Mind Monsters | Nights of Revival | Jeremy Foster

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[Applause] [Music] let's give Jesus innovation a worship right now come on let's let's give it up for Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] man you could be seated what an honor it is to be with each and every one of you guys and especially your pastor Pastor Jonathan Stockstill I love the whole stock sale family can you give all of them a great big hand I love them and brother Larry's here and what an honor to have you here can you give him a great big hand to this I'll tell you I love this house I love this place not just because I came I think was last year I came and we had a blast we had a great time how many guys were here last year when I was here was fun we had a great time I love this place and and but but also you you guys are kind of a seedbed of revival that has hit hit the nation and really went around the world and it comes through your pastors passion not just for great leadership but to pray this is a praying church and you lead the way in prayer and we're coming off a prayer we're in the middle of prayer and that's why you're seeing what you're seeing happen that's why in the middle of a moment like this there are there are churches that crave what is happening here and don't know how to they don't know how to make it happen and if you know anything about this you can't make it happen you literally you flow with a moment but it but it's not just something that you guys create in the moment it's something that happens in inprivate times and in quiet times in closets around this city in in prayer rooms around this city when you guys are praying and so we're just gonna step into that is that okay and just let God do what he wants to do tonight I believe I believe God wants to do something awesome and not just here but at our other locations as well and pastor Jonathan and Angie I love you guys so much man you guys have been such a blessing to me well you're the you're the most fun you're hilarious because you're so straight faced that I don't know sometimes when you're serious or not and there we were at we were together at a conference on the front row like of this conference there was thousands of people there and he's an awesome singer as you heard tonight like if it's your first time here not only by the way if it's your first time here you owe it to yourself to come back and hear one of the greatest communicators by the way it's a phenomenal communicator it's a great singer but like we were sitting on the front row and he started singing and it was so bad but I knew he could sing and I was like can he just not hear it and he but I was trying to sing and I don't sing well but I was trying house and then I started singing what he was saying and it was bad it was all bad it was so bad that one of the girls that was singing on the stage could hear it and she was just looking right at him like she got completely out of the moment and then I looked finally you know you don't when somebody's doing something dumb but you don't want to look at them you don't I mean like you don't wanna look at him and solidify your dumb you know what I mean like you kind of just want to look like just look away especially in worship you're like Oh God but I went worship it at all like Jesus help this man help him and then I looked over and he was looking at me the whole time just was he was smiling singing like really loud in my ear and I was like you're an idiot and that's what I knew I loved them and then we went duck-hunting together and uh and then he got the duck call and started like like blowing worship songs on the duck it was there was no we didn't shoot any ducks that day that and he looked right at me straight face and said I'm looking for the saved duck so I'm trying to whatever that's a true story I and your boys from Louisiana saw was at the game last night so if you had if you had Knights a revival I've been like y'all man y'all meet me in New Orleans let's go because last night was the night of revival and winning and we thank you Lord we know you don't answer sports prayers but we're so grateful that you showed up because I prayed a lot of sports prayers I was like go Joe come on bro anyway I'm excited to be here and I'm fired up my wife's here y'all give her a hand I love my baby girl all of you um listen it's so we reach straight strong and not too long and we're gonna jump right in okay it's the beginning of the year how many of you have done pretty decent with resolutions how many of you have done pretty decent how many of you know you're like you've already done terrible like just raise your hands how many y'all just gave up on resolutions years ago because you know you know exit that's most urea like yeah I'm not doing that anymore that's just a good way for me to fail um hi uh this is a problem for me because I'm real motivated I'm always motivating like I'm gonna do amazing babe you know I mean she's looking at me shaking her head I'm like babe this year it's gonna be awesome I'm gonna I'm gonna eat right I'm gonna exercise I'm gonna diet it's gonna be good and and then I have a cookie and once you have a cookie some of y'all you're good enough you could be like alright that was it but how many y'all how many y'all my cousins you like me you're like ah well I had one you black out and eat the whole bag you're like I'm wife comes in she's like where's all the Oreos I'm like I don't know ask the kids I I open it up you know they make the Oreos they put them in through in rows of threes like it's a like it's a little row and it's it's biblical as Father Son Holy Spirit these three are one not listen this is this is exactly this is exactly what I'm talking about because this is this is what happens in your mind the enemy meets you after one cookie and the Lord saying it's okay I love you grace and the enemy's like you already blew it go ahead and eat the whole bag and then that's he wants to keep you from doing what God has called you to do and I'm not saying God's called you not to eat cookies but stop eating so many cookies alright but but what he does is the enemy messes with your mind I love that BJ BJ Putnam a great big hand what a great I love that you guys started working in tandem and and singing about about depression and anxiety and on all of these things that attack our mind because that's literally what the enemy attack this is the place that he this is his playground he messes with your head and we're beginning it not just a new year but we're beginning a new decade and we've got to get this right because he attacks us with fear he starts with fear when we're very young how many y'all were scared of the dark when you were kids just right yeah and you're scared of the dark how many how many y'all feel scared that are just right Genesis awesome honest people right up here big dudes on the front row Leo I'm just gonna all right how many uh how many of you when you were kids you like you were asleep in your bed and then you woke up and you and you saw a shadow and you thought it was a monster anybody ever think like you were like it's a monster under my bed and this is gonna eat me and then how many y'all thought that the covers were like a force field you remember that like you guys just like somehow the monsters gonna come out and like I'm gonna eat you he put the covers over his head like how many like you know like when you turn the lights on you realize it was a shadow how many of y'all like you were you saw something moving in your room and realize it was your mother walking around praying over you that's how I was right right there I would wake up in the night and my mother be praying over me and she always started like sweet like Oh Lord Jesus I just pray that you would strengthen my son God raised him up to be a mighty man of Valor Lord use him for your will and your glory and then it would take a turn and she would say Lord if he's ever going to walk away from your presence take him right now I'm like mama I'm seven lady calm down but as we how do we get older how many of us know the monsters move out from under the bed and they move into our head and even as believers they will steal your joy and they'll steal your peace and they'll steal your hope and here's what I want you to understand you don't have to live that way you can win this battle if you just continue to press in we have hope and and we also have a system romans 12:2 gives us hope it says do not conform to the pattern of this world the pattern is broken and if you keep doing it the way the world says to do it you're always going to get the same results and it's not working out for us but be transformed ever I say transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will if I were to title this talk tonight to start the nights of revival I would tightly in fact I want you to turn to your neighbor and just say this have you lost your mind some of y'all I watched a married couple over there she said you've lost your mind that's not that wasn't a title have you lost your mind good subtitle it I'm losing my mind you ever had that moment like I must be losing my mind now I'm not talking about that like have you lost your mind like are you crazy here's your mama it's the battlefield of your mind are you winning or are you losing because 2nd Corinthians tells us to take every thought captive so that we can and we cannot overstate this listen you cannot have a positive life with a negative mind there are too many believers that I know that just don't get it this word in Romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says be transformed by the renewing of your mind it doesn't say be transformed by church attendance and I want you to come to church and I'm grateful that you're here at all of our campuses in fact give yourselves a hand every location just give yourselves a hand you are here that's good but that's but that's not it just because you come to church doesn't mean you're going to be renewed ah that's that's like sitting in a garage think you gonna become a car BB it ain't gonna happen cuz I know people who come to church 52 weekends out of the year and you still don't know if they believe it or not you know what I mean you've met them in Walmart or Target Pinto ha boos you you're feeling that day you know what I mean or tarjay like we say you ever met them and then you find out later like years later oh you're a Christian how'd even you in the Secret Service I didn't even know you you have to at some point consistently fight this battle because the enemy is taking things from us and if we're not careful we will allow him to steal the victory that God has prepared for us listen just because you're saved doesn't mean you're set free I've met believers who are bound and my job tonight is to encourage you that you don't have to live that way that God can not only save you but he can set you free he that the son is set free is free indeed a friend of mine Kevin Gerald wrote a book called mind monsters and in it he outlines on some of the things that attack us and I think it's just it's a really good list and I want you to listen to it fearful imaginations despair sadness anger worry insecurities guilt inaccurate assumptions the list goes on and on some of you are like okay I got that one and I got that one others you're like okay yep yep yep yep yep yep I'm pitiful all right here here's what I want you to understand the scripture if you'll get in and I love that we're a word church don't you love we have a pastor who rightly divides the word and says don't just take my word for it get in this word I'm glad that we have a church that's built on the word and when you get in the word it gives us instructions this is not just a positive book the power of positive speaking the power of positive this is a living breathing book and if you will get in it it will change your life it'll give you spiritual things and practical things Philippians four and eight very practical and now brothers as I close this letter let me say this one more thing fix your thoughts turn this to my next thing and say fix your thoughts that's the problem with a lot of us we've never taken time to actually fix our thoughts fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right think about things that are pure and lovely and dwell on the fine good things and others that takes out most social media think of a think about all you can praise God for and be glad about it verse 9 then gives us the how-to here's how you here's how you fix your thoughts you keep putting into practice everybody say practice keep putting into practice all you learn from me and saw me doing and the God of peace will be with you so practice and peace go hand-in-hand the reason some of us are living without the peace of God is because we aren't putting into practice the ways of God but if I practice the ways of God I'll have peace in my life now let me help you understand something that'll mean your life's gonna be perfect because God never promised you a perfect life in fact he made a very clear promise in this life you we'll have trouble or you will have tribulations or you will have trials I don't like that promise but it's true but he said take heart I have overcome the world so if he's an overcomer then I want to follow what he's done so that I too can be an overcomer so I looked up the word learned here and learned in the Greek comes from a word myth he teased it literally means to be a disciple and it's the root word for discipline and now I know why it's really hard for us to practice what we've learned because it's all about discipline how many of y'all were raised by strong disciplinarian anybody right and by raised by strong mama anybody ever got a whoopin in your life just right Shane you got a whoopin how many here's the question some of y'all won't even know what this word means anybody ever have to go pick a switch before just right come on Louisiana you know some of you are like what is is that a light switch what is none enough that means go outside go outside and get something that I can hit you with did you ever bring back a little tea tiny little be old stick mama be like I'll jab that in your eye go get me something bigger I hope my mom is not watching I love you mama but I'm scared of you how many up how many are you mama just hits you with whatever was around just a shoe or a hair by ping-pong paddle sometimes my mama sometimes my mom is just like what I am I'm like what was that for she was like just in case the Lord knows he knows what you did these kids who yell at their parents nowadays you ever seen the kid just I mean I heard about y'all but I never seen one in real life like back in the day like that was it like that you like it like you nobody disappear back in the day and tell me tell me I lie back in the day if your mama didn't spank you in Walmart somebody else would like your neighbor had permission to get over you get over him like what do you don't even know who you are you know my mama's like that's right you get him I'll get him when he gets home I saw a shirt the other day that says I was spanked as a child and now I suffer from a disease called respect I'm not saying you need to spank your kids but some of y'all need to spank your kids I'm just saying right now I'm kidding it's a joke don't spank your kids go to therapy all right it's humor don't send me emails I won't read them Hebrews 12:11 it's all set up for this verse it says this no discipline seems Pleasant at the time but painful it's not just physical discipline of a parent a child its disciplining yourself to go on a 21-day fast it's disciplining yourself to do CrossFit you got anybody here who does CrossFit you might do cross I do CrossFit - CrossFit come on yes I pray and then pray for the Lord to make me spiritually fit and that's it and then I eat doughnuts um it's not it's not easy it's actually painful but later on however for those who have been trained by it it produces a harvest if I say a harvest of righteousness and peace you you may not receive a harvest of everything you've ever wanted but boy there's nothing that's better in your life than living in the harvest of righteousness and peace I'm not up here to give you some type of false hope that if you'll just do all the things right you will never have trouble but I can tell you this if you walk after the statutes in this word and you'll discipline your life and you'll pray and you'll fast you may not get out of every situation God will not deliver you out of everything that you're gonna walk through but he will climb up in the big middle of it and he'll walk through it with you and he'll give you strength and that's how you can you ever looked at somebody listen you've been around church long enough you'll see somebody who's walking through but they still have peace you ever seen somebody you just know and you walk up and you say how you doing they say I'm blessed and highly favored you're like - what's wrong with you they should be complaining but they still have joy that's a person who's in the word that's a person who's on their knees that's a person who's reaping the harvest of righteousness this does not come natural you have to learn it that would that word learn if you go deeper it's literally the root word for math in the Greek now I know wise now really no one is hard it's discipline and then it's math how many are good at math just raise your have you good at math some of you are lying you ain't never been good at math you're like I just want to say I am for one time what Liars are welcome in church we're glad you're here math listen math has a process right okay here's the process okay let's let's go two plus two is six plus six is 30 plus 20 is 48 plus 92 is coming out like I'm not that dude over it's like I know I know how there's like calculator all right okay six minus two is ten minus six is 32 minus seven is I don't know if you're right or not can't do it that quick but let's say you are okay all right 6 times 6 is 10 times 10 is 40 2 times 3 is hilarious all y'all were like I'm good at math in the Ohio model now I'm good at a calculator I don't know but I want you to notice the process notice the process okay if I want to if I want to learn what God has called me to learn that I have to put into practice but there's steps when you learn math the first thing you learn is is addition then I have to learn subtraction and once I learn subtraction then I'll learn multiplication and division and I can go on here's the problem with some believers we want to skip all the steps and roll straight into multiplication and that's not with the way God's plan works if I'll add God my life and I'll add peace to my life and I'll begin to subtract some fear then God will begin to multiply some blessings in my life and bring them to me to bring them through me but there's a process so if I want to live my mind and win the battle field in my mind and there's some things that I need to do according to Scripture I'm gonna give you three things you need to do I'm gonna I'm gonna belabor the first one and I'll move really fast through the last two okay just so you'll know like because I'll take some time on the first one y'all be like he's got three you'll think I'm preaching a long time I'm not number one you got to recognize the mind monsters you got to recognize that they're there you have to recognize that you're dealing with inaccurate assumptions you have to recognize that you're dealing with fear and anxiety and doubt and depression you need to recognize that it's not normal for you to be thinking the way that you're thinking the challenge was some of us is we don't even know we don't even recognize it we're reacting wrongly because we don't recognize the nature of the threat now listen when I'm talking about threats listen I love my family I consider it my god called gift to protect my family spiritually and physically okay so if you come in my family you're gonna get everything I got which ain't a lot I got about I got thirty good ii sell me like my pop-pop that's i mean i you think I'm playing take some kid and I'm not joking like you come in my house you gonna meet the Holy Spirit and it's play cousin Smith & Wesson you think I'm playing I got two ar-15 you want to know why one for each I'm playing I just good joke all right but some of you're like oh dear God um we in Louisiana bro all right okay so and I'm a Texas pastor whatever okay it is what it is so I'm already I got two cameras I got the alarms I got all the stuff so if you come in the house a Papa cat and pray later I've that's my that's my motto pop a cap and then I'm gonna make sure you know Jesus before you meet him okay that's how we're gonna do it all right I'm not the real pastor real pastor be back on Sunday okay all right this is my last time here guys let's have fun all right um so so the other night I'm laying in my bed and in the dead of his sleep like I'm prepared for an alarm to sound first that don't happen so I don't know if we didn't set it or what but all I know is I heard a big crash like glass breaking like mush and I left out of bed like I wish it was cooler but it wasn't I threw the covers off and I was screaming I was like I wish I'd have been like just reaching they're like you know it's been like that like clear my kids me like clear you know we got a plan we run through drills but awesome oh my god something else crazy as wild my wife said stop it said why she said it's your two-year-old he just climbed into bed and he knocked something over you know anyway you know when all the adrenaline leaves your body you know I couldn't even hold my head up and so I'm getting ready to fall back in the bed why I'm gonna be asleep when my head hits the pillow she goes wait I was huh she said and he's got a dirty diaper since you already up I'm gonna need you to change it okay just like that was a trick trickery I know what happened she knocked the glass off she's like dirty diaper um so I thought I was gonna be doing this and I ended up doing that I thought I needed a weapon and I really just needed a wipey and this is where some of us are we keep thinking the threat is coming from the outside when it's really coming from the inside and so it makes us have this problem where we blame everybody else how many y'all you know you got issues just raise your hand you know you got issues if your hands down that's your issue some of us don't even know and we will blame everybody else and we got relationship problems with everybody and the common denominator is you at some point you've got to recognize what you are dealing with in order to actually deal with it that's good preaching on a Tuesday night this is important for us to give so how do I recognize how do i how do I recognize the mind monsters well real simple when you renew your mind it'll renew your mouth well that's what I'm talking about right there some of us are really good at behavior modification right we just control it we keep it all inside and then every now and then we have a what whoopsie but weird I don't know where that came from I memorize I didn't mean to say that out loud you know what I mean cuz it was in here but it came out and then you spend a lot of time apologizing for something you really felt you just didn't mean to say because you haven't dealt with what's on the inside you've just modified what's on the outside I got a weapon when I need a wipey Jesus talked a lot about this in fact he argued with the chief priests the Pharisees and Sadducees the attorneys and after one such conversation Matthew chapter pit really were attorneys I wasn't picking on attorneys I heard a couple you left Matthew 15 15 then Peter said to Jesus he had just been talking to some people about this and the disciples didn't understand it so they said explain to us the parable that says people aren't defiled by what they eat Jesus says don't you understand yet anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer but the words you speak come from the heart that's what defiles you Matthew 12:34 G says for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks your mouth is a stethoscope to your heart your mouth and your mind are connected and your words have power I want to show you the power of your words okay so I'm getting ready I'm gonna count to three and when I get to three at every location I just want you to close your eyes okay and now some of you you may be a little nervous about that if you if you close your eyes just hold on to your purses we at church you'll know all these people you know what I mean so I I'm kidding I'm not kidding all right one two three close your eyes close your eyes close your every location here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna say a series of words and when I say a word you're gonna see a picture okay here we go here's your first word dog big dog mean dog apparently that was funny okay open your eyes open your eyes how many y'all every location just ready and if you saw a dog just ready and you saw dog saw dog how many I saw the same dog same dog he just morphed my first he was a dog and he was big dog I mean right how many y'all saw three different dogs rajendra sell three different how many y'all mi see you might just see the letters just dog you might see that that's really really smart people see that anybody Snoop Dogg I'm kidding that's a different problem all right I'm playing snoop I love you bro all right listen listen what I just showed you his words have the have the ability in the I have the power to put a picture in your head that you didn't even know was going to show up words you're powerful I would go so far as to say this their words are what paves the boulevard between your dreams and your destiny so you better be really careful what you say words have the ability to change the atmosphere how many of you how many you know like you're getting a habit because you're tired one day somebody says how you feeling how you doing oh I'm exhausted huh oh I'm so tired and you just get used to saying it how many all do you have to raise your hand but that's your answer how you doing tired I got kids I got five of them twitching right now got I got a lot of children eighteen seventeen seven four and two I I'm tired all the time never get sleep and what happens is sometimes I'm not tired actually feel good so it's like hi how you doing I'm tired like I actually got twelve hours last night I'm not really tired but it actually shapes your destiny and shapes your reality the words that you say listen try this try waking up every day saying I'm alive I'm awake and I feel great even if you don't say it like five times I'm alive I'm awake and I feel great it'll-it'll I'm telling you it'll change you do you realize how powerful your posture is why how do you think that the Bible continually tells us to worship to lift up holy hands to clap our hands to shout unto God with a voice I try because it actually does something to you everybody stand every location is staying with me I wouldn't plan on doing this can I take my jacket off is it alright burning up or I'm preaching good all right listen here's what I want you this is gonna be ridiculous for some of y'all but I want you to try okay I'm going to show you the power of posture okay and the power of words okay this sometimes when I'm nervous before I go out to speak sometimes I do this okay I want you to do it it's called the Superman pose up and to the right chest out and then I want you to say this say yeah yeah yeah see what of me some of y'all like sit down calm down you see how do you see how that changed it shifted the room we were laughing and we were having fun you you can't not feel good after that some of y'all couldn't hardly do it you're like but you still feel good there's power and posture there's power and what you say in fact I would tell you this you're either speaking live or you're speaking death every day well pastor that's just a little bit serious well proverbs 18:21 says the tongue has the power of life and death your life is a canvas and your words are the brushes paint with care you're either creating a masterpiece or a mess you get to decide every day and if words have power you ought to be careful who you're around because you adapt to your surroundings this is why we have small groups right we have what do we call them what just one person tell me you be groups Oh Bella is in Bethany groups I belong never mind I heard me groups I literally heard everyone me group so I was like okay words that power me all right it's groups all by yourself it's a me group guys baby girls okay this is bigger sign so this is why you need to get in a bigger group because you need to be around people who make you feel like you belong and who can encourage you because you will adapt listen hey you can't choose your family some of y'all are like oh Christmas oh I'm glad they finally left you can't choose the people you work around but you can choose the people who speak into you constantly that's why you need to get in the group go through a group and then all of a sudden you'll be ready to lead a group here's why you adapt how many on sales-ready and every location if you're in sales then you know that in sales this is really important when you to sell us myself as you shake your head before too long they're shaking their head too because we adapt to our surroundings Jennifer out we went to a Mexican food restaurant not long ago because we love some Mexican food and we were in there eat some tacos and stuff in this dude we had the greatest server ever this dude walked in he was like I'm so glad you guys are here thank y'all so much and I'm glad they put me in your section I don't even know like who he was but he acted like he knew us he was like are y'all on a date and I was like yeah we are kind of I we weren't but then we were and I was like English like man you guys look so awesome man this is amazing and it was it was a genuine it was a genuine surprise he was amazing because we've all had bad service right you know people walk like can I get you something to drink you're like no can I get you something at me I'm innocent I just wanna help him you know sweet nectar of the word you know um and this dude was amazing and so we ordered and he brought the food and and then he was like hey he came back he was like is there anything else I can get you how is it we were like it's amazing ghin was like hey I was like another coke and some extra sour cream he was like I'll be right back and he actually was like immediately he came back he but he said the coke down and then he and I got to talking and I could see gin her face changed because she was like I got the coke but sour cream bruh like you messing with my bail homie I need to sour a crimp and and he and I were just talking to finally she was like I'm sorry I'm sorry did you remember the sour cream and literally like it was magic he purred it was back it was somewhere hidden he went I remember like I remember and he set it down and she went oh yay and he walked off I was like that's where we are right now with sour cream she said shut up Foster we're not on a date anymore um she's never acted like that for sour cream before I mean we like sour cream but we're not like cheerleaders for sour cream but her response was based on his reaction I wonder how much of what you're going through is dependent upon who you're going through it with and I wonder if you wouldn't get in a B group and actually watch it change and watch your mentality I'm not saying you won't still go through some things but what if you have the right people around you walking through those things listen even Jesus didn't try to do it by himself he had a small group not everybody your group's gonna make it one of them tried to kill him but you know what he still accomplished his purpose aren't you grateful for that so you wanted to follow in his footsteps listen your words can even affect the plans that Jesus has for your life are you listening to leaders or losers don't this thing's so hot right now I'd drop it right now but I'm not finished mark chapter 6 Jesus left that part of the country and returned with his disciples to Nazareth his hometown you got to know when Jesus when Jesus is going to his hometown pastor he's got to be excited because he grew up around there and you got to know he knew every sick person and had the ability to heal them but it wasn't his time yet but after he's revealed he gets the opportunity to go back to his hometown you know he probably had plans for people that he's wanted to heal his whole life he's gonna walk in there and heal people it's gonna be an amazing revival in his hometown and he began first to the Sabbath they began teaching in the synagogue and many who had heard him were amazed and they asked words where did he get all this wisdom and the power to perform such a miracle some of us have so many questions that we can't get to the answer then they scoffed he's just a carpenter the son of Mary and the brother of James inaccurate assumptions Joseph Judas and Simon he's just a carpenter and his sisters live right here among us they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him notice they never asked him the question they asked them the question they refused to believe in him and because of their own leave he the son of the Living God Jesus Christ of Nazareth could not do any miracles among them except the places hands on a few sick people and heal them and he was amazed at their unbelief oh god help us to not get so wrapped up in what we're thinking and what we're saying that we miss what you're doing I'm grateful that we're a part of a church who understands the power of prayer and seeking the face of God I'm telling you what's happening here is not normal it's an honor to be a part of what God is doing at a church do you realize the power I'm just gonna say this do you realize the power of longevity in pastoring the character the integrity and I'm not I'm not trying to put the stock stills up on a pedestal but what God has done through their humility to be here this long to have the influence that they have worldwide did that come from how good they are no did that come from how talented and gifted they are no but they are very talented and gifted I heard you saying I was like why God he has all the gifts follow and then he starts playing a little red piano you know where it comes from it comes from the humility to get on their faces and pound the ground and say not my will but your will be done and the words that they preach from this pulpit move our destiny thank you God first you got to recognize second you got to reject the mind monsters because some of us have learned to live with something for a long time that we shouldn't be living with some of us have learned to live in God's provision and never walked into his promise the children of Israel wonder around 40 years in a desert living in the provision of God and wouldn't step foot in the promise of God because they got so used to the provision I wonder if that's where we are just living in the provision and it won't step into the promise because we haven't rejected the mentality that put us where we are at some point that listen they recognize it they knew it they just never rejected it they learn to live with things that ultimately killed them what have you learned with the gods ready to get out of your life at some point you got to reject it and number three you got to replace the mind monsters you're never gonna get rid of them all together at some point you've got to replace them how do I replace them well first you have to understand how the enemy works the enemy is constantly messing with the Word of God I have a little brain trick I want to show you show them this picture if you don't mind okay here's what I want you to do hopefully all of our locations can see this here's what I want you to do I want you to read out loud the color not the words in ten seconds go some of you are confidently doing it wrong okay stop this is actually and you can put the camera back on me at our campuses this is actually a it's a psychological brain trick that forces your left brain and your right brain to collide and explode it's actually really hard to do it's easier to read the words than it is to actually say the colors and the enemy knows that so he takes what God has called green and calls it yellow and gets you confused he says I know that the word says you're an overcomer but you haven't come over anything I know the word says you're more than a conqueror but you haven't conquered anything and at some point you have to learn how to replace that and say listen I may not have overcome anything but I serve an overcomer and I live under the blood of an overcomer I may have failed but I'm not a failure I can do all things how through Christ who gives me strength it's not about me it's all for his glory this is this is so important for you to understand but you don't understand you don't understand the mistakes I've made and how weak I am and how messed up my life is at some point I got to live my life built on and under the word and said my mind is covered by the Word of God and the enemy's gonna rain all kind of stuff all on my brain and if they can get through the word fine but but if I've got the word wrapped around my mind then the word will tell me how to respond and how to react so that I'm not acting the wrong way or reacting the wrong way to a threat that I have not fully understood because my mind is not washed in the word now Joel in the book of Joel we find an enduring prophecy which means it's not just for them it's actually for us and it's super weird play love music behind me sister brother is almost done I grew up in a church where we caught each other brother and sister come on somebody we also have for our church services thank you Lord for that deliverance Joel chapter 3 verse 10 the people of God are in a bind they're farmers they're not doing well they don't have the things that they need for victory or so they think and the word of the Lord comes and says beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears let the weak say I am strong this doesn't make any sense because the author is telling us the look I'm talking to somebody he's saying let the weak say so he doesn't say let those who think they're weak but are really strong and God didn't say that he says let the weak okay I know you're weak say I'm strong but not that's the contradiction oh no let the weak know I know I'm weak say I'm strong I can't lie back I'm not I don't want to lie in the presence of the Lord you know at some point you have to realize when I am weak then I am strong it is in my weakness that his strength is made perfect so yeah I might look weak to you but in the power of Mike I am strong it's not by power nor by might but by his spirit so if the Lord tells me to say I am strong did I'm gonna say I'm strong and you want to mess with the enemy's mind let him look at a weak person who's made mistakes and messed up and doesn't feel like they have it all together and suddenly they stand up and they shout I am as strong enemies like no no you were weak I am strong you you want to scare your problems to death start declaring victory before the battles even begun somebody ought to shout I am strong in this room right now come on shout it again I am strong come on shout it like you mean it I am strong this whole thing's is set up this night is a setup for tomorrow night and for the next night by the time we get to Thursday night you better you better get ready because God's gonna set your mind up for what you're gonna receive I'll close with this I have a son I have a bunch of kids this this must I think I have a picture of my son Jackson this is my son Jackson have a picture there he is look at that's him when he's just a little bit over one look how fat he is look at look at the size of his head in proportion to his body is a very smart child he's it's a very big brain child he's the sweetest kid in the world and this is when he was learning to walk and he's learning to walk he would just follow his head around like just wherever his head took you me you seen those big head of kids and so I would teach him how to walk and I would say come on boy run to Daddy Katie Cooper he can't run they just I just water come on running I jump up and down he he's no vertical leap is too heavy but I wasn't speaking to where he was I was speaking to the potential that's inside of him and that's exactly what God does with you he doesn't call you where you are he calls you how he created you and he speaks to the potential on the inside of you and he says I know you may feel weak and I know you may feel defeated but you are strong and you are able and he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that's at work where in us so this is why the enemy wants to destroy what's happening in you because it's in you that God begins to work on the outside of you it's not a work from the outside in it's a work from the inside out but I actually have to release this and let him have it worried one thing to you because this right here this is all a setup for this moment because some of you the lights are getting ready to come on because there's been a lot of you there amen and that's good and a man but others of you're like yeah but you don't understand here's your problem this is where your mind monsters came from right here dr. Charles Cooley is the Dean of American sociology he says this your self-esteem your self-worth or your self-image is determined to a large degree by what you think the people or the person who has had the most influence or the largest voice in your life thinks about you your self image self esteem self worth comes from the person who has had the largest voice or the biggest influence in your life for some of you that's fine for me that's good I was raised by a very positive father and mother who encouraged me and prayed for me but some of you were raised by parents that you couldn't buy affirmation from so when I talk about the affirmation of your father you can only think of the negativity that was constantly poured into your mind and at some point took hold and everything that you hear runs through the filter of what you heard and what you have to do at some point is rewrite all of that and hear what God has said about you and let him break the chains off of your mind would you stand with me at every location I'm gonna pray for you because this isn't this is kind of a teaching word but I had a lot of fun with it but it's kind of a teacher word not really a revival word but I believed that I was supposed to preach this to you to set you up for what God wants to do in your life and in your heart you got some incredible powerful men of God coming in here to preach and lead worship the next two nights I encourage you to be here at your campus God's gonna blow your mind with what he does but at first you got to unlock this would you bow your heads for just a moment every location if this has hit you and you said this this is this is my problem just lift and that's me this is my problem think your hands all over the room thank you thank you thank you thinking this is my problem this is what I'm dealing with it is my issue it is what I'm dealing with okay so here's what I'm gonna do while your heads are still bowed I'm gonna pray for you and I want to pray for you at some point you got to say this stops now and so and so what I want you to do and I talked to Pastor about this I don't I just wanna make sure it's I wanted to make sure it was okay and I feel like I feel this in my spirit I want you sometimes the physical mirror is the spiritual and and if you're stuck somewhere at some point you got to step out so I'm gonna ask you when I say Amen if you've been dealing with this and you want to be set free to just step out from where you are nothing weird or crazy is gonna happen I just you're just actually making a move and I want you to step down to the front right now in the name of Jesus I pray against every demonic authority that has set itself up against the knowledge of God we bring every thought into captivity and into obedience to Christ right now in the name of Jesus every doubt depression fear anxiety inaccurate assumption frustration all of the things that have held us glued to the floor not able to move to where you have called us to move not able to go where you have called us to go those of us who have felt like our feet are stuck in concrete right now break that off in the name of Jesus and I pray that freedom would prevail in this room right now in Jesus name hey man step out from where you are right now and just step down to the front just come on come on come on give him a great big hand as they come they're gonna come all over the room all over the room all over the come on down come on give them a hand give them a hand good man [Applause] [Music] we're gonna get free we're gonna get free tonight we're gonna get free somebody shot freedom somebody shout I am strong here's some scriptures I'm gonna read to you and then we're gonna pray you feel like no one likes me nobody cares how many of you felt that raise your hand nobody likes me nobody cares Hebrews 13:5 for he himself has said I will never leave you I will never forsake you how many of you have said I am afraid ready and I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid so I'm 27 and one the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is a strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid how many of you have said nothing's ever going to work out for me nothing ever work out Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you plans for good and not for evil plans to give you a hope and a future [Music] how many of you have said I'm heartbroken I'm heartbroken Psalm 147 and 3 he heals the brokenhearted and he binds up their wounds you do not have to leave this room brokenhearted you can leave this room hole in God how many of you have said this is too heavy this is too heavy for me I just can't carry it Psalm 55:22 give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you some people have heard this you'll never change here's what the Word of God says be confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion until the day of Christ Jesus some of us have said I don't know what to do this is my very favorite proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths God would never forgive what I've done first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness of us have walked in here with so much guilt hanging off of us and so much shame and me hanging off of us I want you to be free of that right now no matter what sin it is if you confess it he is faithful and he is just to cleanse us you don't have to carry that anymore I can't but you don't understand I can I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength this is an impossible situation Mark chapter 10 verse 27 all things are possible with God put your hands in the air right now and I want you to begin in your own words not my words in your own words out loud I want you to begin to declare victory in your life over whatever area it is over whatever voice that spoke to you whether it was an earthly father maybe it was an earthly mother maybe it's your biological mom or dad maybe it was a brother a sister and uncle or an aunt or somebody who should have encouraged you maybe it was a pastor somewhere in your past or a ministry leader somewhere in your past who just didn't encourage you and somewhere along the way that thing took root right now in the name of Jesus Christ we uproot that and we say I am strong we say God you are able to do it through me God I know that you can use me it's not about my strength God but it's all about your glory it's all about what you want to do to lift your voices we're gonna sing it we're gonna worship and we're gonna be
Channel: Bethany
Views: 32,887
Rating: 4.9195046 out of 5
Id: hn2PnNDlCeg
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Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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