Paul Newman Reacts To What His Wife Said On The Show | The Dick Cavett Show

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[Applause] please thank you I don't want to waste time because you know what a great show that we have tonight and before you know who all was here and also but before we do that I would like to do one little thing there's a gentleman who's that side and he's one of those people that you have seen his face in the movies like a hundred times you know and you can never think of the name and he's been in films like until they say Alvin the silver chalice and that sort of thing I thought it'd be fun cuz no one was recognizing him or anything out there to bring him out Paul Newman his name [Applause] [Music] would you like a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please I [Applause] now wait now now let's hear it for him oh you'll see he did very well - I didn't come here to talk I came here to get a haircut bug you as much as mine does me know I don't pay any attention to it that's why I doesn't bug me it doesn't you just let it go yep it's it's frizzy yep whereas mine is only frizzy over the ears looks like a wig it is a way you'd never know we rehearsed that little joke backstage let's try it again it must be our W fleece - how do you like my hair looks like a wig it is a wig you'd never know it [Music] honey maybe if we ran away that's why we do it first wanted to thank you incidentally for bringing me out here you really know how to hurt a guy don't you oh well I listen how can you say the greatest male sex star in films today and I mean that's kind of embarrassing and all the things that you that you are it would be embarrassing I'd think you'd probably blush to sit back there and hear your real credit so I thought I would do it in a sort of offbeat way I look like a wig you can't tell I think we're gonna have to abandon their we work that little joke by the way it's not a wig and this is me and your hair is frizzy now now that we there was a picture of you then paper today with a beard on but I have never seen you wear a beard no where's this oh well the studio's think that that's there is a detraction somehow I tried to wear a mustache in a movie was yeah yeah but now you're with so carelessly it's blue dead on I mean it's it's such an act of whimsy when I grow in a beard or a mustache that I never know when it's there it's amazing and an actor who supposedly conscious to his appearance all the time but they feel that you shouldn't appear with the beard because of your public wouldn't accept you yes the executives at Metro refer to it as a sexual impediment well lay out a no wait a minute but what can't you just stand up and say I'm gonna do what I want to do and I'll grow a beard if I will feel like it you think's if I get if I get some support from some our quarters but the point is I didn't get any support from anybody including my wife really she usually she's not here is she no no that's amazing I think if you were Paul Newman's wife ladies would you let him go out alone like this interesting and profound question say well she she didn't want me to come here today she was here recently there's an effect she spoke of you in fact we have a moment of that which we're gonna we're gonna show you in a minute because you didn't see it what I have to say something with oh this isn't my style would you mind reading that fall it's more in your style but we're so lenient now elephant magic we'll turn the next 60 seconds into a commercial elfin magic your wife said a lot of interesting things when she was here and some of it wasn't seen because there was a preempt for the space problem that night right in that part of the show but one of the things she said was that I asked her she ever got mad at a director and she said she just blew up one time at a director and just yelled an idiot you know sounds very ominous I know what's coming well no maybe I don't have to do that but she said that she just yelled and screamed and then she said the thought that went through her head was what a shame the camera is none you know this is so effective it's really working it wasn't you was it probably oh it was but those are good it airs too clean clears the air a little bit they're always good when they happen that way yeah well how do you blow up at somebody what you scream and stomp your feet no I usually wait three or four months and then it's worse I sit on it for a long day and brood about it yeah and is your stomach tight enough in your worry and get old Susan no I have dialogues with myself so by the time I'm prepared to blow up I've prepared a pretty good case you see and it's not like something you run off the top of your head where you make mistakes and then you go back and say why didn't I say whatever it is because I've already prepared that you see so you never go up on the spot and the Ellen's being there or lose your temper oh isn't that funny you develop for 40 some years I have thought of myself as a natural athlete yeah so finding when we were doing Butch Cassidy I had to face that fact I said Newman you are not a natural athlete the fact that matters you were a very bad football player when you played football you started playing tennis when you were 41 and discovered at that age you love to run but you ran badly and you couldn't hit the ball and I don't much care for horses and so forth so now I've been carrying this myth around in my head that I brewed a lot and I blow up a month later when in actuality I can take that and say no that when you blow up pretty much as it happens and then you go off you see and say why didn't I say what but I would think of you as a terrific athlete it's like this is like hearing that Jack Armstrong never ate Wheaties is very good that isn't you who lept off the end of the river in the in Butch Cassidy is didn't you actually take that leap I would no more take that leap I would no more take the leap than the guy who took the leap would have played the scene in front of it is that so you're that different well there are risks in both yes I guess Oh things thrown at you you want to see a little bit of what your wife said about you behind your back as it turned out because tonight can I take it I mean will I get up and leave or anything we're gonna have to take that chance I think it might be good for you that's like sticking your revolver in your mouth no not like that at all because it seemed funny the man you know at home is just an ordinary human being that other people become giddy over him well you know what seems curious about it is that I have known Paul we have known each other since 1952 that's a long time and that was certainly before he was any kind of a world sex symbol and to see someone that you've known as that nice boy from Shaker Heights Ohio who happened to be in the same play with you you know and you thought well he isn't really very talented but he's got a pretty face so maybe he'll make it but then to stomach seeing him you know emerge as this this this this monster you know that that's been created somehow I think by the roles that he plays because when I go and see him in films I mean I get a whole thing about him too I mean not that I don't anyway and then he's there and I think wow you know it's it's very confusing it really is it's just the klutz from home I didn't mean for you to see that last [Applause] [Music] what equal time I thought she was very nice there and presented you as you are yeah that's a classy lady yeah the most I guess I we did a seminar but a meeting at UCLA after Rachel came out and the writer happened to be there and aside from whatever was said about the film he said the thing that I couldn't understand was the fact that there seemed to be some very special kind of secret going on between her and the camera because I couldn't see it I would watch her play the scene and lean into the watch with eyes absolutely who couldn't see it and would go to the rushes the next day and see something magical and subtle it occurred that they hadn't been able to spot from a distance of four feet away that must be what makes great film actors I've heard of it that with the route true greats you stand there in the room and you looks like they're doing nothing while they're shooting it and then when you see it well you were obviously certain points in that film where she had to do considerable but at that moment when she appeared to be doing absolutely nothing there was a there was a whole sense of past or future or knowledge or intelligence or something going through those eyes I have a little of that but it's sort of in Reverse I made a signal core movie once and I threw everything into it and when I saw it it came out nothing in a most baffling way did you make that film out in Long Island yes at the old studio arson studios I try to get jobs there all the time and never I was probably getting your parts we we have one short message we came back let's talk about what you're doing these days show it we'll be back after this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 399,786
Rating: 4.80825 out of 5
Keywords: paul newman, paul newman (film actor), newman, paul, paul newman movies, paul newman film, paul newman wife, paul newman 1970, paul newman young, paul newman smile, paul newman net worth, paul newman as a child, paul newman marriage, paul newman hit movies, paul newman and joanne woodward, paul newman interview, paul newman dick cavett, dick cavett, the dick cavett show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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