Jamie Galloway - Encounter Service

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storehouse Dallas I'm excited to be here tonight what a wonderful evening of worship just celebration of the goodness of Jesus he's in this place do you know that and he has a wonderful thing for us he's got wonderful things to share he's in you know God is happy anybody know that God is very happy and he's so fun and really as you know I'm just in a season of rediscovering God I feel like in my life I've known God in one way but I feel like I'm rediscovering God I'm rediscovering his goodness and who he is and what he means to us and that he's good and so I want you to know that God is good all the time all the time God is good and that is not just a cliche thing that we say just to get people riled up it's a real reality for us who understand he is good have seen His goodness and then we are bound to see more of His goodness you know and he says to Moses I'm gonna show you my goodness I'm gonna make all my goodness pass before you he says he he it's interesting what Moses prays he says show me your face and he says you cannot see my glory do you notice that his response when he asked show me your face he says you cannot see my glory when we think about the glory often we think about you know like it's a moment where maybe a miracle happens or or something spectacular but the goodness of God the glory of God is his face do you know that it's his face I love it when people laugh have you ever you know you want a good medicine go and you two babies laughing have you ever done that if you're depressed you have any form of depression whatsoever Google babies laughing it will it will change your life and in there's hours of it on YouTube it really is spectacular I'm sure Instagram has as well I really excited about the word I'm gonna share with you and I feel there's miracles in this room I feel God wants to do some good stuff and open us up just really to a realm of possibilities isn't he good god is good father we just thank you that you're in this place and there's a realm and awareness of your presence that we can step into because you're here we thank you for your presence that touches us transforms us gives us every good and perfect gift that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights thank you lord thank you Lord that you're here more Holy Spirit more Holy Spirit we just thank you that you're moving through this room right now Wow what's your name what is your name have I ever ministered to you Naomi yeah I did was it okay [Applause] it was way too deep it's okay oh man I see but I still see a breakthrough on you and I feel like there's still a realm of possibilities for you to open up actually I feel like gods touching you in your stomach in your gut and he's and right now I feel like he's putting a treasure inside of you and and he's about to release it your birthday this week or when is it is it May okay something happened for you on your birthday that the Lord gave you a gift and I feel like this is a of Resurrection season for you to come back into who you are - rise and shine - wake up out of bed and to know that he's with you and so I saw the gift of God come upon you at that time Father we just thank you for Naomi we thank you for the gift we thank you for that treasure inside of her and that you are going to do exceedingly abundantly above everything that she could ask think or imagine it's a good season my goodness it's for the bad planet Earth praise God you know and they said dream have a dream planet Earth she's like boom I want to see the whole planet that's amazing that's amazing well we celebrate that in you we celebrate that what God has done I just I have a sensation though of a thyroid issue who is that who's that okay no I ministered to you before okay I can see a gift on you from that yeah the thyroid now I don't know why but I did walk past you and I saw you either in the hospital or at the nurses in the nurse's office or something does that make sense to you how long ago was that probably about and it has it been better since or you've been better since or has it been different medication okay well we're gonna pray father right now I just speak a thyroid into your body in the name of Jesus let it come in Jesus name Holy Spirit there it is more more Lord more Lord sure there it is more Lord and release the creative miracle the creative realm in Jesus name we thank you for restoring the thyroid in the business Lord I just I feel it again on you the business realm and I just bless you Lord at the entrepreneurial wisdom that you're gonna carry in this season it's a season of grace to step in to restore to recover that which was taken from you even in that time and so I bless you too even just to open up new doors a new territory is going to be revealed to you and so I bless you with the ability to have new territory abundant territory and I just see the word territory over you and that God has given you territories in the past and now you'll see new territories in the future and so I bless that in Jesus name come on let's celebrate God for that who else had a thyroid issue that you did now do you also need a healing in your arm does somebody need a healing in their arm that has the thyroid issue you needed a healing in your arm - its they're connected did you have did you need a healing in your arm okay but you and you had the thyroid issue okay so we're gonna get back to you father right now and we'll get you next father right now just heal the arm and we thank you for healing the arm we thank you for the miracle of our arm being healed and full mobility in Jesus name now move your arm move your arm around how does that feel I like it I haven't been able to do this what was it ketching yeah it was catching oh my goodness isn't that awesome praise God that's so amazing that's so amazing I'm having a I'm back I don't know if it is you but I'm back to this vision I'm having a vision of veins and something almost like there's a there's a disease in the veins do you know who that is is it in your family is you you know I think is it your mother you can't think of anything who is that if if it's not you who is that anybody else here you've had a ton of your veins taken out and you got the thyroid issue my goodness this is sometimes like a bunny trail we just kind of go down these bunny trails and just we find out what's at the end of this bunny because there's probably something really good and who's this Salem what's up how you doing you just chill it awesome and what's your name Jolie you know I do sense this there's something that God is hovering over right now and it's a piece of land and God is beginning to give you that piece of land that you've been surveying and Jolie there's something for you to build there and I saw you had I'm gonna go it's like a one six two one six two I don't know if that's the address but there's a number there and I see it and God is gonna begin to give you that land and he says if you build it they will come and so right now Jolie I bless you to receive the inheritance the property that has been reserved for you for such a time as this I bless it in Jesus name I bless your body and the health that you've walked through in the place of health that you'll carry for people even in this land and that there will be healing in the land and you'll see healings and miracles in the land and people will come to this as a center and to be restored and to be healed up and you'll have a rehabilitation that you'll bring people into and Rehab their bodies and Rehab their soul Rehab their spirit and he'll begin to realign people for the season of abundance and so I bless that in usually you've got it father right now just release it right now we just call it down let it come in the name of Jesus I declare it over you that abundance is breaking out over your life right now in Jesus name and you will see this in Jesus name I just saw the property backing up to a highway and I saw it was a there you're going to see a sign and it will make you wonder and so I bless that in Jesus name Wow praise God hallelujah isn't he good god is good he's got amazing things to share with us Wow what's that destiny on your shirt that's like a prophetic target right there that's like prophesy over me I know it is that's your shirt that's like a that's your wife right okay when your wife wears your clothes it's like a very it's a compliment it's awesome you know what's your name Heather praise God Heather I ministered to you before yeah I can see this I can see this substance on people when I of anointing when I ministered to them you Heather Wow Heather you I feel like there's been you had an unusual upbringing and there was unusual things that you saw and I feel like this God gave you just like an unusual group of people in your upbringing just to show you a different walk of life or different different people that he was gonna call you back to and you had a heart for these it's almost like the orphan the the the runaway they cast away the people that have no home and you're going to find yourself ministering to those that have no home and these kids and I see them like they're Runaways on and I see them running across the train tracks and they just have no they're not looking back but god you're gonna be on the other side waiting for them and I see the Lord sending you some runaway some castaways that just ran they did not feel there home was their home and I feel like you're gonna begin to to actually give them a place and even healing is gonna happen there with them I sense now I know you I know you're wearing glasses but you're right I specifically I don't know if you have anything wrong other than just a lack of vision but I see the Holy Spirit healing your right eye and I want to prophesy this as a sign and I wonder to you that you're going to see and so father right now in the name of Jesus I bless her to see the Lord to see with her dominant eye to see what it is that you're doing in this season and that she would come into the healing that has been reserved for her and this is a healing moment for you this is a healing season for you God's fixing things up where they've been out of alignment even in your neck in your body and you're going to begin to get I see the Holy Spirit coming behind you and massaging you and he's restoring broken places and broken areas but you're gonna walk in a healing gift because of this I bless the healing gift on your life I can see it father right now just release it in Jesus name in Jesus name we thank you for that did your father have a heart attack he did how long ago was that last year okay and the this felt like that at that specific moment there was something do you have a brother no okay I feel like there's do you have a brother all sisters III don't know why but it might be I'm seeing him but I felt like youth is being restored to him that his lot like his the the vitality the young the youth the energy of youth is coming back him and I want to prophesy that over him and I just feel like in his life he has a Joseph portion and that he is going to begin to see even at the latter end of his life blessing and restoration for the years of trouble and so I bless him in Jesus name I bless his body to be protected from the top of his head down the soles of his feet and it will restore your family and so I bless that in Jesus name Amen yeah that's awesome god bless you in your destiny yeah that's awesome you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna switch things up I'm going to speak a word and then I'm gonna get back to the ministry I just feel this word in my spirit right now about really Dallas has been on my heart lately and I've been hearing in my spirit about a prophetic company profits emerging from Dallas sort of a weird place for profits to emerge and you know what do I mean by that a lot a lot of this language that we use around the prophetic is so churchy and it really is about church culture Church structure and it really loses this the flavor of what it is designed to be in and somehow we've lost our impact in society because we almost have become secluded isolated to only influence one section of society which is the church and I believe we are coming out of a church age into a kingdom age we've been in church mode for so long that we've lost our salt in the world and we sort of having us in them perspective not realizing that we're actually called to be in everyday situations in the world in pop culture in in on a stage you know it was amazing to me something like six out of the ten contestants at one point on American Idol were Christians believers we have so much light in us and yet it gets hidden and it gets lost and people have all of at least that I've seen sort of idolized and wanted to model itinerant ministry and vocational ministry as sort of a goal to aspire to speaking with a good friend of mine who has been mentoring me lately and he's cleared over two hundred and fifty million dollars worth of real estate deals and in the last ten years amazing guy amazing amazing guy and one of the things that we were talking about is that even people in those places in spaces where they're successful entrepreneurial great family they still carry around a guilt in them that they are not in full-time ministry and this guilt really limits them from stepping into the fullness of what it is that God has called them to and I believe we're going to see commissions commissioning in these days that will be commissioning prophets commissioning leaders voices not to be a local minister or a ministry within the church but actually be vocationally out in the world in the marketplace in culture influencing culture prophesying speaking life and actually doing things that matter and going beyond the four walls we've lived secluded within the four walls and I love the four walls of the church I am a i-i-i-i though I wasn't even walking with Jesus I would go to church as a kid and because I knew it was safe I knew there was a safety they're inherently I couldn't identify articulated that at that time but I knew it was a good place to be I was so far from Jesus and not walking with him but when Jesus grabbed ahold of my life I wanted to get outside of the four walls of the church now the difficulty of the language that that we use regarding to get outside of the four walls of the church as we've associated getting outside of the four walls of the church with evangelism evangelism has sort of taken the place and become the the the main thing the default mode we go to when we think about getting outside the four walls of the church and and we have great evangelists today my friends Todd white robby Dawkins good people that I know go outside the four walls of the church and they hit the streets unfortunately that model is not replicatable for every single believer because that's not what every believer has been called to do is be on the streets now I I know by saying that people are gonna come and attack me and say that's wrong you know you that's that no I think we've just only identified with one model of advancing the kingdom and that model is good it's sort of the boots on the ground but there's another set of skills that God has empowered in every one of us is to do something other than just being the boots on the ground it's to actually increase in the spreading of our nuts as what the scripture said and to build nets or networks that would be for hosting and and bringing people in to the incredible goodness of God that you might have already in your business already in your family already in whatever it is that you're doing maybe it's some local talent show or or something different something unique that you draw people to and that it becomes a place for spreading that you do you begin to increase in connections and relationships and equity with other people and then what they do is they see the goodness of God on you and they go how are you doing this and it's the same question that what Jesus was asked in John 3 where are you from because no one can do these works unless God is with them and Jesus gives the greatest reveal he goes duda up from Evan he's like I was I'm here but I'm there and he's speaking to him Nicodemus and he's articulating where he's from and Nicodemus is amazed because of the fruit and I believe prophets are going to be called and commissioned in this hour not to the church but to the marketplace to culture to be in the entertainment industry in music you know and really out there and know who their God is it walk into those places like Daniel and know what not to eat what not to touch but to be in those places not vexed by the you know Daniel he was out there in the world what we would call the marketplace he's in Babylon and Daniel he believed for his promised land but what if your promised land looks like Babylon what if your promised land does not look like Jerusalem but your promised land is Babylon and what if you're a prophet called to prophesy in Babylon and I believe that some of the greatest prophets in our day are not going to be on a stage in a church but they are going to be in boardroom settings prophesying to Kings and to CEOs and family situations reconciling families that are broken prophesying joining the generations together consulting people of great of great influence and also touching the poor finding ways to reach out past you know the successful to the victim those who have nothing I am burning in my heart right now to feed people it's probably the Italian side of me but I took my kids out on Father's Day and I said guys let's go feed a homeless person we need to do this like it's like like that the father is good and he gave us the ability to be good to others and so let's go do this and so my kids they were like let's give him candy and I was like okay so he went to the candy store you know or buying Swedish fish and all this stuff and who knew the homeless guy doesn't like candy he says I don't eat candy and I'm like wow okay you're a healthy homeless guy and so I was like what would you like he's like I like a cheeseburger I was like coming right up let's go get that so we got a cheeseburger for him and bless them with that and my kids lit up man they were happy they were excited God I mean it was a guy it was a heaven moment it was a heaven moment and I feel like in in our culture today our Wiimote are we moved are we motivated to build something beyond just handing out a cheeseburger to actually do something to help the homeless in our society what if you're a prophet that can prophesy the solution for the homeless crisis in your city that can speak it and actually help make it happen this is I mean I'm telling you we're gonna start to see this but I feel in my I'm I don't even know if this is my message tonight but I feel in my spirit I'm trying to give a language for us to get outside the four walls of the church and stop just thinking I've got to do evangelism and and start increasing in other ways to connect to people that are more than just like I'll minister to my waiter a waitress come on I mean sometimes our only mode of touching people in the world as we think like grocery store or the place we're going to go out to eat it's like that's the only place that people that are like you are not believers in a church setting go we only go to two places outside of the church is the grocery store or the restaurant but when we were pastoring I really you know one of the fun things that I got to do was like I advertise the nightlife of our city we were in Philadelphia I was like guys were so happy that you're here Philadelphia is a great City after church there's some great restaurants right down the road some great nightlife enjoy some live music but a lot of people would think that's a no-no you can't be doing that and if you go into those enemies speaking in tongues the entire time I [Music] have a I have this thought that Jesus when he went into these environments and he hung out with people and it wasn't the the temple or the synagogue that he actually had he wasn't sitting there going oh god protect me as I go into this darkness but he was the life of the party was hanging out with people wanted to be around him what kind of person are you that you make everybody feel like VIP and Jesus looks out he sees this man Zacchaeus hanging in a tree remember the story and he says you I'm gonna come to your house I'm gonna hang out he makes eye contact with his short men and he does something that hasn't happened a long time everybody looks at the top of his head but he makes eye contact and he's like you I'm coming to your house if you don't the story Jesus goes this house and this they're hanging out eating food and all sudden this man says what do I gotta do what do I gotta do to here I want this life that you have and he says I know what I'll do he says hey Jesus I got a good idea every bit of extra money that I took unjustly the tax burden that I've caused in my city I'll return with interest wow what a spectacular idea now that is why people fell in love with Jesus because imagine you're in a service and Jesus is speaking and all of a sudden this man comes in the head starts handing out money it's like I want to go to that place right that church and this man's handing money out while this man speaking named Jesus any little don't write attached to it right and it's like hey I took extra from you but don't worry I added more than I took I gave back with interest and so Jesus towards a tax burden into an investment vehicle you think differently when you're around Jesus right this is amazing and so I believe their profits going to be released they can walk into places and and do something and I want to show you what you're called to do because if you ever wondered what your primary purpose is a lot of us what primary purpose our answer is to be loved and I believe that but you could have been loved before you were a human you know God didn't need you to be a human to be loved he could have created you another way but your primary purpose is different and I believe we are loved God loves us but that is sort of you know an answer that we say when we don't know the answer it's like when anybody doesn't know that we just go love you know but there's more to this story and we do everything out of love we're motivated by love the love of God compels us but we are created for a specific purpose I want you to grab your neighbors love handles right now I want you to I want you to remind them that they're human you are a human being you just knocked them out of the spirit they were in the spirit and now they're in the flesh grab a hole that chunky flesh and just tell him they're blessed to be like you're so blessed Genesis 2 there's a moment where God he's about to create humanity God it says he spoke let us make man in our image in our likeness and male and female he created them both and I love this understanding of of Adam cuz first then Eve and why what is Adam and why did Eve come second Adam was sort of the experimental version of man Adam he's create he's not pretty God makes him and he's there he's like yeah okay God needs a worker he needs someone rough he needs someone tough right but then he creates Eve and Adam Caesar and he notices she's the better version of him she's a the upgrade she's got the better processor she's better looking she looks bet more like God than Adam and and they're there Adam is he's enamored and you know this guy's if you have a wife she can talk without saying words it's a gift it's a gift I mean there's something that I know I feel that I feel it whenever I'm around my wife I'm like you're talking to me but there's no words coming out of your mouth and I'm still dragging my knuckles you know oh my oh me understand [Applause] she's the upgrade she's the better one she's she got fast she could talk right now gentlemen the ladies in this room are having a secret conversation about us and you don't even know it and they're praying for you so God makes man in His image male and female he created them both but then it goes back to this though he creates them it's it's it's interesting because Genesis 2 he repeats the whole conversation and he gives a more elaborate version of it it says in Genesis 2 that the seventh day God ended his work which he had done and he rests in verse 2 on the seventh day from all the work which he had done and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which God had created and made this is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God was made or the Lord God made the earth and the heavens before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown listen I want you to know this God created heaven and earth before the fall he did just create earth before the fall he created heaven and earth before the fall heaven was not created as a result of the fall sometimes we think of heaven is the place that you go to when you die like the only way to get to heaven is to die we make death a better Savior than Jesus you got to hear this we make death a better Savior than Jesus if death is the way to heaven what did you what do we need Jesus for perhaps Jesus came to restore that which was lost and it was our ability to move in and out of heaven heaven oh my goodness I I need you to hear this heaven was created before the fall and it was created because God created everything all at once do you know the only thing that God has created since the creation is you and I as believers were the new creation since then he hasn't created again he created everything all at once everything but the earth was not big enough to host all of his goodness and so he needed another place as a storehouse heaven is mentioned in Scripture as a storehouse a place where all of God's goodness can be hosted because the earth cannot contain all of his goodness and so what happens we have heaven and we have earth and God needs someone that can interact in both realms he creates us out of the dust of the earth and he breathes a life-giving she puts a life-giving spirit in Adam he actually puts life into him his own life and from the dust of the earth he creates a living being formed in the image of God and there he is and he's got the ability to move in and out of heaven because he's been created from the soil but he has the substance of heaven within his soul he's got the Spirit of the Living God within him and so when God comes to Adam in the garden after Adam and Eve eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do you remember the tree of the knowledge of good and evil sort of a weird thing I've never been tempted by an apple but this is their tempted by this Apple it's a is a candy apple my kids love those candy apples I'm like you're gonna break your teeth and so they they got those candy apples in the stores and just you know it's terrible and so I sit there I go I've never been tempted by an Apple what's the deal with this but it was it was seducing they they were looking at it like oh I wanna I want to eat it and what happens they fall knowledge of sin and death creeps in and they fall and they they come out of one state of awareness into another state of awareness now they're aware that they're naked and they're like quick get some leaves put some clothes on us they're like full hippie and and so God comes and says where are you do you notice that he says where are you and I do not believe that God did what was looking for GPS directions to Adam and Eve I do not believe that he was looking for like we're in the garden are you are you are you over here do I take a ride or - I take a left I think there's more that is going on than meets the eye because before the fall Adam and Eve were at the right hand of God continuously though they had a space in a place on earth they were also continuously before him in the presence and so one moment he looks over in there there in the next minute he looks over there not there now they were always on earth but they had the ability to live in two places at one time and so when he says where are you it's not because he doesn't know we're there in the garden he just couldn't find them in heaven anymore and so he's looking for them and he has to leave his perch and go down to the garden and he watches where they're at and he says what have you done where are you and they were removed from the garden but then Jesus thousands of years later comes on the scene and he says I came to seek and save that which was lost that which was lost not just lost souls but there was a dynamic that was taken a dynamic a context that was taken and Jesus came to restore that what was the dynamic and I want to show you this out of Genesis two right here says this before God created the heavens and the earth before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth and there was no man to till the ground but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground and the Lord God formed out of the dust of the ground and breathed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being this is interesting to me that God creates man because he notices there is no one to work the ground he had not yet sent rain because there was no man to till the ground no human to work the ground because God he's smart about what He pours out he doesn't pour out just for nothing he looks for containers he looks for something that's going to have the capacity to receive what it is that he's pouring out he says I don't just put I just pour out new wine I have to have new wineskins to pour into He pours out not just willy-nilly he pours out because he knows that it's going to yield harvest when he pours out and so he says there was no rain it had not yet rained rain had not come but a mist went up from the earth a dewy mist and watered the ground and this was temporary until God created man in His image because he knew they would work the ground and bring forth an abundance out of the ground when God would cause it to rain on what they worked I want you to see this this is your purpose in life your purpose is to work the ground and plant the seed I love it do you remember that commercial during the Super Bowl its few years back and it's like when God needed someone he made a farmer God's primary nature is a farmer that's that's the primary way that he acts and we we've lost touch of that especially in our generation we got social media we got Kickstarter we've got other inventions I got friends you know raising their you know marriage money on Kickstarter I'm like no I am NOT gonna give to that you need to get a job I'm not gonna kickstart your terrible relationship was it a terrible way to start you can't even be responsible you gotta have a Kickstarter to get married it's a terrible thing because we don't know how to sell and we don't know how to reap come on I'm talking to somebody right now and so God oh you're like I gotta delete that Kickstarter I see it on your faces you're like we really need that Kickstarter so we can go to Italy on our honeymoon I like good at Baltimore good things come but rain doesn't just fall for nothing he's waiting for someone to work the ground plant the seed and then he'll cause it to rain come on are you hearing me and I want to prophesy over you that rain is coming over your life and this year there's been a revelation that's been increasing and unfolding in my life about how to call the rain in fact we think about profits the primary role profits were to do three things number one the profits were called to reconcile God's people back to the covenant that there were covenant promises and covenant alignment that every single believer had to had to live in in order to live a part of the Covenant then number two they were called to anoint kings they were called to put people and instill people into positions of influence power they were to initiate moments with people that those people would step into their destiny there's a young man down here in Texas about a year and a half ago maybe two years now but this yeah two years this young man I saw him on the front row worshiping where she he was a worship leader and I looked at him and I said hey hey I want to tell you something I got a word for you he got down off the stage he was on for I said you don't just have a voice for radio you got a face for TV and over the next season God's gonna broadcast you you're going to be on television in the next season and God wants you to know that he's gonna anoint you for this and he's gonna put your face broadcast your face and put it all over and people will see it on their TVs all over the nation and he was like what so I get and I said yeah and you'll see it'll happen on 11/11 and so he gets to 11:11 he's about to give up he writes me in a Facebook message and he says Jamie we never met I didn't talk to you afterwards but I want you to know I've been trying to do acting for several years now and I haven't had one opportunity not even one gig because everything I put my ante has fallen apart he says I have an agent I don't know you know you get those agents you know at the mall and they're like hey you look good would you like to star in a commercial sign here and give me $200 and so he says I have an agent I've got you know and I've tried out nothing in response he says I was about to give up and I saw the date it was 11:11 and I knew I had a belief he says I believed I didn't have anything but I believed that day and I made a determination that this was my future this was my destiny he says I'm gonna go for it and he gets an opportunity and he says and Jamie now I will be the Supporting Actor on a major Netflix show in the next season and I want you to know I'm so excited I'm gonna be working with a-list actors on on one of the most amazing upcoming Netflix shows and I'm like come on man that's awesome praise God bring me on set and um this is the the Prophet is called to anoint case it's to put you and initiate you into your destiny and there are divine moments that we share with people that break them through to a place in the position and influence in their life I think it was like 12 years ago I prophesied over this one young kid it was a little boy it was a boy at the time I'd have been 13 and I said you'll play soccer and you'll play it in the Nations and God will be with you and he writes me years later is about four years later and he says Jamie was amazing to me i sat on that word for some years he says I've never played soccer a day in my life i when you said that I had no connection to soccer whatsoever I didn't even know what the sport is about he's like but now I'm on an international team and I'm playing with what up in a Premier League and we're going around the nations playing in soccer and I'm like come on man that's amazing see the prophetic highlights what you don't know that's already there it shows it reveals to you it's four anointed kings I have a good friend his name's Don and I met with him for a year after we ministered to him I prophesied over him prophesied over his kids told him that they would be going in the nation said that they would be doing something and I articulate what it was that they were going to be doing and over that year I met with them every week once a week listening to his words he had prophets prophesying Tim other things and I'm listening and I'm fielding these things amazing things and I'm going that's amazing friends like Bob Haslett and others and I'm going come on and at the end of that year he goes I got it I said what is it he goes it's called the sunshine nut company and what you know he goes yeah and we're gonna give away 90% of our profits and I'm like business mode just about it automatically kicks in for me I'm like that ain't healthy man you're gonna lose you're gonna go under you know and he goes no God gave it to me and I'm going okay you know it's funny when people start believing the word that you share with them and you don't believe the word that you share with them he says I got it now I go what does it look like he goes I'm gonna open up cashew factories in Africa and I'm gonna employ widows orphans those have been brought in through revival and I'm gonna give them opportunity that they never had and I'm gonna renovate that city I'm gonna I'm a plan all of these across Africa and we're gonna do something incredible and I'm gonna be in I'm gonna be in in grocery stores it's going to be and so as libraries go big vision ha-la-lu and listen it to him I'm like wow so now what this guy had in his background is he worked for Hershey and he was in charge of the cocoa trade in Hershey and he was in charge of buying and selling cocoa and then he went from there he left that company because of the prophetic words and he sat for a year listening to these prophetic words and meditating about what he was about to do and he got a phone call and it was Campbell so remember Campbell's Soup good and they brought him in and they said we love you we want you there Campbell's the President and 6v peace and they said we've got a VP spot just for you we what what is it going to take what number tell us the number whatever it is and we will give it to you we want you on our team and he says yo you can't buy me says what he says I got a bigger thing I got something else in my heart come on he calls me he says Jamie I did it I said what he said I sell in my house we're packing up or move in Africa and I'm selling my Porsche I like not the Porsche don't forget me I prophesied - ok so he said I got it he goes and he goes off and we don't see him it's like the guy that goes to Africa he's dressed and the entire you know he's got he's got the khaki fatigue on you know he's got the look and so he goes off to Africa and comes back a year later he goes man it's happening I said what's happened and Manny goes we got to cashew factories he goes it's awesome and I said that's amazing I love it and then a year later he comes back he goes man it's happening I said what's happening he says I'm gonna be in Whole Foods I was like what and then he comes back here later he says man it's happening I said what's happening he says I'm going on QVC's this is gonna be awesome you know the home shopping stuff and there he is with Larry King taking a picture on QVC selling his nuts unshut the sunshine nut company 90% of the proceeds going to revival and there he is he comes back in the next year and he's like Adam II with you man is awesome I'm doing a TED talk he's like oh my god lot could happen in three years prophecy it's for instilling initiating Kings to rule over the kingdom come on sons and daughters this is amazing stuff and so we have to recognize this but then the third thing that profits are called to is to call the rain they call the rain they're released at certain specific moments when rain is not happening in fact one of the one of the words used to describe rain coming down is open heaven open heaven we think of open heaven as in like spiritual activity heaven activity but in those days there were farmers and when he says bring all of your ties and your offerings into the storehouse and the reason why they brought them into the storehouse he says bring all the grain because I'm gonna open up the windows of heaven he didn't say bring your money he said bring your grain because rain is attracted to grain are you getting that one person got that who was that somebody's that grain is attracted to grain because what you do with the grain you sow the seed and then the rain comes so he says bring all those offerings into my storehouse that there may be food in my house and then I will open for you the windows of heaven seed calls the rain and when you see the seed that you've planted and you recognize the soil that you planted in rain will come when you call the rain he says I have not sent rain because there was no one no man no human to actually work the ground but when did the rain come the rain came when Noah built an ark that Ark was for the saving of his household which would be the seed for all of humanity the future seed and if you read this this is the most ironic thing that happens at the end when God rescues Noah and his family and they come off the boat and they save all these animals they have all these animals and Noah he's like whoa dry and he's finally they get back down on dry land they have all these animals that they spent so much time and effort in immaterial lumber making this boat to host these animals and you would think that they want to make sure that they have a nice transition off the boat into society you know they got to get them a like like you know kind of recalibrate it okay guys it's gonna be tough okay you're not gonna be smooth fed anymore we've been doing that you know for how many days you're gonna have to hunt for your own food okay but guess what Noah does he gets them off the boat and he gets them he brings them down and he sacrifices the animals what it says that he took one from every one of those creatures and the birds of the air and he built an altar and he sacrificed does that seem like backwards like you just went and saved all these animals and now you're done saving them you're like while it was awesome okay they're all safe now let's sacrifice them that does not seem right Noah has lost his mind but he knows he knows that he's offering and offering come on it's gonna secure his future God thinks differently we don't see it but there are spiritual realities in play energies dynamics in play that we do not see but there are certain things that are attracted to certain things because of the energy or the frequency of that thing rain is attracted to seed you know what when Jesus walked on water if you ever read this Jesus even though it says he walked on water he didn't actually walk on water he walked in an invisible substance and this this substance was called the firmament it's the water it's it's the the invisible barrier that separated the waters from the waters and so Jesus walked on the firmament what the disciples they see him walking on water but he's walking on an invisible material that only he can see there are so many dynamics that happen chain reactions because when you trigger an event in the spirit certain good things begin to unfold you say something kind and all the sudden kindness has returned to you it's not karma is bigger than karma come on because karma means suffering I don't want that I want to sow and bless because there's gonna be blessing in return come on are you hearing me are you hearing me this is good God is about to open up the windows of heaven for you and his blessing upon blessing prophets called the rain can I tell you a story I was in a in a meeting with a friend doing some meetings in in for three days three days I'm at this place in Baltimore and the and this couple I'm at a host home now typically never go to homes I usually am at a hotel but I made an exception because they're very Hospital they have amazing hospitality and I'm at this host home and they're like assuring me it's gonna be good you know no screaming kids nothing like that and and so I'm like praise God and they go and we're gonna give you our master bedroom and I'm like oh man prays you don't have to do it but praise God I receive it it was beautiful a nice new furniture you know blanket they had electric warmer on it I was like Holland so I'm sitting there enjoying it and and the host home the the husband-and-wife team they're amazing and she's making me crab sandwiches every day and going to the market getting fresh soft-shell crab and making crab sandwiches and I am eating these crab sandwiches like breakfast lunch and I'm like loving it and I'm eating these crab sandwiches and I'm going to praise God I'm just having the time of my life at this place and I noticed that I'm starting to like get like like bigger so in between crab sandwiches I was running I was going out running jogging I'm like I got it I got it work these calories off and so I'm just having a great time sleeping good and they they come in the the husband comes on third day and he says hey Jamie I said yeah buddy what's up he goes hey um if you've been having a good time here I said yeah he says oh good he says my wife she been taking care of you I said yes she has thank you so much did you like the crab sandwiches I said yes I do thank you he's like well have you you you've enjoyed every bit of our the master bedroom has that bed been soft for you I'm like it's perfect thank you so much he goes okay we just want to make sure you know that we take care of you when the man of God comes in town we want to take care of you we want to make sure you have a good place because we know that you're a man of God and I was like praise God thank you amen and he goes hey Jamie I was reading in the Bible he says in it and it says this in the Bible it says if you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet that you get a Prophet's reward you know anything about that Jamie and I said oh I got you I got you so he said I said I got you tonight I'll get you come to the meeting so he got he had his family there he's like we're all there gonna be there he got his haul of his nice family there we were really excited and they're sitting down and and the whole time I'm like I gotta get a word Lord I gotta get a work and so it's Father's Day so I come over there I said I'm gonna honor you as a father in this house and I want to bless you but I want to tell you some things that will come to pass shortly after this several weeks from now you will receive a large sum of money and this will give you a certification and this will give you the ability to go around the world and you'll travel in the next season and your family will be blessed because of this and you will see that you will you're the rest of your days that you'll be blessed and you'll bring your family with you and that was the word I get a phone call several months later and it was them and they said we were so excited I said what we knew you hear from God but it actually came to pass oh my praise God that's awesome what happened well you know I didn't know what was gonna happen so quick but it did and three weeks later I got a call from my company that I work for and it said that there's a scholarship set up in my name of a certain amount of money that I can do anything I want with to get an education a certification of any kind I said oh my goodness how much is this thirty thousand dollars so he gets that thirty thought he goes and he gets a certification in real estate and it's a specific certification that gives him a higher level a national platform and he's not even doing real estate he was working for the bus company that trend that brought transit to those that were going to work and back and so he he gets this certification and then he says and then I traveled and he says and I traveled to a place and I secured millions of dollars worth of deals with this new certification and he says and now I'm working on something and it's a new deal that's worth over two hundred million dollars and I was like praise God he goes yeah we're so excited because we're gonna be rich you know it's like I love honesty you say what got me it's gonna be good you know and I my praise God because yeah I go don't forget the Prophet he says oh I got you man I got you I'm gonna have a lot of crab sandwiches when that comes through say work the ground you know sometimes we think that the the way that we're going to manifest God's unlimited potential in us is to sit in a prayer meeting and pray it into existence now that sounds spiritual and it sounds right but there are some things that you say with your mouth there are other things that you have to work with your hands you have to go beyond prayer and into doing something with your hands that is meaningful life giving and fruit that will remain he wants you to bear much fruit and he says by this you will be my disciples that you bear much fruit so the proof that you are in is that you got a lot of good things happening around you and this is a byproduct it's not performance it's living from a place of abundance where the byproduct of my life is that I think good things happen because I've been in the presence of God and whatever I put my hand to is exponentially increasing you know that God spoke everything into existence except you and I you and I he made with his hands because there are some things that you can say other things that you actually need to get in the dirt and work the ground and plant the seed it called the rain my daughter nine years old she started creating her own little thing called slime anybody into slime she comes out she goes dad I need to go get borax I'm like borax are you cooking meth what do they teach you on youtube today dad I need the borax I'm like I texted my wife what is borax is that legal she's like it's for slime dad I'm like what do you mean she's like I make it I create it all day long she's in there in her little chemistry lab making this line she's a smell this one dad smell the touch it and I'm like and she's she's got all of these different ones and and she's like I want to start my own business I'm like yeah you do she's nine years old she's got her own Etsy shop and she sells slime and she sells out it's amazing come on because more and more this generation is returning to making things with their hands have you noticed that it's interesting how just certain fascinating things such as even just like like like what's it called where you take the ironing your clothes people don't want to just hand it over to someone anymore they actually want to do it themselves because there's something gratifying when we do something with their own hands creators creating making things I was in a meeting well I'm not gonna show that one there's I want you to see something at a first King 17 and this is Elijah Elijah has this ability and you have the same ability first King 17 Elijah comes onto the scene he's got this amazing ability but I want to show you and draw your attention to something it says in verse 1 Elijah the Tishbite of the inhabitants of Gilead said to Ahab as the Lord God of Israel is before whom I stand there shall not be do no rain these years except at my word say at my word doesn't he say hey the rain is like the word he says it's not my word like the rain that comes down and like the snow that makes the earth saturated and that brings forth bread to the eater seed to the sower brings forth a yield but what I found so interesting is in verse 2 it says then the word of the Lord came to him Elisha Denton prophesy because the word of the Lord came to him the word of the Lord came to him after he prophesied he knew that he was within his bounds to stop the rain or call the rain he knew he was within that the dynamic that God had already set up because what did it say it says if you keep all of these Commandments then I will open the heavens for you he knew Israel had not been sowing they had not kept those commandments they had not been working on the ground they had not been putting the seed in they had not brought into the house of God and so he says there's gonna be no rain except at my word because he knew he was within his authority to stop the rain because there was a lack of investment come on perhaps there is an abundance of rain waiting on your investment are you going to invest in your future are you going to invest in what it is that got us I have this is not a promo for my books but they're good and I see this all the time people at books the books they're like pacing back and forth they're like oh god is it your will that I get this book it's thumbing through the books I'm like you've read the whole book by now all right nothing Oh God is it your will oh Lord I don't know I don't know should I should I not but we're willing to invest sometimes you know seven dollars over an ice sugary Frappuccino come on have we got these backwards I gotta give the upgrade of the phone you know and like we're so preoccupied with all these other things rather than investing in our spiritual destiny and when you invest in your spiritual destiny you you yourself other people will come along and prophesy it to you but that's that's just a small little affirmation of what you've been doing I love the word the moment where people are like you know and then we laid hands on them and then they exploded in the nation's I'm like there was a whole history way before that moment that that person sewed they gave they were pouring their heart into Jesus they were doing amazing things for God they were saying yes to him when no one else was saying yes and then you came along and laid hands and then it just broke up you just affirmed what they were already building up you sowed the seed you call the rain come on are you hearing me can't tell you another story there was a young couple they called me they emailed me actually they said hey we want to meet with you we've read your books we're excited we want to meet with you before the meeting can we meet with you in the morning and bring our team with you I said how many you coming they said a lot so I said yeah I normally won't do this but I'll meet with you guys so I met with them early and they said do you have a word for us I said yes I do I said next season you'll be doing a movie you'll be writing producing and directing a movie and he said what he's looking at his friends around him using we don't have him nothing like that happening right and they're like no and his wife comes up she says what about me what do you see I said you'll be getting that horse farm and she's like now I know you hear from God I get a message several months later and it's Jamie so excited because your work came to pass I'm like come on what happened we're writing directing a movie and we got a 10 million dollar budget I'm like come on bring me on set be an actor come on you never know what God's gonna do when you open your mouth and call the rain and they had nothing in the cards that was that was set up for that but God had a different word for them come on are you hearing me what are you believing God for because I want to call the rain on your life right now I want to call the rain in this place and one of the things that I can discern is those have been giving not I'm not just talking about giving to a ministry I'm talking about they've been giving of their time energy effort they've been sowing into the spiritual destiny and I see it in the spirit and I could call the rain and I believe right now we can do this corporately over those that you know by faith you've been giving you've been in a place of giving and God's gonna give back to you come on are you ready for this because I want to call the rain on your life listen I told this storm had told this story earlier actually at dinner but we got a bunch of these little ones oh man I this another one and I feel like this is a reward for you but there this guy he brings me in this testimonies a word for you spirit of prophecy this guy brings me in and he says hey Jamie we're excited you're here but want you to know we're going through a financial crunch I said okay that's not something I want to hear as a you know traveling minister and so I said what do I do and learns like all the rain so I I know they've been so I know they've been given four years but the dead of their house is too big and so I turn him in the middle of the meeting I said it'll come in you'll see it very shortly after this one lump sum and it will pay off your building in your signing right now on the dotted line about this I see it in the spirit and he knew he told me later that when I said signing on the dotted line that yes he was signing on the dotted line for something and it was a language that he understood and three months later he got a check one time for a 1.5 mil that was specifically dedicated to them the ministry and they paid off their building in our by and our building a new building on the same property while keeping the old one one lump sum call the rain come on this right now receive it like you're receiving the rain this is the storehouse and so we bring all that we have into the storehouse because we know that there's going to be heavy rain father right now I call rain on every person here under the sound of my voice thank God you would release an abundance of heavy rain in this place this place would overflow with rain God that you would begin to bring supply more than demand an abundance let it come let it come I just see scholarships I see provision I see God beginning to realign things and pay off debts in this house and some of you are going to begin a step into a place of provision but you're also going to step into a place of investment investing in businesses and investing in portfolios and beginning to build things together and that this house will begin to see a kingdom move and begin to establish new ways new avenues of reaching out to the community that will bring about resource and there'll be a multiplication because of this who I want to prophesy that in five years you'll be 95% self supported and that this house will have such an increase in an overflow that the total amount that offerings bring in will only equate to five percent of the budget and so father let it be that this house would come under a blessing a provision and increase Tracy I see this on you and that God has given you the design he's given you the way forward and this is not a time to be afraid this is not a time to fear but it is a time to go forward to move into everything that God has purpose and plan for you and to step in no longer hesitating but God will begin to increase your ability to be in multiple streams of influence that though you are here you also be doing multiple other things and these other things will not take away from what you're doing here but will be ways to delegate and release people from this house into places of authority and influence and you'll begin to stretch out your arms to different cities and neighborhoods and begin to identify where God is moving in them and begin to call them in and so I say let it be let the rain come let the crown be broken open and the sea be planted we say this yes and amen in Jesus name come on celebrate God with me for this [Applause] I want you to put your neighbor your hand lightly on your neighbor and just begin to pray that abundance would break out for them come on abundance will break out sure let it come let abundance come let abundance come let abundance come in the name of Jesus release abundance rivers of abundance let it come in the name of Jesus more Lord more Lord more alert let rivers of abundance come Lord more Lord more Lord in Jesus name come there it is there it is double it double it double it more Holy Spirit open it up rivers of abundance Lord let it come mmm you step it in you're stepping in more Holy Spirit more Holy Spirit Shh more holy spirit are there business owners in here right now that you have a business that you are you own you might have even just started it come on up here I want to pray for you a bless you yeah come on may I have a water as well oh thank you and I know Traci has some words as well god you're so good I want to bless you that you would prosper in every way in this time and that your businesses would thrive and that you would begin to see expansion in every way to the right into the left Holy Spirit I bless every one of them with an anointing to prosper with an anointing to see abundance in the name of Jesus let it come let it come let open doors come let revival break out more Holy Spirit more Holy Spirit let it come in Jesus name let it come in the name of Jesus I just see something on you that God is about to give you skills and you're going to begin to see it an increase in your skills in an increase in your knowledge and the things that you've done in the past they're going to increase and I see people are going to begin a taste and see that God is good and your skills are going to bring you before great people and knowledge is going to increase because of that so I bless that I see on you that there's going to be a Wells that are going to be it's like people are going to be released because of what you have and I see people under you beginning to prosper and it will prosper you and so watch as God begins to line things up and I see it's gonna be like fresh oil father release it right now in Jesus name Shh more Holy Spirit more Holy Spirit put your hands out father release it release it release it right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus more more Lord more Lord more Lord more Lord double it Lord more increase it more Lord more Lord there it is more more Lord in Jesus name in Jesus name yeah increase increase increase the ability to create wealth in the name of Jesus the ability to release and create wealth in the name of Jesus double it Lord more more Lord in Jesus name more Lord Wow increase increase increase Wow there is an expansion happening in you and I just see God expanding you to the right and to the left and so let it come in the name of Jesus let it come Shh more more MORE in Jesus name or release it release it Lord who did I not put my hand up come up here come come to the front if I didn't pray for you you didn't hit feel my hand on your hand put your hands out come to the front come clearly to the front let those come forward more Lord there it is doublet doublet doublet shoe more more MORE let the shift commence Lord of abundance in the name of Jesus I call it in Jesus name let it come let it come let it come in the name of Jesus more MORE doublet doublet doublet more more more more God Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan there it is more more Lord more Lord more Lord more Lord increase double an increase in Jesus name more Lord more Lord come on double it more Lord more Lord increase increase Lord increase more Lord more in the name of Jesus let it come father let it come Lord in Jesus name let it come on double it double it Lord more more heart yeah come on let's just celebrate what God did right now Tracy where's Tracy I know you have some words yeah I have a word for Reed would you stand up any reward I didn't even know you were here and and I was during worship you know I'm facing this way and so I'm just praying and the Lord brings you up and so let me tell you what I saw I saw you you started to you're small and and I saw you grow and you started to get large large large and I saw you getting really big over Dallas and you grew up over Dallas and you had a crown on your head and you look like the Statue of Liberty and I felt like the Lord was saying that you're gonna bring real freedom to the city and that you are in the midst of being promoted and I felt a real shift in a movement like he's moving you from where you are to where you're going and and you felt kind of the grace leave on where you are but you feel like you know I'm not yet there yet Lord I don't understand why things are all the sudden so hard and the Lord said you know I'm just moving you so just be patient wait on the Lord because he's gonna do this and he's gonna make this happen I I see you with an incredible amount of influence in this city and your voice is going to it's going to matter and people are going to respond to the things that you say and I saw you consulting and I saw you in the consulting industry and you were consulting entertainers you're consulting people in in lines of fashion you're consulting people in different places and spaces but there's been things in your past even professional teams and the things that you've done in your past that God is going to begin to use the team and the team dynamic again of your because t teamwork makes the dream work and so I bless you that you would begin to see your team your dream team come about in Jesus name ray I really felt like the Lord said that you're stepping out and you're really taking a chance right now and he wants you to know that it's him and and that he's going to come through for you I see you in this time where you are you're gonna begin to gather not just ideas and strategies from the Lord but I see you begin to gather as you gather those ideas I see you gathering money like you're gonna go to people and you're gonna be saying you know this is what the Lord is saying here are some of the ideas that I'm having what do you think about this and just watch because God's gonna go before you and it's interesting because I saw that you you were in like a funnel you know and and you got the Lord put you and you got real thin at the bottom of this tunnel a funnel and it got really hard you know it's like I've got nothing left I've got nothing left I'm so small now and the Lord said that that's exactly right you're so small you know I mean there's such so much humility and meekness on you that you just fit right through this this funnel and you went and you went down to the bottom but down on the bottom was a broad place that the Lord is bringing you into so I just want to bless you and I want you to be encouraged that man and I mean that in that I want you to have courage and the Lord is gonna give you courage for this next season to walk this out amen all right that's actually all that I have you want to pick up where I left off so good come on in guy good he's awesome he's so awesome hey what's your name Ariel however a minister to you Ariel no you know I see though I see have been singing over you and I see God placing on you it's an authority and it's authority to lead people and to lead them into the high praises of God and you're gonna begin a see and hear the sounds of heaven Phila angels are all around you having a singing over you the song these these sounds and yeah they're but there's really amazing like you have a bloodline that God wants to really show you just how powerful it is and how powerful your bloodline is and how the nobility that you've come from and because I sense nobility in you I sense a royalty in you and you're gonna begin to unearth this in this next season and it's going to be an eye-opening experience for you just about who God made you and how he made you and your identity in this season and so I bless that in you in Jesus name Amen awesome what's your name buddy Dylan nice Talon Talon like melon awesome I'll take it come on buddy now I I feel like I see you you know you're you got the musician look but there's also something else of engineering in you and you know you're going to begin to see the ability to put things back together and there's a wisdom on you to engineer and to reverse-engineer some things and I see God beginning to give you ideas even for business that are going to help put back the pieces of the puzzle for people that things have fallen apart in their life and so watch you're going to begin to put the pieces of the puzzle it's it's like I see like the Transformers cars and how they're just they fall apart and but they put back together and I feel like you're in a transformation and you're putting these back together like car let like their cars but they're being put back together and so I bless that in you and the engineer mind run away babe and may the Lord anoint you for this so father right now just anoint him for this in Jesus name we celebrate that amen everybody say Amen [Applause] who is it you have a like a wrist condition something do you have a wrist problem somebody do you have a wrist problem you did how long ago was that oh my goodness okay father right now just heal his wrist up yes now move that wrist around is that pretty cool or what oh my goodness Wow as awesome Wow do you this [Applause] [Music] it's so fun and oh there's another lady just like that she had a wrist prop and she was sitting down I said you have a wrist problem don't she said yeah I said put your hand down and she couldn't move her wrist also and she goes cuz their whole family they're all like I love it now I I did pray for you you know in in the line earlier but what's your name Frederick okay Frederick now Frederick I feel like you've walked through a thing and you've been through difficulty but God is gonna get you all the way through and I see the Lord touching your brain and he's touching your head he's touching your mind but he's touching specifically your brain and I don't know if if you've had any setbacks in that in that way but I feel like God's beginning to heal some something up up top does that make sense to you at all it's not about healing okay so lord whatever you want to do Lord we just thank you God for giving them a supernatural intelligence Lord let me see your head father for increasing him in intelligence Lord in every which way and that he would come to a place of radical intelligence in this time for a design for understanding design and what it is that you're designing and so I bless him in Jesus name Amen come on who's all these folks right in the back there y'all just standing up waiting to get out go to Whataburger Star Wars good what's your name come up here [Applause] Wow I felt like you grew tall in very shortly like in a like I don't know why but I saw a growth spurt and I feel you are about to step into another growth spurt how old are you 18 so Lord let it come in the name of Jesus that you would begin to grow up into all the goodness of God all the good things that God has I bless that I bless you even in your mind to innovate because there's an innovation that you have in your mind you're an innovator and I see I see skill I see talent in its digital talent I see God giving you digital talent and and even to create things on digital platforms and he's gonna begin to increase you and grow you you're gonna go through a growth spurt and he's gonna give you downloads about digital platforms that are gonna revolutionize way people connect and so I bless that in you in Jesus name there's also there are prophetic gifts in you and there is a teaching gift in you as well and you're gonna help bring others into this an awareness of God and it's a really a different way of teaching and it's hands-on and so I bless you with that father released that in Jesus name did you have asthma as a kid or breathing anything breathing that you needed healing of do you have allergies or anything like that you got healed praise God okay that's good and the reason why I ask sometimes and I said as a kid but sometimes what happens is we have these moments that were healed and a gift remains and we may not know it I feel a healing gift is on you and so just unlock that healing gift in the name of Jesus release that healing gift you would begin a step into it and you will heal the sick you'll see them recover and God's hand will be on you for this I bless that in G his name come on let's celebrate god bless you Jake that's what I have for you and I feel I I just feel that was the deposit I was to give to you and so would you all stand up while I bless you thank you lord release your incredible blessing Lord upon each and every person here let them step into the things of the Spirit in ways that they can only imagine but now you make possible bring us into your goodness we thank you for that in Jesus name all God's people said amen amen if you've been inspired by this message we invite you to partner with us by visiting storehouse Dallas comm /give [Music]
Channel: Storehouse Dallas
Views: 5,129
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Id: 0U1YPos-uBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 13sec (6193 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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