PATREON SHORTS - Weird Deployment Experiences

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what is the most bizarre thing you have seen on any deployments dude I've seen some weird [ __ ] I saw a weird one in Afghanistan that was it's not even the most bizarre thing but I mean it was pretty [ __ ] weird to me we went in and we uh we hit these Bedouins out in the middle of nowhere super high elevation it was one of the hardest physical things I've ever [ __ ] done and that night we walked into these huge they look like circus tents these people were living in in doing clearance in a circus tent obviously its own set of challenges I mean you clearing around canvas it's kind of dicey trying to set up supporting fires and all that kind of [ __ ] but we popped open this thing and I took a step in in the smell of human [ __ ] was so strong that I mean everybody started to dry even dude like it was [ __ ] foul I mean it was bad and we finally came inside we cleared the whole structure it's all on tubes and we turn on white lights the number of Mac turned on a white light and he hit something on his head and ran his fingers down and smelted he was [ __ ] and when you walked inside they had built um almost like scaffolding not a wood and they laid they laid up cross beams in between it and they were [ __ ] on like this the whole family like 25 of these [ __ ] people were [ __ ] on a big mat and they were rolling pinning it out into sheets like shingles and they were lifting them up and putting them on top of this and drying them out and using that to build an actual structured House of [ __ ] shingles and I'm not [ __ ] kidding you like I I wanted to fly back to base and get a generator in a flat screen TV and bring it back here and plug that [ __ ] in and show them this is how everybody else in the world is looking and you're drying out human [ __ ] please please come with us get inside of this helicopter and let us take you to civilization where we can get you a normal meal where you're not living in [ __ ] shingles weird stuff man you have the [ __ ] shingles definitely one of the strangest because everybody in that little Community was [ __ ] in the main tent and I mean it was I mean we're talking about dozens and dozens of [ __ ] shingles like I mean they've been stacking them up for weeks I don't know why I mean between that and seeing a 300 pound cow in the middle of a [ __ ] room like I've never seen anything like that just pop Open Door [Music] what the [ __ ] dude I didn't know how you got it in there like I'm not kidding it couldn't even turn like where it is is where it sets like he was [ __ ] in the house like just I mean it's [ __ ] disgusting but it looked like a normal house the normal Afghan house two two and a half three stories and dead center main room 300 pound cow sitting there what about you I think something that we miss is what is bizarre to us is not what we actually consider bizarre to us is extremely bizarre to everybody else like on the everyday thing that we experience it's it's bizarre to the general person like people burning I'll say thousands of pounds of pounds of weed to stay warm people wiping their ass with a rock in reusing that same Rock like leaving a bunch of rocks next to the thing and flipping rocks over so multiple people wiping their [ __ ] with the same Rock yep I mean weird like like no feminine hygiene products like they're just letting it go I just know tampons or maxi pads like they're just sending it destroying a hard drive inside of your vagina yeah they're just bleeding their ankles and [ __ ] yeah dude I mean I've seen that multiple times like you just like you shot or something you're like you don't even enter your conscious thought because you're in America it's like oh [ __ ] she's bleeding like if she's on her period yeah okay yep tracking but you just don't know why they're not taking care of it or you see dude do you remember that time in Iraq where I found that baby on the [ __ ] Rooftop in that box I shoved my hand inside of that box do SSC in that little thing dude there was this wooden box we got on I think we got into a big [ __ ] blowout that night and on top of the roof there's a whole bunch of [ __ ] you know researching we're trying to find pistols we're trying to find chest racks grenades whatever these [ __ ] [ __ ] had and there was a wooden box that you know we'd classify as trunk that's usually where they handle their [ __ ] they hide any kind of media they're trying to hide or any kind of Nefarious [ __ ] like they hide them in these little trunks they pack them and stuff and I'm rooting through this thing and I stick my hand in and I'm like rooting around through these clothes and all this [ __ ] in this [ __ ] thing grabs a hold of my finger dude bro I can think about the pressure that [ __ ] baby grab my finger it scared the piss out of me dude it's a jet black throwing a [ __ ] star in the sky there's no Moonlight I'm on these green goggles like trying to focus them rooting around in that thing ground to hold me I jumped the [ __ ] back like I almost unloading the box I screwed the [ __ ] out of me and then I went back there and there was I mean a young young baby I mean weeks weeks old like no idea where mother is no idea where anybody else is I mean there's there's [ __ ] tons of people on that Target and you're like hey do you have everybody like yep there's a baby on the roof and one of the random is like oh yeah you can give it to me what is it your baby and she's like no we'll figure it out you guys all live in the same house on whose baby that is sure man like I don't know when that kid's been fed I know it's like they're consumable it's weird
Channel: GBRS Group
Views: 250,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gbrs group, dj shipley, cole fackler, navy seal, tier 1, afghanistan, iraq, patreon, military, cqb, gwot
Id: wVEw0zNLd6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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