HPolish and Trim Dynamic

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um axel says I was wondering when you're trying to make something less organic but still in sketch mode how you can get precise consistent bevels with trim dynamic let's see let me write that down just in case because I might have something that'll pop up in my brain later so this will be precise bevels with trim dynamic so yeah if you're doing you know let's just do it to her head so what I'm going to do here is if I want to make this more statue I'm going to go to a bi brush insert sphere and I don't have this across any sort of symmetry here so I'm just going to just pop an eyeball right in there and we'll go ahead and move it forward a little bit looks like I went a little bit large let's go ahead and scale this thing down and we'll just push this right in there there we go and then you W control shift and that'll pull out a copy and constrain it along that axis there we control drag control drag again and there we go fill upright balls if we did want to kind of start polishing this up and go into H polish here right now for this one I'm going to go head and turn alpha off because we're going to do a little bit of hard edge sculpting just real quick because it is it's relevant to the rock stuff we're doing right now so then go ahead and start polishing this stuff up and you can go across here of course ideally if I was doing this for real I'd be working in symmetry even if this was a separate mesh I could always work on it symmetrically and then add it into the rock later so I don't have to sit here and do a whole bunch of working across an axis here to make this symmetrical that's that's not time well-spent so so when you're doing this think ahead which I didn't do obviously now you can always use Dana Damien standard as well you can use Damien standard for cracks if you want to and that's just B D S Damian standard here but you can also use it for hard edged stuff if you hold down alt you can pull out two edges here so they just go ahead and yeah we'll just pull our brow out here and you can use this for your arm or concept too as well if you're thinking about doing that Wonder Woman stuff go in here and then use your clay brush and again we'll just turn that off off temporarily while we're working on this hard surface stuff and you can build up to those edges like so and we're working at a fairly low resolution I might change it crank it up just a bit temporarily so we'll go from 136 like 240 and you'll notice as we as we're working we're going to be using my custom menu here but I'll try and remember to tell you guys hey it's dynamesh right there if you want more info on that kind of stuff as it is super useful to have that at your fingertips especially when you get into stuff like you know what let's go ahead and do this we'll do mirror and weld so like mirror mirror and weld mirrors in your deformation menu and then mirror welds and your geometry modify topology menu so it's kind of difficult to get to but let's go ahead and orient ourselves if we do want to go across the x-axis here so I'll make our lives a little bit easier I'm going to rotate this with transpose this way this holding down shift and then holding down shift there we go and now she is z forward and we're going to go ahead and in the floor you can turn on X and Z we're going to line her up so that she's right down the middle there and then we'll turn the floor off I'll do a quick Miren weld and we can keep modifying this we moved scooter over just a bit it's a little bit wide here let's go this way a little bit more close enough so now our mirrored we're goes it forward so if I turn on the floor again you go to the bottom here you can see that little blue line going straight forward now we're z forward or mirrored across the x-axis so when I hit X we can sculpt across the x-axis symmetrically and of course that's just going to be turning on x-axis symmetry here there's activating that tapping X and X again you'll just toggle that on and off cool awesome thanks for the kind words everybody I'm glad the glad the training videos are helping on YouTube I'm just starting learning zebra spend a month back I don't know maybe I'm dumb it out the proper concept of using the brushes you're not dumb it's just a matter of getting in there and getting comfortable with the tools you have I will say you have to have some sort of tablet input whether that's a Cintiq or a way come in to us I'm using I don't know if you can see this on the camera I'm using it into a pro tablet that's all I really use he sees a Cintiq at Sony and is okay but I prefer a tablet it's a little bit more portable for me while I'm doing demos and stuff on my laptop but if you're trying to sculpt with a mouse you're going to have a really hard time h polish is one of those brushes so for example if I'm over here and I'm H polishing then I can kind of polish down and then polish up H polish is one of those feather touch brushes where you kind of got to get a feel for it and if you don't want this thing flopping around the icon flop around while you work you can always go to preferences edit and then turn off a line curse at a surface but it's really one of those brushes where you got to kind of get a feel for how it's working and you can hold down all up and then let go of alt and you'll get really nice polished surfaces however if you're trying to sculpt using your mouse that's like turning pressure sensitivity off so now if I'm trying to go over here and H polish you can kind of do it but it's really difficult to control you know it's like oh I want to keep this curve but I want to just polish it up and you're like blam it just destroys your surface that's where the tablet pressure comes in so tablet I can just go over here really nicely and just really feather touch along these surfaces here and again we're just holding down alt and letting go of alt just to kind of polish down two corners here like so like this now the original question I can go back to that yeah pressure Tim Burton's divot is super important yeah yeah check out the intro to ZBrush series which will be right here that's a good start that's in it's very linear so you should be able to just go through once you get all the way through introduce eBrush part one it's like 50 videos or if you're using ZBrush core you can use that it's a little bit less features then full-blown ZBrush but it's also a little bit simpler which is a good thing so you can definitely check that out both of them you can use the trial the free trial if you go to the pixologic website I think it's 45 days if you want to just check out ZBrush where sculptress is another one i mean--you sculptures in a while it won't have all the same stuff it's kind of a different program but you can definitely go check that out but the original question let me scroll back up it was from axel les we're going to be sitting I can get precise consistent bevels a trim dynamic so there's a couple of tricks you can use one of them is just being very precise with your brush stroke which is probably not ideal because it can be a little bit hard you have to have a very steady hand and which it you know early in the morning with pre-workout in my system I'm definitely not going to have let me crank up this resolution just a little bit more while we're doing this hard surface stuff on our dynamesh here and it looks like project got turned back on that's why it's taking so long like I said before I do use project if I'm using really low resolution meshes while I'm doing like creature stuff just to keep my mesh is super low but I'm going to go ahead and keep that off because there's no point in having it slowed down on this type of thing so it's much faster if I have that again we can hold down alt with Damien standard to pull up to a sharp edge and then we can use our clay brush here to kind of build up oops build up to those edges here just kind of fill those out and then go in here with H polish and kind of just polishes back down you can also use pinch is another good one if you wanted to do you know and we're going to definitely rock this up in just a second but if you wanted to just go in here and like stylize a face for some reason you could certainly just do that and then hold down shift and then ya go into your pinch brush and you can just go along these hard edges as well and you could pinch them back and if you also wanted to just if you want to just narrow out or face you could also use the pinch brush just to kind of do that I use that all the time or just specifically the nose you can go through here just pinch the nose pinch the eyes pinch the mouth you know all sorts of cool stuff you can do so you can go this way we pinched the eyes that way so really broad and then of course it's going to be doing some pretty crazy stuff with your Gio so I would dynamesh after that just to kind of get your surface reworked and back in working order here you can also go in here and add a little more crevasses we're not talking about cracks just yet but like I mentioned before you can go in here and just start making cracks if you're going to do that it just as an aside I would go into your lazy Mouse here by default the damn standard Dameon standard is has a lazy radius of one that kind of smooth your stroke out if you turn that off it's a little bit easier to kind of do thick to thin and kind of just get that nice kind of cracks look because as soon as I turn that lazy radius on it's going to want to smooth out your stroke and then it just looks like you have wobbly lines on there look at the cracks in a second so anyway also I tend to make my H polish brush a little bit oversized so you can see I can go in here and again I'm just holding down alt and letting go of alt and just polishing out to these corners in here with a slightly larger brush and this is all brush tablet sensitivity that's allowing me to have that kind of feather touch and get that kind of look now let's say I wanted to bevel these edges here well H polish is respecting those edges so we can go through here and it's going to make my I keep my edges sharp that's that if you go into brush settings here let's see modifiers and then samples you're going to see if we switch from like the standard brush what our samples looks like like preserved edges down to one if we switch over to H polish brush you're going to see preserve edges up at like thirty so there's a lot of different sample settings in there you can kind of play with to get your brushes to respect edge it's a little bit more let's see make sure I'm not missing anything here yeah there is a list so what I'm using right now it's a little bit dated but if you go to I have a video actually and it's got in the description of this video will be all the hardware stuff I'm using let's see Lumi questions and we have workspace setup so this is what I'm on right this minute here and that'll be just everything I'm using with as far as tablet and I'm just on a laptop because it's just easier for me to be portable their entry level tablet for ZBrush there's some pretty good ones in fact there's one tablet that comes with ZBrush core for free so that'll save you I mean that's if you wanted to just kind of get that a free which one it is I think it's an N to us or a Wacom I prefer the Wacom Intuos but I'm not being paid by them to say that that's just what I end up using I I'm but it's been a while since I've shopped for them so shop around and I'm sure there's pretty good reviews it'll get you something something good and you can always buy I mean what my Intuos I bought my first two when I was in college used then ident off the thing these things are nearly indestructible so you should be able to you know if you wanted to buy used one hopefully not a workout as well if you want to save a little bit of money any tips for controlling concave angles and keeping them nice and clean you can like in here if you I use h polish and so when you're H polishing here it's going to want to kind of dig in but if you hold down alt it will kind of build up to that surface so I kind of just go back and forth and try and you know build to that edge here and then of course you can always go back in with your pinch brush and straighten that out and then if you need to in a pinch no pun intended it's not the pinch brush we can go in here with your move brush and if you want to use your move brush with the curve a Q curve turned on you can actually go in here and start pulling out two angles as opposed to if you have that off that's just going to pull out two like curves if you want to pull out the squares just turn that a Q curve on and I actually have a move brush with a Q automatically loaded here so now I can just kind of pull out two corners here so if wanted to pull out two corners on the nose I can go through here and just like pull these out to a corner pull these in to a corner here like this and I can kind of just pull these down to a corner so now those are kind of cornered out and now I can go through here polish and kind of just get that look going and then of course you can always get work in the round going around here let's go to the bottom here with our move a queue and just pull that out to a corner here and kind of start straightening these things up now if I really wanted to control this I would consider this just a sculpting concept e-pass and then I would rebuild this form here and really straighten these out and go in and crease them and then project my detail back just so I'd have a lower res cage to modify here go ahead and pull this down I'll go in here with our clay brush build up build up here and then go into throw eh polish here so H polish and smooth and you can also mask concave and convex if you wanted to do that so I'm going to do a little bit of that to get polygroups just to get back to the original question of trimming along these hard surface edges so what you can do is you can go in your trim brush here I'm going to go ahead and turn off alpha temporarily and so like we were saying with our samples turned on if we go to H polish our preserve edges up on 30 if we go to trim dynamic you're going to see our preserve edges back down to one and the reason is we don't want to preserve edges with trim dynamic because we want to obliterate our edges by putting a bevel right along here now you can get really nice sculpted bevels in here let's go to re dynamesh but like axel is saying it's kind of hard to control along these surfaces here so one thing I will do is let's do a couple of different things here so one thing you could do is you can go into mask lasso invert that mask and then you can just rotate your camera around and then you could just get it right so you're looking straight down that edge here and then go in a clip curve and then this start clipping these back and that'll get you kind of a straight line here now of course if your underlying model isn't that straight you'll have to go back in here with H polish and kind of just push that back just a bit another option you can do is with your trim dynamic going to stroke here and make sure you can hit L to toggle lazy mouse on and off will crank that lazy radius up and now we can have a little bit of lazy Mouse to kind of even our stroked-out feel free to go in there and crank that up as much as you need to just to kind of go along that line another option is go ahead take the stroke menu and throw it out over here and we're going to go to backtrack snap the track line here so if we change it to a line we can actually just pull a line straight out and then as we go back and forth across this line that should snap that line but you got to be really careful and it should it kind of needs to be straight in this case I mean you don't have to turn on line but it is kind of a nice thing to be able to just plop a line in there and then just snapped your backtrack and you just go back and forth back and forth back board and that'll just kind of trim that up of course this line isn't perfectly straight so yeah it's kind of wobbly a little bit so I probably need to go through here and just tune that up just a little bit before I start using that but like I was saying you don't have to snap to a line you can go to a spline or a path you can drag out a path here and then you can kind of trim dynamic along there so if you wanted to go along this path here and then you could just backtrack back and forth along it you can um let's see yeah so that's one way you can do that and another way is let's go ahead and turn off backtrack here you can hit W and that goes into your transposed line here now if you wanted to snap your camera along that line you can just drag click and drag down find that line let's do that a little bit better here and we'll hold down ctrl and tap that white circle at the end and if you hover over the white circle you'll see there's instructions at the top and it says camera control click to restore the camera to default orientation so what that'll do is take your straight line here and move your camera so that you are now looking at this line straighten out you can do is you go into your trim dynamic brush you just hold down shift and that'll just snap it along that straight line now again we're kind of assuming that you want to do your bevels in a straight line which may not be the case so one thing you can do and getting back into masking concave and masking convex we hold on control I can go over here I have two masts concave and masts convex set up and what that's controlling here is this curve I know sorry depth pass here so if I hold down control and I switch two masts concave I basically turned on my depth masses from something Joseph trusts did a while back so depth mask if you pull this down don't pull it pull that outer depth all the way to zero but a very small number I'll do it so let's say like point zero nine one two is fine you can do that for your concave and then for your convex it's the opposite just pull this bottom one up and so now what you can do is when you're masking it'll actually go through and respect these concave and convex edges so obviously if you're going to be doing this you're gonna want to be a little careful because there's so many concave and convex areas so I have to switch back and forth the concave here to get these inside edges and then back to convex to get these outside edges here but you can go through and very quickly start masking out areas and polygroups and just catching those edges like this like so and let's go ahead and do ctrl alt as well and we'll go ahead and get those so if you wanted to you could also put a curve right along here and then turn dynamic along that curve so let's go ahead and do that let's go ahead and we'll hit control W which will give this its own poly group here and then you know what let's do ctrl W ctrl shift select that poly group here ctrl shift drag and then ctrl W this one so now we have two polygroups here if we want to we can put a curve right along this edge but if we want to clean this edge up what we can do is isolate this and then we can just go to polished by features which is under your deformation menu here and you can just polish that out a little bit you can also just mask the edges here so if we go to mask border control oops mask border invert that and then do polish by features that'll just leave the rest of the stuff alone and then we probably need to do I'm going to mask well let's turn everything back on control shift bring everything back and then we can use our move you to kind of pull back out to corners here so now that we've done that and we probably don't want to dynamesh the exes we want these nice smooth curves here you can go into your trim dynamic and let's say let's see we'll open up this well control shift click this polygroup border here and we'll go to stroke curve functions polygroups frame your mesh with a curve let's say stroke oh we probably want it let's do border since it's an open border here so we'll go ahead and frame our mesh with a curve now at this point if you wanted to do like brush BC brush curved tube you can just click right on there and just put a tube right on there or whatever brush you want to like brush curved strap or brush curved dragon bone that's let's go to brush insert and there's insert curve brushes here so if we wanted to go into like put a hose along there or a bike chain or whatever let's yeah that's good just do a hose you can just update these on the fly now of course some of them aren't going to behave nicely so we'll go back to the original curve and then we'll just put a hose on there make it a little bit bigger and we also probably want to turn X off just so it only does one copy here so make it a little smaller there we go anyways you can also put a brush along there as well so if we wanted to do trim dynamic I'm just gonna go to my trim dynamic brush and we're going to drag our stroke menu oh it's already over here and for this one will turn on curve mode for our trim dynamic brush and what that means is as I'm click on this curve that'll go ahead and trim dynamic along that curve as I push and pull this curve around it's not working so great here but my surface isn't really that nice if you want to get rid of this curve you can just tap off and away from the curve or you can go to curve functions and just hit delete metal delete your curve as well maybe not the best result there but I'm trying to think of another way where you can just have and really honestly if I'm just doing sculpting stuff would probably just settle with turning my lazy mouse on ya turning my lazy Mouse on cranking my laser radius up and then just kind of you turn off curve mode and now you can just kind of go along here and then clean up as needed it's going to turn X back on here so here and then here and then down the edges of the nose here and then down the cheek here and you can see even if it gets a little wobbly I can try and just rego down here like so and then just to do a little bit of H polish cleanup here find out the best answer we should had a better answer for you but you know again if I am just consul concept sculpting I can always go in and rebuild it's not that big a deal
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 53,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, 3D, sculpt, rock, Hpolish, trim, dynamic
Id: E9rjPJhyv0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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