Phillips Auction of Legendary Paul Newman Daytona

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i remember watching this with a bunch of my friends. the fact that tiffany (?) took it straight up to 10mil and then was bid out was crazy to me. very cool to watch

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bumbershoot772 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2018 đź—«︎ replies
lot number eight ladies and gentlemen before we start please enjoy [Music] [Music] [Applause] I must admit I'm shivering myself just watching these images even though I've seen them already a few times before today's auction well without exaggeration this is too many here in the room the most iconic Rolex wristwatch in the world possibly most iconic wristwatch of the 20th century ladies and gentlemen I'm extremely humbled to offer to lot number 8 it is the one and only Paul Newman of Paul Newman I'm humbled to be entrusted by the consignor James Cox and so incredibly supported by Nell Newman her friends and family that we have this auction here tonight I do need to introduce the watch any further it is all described in the catalogue we've seen it in the press we've heard about it I think we should start right away and I have a commission bid at 1 million US dollars that someone left with me earlier who 1 million 1010 Tiffany [Applause] okay well I wasn't expecting this to happen we're gonna we're gonna discuss this in your performance review Tiffany ten ladies and gentleman let's be serious I have a starting bid from Tiffany toe at ten million u.s. dollars Thank You Tiffany [Applause] however we have 14 telephones registered and about 10 premium paddles in the rooms so 10 million is there anyone who would like to challenge Tiffany's opening bid and this is now serious if you don't challenge this bid I will sell it to Tiffany 10 million is offered ladies and gentlemen 10 5 is next I accept 11 Natalie Moomba horn 11 million giving Tiffany 11 5 Tiffany 11 5 11 million 5 12 million for Natalie's phone 12 million dotage Emilio need ooz million 12 million pardon me 12 million 5 for Lisa gory irresistible Liat 12 5 13 for equally irresistible Tiffany 13 million 14 million for Natalie Mobile nataly's bed at 14 million li Tiffany it's now with Natalie at 14 Paul what happened to your phone bid 14 is with Natalie any advanced room bidders 14 million I'm bid 14 is this your clients last bit then I will say I possibly accept it it's 14 for Natalie make it 14 - and we have a deal out of respect for this important watch 14 - I appreciate it we go in to hundreds Tiffany takes the lead at 14 million two hundred thousands ahead of Lisa Gori 1/2 Natalie mobile 14 5 Natalie extremely gracious of you 14 5 14 million 500,000 14:5 is with Natalie 14:5 Tiffany Leigh Leigh how are you doing how is your telephone bidder doing what would he like to do now go for dinner go for drinks or maybe leave a bit 14:5 is for Natalie Tiffany Lee I actually scheduled half an hour for this lot so we're doing really great thanks to Tiffany's opening bid that cut about twenty five minutes fourteen five for Natalie's phone bidder mr. chairman any bidding from you and it's now or never ladies and gentlemen if it's your last bit I will take 14:6 look we wait I think everybody's in agreement this is the one watch in the world - wait Tiffany you're giving me a hard time tonight are you okay - wait Natalie I really thank your clients for your patience 14 5 14 million five hundred the you're still debating yes I do I said it 14 million six hundred thousand a new bit from Tiffany and I waited because that's a hundred thousand more to support a charitable cause these hundred thousand are especially for now just for now you Natalie Natalie you are the star here tonight 15 million US dollars for the one and only Paul Newman definitely Lea one phone is dropping out done now Natalie stands alone as the winner unless anyone is now raising their paddle I'm obviously turning to who Tiffany don't do this to me do we have an emergency kit here 15 million dollars with Natalie Tiffany last chance fair warning Sam on the ground floor online is not possible on this lot so I'm checking every box here the paddle is up the gavel is up Lee Paul Livia Alex all the telephones Edie Arthur marchello Zach Jill I'm selling to Natalie's phone I don't need to say what this watch now does in terms of records it does everything selling at 15 million Tiffany fair warning the Paul Newman 6 2 3 9 15 million last chance Tiffany [Applause] fifteen million 100,000 for Tiffany's 15 million 100,000 for Tiffany 15 million [Applause] 515 million 500,000 for Natalie I love your smile Tiffani 15 million five is bid with Natalie more burro you're done wait wait wait all right I lost with you $200 I'm sorry 15.5 is Natalie's Tiffany what are you calculating okay all I can tell you you're still below 20 million all in with sales tax fifteen point five for Natalie's utterly patient telephone bidder you're done I know exactly what's going to happen if I raise the gavel you say wait fifteen million five hundred thousand I am trying once again to sell this lot to Natalie's phone bidder if anyone will stop me it will only be Tiffany I fear selling at fifteen million five hundred thousand D one and only it's not going to come back to you Tiffany ever I know where it's going selling fair warning going once going twice Tiffiny going once going twice please yeah my arm Tiffany it's now or never you're done selling officially at fifteen million five hundred thousand thank you for your patience Natalie it is history now 15 million five hundred thousand [Applause] Natalie Tiffani Lee [Applause] Tiffany now the one important piece I would like to now say in regards to lot eight is that I do regret I didn't say it before that I'm in full agreement with what Michael Clarissa said yesterday it's not just a Paul Newman Paul Newman it's the joined Woodward Paul Newman Paul Newman let's agree that we name it watch collecting can be so beautiful now please come back soon number nine as I said please out of respect let's have a breathe and continue when everybody settled the adrenalin number nine is next
Channel: Laurie Brookins
Views: 2,044,565
Rating: 4.7286386 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Newman, Rolex, vintage watches, Paul Newman Daytona, Reference 6239, Phillips, Aurel Bacs
Id: X0tjSUOvi5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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