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you gotta be kidding me shelby  gt350 gone in 60 seconds the movie   it's eleanor i get it how's it going  good how you doing um this thing is nice   this is the real thing not a clone huh the  real deal this is it 67 gt350 yep only 1175   made total you need my tennis racket it's  wimbledon white right it is wimbledon white carol shelby was a great race car driver as well  as a great builder of cars and that's why ford got   involved with him to begin with got it here in las  vegas about 12 years ago it's a treasure to own   what made this car famous was the movie gone in  60 seconds with nicholas cage they nicknamed the   car eleanor that's why the car is worth more value  today the 67 is the best period i appreciate that   i it really is i mean this was the way carol  shelby envisioned the car okay and he worked   on it his guys worked on it it wasn't guys at a  ford plant slapping in together who didn't give   exactly this is one of the quintessential cool  cars of the 1960s there was right around 100   modifications that shelby did to a ford mustang  to make the gt350 it improved its performance   its handling and its style needless to say this is  about as cool as it gets and i would love to have   it this is clean this is really nice ah it looks  all beautifully stocked that's what i like to see   yep original four speed top loader got 63 000  original miles on the car original gauges i'm   sure the upholstery's been redone just the inserts  in the seats actually have been redone well that's   that's expected to be done as long as it's  done right right and this all looks right   and uh he signed the glove fox i always charged  like a couple hundred bucks you just had to give   it to his charity right yep that's the way  it went that's definitely a plus for us i'm   concerned so how much longer you get out of  it well um my asking on the car is 125 000.   i've done my homework on this car i know the  value of it i feel it's a fair price when   i'm asking for the car okay i'm gonna call up a  buddy of mine have them come down here and help   me figure out the price i mean it's just it's an  expensive car there's a million little things that   raise and lower the prices on these things okay  okay so let me get him down here he will know   every single thing there is to know about this car  terrific okay nice there it is the hypo 289 man   it looks like it's a it's a  pretty well-kept engine bay   you know this is definitely a car  that's been cherished i can tell that what really makes the difference  right now is the test drive   it's the only way to validate whether it's a real  shelby i think it's the real deal guys do you mind   if we take it for a spin around the block make  sure there's no problems everything's running   right uh yeah that's that's okay that's fine okay  so i promise i won't break it okay you promise the hypo 289 let's do this be careful with my baby back in 67 when you were driving this  car you were kind of a baller i mean   this was paying a lot of money to drive a  mustang you could drive a porsche for the   price of this car back then you know what  i mean yeah she's nice man she's real tight   the test drive was awesome man it's a solid  car felt good it's got really good power you   know that car would get the goods when you land in  the throttle what do you think it's worth well um   it's a solid car runs and drives good so i'd say  anywhere between 100 to 110 000 bucks i appreciate   you letting us take it for a nice easy meander  down the road i appreciate what you said and   we'll talk and i'll say hi you got a great car man  great car ricky thanks so much see you soon buddy   so what do you think um i think it's  a great car and i rarely do this but   i'm not gonna negotiate i will give you a hundred  grand there's no money past a hundred grand none   is it feasible uh that you might be able to  do 105 no anything past 100 is doesn't make   a dime a sense all right so that's  the max you're gonna go not one dime you got a deal sweet um let's go do some paperwork  um we can figure out if my dad's gonna yell at me   for driving for a week i figure this was a good  point for me to go ahead and let it go and now   he's got the car i got the money and i'm out of  here so this is it huh yeah this is the dude man   the 66 chevy 2. i know you like slick rides so  this is one slick ride okay yeah it's definitely   cool man how long you had it i've had it a few  weeks have some fun with it and i'm thinking about   doing a new project okay so you bought it and  then you didn't like it so now you want to sell it i came down to discuss the selling chevy ii it's a  pro street muscle car corvette motor the reason i   want to sell it because i have another project  in mind the lease i would take were 40 000.   i mean it's badass i mean it's just classic  evolution of cars in the 1960s i mean it's   american muscle man this is the car you just get  in it and smash the gas interesting to note this   car was to replace the corvair so ford comes out  with the ford falcon which is a little tiny car   a compact for those days and then they start sail  start to slump for corvair and so they launched   the chevy ii this car is a 1966 chevy ii it's a  pretty cool little pro touring car guys got a lot   of work done to it i figured pretty cool car rick  might be interested the paint job is great the   body work on this thing is great it all matches it  all flows together you mind if i pop the hood open   be my guest it's an ls1 motor holy that looks  good that corvette motor sure does look good   this grandma's car that's a big wow factor right  there you can tell the guy did a lot of attention   to detail on it you know getting that motor to  fit in there right looks like it was done right   my buddy had one of these things when i was  young and we were embarrassed to be in it i'll   tell you that i don't think you'd be embarrassed  today though yeah this one's got a little more   street attitude to it okay you might if i look  inside please yeah i like the seats a lot man definitely a different dash yeah  this is right out of night rider this chevy 2 is pretty cool and i love the work  that was done to it this car with a corvette motor   will haul ass the look of the car is great but  did you change the rear end the rear end is uh   it's totally stopped 66 rear end with a yes  with an ls1 yes we call that a grenade yeah   because that rear end was designed to  handle 125 horsepower not absolutely   three or four hundred i think you're pushing  these were about 90 horsepower i think whenever   long as you don't take it over the limit you'll  be fine but you've got to do a burnout every   once in a while you've got to look cool for  every day every day if you do this on this car   the entire rear end will fold up  and implode um i really like it but   i think i'd have a hard time selling it i mean  what do you want for it i would think 40 000. you know i i don't mean to beat you up  i'd give you like 15 grand for it because   it's a project that's not done in my eyes yeah  this will be a fun prazia car it'd be a great   project but right now i ain't got the time for a  project you know i mean what is your best price   my best product would be 40. 40 might  be a decent price for someone wanting   to keep it but it's not done it's going  to be 5 000 to redo the rear end yeah i can't do 40. i can't do 40. there's okay  sorry we couldn't do business man thanks   all right well thanks for giving me a  call man no problem brother thanks man   it's definitely rick's loss he has some  good points though about the rear end and   the things that they need to be upgraded so i  respect that but he will never get a 15 000. what do we have here my 1960 chevy corvair   i like it would you like to hear  the horn let's hear the horn that's not stock is it no i thought it was really unique in its own way  so i had to have it i think it's in pretty good   condition a lot of corvairs are just rust  buckets i need to sell it just because i   need some money for school i'm hoping to get about  ten thousand the least i'll take is about 6 000.   this is the 1960 it was the first model year  in 1960 if you were like an 18 19 year old kid   having this car you were cool it was a modern  slick looking car this was a really innovative   car i mean gm completely redesigned the car with  this thing what was so new and innovative about it   air cooled motor in the back rear engine car  really fuel efficient i mean this thing got i   think it was like 26 miles to the gallon they were  trying to go a little volkswagen yeah basically   in 1960 you had porsche volkswagen and corvairs  were the only ones with the engine in the back   the corvair was gm's attempt at a revolutionary  new car they were trying to compete with other   cars that were gaining popularity like the  volkswagen they came up with a radical new   design that took chances and turned heads let me  show you the inside okay this was considered a   compact car back then it's a decent sized little  car for a small family we put the seat belts in   okay yeah because of this car a lot of car safety  was created i know a little bit about the slam   campaign in 64. rob nader ralph nader yeah ralph  nader's book unsafe at any speed focused on the   dangers of driving the corvair he testified  in front of congress about it now we have   safer windshields seat belts and energy absorbing  steering wheels i'll tell you what there's people   who fell in love with this car and there's  people in love with them today yeah i've had   a guy follow me for a couple of miles just to ask  what year it was and it sounds creepy it was a   little creepy but people love the car can i look  at the motor yeah have a gander under the trunk there she is all right sweet see how weird that  motor is this right here is called a pancake motor   it's flat as a pancake and it doesn't have  a radiator it's air-cooled we have a big   fan that blows a lot of air right over  the motor and that's what keeps it cool   well i've never seen anything like that it  is cool though i mean i really do dig it what do you want to do with it i  want to sell it i'm asking 10 grand   10 grand but by saying you're asking 10  grand means you'll already take less right   uh not exactly uh do you mind if we take  it for a spin sure okay you got the keys   yeah these cars are definitely collectible  but considering this car is over 50 years old   i got to make sure everything is cool  before i even make an offer have fun i mean i like the car because it was just so  different when it came out i mean they had to   redesign everything to make this car it's got  a rear air-cooled engine independent suspension   they took some chances making this car you know a  lot of guys will argue to death that these things   are not dangerous you just got to know how to  drive them right if you're going to make a car   for the general public then you shouldn't have to  drive it right it should drive like a regular car you know it is what it is i mean guys do collect  these they're worth money is it my favorite car no   i mean like look at the slop in the steering  wheel you literally have to try it like this dude and it smells like there's an exhaust leak so um this is cool but i don't know what to think  of it man it feels like a death trap this might   not be corey's bag but there's actually some money  here there's a lot of collectors that love these   cars if she'll come down on the price i think i  can make some money here leaky exhaust and all well where in the world did you get the  number ten thousand dollars on this car   well that's about what i have into it what does  that got to do with the price of tea in china   i could buy a convertible that's  completely redone for ten thousand dollars   well you don't really need  to spend too much on paint   and when she drives she only slips out  of gear if you're not going fast enough um that's not a huge selling point um  you're asking too much for this car you got some transmission problems it's  not shifting the way it should shift   it's dropping out of gear  and doing some weird things   well blue book and uh my insurance has it at 8  000. crash it there's just there was no way i'd   even go close to that if you were gonna force  me to make an offer i'd offer you three grand i i couldn't take that we're way too far  apart thanks for coming by though thank you   learn a letter out query yeah corvairs can  be great cars or they can be like this one   i wanted to fall in love with this thing  but a bad transmission and sloppy steering   i just couldn't make the romance work so this  is it the o.j bronco wow it is the o.j bronco   are you kidding me i've never seen anything quite  like this this is it well it's not the oj bronco   it's his buddy's brocco right that's right it's  the bronco oj was in the backseat of it's sort   of weird because oj and his friend what was  his name ac they both had identical broncos   but this is the one everyone knows this one  everyone saw on television the infamous car chase   and oj's actually got destroyed right correct  yeah so oj now lives in the state of nevada   yeah i don't think that's by choice yeah i own  the white ford bronco the murders were june 12.   o.j was supposed to turn himself in on the morning  of the 17th he didn't and that's the bronco that   everybody can remember seeing driving up the 405  freeway i've been offered 500 000 for the bronco   i turned it down so here it is i would like to  be able to sell the bronco and take that money   and give it to my children so how did you get this  thing at the time of the bronco chase i was oj's   agent amazing there's people that were going to  sell the bronco to a company called i think it's   graveline tours and they were going to go up and  down the freeway go by the murder site and i just   thought that'd be classless especially since the  trial hadn't started yet so i got it from ac and   i've kept it pretty much hidden for the last  22 years three or four things in the past like   30 years everyone remembers everyone remembers  where they were at when the challenger crashed   everyone remembers where they were at on 9 11  and everyone remembers what they were doing when   they saw the oj chase exactly and people my age  remember when president kennedy was assassinated   which oddly enough that vehicle is the second  most viewed vehicle in history behind the bronco   that is crazy so this is like an early 90s bronco  right yeah 92 low mileage 100 miles on it about 36   000. so is that the same license plate that was on  it when oh yeah yeah in fact if you pull up photos   you'll see ac sitting here and then this license  plate in fact same frame holder okay you know it's   that weird bit of pop history and you're  looking to sell this thing yeah i'd like   to obviously drove it in here runs good and why  don't you take it for drive i get the back seat   and we're getting on the freeway this isn't  just any suv it's the suv the 195 million people   saw on tv doing what i'm about to do right  now i hope the ac works i'm sure ac had ac on the phone with the police he like negotiated  i want to go see my mom right so where were you   at during the chase oddly enough i was behind  the bronco by about maybe 400 yards right behind   all the cops the helicopters amazing it was very  surreal there's a glove back here no there's not   about to cruise on the freeway chum feel that  power yeah see he didn't opt for the larger motor   i'm definitely intrigued the problem is  putting a value on this thing is almost   impossible there hasn't been another  one that is sold i know someone would   pay a ridiculous amount of money for it but  then again value is going to be really tough   here you go chum all right so um how  much you want for this a million three um yeah think about it it's a one of a kind   you know where you were when this was on the  405 freeway yeah worldwide more people have   seen this vehicle than any other vehicle  on earth but it's not exactly a love story i mean this thing like i said massively iconic  car i'll give you this it looks amazing you know   i mean rarely do you see a 92 bronco in this shape  but it also has that bad stuff associated with it   the murders yeah yeah and now you know this isn't  the one that had the blood in it i know i know but   that's a lot of money okay i  could drop down to a million 250. you might get that or even more at auction i'm gonna pass on it okay with something  like this it's so much of a gamble because there's   nothing to compare it to a price right i'll never  sell the bronco for under a million dollars i   know it's worth that and if it's not it will be  all right so it's the actual car from the movie that was steve mcqueen's last  movie should be a 51 chevy right   i'll be there in a half hour 45 minutes bye this guy has the car that steve mcqueen drove  in his last movie hunter you ever see the movie   no it's a really good movie you should watch it   okay but anyway we're gonna go buy the car hey  rick why don't you just stay here and let me go   i know you're a steve mcqueen want to be  i know not a steve mcqueen wannabe i just   want to go take a look at the car it's worth  a lot of money we can make some money off it   look i just we all know that you're gonna get  the car you're gonna pay too much for it you've   got the bieber fever for mcqueen come on corey  let's go no no just because it's steve mcqueen's   car doesn't mean i'm gonna keep it i'm done with  you guys come on don't spend too much money i'll   take care of it steve mcqueen wanted me that was  pretty good bus that's the truth so this is it huh   it is 1951 uh chevy convertible steve mcqueen  drove in the movie the hunter that is sweet   and where did you get it it came from his estate  you can hear him grinding the gears and you can   hear it running in the movie okay my dad has  some kind of weird man crush on steve mcqueen   it's not a man crush i just think the guy's  really cool all right it's a man crush dude i'm a used car dealer and this is what i do  is try to turn a profit it's probably worth   somewhere between 80 and 100 000. if we can come  in somewhere around 40 grand that'd be great   so this was the from the movie hunter you have  the paperwork saying this was in the movie this is   queen's car yeah all the documents and everything  we have it was just a movie car okay it came out   in 1980 for some reason i know he crashed the hell  out of this car the whole premise of the movie was   he was a bounty hunter things weren't going well  for him the entire movie he gets beat up a lot   things like that it was a great flick i think  it was his last movie too he passed away just   a few months after the movie came out they really  don't make movie stars like steve mcqueen anymore   the guy raced cars and motorcycles for fun and  in the movies he did most of his own stunts so   i imagine the car was uh restored in like the  80s i mean it does have a cassette player in it   yeah there's a few things that  could use a little attention but uh   that's a pretty damn clean car  how's the top perfect there we go that looks sweet i like this  so how much you want for it   i'd like to be in the  neighborhood of about 40 grand i mean i love the car i'd love to make an offer on  it but i just want to make sure everything's right   on this thing do you mind if i have someone come  down and take a look at it just make sure there's   no major hidden problems everything's correct  sure understand all right i'll be right back   i'll get my call the car is beautiful and mcqueen  drove it in his last movie what's not to love but   the business side of me says calm down and get it  checked out wow i'm really glad you guys called me   out for this one man yeah this is beautiful you  know in 51 that was when chevrolet started that   campaign see the usa in your chevrolet they only  did about uh 20 000 of these in a convertible 51   chevy was a great car they were very much an  everyday man's car this was an affordable car   when they were brand new they were two thousand  and thirty dollars in the convertible form   what you looking at danny just seeing you know  how much of it looks original it's been a while   since it's been restored but you can tell that uh  whoever did it did a nice job with it man wow it's   really clean sure is man the car looks beautiful  you know and it's not restored to the point where   you wouldn't want to drive it this is a car you  can have a blast with man can i see in the trunk   sure got some certificates in here too that's cool  man yeah certificates are what you need to see   should we take it for a spin is that  all right whatever you want to do where are you going where you going what are  you doing i'm gonna drive it yeah i'm the one   buying it what'd you have me come out here for  check it out make sure everything's cool on it   well how you expecting to check the car  out if you're not going to be driving   this is steve mcqueen's 51 chevy i got to drive it fine thanks brother i can't believe  i'm in the back seat of this thing   how's it back there rick comfortable i should be  driving this car right now it's really solid man   isn't that a rattle or a shake or nothing in this  car oh this is a nice car it really is a nice car   to think that steve mcqueen sat in this seat  held this steering wheel ran through these   gears rick you should feel this you'd really like  it yeah whatever this car was in such nice shape   my job was easy today so what do you think it's  worth ain't a lot to gripe about with this car the   throttle felt great the transmission felt great  the clutch felt great the steering felt great   i couldn't say that the car is a 10 but it's a  rock solid eight for sure you know i've seen 51   chevy convertibles going for all kinds of prices  but i think i would solidly put it in the low 30s   as far as the car is concerned now you've  got the mcqueen factor okay that falls   right into your court okay well thanks danny  absolutely any collector would love to have a   51 chevy convertible and then uh what's  it worth because it was steve mcqueen's   kind of take it from there all right  so how much do you want for it 40 grand it's in the neighborhood of 30 just the way  it is i think steve mcqueen's got to be worth   a little bit more i'll give you 35 cash um  i put it down on the money where i kind of   needed it to be can you come up a couple  grand to 137 37. i think it's a fair price i say go for it 37 thousand all right can i drive you  down the pawn shop we'll take care of it   let's go all right you're driving  the jeep back give me your keys   i can't believe i actually own a  car that was driven by steve mcqueen   in a movie and now i finally get to drive it i am  in heaven now i really feel like steve mcqueen you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,070,937
Rating: 4.8575053 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars show, history pawn stars, watch pawn stars, TOP 5 CLASSIC CARS, Pawn Stars compilation
Id: v82GyEEtCJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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