Don Rickles Hilarious Interview | The Dick Cavett Show

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when great humorous and comedians gather late at night over coffee and cheesecake to pay tribute to those among them who have scaled the heights and brought the art of public performing to its zenith one name I suppose stands out above all others and it's a talent so unique and so special and so brilliant that in the pantheon of the world's great comics this man's name will surely be written among the greatest the incomparable Dan Rickles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm so sorry about that it's done they don't matter no one sees this anyway I just want to say Isle and I enjoyed missiles from a tremendous thank you well that's it for me wonderful timing was great I've worked ABC to I understand that they they plan to put a wall around this whole place and make it a studio I've been with ABC and I know I spoke to help and rule about you too oh you're gonna love it on the island well it's good to see you I'm sorry to hear you were ill I I heard you had a little laryngitis well yes I'm working in the Copacabana which is a one of the last of the saloons and when the cigar messages go up you just sit there got all the supper club guys in the front gun is funny you keep moving with those kind of guys you know I don't know laryngitis say something I don't picture you having I mean I really don't care what you pictured [Laughter] then went went when did you have your own clinic nerve disease to attack your famous throat well when you're working the Copacabana it's a great great saloon and I love being in New York and you really gotta go all out the people are great mr. Judd Waddell talks like me and he hasn't even had laryngitis yes he said to me last night he's a great man he's some 70 odd years young you know and he's full of life in sprin he said last night and he said if you wait a car you Club you're calling people I would hide him in a paper and I said fine tellem you're wrong you're on a hook in the kitchen two Chinese cook going I really I really love to watch you work but then I've always liked Jacky Leonard so Jacqueline is agree I always get ribbed about that you know we are we are completely different Jack is doing very well he's in Las Vegas with his family and we always rib each other about comparing as you're doing opera I'm sure people compare you and as long as you're successful in doing well it's great it's when you're struggling and they try to wipe you out then it's rough you know before you came on how hard it must have been at the very beginning before people knew who you are and what kind of comic you were yeah well you suddenly walk into a club and is this guy insulting everybody well well I was really before my time ee to be very honest because today I do the things that there are today and I was doing that 20 years ago and it's funny how people say yeah he says terrible things he wipes people out you know and all I do is laugh at ourselves and I think there's ways of some people saying gee he said some offbeat words or what-have-you and I think it's in the eyes of the beholder in the sense that the best way I can just describe what I do my father rest his soul and you were very close to your mother and I'm very close to my family to my dentist so he was the kind of a man that put his arms around a woman and when he did it wasn't dirty and there were other guys that give a woman a hug and right away at the party your wife's looking over at the husband going Charlie get out of here so it's the way you do something now being on this show like I tell a dick from the bottom of my heart I never liked you [Laughter] serious you're an annoying little guy [Laughter] that's right type the tanks around the health club in the corner with the towel [Laughter] do not to mention that that's well no III know it's hard for you to be serious but it is because I think people don't admit that deep down inside if I may be serious for a moment that you do something on the stage that all of us would like to do if we had no class like why did you all turn on me like Diana frontier in the hockey puck sweater went crazy the one derelict yelled at that nah we always make jokes see I'm always open to being attacked constantly because if you you know the old story if you dish it out you have to be able to take it but as far as being serious I tell you you have to take your work seriously we all become a certain character when we walk out on the stage I people say to me what is it like get home to my wife you know when I have a lovely Jewish wife in fact she's a monk she was supposed to come with me today but she couldn't get off the bed the jewelry was too heavy well it will delve into your private life a little more this station break Beverly and I were planning to leave it's a wonderful a minute light hit the light hits your face you blossom and bloom and what's great dick well we have to you know yeah you know not exactly the guy out picked to go to the New Year's Eve party with you know he always picked you at New Year's Eve alone in the corner with a spoon of ice cream going say are you gonna be doing a new television series or your old one again well I was on ABC and that took a hike I was on CBS and a guy came over and when I suggest you go through the way all that invested in Bob wood is a good friend of mine in fact he started his car today he wasn't around anymore well fob wood has been very good to me CBS I had my show on ABC which was a complete catastrophe because working for ABC note and ruling all the gentlemen are good friends of mine the problem is they couldn't chip in to get any money for the show and we were appearing in a forest scotch tape and a lamp going let's try it again charlie no you know that you and I know ABA he's a big network they had a storm yesterday and the whole set went out there was one guy on the roof at the ABC building going it's the wind okay out so and CBS has a big organization in other words when you fail there they a buzzer rings in your room you go [Laughter] so I was around NBC yesterday and the guy at the gate said go away but special on CBS which I'm thrilled about because we we had a show on as I said CBS and unfortunately that didn't make it because I have to be what I really am and unfortunately on the ABC adventure that we had with Pat McCormack our mutual friend right we didn't have the right format when we went on CBS they wanted to try to make Don Rickles appear something I'm really not a charming adorable man you are a good actor well thank you and you managed to appear that once or twice during the during the series thank you I try to give you a copy you're starting to get on my nerves okay so we we have decided to do what we do best and that is to laugh at people make fun of life and bring this guy forward in in this and this particular special that we're going to do for CBS I think the real Rickles will will come out how that's good right now talking to you is kind of the regular Rickles which would only help me win a trip to Hawaii with the wife I mean coming out of being charming and nice you only get on the Monty Hall show and win a cookie yeah so I have to be what I really am yeah this whole front row here I I am what I am the man on the end take a look at that man oh I don't know who you are but you're a bad-looking man look at that the lady when he knows you just don't look down there no one has ever really get seriously invited you out into the alley afterwards have they declared yet but it was ridiculous we danced for about an hour many many years ago I worked in smart supper clubs in Jersey when I walked out and called somebody a dummy and the boss went oh wow I was in the alley and my tie was over here I always have blue cross and a fast cam people pretty much knew I was joking those that didn't ask me to leave you know I worked up in Montreal once and I left with a hockey puck in my mouth I was pretty lucky I mean I've I've had people that have been offended and I have had people that loved me but I'll tell you in anything you do I'm sure it's that way in Opera if you just go the ordinary line and just have the general approach you'll be the average guy if you believe in what you do and you cause excitement you're gonna get people let's say I love them or I can't stand them and so beer there's one thing I really do wonder and that is do you actually think before you speak most of the time or half the time do you actually hear what you've said as you say it or do you well no I think in a nightclub on television I think on a talk show such as this you monitor yourself instinctively you know because you just don't have the complete freedom that you really want in a nightclub III go with a performance but whatever's in front of me that night is what inspires me but it's so fast that there's not an instant of thought in it comes right out yes it's very good [Laughter] anybody got a lolly for dick it's so fast you want to stay up late tonight dick put on your pajamas and have hot cocoa I want to go to summer campus I'll try to change moods it's kind of fast exciting yet dick I remember you are act you know had that great beat you know mmm you were like Jimmy cook yeah of course a rube and blue type then you know what they call the shishi ouin you know while the violin is playing you can look up at him drink have dinner leave and he doesn't even know about I never played the Reuben blue or that type of a form on the low low key it was the same is that what we call it well you know yeah we're a writer you know you've given a shot at everything after this it's you know where to Sir oh we have to stop and wind up again we'll be right back scary [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 558,635
Rating: 4.901556 out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, Talk Show, Dick Cavett, Chat Show, Interview, don rickles, rickles, don rickles frank sinatra, don rickles best, don rickles clips, don rickles comedy, best of don rickles, don rickles roasts, don rickles stand up, don rickles special, don rickles comedian, don rickles interview, don rickles dick cavett, don rickles funny, comedian, stand up comedy, stand up, comedy
Id: hTQqogdQnmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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