ZBrush Metal Slug Fan Art - Complete Modeling Timelapse

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this is Joseph trust and welcome to another video on Zee classroom in this video I'll be taking a look at the processes I used to create the Metal Slug tank fan art the original image of the tank depicted here I created during the zbrush 4r7 beta and sent a key shot for rendering using the ZBrush 2 key shot bridge the design was based off of images of various Metal Slug model kits I found online since I created this model during the beta I did not initially record the process for this video I recreated the entire model again from scratch and time lapse the entire workflow the recreation of the model took a little over 4 hours starting from a cylinder 3d object so now this video has been sped up four times so it's about 400 speed this time-lapse here depicts the full workflow and has only had the areas where I was saving removed so to start off I just started with a cylinder 3d object and here I'm going through and just splitting it in half so making two hemispheres and then duplicating those and then scaling it up to make it a little bit larger on one side to start generating the base for the tread and then I'm going through with the bridge action in the zmodeler brush here to kind of create those connections there and then using slice and transpose to come through and add some more segments to each read there and just kind of move them around to kind of smooth them out a bit now you can see here I'm coming through and just using a lot of transpose and masking and when I'm doing this procedure I'm asking area inverting the mask and then applying the transpose effect doing a little more bridging through here and then some closed holes and some collapsing just trying to get that shape like so now I'm going to create a cylinder shape to generate a drive wheel for the treads here so I just took a cylinder and then turn it into an instrument object this allows me to come through and draw that cylinder shape out directly on a point on our model and then we come through and use the alternate poly grouping here for the zmodeler brush and coming through and just adding some details using the q mesh action and the insert edgeloop so just flushing out the design a little bit more padding edge loops moving points in and out with the alternate functionality of the cue mesh action I do a lot of this process too will add two edge loops to an area and then remove the one in the center to create bevel effects here I'm going to duplicate the front wheel so you also use as the back wheel and then just transposing and using scale and move to kind of scale that object up so it fits a little more precisely onto the base for the tread pattern there now you'll notice I've generated this outer edge loop I've gone through now and applied a new polygroup to that area and then extruded that part out to create this indentation effect adding another cylinder I do a lot of silver additions and then manipulate them with the zmodeler brush till I get a shape then I'll apply creasing to different areas to generate hard and soft edges on the model and then just position them where they are needed just making sure they line up correctly there now I'm grabbing the IMM model kit brush and I'm going to pull some of the screws out of there and just apply those around the actual wheels here to make it look like it actually attaches somewhat to the structure I'm appending in a quick cube here I'm going to start generating the tracks that go on the tread here so as I manipulate this cube you notice a lot of this masking process again so masking off in space moving it over to the model with spacebar and then inverting the mask and then applying a transform effect so I do a lot of this process throughout this video here I also use the clip brush to come through and align points on the model so I can come through and clip an area and it's going to take all those points in that unmasked area there and then align them to wherever I have that clip line set to so I play with this track here for a little bit trying it all the edges soft and hard and see I have some creasing on the model and end up coming through in bumping edges if the creasing is too harsh in an area adding edge loops to areas where I want to come through and have a hard divide or a hard surface and then for this piece of track here I'm going to come through a start modeling a beveled edge as well I'm going to bring some of that surface out there's a little bit too harsh and it's using the transpose move option or you can hold ctrl and shift and drag and I'll duplicate that part this allows you to come through and quickly test objects on your model so I found out it was a little bit too harsh and I didn't want to have those edges as harsh I'm coming to now and just using the cue mesh brush and signing some poly groups and then pulling those out with the cue mesh modifier and then applying some scale it's going to be this kind of beveled taper edge and then I'm going in and manipulating these to round those out a little bit more and then just modifying the creasing in other areas until the look that I'm going for is achieved so I clean up that creasing there that was leftover so it looks pretty good for the track there now I'm just going to use that ctrl shift click while using the actual move transpose brush to duplicate the part and I'm going to switch to rotate and has come through and rotate so this process of duplicating move rotate duplicating move and rotate it's really quite fast to get all these treads applied to the model here I could have duplicated more than one track as I'm actually filling out the tread here but since the tread was oddly shaped I just went there interested on one by one you so there's the treads I'm just going to put some poly grouping on it and I'm going to turn mask by polygroup on for them transpose line here this is going to let me come through and just manipulate one of these poly groups at a time so I just come over and click on that poly group and drag that transpose line out and whichever polygroup I click on is the only one that I'm going to be affecting just allows you to come through and just manipulate all these individual pieces pretty easily inside of ZBrush here still playing with the treads rotating and moving is needed bringing them off a little bit from those wheels there let me go back to that insert mesh brush I'm going to grab a little piston here kind of add these in here for some suspension type elements I broke those off I'm using the group unmasked into its own sub tool now I'm going to make a chain to drive the drive wheels here I'm going to start with a cylinder then remove some of the loops here with the lead edge loop and I'm going to come back in with the zmodeler brush here and add some edge loops back in now I'm going to use the temporary polygroup and just come through and delete some of these faces and I do that same process from use bridge two edges and just come through and start bridging these areas together to start creating the topology I'm looking for so just taking primitives and manipulating them in space and then using options like the bridge to edge option with the zmodeler brush is a great way to come through and establish clean geometry on your meshes so this is going to generate half of the chain here manipulate this a little bit more a little bit too wise I'm going to scale it in some I'm going to taper these ends a little bit give it a little bit of a bevel so just using cue mesh with the shift move option on that and setting my creasing so we have part of the chain now I'm going to insert an edge in the middle here and I'm going to turn this into an IMM curved brush so let me generate three polygroups from this so I'm position it in the center of the world and using mirror and weld that's going to mirror it right across the center the world there and then I can apply that third polygroup now I have three polygroups on this model here and so I'm turn into a brush and activate curve mode and now I can come through and start drawing this out of my model now when I drew this out the topology on the base was really low so the curved brush wasn't handling exactly how I wanted it to so I've appended a box object here and dynamesh it and now I have enough resolution on that model to generate that curve exactly how I want it and I'm going to use that move transpose option to kind of duplicate those points there the morale position them how they would kind of be to actually drive those wheels and then I'm going to delete the curve and then just position them all together like so then I adjusted the thickness on this little bit too thin so one nice thing about ZBrush is at anytime you want to make a change and come in and change it and when you're dealing with this low resolution geometry it's very helpful you'll notice there I had the demo head in there I use the demo head a lot just to position my model on the canvas and make sure I'm facing forward with my meshes so just load them in click on them see where he's facing and then go back to my model helps me from generating flipped upside down treads and vehicles so here I found out the inner portion of the tread was too deep so I'm just coming in now and modifying that so poly grouping and masking to find those different areas and then just moving the individual parts like so and what I'm using transpose move to move objects and making sure I'm in a fully front view and drawing the transpose line out so it's locked into that camera plane and then I can move it out or I can just come across and click on the surface and it's going to generate that transpose line right off that surface normal and it's going to perform those precise world transforms on the model fixing the wheel areas making sure those screws are attached and not floating in space now I'm fixing the autumn with mirror and weld here to make sure they're even and now I'm appending in another cube here and start generating the base body for the tank using the zmodeler brush and adding edges and masking and using transpose to generate the forms and then coming back through with the qmesh action and temporary polygroups pull shapes out lots of added edges and using creasing and moving items to kind of round these shapes out and get them to handle more how I want them to on the model so constantly rotating and just adjusting different parts and playing with the creasing again and moving items around to get more bends in different shapes and adding some edge loops I'm using mirror and weld to make sure they go on both sides to get different fall offs if the creasing was too harsh adding some supporting edge loops here start pulling out some of these other forms like the posts that the actual turrets go on and I'm always trying to predetermine where the edge cuts are going to be before actually performing a QED mesh action so allows you to come through and manipulate the surface your model pretty quick so like those little cuttings and often times when I'm using the zmodeler brush it's to do subtractive processes on the mesh and then I'll use the Z malar brush again to create added shapes that I'll then use as separate sub tools to add more details I'm going to use the bridge connected Poly's right there just coming in and playing with the creasing to get those items looking around and removing the creases I don't need and then I'm moving that edge loop up and down to adjust the fall-off on that actual roundness there just playing with the does some more making it rounder in some of these areas now I'm going to start adding some pieces to the side of the tank here so another cylinder using cue mesh to pull that top out to create a nice beveled edge and I'm just going to turn that in an insert mesh brush and then apply it to the model and then split those parts out to their own sub tool and then grab another of the IMM model kit parts here just drag that out as well tight a little more detail and then duplicate that around and then apply ribbon weld so it goes on the other side adding the X block here just putting that in there adjusting the other shapes so they fit adding another one on the front here then coming in and adding some loops to cut in this edge here so subtractive editing again I'm beveling some of these edges just get those areas a little bit softer messing with the creasing some more so it's a little bit low so using that mask invert the mask and then move it transpose as we look a bit too small so grabbing that sub tool again then updating this correspondent parts so they're not merged into each other and using mirror and weld to get everything back to being mirrored now this part here is a little bit flat so I'm going to come through and use an alpha to deform this a little bit so I've just loaded it an alpha 5 created from a cylinder and then I've taken this object here and divided it up so it has some topology and now I'm using the drag rectangle brush and that alpha and when you apply this to the surface of model it's going to form it a little bit so it's kind of rounding it out and now I can bed it into the front of the tank here that's got a nice round curvature to it rather being that really harsh shape so use a lot of that beveling functionality smooth areas out of the model as I work just making alphas and then just dragging them across surfaces added some more Griebel items here and with these I want to make sure that they're consistent size across all the model so I just duplicated these guys and flip them around and now putting on the back of the model as well don't really want these little eyelet things here being different sizes all over the mesh I'll keep that area consistent now I'm adding this smoke missile launcher thing here to the side I just took a sphere object and just brought it in now I'm just scaling that down kind of fitting it where I want and instead of using the zmodeler brush on this part I'm just going to divide this up and then just sculpt on so sometimes it's faster to apply to sculpting than it is to model them out so this is a perfect example just using the Alpha over here I just selected the standard brush and then turning on drag dot I can generate one size for that circle and then apply to the other areas on the model then I'm back filling these holes in now with another IMM brush from that model kit and just setting the draw size to make sure it's a consistent size every time I draw it and then just using mirror and weld so make sure it gets on both sides of the model using transpose of masking you adjust some areas now coming in and I'm going to punch in the surface of this back area here using that qmesh action and then you'll notice how close these old lines are so I'm using slide point come through and slide those out and now I'm going to use the clip brush and masking here to align those faces back to normal so I do a lot of this as well I'll mask an airing it out use the clip brush and then come back through and align those on masked areas it's really handy for getting your surfaces to go back to being flat again you'll see me use that process quite a bit through this video so checking the creasing and the curvature is on items adding a little more details with the qmesh action you adding another repeating xblock insert mesh here I'm looking for these little things here so here I'm going to use these guys and compiled some different IMM brushes together to create a shape this is going to be little vents on the back here the actual engineering split in those guys off to a new subtool I'm coming in applying another IMM on top of that so just adding more depth so instead just having one single eye mmm and come through and start combining these things and get more interesting shapes out of them the back area here was looking a little plain so I'm adding a little more details here just another simple quick cube and then adding creasing and edge loops to bubble and soften some of these areas on this mesh and I'm just using transpose to position it where needed decided this area need to be carved out so I established some edge loops and then use the q mesh brush to come through and punch that area out then mass that area flipped it and use the clip brush to Glatt in that area again just nice and square just adding a little bit of details and different parts in the back here to create a little more visual interest and decided these were too far in some coming back to that subtool then push in those areas out modifying some of these shapes a little more and I make it work with the design a little bit better and then I want to manipulate this shape here and bring it to the front and use it as a bumper part so reusing items you've already made is another huge time-saver you can always manipulate them so this was the part that was on the back of the mesh that I created and I'm gonna use it for these front bumper areas just masking and moved transpose and rotate and turning on transparency when needed so actually how that part is being affected around the entire model and then using the move transpose clone option to duplicate these guys now one of these got to store it a little bit so you see I'm going to use that clip option again fix that one edge and then I'm going to duplicate that tool and use the actual position options over here in the geometry to Center it to the world this is handy when you want to Center something back to the world and come over the position area and just hit zero zero zero and all go back to the center of the world and I'm adding a larger bumper here and adding some edge loops to support a hole I want to put in and then the creasing in different items took the shapes I'm gonna duplicate one of these guys again and move it up and fill that hole in there a little more added design then adding a little more IMM parts so it's not so bland on the front of the tank here using cemetery to move these guys around separately decided I need to add another part to these back items here more scaling and transposing here now this was a little bit too close to the back of the model here so I'm going to go back to the model and then manipulate this to give it a little more real estate to play with so it's not hanging off the edge like so so now that's looking a little bit better it's not floating in space and I have a little more room to kind of play with that shape with and since these are all separate sub tools and they're all the dynamic subdivision models and come through and move them around pretty quick and switch back and forth and change design ideas on the fly so cloning another part that I've already created to kind of reuse there's going to be another additive element so instead of actually modeling this into the body here I'm just going to use it as a separate sub tool so this allows me to just manipulate this really low resolution geometry and it's still going to give me the same end result and then just duplicating out again I'm going to put this up on this top piece here I'm going to replace the one I pulled out on the body so that was that nice kind of rounded edge now I'm going to remove the original one from the main body and then clean up all the creasing elements switch back and forth between perspective and orthographic quite a bit I usually probably work in orthographic most of the time adding some more edges here to soften up this transitional curve then this is going to start generating some of these smokestacks here on the back here so appending a cylinder and then coming through and adding some edge loops quick using mirror and well to your advantage and then setting up different polygroups on these guys and extending out the middle parts of this now this top part here I want to have it have this nice kind of Bend so what I'm doing right here is I took that face and extruding it off using the Q mesh action then I gave it thickness now I'm deleting two areas on those two surfaces and now I'm using bridge two holes to kind of generate that round shape so this process of coming through and cloning a face giving the face thickness so you can see it in orthographic sideview now you can position that wherever you want and then just delete the faces that are pointing towards each other and use bridge two holes and get some really nice effects so I do that quite a bit to get curve shapes on my models like this exhaust pipe here and just using transpose to position that's where needed holding shift while using the transpose rotate will allow you to lock into 45-degree angles so it is helpful and then this was a little bit small so I went to the actual deformation tab and I'm going to inflate it a little bit just to give it a little more thickness a little bit too tiny since it's that low resolution geometry it doesn't distort the geometry all that much when you do it in flight I didn't like the positioning of the treads with the body so I'm just adjusting those slightly then modifying different parts just rotating around and looking to see I like and don't like adding some screws here and I notice the screws are a little bit too big on the front so I went to the back and found an area where I had a screw already placed and sized it based on that and then once I locked in that draw size wherever I apply that screw again it's going to be the same size so keeping the screws on the model here consistent across the entire mesh then really want small screws in one part and then large screws in the other so I'm going to start cutting in some lines here do some more negative subtractive elements so it is coming through and establishing some edge loops and then filling those with that temporary polygroup this time I crease those polygroups first and then I applied a Q mesh action to have it start generating this whole effect and I'm coming through increasing those edges and toggling dynamic subdivision on and off to kind of see how that creasing is going to look let's allow I'm going to come through and keep all those edges harsh on the model and give that little indent design there and then this edge here was a little bit too harsh so I just bumped up two edges along there and then deleted the edge in the center and now it's nice and soft back to another cylinder again here creating a new insert mesh on that and then dragging that out like so - give me the pivot points for the turret so turning it into that IMM brush will allow me to drag it out directly on a point that's on the model these turrets have this rounded aspect to them so I penned it in another sphere 3d object here and just position this on the model and I've got transparency on so I kind of see it in relation to that center post that I just added and now I'm going to use the clip brush here to trim the areas of this here flatten the two sides like so that gives me this really nice little shape here and then I come back in and add another IMM brush there to just add a little more detail and just transpose that in and out so it looks right now then add the barrel part to this so another cylinder as well and I'm rotating it in the correct axis here and then just repositioning it and scaling it down now I'm lining it to the middle of this sphere there so it's directly in the middle then I'm adding some edge loops here see how thick I want the barrels and the spacing to be and then I'm just going to pull that out quickly like so now come through and add some edge loops through this area through here I will come to apply polygroups to those middle areas and then I can Umesh them down I kind of shrimp that in but first I duplicated this tool and moved it out since I already had a cylinder there and I'm going to use this for these side areas for the barrels here I'm just using move to grow those out and then duplicating that and rotating to get the other areas of the barrel there and then merging those all together so I have one single sub tool and I can manipulate this further turn dynamic subdivisions on using the alternate polygroup here to add indentions for the barrels here I need some edge loops going to have this nice barrel shape here now I'm adding another edge loop with slice all the way through so it's coming through and slicing all in at once and then I'm deleting that middle edge loop out of there which gives me that little bit of bevel so I merged it all together and now I can scale it up and manipulate it a little bit more those looking a little bit too small trying to fix this clearance of these actual tank treads here from running into the turret so just moving the tracks around just masking them and moving them now just adjusting the guns a little bit more now I need to add some little round parts of this too so a little more interesting stuff on the guns so just grabbed another sphere 3d object and added that and then duplicated it with the transpose action and just using masking to kind of reposition that reposition the spheres on the guns like so and then just using mirror and weld to get two of them on each side and then just play with the scale a little bit more and you use the transpose lines to draw off of any point on your model so these cylinders have that nice middle point so I come through and drag a transpose line off that point and it's going to allow me to get a rotational point off the middle part of that mesh really handy when wanting to rotate off of a specific area added another quick cube here I'm just manipulating this with some creasing to add some starting geometry I'm just going to start making the turret here using the q mesh action with the temporary polygroup to start manipulating the areas of the geometry here using this shift function to come through and move instead of actually performing the q mesh action I'm just using a lot of transpose clip and masking to come through and start manipulating this form I mess with this form quite a bit until I get it to where I want it to be so messing with the creasing coming through adding different edge loops just playing with the shape until I like how it's looking they're always checking back with the whole model just to make sure it's not going too crazy and you can see with the dynamic subdivision on I turn it off this mesh is actually really low geometry so it allows you to come through and quickly manipulate the surface of the mesh really easily so using sliced add some edge loops across areas and then using mirror and weld to kind of replicate at the other side playing more and more with the creasing here looking for those soft and hard edges another beveled area to the back here this one took me a little while to get the shape I wanted to be a lot of playing back and forth with the model here still not totally happy with it go and throw and add some more loops and removing the creasing in different parts using a lot of masking and transpose to manipulate different areas so now it's getting closer to the shape I'm kinda looking for adding some more the roundness to the actual shape here and then still not happy with these creasing so I'm going to go through and just remove all these and just use bumped edges to establish that roundness just removing the creasing all together from some of these areas using the clip option again to come through and straighten these parts out that's a mare is a topology back here that weren't cooperating so I'm just using transpose move function and the zmodeler brush which will automatically mask everything except for the point you click on it's handy when moving vertices in the middle of areas so now I'm going to come through and start adding these rocket launchers to the side of the mesh here more cylinders to create this I'm going to generate two parts again like the initial based red so just duplicating the cylinder then I come through and start manipulating these parts here until I get the shape I want so it's pretty good for the size of that object there now I'm going to hide half of this object and the closed holes which is going to give me a flat section of the mesh here then I'm going to polygroup that section the flat island and then I'm going to use the move transpose with control and shift again to extrude that face out so I end up with these capes here now I'm going back through and deleting some faces here and then I'm going to merge these together and start bridging these two areas to get this shape so using primitives to establish the base shape and then using bridging to fill in those areas these areas are too close together so I moved them down and then bridged again and then I just got rid of everything except for the front face of this mesh here and now with just this front face I can apply a Q mesh action to give it thickness and then I can come through and apply it again to get that other area of the mesh here and then use transpose scale kind of scale it down and now I have that exact shape I was looking for then come through and start modifying the creasing on this mesh here and if you're letting a little bit more get a little more roundness out of the object and then tapering areas if needed just using masking and transpose so now I want it a little divided on the mesh here so I'm coming through and just adding some edge loops and then giving that edge loop a new polygroup and then Q meshing that in so now this little divot on the actual mesh here now I'm added a little more parts or design elements to it so going back to that IMM brush and adding these insert mesh objects to that center point on the mesh here so the other handy reason for using cylinders to start objects to get this nice center point I'm just getting one the correct size and then duplicating it like so and I'm going to use mirror and weld here to replicate it over the other side so you can see through my sub tool list here I just have a messy names usually I'll go through at the very end when I'm done with the model before I hand it off to anyone and start cleaning up all those names merge them together but during the creation process it's usually just duplicate and start moving around and just freely creating the actual object not really concerned about the naming at this point so adding the front part of the turret here just pen it another cue and start messing around with the actual creasing and edges to kind of determine how hard or soft that area would be using the cue mesh option here and scale to taper create bevels really quick then just a lot of positioning and trying different heights on different areas in the mesh here but add the barrel now so bring you another cylinder and moving into position and scaling it if you press one after you do a scale option it will repeat last so you can scale once then just keep pressing one I'll end up repeating that scale process until the object gets as small as you want so burial has got a little taper so I just set up a simple cylinder there and then added some edge loops and then taper them accordingly I'm going to add the interior part of this barrel here so just using that cue mesh alternate polygroup and then pushing it and with the Commish action set some edge loops here to add softness and hardness to these parts that had some internal ones and adjusting kind of the internal shell I want these little rifling areas here so I'm just adding those quick with the cue mesh brush and this little under barrel part so just duplicated that main cube and then put it using the split unmasked parts to its own sub tool and now I'm come through and just start manipulating that updating the creasing and the size until it gets to the shape I want it to be so once again adding the additive parts separate sub tools and then using the zmodeler brush to create any of these subtractive elements so I'm stealing these back parts of the tank here and put them on the top here just to get a little more detail up at the top so just reusing parts and then duplicating that I found that the turret was a little bit too low so I'm modifying that shape and the height of that just replicated that part off the main body of the tank and just start using that piece again adding a little more paneling and detailing to the mesh and adjusting the creasing you're matting a little more detail parts a little cylinder object here pending that again and then just position where it needs to go and still always go back and look at the entire shape and I can still come through and change manipulate different areas if needed nothing's really set in the stone so something's too small or too large and quickly just go to that sub tool and select it and change it so add some more edge loops and removing those to get some beveled effects then duplicating that cylinder part and adding it elsewhere on the mesh I'm just adding edge loops and applying scale options to different parts to taper ends or areas and then coming back through with creasing and then just toggling dynamic subdivision on and off to see that crease get updated now I want to add another cut line the top here to match the Rockets on the side so adding some edge loops then giving that edge loop a new polygroup and then using the cue mesh action to push that area in and then coming back through now and updating the creasing on that area just make sure it looks nice and then just bumping those edges together so they match that external one come back and changing the thickness of this so that I just generated an inner poly group on that area there and then I'm just using the cue mesh action with move with that poly group and that's going to allow me to change that inner dimension of that cylinder adding a little more screws here and make sure I have them the same size as the other screws on the model adding some more parts so part of the suspension here another cube that is brought in and starting manipulating the base shape here for that and these are also very kind of simplistic primitive objects so it's basically just a cube that has a part of it extrude out and then tapered and that's all it pretty much is it's pretty amazing how many objects are just literally primitive shapes I just manipulated a little bit to get the desired effect so have transparency on here just sewing see through the other parts of my model I'm just figuring out these suspension areas on the mesh now adjust the creasing here on Resik just going to apply a bevel so I'm going to apply a bevel across all the creasing on this model underneath the geometry panel here and this allows me to create this nice soft effect on the mesh without having to cut in those edges manually so I come through and get this nice soft area to that part there then just threw on some screws there from that IMM brush and that part is good to go I'm going to add a little spectrum part so appended another cylinder here I'm just going to cut in some edge loops quick resume on the brush and then just taper in that one area so I gave that area in between those edge loops a new polygroup and then use the key mesh to action to push it in and get this effect and I'm just going to rotate this in the position I clicked on the surface of the actual end cap there which drew the actual transpose line straight out from that face normal which allows me to manipulate the size of it based on that face normal so it's really handy if you've rotated apart and then you want to change the size or length of it you come through and just click on that point on the end of that cylinder there you know draw that transpose line straight out from that surface normal and then you can manipulate the shape with it it's more masking and moving in the different parts just making sure it looks okay checking it now against all the other sub tools I have on this model here a little bit thin so just winding it up some and it's going to a mirror and weld it over Taylor sign so I'm coming back to that little base area there I'm going to add a little more detail to the undercarriage here so just took that cube made it thin and then just extruded two parts out now I'm coming through and actually applying creasing it was upside down so I had to flip it quick just down a little more detail there underneath the base and then after I did that I found that this whole turret was extremely low so I'm coming back now and just moving up all these individual parts so just holding alt and clicking on a part of the model will actually switch to that sub tool and I come through and just switch to it and then use move transpose to move it up and switch the next one move it up switch the next one move it up so check in proportions again I'm going to come through now generate this little antenna on the back here so a lot of zmodeler brush transpose and masking so once I get the size right I'm gonna come back through next apply a bevel across the entire surface and apply creasing first and I'm going to go to the bevel modifier over there and manipulate that just to generate some soft edges on so it's going to take all that creasing and then bevel all those creased edges then I'm going to add the antennae part here so another cylinder and scaling that down will come through just quickly taper the tops here do the same thing on the bottom and then I'm going to cut in another one and extrude it out and then come through and apply creasing that shape a little bit softer there looking good and just rotating it into place click transpose so I'm going back to the treads here I'm just going to modify some stuff I didn't like just coming through and getting some poly grouping so I also had one side was different the other so I applied another mirror and weld and fixed that and now I'm fixing the treads a little bit and then they still weren't doing what I wanted to do so I've just polygroup that whole area unmask tit and now I'm just using the actual move infinite depth option in the zmodeler brush and just manipulating those stick reform to form the treads and just checking the turret it was a little bit too long so coming back in and rotating it back down and then shortening it up some and I'm just replacing it on the model start adding the last few pieces to the actual tank here so I'm just establishing some anchor points quick with the cube mesh brush so just taking a cube and then duplicate it a few times and just move it around you see we're meshing to start adding these other elements so this one's going to be a little vent so coming through and tapering different areas well it's again very simple geometry and turning the dynamic mode on will make it look like a lot higher resolution that actually is I'm gonna use the inset option here on these front faces kind of carve in a surface across all those polygons so grab that inside option and just in setting that in and then cue meshing the middle part so now I have this nice lip area now I'm coming through and adjusting the creasing so it all looks good now I'm gonna add some venting to this mesh so I'm going go back to that IMM brush and I'm going to pick out this little vent here and I'm just going to position it like so and then I'm actually just going to use the clip brush to clip it to fit in that actual shape so the clip brush is really handy when doing things like that so you can use you know different brushes or different parts and then use the clip brush to come through and just mash the geometry in there since it's hidden behind the walls of this vent here you're not going to see the geometry that was clipped but it still gives you that final effect I'm adding the area for the searchlight here adding some more bevels to these so I've added some edge loops I'm going through and deleting an edge loop will give that kind of harsh angle and then coming through and adding some creasing to make sure it stays harsh now I'm going to add the searchlight part and this is just taking another sphere again and just manipulating it so I need to be a little bit all blong so I'm using the move option to scale it horizontally to make it wide so then just move it around and then I'm going to clip that front part right off so it gives me that Half Dome look add some supporting screws quick then add another sphere for the dome part of the light I'm just manipulating it moving it around make sure it lines up now I'm going to add the ring that goes around the light so I brought another cylinder here just position it like so I'm going to add some edge loops in here does the amount of brush and then punch a hole right out of the center and then clip some areas out then use the clip brush to align all those parts together then apply some creasing and some beveling just going to take that harshness out of it after I apply this bevel here still messing with the lights um to make see there's the bevel now it's soft looking better I'm going to be like the light some more there's a little bit too wide so I'm coming in just masking this really quick and scaling it down a little bit and then since the scale shrinks in I've just moved it out a tad just changing the sizes of these objects so they line up and match a little bit better on the light to be a little bit taller so going into manipulating that I got these little back antennas - so I'm taking cylinder and cutting it half again capping that hole and then using the control shift move option to clone that face out and then I'm repositioning this to the center of the world underneath the position modifier and that I'm using transpose again to scale that out so it fits nicely and adding the creasing and dynamic subdivision then come back in and I add another bolt to this part here now I want these bolts to be a little bit longer this time so after I place them I'm going to actually mass part of it and then use the move transpose line to grow the end so I have a little thicker bolt there I'm just coming through manipulating that object so it fits a little better now I'm going to add the longer wiry antennas here so taking another quick cube moving it into position and then just manipulating it quick just testing it all angles and with rotation to make sure it still fits in that little space and then I apply increasing in the dynamic subdivision now I'm going to add the antennas so I appended in another cylinder scale that down then use the move transpose options to kind of grow that cylinder out and make it taller then just manipulating it around the world so if fits correctly and applying some creasing quick so it's nice and smooth now I'm merging it down into the other part tip was still a little bit too harsh so added a little bevel there I'm going to rotate this and then mirror it over the other side so I'm just checking proportions on items again make sure it all lines up it matches now one more thing I want to add and that's this little part here so I went back to that IMM brush and drew that guy out and then position them like so now the initial cylinder is I made for this we're a little bit too large so I need to go in and modify those as well so I'm going to select that cylinder again and just come in and grab that internal Poligrip again just move it down so it actually looks a little more embedded and that is it so that's the end of the time-lapse here I hope this tutorial helped give some examples of workflows that could potentially be used inside of ZBrush to create hard surface models and that's the end so happy zbrushing and stay tuned for more videos on z classroom
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 85,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, 3D, askzbrush, sculpting, modeling, digital, art, design, creation, create, artwork, how to, tutorial, making of, Metal Slug, Fan Art, ZModeler, Transpose, Masking, Timelapse, narriation, workflow, creasing, beveling, dynamesh, clip brushes, insertmesh, slice
Id: jHOk2kCPK8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2016
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