Pawn Stars: "I Have to Get it Framed" (7 Tough Negotiations for Big Money Art) | History

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a guy came in with a painting which he is  claiming was done by benton henderson clark   but it's a world war ii scene and i only  know of this artist doing western scenes i   have no idea what to make of this painting so  i called my art guy to help me out so this is   it um i know benton clark was an illustrator but  what i remember in my head is cowboy stuff right   ben henderson clark was a very accomplished  artist but was never a very famous artist   okay his main body of work is western themes  this is unusual because of the world war ii   but some of his most valuable paintings have  been outside of the western theme so what   would you like to know well first off i mean is it  actually a legitimate painting by the artist and   there's a little bit of damage to it he wants  five grand for it i have no idea if it's worth   that kind of money the stretchers on the back  the canvas is right it's his signature looks   right the style down here is very much his style  i think it's definitely a legitimate painting   but my concerns with this painting is you do have  some light cracking this one doesn't feel quite as   finished out as some of them that i've seen like  this is highly articulated but when you come over   here to the palm trees it feels like he's kind  of quit in the airplanes so this is nice but it's   not one of his best works okay so what do you  think it's worth it's tough i would say auction maybe 1800 retail maybe 2500 3 000. okay  thanks man i appreciate it good luck   nice to meet you sure thank you  well 5000 is not going to happen   it's art so it's usually hangs out a while very  few people in the world know who this guy is   and i'd give you like a thousand bucks for  it uh i don't think i'd let it part for that   you gotta twist my arm i mean i'll twist your arm  at 1100 bucks i mean it's gonna be very difficult   to sell this painting okay it's a very limited  market there's damage to it i have to get it   framed it could quite possibly sit there for a  while i don't know i mean i you know honestly i   don't think so it's there's a big market for world  war ii items anytime a good movie comes out then   boom there you go movies don't necessarily make  things sell it's um just everything it's a lot of   money it's a piece of history it's a one-of-a-kind  item if you take away all the emotion and it comes   down to dollars and cents that's what i'm talking  about well how about two g's on it okay i'll go   1200 bucks make it 15 and you got a deal i'll  go 1300 bucks how about 13.50 i'll go 1300 bucks all right sweet okay all right well you twisted  my arm okay i'll meet you right over there okay   i didn't think he would take it cool the  negotiation was a battle but i think we're   both happy with the outcome a lady came in earlier  with a pair of old-fashioned golf knickers signed   and possibly worn by payne stewart i'm definitely  interested in these but she's asking 12 000   so before i make an offer i at least want to make  sure the signature's real so i called in steve to   tell me if these pants are a hole in one or  in the rough well i called you down to come   check out this autograph by payne stewart but it  looks like you're actually needing some new pants   buddy this might be for you you know about payne  stewart obviously is one of the you know really   in the 90s one of the most dominant golfers but  his personality really carried that guy he was   always so nice to the fans very receptive  good autograph signer and his autograph is   still very sought after so what do you think  about the autograph on this pair of knickers   i do want to look at it under magnification  just get an idea of what we're looking for here   during payne's time when he was live they  didn't have like a silver permanent marker   they had more of a paint pen and you could see  that paint paints on there pretty well actually   the next thing i do want to look at obviously  is the exemplars um his autograph was heavily   forged and it still is this day because he  sells for good money so the thing i look for   with payne stewart is this gorgeous flowing  autograph wasn't scribble he took time so   the thing i like to look for is the flow and we  see that right through here nice big oversized p   he separates here same thing again so sometimes he  would connect we see right here he doesn't but he   stacks it a little bit nice finish to it and you  know just absolutely gorgeous so the autograph's   real we got that part out of it no no what kind  of value would you put on them stuff like this is   pretty rich um you know they just don't come out  in the marketplace too often you don't see payne   stewart knickers i mean this guy was known for  wearing these so it's a staple of his still very   popular golfer i put the value of these closer  to like the two three thousand dollar range now   if you're able to take these exact knickers and  find him wearing them on the golf course you're   probably looking at about six thousand dollars all  right well thank you yeah good to see you yeah yep   good luck nice to see you so much take care the  interesting thing about these knickers is paint   stewart is still so popular so i actually think  it is a good buy for the shop you could take it   with a photo of him wearing those type of outfits  frame it all up together and i think you'd sell   it pretty easily i do think they're pretty cool  i would like to get them so go like 700 bucks   housers um i i was thinking more like uh  four grand that's more than what he thinks   they're worth and i have to be able to frame  these and still have room to make a profit would you go a thousand no it would  have to be at least three grand well i don't see us coming to a deal  over this one as much as i want him   thanks for bringing him in thanks so much  take care the offer of 1000 is offensive   i'm going to take the knickers and do some more  research and get that value increased to 6 grand   earlier a guy brought in a book of artwork by  henry matisse he's one of the biggest names in   art ever so i'm more than interested so i'm having  my art expert chad come by and paint a bigger   picture for me if he says it's a masterpiece  i might be spending a lot of money today   i'm actually somewhat familiar with this  so henry matisse was one of the foundations   of all modern art moving forward and took his  initial inspiration from sarat the pointillist   he would paint my nose green or he would do  non-traditional colors and non-traditional   compositions he worked in every medium he  was a great sculptor he was a great painter   he did stained glass he did collage  and i mean he's just brilliant   this particular item it's the very first book  that was ever published about matisse really   cementing his fame there's four color plates that  are considered the most significant works in the   book so what i'm looking for is one of the four  peshwa plates that is the most valuable what's   a purchase see how vivid the color is that  was one of the things that he was known for   so this is a pochoi the prints inside of this  book the pocha prince are all handmade prints   so they'll do an initial like a lithograph  print and then people would physically go and   every color would be put on there it looks like  a painting it looks like a painting that's that's   the point of pursuance so chad be all indole  what can i sell the book for the post schwas   they're priced on the market between 800  bucks and 3 000 bucks but then i got to   cut a book apart right you got to cut up the  book and you got to frame it and that's that's   the end of that book so if this was pristine  which is the only way a collector would want   it there's one on the market for 14 grand they're  not going to get that this is what they're asking   you could buy this book on the market right  now for about twenty five hundred dollars   all right that's kind of what i figured  i appreciate you coming down oh thank you   very much later on guys this is kind of what  i was afraid of for look i i get it it's not   worth 12 grand i understand um i would take  6 000 bucks i think that's a fair price okay i could cut out those four  pictures that he was saying   i could frame them i could sell them for maybe 800  bucks a piece but now i've ruined the entire book   sure the book itself is worth about 2500 bucks  i'm really interested in the book i really do like   it i would give you two grand but we're pretty  far off there any shot of us making a deal here no but i'll tell you what if i do decide to sell  it for two grand i'll give you a call i really   would appreciate it thank you very much thank you  earlier a guy came in with a piece of paper with   some mathematical formulas on it that he claims  was written by albert einstein but there's no   signature on it einstein might have said that  imagination is more important than knowledge   but in this case it's the opposite i need to know  for sure if this was written by albert einstein so   i'm having steve brad come down and check it out  so you say einstein and i get excited and i know   you geek out yeah so math calculations by  einstein these things could go for upwards of   fifty thousand dollars really uh concerns first  of all first off it's not signed by einstein   right you gotta figure this much rick he's writing  out mathematical equations not signing autographs   so it would make sense to not have a signature on  it so is it written by einstein what i basically   want to do is just kind of go over the ink  itself looking for fountain pen as we know   fountain pen pre-world war ii after world war ii  was a lot of ballpoint pens used so in right there   definitely fountain pen on here the next thing i  want to do i have a few of his writings the thing   i have to really do is start comparing letter by  letter with him each is always pretty distinctive   and we take a look here he uses it here and  here he uses it kind of all over the place   the writing matches up i'm familiar with this  type of piece so i have no problem with it it's   definitely authentic great okay sweet so um big  question what's it worth the stuff really isn't   out there rick you know it's pretty rare but  based on kind of what i see the piece itself   i put this value right at about five thousand  dollars okay if we knew what this was for   it could be even that much more significant  right cool man good seeing you the great thing   about einstein he's just such an iconic legend  we still see his image all the time and that   helps keep his value up all right so um there's  definitely a price difference there yeah big one   but what he's saying is true we don't know exactly  what it says well it won't take up any space in   the shop well no it takes up wall space i just  can't throw it in the showcase like that cause   you gotta frame it up you gotta put a picture of  einstein there maybe a picture of me next to it   i give you three grand for it i mean that's  like the most money that makes sense to me i can't go that low there's  nothing else on the market that's   even close to that price literally the  next thing to it that i could even find   was ballpark of that fifteen to eighteen  thousand dollars you couldn't come anywhere   near the fourteen thousand no no no  three thousand is what i could do um obviously a deal's not going to be  made because we're really far apart   i understand all right well thanks for bringing  it in thank you change your mind we're always   here thank you much really with a picture of you  next to it i was joking all right earlier a guy   came in with a print of neiman's famous work happy  birthday mr president it's a really iconic piece   but i have no idea what it's worth so i brought in  chad to come check it out good to see you you too   leroy neiman happy birthday mr president great the  one where marilyn monroe sang marilyn monroe who   you won't see is jackie kennedy she didn't show up  and she i think she knew that marilyn was showing   up there yeah she was probably pretty pissed i  wouldn't have been in the white house after that   so what's really cool about this is this is an  unusual piece for neiman because you know he's   mainly known for his sports paintings but it's  the moment in american history that everybody   knows he was by far the best-selling american  expressionist that ever lived leroy neiman has a   huge collector's market people really really like  his work and the people that collect him are very   rabid about it a lot of the critics didn't like  him his art was very very literal but that being   said the people did like him because his art  was very very literal it's easy to understand   it's not something you have to sit and ponder for  a long time blue color art right i mean for lack   of a better term you know a lot of blue-collar  guys watch football yeah you know and they can   relate to a painting of somebody playing football  yeah and he likes painting the playboy bunnies a   lot of guys like to play boyfriends exactly i mean  he he found a way to appeal to the masses exactly   the print itself it's a little bit textured and  this is one of the things he was known for he   painted a lot of time in enamel paint which was  very unusual at the time so when he started making   prints he wanted the same kind of feeling so you  get a real textural very layered print that's cool   what do you think i could possibly get out of it  i think high retail on it it is probably 7 500   realistic retail on it's probably right  around 6 000. all right i appreciate it   man thank you thanks a lot hey thanks for  showing it to me thank you guys take it easy   well all that being said i'd like to offer you  2 500 bucks well he said 7 500 high high retail   in a really fancy gallery i don't see getting that  much i think i might be able to get six but that's   after i frame it pay someone to sell it everything  else so i'm thinking five hundred cone dude   five yeah i'll cut to the chase i can go three  grand is the most i'm gonna be able to pay you   so you fixed on three i'm absolutely  fixed on three okay deal i i appreciate   it um let's uh let's go over there and  do some paperwork we can leave this here hey how's it going man it's going  good got something interesting for you   it's not a subpoena or something is it so i it is not it's a turn-of-the-century patent  medicine calendar okay this is deeply weird it's   a very different sort of calendar okay can i  take it out please handle it take a look at it   all right i've heard of this company  i cannot pronounce this company   it's greek anticamnia i just don't understand  why a pharmaceutical company would advertise   their products with dead people take our  medicine you'll be just like this guy i came to the pawn shop today to sell my 1900  anticamnia calendar i grabbed this calendar   on an online auction because it was just so  striking with the images i'm looking to get 1400   for this calendar and hopefully we  can get to the bare bones on this deal   this is creepy stuff right here they used to sell  supposedly some special drug that was like really   good for you and cured headaches but it was full  of like opium and belladonna of course it's gonna   cure a headache because you're gonna get wasted  you take one of these things that's right and uh   in 1900 there was companies like this that  would just have some fillers and then they would   throw a bunch of drugs in it and say hey this is  all natural it's good for you it's non-addictive   like i said it was just like poison it was  legal to do this until the federal laws came   up the government just came down on all these  companies on the handling of food and drugs   i love the art though the art's  amazing yeah it is amazing   whoa that is like i mean that is literally one  of the creepiest photos i've ever seen these are   in pretty good shape how much do you want for  this well i'd like to get 1400 bucks all right   um it's really cool and really creepy i  mean that's sort of like the problem here   if i do buy this i'll go on the wall and people  go that's really cool and then they'll go but i   wouldn't have it in my house a few years ago i saw  half the calendar go for 500 bucks so with a full   one i mean there's a little bit of condition  issues on this i'll give you 900 bucks for it   i could go a thousand you go 950 it is odd very  limited market i gotta frame it it's gonna cost   me a couple hundred bucks i got one bill after  another i'm i'm a small businessman in america   all right yeah you're going down to the bone  on this one right okay 9.50 is a fair price yes sweet all right um i will meet you right  over there we'll do some paperwork sounds good   i think i have the material  for stephen king's next novel   earlier today i had a customer come in with four  autograph scripts from abc's tgif lineup they   seem authentic and i don't doubt that the  signatures are real but he's asking three   thousand dollars and i have no idea whether these  are legit or not so i'm calling in steve gratt   and hopefully tgif thank grad it's not fake the  original tgif so people went crazy for these shows   this was the lineup they had that really defined  that friday night so what are your concerns   there's just a ton of autographs here okay who's  steve i'm steve so that's you so that's this was   all your stuff at some point correct okay  just going to take a look at the ink on here   so family matter script obviously the big star  of that show was julia white and his signature   obviously is just it's very simple really hasn't  changed much it's usually just his first name as   you can see here i see a lot of bob sag at john  stamos autograph still still very popular bob's   always had the same type of sloppy type signature  yeah it's a nice little collection ever so the one   thing i do notice about the full haul script you  don't have the olsen twins correct so what's the   reason behind that pretty sure they were babies at  the time yeah and they couldn't end up signing it   so you do have the main cast corey you know just  looking at these obviously the personalization   the autograph inc is live um the autographs match  up perfect so there's no doubt about these being   authentic okay so i would tell you this much  if they weren't personalized they'd probably   be worth a little more because you know you could  still sell these you could still present them take   a picture frame it mat it together but if they  weren't personalized would help a little more   but people are still going to like these so based  on everything i see here corey really nice looking   stuff i put the value right at 700 all right um  i appreciate it yep good to see you good luck   thank you so you started off at 3 000. i did  they're worth about 700 i got to make money too   where yet now if you can sound for 700 i know you  got to make some money uh well it's like 600 bucks   i got to make more than 100 bucks on  it man whether i sell it as a set or   whether i sell it one by one it's just gonna  take me a while i'm more in the 200 range i'm certain regardless of what he said that you  can get a lot more than 700 dollars for them you   know give me like 500 bucks man and and you can  i can i can push much money i can push it to 250.   you're more than welcome to try to sell  them yourself and if it don't work out   for you you can bring it back yeah my offer  will stand but 250 is where i'm gonna go   ah that's kind of a bummer give me 300 bucks and  and we got a deal man i hear come on brother 300   bucks you know you can sell lights for more it's  a lot more fine fine fine you beat me 300 bucks   you got it all right come with me let's use some  paperwork i'm pretty disappointed that i only got   three hundred dollars out of them but i'm gonna  give it to my girlfriend for a trip with him you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 971,222
Rating: 4.856596 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, Big Money Art, 7 Tough Negotiations, Tough Negotiations, Pricey art, Rick, Negotiations, I Have to Get it Framed
Id: OXOkKay2eQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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