Seeing Angels with Joshua Mills and Patricia King

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[Music] [Music] my t1 you have Elly [Music] [Music] this [Music] Oh Yuna's Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when [Music] she went in the darkness please when I'm on my feet when I [Music] my feet winner in darkness [Music] [Music] Jesus is nicked in hi [Music] they're coming down strongholds are coming down Jesus cystic tonight they're coming down strong holes up Jesus is left she suspected ha Jesus if to hide suspect in her tonight Jesus is 15 huh Jesus is athene ha Jesus Jesus Jesus the next Jesus Jesus hey Jesus [Music] whoa hallelujah let's give the Lord a big show right now he is amazing he is awesome maybe turn to a couple of people around you and just let them know how good Jesus is tell them that Jesus is good to you that he is here in the house tonight for those of you that are watching online we want to welcome you tonight to this night of revival and we're going to be talking about seeing angels Joshua Mills is in the house and his daughter Liberty we're gonna have an amazing time in the glory of the Lord for all of you who are in the overflow room we know that the glory of God is gonna visit you in amazing ways that we overflow god is good amen give the Lord another big praise you can be seated for a moment when we were having dinner tonight with Joshua and Liberty they were telling us about how the tour is going and they were just in in San Diego let me have some friends there and they just wanted to hang out with her friends and so they were gonna hang out in the living room with her friends and and then their friends hosted in their in their condo just moved all the furniture out of the way basically and ground that full of people and God moved and I was gonna ask Josh wanna share some testimony about what happened because God's gonna do it here there's an open heaven here tonight God is gonna move in this place tonight he's gonna move in your lives tonight how many of you are hungry for him how many of you just want more how many of you watching online you just want more of Jesus tonight how many of you are desperate for more of him come on let's how about hungry we are so Josh mock wouldn't he come forward and Liberty too if you want Liberty and I we were down in San Diego and we worship for about an hour and in the middle of worship just a realm begin to open up for for us corporately together and I believe that it's gonna happen tonight in this place that even as we worship the realm is just gonna open and become so apparent and God's gonna begin moving in such powerful ways people begin seeing visions and begin looking into the realm and God begins showing them angels that were moving in the living room and and God began doing all these different things and people were sharing what they were seeing and one lady she saw the the angels show up and take the the colored oils different colored oils and begin pouring them down and and then she felt like there was an angel that was in the room that had like this sensor you know the fill up full of incense you know like you would see in a really religious Church right but the angel came with a sensor and just began swinging it and as the sensor was swinging the the fragrance began to come and different people in the room begin to smell the fragrance like many many people were smelling the fragrance and even liberty she was worshiping and just totally lost in worship and she began smelling the fragrance what did you smell [Music] she been smelling these these flower fragrances and that of course speaks of the the very person of Christ it's the fragrance of Christ and it's amazing that as the angels were coming and as the fragrance was coming it was all directing us back to the one who is the king of kings and the Lord of lords so that we would see Jesus being lifted high in our midst I believe that's gonna happen tonight as we come to him and we give him our worship the realm is gonna open pictures are gonna be painted in across the screen of your heart you might begin to smell the fragrance of heaven you might begin to feel that the brush of angel wings there's no telling what God's gonna do but be open and ready to receive because God is in this place the glory is here hallelujah Joshua was mentioning over dinner that for a number of people in that in that living room you know hanging out with Jesus for the night just like we are tonight it's so for many of them they had major encounters that transform them they were those those those pivotal moments in your life where nothing's the same after that and I just want us as we prepare ourselves for worship tonight to just bring our heart before the Lord and say Lord I just want you I want you to open up my heart to more places in you places that I've never known in you I want to behold you like I've never beheld you before I want to know you like I've never known you before so do in me tonight a work that will be so pivotal for what's ahead in Jesus name thank you Lord you hungry for him oh there's such a revelatory spirit in here tonight so not only are many of you actually going to discern tangibly the angelic presence but there's going to be revelation brought to your heart tonight because he is here amen so it's down to your feet in let's worship he rides upon the wind of their weight he is a lord of the Angel armies their mighty warriors who slay our enemies in war wake my soul [Music] here eyes heeey [Music] really [Music] you are [Music] hmm he armed [Music] it's hope and they bring I will not they carry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is passe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] around by God's glory around our Savior strong singing holy home we were ship you all surround by God's glory around us - the wrong sing we went to ship you along [Music] [Music] yours [Music] really [Music] your ministers a fire healing open a bar send the [Music] you're missing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so by God's glory around our Savior strong singing holy holy we worship you or surrounded by God's glory around our saviors throne singing holy [Music] [Music] how we worship You Jesus the source of your savior just worship you save him just worship them tonight lift your hands all over the realm and worship thank you the king is on [Music] we worship You Jesus though should be Jesus or should be King of Kings the Lord of lords the mighty God [Applause] [Music] Jesus we worship You Jesus [Music] the Holy One [Music] holy one Jesus the Holy One can you see him up the road can you see him tonight surround it all this glorious glory ha yes a seer tonight King of Kings the Lord of lords we were we worship you we worship you with all her heart with all we have we worship You Jesus we worship You Jesus we usually tease her [Music] Jesus precious Jesus [Music] we wish Lord we worship in we were to be [Music] didn't you realize [Music] we only holy see Leeson [Music] see we sing holy [Music] you're so great [Music] the only one one worthy take the scroll to take the scroll the only one worthy easy only one he's the only one he's the only one way he's y'all the only one word the only one worthy he wanted the holy on you [Music] we try everything nobody won we tried [Music] versus the way they want [Music] yeah [Music] holy will shout your brains our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] no lien will shout your priests are these bones will sing Oh [Music] these phones will [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see you give life you give life you bring light to unless you give you every is bro okay [Music] you give a life you are you bring a light too [Music] Risto [Music] it's short we before [Applause] so we [Music] so [Music] in dog years we'll shout your breaks our hearts will come back these poems will say [Music] doli we'll shout out your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we do you me [Music] wanted this time for a trade [Music] we love the shoes [Music] you are said to me you are strength call yes your are mercy [Music] before it out watch a parade jeez this is your time to blow it out mom oh Jesus [Music] right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and so we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] are you great [Music] you [Music] hi hi hi [Music] I [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] come on tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forints ow Oh Oh above all the now for Oh for them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi Oh listen again for now [Music] the [Music] Oh the [Music] now far Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can we just say me exactly wee-wee me [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I see the Lord gazing upon you and he's saying that you are altogether beautiful he says you caused my heart to be filled with the light when I look upon you the worship that you have released unto Him tonight as such as heart and I feel like the Lord saying that he's gonna bring us into a new place a place of increase places where you've never been before in his spirit the scripture says that his ways are past finding out that he has so much to reveal to us so much to to disclose to us in these coming days now as we were worshiping I I saw a vision of of a door being open and we were lined up ready to go through the door and the door was a door to increase the encounter and he was washing our feet and I was reminded of how he wanted to wash Peters feet and Peter said no way I'm not gonna let you wash my feet I shall be watching yours he said if you don't let me wash your feet you know you have no part of me and in John 15 he said you're already clean because of the word but we have need of our walk to be cleansed because he's gonna take us into holy ground in these coming days holy encounters with him and he's saying tonight I want to wash your feet and I want to put a new garment on you a fresh garment a garment of glory I want to put on you so that you will be able to stand in the holy place that I'm bringing you into in this next season and I see this door being open it's a doorway into increased encounter and we're so hungry we're so hungry for you Lord God we want to encounter you face-to-face we want to encounter you heart-to-heart and so we say yes clothe us afresh cleanse us afresh that we might stand in your holy place O God but we might behold you though we might behold you that we might know your thoughts and know your heartbeat and experience you so we say yes to you tonight Lord we say yes to the open door we say yes to all that you're doing for us to prepare us to go into this new season thank you lord and for many of you I see a new definition coming to your lives and I'm thinking right now of a baby when it's being formed in the womb you know when it's in its fetal form over the time that it's in the womb it starts to unfold everything was already in it but it starts to get defined over time so every time you look at a at a sonogram of it or whatever you can see more little things unfolding and when the baby's born there it is it's defined it's beautiful and many of you are gonna find new definition you're gonna see things about yourself and this next season that you never knew that God had put in you before new things are gonna surface new things are going to arise within you you're assigned it didn't even know that was in me but God says it's in your DNA it's who you are and so we say yes Lord unfold in us all all that we are called to be in do and in other word I'm getting tonight is that for many of you you felt like you've been in the preparation season for a long time and you've known that you were created for a purpose you that you created to be defined to be a representative of Jesus in an impacting way and you've been waiting and you've been yielding to the Lord in the season of preparation but the Lord says that for many of you it's your time now to arise in the same way that when Joseph came out of the prison and stood as a deliverer for two nations it was very quickly done and yet it took a long time before that woman came but for many of you your time your time is coming you will you will stand and see who you are in the light of your destiny calling thank you lord thank you Jesus there is a season of increased revelation the Lord says there's many shakings that are going to go on in the world many shakings he says I will shake everything that can be shaken but you are of a kingdom that cannot be shaken and I see an increase for those who are so submitted to him I see an increase of glory an increase of the supernatural an increase of a way out encounters that the natural mind would have a hard time to even comprehend because God is that good and so we say yes to you Lord yes Lord amen thank you so much Susan Cheatham and the worship team thank you for bringing us in to his presence tonight and Susan I have a word for you and it has to do with that definition I was talking about earlier is that you're a woman who wears a coat of many colors and in an invoice like there can be many ranges sometimes people have huge range and the Lord says he has given you huge range and I'm not talking about singing I'm talking about in the spirit even though we have a beautiful range and singing to this is in the spirit and he's going to expand your range and when singers in the natural grow and stretch its through exercising like just going that next taking the right breaths forming the right formation in their mouth and they're you know releasing their vocal cords to be able to do what they need to do but I see you doing that must be right because this is gonna be a season of acceleration and growth for you but it's also a time of definition you are a woman of God a wonderful woman of God thank you so much for the way you serve the body hallelujah whoa it's such a powerful presence in the room tonight it's the presence of Jesus it's him Katie so good to see you so glad that you're with us welcome to Katie Souza and her team here tonight and all of you that are in the overflow room I I slipped out into the overthrow of overflow room during worship and oh my goodness the glory was in there and it was just beautiful so we are together in the house and I'm gonna have amazing time I think I've shared with you in the past that when we had tent meetings up in Kelowna years ago we filled the house so we had to put a 10 an overflow tent out in the parking lot and it filled and there was so much glory out there that many people left the main building to go into the overflow because there was so much anointing God is everywhere amen and we know that he's gonna he is here to meet with you tonight so thank you so much for coming how many of you this is your first time being in the studio put up your hands let us say you're not too many but welcome we're so glad that you're with us here tonight and we hope that you feel at home and bless and of course those of you online that have never connected with us at the studio here for our revival meetings we want to welcome you and we pray that you'll feel so at home here with us because this is Jesus living room tonight and we want you to be here with us well I'm just going to make a few announcements before we have Joshua come up to share first of all we do have a book table joshua is going to be back at the book table tonight signing books his brand new book on seeing angels and he has a lot of material back there there's work books and teachings and everything and so that's out there for you to have available to you and he will be signing books for those that want your book signed and also we have a bookstore out there as well a book table out there for other materials that you can get my new book accessing the riches of heaven is out there so feel free to get that and learn how to access heaven how to access that glory dimension also I wanted to let you know about next week next Sunday morning both services and next Sunday night Joan hunter will be in the house so we're excited to have Joan come with with people that you know who are sick and infirm and especially long term sickness isn't that because we always have miracles when Joan hunter is in the house so bring out your friends and we're expecting God to do great things because he is our healer amen he is everything that we need and so she will be here to build you up and bless you all so I wanted to let you know about the tour the god TV tour to Israel coming up next March but the registrations apparently are cut off the first week in January so if you're planning on going get online right away and sign up you don't have to pay for everything right away but you are going to have to register soon if you want so that just leaves you a couple months and I want to just say that you know this is a great Christmas present to yourself or to others you know and if you've never been to Israel before go for it and do whatever you need to do to get there come on the tour with us because you'll never be the same there's something about when you go and bless Israel and when you stand on that ground that God has chosen for his own it'll transform you it will change you and every time I go to Israel I just grow in levels because of the revelation it's in the very air that you breathe there it's really amazing so we have postcards available for you on on that and you can go on Patricia King comm find out more information go on the events page and just scroll down to March and you'll see all the information there and we have a number of other things coming up but will maybe share some of that tomorrow night but I'm gonna receive an offering tonight and then we're gonna have Joshua come forward to minister to you how many of you are expectant it's going to be amazing isn't it so angels is the subject for tonight and and Joshua's book on angels and how God uses angels and how angels serve the Lord and serve his purposes and serve you and we see in the Bible that angels were actually used to bring provision did you know that the Angels bring provision how many of you need provision in your life well in the Bible we see angels bringing provision and one story about those found in first Kings chapter 19 where Elijah is going through a really difficult time and he's under a juniper tree and he's he's discouraged and he's without strength and an angel came to him he didn't have any food or anything available but the angel came and brought him what he needed and then he ate the food that the angel brought and then the angel went away and then he came back again and so he just continued to look after Elijah with the provision that Elijah needed and God wants to assign angels of provision to each and every one of you and did you know that you can ask for them you can ask for God to send servants out to serve you I remember years ago when we were up in Mission British Columbia Canada we had our ministry office in the basement of our house and at that particular time we were believing for a ministry project to be fulfilled we needed a lot of finance for it it was the biggest step of faith that we had made at that time and the provision just wasn't there not even a bit of it we had said yes to the Lord we stepped into it but no provision manifested so we're in prayer one day in the office praying into this and saying God show us like what do we need to do here what what is the key to unlocking the provision and he spoke to us and he said I'm going to assign provision angels to you from heaven and they will be assigned to go to the north the South the east and the West and go and get the provision for you that you need and he said all I need you is to declare the word of the Lord over your provision and these angels will be dispatched and so that day the Lord assigned provisional angels to our ministry that are still with us to this day Bob Jones told me that that when God assigns an angel to you he's assigned to you for life and so when you get an angelic visitation where the Lord's assigned an angel that angel is with you it's there to serve you it is assigned to you and I remember saying to I've never heard that before it's a chapter and verse on that and he says yep and he said the gifts of the calling of God are without repentance he doesn't take him back I said I'll take that one but I know that those angels are still with us I see them in operation I can sense some sometime I see the result of their work and he's also given him and given them to us in our personal life and they go out and they get the provision that we need because angels obey the voice of the Lord's command so when you decree for example my God shall supply all my need according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus immediately those angels that are assigned to you go out and respond to that voice they respond to that word and they bring it in and so it was just like I think less than 48 hours after that morning of prayer meeting that all the need and more came in and it was assigned to us that definitely those angels had be being assigned to us and another testimony was when my husband and I were just learning how to live by faith with no visible means of financial support and so it was a challenge there was warfare that hit us at the time and we were struggling to just stand in faith and to push through and I remember the Lord speaking to me about going on a ministry trip across Canada to Ottawa on this very strategic prayer convocation and of course we had you know every we were believing for our daily bread so there was an extra money for air fares and things like that but I told my husband I said I really feel God's telling me to go this prayer convocation and he says well I'm all for it but we're just gonna have to believe God for the provision because we don't have the provision in our sight right now to be able to go so I just stood in faith and I said God I just believe we're going and and I call forth the finances that we need to buy the the air ticket and I went to the travel agent because we didn't have online travel back in those days but I went to the travel agent and there was an affair sale on that I could get this this airfare for 199 dollars return to Ottawa I thought wow that's great but I don't have $199 so I said I'm just going to believe that you're going to do this for me so it was the last day of the sale I woke up that morning in a dream and I saw my hand open and the father put in $20 bills into my hand and then a stack of 20 bills was in my hand he put his hand down on top of it and I heard the audible voice of God in the dream say go buy your ticket and I woke up and I thought wow I think something special is going to happen today because if it doesn't I won't be going to Ottawa unless he transports me and so I got my boys ready for school they were in elementary school at the time and went out the door and locked the door we were the last ones out of the house and locked the door after I cleaned up after breakfast took them to school and I'd had a phone call that morning from a woman in distress and she asked if I could come and pray for her so I said sure I'm on my way to a prayer meeting so I'll stop on the way so I dropped the kids off at school when and prayed for this woman and the glory of God came and touched her life and she had a breakthrough it was just awesome what God did so I was running out the door to try to make the prayer meeting on time said just a minute Patricia just a minute the Lord just spoke to me and he told me to give you this and she puts her hand in her purse and brings out a wad of 20s you know and I thought wow this is amazing thank you and so I I I took it and I thank God for it I thought this is interesting because a dream showed me all these 20s I went to the prayer meeting and when I was in the prayer meeting we had a wonderful time with the Lord had some breakthrough prayer and I had to leave to go pick up my boys for lunch so I'm running out the door to try to get them on time and a woman was running out I didn't tell anyone my need and as she says the Lord told me to give you this and it was another $20 bill and so I thought this is amazing and so I wouldn't picked up the boys and brought them home for lunch unlock the door when in the door went into the cupboard and I was the last one in the cupboard before I left because I put the dishes away from breakfast and there was $20 bills hanging on the cup hook the exact amount that was needed to finish the the $200 plus an extra 20 when I counted up all the money there was even an extra 20 and I heard the the Lord's voice in the dream that told me go buy your ticket so after I took the boys back to school I ran down to the travel agent right away to buy the ticket and she said that'll be two hundred and eighteen dollars and I said well I thought it was only 199 she said yeah but there's tax so there it is and the Lord had even provided that and I believe honestly I believe it was angels that came in and put $20 on the cup hooks there's no other explanation there was no one else in the house no one else had a key my husband was on the road so he wasn't even even there I was the last one to put those those things in the cover you know to put the dishes away there's no $20 hanging there it had to be supernatural so I'm sharing this to build your faith for these coming days expect God to move supernaturally don't just restrict him to just a limited you know a limited means of looking after your needs he is way bigger than that he can give you way beyond what you think he can do if you just give him that opportunity and let your expectation arise and come to living supernaturally start to have an expectation for the supernatural to come we have seen so much supernatural provision we have even seen gold this was in Hamilton Ontario we saw gold growing up out of a flower pot gold gold chips that were actually you know the woman took them out of the flower pot they kept kept growing up as she was taking them out they kept growing up she had this whole handful of gold chips that she took the bank said what do I do with this and all the teller said wow what is that well it just you know we had gold show up in church the other night and then I went home and here it's growing up in my battle plan here and I just keep pulling it out and more keeps coming they said that's crazy and so they sent her to an Assessor to assess it and and the guy said I've never seen anything like this before this is amazing this is our God our God is is a miracle working God so I just want to build your faith because you're gonna step into a season of supernatural extreme supernatural provision so expect God to do great things expect them to do big things expect them to do beyond even what you need because he's able to meet your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus so there's no limit to that amen so tonight we're gonna so into that we're gonna so extravagantly into the presence of the Lord we are gonna sew into the advancement of his kingdom we're gonna sew into his heart and honor him with our tithes and offerings believing that he is going to do as he says is that in the measure that we give it will be given back unto us pressed down shaken together and running over in the means that we sow it shall be increased back to us even up to a hundred and one thousand fold increase I mean the promises of God are amazing and so we're gonna honor this god of great provision tonight we're gonna honor the one who sends the angels we're gonna honor the one who is full and overflowing with goodness toward you so if you're making out checks in the house make them out to PKM I think you should have envelopes on your seat but if not if you don't have one just lift up your hand or in the back here seats there just lift up your hand and we'll make sure that you get an envelope if you need one so make the checks out to PKM if you're watching online you can go to Patricia King comm and give online or you can text right now you can text right now PKM - 7 7 9 7 7 I just want to encourage those of you who are online to support the Lord's work to support the advancement of the kingdom especially through media you know media we have to conquer this mountain Christians we have to fill cyberspace with the Word of God non-stop and continuously because there are so many things going out over media that are building mindsets and the people that are contrary to the ways of God and people are finding those things normalized so they're walking around thinking that it's normal to live contrary to the word why because media has told them so it's all over media so we are a media ministry we believe in broadcast and we believe in getting the word out to the people so so so into so into that so that we can continue to bring the word forth and fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord so if you're watching online go to Patricia King com or give PKM to seven seven nine seven seven on your text all right let's pray over our offering father we thank you tonight for just the honor of giving to you we thank you Lord that you are the God of all provision and we thank you Lord that we are living in a season of extreme and accelerated supernatural provision and that you are releasing supernatural provision in the realms of angelic visitation provisional angels angels that go and bring what we need because you've sent them to minister to us on your behalf and we're so grateful for that and so we so an honor gift to you tonight Lord God we honor you we open that realm tonight Lord God because we're in because we we find you worthy because we want to exalt you with our offering tonight and so bless it Lord bring increase upon it multiply it according to your word in Jesus name Amen okay well our Usher's will serve you in the receiving of the offering and there's Usher's that are serving the people in the overflow room and those of you that are online I know that you're doing what you need to do right now getting on your text and and text to give you might have the PKM app as well you can give through the app or go online I know that you are doing that right now we want to thank you so much for your participation in this tonight well it is my honor tonight to introduce to you Joshua Mills how many of you have never sat under the ministry of Joshua Mills put up your hand Oh a number of you oh my goodness you are in for such a treat and I first met Joshua up in Canada he had invited me to a meeting up in was at London I think it was London right there was many years ago probably 15 years ago now and you know it was just a heart connection we became friends and family right away and so we've we've walked through many things together seeing the Lord do amazing things and and when the Lord was really outpouring just wave after wave of his glory a number of years back in introducing his body to what was available to us God really used Joshua meals to be a breaker and he'd come out often and we would have the craziest meetings how many of you were in the meeting when all the Sapphire was poured out right it was just poured out in abundance it was like heaven opened in the south I report out I've been in elevators with Joshua Mills where gold just filled the elevator and unsaved people were in there like whoa what is this you know my husband has been driving Joshua Mills when all of a sudden oil I think it was oil or gold pouring out of your ear and then another time in a hotel room when he goes to pick up Joshua to take him to the meeting and oil is literally pouring out of his hands into a cup in that meeting so much oil came out of Joshua was sort of his feet out of his hands out of everything that we soak even the cloth he was standing on it became saturated and it was just the most amazing time and these are just signs those are signs that God gives us the point to his goodness it just makes you worship Him more and more and more I remember the night that we had the sapphire and there was a Jewish gentleman in the audience a friend of ours had brought him and he was very skeptical he didn't believe in Jesus yet and he was very skeptical and when he saw the Sapphire because there was so much of it it just exploded on the front row and when he saw it he thought it was just all fake he thought someone must have bought some glitter at the dollar store imported out or something so anyways after the meeting he came up to the green room with us afterwards and so we're talking to talking with him and right before my eyes I see in an open vision this sapphire ball break open and all this sapphire poured out right in front of him and he's like whoa you know it says Jews need a sign right well did he ever get one you know and because it happened right there and he knew that no one fabricated it it was just right in front of him and so as a result of that he gave his life to Jesus Christ because of a sign in the law that's what signs are forced to point you to Jesus amen he is our Savior he is our healer he is our deliverer he is the great power of God he is everything that you will ever need amen and Joshua Mills glorifies him so let's stand up and welcome Joshua Mills to Ovitz [Applause] hallelujah the glory is in this place I want you to just put up your hands into the realm right now just lift up your hands into the cloud father in the name of Jesus we thank you for your glory that is here Lord your manifest presence here among us within us surrounding us Lord I think that you are enveloping us within your divine nature Lord I think that the supernatural becomes natural in this glory realm so Lord we invite all that it is that you want to do all that it is that you desire to pour out Lord we open ourselves to be generous receivers of every good and perfect gift that comes from above in Jesus mighty name Amen okay just pull it down pull it down pull it down say I receive I receive I receive I receive Amen hallelujah well you know that tonight we're gonna be talking about seeing angels and I believe not only are we gonna be talking about it but we're gonna be seeing angels amen and God's gonna do it here for us in the studio but I believe also those that are watching online God's gonna show up for you in your home God's gonna come to you right through your television screen right to your computer screen right through your phone screen however you're watching I believe God's gonna meet you tonight God's gonna meet us tonight in this place amen Patricia was sharing about these angels that come with supernatural provision and I've just written a book called seeing angels how to recognize and interact with your heavenly messengers and if you do not have a copy of this book I highly encourage you to get a copy of the book you need this book isn't that a great cover is yeah if nothing else just get it cuz it will look great on your coffee table it will it will be a great thing to talk about it it's a conversation starter and and I believe that you'll really get blessed by the revelations in here but I've got a chapter in the book called angels of abundant provision and when Patricia was speaking a few moments ago I was reminded of this testimony that I shared here in the book and I Rana read it to you tonight if that's okay God has angels that release miracle money for believers he has angels that minister the supernatural replenishment of provisions my friend the late Evangelist Edgar Bailey was well known for the bottle of anointing oil that he carried everywhere he went it was supernatural I say this because one day the oil began to appear out of nowhere no matter how much of that oil he used to anoint the masses it never ran out now doesn't that sound like the story in 1st Kings 17 when the prophet Elijah asked a widow to use her limited supply of flour and oil to bake him a cake the Scriptures tell us that although she used everything she had no matter how much they used there was always plenty left in the containers just as the Lord had promised through Elijah although angels are not specifically mentioned in this passage because that was not the focus of the story I personally believe that angels of replenishment were involved in this miracle of divine supply angels can bend physical laws to minister supernatural overflow to those that are willing to receive it are you willing are you willing okay so you've got to be a generous receiver God wants you to be a generous giver but attached to that you got to become a generous receiver amen some time ago Edgar shared an unusual angelic encounter that happened to him while he was living in California at that time he and his family were so broke they had nothing in their cupboards to eat well Edgar and his wife were at a nearby Kathryn Kuhlman meeting his son Bruce heard a commotion in the kitchen as he sat in the living room it sounded as though other people had somehow entered the house even though he was certain that the back door was firmly closed and locked though startled Bruce also felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord this strong presence made it virtually impossible for him to move from the chair in which he was sitting so as he sat there pondering what was happening he heard cupboard doors being open and then slammed shut again when Edgar and his wife arrived home he said it sounds like somebody's in the kitchen bruce answered yes they've been in there for a while now when Edgar went to see who was in their kitchen he was surprised to discover no one there at all he opened the refrigerator door and found that it was stocked full of food he checked the cupboards and they were also full of canned goods Edgar later told me he said there was bacon and eggs God knows exactly what I like this miracle testimony thrilled me I love to hear and share testimonies about God's abundant provision in our lives but what really intrigues me about this particular testimony is the activation that caused the miracle to take place revelation demands an activation in order to bring forth a manifestation or a demonstration of what God intends to release in your life how many want to hear the activation part ok so let me tell you what caused this that particular day Edgar said that they had gone to a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in Los Angeles and when the collection bucket came he said I put everything I had left into the offering there it is everything we do in obedience to God becomes a seed for a future harvest something the Spirit has taught us is that we must make the connection between the natural and the supernatural world's God will ask us to do something possible so that he can do something that's impossible Edgar gave a sacrificial offering that day not knowing what the exact outcome would be but he did know the truth of Philippians 4:19 my God shall supply an axe we find the story of a Roman centurion who was also a devout and god-fearing a man he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God ray clearly at three o clock in the afternoon and angel visited him and instructed him to send servants to the Apostle Peter who simultaneously was having visions of eating non kosher foods angels use this generous non-jewish Centurion to expand God's generosity of faith to the Gentiles there's a direct connection between our generous giving on earth and the activation of our angels that brings supernatural provisions from heaven hallelujah lift up your hands right now and say Lord I receive your word about angels of abundant provision being released in my life lord I know I'm confident that it is your will your desire to bless me in outstanding ways so Lord I choose to be obedient to your word in the days to come I will activate this realm and I know that I will see it begin to manifest in my life in Jesus mighty name amen hallelujah hallelujah God has angels of abundant provision God has angels of healing that are available do you realize that God has healing angels we read about some healing angels at the Pool of Bethesda remember the Bible says that an angel would step in begin to stir the waters and those that begin to move into those waters were supernaturally made well they were healed yeah and so we know that God has angels of healing that there's many different angels that God has but whenever we talk about angels we must remember something first and listen that the book title is called seeing angels I want you to get a copy of the book and the topic of this this two nights of revival is also seeing angels it's the topic it's the theme but I want to encourage you that the focus is Jesus the focus of us being together our worship our devotion our prayers our anticipation it's all about Jesus Matthew says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness that means we get our eyes fixed on Jesus we seek first his kingdom his righteousness but then it says and we can't forget this part then all these things shall be added unto you in other words you get your eyes fixed on Jesus you're gonna start seeing some other things come into play in your life when you get your eyes focused on Jesus other things are gonna show up now what are these things that the Bible is talking about I believe that it's speaking about every promise that God has for us in his word every heavenly promise that he wants to bring when we get our eyes fixed on Jesus the promises begin to show up now so what has God promised to us in regards to angels well I'm glad you asked because we're gonna turn to Psalm 91 let's look here Psalm 91 we'll start right here right at the beginning Psalm 91 hallelujah thank you Jesus for your promises lord I thank you that your promise to us is sure that your promise to us is true that you are true to your word Psalm 91 says he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty now I believe that this is an entire song about dwelling in the presence of God it's talking about really the glory of God okay those that are in the glory now we know on this side of the New Covenant that we actually have the glory in us we're in the glory and the glory is in us and so this promise is still valid for us today even as it was for David and for the psalmist back in in these times when it was written now look at verse 11 it says for he shall speaking of God it says he I'll give his angels charge over you this is a promise from the Lord he shall who shall he got okay God some say God this is a promise from God you can say it this is a prompt this is say this is my promise from God okay what's the promise that God shall give his angels charge over you now whose Angels are these God's angels right who's given the Angels charge God right okay you're tracking here God has given his angels God's angels charge over who you okay now whose Angels are they well that was fast that was really really fast we just went from them being God's angels to now you're recognizing that they're your angels you see in this one scripture promised God is telling us that the angels that he has created and ordained and commissioned he is giving them to your life as a promise from heaven he is putting them in your life and they are becoming your angels now Patricia mentioned a few moments ago that whatever God gives he doesn't take back oh so say lord I thank you that your word declares that you are giving angels to my life that your angels are becoming my angels how to work in my life Lord I will not waste the gift that you've given I will not waste this blessing that you've assigned but God I will learn how to steward it well how to cooperate with heaven and engage with the angel with the Angels that you've given to me amen hallelujah okay now if we keep on reading it tells us some of the reasons why he gives these angels and I want you to notice that there is an S on the word angel it's angels plural some say that's more than one okay and so they come to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone so in this instant it's speaking about angels that really come as Guardians protectors caretakers for the children of God somebody say God's given me supernatural Guardians now I know theologians have debated the topic for many many years and they've questioned whether or not guardian angels are a scriptural concept well I think Psalm 91 verse 11 takes care of that and in Matthew I believe it's Matthew 18 Jesus is speaking about the little children remember the people are being bothered that Jesus was paying attention to the kids Jesus always loves to go wherever there's childlike faith that's what Jesus really really loves that the stinkin thinking the religious spirit he could care less about but wherever the children the the childlike faith is he loves to be right in the middle of it amen and when Jesus was speaking about the children he said their angels in heaven are constantly beholding the face of God he said that those children they're angels they have angels that are signed to them are you a child of God you've got angels assigned to you amen okay so turn with me now let's go to Hebrews chapter 1 see when I was a little child I was very aware of my angels actually I don't remember the first time I saw them because it just seemed like a very natural thing growing up now I did grow up in a Christian home I grew up in a spirit-filled home and my parents always encouraged me in the things of God and it just always seemed like a very natural thing that my angels were speaking with me and not only would they speak with me we go with swing on the swing set together and we would sing songs in the backyard I remember my singing would be so loud sometimes the next-door neighbor would mention it to my mother how how loud I was singing and he could hear me while he was in his home and but I would be singing with my angels and I knew their names and I and I I knew what they looked like and I would play with them and my parents couldn't see them and so instead of calling them my angels my parents would talk about Joshua's imaginary friends right and the thing is I would go to church and I would see them at church and I would see these angels flying around the sanctuary ceiling as the congregation was worshiping the Lord and at the time I didn't really know anything about praise and worship but what I did know is when we begin singing songs the angels were there and they would they would be flying to the the music's like their flight was worship in itself and I don't remember them having any wings but it didn't seem to hinder their ability to fly they were dressed in beautiful white luminescent sparkling garments and they would just fly round and round and round we worship and even my little friend Sarah would see these angels with me we would talk about it and just mention it it was just very it wasn't disrespectful but it was casual because we were at church and this is what happens when you go to church now Sarah and I were talking about it one Sunday I remember at the very back of the sanctuary and some adults overheard our conversation and one of them in particular told us that there was no such thing as being able to see angels it's impossible he told us to see angels you cannot see angels this is what he told us and you know he was much wiser than us he was much much more mature than us he's much older than us and we were trying to insist that we were seeing angels and he told us to stop telling lies stop making things up it's all in your head it's make-belief do you know that was the day I stopped seeing angels you start to question was what I sing was it really real or was just something I was making up is what I understood reality or was it just fantasy and so I stopped seeing angels in that moment and I still love Jesus I love the Lord I went to church faithfully I continued going to church all through my childhood and into my teens and a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit when I was 16 it revolutionized my world I gave my heart to Jesus when I was very very young got baptized in the Holy Ghost living for the Lord I always wanted to do the right thing and I wanted to serve Jesus with my whole life and I began ministering God brought opportunity for me to minister travel around I was in my early 20s and I was now married I even had a child my first son Lincoln he's my only son but two more daughters one of them's with me here Liberty and I have a little little or one she's 4 years old her name's legacy and Janet and the kids send you their love tonight and I'm sure that Janet's watching by livestream and probably legacies watching I'm not sure if Lincoln is or not he's so busy nowadays he plays football he scoops ice cream and he finishing up his high school study so anyway I was in my early 20s and I was ministering in Ashland Virginia at a place called Calvary Pentecostal campground a place that was established many years ago by the Heflin family established as a place of faith where people could come and experience the glory and I had the opportunity to privilege to minister there and they'd put us up up above the stack bar that's where we're gonna be sleeping and as I was sleeping about the snack bar that one night all of a sudden in I'll say it was a dream I was in this ethereal space it was like this I guess we could call glory clouds and three men came out of that that cloud towards me and I understood that these were angels now remember I hadn't seen angels since I was like a little tiny child but I saw them come towards me they introduced themselves to me they told me their name and they told me that they had been assigned to my life and they told me what their ministry assignment was to me there was more that happened but I woke up from that dream realizing it wasn't just a dream it was an encounter God was reintroducing me to something that I had when I was a child and somehow had lost there's things that childlike faith can access that natural reason and logic will quickly dismiss there are things that God wants to reactivate in your life things that God gave to you in the passion and zeal for the things of the Spirit things that man or woman are or the powers that be tried to quench try to suppress God is wanting to revive supernatural realities that are your portion and they belong to you it's your inheritance as a child of God hebrews 1 verse 14 asked the question about angels it says are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation it calls the angels of God ministering spirits the angels come to minister God's purposes to God's people it says that they're sent to serve for those that are heirs of salvation let me ask you a question tonight have you received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior have you welcomed them into your heart into your life to come and live on the inside of you live through you amen if you say yes tonight you are an air of salvation this qualifies you for the ministry service of God's angels ah because they're not just God's angels they're now your angels angels that are sent to serve for they begin to look for the opportunity to minister in your life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now whenever we talk about angels in this way there's always people that get real riled up and disturbed about the topic of angels because it makes them uncomfortable can I say one thing tonight well I'll say many things tonight but this is the one thing I want to say first is that just because you're uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not God it may be that God is stretching you God's enlarging your capacity to receive the divine supernatural amen one of the arguments I hear often is brother Joshua I don't believe that God wants to send an angel in my life today because I have the gift of the Holy Spirit Eve the Holy Spirit into my life and he is God what more do I need and you know that's an interesting argument because I guess we could all ask if we have God living in the side inside of us then what more do we need and that truth would be nothing we don't need anything else than God but if we have received God God then guess what when God comes we have to let go of our own ways and allow God's ways to function through our life do you realize God hasn't given up on angels some Christians may have but God never did God never did in Isaiah chapter 6 and we'll go into the Old Testament for a moment in Isaiah chapter 6 remember Isaiah has this most glorious encounter in the presence of God he actually sees the Lord sitting on the throne I mean he's in the realm of glory okay and he sees the Train of his robe filling the temple with glory and then what's the next thing that Isaiah sees the Seraphim the angels write that the Seraphim are the bright shining ones the ones that emanate the fire light of God I mean they're they're really explosive you know and when the Seraphim show up you might get really hot it's true you might feel the temperature change when the Seraphim show up you may be blinded in the natural by that light so that God can grab hold of you and impart what he wants to impart I think when when when Paul was on the road to Damascus I believe that he in an encounter with God's Seraphim there's an angel involved in that ministry encounter but it brought him to Jesus amen Isaiah is seeing the Lord seated on the throne now he sees a Seraphim one of the Seraphim - they're calling one to another and they're worshiping the Lord and the Bible says that as they're worshiping the doorposts begin to shake oh when the angels show up can I tell you this God's glory shows up when the angels come the glory comes because they don't bring glory to themselves they bring glory to an honor to Jesus so when they come they bring the glory of God so that you would sense God's presence God's goodness so that you would be directed to worship God I say it's caught up in this encounter and he's realizing he's totally unworthy of it all and the next thing he sees the Seraphim grab a Tong and and with the Tong they pick up a live coal a hot flaming coal and they touch his lips with the coal and he he feels that that the holiness of God beginning to purify him whoa he says I am undone I mean what would you say he says I am undone whoa then ultimately he says here I am Lord send me God it's amazing when the angels come begin to minister to you it will get you into a place where your posture your life and say God whatever you want that's what I want send me use me God fill me Lord Oh Lord it's all about you and so Isaiah's in this encounter but I want you to notice something the Lord sitting on the throne and who does God choose to minister to Isaiah the Angels the Seraphim it listen could God does God know how to use tongs do you think God could use those tongs and pick up a coal do you think that's too difficult no absolutely not do you think it's too difficult for God to get up off the throne with the tongue and the coal and proceed to walk towards Isaiah and touch his lips with the coal no some say it's not too difficult why doesn't he do that why does the angel do it you want to know why because he's the king and a king does not need to get up off of his throne a king can clean his toilet he's able to a king can go to the kitchen and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich he knows how to do that it's not past the ability of a king to do these things but a king does not do these things why because he's got servants that are assigned to do it and it brings joy and honor to the servant to be able to serve the king this is called protocol okay and when the Angels are serving the king of all Kings when the angels are serving the king of glory they're not grumbling and complaining actually they realize this is worship they were created for this huh God created them for a specific purpose the number one reason angels were created was to worship the Lord and whatever they do I'm talking about the holy angels of God whatever they do will cause worship to arise in our hearts to worship and serve the Lord also okay so we see that there's a valid reason for angelic ministry it's the way that things have been set up in the spiritual dimension and you say okay that's Old Testament I need to see it in the new okay well I'm glad you asked because I got a scripture for you turn with me to Acts chapter 12 thank you lord hallelujah after I had that encounter through the dream realm it was more than a dream you know it was at nighttime and I was sleeping so I always say dream but really it was an encounter it was a visitation that I had with my three angels and after I hit that encounter you know what I did the very first thing I started doing I came out of that encounter and I started searching the scriptures I mean I went back and forth in the scriptures to find every single place where the Bible speaks about the angels and an angel and angel angels angelic them Seraphim living creatures I mean I started to devour the scriptures looking I had an Angelica encounter and the first thing it let me to do was read more about God get all the way into his word don't tell me that was demonic devil foul evil spirit I could do evil spirits do not encourage you to get into the word because you get enough word in you you're gonna cast him out you know so yeah I began going in and I began to find all these scriptures and I included a whole appendix in the back of the book here of all the scriptures I found 392 so say that's a lot now listen there's some people that will build message series sermon series month months long sermon series around one or two scriptures that they can find in the Bible and then you talk about angels and they say oh brother that's dangerous territory when you talk about angels you know you better not interact with angels or talk with the angels or read your Bible again read it again angels show up people interact with them angels show up people begin to converse have conversation with them listen when God shows up you don't just you don't just stand there and just be like you know like whatever when God shows up you engage with what God is giving you amen to do anything less will be foolish so in Acts chapter 12 now about that time Herod the King stretched out his hand to harass some from the church the early believers are being persecuted then he killed James the brother of John with the sword and because he saw that it pleased the Jews he proceeded further to seize Peter also and now it was during the days of unleavened bread so when he had arrested him he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him intending to bring him before the people after Passover okay so this is a really bad situation that the early church is under severe persecution James actually gets killed by the sword okay now Herod's songs people were happy about it and so you know that political spirit causes you to do crazy things and he decides he's gonna do it again you know murder is now his number one priority murder of the Christians so he grabs hold of Peter and he can't murder him now it's too late because now we're going they're going into a Passover Feast okay so you can't do it right away you just gotta wait till after the faeces and then you do it now that's the spirit of religion isn't it right there you just stopped for like two days and then you're like I'm still gonna die so gonna do the same thing I was gonna do before and so he's got him now in prison and Peter's now awaiting his execution do you know what is worse than being executed awaiting your execution there's only one thing that's worse than being killed waiting to be killed knowing that this is what's gonna happen but let's keep reading here verse 5 Peter was therefore kept in prison but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church so I was a constant prayer now I want you to notice this wasn't just one prayer it wasn't just two prayers it was constant prayer now if we're just reciting lines constant prayer could become very boring monotonous even begin to aggravate some people around you right if all you're doing is just repeating lines prayer is an repetition of lines true prayer is your heart in communication with the heart of God connecting spirit to spirit and when you truly begin to connect I'm telling you you can be in days of prayer and not even realize that it's been days because of the communion that you share with God and the Bible tells us that the church was in constant prayer oh those early believers they knew they knew that they were hooked up to heaven that they could have heavens help in the middle of their situation that life didn't have to be the way that everybody said it was going to be they knew that there was breakthrough available for them and I want to tell you tonight that breakthrough angels are available for you to verse 6 when Herod was about to bring him out speaking of Peter that night Peter was sleeping bound with two chains between two soldiers and the guards before the door were keeping the prison now you might ask yourself how is it that Peter is sleeping if there's anything worse than being killed it's waiting to be killed and it's now the night before he was gonna get killed he's not wrestling he's not tossing he's not turning he's not agitated he's sleeping now there's another dimension here to this also it's not like he was just told you're gonna be killed and he wonders whether they're gonna do it or not he had lived through the scenario where James was killed with the sword he saw some stuff with his eyes his mind knew something the outcome that happened last time I'm speaking to you tonight because there's been some stuff that you've seen and some stuff that you've heard some outcomes that happen in the past that have tried to hinder your faith for the future but God is wanting to redeem your spiritual innocence your childlike faith and he's wanting to take you into such a place in glory where you will find the rest of God where you can be at peace in the middle of the storm everybody else might say you're about to go down tomorrow it's all over but you're at peace with God you have the peace of God and you can rest I believe that every great miracle that God desires to deliver into our life comes from a place of resting in him now this doesn't mean that we're lazy it doesn't mean that we're not active what it means is that although his word has been settled forever in heaven we choose to let that word be settled in our lives and we say God so be it unto me according to your word and I rest in that it's the Peter situation the chains were still on his hands you have to understand this the chains were still on his hands the guards were still watching over him the soldiers were still at the door nothing had changed in the natural but the unseen realm is the most real realm and if you get it in the spirit you can have it God wants to you to see some stuff in the spirit tonight that's gonna hold you and open up a door for you to walk directly into your promise and bypass the problems altogether I know that will make your your mind go on tilt but let your spirit be in the rest amen okay so verse seven now behold an angel of the Lord stood by him who did the angel stand by Peter he him him he stood by him Peter he stood by Peter okay so now I want to give you this I want you to understand this the account that we were speaking about with Isaiah that happened Old Testament right and so people can dismiss the Ministry of angels because that was Old Testament okay now we have the Holy Spirit listen this account with Peter where the angel shows up in the prison cell okay this is taking place approximately on the timeline about fourteen years after the Ascension of Jesus and after the Holy Spirit has been poured out in the upper room these are spirit filled believers that are receiving angelic encounters come so don't tell me that angels are not for me because I've got the hook you can't even compare angels and the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is God the angels are servants messengers of God different level different level altogether and everybody wants to compare well you know what's the opposite of God and they all yell you know Satan now he's not Satan's a fallen angel not same level if you understand not same level then you realize not very big devil not really [Applause] God has no equal God is God there is none like him huh and yet he chooses to fill you and to possess you with his spirit and to overflow through you hallelujah oh thank you Jesus hallelujah okay so this angel shows up look at this angel shows up to minister and I know then people say well you know it's a dispensation and the dispensation is over okay let me just say this real quick of all the angel verses that I found in the Bible there are more in the New Testament than in the old and in the New Testament there's more in the New Covenant than under the Old Covenant and in that new covenant there's more in the book of Revelation has more angelic encounter than any other place in the baton to me that tells me that in these last days we gotta expect an acceleration of its angelic realm and it's not gonna be because we just think angels are nice and fancy and fun but the reason why God will pour out an increase of the angelic in the earth in this day is because we are going to need to work with them I believe God's bringing this message very clear through many different people right now because God is preparing his bride see he doesn't want you to be without vision without vision you perish God knows that he's the one who said it he wants you to have a vision of what's available so that you can begin to engage and work with and accelerate in this day when everybody else and everything else is collapsing you're accelerating succeeding and prospering in the glory of God amen hallelujah okay so let's keep on reading in here look at an angel shows up what happens at Angel's Stan by him in a light Shawn in the prison now right there that gives us an indicator that there are times when angels show up and lights begin to appear and you know as soon as you say the angel comes with light all the religious folks they got a scripture for that even Satan himself will masquerade as an angel of light okay that is a very valid point it's extremely valid Scripture because God's Word right it's a warning to us and the warning is this do not trust every spirit but it doesn't say discard all spirits it just says don't trust every spirit in other words in this day we're going to need the discerning of spirits more than ever before and everybody wants everybody else to tell them what to do you asking your pastor tell me what to do is that good is that not good prophet tell me what to do is this good is it not good God wants to give you the discerning of spirits so that you know what is holy and what is profane so that you know what is godly what is ungodly so that you can know what sounds like God but isn't God and that which stretches you but it's totally God come on God wants to give you the discerning of spirits so that you can operate in this realm there are times the Angels show up and they show up like lights there many times we see sparkling is that's all who he can describe like a sparkling atmosphere and the angels are moving many times I I've had a flash and out of the corner of my eye and I turn to look and there's no natural reason why there should have been a flash angelic movement there's times orbs show up sometimes we see them in pictures other times we see them with open eyes on the orbs they show up you know the Lord told me about that since not the whole Ange that's the the gift that they're bringing the impartation that they're bringing I had a young man the other night in San Diego he told me he sees him all the time he says I had said something about on this tour I've been meeting three different kinds of people number one it's the first people are the people who have had all these angelic encounters all their life but they're afraid to talk to anybody about it so now I'm I'm getting all these people coming up to me and telling me all their wonderful stories and they know that I won't think they're crazy the second person that I'm meeting are the people who have been having these encounters with angels and they didn't recognize that it was angels they didn't know what it was and so they weren't able to engage with what was happening because lack of knowledge the third people I mean in there it's not very many of them but the third people are the ones who wanted to scar the hole in junk realm altogether and say it's not valid for today and you know we just have to choose to disagree on this subject because although they they don't believe in angels that really doesn't change God's mind about the whole situation you know you can believe or not believe but God created them they're here so welcome hallelujah but this brother came up to me and he began telling me a story because he he felt like he could never tell anybody and he said he's been seeing these large orbs and he said they even have Hebrew words inside of them and it's like he could reach into them and and pull things I said it's impartation that's what it is he said no it's like that and he's describing it - I said yes I know exactly what you're talking about it's not the angel themselves it's the impartation that they're bringing its its gifts its importation from God and sometimes you'll see them in different colors and those different colors actually speak to different things that God is saying we have to learn how to discern what it is that God's saying and I do want to mention that in a in one of the later chapters in the book I put together a whole over here's a ministry I've created several different charts that I use personally and here in the back I put the scriptural color chart okay for all the different colors she might see lined up with scriptures that speak of those colors and what it meant the prophetic meaning of what that means okay now there's many different things that things could mean like for example let's do red real quick where is it red here it could represent the blood of Jesus it represents salvation it represents the healing of mankind because it's connected with the Hebrew word odom which actually the name Adam comes out of that Hebrew word the word speaks of red dirt and it's connect that is why Adam was called Adam because it was the red dirt speaking of the wholeness the creation of man okay anyway it's a whole thing it's a thing and anyway when you begin to see these colors it's this doesn't it's not like you get this and then you don't need discerning of spirits or you don't need to listen the Lord this helps you put you on a path and you pray into and say Lord what is it that you're speaking here and the Lord begins to reveal it by His Holy Spirit several months ago I want to give this testimony real quick several months ago I think was a month of May I was on the road and my my wife Janet had put our daughter Liberty down to bed and Jana had gone down into the office to work for a little bit and Libby why don't you come up here I love to tell your your glory stories because you're so beautiful and you're so fun and you just love Jesus so much she does she loves to what she's a heart of worship she loves to worship the Lord and she just she's the ministry of love and she loves to give people hugs and just released Jesus everywhere you go don't you honey anyway she was up in her bedroom I think it was the month of May and she was laying there do you want to tell the story of what happened okay [Applause] so I was in my room I was laying down on my bed and I was asking God what's my Angel's name what's my Angel's name and God told me my Angel's names miracle and I went down I run downstairs where my mom was working and I'm like mom mom guess what I found out my Angel's name its miracle Thank You Libby thank you sweetheart [Applause] she asks God for her Angel's name and he told her it was miracle now that was it bless her heart right when she told us in May but really what really really blessed us is that little did we know two months later Liberty would be laying in the hospital bed in a hospital room on life-support and we would remember the promise that the Lord gave us and the name of her angel that she got and his name was miracle uh-huh and we never doubted for one moment that she would get out of that hospital I listened it was difficult seeing her go through what she went through and I'm so thankful for the prayers of God's people that surrounded us in prayer and Patricia was texting back and forth with me and sending me many many different encouragement sfrom both her and the people here in the fellowship but God worked that miracle and we knew that there were healing angels and miracle angels in the room with us when we were there in the middle of it all hallelujah God wants to give you insight to the angels that surround your life God wants to give you insight to what he's releasing from heaven God wants to give you messages and he wants you to understand the messages that are being given amen hallelujah hallelu okay that was just we just stopped here at the light part okay a light Sean in the prison okay when the light shines pay attention okay see what happens a lot of times probably most times unless you learn to discern what happens is you know you get that flash in the corner of your eye you turn your look there's nothing there either say always a trick of the eye you know okay nothing okay it's better and you go on or you say something like well that was weird and then you just go on with your day and don't think about it again now isn't that the devil to make you just think don't pay attention come on let's pay attention to the things of God let's pay attention what God's showing what he's doing how he's moving as we do as we pay attention to what God is doing we're gonna get a message out of it and we're gonna be able to flow with it and that's how you being working with your Angels okay now look at this the next thing it says is that the Angels struck Peter on the side some translations say he touched Peter on the side we don't really know exactly how it all happened maybe he slapped Peter maybe he gently touched Peter maybe he tickled Peter we don't know exactly how really what kind of touch it was but what we do know for sure is that there was some kind of interaction between the invisible realm and the visible realm between the spiritual realm and the natural realm this lets us know that touched by an angel is not just a television show it is a god reality you can be done and I got more scriptures for it too so get the book and you'll get all the scriptures for all this stuff but listen you can actually be touched by an angel and you can feel the physical touch of an angel there's times people feel that that angel hand on their back there's times people feel the Angels hand on their head and there's encouragement with it there's comfort with it there's healing presence with it okay so Peter was touched by this angel let's move on here and then the angel said arise quickly and we assume that Peter then once he got the instruction he obeyed the instruction he got up now what I want you to notice it's after the angel says arise quickly it says his chains fell off his hands okay the chains didn't fall off and then the angel says okay now get up in the name then Peter gets up the angel says get up and you know you could then be like okay God but I'm chained down okay God could say step out in faith okay God but did you see my bank account God do you understand what's going on in my family God do you see my situation listen he sees it all when he gives you an instruction obey the instruction don't delay don't hesitate when God speaks you got to respond to the realm I'll discover there's about a a 30 40 second window that opens when God speaks and in that little 30 40 second window we'll do a few things either will poss your heart and say yes Lord yes I'll do it I'll respond or we say God maybe in like 10 min in 10 minutes would be more appropriate or in half an hour or an hour maybe next year or next decade or in another lifetime and we you know and then we start to doubt and we hesitate and we delay and then we don't do it we end up not doing at all what God to do when God speaks obey immediately delayed obedience is disobedience okay when God speaks we must listen okay when God speaks we must listen so Peter we imagine he's chained down and the angel says arise quickly and I do want to say this that when the angel speaks he's not speaking on his own accord angels don't come with their own messages they come as messengers of God so whatever the Holy Angels speak that is God speaking to you that's how you can know whether it's a holy angel or not a holy angel because if an angel comes you with any message that's contrary to God's Word that angel coming from God because if he's speaking on God's behalf and he says something different than what God said then he ain't speaking on God's behalf you understand no matter how glorious it might seem or beautiful if it's different than what God said then he just exposed himself as an evil spirit and I don't get afraid and all uptight and worried about this you just cast him out the Bible says you have authority over devils over demons over the evil spirits amen she just take authority over that thing you cast it out tell it to go and let it be okay and you move on in God and keep on going with God okay now the angel says arise quickly we imagine that then Peter although his chill makes a motion to get up as he does the Bible says his chains fell off his hands now that is so supernatural so supernatural I mean that's it's super net that's like Sid Roth quality it's supernatural I sure I assure you I assure you I haven't asked him but I assure you Sid would accept Peter on his program he would he would he would have Peter on the program to talk about this in this experience because it it's supernatural it's so supernatural and the chain these chains that were holding him down just fall off of his hands so amazing and and then look at this and verse 8 then the angel speaks to Peter and says gird yourself and tie in your sin and so he did and he said to him put on your garment and follow me now this is amazing to me okay so they're in this really sid roth it's supernatural experience right that the chains fall off peter's hands when he goes to get up they just fall right off it's so amazing and if hollywood was making the movie the next thing that would happen is peter would then just put up his his foot like that and the the shoe would fly up in the air and just come on to his foot and then he just put out his hands and then the the garment would just come on his body it would all be just so supernatural but that's not what happened see the chains came off miraculously but then the angel becomes like mama it says boy you better put on your shoes boy you can't get your deliverance naked you got to put on your clothes you better put come on boy you better hurry up and put on your clothes and notice peter has to put on his shoes and peter has to put on his garment there's something here for us this is what I'm going to give you the Ministry of the Angels is not an excuse for us to become lazy we don't say God if you got angels then let them do it and I'm sitting on the couch that's not how it works there's a calling that God has given to you God has given you an anointing to move in the Holy Ghost and to operate in the Ministry of Simon that he's given you and for each and every one of us it's different but as you do what you're called to do Peter was doing what he was called to do and he ended up in prison but as you do what you're called to do God has angels that will move along the side of you so that if you end up in the prison situation huh and you end up with chains on your hands that's when God sends an angel on the scene to do something that you can't do what could Peter not do he couldn't take the chains off his hands so the angel did that part what could Peter do put on his shoes and put on his shirt so he had to do that part okay so this is how we work with our angels we do what we can do and then they do what only God can do okay and as we move together with them look at they went out and fought Peter followed him and he did not know this amazing he did not know that what was done by the angel was real but he thought he was seeing a vision like it was just really surreal the whole thing some of you have had dreams like me we've seen angels come to you in dreams I don't want you just to discount listen listen when when it's an encounter it will be so vivid and so real to you and it there'll be something that gets sparked and ignited in your spirit I don't want you to discount those things but press into it and say yes Lord let it be according to your word God reveal this to me show me how this matter how this begins to work itself out manifest demonstrate in the natural Petersons when they were past the first and second guard posts they came to the iron gate that leads to the city which opened to them of its own accord their supernatural then they went out and went down one Street and immediately the angel departed from and when Peter came to himself this is what he said is that now I know for certain that the Lord has sent his angel and has delivered me from the hand of harridan from all the expectation of the Jewish people when you get that that when you have that encounter with the angelic you've got to give voice to it and declare it in the earth you've got to declare the realm you've got to speak out what you've seen in the spirit which you've received by God amen and when you speak it out there's something about the voice of your testimony that secures the whole deal the Bible says they overcame him being the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their somebody say God's given me testimonies and I've got to speak him out now as Peter knocked at the door the gate a girl named Rhoda came to answer verse 13 and verse 14 when she recognized Peter's voice because of her gladness she did not open the gate but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate Rhoda was so excited because now see Peter ended up at the house of the church that was in constant prayer and Rhoda was so excited because they have been in constant prayer praying for what the deliverance of Peter that's what they've been praying for so she's so amazed Peter's not the door is this is the answer of their prayers okay and so she's so excited so she gets so excited she actually seems the door in his face and runs inside to tell everybody that Peter's at the door and and when she goes to tell him tell the people that Peters at the door this is their response Rhoda you are beside yourself you can imagine they're in constant prayer they're having a prayer meeting and Rhoda comes in he's here he's here Peter's here the answer to our prayers and he knows some people they're distractions spirit distraction I've got to cast out the distraction spirit out of that girl Rhoda here we are trying to pray for deliverance and she's got the nerve to come in here and mess up our prayers and she's insisting Peters at the door Peter's at the door Peter's at the door bit what we pray for Peters at the door Rhoda get back in the prayer circle pray we're praying for Peters deliverance what we've prayed for is at the door there's a time when we've got to pray and we've got to pray constantly but there's another time when we need to learn how to open up the door for what we pray for hallelujah hallelujah see it's easier to pray for breakthrough than to receive it yeah okay we become comfortable praying for breakthrough right we can say the same prayers do the same things we're praying for breakthrough every Monday night every Monday night we're praying for breakthrough so we show up on Monday night and we pray for a breakthrough and then when we're done well we better be done in an hour cuz I got kids to pick up so and you know we get in our habits but when breakthrough shows up on Monday night but I really gotta leave at 8 o'clock to pick up the kids you know I've got other things to do but breakthroughs here breakthrough your breakthrough what you've been praying for it's gonna require some change oh I will are we willing to open up the door and allow God to bring the change that we prayed for I'm just asking a question don't get so serious I'm just asking just wondering okay so they go they open up the door verse 16 they opened the door so say you gotta open up the door for breakthrough when breakthrough shows up you gotta open up the door and they saw him and they were astounded what do you mean God answered our prayers God answered our prayers hallelujah motioning to them with his hands to keep silent he declared to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison and he said go tell these things to James and to the Brethren and he departed and went to another place then as soon as it was day there was no small stir among the soldiers about what had become a Peter but when Herod had searched for him and not found him he examined the guards and commanded that they should be put to death and they went down from Judea Caesarea and stayed there and the scripture goes on and on and on but ultimately at the very end of the scripture how this story ends is that the same thing that Herod did to the early believers God sent an angel to do to him whoa so that brings some sobering reality to the truth about the Angelica realm it's not a game this is not just some fun and fancy stuff but this is a reality that God wants to bring into life of every believer God is wanting us to learn how to engage with his angels I told you after I had that encounter through the dream realm it was encounter but it was at night while I was sleeping then we went to New Zealand I was searching through the Scriptures and I found all these scriptures about angels and I was just studying and finding out what the Lord had to say about them and I I was preaching in a place called Peppa toy toy one night and I forget now what I was even preaching about but as I was preaching that the I was standing on the floor in front of a stage I think was an Old Town Hall and there was these heavy heavy thick you know the old movie theater curtains a real heavy once there across the stage and as I was preaching suddenly they begin to violently sway back and forth like there was a wind in the curtain now I had read in the word in both Psalms and in Hebrews that he makes his spirits winds now we know that speaking about spirit breath this the spirit the Ruach of God but there are times when the angels show up and the winds show up oh yes and that night as I was ministry the winds were shot and God was showing us that those spirit winds were in the place and they were ministering to God's people there was some people they were skeptical they thought well it must be people up there behind the curtain pushing them this must be some kind of a joke because that couldn't happen in the natural there was no wind draft there was no open doors there's no air conditioning on so they went up on the stage to look to see if someone's pushing there was nobody up on the stage that was a manifestation of the angels of God the end of the night was hundreds of tiny little feathers begin to fall all over the place what do you mean feathers I mean feathers white little tiny feathers falling all over the place people are down on their hands and knees picking up these feathers that were mysteriously appearing in the atmosphere well how does that connect to angels well I'm glad you asked because I want to tell you what does Psalm 91 say he'll cover you under the shelter of his wings a shadow of his wings with his feathers he'll cover you oh I believe some of those feathers it's talking about is what's mentioned down in Psalm 91 verse 11 those angels that he's given charge over you to keep you in all of your ways some of those angels have feathers say well that's a real stretch to believe that well not really if you read the Bible because the Bible speaks about these heavenly creatures that are winged yeah female in appearance can you imagine a female angel it's in the Bible I know I just open up a whole nother thing get the book seeing angels and it will but it will bless your life I speak about it in there but these winged female in appearance heavenly creatures have these wings with feathers on them and the Bible says their wings like a stork it's amazing to me that the scripture goes as detailed to say what those feathers look like what the wings of pure light and if you look up the wings of a stork most commonly the wings of a stork are white their white feathers in appearance sometimes there can be a little brown sometimes there can be a little bit of black but most often those feathers are white in appearance what do they look like they look like bird feathers stork feathers and that's what the Bible says these angel feathers look like they look like stork feathers like bird feathers well brother Joshua message has been Birds know I can guarantee you there were no birds flying through the room now if you're preaching in an outdoor barn and you got chickens up in the rafters and feathers start to fall then don't get stupid and say look at all the Angels are showing up you know no that's it the chicken right there in the rafter that's the chicken okay listen if you're in your bedroom and you got the most beautiful feather pillows and feather duvet and you make your bed and they said look at there's a feather on my hand don't call me and tell me that you've got an angel showing up in your bedroom now maybe there is an angel there but that feather probably came out of your pillow what I'm saying is don't be stupid okay we need to cast out the spirit of stupidity and invite the spirit of wisdom and knowledge okay turn with me to Ephesians chapter one are you getting anything tonight okay Ephesians chapter one and we're going to start down in verse 17 Paul is praying for the believers and he says I pray that God the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him now this is what I'm praying for you tonight that God would give you his wisdom and his revelation when we begin to move in spiritual matters we're not moving by natural reason and natural logic we are moving by the spirit of wisdom and revelation to see what God is saying to see what God is revealing and doing Paul prays in verse 18 that the eyes of your understanding some translations say the eyes of your spirit or the eyes of your heart would be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power I want you to notice it when Paul prayed for these believers to see that they would move in wisdom and in revelation he didn't say I pray that the eyes of your head would be opened there's a lot of people believers I met some of them that really have a true desire to see spiritual realities they have a true hunger for the things of God but they're looking with the eyes of their head and they wonder why they're not seeing anything because they're looking so hard with the eyes of their head but Paul prayed that the eyes of your heart the eyes of your spirit man the eyes of your understanding right here put your hand on your chest right now I pray that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened that they would be open whoa that God would open up the eyes of your spirit even right now in this place to see in the realm of his glory with wisdom with accurate discernment revelation spiritual understanding Lord let the eyes of our heart be opened right now in Jesus mighty name for your glory for your glory to see your glory right now in Jesus mighty name now what that means is that when we get into any given situation yes well we're using the eyes of our head to navigate in the natural the eyes of our spirit are open and what happens it's like there's a double layer and God puts a filter a spiritual filter overtop of the natural realm for us to perceive from our spirit what's taking place right now I can see there's angels all over this place I just prayed that prayer and all of a sudden I are open just like that there's angels all over this place standing there all different heights right over here I can see angels that are probably about maybe 10 feet tall there's some that are about 20 feet tall I mean there's angels that are down angels that are up there they're all over right over here hallelujah what's that well let me look yeah there's there's one standing right up above you right up above you right there yeah you begin to look around look just look around right now in the spirit just being look around the spirit some of you might begin to see orbs of light some of you might begin to see different colors some of you may begin to see oftentimes I see them just like silhouettes the outline of their heads and their shoulders and their their bodies and sometimes I don't see their faces I don't see all the details but I see enough to know that they're there they're now we know in the spirit they're there but God wants to just even see see see see just begin to see right now who's being us see some angels in this place just begin a wave your hand at me right now all over this place look at this okay the rest of you just begin to open up the eyes of your spirit just begin to look right now in Jesus mighty name help us to see what it is that you're doing help us to see what is being activated and released right now in Jesus but right over here there's an angel prosperity right now there's coins beginning to drop down right there right there right there just take it just take it just take you just take it yeah you can take it you can take it you can choose to believe it and receive it doubt go without whatever it's your choice okay you just hallelujah oh yeah those gold coins are just pouring right there they're just pouring right down thank you Jesus thank you Lord that you're working financial miracles lord I thank you for some turnarounds right now there's some upgrades that God is bringing hallelujah all right Bob about shiqiao my son that of us say thank you Lord then you know where there's been discouragement in regards to finances there's a supernatural outputting right now to bring a flourishing to bring a flourishing in the abundance of God in the blessing of God lord I thank you for it right now in Jesus mighty name hallelujah how are we engaging with that realm how many sing it in the spirit of saying yes Lord I'm taking it right now amen Holly that you see it in your spirit you just take it take it take it take it take it take it see those gold coins pouring down in your life see that that finance being an overflow and you see that bounty the abundance of blessing got being an overflow hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu Mangel standing right back there where that camera jib is right back there there's a big healing angel standing right there over the sister right there with our hands lifted up right there and the the white the white sweater right there that yeah you right there there's a healing Joe right over it whoa right there just see it in the spirit just see that healing being to come to you now we know angels don't do the healing the healing comes from god he is jesus is the Great Physician you know that his angels are the nurse practitioners okay they're the nursing attendants right that work for God so they're the messengers are the delivery agents for that healing it's secured because the blood of Jesus but I thank you for that healing that's coming right now hallelujah thank you lord yeah just you take it - take it take it that that angels right here just take it in the glory just take it so you can take it - yeah if you want it you just take it - ha just see it in the spirit see that healing coming down right now whoa whoa whoa whoa it's the blood of GIC it's like being poured out like the blood of G is being poured out on you it's like being poured out of this it's like a golden bucket that's I don't know if that's the right word to call it or what it is but it's just being poured out right now the blood of Jesus being poured over you you're being washed cleansed purified healed by the blood thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah anybody seen angels in this place just wave at me if you see it what are you seeing right now and it over there what kind of angels are over there okay there's a whole but he's seen a whole bunch of a needles over there y'all take them take them lift up your hand say Lord I receive my portion god I take it anybody else seen angels in this place yeah we're you seeing them Livie over there okay they're getting y'all are getting a double portion y'all better receive it right now thank you Jesus Hali hallelujah hallelu there's a swirling of the angelic right now when the angels come there's fragrance that comes in the Angelica and there's fragrance that comes in the glory some of you need to breathe in deep right now and you can begin to breathe in the fragrance of heaven the fragrance of glory right now thank you Jesus hallelujah Lord I thank you for the fragrance of your glory whoa that fills this place right now lord I thank you that you minister to your people sound light color fragrance see when the eyes of our Spirit are opened sometimes we say we just want to see with these eyes but what you have to understand is when you begin to see in the spirit yeah you see you feel you taste you smell you know how do you know I just know I just know there's a knowing that comes that's part of seeing in the spirit so when we talk about seeing angels it's not just about seeing through the eyes of your head but it's about understanding recognizing perceiving become aware of what's taking place in the spiritual realm is anybody feeling anything in this place sometimes it comes just like a heat the angels are coming like a heat other times they'll come like a gentle breeze a cool wind begins to blow there's times the angels show up and there's like an electrical sensation because the flow through your body you can feel the vibe the vibrations of that glory there's other times when you begin to go almost numb it's a whole opposite effect but there's a knowing there's a knowing there's a knowing there's a knowing anybody begin to smell fragrances in this place who you're smelling the cotton candy and you're smelling the cotton candy you're some fresh bread whoa oh whoa the pastor's smelling fresh bread ha ha oh I love that that's that manna that daily manna that fresh revelation being delivered whoa angels are showing up to put bread at your doorstep whoa and that's that's daily bread that's daily bread that's daily but there's a new promise has been given to you right now of the daily revelation that is coming from the Lord a whole new realm being delivered to you Pastor Dan Francisco hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord she's smelling cotton candy that's joy that's fun that's a pleasure of God that's the joy of serving Jesus hallelujah whoo what are you smelling cotton candy okay you're getting the joy the pleasure of God the joy of serving Jesus is wonderful who else is getting a fragrance what do you smell you can smell the bread in your spirit you can smell the bread ha shot Tolliver anybody smell bread just take it take that revelation take that fresh manna amen how that the the bacon angels are showing up tonight Patricia started this when she opened up that scripture about Elijah they say he would run from Jezebel he was running from Jezebel and he found himself under that tree and the angel came but the angel didn't come with food the angel showed up and then baked a cake there are angels that bake bread there bacon angels bake cakes bake bread ha-la-lu Lord we thank you for those bacon angels in Jesus mighty name Oh hallelujah some of you might end up at home and there's a fresh loaf of bread on the Shelf you're not even know where it came from hallelujah hallelujah who else is smelling something tell me what you're smelling you're smelling the vanilla that's intimacy that's a fragrance of intimacy it's one of the first fragrances you smell when you enter in that third heaven dimension so God is wanting to take you up a little bit higher there's new perception new vision that's coming to you from higher highs just take you right now in name of Jesus Lord I thank you for it what are you smelling salt whoa salt okay well you know that you are salt is salt salt in that what is it the salt and light right it's the spice that makes the difference okay thank you Lord for increasing my sister's witness right now just give me your hand right now whoa there's new mission there's new assignments that are coming whoo and God is increasing your witness your boldness to move all the way into that which he's opening up right now in Jesus mighty name lord I thank you for it I think if those new assignments that are opening up right now in Jesus mighty name who else is smelling something what are you smelling myrrh whoa one of the gifts that were given to the king was royal gifts thank you Jesus the myrrh is used often in embalming right and so it could be that some old things are dying and a pages being turned and some new things are opening up for you right now Lord I think yeah life its life its life life more abundantly right now in Jesus my name anybody what are you smelling I like that butter or buttered popcorn whoa buttered popcorn where would you have that but multiplicator says that's a multiplication Thank You Jade yeah the popcorn the multiplication that you're popping quickly thank you Lord thank you Jesus what are you spilling coconut oil whoa that means it's time for a trip to Hawaii that's what that mean is it Thank You Jesus yeah ain't no and just come on lift up your hands all over this place just lift up your hands right now all over this place lord I thank you for what you're doing lord I thank you for the way that you're moving I thank you for the way that your spirit is being poured out in this place and our awareness our perception our discernment of you is being heightened right now hmm Jesus name thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I just stepped over here I just slept through a wave of lavender right here that lavender speaks of peaceful rest food lord I thank you for the ease of your glory that you're bringing right now all the stress all the striving it goes right now it goes stressful striving struggle it goes and the ease of God's glory comes to peacefully rest in the promised blessing of His goodness and his glory lord I thank you for right now in Jesus mighty name but I thank you for what you're doing thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I told you that when the angels showed up when to reconnect with me when I was in my early 20s I went through the scriptures we were down in New Zealand and the winds began to blow and then we had a few more encounters that the feathers came in that meeting and then I don't remember how many more nights away it was because we spent a whole month long ministering all over the North Island of New Zealand but during one of those nights I don't remember the order of everything that happened but I remember during one of those nights we went back to the the apartment where we were staying and that night because we'd been doing so many meetings we left my sister who had come to watch my son Lincoln he was about 2 years old at the time and we had left my sister and Lincoln back at the apartment and she'd put him down to sleep while we were in the meeting we came back for the meeting and we walked in to his room we went directly to his room to look at him just to make sure he was okay and he was laying there without his shirt on because it was hot and he was laying there without his shirt on and there were four beautiful feathers that were placed across his chest now part of what I didn't share but part of what happened when I had that encounter and I met my angels awesome at Janet's angels and I met Lincoln's angels and Lincoln had four angels they that appearing told me their names and told me their ministry service over his life and and it was a it was amazing confirmation to walk in that bedroom and there was four feathers on his chest and it just spoke so powerfully to me about what God was doing in and through my son with other encounters like that Elijah encounter where an angel showed up and baked bread for Elijah we went back to the the apartment one night the whole team had gone to the meeting as soon as we walked in the door one of our Bibles was open believe it was my Bible that was open and on the pages there were golden leaves that's the only way I can explain it golden leaves from the trees in heaven and the Lord spoke to us and told us that there was an angel or angels were not sure whether it was one or as many but that there was angelic interaction that they had brought these leaves from the trees in heaven and that we were to eat them for a refreshment now we had been getting tired in our bodies and God gave us supernatural heavenly refreshment to actually eat like tangibly physically eat and so we walked her to the Bible and we began to take them and God was speaking to each one of us in the team about what he was saying and speaking and we took it and we ate and only ate them there was a supernatural empowerment that came to each and every one of us that we continued in the strength of God through that encounter and that's what happened to you Elijah he went for forty days and forty nights in the strength of that angel food cake amen the original angel food cake and and this happened for us where we were supernaturally strengthened by this encounter the very next day we walked to the top and back down again a mount rangitoto even our two-year-old walked that hike with us all the way to the top back to the back bottom and then we continued in the rest of the ministry trip totally refreshed in the power of God the part of this testimony that we don't often share is that we had more leaves left over than what we had eaten and so we took them we put them in an envelope and we actually carried them back in our travels back to Canada and when we were doing the declaration form it as if you have any kind of agriculture but I assume that doesn't mean heavenly agriculture so I said no but we did carry those heavenly leaves into Canada and when we got to Canada we put them in our office and our a secretary who worked with us for many years Katherine anytime she'd start feeling sick or weary we would just tell her go open up the package of heavenly leaves and you can have a leaf and you'll be super natural fresh and you know that Katherine never ever had to take one sick day one leave of absence because she was continually refresh through the holy spirit by that supernatural manifestation that he had given us through the Ministry of angels now I know that's that will blow your mind and that will stretch you a little bit and that's okay because this is my testimony and and I I'm gonna own this thing and I'm not afraid to talk about it because it's amazing and it's totally God and I want more I want more I want so much more amen and it might have been maybe about two months later we were gonna be going over to the Holy Land for the very first time Janet and I and you know when you you land on those tours you get right on the bus and you go from place to place and it's wonderful because you get to see all the sights and if you haven't signed up yet I really encourage you to sign up for that tour with Patricia because it is going to be dynamic that I saw Jamie Galloway is gonna be there jimena prophetic tremendous prophetic minister Ison Lindale Cooley's gonna be there that is revival worship that is who was here last night oh wonderful he was in the area okay well tell him I said good things about him okay and anyway so that's gonna be a tremendous trip and air I think everybody needs to take at least one trip to the Holy Land and really because it's not just about going to sites you're you're walking into portals you're literally stepping into the places where Jesus said my favorite place is the Galilee I mean you get up on the Galilee I call that the miracle shores on every side of the Galilee there were miracles that you I mean you'll go to the place where the the fish is in the low we'll multiply you go to the place with the demoniac was set free you go to the place where the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached that that most amazing man I mean you need to go there you need to be there you need to experience the whole in it so we were going on our first trip I get excited about this but we were going on our very first trip to the Holy Land and we had flown in through it we had flown through Rome and somehow our bags never got on the flight and we didn't reckon realize until everybody else on the trip got their bags and Janet and I didn't have our bags our luggage and so we got on the bus of course we went to the first sight and this will not happen to you I'm prophesying right now this will not happen to you okay but we went to the first sight and you know it's uncomfortable we've been wearing these clothes for a while and traveling overseas and had to wear them a little bit longer and the next day you know our bags were supposed to arrive and the airlines weren't able to find our bags and they weren't able to send them to the hotel and so we went the whole second day and at this point I was feeling very uncomfortable and there was a minister that was on the trip his name was pastor Dwight Jones and he offered to give me his underwear and you know cuz fresh underwear feels nice but not of its yes and but then he told me it was a brand-new package he had bought a brand new package so that changes they write changes it so he gave me a brand new package and I accepted the gift and it was wonderful and some other lady on the trip she had offered to lend Janet one extra dress that she had brought and the dress that she offered to lend Janet was bright I mean the brightest lime-green dress you have ever seen in your entire life and Janet because she wanted to wear some fresh clothes she put on that bright lime green dress and she wore it around the sights and the one thing that was good about it I never had to wonder where Janet was I I always see Janet but after a few days Janet was really tired of wearing the lime green dress and she at one point told me to stop taking pictures of her it's because every picture she was wearing that lime green dress and the airlines had told us that morning that our luggage would be delivered to our hotel that night you know we're moving so they had to catch up with us as we're moving in they said they would deliver it that night to the hotel we were so exciting we got back to the hotel and the front desk told us they said I'm sorry there were no airline deliveries today we've spoke with the airlines they said that your bag is still coming it will meet you at the next stop so we had heard this before so Janet at this point she had had enough and if you know Janet she's got the Ministry of Tears she cries when she's happy she cries when she's sad she cries when she's filled with joy she cries when she's worried about something and she's just like Libby Libby's like a little Janet she's got that Ministry of Tears also so in my house you have to have the gift of discernment to understand what's happening when the tears are flowing so I knew at this point when the tears began to flow from Janet's eyes that she was just so discouraged and so frustrated by the situation she just wanted her bags and we got onto the elevator to go up to our room and there was a couple that was on the elevator with us that had been on the tour and they asked why janet was crying and I told them that the airlines had not delivered our luggage again and Janet was just ready for a fresh pair of clothes and and so they asked us a question they said well have you asked God to send angels to go get your luggage and you know we hadn't thought of doing this it had not occurred to us at that time now when I was a little kid my mother used to always tell us whenever anything was lost she says say when we complain about it being lost she would say did you pray about did you ask God to help you find it and so those memories came back to me and so it was so sweet that couple said a nice little prayer for us and if anything it just made us feel like we were loved and somebody cared you know and sometimes when you pray that might be all that happens but that could mean the world to somebody you know and so we're on the elevator and I felt encouraged but I really didn't think that there would actually be any angels that could go out and actually get luggage and we went up down the hallway and into our bedroom when we opened up the door to our room our two pieces of luggage were sitting directly in front of the door now you have to remember the hotel told me it wasn't that our bags hadn't been delivered no bags no airline bags have been delivered to the hotel but somehow our bags ended up in our bedroom we didn't see an angel bring them but I was in the elevator when that that man and that woman prayed for the angel to deliver them and we saw the results and that got me really excited Wow God could actually have finding angels God actually has angels that can go out and find stuff that's been lost and missing oh I feel a realm in this place right now just lift up your hands right now father in the name of Jesus I thank you that you are loosing you're finding angels for your people right now in Jesus but it ain't inheritance that has been lost whoa gifts and blessings that have been lost important items articles that have been lost being returned supernaturally we asked for you to send forth your host of finding angels to retrieve those things from the places where they are God you know every missing person every missing thing every missing piece and parcel and lord I thank you that these days were entering into our days of restoration and even as a sign of what you're doing spiritually in our life lord I thank you for tangible physical material items being returned in our life in a supernatural way in Jesus mighty name somebody say I take it I receive it I've got it in Jesus name right now I've got I've got I can feel it right now I can feel that realm I can feel the angels begin a swirl right now shoo thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus had a friend call me up several years ago she had heard the testimony about our luggage and she called me and she told me the story she said that she lived in in Florida and she had had a visitor come see her for a week from South America and she had taken around two different sites and to do different things and the whole time she had taken pictures of everything that they were doing you know making memories and at that time people were still using the actual cameras that were only cameras and and so she had taken a lot of pictures and they'd gone to a restaurant and she left her camera on the table she'd gone back home by the time she got back home she realized she left the camera at the table and she went back to get the camera and the camera was gone it had disappeared and she was really upset about it because she'd taken all those pictures all week long up those memories of her friend and she knew that if she didn't get the camera back she lost all those memories actually the last place she took a picture was at that restaurant at that table with her friend and so she called me up and she asked if I would pray with her for God to send an angel to get back that Cameron so I prayed with her on the phone and I can't remember how much longer it was but it was probably only a matter of hours and she called me up and she said the most unusual thing has happened her daughter called her up now her daughter does not live in her home her daughter has a separate home in an on a separate street in a separate place of town okay her daughter called her up and asked her said mom did you leave your camera on my pile of laundry in her laundry room she said no I haven't even been to your house she said I know but it doesn't make sense like your camera her mother said well I just lost my camera but I lost to that strong where we were eating her mother said turn the camera on and see what the last picture was it was taken it was a picture of her with her friend at that restaurant where they lost the camera I believe God sent a finding angel to go get it and the reason why he sent it to the daughter's house instead that my friend who asked for the prayer because see if he just sent it to her house she would been like Oh stupid me I I brought it home with me and I forgot that it was just on the kitchen table see so God put it someplace that was so bizarre place she had not been a place she had not visited such an unusual on a pile of laundry in the laundry room for her to know that God answers prayers and sometimes he does it through the Ministry of angels amen hallelujah thank you Lord I have a whole bunch more angel testimonies I want to share with you I pray you're gonna come back tomorrow night and I'm gonna share some more angel testimonies with you and teach you some more things about discerning and working with your angels but I really do encourage you to pick up a copy of my book seeing angels how to recognize and interact with your heavenly messengers this is a scriptural Bible base book it was gracefully given a foreword by our beloved Patricia King and she wrote the foreword for this book and I'm just so blessed to be able to resource the body with this and give you something that you can take and you can put into action this is not just a testimony book although I share a lot of my own personal testimonies this is a hand book it's a guide book for working with interacting with recognizing understanding the angels that God has put in your life so that you can begin to move in an accelerated way in the things that God has called you to amen if you're watching online you can get this on my website Joshua Mills comm or anywhere that you like to buy great books they'll have this book available for you and and then I also have a few other resources I just want to mention quickly I've got a brand new CD called activating angels in your life angelic activations and heavenly encounters it's a double disc CD so the first one is spoken word activations and the second disc is just an hour long of instrumental soaking atmosphere I think some of the most wonderful atmospheric music that we've released I worked on this with my friend Tyler Michael Smith he's based in Nashville extremely anointed he does a lot of film and television scoring but he agreed to do this project and he really really did a tremendous job with the the instrumental on here is absolutely anointed and you're gonna love this so who would like a copy of this okay it's gonna be on the book table it's gonna be available for you okay one other thing that we have is the activating angels 365 Patricia mentioned that it's your voice commands angels hearken unto the voice of God's Word right it's your voice commands that activate and release angels and so this was my summer project this summer I put together a 365-day calendar that is a perpetual calendar that means it's not just applicable for one year this will work every year until Jesus comes back amen and so you can just open this up to October what is tomorrow October 28th you can open to this up to October 28th and start it tomorrow and then go all the way into 2020 and 2021 in 2022 and you can just keep on activating aims every day there's a scripture that you can speak and then there's a command both decree that you can speak to release those angels and the months are arranged by different angels that God heads like angels of abundance angels of divine love angels of wisdom angels of supernatural strength and to the blessing in terms of creativity angels of freedom by the end of the year I'm telling you there will be hosts of angels swirling around your home and your life and the other thing I want to say is this is an excellent stocking stuffer and you know christmas is coming up soon there was the last place I was in Santa Maria California this week the first lady that came to the table she said I want 20 and she bought one for every member of her family so that she could stock stuff they're stocking with glory now this is a gift for the person that says that they have everything and you don't know what to get them they don't have activating angels 365 ok so you can get them this calendar and then for those of you that don't want to read but you want to receive the revelation of the book I've got the audiobook available for you ok this is out there we've only got a few of these out there but you'll want to get a hold of that and then we've also got a study guide that goes along with the book if you're really serious about digging into this topic and really allowing this to be activated in your life ok so get a copy of all of this and I'm actually gonna bless Katie Souza with because Patricia already has everything here so I'm gonna bless Katie with all of this Katie I love you I appreciate you and I'm so thankful that you're ministering here oh okay I'll tell her to give it back ok oh that's really sweet ok it's the gift that keeps on giving you want it ok come and get it you can have it yeah there you go god bless you awesome Patricia so good you know the Lord confirms his word with what signs following so when you come out to an event regarding seeing angels about the angelic realm what's he gonna confirm with angelic visitation right that's so exciting bring your friends out tomorrow night but I want to just leave you with something here tonight think about for a moment your greatest desire in God your greatest desire in him maybe it is to truly love him with a completely abandoned heart unto Him no distractions that might be something maybe it's to grow in the discerning of spirits maybe it is to to grow and worship whatever your greatest desire is and then pray it to him and ask him to send his angelic messengers to be with you to help you fulfill that how many of you believe he will do that you know you don't have to do it on your own so often I hear Christians say I just feel alone even when I I pray you know I know God hears my prayer but he sent angels to serve you and to bring answers to prayer and to minister to you the desires of your heart and so I just felt by the Spirit of God tonight that you were to to just identify that desire it could be a financial need it could be I need to grow in the gifts and the calling of God whatever it is but just try to get in touch with that and release it to God knowing that he Wilson angelic servants to you to help you fulfill that and when he gives them to you remember he doesn't take him away they're there to continue to minister to over and over again I just love tonight how many of you are so thankful that you came and those of you that are watching online I know that you're so grateful that you tuned in tonight you're watching in your homes from all around the world and we're so grateful that you have joined us those of you in the overflow room I know that you've been blessed and so Lord we just pray a blessing on each one right now as they go that they go in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ and Lord that you would for each one that sat under the delivery of this word that they would know that confirmation of that word that you bring to them as they grow in discerning of angels the ability to see them partner with them and have angelic activity in their lives in Jesus name Amen all right well tonight when you go home have a good sleep I always say it's blanket movie time right you know with Jesus Christ let him just fill your night with visions and glory book-signing just go out there buy your books and then Joshua will be right here he's gonna be right here signing them okay god bless
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 23,459
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Id: xGKC6oadwc8
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Length: 199min 33sec (11973 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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