Pawn Stars: RAZOR-SHARP Samurai Sword is an ABSOLUTE STEAL (Season 7) | History

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how are you today you look familiar  did you tell me something before   not long ago i brought you a grammy award and  sold it this guy came in a while ago and sold   my dad a grammy award which we later found out we  weren't allowed to sell so i got to proceed very   carefully here we got something for you oh sweet  a ninja sword no that's a samurai sword same thing i came down to the pawn shop today to sell my 1600  samurai sward i got the sword because the client   owed me about 300 bucks i like to sell it  because when my wife when she's angry at me   she kind of looks at it do you mind if i open  it up be very careful though it's pretty sharp   oh it's nice man what do you know about it well  this is a yatsuru sword made in about 1600.   okay so where'd you get this at man well  i'm a lawyer and my client you see he owed   me some money on a case i'd done for  him and uh he left the sword with me   he never came back so towards mine i think it's  something that you probably would like to have   look at this blade all right that's the real  deal take special people to do this you know   i'm wondering if these are blood stains on here  they could be blood stains they could be rust   one of the things about these swords and one  of the ways you can kind of tell that it's old   is that they didn't have stainless steel back  then they had carbon steel so when you touch it   it will actually rust in the spot where you touch  it that's why they had to keep them in the sheaths   and probably most of these are from spots where  it's actually been touched okay samurais were   highly skilled japanese warriors and their main  weapon was their sword the master swordsmans who   made them really had to make them perfect so  it could take over six months to finish one   one of the problems that we have with these type  of swords is that they never really changed the   design of them because the original design was  the best design this sword could be 100 years   old it could be a thousand years old okay i mean  it looks as old as you're saying it is i just   wish i knew more about him it's a shame too  because i do know a guy who would be able to   tell me everything there is to know about this  but he's actually in another state right now   lately i've really been trying to prove to my dad  that i deserve to be part owner of the shop but   this is a tough call if i buy this sword without  getting it checked out it could really backfire   but i've seen a few of these sell for thousands  of dollars if this one's legit it might be just   the thing to show them i'm capable of handling  risk in a bigger way around here any idea what   you're looking to get out of it five thousand  dollars probably my biggest concern is whether   or not this could be restored in the states  that being said my man i'm seeing like 800 bucks that's not even a hundred dollars a century on  this thing it's worth every bit of five thousand   dollars problem i have is that i don't know enough  about it to pay you that much i'll go up to 12. i'll come down to four if you're gonna hold  my feet to the fire make me pay as much as i   can it's gonna be 1500 bucks i'll come down  to 2 000. i've got five of them right there 1500 bucks my man that's all i'm willing to risk deal deal all right tell me you want to take  care of him hell yeah meet me at the counter   all right when he offered me 800 i was ready to  jump and do a dance but i had to keep my cool   because the price was still going up dude i can  slice the apple right out of the air with that   samurai sword no you couldn't earlier a guy  brought in a cool old samurai sword our sword   guy wasn't able to come in and tell us what it's  worth so i took a guess and bought it for 1500   and of course chum won't stop talking about it  he's obsessed with being a ninja as we all saw   from the security video a while ago so i'm not  letting him anywhere near this one you would have   to throw the apple up going to take the sword  back chocolate chum it'll be fun it'll be dope   i'm telling you what sort are we talking about  i was talking just in general cory tell you old   man what the hell you did this time i bought  an old samurai store from like the 1500s and   who checked it out it was legit i was there so you  checked it out well with corey uh oh hell we're   in trouble cory you realize that there is fake  samurai swords out there obviously well i mean   there's companies that make them just to look  like they're old i mean they actually aged them   and everything else you bought it from the same  dude that sold you that grammy shut up really did   we all somehow forget that i've been doing this a  long time no but you got my money out in the wind   you're spending money like you own the place  look dude if i see an opportunity i'm gonna take   it that's what you do that's what you taught me  i only do it if i have a basic understanding of   what i'm looking at you don't know anything  about a samurai sword i'm not worried about   it guys it's i got everybody coming down to  check it out all right corey don't let chum   which slice any apples with it all right you guys  want to leave us we can get back to work thank you hey mike how you doing buddy hey what's up cory  how you doing i got this for you to take a look   at man i took a shot on it for like 1500 bucks and  i'm baffled man i couldn't tell you what i bought   it's a samurai sword shut up chum i am a japanese  sword appraiser and dealer the guys call me up   whenever they get something new or interesting and  i help them determine what its current value is   after world war ii it's estimated about three  million japanese swords came out of japan that   were confiscated by the occupation forces most  likely this is something like that okay samurai's   are pretty badass well samurai were very honorable  very determined warriors so even if you and i were   fighting and i admit defeat i would even ask  you honorably to cut off my head and assist me   they wanted to basically show that okay i'm a  man this is it it's my time and can you help me not the way i'd play it but okay  the japanese warrior also known   as the samurai was pretty much the professional  warrior of the day the japanese sword is what   gave the samurai his status you could not  be a samurai without the samurai sword   so do you have any concerns about this  sword pretty much i spent 1500 bucks on   something i really don't know that much  about well let's see if you got lucky this is the proper way to take apart a japanese  sword they've been doing this style for centuries   we take off the handle so we can see if  it's signed and it does have a signature   is it yasasugu yes that's right okay this maker  did not work for merchants he only worked for   high-level samurai oh wow you see this mark right  here this is the family crest of the tokugawa   family who ruled for 250 years from 1596 all the  way down until the 1800s and the generations of   the swordsmen kept the use of this mark in japan  if you were caught using this mark without any   permission you could be beheaded and your entire  family as well oh wow the two symbols that had   the most meaning were the imperial families and  the tokugawa family which is the symbol that's   on cory sword and because of this it's a very rare  source okay good what year was it mate in the late   1600s the sword smith is the fifth generation what  do you think it's worth well in as is condition it's probably worth about five to six  thousand right now oh that's a score big horse   so you could take it and restore it for me right  well i could take care of it for you gonna be   about three thousand dollars and what's it worth  after that oh this sword because he's a rare maker you're looking at probably about 15 000. take it appreciate it mike all right   i had a knot in my stomach waiting for mike to  get here but that was exactly the news i needed   i definitely took a bit of a risk on this  one but sometimes you just gotta go for it   and i really can't wait to rub it in my dad's  face if this doesn't prove i deserve to be part   owner of this place then i don't know what will  hey mike what's going on buddy hey corey well   you remember that sword is that the sword this  is it aw sweet let me grab everybody real quick   pops chum earlier i got an old samurai sword  for an absolute steal and my buddy told me it'd   be worth 15 grand restored i can't wait to see  the look on my dad's face when he hears the news   mike's here with the sword all  right the one you paid too much for   feast your eyes on this wow when you hand the  sword to somebody you do it with respect to   show trust and the edges to me so i'm trusting  you and give it to you like so this is it huh that looks awesome man sweet that is pretty   you can't get this type of workmanship  by using machines it was all done by hand   i mean it looks great mike how'd you do it  well i sent the blade to my friend who's a   japanese professionally trained polisher then the  handle was re-wrapped by another friend of mine and now it's in 100 restored condition so  this sword actually belonged to a samurai   oh a real samurai this maker did not  work for merchants he only worked for   high-level samurai so this is a real  samurai sword let me check it out no no so how sharp is it it's basically a 28-inch  razor blade um usually i don't do this but   do you have a piece of paper yeah hold  this for me here we go here's some paper oh wow so if you notice that's pretty  clean and i didn't swing very hard   yeah that's uh it's better than i  could do with a pair of scissors   did my idiot grandson make any money off of this  you realize i'm holding like a razor sharp sword   right now right oh shut up so what's something  like this worth the sword is not worth about fifteen thousand dollars fifteen thousand dollars  what am i paying you it's 3 300 for all the   restoration work we did so when was last time you  tripled your money dad grandpa oh shut up chum   anybody every dog gets lucky every once in a while  yeah i just remember you screwing up a lot lately   thanks mike all right thank you thanks a lot  better see you later you have a good day my friend   i'm getting really tired of being treated  like this i just made a lot of money for   this shop and they're still giving me crap if  they don't start realizing i'm an important   part of this company i might have to go  somewhere where i could be appreciated   let me check it out john this  is for real ninjas bro come on you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 2,793,350
Rating: 4.8925209 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 7, pawn stars s07, pawn stars s7, The Last Samurai, RAZOR-SHARP Samurai Sword, Samurai Sword
Id: ZpdHbrhXJHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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