PavWork10: Tech Suit Ribbing

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that we just did a we took her whole body and then we deflated it and then we scoped it through and you wouldn't if you if you knew exactly what you were doing you wouldn't have to go through and sculpt this you could just go through and you could even do poly paint really but I kind of wanted to get a feel for how this was going to look on her so at this point what I would do and I'm just going to do this little neck part here and so I would go through here then I would mask it out just to kind of separate it along those same lines and you don't have to be that careful you can do control all to sharpen it up and then ctrl alt paint it out a little bit you can control tap to invert it sometimes that'll help you see exactly where you want to put that line it doesn't have to be back careful because we're just going to rebuild this thing anyway and then we can invert that we'll hit ctrl W to put a poly group right there we can control shift isolate it will do a quick split hidden and now we have this thing available to us now at this point if you wanted to use excuse me zremesher what I would do is clean up those alias edges on the side here I'm going to go over here to masking mask the border control tap to invert that I'll dry and then I'm going to go over here to polish my features open circle and that's a new deformation menu and now we've got those nice clean circles now I'm also going to slice this thing ctrl shift going here to slice curve and that'll just allow us to slice right through now slice isn't going to happen across symmetry but that's okay we'll just mirror and weld it so it's going to slice right through where we want it like so if you need to you can tap alt once if you want to kind of bend it a little bit and it'll put one more right here there we go so this side is good this size gross I'm going to do a quick mirror deformations mirror and then a geometry modify topology mirrored weld and now we got this now you're going to see there's a crease line right in the middle you can do alternating polygroups here but I'm going to do that excuse me I'll do that later so what I'm going to do now is zero meshes things when we go to geometry zremesher and I'm going to keep groups on now if I do keep groups and I keep smooth groups up at one what's going to do is it'll keep my groups but it's going to want to smooth these poly groups in this case is not terrible but generally speaking I usually just put that down at zero oh the polygon count isn't that bad is it 3000 I'm going to put it at 1/2 and do a depth of size down to a smaller number let's say 8 I want nice even quads but it can kind of follow the surface undulation then I can just keep hitting half and it'll keep giving me new geometry and if you hold down alt it'll give you a new algorithm to do a new centerline basically what I want is something like this now you wouldn't necessarily have to do that you can keep it at this gross geometry and what we're going to end up doing is going over here to where your edge loop we're going to end up doing panel loops so we do panel loops here whoo gross let's do a thickness of point zero zero two there we go and we can also change the bevel size here to make the bevels more or less all sorts of things now the problem is when we do panel loops here we're still getting that kind of gross geometry in here which if you're just doing panel loops when you go to smoother thing it'll probably fine it's not a huge deal but just because it's not that difficult to do I am going to go through the zremesher just make it a little bit nicer so we'll do Z much half so you're much half you very much half there we go actually let's go back up one hold down alt that'll work and that'll just keep our groups here and then the geometry will be a little bit nicer so now what I'm going to do is if we were to go up here to do panel loops now it's a pretty nice result but we're losing that midline so what we can do is I can grab and I had X symmetry turned on so if I go over here and I just grab oops turn off X symmetry just by tapping X I'm going to do actually know what this will be different this will be different I want to grab this one get rid of that hit ctrl W and that'll polygroup that one same thing for this one control shift hold down alt ctrl W grab this one hold down alt ctrl W and then this one we'll leave that alone because it won't need a mid line actually might look a little bit weird if we don't so we'll do this ctrl W so now we have alternating polygroups so when we do a panel loops now whoops not a pic zremesher a panel oops it'll go ahead and put that midline there for us now one thing we're doing is we have panel oops double turned on which means we can do ctrl shift click and then ctrl shift a and that means it's double sided we have five loops turned on which means we have when we do a panel if it's one two three four five all the way across if we go into the bevel profile you're going to see it goes up over and down if we look at the profile or bevel it goes up over and down and you're also going to see it almost touches that midline and what that means because we wouldn't look at two panels next to each other see how it it's barely yeah it's barely not touching that means is that midline is where it would touch if I undo that all the way back here and we move these little dots up to that mid line and then we do panel loops again you're going to see now they touch that is the midline of the pen now if we overshoot that and we like put it up here then of course these panel lines are going to over overlap so just keep in mind that midline is where those panels are going to end up touching now if you wanted to do something fancy like you can you can just click in here and drag and then I'll give you a new shape and if you ever wanted to if you click and drag off it'll just delete it if you click and just make a new one you have a whoops you have a circle that you can change and make it more or less round if you want to make it sharp just drag it off and drag it back on and then it will be pointy so you can go through here and make whatever profile shape you want you can get as crazy as you want to on these things now the problem is you only have five loops to do it at least that's what I have so video panel loops here and we do ctrl shift ctrl shift a let's see there we go so we'll do ctrl shift ctrl shift a you're going to see it's trying to make the crazy shape we have but it doesn't have enough resolution if we go back there's all my stuff at area if we go back here and we say you know what use like 18 loops now we can go to panel loops and now you can see control shift a it's actually matching one two three spikes and this is a taller one this is a shorter one all that good stuff so let's go and reset this and then I'll pull these up here and we'll just leave it I'll make this one sharp drag it on drag it off there's the mid line 1 2 3 4 here and here something like that so this is our bevel profile just lead of that but you do have the opportunity to make those as crazy as you like but you know plan accordingly with how many loops you have another thing we're doing is we have double on so when you do panel loops we have double sided and each one of these things is its own separate mesh that works fine until you subdivide it and it's going to leave big gaps back behind which is ok if you have a like a sheet behind it but if I don't one thing I can do is I can go in here go to my ZBrush bzm hover over a face it's spacebar we're in a cube mesh not polygroup all but all polygons we're going to pull that back and when we do that that inverts our normal so we got to go all the way down here display properties flip and now we have these polygons and then this back face so I can do ctrl shift click this back face ctrl shift s weight s no that's shrink ctrl shift X which is visibility expand ctrl shift drag to invert that and now adjust these visible I can go over here and do a panel oops now if I just do a panel loops with double on it's going to do a panel loops and it's kind of leave my back faces here and if I ctrl shift click this you're going to see that's all we have on this back piece here which doesn't really help us at least big gaps here so what I'm going to do is two things you can do really you can have this visible and you can turn double off and then you can do panel loops and now when we hit D to subdivide you'll see it makes it all one solid piece it puts it with the original thing and if you go in here and smooth it's like leather cushions it's like little pet pads on top of that thing there another option you can do that's what I'm probably gonna end up doing but another option you can do is you can turn double off and you can do a pair you can to turn double on or off doesn't really matter we'll turn double on will do a pend and when we do that what that's going to do it's going to leave our original mesh as is if I do ctrl shift and ctrl shift a here's our original object here if we or that it also added our double-sided panel loops so that's another option you can do you can leave your original behind and just append your new shapes to it and I think there's one more thing you can do that I was thinking of you can loose you can double you can append oh you can regroup loops or panels if you regroup panels and you do append and the reason why you would regroup panels when you do a pen if you don't regroup panels and we do panel loops when we hit a pen and then we drag those if you do ctrl shift and click this poly group its original poly group is going to be the exact same thing so one way to avoid that is to do the regroup panels and then when you do panel loops these are going to be a separate polygroup you can do ctrl shift a and then they'll be all one piece so you can actually go through here you can split those off you do ctrl shift and you'll get the single piece there whew all that talk for what I'm basically going to do is I'm not going to append I'm going to do double I think and loops is fine our thickness is a little bit thin I'm going to do point 0 0 3 5 maybe I'm not going to regroup I'm just going to panel oops oh and I am NOT going to do double there we go so now when I hit D I've got a little bit of thickness here to protect so I can't see through and then it gives the illusion like I've got this nice ribbed paneling there now that was the zremesh method so what I actually ended up doing let's go ahead delete that so we go back here and let's take another example here saving I have a bunch of stuff open so this is quick save and take a minute you can also try and like you know I broke this thing off here let's go ahead and delete all these I'll go to a newer one here let's go out of solo mode here and we'll grab this one actually it's growl want the back area go this will be a good one so now at this thing here you can go through and start slicing this thing would basically just be a matter of like showing just small portions of it at a time and then just going through here and doing like slice curve and you can try zero measuring this I didn't have very great success because by the time I got done and the reason I'm hiding this stuff is so that when it slices up here it doesn't accidentally slice through so it's just based on visibility you can just grab these pieces slice them all up and then invert your selection and just show these things and slice them all up and you're pretty safe the problem is when you start getting into shapes like these really tight triangles and then it has a hard time and to be fair that's trying to give you a nice even topology and of course it's not going to get it right exactly so in this case what I ended up doing was just four actually for all of these the rest of them that went in here to insert Z sphere and then I just showed that one showed this one to go out of solo mode here I'm going to turn on double display properties double just like an see both sides while I'm working on this thing and then I got a Z sphere here so I'm going to hit X to go across X symmetry e:w you can just move it up out of the way doesn't even necessarily have to be inside the object it just has to be kind of out of the way and in fact this one might be kind of a pain but that's okay I like to go to mat cat Perl and then drop it down to a medium grey and then you know go into your settings down here for like adaptive skin and topology I'm going to use my custom menu here density of one edit topology is on and then it's just a simple matter of just going through here and like one two three and I have X turned on so it's doing both sides you don't have to do that and then just going through here and doing a basic read apologize and obviously I'm not going to read apologize it again I'll go to a newer version and you know you can hit a there's your adaptive skin here and then let's go ahead you know what let's make the adaptive skin and we'll go ahead and insert it here's a protip not really I'm not much of a pro but the Z sphere here that we're using to read apologize this say we read apologize this whole thing what I'll do is I'll go down one I'll go down two and then I'll hide everything bring the Z sphere back bring my new topology I want to start Rita pologize go into Z sphere delete topology makes room and draw mode and now I can immediately start to apologizing this thing so I recycles these fears like crazy because there's no point in like the leading is ease fear a pending disease fear just delete the topology and then just keep working just keep moving it down hiding what you need to show showing what you need to show andreat apologizing boom boom boom boom in it you know it's kind of tedious but Reed apologizing all this stuff took me I don't know maybe 30 minutes to reach apologize or entire tech suit so again like I said it's tedious work but not impossible work so these were all reat apologized here and now it's a simple matter of you know I can just do one side here so I'm gonna hit X let's turn off double and see okay now this is a good example when I read to apologize this one it has this slide flipped and this side not flipped and by default when you do your adaptive skin is going to turn double on so you might go in here and go like let's inflate it and it's like kind flate one side and deflate the other all that is is you know you go and go to display properties the very bottom here turn off double when you're gonna realize oh that one's flip so just show that one turn off X control shift to give visibility on this one and then just flip it under display properties and then you're good to go in this case I don't even need it because I can always mirror and weld later so I'll delete hidden on that one and then we're going to go out of solo mode I'm going to go into transparency mode and you can turn ghost on or off tip it if it helps you any and then it was just a matter of going in here and looking at my sculpt in my topology and going okay alt drag and then hover over face polygroup a single poly tap tap alt and then I'm off to the races tap tap alt and then just holding down alt to drag you know alt paintings a little bit faster you don't have to you can go in here and go like okay polygroup a single poly boop-boop-boop or you want to actually hold down alt and get a new polygroup here and even if you mess up like if you go oops that's supposed to be purple just polygroup a single poly tap hold down step shift and that will inherit that poly group and then just tap and you can just copy that over but it's a little faster to just alt paint this really quickly and then tap and then alt just to kind of getting these different polygroups going and then of course once I get the different polygroups going wallah you do panel loops and you're pretty much done
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 52,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, hard surface, Modeling, Techsuit, panel, loops, techniques
Id: huSmPg0X7P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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