If you will, God will. | Jeremy Foster

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elevation search we are so excited and honored to welcome a great man of God Pastor Jeremy Foster from Hope City Church in Houston Texas this is one of the fastest growing churches in the nation pastor jeremy is one of the greatest communicators doing it today he preaches the Bible in a relevant way he's hilarious and his heart is amazing God is using him tremendously and we are so blessed that he would come and spend the weekend with us I know this message is going to be life-changing for you help me right now welcome to the stage pastor Jeremy Foster let's give Jesus and a vase Allen [Music] what an honor thank you Pastor Steven and Holley amazing people of God don't you love your pastors doing such an incredible work and I want to tell you this right now we're not just going live with all of our elevation campuses which is ridiculous because you guys are literally all over the world and our efan but also our church hub city Houston Texas Katy Texas Cypress Texas come on let's welcome everybody [Music] and I will tell you this right before we we jump in I do want to say that Michael and Sarah are here they drove all the way from Houston Texas they were in Santa Fe High School during the tragic shooting a few months ago and they came to see Pastor Steven and got me and they actually go to our church so pastor loves you guys some we're glad they're here can you give them a great big hand thank you guys we love you were praying for you turn to somebody next to you at all of our campuses and say you look good some of you guys are laughing try to do that without laughing it makes it more believable you could be seated glad you guys are here thank you for coming big honor to Pastor Steven and Holly I love your pastors because they're not just pastors in name and title only but they love people in fact when hurricane Harvey smashed us last year some of the very first people to reach out were Pastor Steven and Holly and they didn't just reach out and say hey we love you we're praying for you they actually sent money around fifty thousand dollars you guys since I think it's pretty awesome that I get to be here at the beginning of love week and say I'm a recipient of love week thank you thank you for the way that you guys care here's what's awesome it wasn't just money that you guys sent was just incredible and thank you for that but there was also boots on the ground the care packages that you're putting together this weekend at all campuses came to us do convoy of hope so thank you so much for the way that you serve I love love week jump in sir I love the vision of your pastors and I remember the first time that I met Pastor Steven our church was growing exponentially and I got an opportunity in 2015 we launched our church and it just blew up man got started doing great things and so I'm kind of a toddler senior pastor and you know it's hablar sometimes as heads bigger than his body and kind of follows this head around so that's kind of me like you know and so I kind of invitation to come to the live recording and I went I got to meet pastor Steven I don't know have you ever met somebody that like you like you're excited to meet and you kind of play it out in your head like you're gonna have some small talk and you're gonna be like hey how's it going yeah you need a friend I'll be there for you you know you don't wanna be weird like oh my god I love your music you know just weird and when I'm at him like if he positive Steven deuce awesome like he already knew about my family he knew about my wife he knew about my kids he knew when we launched the church and he led with all of that man I'm excited about your wife Jennifer and about all of your kids and about what guys doing at your church hub city in Houston Texas and you're like I was like man I was everything I was gonna talk about then he was like what you preach last weekend I forgot I could a completely blank that was like I was like safe move and proverbs mmm be wise new stuff so but he was so gracious to me in every conversation with Pastor Steven has always been enlightening and eye-opening and I love that he doesn't just he doesn't just preach he loves people he's a phenomenal preacher and one of the greatest communicators you'll ever hear in fact if it's your first time at elevation of first time tuning in on the broadcast I would encourage you to come back and be here when Pastor Steven is here our tune back in you owe it to yourself to hear one of the greatest voices of our generation to the nation's thank you Pastor Steven and you know what Holly's no slouch lady can preach come on so I'm glad try to be here with them and a lot of my friends chunks in lb University City come on you guys giving it up and having a good time and then I'm here with my family I've got some of my family here not all of my family because I have 87 kids not really I have a picture of my family this is my family this is before we had our next kids so this is I have four three daughters first and then God blessed me with the Son and that's him just hugging me like it's okay daddy it's gonna be okay and then we had another son and this is gunner I had a we had our next son this is gunner right here I know his mama dressing like a youth pastor right come on we got we got to get that booze boy some cowboy boots from Texas son come on um I'm glad that you guys are here man what an honor to have you here James chapter 4 verse 8 we're gonna jump right in the word says this come close to God and God will come close to you this is a promise how many of you love the promises of God I get fired up about the prompt come close if god will come close to you but it's also a process sometimes we just get excited about the promises right I want the promises of God come with love and joy and peace I can preach about that you guys be fired up and then I start talking about hard times and going through struggles and you're gonna get have to have to go through some tough times to get there and you're like because we don't like process we love promise process is a challenge but you can't get a promise without a process let me help you I love I love biceps I would love to have biceps I chose jean jacket today because pastor steven has biceps I do not it's whatever hush I love biceps but also love bagels come on I'm just saying I want my wife to look at me and say what a man but also like Whataburger so is this process and promise you you have you have to go through a process to get the promise in fact hundreds of times throughout the scripture we find reference kind of if you will God will ask and you'll receive seek and you'll knock in the door will be but you have to do something first and then it comes into your world this process it's it's when I align myself with what God is doing then it opens my assignment for me in fact that's what I'm gonna preach this weekend alignment determines assignment if I align with what God is doing in the world if I align with what God is doing at our church and the blessings this on our church will come into my life faster stephen's vision here at elevation is love week I want to jump in I want to be all in on that because then the blessing that's coming on this church flows into my family if I get into alignment with what God is doing a lot of us pray oh god bless what I'm doing whenever we actually need to do what he's already blessing I want to be an alignment with my family and then God would bless my marriage I want to be an alignment with my career and then God will bless my career alignment determines assignment I learned a lot about this from from a mentor that I got to spend some time with before he left this planet dr. Myles Munroe and if you've never heard of dr. Monroe Google and get some of his stuff on the kingdom just powerhouse not just a pastor and preacher but also a diplomat who traveled all over the world in fact when I first met him we were in Houston Texas and he was speaking to business leaders in Houston at 5 p.m. and then at 7 p.m. he was preaching at a church and then the next morning he was flying out to South Africa to address the South African Congress so truly a Renaissance man who had a powerful anointing and it was my job that day to host dr. Monroe so I picked him up from the airport flew in on a private plane he was from the Bahamas and I picked him up and I was in a black SUV I wore a a suit jacket I like talked into my sleeve I was like the eagle has landed there was nothing there but it made me feel important I got him in the trunk I got him to the place he spoke and he spoke and he kept speaking he spoke for a long time it was all good but I was thinking Houston traffic I have to get this man from South Houston to Northeast Houston and it's gonna take me at least 45 minutes and he's still talking I need him to stop talking Lord and if you know Houston traffic at all then you know like at 4:30 the Holy Spirit's like I'm out and this city falls into chaos for like the next three hours like people are screaming at each other and then the Holy Spirit comes back in it's like settle you know so he's like man we got to go and finally he's finished his talk and he comes out he gets in the truck I put him in the truck and and right before I floor you know he says wait just a minute sure he said that believe we have a police escort I was like okeydoke but on the inside I was like I don't need a police escort broblem country I'm Bo and Luke Duke this beast I'll jump a ditch put it in four-wheel drive we gonna get there brah but I say that I didn't say that I was like okay dr. Houston version of chips pulled up on her motorcycles we have a lot of law enforcement now at church I love you guys oh we walked over and he just looks at me goes stay with me I was like Lincoln the gun all right I'm with you this dude pulls out flips on his IRA pulls out like pulling four G's getting out of the parking lot and I like literally y'all we're doing 90 miles an hour or 45 north and I'm like thank you Jesus I've always wanted to go crazy faster now I'm with the law so it's cool I'm like waving at people like god bless you these dudes are part and traffic like Moses parted the Red Sea it was amazing and then they come up behind this one car that won't move over you know you know one of those late-model impalas that used to be a cop car that's not a cop car anymore you don't talk about the ones that pull up behind you and you're like a little Jesus Oh God right now what I'll quit cussing God right now I'm gonna quit it I'm gonna quit it and then they pull up and it's like a mom with like four kids eating tacos in the back if that's you I rebuke that line spirit on you right now paint your car get the mirror and a light off the side of it fooling people this police officer gets so mad he slides his bike sideways he slaps the back of that guy's car dude like swerves all the road pulls over the police officer says some very life-giving things to him as he goes by dr. Munro never looks up from his Bible y'all and he says this to me he looked he's looking down he goes did you see that like I saw my life flash before my ass stop Ryan say that I was like yes sir he said what you have just seen is the difference between power and authority he said in your vehicle you have all the power that you want to get anywhere you want to go but it is your alignment with the authority in front of you that opens doors for you that you cannot open by yourself only outside us a good doctor on his side because I come from church I'm trying to help you understand this Bible is not a book of destiny it's a book of decisions God is in charge of your destiny but he's put you in charge of your destination and if you align your life with what God is doing it will open doors for you that you can't open for yourself and people look she would say how are you getting so blessed I don't even know I'm looking at your life and I don't see anything that should have peace but you got a smile on your face and you're sleeping good that's the peace of God that passes understanding and God has a great personal plan for you and for me but it's up to us to get in alignment with what God is doing in fact Jesus was very clear in John chapter 14 he said he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and greater works how many of you believe God's got something great for you to do the challenge is it's easy to say that at church and yeah you do your thing all right how you doing I'm fine blessed and highly favored first and not the last head and not the tail god is good all the time and all the time oh thank you Christians he doesn't answer email the answers knee mail come on somebody the challenge is whenever it comes to us we don't always believe that because we disqualify ourselves for the mistakes that we've made Bible says fix your thoughts on things that are good on things that are pure on things that are lovely there be any virtue of there be any praise if anything praiseworthy think on these things turn to somebody next to you say fix your thoughts so this weekend we're gonna fix our thoughts we're gonna align our thoughts so that our assignment can open to us three things that I'm gonna give you number one you got to think good thoughts more often than not whenever you hear a message especially from Pastor Steve and man they're so life-giving and uplifting and encouraging and he could pop you in the mouth and then make it like it but there are times whenever we walk away from that and then we get to Tuesday or we get to Thursday and we're challenged and we think we'll not me maybe that was for somebody else you ever written yourself out because you feel inadequate we're really good at looking at somebody else and saying that's for them but not for me or getting into that comparison trap where we compare ourselves to everybody else we look at Instagram and we're like aw look at their family they're so happy and we don't know they're really not it took 48 tries to get that picture and it says hashtag no filter that's that liar I remember when some I got invited to a conference because I was a pastor they let me sit on the front row it was awesome I wore a jacket I carried my big Bible I brought highlighters Christian Kane was preaching from Hillsong Australia you guys know Christine she's amazing and she was preaching I was sitting up there she told us to turn to Ezekiel I couldn't find it I was in Ephesians I was like where is it they got next to me was like it's over I was like hey bro God speaking something different you you look at the screens you see me I was a true story Yas I I'm a highlight the wrong thing but it's gonna look right she was preaching and she said Knightly goat has been waking me up at 4:00 a.m. oh dear God she might watch this I'm sorry I don't know why my Christian Kane impersonation sounds like a pirate but it does Leigh Leigh Coates been waking me up at 4:00 a.m. and from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. I've been drinking from the sweet nectar of the word and on the outside as a pastor I was going hallelujah you know sometimes pastors will turn around of the church and we'll go hear that Oh help us God but on the inside I was going through 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. like I even know you were awake brought saw we were both sleeping at that time like I'm asking you do not wake me up before I am to drink the sweet nectar of anything I want to drink the sweet nectar of sleep ok speak God speak to me in a dream I literally got to thinking like what like God like if you were if she's praying four hours a day then I can't even make it through my daily Bible reading come on don't act all judgy you know what I'm talking about you're like I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the Bible in a year you open your youversion app and you're reading the Bible and you're reading the Bible and you're in a chapter and then you're thinking about something else and you're thinking about something else and you get to the bottom of the chapter here like ah remember what I read does this still count God does it count can I count it okay I'll read it again here's what I got to think in this true story it's ridiculous but I gotta think God if we can clone a sheep why don't we just clone Christine let her reach the world now this chill you know because I can never be that I could never do that and how many of us do the exact same thing we write ourselves off of what God wants to do in our lives because we look at what he's doing in somebody else's life and we said I could never do that but what if God didn't call you to do that what if God called you to do what he called you to do I'm so tired of copycat callings oh I want to do what they're doing I want to do what they're didn't even give you to do that elevation worships amazing but they have a try out process somebody just said yes they do I'm sorry about ma'am get up in there but like I can sing you can't sing there's some of you that are not gifted to sing I'm telling you right now thus saith the word of me try it's not thou out for elevation worship my own I said I could sing hymn I'm a lie maybe that's not your gift maybe your gift is not business and you look at somebody else's doing business you think you should do business but maybe you should just continue in the career that you're in and go to the next level in the career that you're in you look at somebody else's marriage and you discount your own marriage because you don't see the result of their marriage and your marriage and you don't even know they're sleeping in separate bedrooms they're just really good at faking it listen it's important for us to honor our gifts and I think that's great but you better know what your calling is coz giftings and callings are different folks and if I don't know the difference in a gifting and a calling I will go to the highest bidder for my gift and prostitute my calling to anybody that honors my gift giftings are cultivated through practice callings are cultivated through prayer god help us to be a church that praise God help us to be a church that pounds the crown and says Lord have your will and have your way can I preach on a Sunday morning is that okay and there's Slayton don't hurt my throat something about this pulpit Pastor Steven sometimes we we say things like well I'm waiting on God I'm just waiting on God brother let's let's look at what God says about a waiting Exodus chapter 14 verse 13 Moses is surrounded by the people children of Israel they've been delivered from hundreds of years of captivity and now they're on the banks of the Red Sea and they feel like they're gonna die and they go to Moses the Egyptians are chasing them down there's nowhere to go mountains all around Red Sea in front of them and they go to Moses and say why did you bring us here we're gonna die ever been in that situation or you get out of one thing and you're like and you're like oh it was better back why what am I doing here they go to Moses and Moses comes to the people Moses verse 13 answered the people and says do not be afraid I'm already in so I'm going for it stand for the real pressure we'll be back next week guys come on stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today guys this might be my last time here so let's let's milk it let's have fun the Egyptians you see today you would never see again the Lord would fight for you you only need to be still turn this to my next scene say be still then the Lord said to Moses now this is God's definition of be still why are you crying out to me tell the Israelites to move on be still move on see some of us have confused be still with stand still and God never told you to stand still he told you to be still in the Hebrew that's the word Rafa it just means relax some of us have stopped where God said no I didn't tell you to stop I didn't tell you to build a house there yeah you built you're supposed to build a tent there you're supposed to keep going you're not supposed to stay there you're supposed to get up and keep going they're scared to death thinking they're gonna die there and God's getting ready show them something he says raise your staff stretched out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground notice what he told him to do raise your staff remember the one I gave you the one you've had for years oh and your hand that's the one you were born with if you want to align yourself with what God has called you to do you already have everything that you need but I cannot make you exercise what you have access to you have access to prayer yeah you do and your prayers are powerful Elijah was a man just like us that's what the Bible says but he prayed that it wouldn't rain and it didn't rain what would happen if we started praying old-school crazy audacious prayers get after God's called you to walk through what you're in right now he may not deliver you immediately out of it because he wants to pull you through it because the pulling you through it is going to make you so he's called you to be second thing you got to do is you got to think you got to think good thoughts in then you got to thank God thoughts you got to thank God thoughts well I'm looking at where I'm at and I'm saying there's no way that I could do this well yeah you can't but with God all things are possible you got to thank God thoughts listen if you want the enemy to steal your dreams just do nothing and he will but if you want God to do something amazing in your life and you don't see how it's gonna happen just keep moving the easiest way for me to explain how God operates is through science so we're gonna we're gonna drop some science right now with with uh here the theory of relativity from Einstein is that okay here's what it says Einstein's theory of relativity says time and speed are relative to the objects that are measuring them time and speed are relative to the objects that are measuring them let me ask you a question how fast am I going right now ah the speed of that's what you're thinking no no no no your perspective says I'm standing still but if you understand how fast our earth is spinning on its axis and how fast our Milky Way galaxy is moving through the universe and you realize we're going more than two million miles per hour but from where you're sitting it looks like we're standing still God operates in a different realm than where you operate his ways are not our ways here's what Einstein said he said the faster you go the slower time becomes and at the speed of light time would stop and distance would shrink to nothing time and space are not constant and universal they are flexible and personal for the observer Einstein said the problem lies and I want you to get this not in relativity but in assuming that our common sense represents reality so what I'm trying to tell you is what you see is not all that there is can you come help me for just a minute oh bearded wonder what's your name men Jesse I prefer bearded wonder how old are you bearded wonder 28 28 this is cool I think you should grow it out and curl it on the side all right 28 so 28 years ago Jesse's timeline begin somewhere over here now my hope is turn sideways my hope is that a way way way way down here God gives you long years okay but here's what we do know all right you only move one way on this timeline right chronologically you move forward you never move backwards you don't have that kind of power do you have that kind of man just make a try to get a crazy person up here yes I do okay security um Jessie moves one way alright here's what I want you to understand we move one way with age but there are some of them and we never stop moving forward you're getting older right now you're approaching death god bless you you're dismissed have a great weekend um you move one one direction you move one way but emotionally and spiritually I've seen people get stuck on a timeline and never be able to get over something that happened listen you can't get over it until you go through it you can't get past it until you deal with it and so I've seen people who are 65 years old but no wiser because they've been living the same year over and over and over again God wants you to move forward but here's what I want you to understand God doesn't operate like you and I operate Bible says he knows the end from the beginning the beginning from the end he was there at the foundation of the world he doesn't have a start try to think of when God started a break your brain he's everywhere at once he's always been he never was he never will be he is whenever Moses said who should I tell Pharaoh sent me God said I am is okay is there a last name I am that I am might drop why would he say I am that I am because he never was he never will be he always is he's a very good present help in the time of trouble he's the same yesterday today and forever here's why because God doesn't move one way I sign even new this God operates outside of time and space he moves backwards he moves forwards he can move around he can move up and down here's what I'm trying to help you understand some of us are stuck in time and God saying listen whenever you pray you start asking God a God I need an answer God I need you to come through that God I need a breakthrough and all of a sudden God goes alright Jesse I love you I found for you found favor in my eyes and he drops the answer on our timeline we're just not ready for it yet but we have to keep walking forward until we walk into the answer that has already been provided so please don't stop in the middle of pain promises on the other side of the process is somebody shout unto God with a voice of triumph [Applause] [Music] and finally you got to think grateful thoughts you got to think good thoughts you got to think God thoughts and you got to think grateful thoughts you can't mess with a grateful person somebody who'd find any reason to be grateful it's like the lady old old timer she's just she loved Jesus she was the old lady she was living on a fixed income and she prayed over everything every day she opened the windows and she would pray and she would pray loud and she would think Jesus for everybody raised with a grandma who prayed anything that happened I'll thank you to places where we say why they're like all thank you Jesus if you ever raised about person like that would drive you crazy I love you mama she was always grateful and she would open the windows of her house and she would just thank God and she lived next to an atheist drove him insane so one day she was asking God she said God I need some groceries you know I'm low I don't have anything in the fridge I don't have anything in the cupboard but you are my provider you are Jehovah Jireh and right now I depend on you and he was like the atheist was like cool and you had to depend on me and he went out and he said I must show this lady there is no God he went out and he got groceries for and he brought it and he set it on her doorstep and he rang the doorbell he hid and she opened the door and the groceries were there and she was like I get jay-z jumped out he was like what Jesus it was me she said thank you God for providing for my needs and making the devil do it come on you can't mess somebody who knows how to be grateful to still find any way to say in this pain though he slay me yet will I trust him yet will I praise him go y'all sit down since I got 6 minutes and 23 cents nobody knew this nobody understood this more than David Bible says David's a man after God's heart and I think it was because he was constantly after God's heart but he went through some pain read it he went through some heartache he went through some tough times he went through shame he went through guilt and he still wrote Psalm 23 I love Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he everybody say he he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil for you or by say you notice there's a shift there from he to you from the third person to the first person because in the valley of the shadow is when he comes closest you stop talking about him and you start talking to him when I'm in the valley of the shadow of death or might say shadow everybody say I see a shadow if you see a shadow do you know what causes the shadow let me help you understand a light is what causes a shadow you can't have a shadow unless there's a light so if you're in the valley of the shadow of death you just look around the shadow and keep walking towards a honey I'm not even preaching that guys simmer down this in the text you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me and then this really weird verse here you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies I don't know what campus you're at you're Matthew's or University City you're Melbourne I don't know where you at your hopes city I don't know where you're at but I do know this God's preparing a table before you but I say before me I need about four people to come help me can you can you guys come help me right there all right perfect you guys are kind of big and funky-looking that's come on over here that was a joke all right right here yeah just standing and yeah kind of face me so here's what happens when I'm aligned with God's purpose he gives me an assignment I'm thinking good thoughts I'm thinking God thoughts I'm thinking grateful thoughts and he prepares a table cuz anytime you ask God God I want to go to another level he goes good and he assigns an enemy I mean think about a David's nobody until Goliath he's already anointed but he hasn't done anything yet and so here here they are and they've got bad thoughts towards me just just spread out a little bit kind of getting a little circle here like right here all right and now I want you to say something really mean like we hate you all right go I feel like I'm getting ready to be attacked by a boy band bah bah bah bah bah sorry I'm sorry ruff I'm messing with your street cred aren't I so here's what happens they have a bad plan for me and God's leading me directly through it and I see it and I start trying to talk God out of it thank God why do I have to go through the hard thing God why do I have to go through the rough marriage it God why me why is it that my kids are going crazy why is it that I can't seem to get it together financially why is it that as a business owner I always hire the wrong people and they go crazy why do I have to go through that and I see it coming and God says trust me I got to stay aligned I got to stay aligned I got to stay alive and now my assignment is to go right into the storm because he he goes before me and he prepares a table before me you look kind of big you have a strong back decently strong back yeah can you get down on all fours for me if you don't win Thanks his shirt says welcome so you just unkept that and hold that right there coming around here for me if you don't mind you just stand right here and you hold that right there and here's what happens I'm walking into it and I'm going I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I don't want to do this and God has already gone before me and he's going hey listen I know you had evil plans but I'm gonna use the plans of the wicked I'm gonna confound these plans I'm gonna use what the enemy meant for bad and I'm gonna turn something good out of it so it's gonna be a hard situation it's gonna be a process but in the process of the process there's gonna be a promise and whenever I start walking into it and God no but I trust you God I don't want to go through this but I trust you God I don't know what to do but I trust you and all of a sudden God sits me down and all of a sudden I start finding rest in a hard place I start finding sustenance in a tough place I start fighting right there God starts restore just a massage my shoulders bro thanks Gus I'm thirsty man I'm thirsty good and all of a sudden my my haters become my elevators because God's got a God's got a plan if I'll just submit to it and on the other side of this the thing that I despise will be the thing that I look back on and say that defined me if I had to go through that I wouldn't be where I am thank you Jesus for the pain it was a play that got me in the promised somebody's stand with me all across this place thank you for being here thank you for coming especially those of you who are far from God or in pain or heartache or shame you guys can go thank you just cookie boy huh I'm also I got a preacher with the hankie I know it's easy to look up here and go yeah man that's awesome appreciate your words so good hash that good preach cuz it preaches good man but it's hard to live and if you're in the midst of pain it's really hard to say I trust you said yeah but you're a pastor and you're here get to preach this amazing place such an incredible visionary leader pastor Stephen Holley met what a blessing but you don't know me you don't know what it took to get here I'll never forget the day my wife left walked out things like that are not things that you celebrate took the kids when we got married we had known each other for nine months I didn't know the past that she had come from I didn't know that her very first memory was it being molested by a family member I didn't know that abuse had been in every relationship in her life every man in her life had left or rejected her in some way shape or form and I came from a family that my parents been married 47 years they still make it weird holding hands and stuff like what all that we get into this marriage and abuse begins day one except for this time it doesn't come from the man in the relationship it comes from her and the abused becomes the abuser it wasn't who she was it was just what had happened to her there are some of you who have accepted an identity that is not you it's just what had happened to you and you need to be delivered from that today and receive the restoration and the love and the grace and the mercy of Jesus and let the gifts of the Spirit of the fruit of the Spirit Claudia lie but I know what it is to cover my face with makeup because I don't want people to see the bruises I know what it is in the deadest summer to wear long sleeves because I don't want people to ask about the scratches I come from a family of cowboys you don't put your hand on a woman I didn't know what to do so I did what every man in her life had done I just did it in a different way I completely rejected her I set standards for her that she could never achieve and I didn't believe in her and she left and we were separated not for just a couple of weeks we were separated for 27 months for two years I didn't have any hope all I had was trust because I was I was thinking good thoughts even though I I had a hard time I was thinking God thoughts and I was learning how to think grateful thoughts God um I don't feel like a husband but I'm gonna stay aligned with my marriage because I know you have an assignment for me what I didn't know was he was doing the same thing in her the whole time and here we are I can't ever forget baby girl the day you knocked on my door of my office door and you looked at me with tears streaming down your face and said I don't want to be this way anymore and she's not that way anymore we're 18 years in got five kids don't tell me that when you align yourself with God his plan his promise that he can't do something amazing in your life you gots got a truck let me pray for you lord I thank you for what you've done in this room I thank you for what you've done in every campus at elevation at Hope City the efan people watching online I pray right now that you would do a work in somebody's heart and change them radically let them align their life with you so that you can open the assignment at the least from the process through the promise we will trust you in Jesus name everybody said a man come on let's shout unto God with a voice inside hey thanks for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute click the subscribe button on your screen that way you won't miss a single video and if this ministry has impacted you and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach others you can click the link in the description below to give now thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe
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Keywords: Elevation Church, Pastor Jeremy Foster, The elevation church, elevation church sermons, the elevation church sermons, elevation church 2018 sermons, steven furtick, alignment determines assignment, alignment determines assignment jeremy foster, jeremy foster hope city church, hope city church, elevation, alignment, the bible, jesus, faith, gospel, 2018 sermons, if you will god will, gods will, if you will god will elevation church, if you will god will jeremy foster
Id: LeM_Pi478RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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