Pattern Problems | Pastor Jeremy Foster

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you can be seated if you're wondering why you guys are so excited I can tell you what we've seen God do in the last five years it's just the tip of the iceberg to what he's getting ready to do so buckle your seatbelt just a mine next to you get ready turn to somebody on the other side say you get ready to I really believe that the beginning of this year the beginning of this decade we're launching into a new season and I believe and not just start churches launching into a new season I believe that if you're here if you're under the sound of my voice you're one of our locations you're you're listening online you're watching online that goddess has created a unique space for you because he wants to talk to you and we've been in a series called from now on everybody shout it at me from now on because because we want to live from now on lives I don't want to just make New Year's resolutions I don't want to just make well I hope it gets better I want to live from now on and do what God has called me to do we've been reading out of Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 verse 2 says do not conform to the pattern if I say the pattern you're not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is is good pleasing and perfect will now the key to this verse to living up from now on life is not found in the renewing of your mind that's important incredibly important but the first thing you have to recognize is that you have a pattern because we don't recognize that we have a pattern will never renew our mind if you don't recognize that I need to go from here to here I'll never get here you ever used Google Maps and you understand in order for me to put a destiny I'm good a destination but if I have no point of departure Google Maps can't tell me where to go if you don't know where you are you'll never know how to go where you need to go so everybody say I have a pattern if you don't believe that and you've been fasting with us we've been in 21 days of prayer and fasting we're ending that fast today some of you will end tomorrow I excited you're like yes tacos because you realize in the last 21 days whether you realize it or not before you have pattern I have a pattern I like to eat good food your boy likes Mexican food come on I'm just gonna tell you right now we had one of our overseers came and preached for us a few years ago pastor Rigby said he came and he preached for us said and after the service he said take me somewhere good and I said we'll take you some Mexican food because he's in Arkansas and there's just no good Mexican food anywhere in Arkansas but in Houston you could turn off a side street and eat at a taco truck come on somebody so he said where you taking that someone take you to Guadalajara and huh your boy gonna be bilingual today I said we're going to Guadalajara and so I took him there and we sat down and he's looking at the menu and he said what should I get and so I started going through the menu the server came up and just quietly stood there and listened to me go through the menu and I said but if you really want something good you need to get the San Antonio Grande clatter because this thing has everything it's got queso hmm there's an anointing on queso white and yellow um I said it's got queso it's got a jalapeno burrito it's got a chalupa I don't even know what's in the chalupa a little anointing it's just good and I said what's amazing it's also has a taco and then I said on the side they also brewing that to ask for they also bring you fajitas I know where some of y'all are going to eat today he said well I have a question he said can I can I get beef and chicken on those fajitas and the server said I don't know and I said yes yes you can how long have you worked here he said three weeks I said you better recognize your boy I know I know because I've been here before because I have a pattern and I continued with my pattern I said listen when we finished eating he said I'm so full I don't think I can eat anymore I said save your fork bro because I'm fixing to change your life because they have a dessert here some of y'all know tres leches y'all have had tres leches before but let me tell you what the beautiful people of Guadalajara have done I know the owner he came up with it himself he created a new creation because God made him in His image and he's creative and he created a red velvet tres leches there's spiritual implications on this thing it's red it's covered by the blood this tres leches that's three milks Father Son Holy Spirit all in one there's some whipped cream on top because we are white as snow come Oh somebody calm down if you're new I really am the pastor and I'm the reason I know it's because I have a pattern and it's not a good Vatican I like to eat and then that's why y'all say why you wear black all the time cuz it's slimming I don't like the product I get mad at the product sometimes but it ain't the products well it's the pattern some of us don't like the product of our marriage we don't like the product of our career we don't like the product of our mindset we don't like the product of our habits it's not the products fault it's the pattern some of us even get mad at God and we say God for some reason you're not coming through with the promises that you said that you would come through with no no God's promises don't have a problem God's not keeping his promises from you it's your pattern that are keeping the promises of God from you and at some point if we recognize I've got to renew my mind and get rid of these patterns then I can actually do what God has called me to do so here's your first from now on shout it with me from now on I will not go back I will not go back some of y'all listen some of you this is a radical change in your life others of you this will just be some adjustment some of y'all real discipline people it's just super discipline you could eat one cookie you're fine don't even raise your hand I don't want to talk to you cuz I can't eat just one cookie I eat one cookie and I'm like oh you gotta brother you know and then I look at all the cookies I'm like hey there's a connect group happening right here yeah get in there group by the way we're launching groups this weekend get in a group but listen you you have a pattern that at some point you have to say listen from now on I will not go back old mindsets old habits old ways of thinking and listen this is the challenge you actually your brain was designed to go back this is why you have to renew your mind it's a $5 word called the reticular activating and it's in your brain and here's what it does it's the automated part of your brain that remembers things that you don't need to remember you don't need to constantly have to go look up it's why back in the day you could remember your phone number nowadays we don't even know our kids phone numbers because we have it on speed dial but back in the day remember you had to remember your phone and how many you can remember your first phone number you buddy remember nine one nine seven eight five oh four five five don't call it I don't know who will answer but that's my first phone number back in a day then I remember us about five or six years old remember the it's why when you're driving home you can end up in your driveway and you go I don't remember any decisions remember any lights I don't mean returning on any streets it's the reticular activating us some of y'all are so young you use GPS for everything quit it you ought to at least learn some street names okay I'm just trying to help you now the reticular activating it works against you and you sell your house and move to another house in the same city and then find yourself in your old neighborhood let me ask you this question how many y'all under the sound of my voice you remember in 2015 we launched our church in Memorial High School how many of y'all at some point in the last five years went to Memorial High School as one of our campuses okay so so you remember then when 2019 when we moved into Houston Christian High School for our broadcast campus how many on some point last year's like kids let's go to church and you're rolled up to Memorial High School and they want nobody there do you like Jesus did the rapture come you know just one of those mom it's so funny I meet people in the community and I'm just happened a couple of months ago I met a lady we haven't been at Memorial High School for for now a little over a year we've been in Houston Christian High School and a lady came to me up the mall or somewhere she was like passed her and I was like hey how you doing which campus you go to she goes I go to Memorial Campus Oh like you ain't been to church in a long time good I'm just playing all right but if you're not careful you have a pattern that will drag you back to an old way of life how do we defeat this if you just read second Corinthians 5:17 it says therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new the key here is I can't just be in church mm-hmm I got to be in Christ I can't just be in a connect group and I want you to be in a connect group you got to be in Christ I can't just be in the growth track and I want you to go through our growth track two-step process that will help you learn what God is uniquely designed you to do but you need to be in Christ in fact everything that we do teaches you and point you to be in Christ that's when you're a new creature so some of us are wondering why do I keep going to my old ways because you're not in Christ so how do I get in Christ you you don't have to look any further than the David I love the Psalms I love how honest David was throughout the Psalms if you read Psalm chapter 42 he finds just an interesting dialogue that he's having with himself he says why am i so discouraged why is my heart so sad and then he kind of answers his own questions he says I would put my hope in God I will praise him again my Savior and my god now I am deeply discouraged I love how honest this is David how about honest he is you ever met Christians who are just not honest they just lie they act like they're perfect all the time they act like everything is going great how you do it fine blessed and highly favored the head and not the tail too blessed to be distressed too anointed to be disjointed too disappointed God doesn't answer email he answers an email please come on somebody god is good all the time and that's your who I'm talking about that y'all and then they're always they're always speaking and fake and not in faith cuz faith is reality faith says this is what it is but this is not what it has to be david says now I am deeply discouraged but I will remember you he gives himself the solution even from the distant mount hermon the source of the Jordan from the lamb from the land of mountains are I hear the tumult of the raging seas as your waves and surging tides sweep over me but each day every day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me and through each night everybody say every night through each night he didn't say through the day when everything is great and I'm frolicking through fields of butterflies he says none enough and night goodbye sayin night that's spelled very wrong every night I sing his songs not on select nights not on certain nights when it's not raining not on nights when everything is going fine every night I sing his songs praying to God who gives me life here's what David's saying listen I may be far from the house of God right now but I'm not far from the God of the house and wherever God is that's where his house is and he does a few things in this verse of scripture that I just kind of want to highlight and it's our next three from now on so everybody shout it with me from now on I will encourage myself David was brilliant at encouraging himself he says now I'm discouraged but I will remember you who's he talking to he talking to himself why am I so discouraged he says I will sing his songs he's encouraging himself how many of y'all talk to yourself spread your hand some of y'all didn't raise your hand you're like I don't talk to myself you you just did okay I'm just trying to help you have you ever have you ever been talking to yourself and looked over at somebody staring at you and you're like it's cool I'm on the phone I said new Bluetooth it's a chip in my ear you know you just we all we all talking and in fact one of the things that I talked about in the last couple of weeks was from now on I will speak life and that is critical important than when you're talking to somebody that you speak life in fact if you're if you go to hope City I want us to be the most positive faith-filled people I want when somebody encounters you for them to go man you must go to Hope City because we're going hey God's able he's gonna bring you through it he's not gonna leave you alone his word says he'll never leave you he'll never forsake you he'll be with you and that's important because you talk a lot it's Porter for you to speak live in fact scientific studies show that men on average use 20,000 words a day women on average thirty thousand words a day that's the average some of your likeness some more than that it's like to have sight that one dude was like bro do you get mad that your wife always gets the last word he was like now I'm just glad when she finally gets to it I'm kidding don't write that down that ain't about you baby girl I love you I love you girl but we use words but here's what's crazy out of all the words that you use every day you use at least twice as many words internally scientific results show that you and I on average speak to ourselves our internal dialogue uses seventy thousand words a day seventy thousand you're talking to yourself all the time whether you're verbalizing or not you're you constantly have a train of talk going through your thought and here's my question are you encouraging yourself are you discouraging yourself are you walking yourself forward or walk into herself back are you talking yourself into what God has called you to do or talking yourself out of what God has called you to do how do I control this how do I get a handle well first you got to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ how do I do that I'm glad you asked just read Philippians four and eight in fact some of you ought to memorize it here's what it says you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true that takes out almost all social media no boys reputable authentic compelling gracious the best not the worst the beautiful not the ugly things to praise not things to curse think on these things this is one of the Holy Spirit is so important in our lives that's why we will be a spirit filled spirit lead church because I want you to follow what the Spirit says but notice the spirit leads you he guides you in fact Jesus said listen I'm gonna send the comforter and he will lead you he will guide you he will bring all things to remembrance that I have said to you that means you actually have to read it at least once to remember it the Holy Spirit won't fix stupid at some point I don't want you just to have a relationship with a church I want you to have a relationship with God's Word I don't want you just have the relationship with religion I want you to have a relationship with Jesus because that's what changes everything can I tell you I'm not just telling you this because I just want to preach it I'm telling you this because I believe it because I live it I did some tough spots and I'll tell you about him through this weekend I've hit some tough spots in the last few months and this is how I get through them this word right here I don't remember what I say about myself all the time I need to remember what the Word of God listen this is what I did this this week I walked through this this week John chapter 1 verse 12 says I am God's child Romans 5 and 1 says I've been justified 1st Corinthians 6:19 says I've been bought with a price and I belong to God colossians 1 since i've been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins colossians 2:9 says i am complete in Christ Hebrews 4:14 says I have direct access to the throne of God through Jesus Christ listen you can go the Bible says you can go boldly before the throne of grace so when the enemy says you've messed up you've gone too far you've done too much don't buy into that narrative and begin to repeat that to yourself say no the Word of God says I they can go boldly to the throne of grace it's a god I've messed up I made a mistake I need your son Jesus to come second Timothy 1:7 I'm not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a powerhead of a sound mind Isaiah 54 no weapon formed against me shall prosper Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength first John says I'm born of God and have world overcoming faith is residing on the inside of me because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world listen I know I know I'm getting excited I'm sweating spit and God bless y'all in the splash zone listen you may not be as exuberant as me and that's okay you don't need to be God please help us not to have a bunch of me running around but at some point you've got to realize what the word says not what your mind says what does the word say well I figured it out there's no way that God forgive me pastor I'm and I love you i appreciate you spitting sputtering up there and hollering screaming and I was wild man I like to watch you till get jokes man it's pretty funny man but hey I've been messed up for a long time duh everybody knows it you don't even hide it well Jesus knew how you would think he knew that you would think that there's no way that he could forgive you that there's no way that he could love you so he told a story in the Book of Luke about a father who had two sons and one of them as a son that everybody would want he's the obedient the kind the generous the one who serves well and the other one was not he's the other kid he's like see some of y'all know you got one kid who's like Jesus and then there's that other one I'm playing my kids are watching all of y'all like Jesus but he had this one kid he literally comes to his father he's not old he comes to his daddy says I died while you are yet breathing I would like to have my inheritance can you imagine if your kid came to you and said hey I need I'm gonna go ahead and eat my inheritance now you know what I'd say I'd say really you won't you in heritage right now hold your hand out there you go cuz I'm gonna die broke daddy's laying up treasures in heaven come on son go run without right there with Daddy died ain't nothin but air that's the Holy Spirit god bless you have fun but this but this father gives his child the inheritance and this guy charters a plane and carries all of his friends to Vegas obviously I'm taking some some I'm just using my own words here that's not what the scripture says but they go they party they go to a land far away they have a blast they get wild and then when he spends all of his money on sin he wakes up one morning and all of his friends are gone you better be careful who's around you some people just want what's on you not what's in you this is why we launched groups because some of us I'm not saying get rid of your group but some of us need to regroup and have some people who can encourage us because here's what happens he had a group his group left he ended up with a group of pigs literally he's in the prodigal son is feeding pigs and in the midst of feeding pigs the Bible says he came to himself Luke chapter 15 but when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread but I perish here with hunger who's he talking to he's not talking to the pigs because some of the people around you you talk to him they can't help you they just won't come back boy I want feed me some more because they're just takers not contributors come on but he's talking to himself this is the power of talking to yourself of thinking of the dialogue now watch what happens his internal dialogue he says I will arise everybody I will arise I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him father I've sinned against heaven and before you and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son treat me as one of your hired servants and he arose and came to his father but while he was still a long way off his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him and the son said to his father father I've sinned against heaven and before you and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son and his dad said nonsense get in here son we're gonna have a party we're gonna have a we're gonna have a celebration I'm gonna put a robe on your back I'm gonna put a ring on your finger cuz he who was dead is now alive he who is lost is now found don't you ever think that your daddy he's standing on the front gate saying come on I'm ready for you to come home no matter where you've been no matter what you've done but here's what I want you to notice he said I will arise and then he arose everybody say this from now on I will push forward his internal dialogue produced progress I wonder how many of us are talking ourselves out of what God is trying to walk us into this is critically important because your posture communicates what's in your mind and in your heart how many y'all have kids right you and if you have kids your kids ever get mad and they're like what's obvious they're mad your kids ever roll their eyes at you I roll my eyes and my mama once she said roll your eyes at me again I'm gonna knock them out your head roll them right back at you oh good you heard that you cross so much you can't cry no more now I have kids I look at my kids and my kids roll their eyes I'm like you better quit rolling your eyes and my kids will look at me I wasn't like this my kids look at me say I didn't roll my eyes I'm like yes you did they're like dad for real I didn't and now I'm going yes you did like I don't know I'm like well it's your posture is the way you're standing I could tell that you were being rebellious right now its posture posture communicates what's in my heart and in my mind let me show you exactly an example right now all right cameras stay with me here we go all right so this is where I come out from every weekend now what you don't know is back here behind this curtain I'm doing this and I'm praying oh my god let's go I do the Superman pose sometimes this makes me feel good get ready all right and then I come out and the music come on let's give Jesus ovation worship in it right okay but imagine if next weekend that's like the music and here I come okay you're laughing now you wouldn't laugh then yeah oh y'all be going what was wrong with him my wife he'd be like security he's having a nervous breakdown Pastor Daniel get up there now because posture produces purpose this is why the Bible is very clear about worship why a worship when I don't feel like it lift up holy hands the word says shout into God with a voice of triumph clap your hands all ye people not some of y'all people all of you people what is it teaching me to do it's teaching me to praise even when I don't feel like praising this teaching me how to worship even when I don't feel like worship and listen this is all throughout this book you find it all throughout the book you find it in the story of Joshua Joshua chapter 1 God is giving them the promised land they've walked into the promised land and they run into an obstacle because sometimes when you walk into your promise the first thing you have is a problem because God tests your resolve to see if you're able to handle what's on the other side of that problem because it's promise after promise after promise after promise but sometimes you've got to fight and then walk in and they see Jericho and God says see I have given you the city and Joshua's like yeah but they still in there it's 50 foot high walls an impregnable City and God says I want you to march around the city once a day for seven days and on the seventh day I want you to march around seven times and then shout him to God with a voice of triumph and blow the trumpet and worship and Joshua translates it to the people he says listen we're gonna march around the walls once a day for seven days on the seventh day shouted to God and the walls are gonna fall by the way the Lord says hey listen he's gonna give us the victory here's what I'm telling you don't talk until we get to that day don't say a word what did Joshua understand cuz God didn't tell him to tell the people to be quiet he understood that internal dialogue would become external dialogue and they would talk themselves out of what God was trying to do and they would ultimately try to do it themselves they say this is the dumbest battle plan that I've ever heard but instead they're just walking around you got to know how weird that was especially the first time alright let's walk around if I was like and if they just just weird Shh don't say anything and on day two you got to know you got to know that the people in Jarek are like a great battle plan you look like idiots but on about day for you got to notice everything changes they start walk a little bit more swag they roll around they're like listen I don't know what's happening but something's happening and all of a sudden the people in Jericho are like I don't know what's going and they just swinging that arm and just walking like hey you better get ready and here's what happens on the seventh day on the seventh time they shout into God with a voice of triumph and the walls fall here's why the walls fell because they were walking like they had already won and the enemy who cannot read your mind he can only read your posture is your posture is producing plays the voice your posture and producing problems at some point this is my next from now on the last one is your last one all right everybody say it from now on I will sing in the storm sing in the storm David said I sing every night doesn't matter if there's a storm or not doesn't matter if there's sunshine can I tell you how we got to where we are in five years we walked here by the grace in the glory of God not to us O Lord not to us but to your name be all the glory psalm 115 it's important for us to remember that God got us here that God told us he'd give us the victory we didn't win this by building fancy buildings we didn't win this but because we have just amazing leadership we won this because we've just stayed faithful to what God says 2014 my dad who's here my dad said we drove through Morial high school I looked at my dad I said this is where we're supposed to start a church and some of you have heard this story many of you have not 2014 so I went I met with the district and they said yes you can start a church there and six days later they said no you can't and I never told anybody other than the prayer team it went out on all of our publications it was on the website we're starting at Memorial High School we didn't have that location locked down until three weeks to the day we launched we didn't tell anybody but the prayer team and the prayer team we all went out there it's a Memorial High School we all wore our athletic gear we were walking around the school like this right here people like look at all those people walking for the help they're like hey how you doing right now in the name of Jesus we declare that this is where you have called us to go and this is where we gonna go and we launched it for three years we saw revival in that location and God has opened door at the door after door and we didn't really celebrate for just a few minutes we're gonna celebrate because after that we knew all right we've got to grow and the only way to grow we were doing about seven services on the weekend the only way to grow at that time was to launch another campus we had a bunch of people from Katie and we said we're gonna launch a campus in Katie a broadcast campus where they have their own campus pastor they have their own band and then they go live with us during the preaching moments when we know it's going to be awesome so we went out there to meet with the district and I mean I knew it's supposed to be Morton Ranch High School's like this is where we're supposed to be and and the director said I'm sorry - schools not available there's a church in there already I said well can you just let us see it she was like well you can see it but it's kind of pointless to see it I was like is that okay we just see it you just want to see it because sometimes you got to say it before you see it and so we walked in and she was like I really don't know when we're doing this but okay and I was like what if we talked to that church and came to an agreement in some way with that church and she was like I just don't know that that's gonna happen I mean she wouldn't tell us who the church was and so we I said listen we're just gonna pray and can we call you back tomorrow I was like okay sure and we stood on the front steps of Wharton Ranch High School and we prayed and the next day we gave her 24 hours the next day we call and she goes oh goodness I forgot to tell you the church was meeting here called me this morning and said they've had a miracle there was a building that they've been trying to get that opened up and by the time you guys want to get in here they'll be out of here and we lost that campus and that begins something that you're a part of now let's celebrate for just a minute take a look at this and we're ready for more we're stepping out of our comfort zone and I'm excited to tell you that I'll March the 26 2017 in just a few months we will be launching our second campus in Katy Texas city Katy [Music] and on October the 22nd we are launching hope city cycling but the third week in October we will launch our fourth campus one point nine miles from memorial campus at Cornerstone Academy and I'm excited to tell you that in January we will launch the West Houston campus of hope City at Houston Christian High School [Music] so this weekend we are commissioning our pastors to hope city Tanzania come on watch his video here you're right now they're with us and the first hug city pop-up that we're gonna do on Sunday nights starts January 26 in the woodlands y'all get ready come on that's tonight in The Woodlands tonight and listen I just want you to know so we're in an acid-like yeah but we are not to be able to launch a pop-up campus in The Woodlands the pop-up campus idea was once a month we'll meet in The Woodlands we'll be in a location we'll have service until we go permanent and uh we've had location problems it's the theme in the woodlands in fact we asked a high school if we could meet there and they said yes and then when we applied they said no so we asked the middle school they said no so then we talked to an elementary school was like oh we're sitting the little chairs and they said no we asked the college and they said no we're looking at warehouses we're just looking at anything we can find this in fact um Jason who's our KD campus pastor came and he came to rollin and he said listen I don't know that we're gonna be able to make the date January 26 because we can't find a location and Roland looked at him and said you know our pastor if we're in a parking lot we're going we gonna launch something and so on Saturday night of legacy weekend a pastor came to Hub City the week before because because of challenges in their church they had closed their church week before he just gone through a lot of pain and he came to Hope City on Saturday night heard me talk about the woodlands we got a wetland it was like how where's it gonna be we got no wetlands like we didn't know I was up haha hey we better find a location this dude comes and he comes to one of our campus pastor he says listen hey we just closed our church we make the building to you guys and so they brought it to me and I was like I don't want to do that I just listen us plan something and finally we literally became with a quite obvious mid-december we don't have a spot we're one month from from being able to do something we don't have a spot we probably ought to go look at this place so I looked at it as we're driving out there realizes it's straight up forty-five sawdust Road it's a mile and a half directly from the interstate between home sawdust and sawmill right there on the corner and the curb appeals a little challenge but you know maybe they would let us plant some flowers or something and you know and just so I walked in I met with the pastor there's some of the sweetest people just been through a lot his sweet people and we begin to talk and I said what's your plan he said man I always dreamed that this building would be filled with people and that it would grow and he said we're just we're gonna sell the building for 2.5 to 3 million dollars and then we're just gonna we're just gonna give the money to missions and I felt sometimes you said hey what if instead of selling the church and given the money to missions what if you just gave the church to missions you said what do you mean Sol our church in the last five years we've given five point eight million dollars to missions we've seen thousands of people saved what if you just gave us this building and let us launch a church here then he said I always dreamed that God would grow our church and Roland looked at him and said maybe God didn't call you to grow it maybe he called you to steward it until it was time for revival to move in and so Brian called me on December 24th and said hey we just voted Merry Christmas you guys now have a permanent campus in the woodlands so we're not launching a pop-up campus we're gonna have a permanent campus in the woods how crazy is that now listen here's what's insane you could be seated here's what's insane I always thought that the silos would be our first permanent campus and this company woodlands our newest campus we're not launching a pop-up because we can't we're gonna we're going to have two services at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. tonight our teams going to be playing worship hook city works would be there I'll be there big preaching we're gonna have a great time it's gonna be wild it will it is coming if you want to come just come just know that just just get in line to park and carpool and all that stuff but we're gonna celebrate and then we're gonna take three months and we're gonna remodel that building and we're gonna make it awesome and in April we're gonna launch hope city woodlands as the first permanent campus now here's really what you know at some point I've got to decide from now on I will sing in the storm no matter how bad it looks I'm still gonna worship I stood right here and I told you the witless champions is coming and had no idea how it was gonna happen here's what I want you to know sometimes it looks like a mess sometimes everything in your life looks like a mess here's what I want you to know while I was telling our church we're gonna watch The Woodlands campus Bryan was in the room the miracle was already in the mess I couldn't see it I just had to keep pushing forward I had to keep singing in the midst of the storms please don't let the storm to take your soul because God's on the way and he's got something bigger than you can imagine gotta trust him you can't track it listen I will read one verse of scripture I got some guys that are gonna come up here and help me Psalm 137 chata chapter 137 verse 1 says this now let me give you a little context context this King the people of God were in captivity it was a bad day if I said was a bad day it was a bad day was a bad spot it was a bad place they did not know what to do there in captivity these are worshippers these are trained skilled worshipers and here's what they do chapter 1 we sat down and we cried by the rivers of Babylon when we remembered Zion there upon the trees we put our harps we hung up our instruments of worship for those who held us there made us sing and those who made it hard for us asking for joy then they said sing us one of the songs of Zion here's what they're doing they're taunting them they're saying Oh where's your song now where should join now where's your God now sing seeing those of you who've been set free to sing here's what they said how can we sing song of the Lord in a strange land how can we sing in captivity you don't understand how bad it's a bad day how are we supposed to see you asking us the thing in his man Bible says they're crying so y'all go ahead and cry boys this get a little weepy for me [Music] okay Jesus wasn't revealed yet why are you crying whoo okay all right we have a master's degree all right they're weeping they're wailing they're crying they're moaning Brock quieter now listen at the same time Shh if sometimes you have to silence the weepers around you at the exact same time if you understand Bible history and you study this you find that chronologically at this at the same time that this is happening something else is happening they're not the only ones there someone else is there in this exact moment in this exact time maker in boys make room he's there he's amongst the captives and his name is Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 1 is written in this exact moment at Psalm 137 here's what he says now came to pass in the 30th year in the fourth month on the fifth day of the month as I was a mom not a part of but I was around I was in the middle of but not an agreement with the captives at the river Chebar this is a rivers of Babylon and the heavens were open and in the middle of all the mess I saw a miracle I saw visions of God and while all of these guys were postured in pain read on Ezekiel the Bible says he fell down in worship and God lifted him up he fell down in worship and God lifted him up while they're in a posture of pain Ezekiel's in a posture of praise when all their seeing his problems call Ezekiel is seeing articles and promise don't tell me that what you're going through is greater than the God that's on the inside of you the God inside of you is greater than what you're going through and this is the same guy that in Ezekiel 37 turned around and prophesied to the dry bones and said oh ye dry bones live and he affected those the world everybody stand with me all across this room stand with me stand with me here's what I want you to know please please please please please listen to me we're gonna end a little different today I want you to stay in the room don't leave until I dismiss you please here's what I want you to know God brought you here on this fifth anniversary weekend to hear crazy Wow Texas for eternity screaming it's Benton's mutter trying to get this point across to you did God brought you to it he's gonna see you through it you got to learn to trust him when you can't track him and it may be clever phrases that you got to come up with I came up with one a long time ago and I just say over and over I said it this week I can't doubt him because I know too much about him he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that's at work in us and realize that God inside of me is greater than a giant in front of me so I'm not gonna let the storms kill myself right now every eye open everybody look at me if you're going through a storm right now just lift Jay inside that's me I'm going through a storm right now storm out all over the building all over the building I want to pray for you right now Lord in your name I pray that you would help and strengthen each and every person that's in this room that walked in here god I pray that you would let them know that you wrote this sermon God that you placed this in the room for them God that you had their name on this that you had them in mind you know what they've been through and you just simply wanted to tell them hey I've never left you I've never forsaken you even though you feel like you're alone you are not all alone you may be by yourself but you have never been alone you may be lonely but you will never walk alone because I will be with you I will never leave you I will never forsake you your word God says that you'll be with us to the end of the world so I'll pray right now in this moment that you give somebody peace in the midst of a storm and help them to keep keep worshiping from now on no matter what happened in my past I'm not gonna allow it to determine my destiny bring strengthen victory let it be so and let it be done in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Hope City
Views: 39,676
Rating: 4.9284296 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Hope City, Hope, Christianity, Jesus, transformation church, elevation church, elevation, mike todd, carl lentz, hillsong, hillsong church, hillsong worship, daniel groves, steven furtick, pastor jeremy, pastor steven, lakewood church, joel osteen, sunday service, who is jesus, hillsong united
Id: p4u6p7eDozI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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