sports memorabilia that always go up  babe ruth items they appeal to any collector his   name is just so important with sports in general  it's an absolute must-have for any sports fan   what you have here is one of root's earliest cards  and it's the very first ever feature in his major   league uniform this is a top five must-have for  any serious collector what this is the sporting   news they basically had two 200 card sets that  were distributed in their publications every week   on this one we have the tribune advertisement  which of the two babe roots this one's the more   preferred one last time i checked there might  have been maybe 40 or 50 of these known to exist   the highest graded example of this i saw for  over 200 thousand dollars not too long ago   so is it real we're gonna find out right now man  all right let's start with condition it's not mint   but it's not bad the corners and the edges are  actually quite nice and what's amazing about   it the centering is almost dead on what we're  looking for is we need to analyze the paper stock   and just overall feel the texture  now as far as value on this   nothing what we have here is not a real card the  whole texture's off the coating on the surface and   especially the printing even though the technology  was pretty weak back then it was a lot more   clear than what it appears on the babe ruth card  here so this is without a doubt a reprint ah   yeah fortunately you don't uh have a winning  lottery ticket here man it is what it is yeah   sorry man hey well thanks man hey you got it rick  later john see you later man these days fake cards   are actually more prevalent than ever just because  the technology and the means to print them are so   available but that's the nature of the game well  it's a bad day now i'm sorry man we'll have a   good one though you too 65 000 that close but no  cigar you know i'm just disappointed what do we   have here i got the original first series garbage  pail kids almost 30 years old all right hey rick   you ever seen these you look like a garbage  pail kid you ought to know about them came to the pawn shop today to try and sell  my garbage bale kids they've been in my old   bedroom at my parents house they're not doing  me really any good at this point other than a   good laugh here and there so i think if i  can get something out of it it'd be nice   so do you know much about them uh 82 cards total  for the first series came out in the early 80s   like 84. kind of a spoof on the cabbage patch  doll came in little packs just like baseball cards   these are actually stickers not just trading  cards so most people back in the day probably   took them off and stuck them to something so why  does each character have two names i don't know   honestly i have no idea if you look at some of  the characters and things like that i mean it's   absolutely hilarious i think a kid with a bunch  of pimples on his face called him crater chris   virus iris okay sicky vicky my favorite was always  graffiti petey because he was tagging everywhere   this is a really cool flashback to 1980s  culture but since they were mass-produced   to be collectible i don't know if there's a ton  of value here but who knows the nostalgia factor   might make these the next big collectible there's  a couple of these cards online going for three 400   bucks a card whoa whoa they're asking or getting  no i i asking asking okay ask cause you can ask   me yeah right yeah you're right you're right yeah  i have no idea what they're worth i don't know if   the first edition is worth more i mean things are  weird out there sometimes like the third or fourth   is worth right i got a buddy right down the street  owns a dentist toy shop cool uh let me give him   a call and see if he knows anything about it all  right yeah that'd be great thanks i appreciate it   all right i'll be right back all right thank you  i'm happy that somebody's gonna actually come in   and give their expert opinion and i think that  they're gonna actually realize that they're worth   something what's happening johnny hey what's  up guys the guys usually call me down in the   pawn shop to either get uh a second opinion on  a piece or they want to put a value on something   garbage about kids came out in the mid 80s  they're basically a parody of cabbage patch   kids so they made fun of everything yeah there  was no line that wasn't crossed with garbage   bug kids they went up to about 15 series but  definitely the the more sought after series one   by far why did garbage pill kids have two  different names per cars well just two   different series a series and a b series that's  a pretty good marketing trick just change the   name and it's a new card exactly as soon as those  were released i mean i was a big fan from day one   i mean i was you know going through the couches  picking up quarters to go to the store to go buy   more packs and they're funny too they're really  funny cards all right so people collect these   things yeah definitely a lot of stuff from the  80s is really hot right now i mean you can find   them the hard thing to find them is to find them  clean kids holding around with their dirty hands   you'll lose that white around the edges of the  cards you know these tend to get beat a lot   more than anything else but these look in really  good shape okay you got a complete series one set   here you got the a and b and you also have some  extras so i'll put a price on the book for about 450 to 500 for the book all right um i had no clue   thanks man you're the best no problem the corners  were crisp they were nice and white the way you   want to see them it was definitely a pretty  nice collection so how much you want for these   i was thinking maybe a couple hundred bucks i  i believe there's a limited market on this um   i'll give you 150 bucks something tells me  you're gonna be able to unload these to somebody   175 how about 150 bucks not 175 you won't go any  higher i don't think they're gonna sell that easy   i i'm not gonna go up anymore i'm really  not so 150 is the best you're gonna do i'll do 150 with you okay it's a deal all  right all right you want to run them up chumps   i would have liked to have gotten  a little bit more but it was money   that i didn't come in with so i'm  gonna go have a little bit of fun
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 788,646
Rating: 4.8771758 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars show, history pawn stars, watch pawn stars, Pawn Stars compilation, TOP 5 TRADING CARDS
Id: dSwWJ-_7G2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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