Patricia King - Everyday Angels

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everyone is looking for love and they're desperate to find it we must show them or we must introduce them to love to Jesus [Music] but this is true revival love is all they need everlasting love rise up and go and show them revival was supernatural Jesus is love you probably realize if you've read your Bible there's angels and camped all around you that's what the Bible teaches us but did you know that you could interact with those angels and that God sent angels to be around you every day and whatever you're doing that they're around you all the time in that you can grow in your awareness of angels well today's program is going to be about that and so I know that you're excited to hear more about it with my special guest charity Cayambe I'm so glad to have you with us you've written a book called everyday angels and so we're gonna get into that subject I'm excited for our viewers to hear more about it but the question would be is like do you see see the angels all the time like we know that they're there but do you see though you know I don't see angels all the time but I do see angels whenever I look for them so yes it is possible to see them all the time because that's scriptural truth just like you said they're always there and so if we're not seeing them it's because our eyes are closed to that reality and and so you have learned how to open up your eyes to see them to follow the spirit to see them absolutely yes you know Paul prayed that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened so we have spiritual senses we have eyes in our hearts and there are specific things we can actually do to open those eyes to awaken our spiritual sense as it says in Hebrews through practice our senses are matured and they were able to discern more so that's what we're able to do yeah that's how I actually began to discern angels is that I had had one one experience years ago where I saw an angel in open vision it was a sovereign appointment of the Lord I wasn't looking for it wasn't praying for it wasn't fasting untrained to see angels or anything it was just there and after that I wanted to see more but I didn't until a friend of mine who has a well-known ministry in intercession taught me how to open my spiritual vision to see them we're driving down the road to a meeting and she was a speaker at the meeting and I was too so we were in the same vehicle and she'd say oh my gosh look at that angel that's what and every day that we were traveling she would talk about these angels she was saying I said do you see angels all the time and she says like yeah don't you know I got no but I want to and I asked her I said can you pray an impartation she said I can but I can teach you how to see them and I know that that might sound strange to some of you but you can actually learn how to see it's a matter of opening up your eyes so let's talk about that because why don't most people see angels all the time like we know that we can but why don't we well I think there are a couple reasons for that number one I think a lot of times we don't know what we're looking for we assume angels are gonna you know have wings for one thing that's how we expect them to be and sure sometimes in Scripture they did cherubim and Seraphim are described with wings but there's hundreds of other verses in scripture about angels and it never mentions wings you know and in fact it says they had hands and what they did with their hands and that they walked not that they were flying with wings and it talks about us entertaining angels unaware so more often than not it actually describes angels looking like us they had an appearance like a man or it was men dressed in white and so number one we need to understand what we're looking for a lot of time the angels are gonna look like us and then number two we need to know where to look if we are waiting for for angels to show up in our physical space-time dimension and we can see them with our physical eyes we're gonna be waiting a while because sure they can come into our world but but they're spirits right they're ministering spirits sent to render service for the heirs of salvation so we know there are spirits in the spirit realm so if we want to see them all the time well we can just go to where they are we can step into the spirit realm use the eyes of our heart and look around the spirit realm is not far away we know the spirit realm it it permeates this natural realm the physical realm it infuses this this natural world so we can just look to see them with our spiritual eyes and oh they were there all along and of course you're gonna share share with us how we can open up our spiritual eyes then because we all have spiritual eyes but if we don't realize that we might not exercise that vision it would be like keeping your eyes closed all the time right so can you share a little bit with us about how can we cultivate this site because if they're in the spirit realm and we've got spiritual vision but we're not exercising it how can we activate it yeah my dad teaches you know the four keys to hearing God's voice hearing God's voice is is as simple as um quieting yourself down looking for vision turning to spontaneity and writing and the thing of it is if you're familiar with that if you're able to hear God's voice well you can also hear angels voices and see angels because they are also spirits in the spirit realm just the way God is so if you're comfortable hearing God's voice will connect with your angels in the exact same way quiet yourself down we can look at what did that what did the prophets in the Bible do when they wanted to connect with the supernatural realm we know well Elijah you know he said we'll bring me a minstrel you know and when he heard the music play then he got the word from the Lord or if we look in John in the book of Revelation he said I was in spirit on the Lord's Day and then he had all manner of vision all of the angels all over and is sure of heaven and so you know scripturally they say okay well I'm in spirit scientifically we would say that he was in alpha if we look at the brainwave states you know um right now we're in beta we're in the thinking faster analytical brainwave state and we're just consumed by our natural world but our physical eyes see what are our natural ears here but but we know God does not live in our head God lives in our heart two fusions 3:17 says God lives in our hearts our spirit is joined with the Holy Spirit we know Jesus said out of our innermost being flow the rivers of living water and this he spoke of the Spirit so we don't want to live from here we want to look from here and here our sacred union with God and so how do we move from this as beta down into alpha alpha brainwave state is the prayerful quiet meditative state you know just as we're falling asleep at night just as resting yeah just as we're waking up in the morning you know where that the veil between the physical and spiritual it's really thin you know and you kind of you get these impressions from the spirit realm well that's alpha and there are things that we can do to move us down into that quiet that alpha space so worship we just mentioned you know praying in tongues is an awesome way that is the quickest way seeing in the spirit godly imagination you know picturing the things that God says are so look around okay well look for Jesus and look for the angels and start by imagining them and then let allow Holy Spirit to breathe on your natural imagination transform it into a supernatural vision so there's a lot of things that that we can do to Center ourselves down into that place so we're positioned to to connect with the supernatural world a little bit more easily beautiful I just love the aspect of the imagination because so often you hear people say oh it's just the imagination and I think oh I hate hearing that because the imagination is not a just an imagination it is actually the vision organ that God created in us so that we could see vision as he as he sees vision in the very beginning it was never God's purpose for the imagination to house vain you know images or unclean images it was always to connect with him it was always in communion with him because we're made in His image and likeness so what I love to teach people is that when you sanctify that imagination when you say God I'm setting this imagination apart for you because you are the one who gave it for this very purpose of seeing into the spirit I'm giving it to you I'm asking you to cleanse it from anything that might have you know defiled it because of the world that we live in the pictures the images that we see throughout our day that could always be cleansed every day you can have your imagination cleanse but then the Bible says if you seek you will find so if you go with the spirit seeking sight he will show it to you in fact Jesus said I think it's in John 3 somewhere he said this is the judgment I came for is that the blind will see him men the blind will see because in the fall man's eyes were blinded but Jesus came to open up that spiritual vision you know that the carnal vision isn't gonna blind us any more so I just love that aspect of activating with the Holy Spirit asking the Holy Spirit to show you the Angels you know because they are there and - and this book by the way will give you more confidence sometimes we just need a mentor to help us through and to give us the confidence and the encouragement that we need so I just want to encourage you to give this book every day angels okay now our is is having conversations with angels interaction with angels is that biblical absolutely yeah we know you know an angel showed up he talked him to Mary about the the baby that she was gonna have and she's like hey how does this work and and the angel gave her answers they had a back and forth dialogue the same thing happened with John in Revelation but in the Old Testament we have a lot of entire chapters you know the first six chapters of Zechariah it is this back and forth conversation with an angel an angel shows him this he's like well what is this and what is that and the angel give some answer after answer this Tana interesting that they like Mary and Zechariah very clearly I mean there's real clear things is that there are things that they question but they didn't question God they questioned the angel that brought them look Mel says you're very must have known that those angels represented the voice of God because they didn't go directly to God I hear people say all the time well just go directly to God you don't need an angel but God chooses them that's right he does he says specifically in Daniel I sent my angel to you Gabriel came and he brought the message so a lot of times we're praying we're asking God you know give me wisdom but then an angel shows up with the answer to our prayer but we're like no don't you know don't distract me I'm focused on God and God's like hey I brought the answer and this is I've sent my ministering spirits to render service to you this is how he chooses to do it what are what are some of the things that the angels minister they do it all you know scripturally we see they can I like I like being they can make us dinner they did that with Elijah right you brought them okay and and exactly they can but you know we know that they protect us God says in Psalm 91 that he gives his angels charge over and to guard us in all our ways so that's physical protection but emotional protection spiritual protection you know they can play a role in healing because we know an angel came and stirred the waters and people got healed and they can bring they can bring whatever we need them to bring because they're great resource anything around well exactly they connect us to the provision of heaven it's all available and then it's available to you angelic ministry is available to your life God loves you so much that he just sent all these servants to you that's what Hebrews 1:14 says that they're ministering servants they're there they're ministering spirits to to render service to you because you're an heir of salvation and you know when you have a servant you know you don't worship them that's for sure but you appreciate them you know if you have a housekeeper in your home or a gardener to help you you don't fall down and worship them or they you don't make you know a big idol out of them but you are respectful and you do honor them and that's what God wants you to realize that he sent these gifts to you and he wants you to be aware of them so I highly recommend getting every day angels you can get this book online on the website that's on the screen right now and we'd love to help you learn more so that you can engage with the purposes of God and the reason why he sent these awesome angels well we're gonna take a break right now but you're gonna want to come back because we're gonna talk about how you can hear God in your dreams I know that many of you have dreams and we're going to learn a little bit about how you can hear from God not just you know the voice of the chocolate cake you ate before you went to bed or the pizza but you know you can actually hear from God in your dreams we'll be right mentors pour into you what you need what's missing while calling out of you what they see things that are already in you but maybe lying dormant on eating develop them Patricia King invites you to be a part of a global women in ministry network the Lord is raising up the women in this hour to take their place in the body and women in ministry network will help you do just that the network will instantly connect you with women from all over the world who are called to influence the specific areas of life God has placed in them whether that be on the front lines of raising a family the marketplace are preaching the gospel women in ministry network will offer you connections with women from every sphere of influence relationships apostolic encouragement unity and prayer helping women in ministry network will provide you what you need to feel empowered to walk out the calling of God on your life Patricia Cain wants to help you reach your full potential join women in ministry network today well hello there welcome back we've got charity with us and this time we're talking about another subject for the second part of this program it's hearing God through your dreams which is another book that she has written which is a great tool for you so we highly recommend that you look more into this but we're going to discuss this right now charity and we're going to hear God through dreams now let's talk first of all about dreams because we can have dreams because of what something that happened in the day may be triggered something in our sleep or because of what we ate before we went to bed or something or a trauma from the past or something so what are we talking about hearing God in our Jews we hear God in every dream I believe you can because in the Bible God never once said it's just leftover pizza you know he never once said that he wasn't speaking instead he said I will reveal myself in visions I will speak in dreams it says in job 33 that you know in a dream and a vision of the night when sound sleep falls on men and they slumber in their bed God opens our ears and seals our instruction to turn us from wrongdoing and keep us from pride and it says God does all these things often we just don't recognize it so he is speaking even through the the crazy dreams you know we call them the Pizza dreams there can still be a message in those dreams if we decode them and honor them to to find the the hidden treasure in it and of course in your book you help us discern all that so that is good hearing God through your dreams a good great book ok so I've heard that pizza for for example the cheese and pizza actually has enzymes in it that helps you dream so when they say pizza dreams it's actually a reality it actually helps you dream so you know eat lots of pizza and chocolate probably does the same thing but anyways that will help dream because sometimes people say well what can I do to dream more well maybe he beats up ok how do you make sense out of you know like a silly or strange dream like like that doesn't make any sense to us whatsoever it just seems off-the-wall how can we find God's voice inside that yeah there's three key questions that we can ask that will unlock the message in those kind of crazy dreams and the first one is what is the main action in the dream what am i doing you know am i running am i ministering and my fighting and then we look in our waking life and say well where am i waking life am i experiencing this the second question we ask is what is the main emotion in the dream how am I feeling am i excited am i grateful am i disappointed I'm angry we take that main emotion from the dream and we overlay it onto the setting of our waking world we say where am i waking life am I feeling this way and then so we match up that emotion and action with our waking life we know this is the area of my life that God is speaking to and then the third key question we ask about every dream is the most important and that is what is the setting in the setting you kind of touched on this what is going on in our waking life when we have the dream what happened during the day what was I thinking about when I went to bed what was I praying for as I fell asleep that's the setting of the dream and that's that's what God is going to be speaking to us about in that dream so you know I can give an example of kind of a crazy dream but we used these questions to decode and decrypt it you know I had a dream where I was on a pole vaulting team okay and everybody was able to go way high up over that bar everybody me I was too weak and sick and I couldn't pull vol and then my friends came over they nursed me back to health and then I'm able to pole-vault too so what in the world does this mean you know am i watching too much Olympics you know pole vaulting there's nothing to do with me okay let's ask our questions in the dream okay what am i doing what's the main action well I'm trying to get over something and then the second question well how am I feeling what's the main emotion well it's a struggle I'm struggling to get over something we take that we say okay where am i waking life am i am i struggling to get over something well in my waking world someone had said something to me I didn't really appreciate very much and I've been praying about this I'm like God you know should I let them know I didn't I don't really like what they said or you know should I just forgive them you know take the high road and and let it go and just get over it that was a question on my heart when I went to bed should I get over it and then I have a dream of pole vaulting so that is a picture Sybil getting over it God was saying hey if you're spiritually strong spiritually healthy like everyone else in the team they had no trouble you should be able to rise above this offense you know let it go and just get over it that's an example of how it works it's really honest example okay no you unpacked I mean you just like soared through that one but what about the average person's you have to be a gifted interpreter of dreams or can can anyone interpret dreams I'm so glad you asked that because dream interpretation it is not a special gift that is bestowed only on a few favored individuals no dream interpretation is a skill that anyone can learn dreams are communicated in this symbolic picture language and you know just like you know Spanish if you say something to me in Spanish and I understand what you say you're not gonna say who watch air too you have the gift of Spanish right I don't have the gift I studied I invested time in learning that language and so it is with dreams when we in those I've been learning it we can become fluent in the language that God speaks at night so good that's excellent so like how long would it take an average person to learn the basic principles and to get them moving in their life of how to interpret their dreams well we have tried to make it as simple as possible in the book and we've got we just put on our website a dreams crash course and it's just like it's 15 minutes it's three short videos you can sign up for free get them on come online and it goes it goes through those questions puts them into more real-life dreams so you get a feel for how it works gives you some more principles for interpretation because because once you know what you're looking for it's a lot easier to see right on and what about quantum physics because you mentioned that and and and its relation to our walk in the spirit and what does the role play in our dreams yeah I am fascinated with how quantum physics correlates with our supernatural walk with God and you know the observer effect in quantum physics okay you know whenever we look at something we change it just our very act of observing it it it changes it and it moves it from something that the physicists are talking about these waves of potential and invisible realms right and when they observe it it collapses wavefunction collapse into a manifested particle in our time-space dimension and so I say well this is a perfect picture of what happens when we pray you know we have all the resources of heaven available to us God gave us everything when he gave us Jesus you know all healing all provision all wisdom soul in the possibility realm well exactly yeah we've been blessed with every spiritual blessing we're in heavenly places and that's great that it's in heavenly places but I also want it here and I want it now so how can we bring it here well we can move something we see from quantum physics we can move something from that invisible realm to the visible by observing it by looking at it we can collapse that reality into our world so God will give us his version of our situations through our dreams at night it's glimpses they're snapshots of the spirit so you know I can give an example of you know I had again a kind of a crazy dream you know I I went in there was a into a log cabin okay and there's just all this work there's the you know dirty dishes piled high there's dirty laundry everywhere it was my responsibility to clean it all up and I'm like totally overwhelmed but I knew okay the first thing I need to do you know I need to open the window let some fresh air in and then I went out to the outside to get a good signal on my cell phone and then there was a text message from Billy and he said that his sister was coming early tomorrow and and so I was like somehow that just changed everything right and that's the dream okay so what does this mean well we know okay let's ask our key questions you know in the dream how was I feeling I was totally overwhelmed okay and what was overwhelming me it was work so I'm gonna match that up with my waking life where am i feeling totally overwhelmed by work and you know dreams are rarely literal so it wasn't like housework in my waking life that was overwhelming me but it was office work it was ministry work and so okay so God is speaking to this area of my life and what is he saying well the very first thing is okay it's a log cabin that was the first symbol in the dream let's decode that what is a log cabin mean to me symbols are personal to the dreamer and to me a log cabin represents something temporary you know I'm not gonna live there permanently I go there for a vacation or certain time so with that one symbol God ministered so much encouragement to me because he's saying hey I see you're totally overwhelmed with this work but the first thing you need to understand is that it's temporary it's just a log cabin this too shall pass you know right okay that's good and so then look at the other what was the main action in the dream well I had to open the window so that was a picture of me inviting Holy Spirit's presence into this situation and then and then I went and got a good signal on my cell phone and to me a cell phone represents communication with God you know you're having a conversation with someone you can't see someone who's not here we know he's here but we can't see him with our physical eyes so that's what a picture with the cell phone and then there's a text message and well Billy's sister's coming early tomorrow and this is why the dreamer themself is the best person to interpret the dream because who's Billy and who's his sister okay well I know my brother used to play with Billy when we were kids and his sister I used to play with her she live right down the street and Billy's sisters name was joy so the message was not that Billy's sister's coming early tomorrow the message is that joy is coming in the morning oh okay so these are verses that I knew okay joy is coming in the morning and that's great on paper but what does that look like in my life and more importantly how does it feel well now I know how it feels if I truly believe God's Word which is joy is coming in the morning it's okay I'm relaxed and I'm not overwhelmed I'm not stressed out anymore so when I wake up from this tree I have two choices I can look at my natural world that hasn't changed and I can be overwhelmed by that work or I can look at God's version of my situation a change of the movement exactly you know be full of them enjoy exactly observe it collapses but you can find out more information on this and how to hear God in your dreams by getting this book this this very valuable tool that you'll want in your bookshelf for sure to study it out thank you so much for joining us on today's program and remember this that God loves to you with an everlasting love he really really does we'll see you next time mentors pour into you what you need what's missing while calling out of you what they see things that are already in you that may be lying dormant are leading development Patricia Cain invites you to be a part of a global women in ministry network the Lord is raising up the women in this hour to take their place in the body and women in ministry network will help you do just that the network will instantly connect you with women from all over the world who are called to influence the specific areas of life God has placed them in whether that be on the front lines of raising a family the marketplace or preaching the gospel women in ministry network will offer you connections with women from every sphere of influence relationships apostolic encouragement unity and prayer helping women in ministry network will provide you what you need to feel empowered to walk out the calling of God on their lives Patricia Cain wants to help reach your full potential join women in ministry network today I have a word for a few of you who have had distressing dreams and you felt Lord that there's this this looks terrible because it spoke of tragedy and it spoke of and in one of your cases it was like someone dying but I feel the Lord saying specifically to you that he has enlighten you concerning a position of intercession that he wants you to take and I was reminded of a time when I had three situations inside of a dream that spoke of my son drowning and actually later on in that day that he just about drowned but because I'd had that dream I had intervened with intercession as soon as I woke up I interceded and that's what saved my son's life God warns and dreams and so I just have that word it's a specific word for some of you and also there's someone that had a dream recently about being married and that is speaking of your communion with Christ is going to go into a deeper more intimate place and I just felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to give those words to you to bring encouragement god bless you had the power to create Patricia Kings book five CD teaching and study guide create your world shows you how to create change and improve your life with these god-given principles order today [Music]
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 14,531
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: patricia king, charity virkler kayembe, angels, interact, aware, divine assignment, PKEL18-40, 1848, ELTV18-40, bible
Id: j8hdPWiCeIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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