PavWork15: Clothing Piping

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as I'm always concerned about the border on the leather parts are those models with extrude or with the curve thanks for sharing I kind of do a little bit of both on these ones in particular I did it with the curve brush and let me demonstrate that a little bit because that's that might be useful so if I take for example I'll tap this one and let's do let me just duplicate this off so I'll keep this one around but I'm gonna work on this one and we'll go ahead and get rid of that because these are all separate I just move them to I put them together so I have you see how they hit shift D these are all low res and then if I go over here I can move these together or if I hit ctrl D and start sculpting I can kind of sculpt them together so it looks like the piping is going along with the cloth there but if we don't have that sort of control shift de so when I'm doing this I'm hitting ctrl shift and tapping that one top polygroup here the never do control shift a that's a visibility grow all that's in your visibility menu down here and now I can do is just do a delete hidden so geometry modify topology is really hidden and then I'm just left with this mesh here so this is the mesh that we made it just super low res you could use zremesher for this I think I used these very topology so once you have this you can go ahead and either frame the Smashing go like a brush curve you can do curse trap let's do curve tube and turn off X Emmet rigs it'll give you it'll double up and then what you can do a couple of things you can do one way if you just wanted to look at it you can hold down ctrl shift isolate this top one and then you can go to sober P this morning it's kind of stroke go to curve and then under here you can go frame mash in this case it's gonna frame a border because that's all we have available to it it's not gonna it there's well I guess there is creased edges on the border as well and there's also a poly group but frame borders what you're looking for and then now this is a curve you can just go ahead and replace this with a tube or like we've talked about before you go into your brush curve menus or your brush insert menus and grab anything and just replace it with you know whatever curve that you wanted a lot of minute clip day if you need to you can go ahead and just reframe that mesh so let's go ahead and just hit that delete curve let's go ahead and undo back to before the kerb went on there there we go and now you can reframe this you can also like drag it along there if you want to but instead of doing that you can also do if we have everything showing and we have that curve deleted if you're also just dragging out a curve it's like okay I'm dragging on a curve and you could try and drag it along here but you can also just start dragging the hold down shift and that'll usually let me say let me unmask here curve drag shift it'll sometimes snap to the underlying group here let me see if I can get something a little less than might be interfering let's grab a sphere here edit mode make polymesh3d control shift slice curve Wow and then oh wow it turned off our curve mode for this brush I didn't touch it did I make polymesh3d that's weird okay we'll turn curve mode back on there we go so now that we have curve mode on here if I hold down shift you know maybe I'll just do it on an open border here there we go weird but it doesn't do the whole thing hmm yeah it looks like it kind of busted this brush here let's do brush insert our me curve and we'll grab a string of bullets here hmm not sure what's going on there but usually you can just hold on shift and it'll also go through there and snap around now another thing is if you don't have you just have one polygroup here you should be able to also go around the object there we go and they can hold that shift if you go off the object I'll go around and hold down shift on a poly group it'll go ahead and frame that poly group or you can isolate that just frame and then tap the select anyway you can certainly do that to put your piping in and that's fine what I ended up doing is just something a little bit simpler so I went over here to qmesh polygroup ball and I think probably what I did was duplicate this off temporarily I'm gonna hold we'll get rid of that top groups on the hold on ctrl shift isolate that top group we can go back to select rekt ctrl shift drag to invert get rid of this one go ahead and delete hidden and now when I go through here you're gonna see I just have that thin strip here so now I can go through I can do a queue mesh or an extrude poly goo ball I just pull this out so then go back here you're gonna see let's go ahead and just hide everything but those two here so now I've got this pulled out if you want to kind of go in a little bit you can go through here and just hold down shift so just pulls along that surface normal and then you can pull this out if you want to have thickness with a dividing line you can just pull out or again if you just want to move along the surface normal just hold down shift now this is doing polygroup all so we've got polygroups same on the top at the bottom if you just want to do the top go to polygroup island and it was pull this one out but in this case usually what I do is just polygroup all make sure it's bending all the way and then I've got this and then I can go over here I got creased polygroup selected I can hit D and that's gonna give me my dynamic preview and then on this one I can also hit D and that's pretty much what I have if you want to kind of sharpen these edges up a little bit you can also go in here to your what are we doing crease tolerance here drop that down and that'll kind of start creasing some of these corners in here or you might have to go in here manually and just go through here to be like I want this one creased however with you know this is obviously zmodeler brush bzm crease edge of the complete tap D and then there you go and then if you want those mirrored which I totally forgot to turn X back on we can just do a quick mirror mirror in wild same thing with this one and then if you want these to be in the same one you shoot them to the top this one alt tappings like subtools will then shift shoot it to the top looks like that mirror kind of busted that and then we'll go ahead and merge these down together but for this one let's undo that let's do it quick sometimes if I get a weird seam down the middle I'll just do another mirror mirror and weld or you go through here and just collapse those middle ones so that fixed that and then again we can not just merge those down why is that showing up solo
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 45,607
Rating: 4.9621267 out of 5
Keywords: Pav, Pavwork, ZBrush, ZBrush Twitch, ZBrush Livestream, ZBrush Piping, ZBrush Clothing Detail, ZBrush Clothing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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