Is The US Army’s New Helmet a Complete Disaster? The IHPS

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today in Grantham we're going to be talking about a very interesting topic right here we have the old helmet the ech which was an excellent combat helmet right here we have the Army's new combat helmet the eye hips uh there's been a lot of talk the eye hips is a lighter helmet the IHOPs also is a ballistically improved helmet from the ech now the ech was a really good helmet a lot of good saves in theater the iheps is a little bit more untested so we're going to do what we do best here in Grantham and we're going to test the helmet does it live up to the Army's claims mica uh probably not what if it performs just as well as Russia's helmet today on Grantham are we going to be sad but before we get into it we have to thank who Micah we're in desert Institute because they are so awesome they have sponsored the channel for a long time now and if you're looking to get your start in Gunsmithing they are the people to go to we cannot thank them enough go and check them out they are just we love them yeah even though we botched their name and I'm sure they've gotten a little angry about that we just love them and next up of course we have our favorite optic manufacturer primary arms a big thank you to primary arms they have provided Optics they have been hooking us up and they sponsored the channel so we cannot thank them enough and they to today uh it is the Nerds Rope and uh customers they really actually we did have a call with them they're very they're not happy and of course unlike the camera this is filmed on the TV that you're watching this on the cars that well unless you have American-made car AAC ammunition is made in the U.S of a we have to thank them for sponsoring the ammo they absolutely Rock let's get into it so when it comes to the ihips a couple improvements have been made so we'll talk about those very quickly with the older ech um there was a lot of complaints about comms compatibility it is definitely doable you can wear your pelters under there just require some reconfiguration of your helmet with the new eye hips there is a Mount specific from pelter that allows your pelters to sit under um again they're trying to keep more kind of head protection compared to like the higher cut helmets like we're seeing like that I'm wearing right here from uh opscore and then in addition to that there's less bolts through the actual helmet itself the main bolt that you have is for the mvg mount now we compare that to the ech right here and you can see we have multiple bolts for the harness system that is on the helmet as well as for the nvg bracket and that also goes for the Ops core helmets as well the idea being that the less holes that you have through the material the less compromise it is going to be other helmets I've taken this approach before such as the Safariland Delta X and others I'm very interested to see how this particular helmet performs it's five percent lighter while offering the same or better protection most of the protection from the eye hips comes from blunt force trauma that's stuff that we really can't measure on this channel we don't have the equipment for it but it's supposed to have slightly better ballistic protection honestly I would be happy if it just had these same ballistic protection because the ech was a wonderful combat helmet both these helmets are made by ceradine always has been you put up the meme it's all ceradine always has been so talk is cheap though ammunition is super actually sponsored by AAC so let's get into it let's start shooting these helmets and let's see how they do so how we're going to be doing this is each helmet is going to be taken the same round at hopefully roughly the same place I'm am I a good shot Micah you're good enough good enough so I'll try to do my best understand that the eye hips is of course going to have has a little bit more Hardware on it the hardware obviously is going to do more to stop some rounds it's not a perfect test but it's pretty good I'm going to do my best to hit the ballistic portions of the helmet we're going to start with 22 this is a very easy caliber that should be stopped by pretty much every helmet with the exception of the airsoft helmet we're going to go ahead and we're going to send it let's go check it out okay so we have taken the shots to 22. we're going to go ahead and set that to the side we will take a look and see what kind of back face deformation we have what a round impacts you obviously want to stop the round but if the helmet caves in into your brain you're still dead so you don't have any back base deformation uh with the 22 I expected zero we got zero on the eye hips we pull this cover up right here yeah so this is more of an oblique angle than we saw at the ech but as you can see the round just skipped right off that is by Design on the ech we actually had a little bit more deformation than the eye hips it's very interesting as you can see right there like significantly more yeah that's very interesting I've seen a lot of testing that has seemed to shown that the ech would be performing better that might not be the case very interesting let's uh let's step it up nine mil okay next up we have the Sand Hawk it's a nine millimeter uh it looks fancy but a nine millimeter is a nine millimeter as long as you have the same barrel length so we're not getting any crazy velocity this is military 124. very common to be encountered in a battlefield uh we'll see how it does I'm very surprised right now the I have sit so good on the on the 22. I will try to get the same impact [Music] so first off we have the ech we have a hit right above the rail there first a little bit alarming just a straight hole into there however it completely stopped it so we have some back face deformation right here the question is how does this uh compare to the ech so definitely stop the round with the padding survivable for sure all right so we have the impact on the ech very similar entrance very similar backface deformation um it's too close to call in my opinion they seem very very similar it should be noted too that this ech is a size small that being said there's no difference in the ballistic protection that they're both going to offer other than weight so yeah very interesting uh it would seem to be so far that they are performing the same while the ihips is a lighter design so very very good so far next up what we're going to be doing is a 44 magnum that's very common because 44 magnum is used in nij testing okay we have a 44 magnum right here this is a korth revolver which sounds like I'm saying coarse but I'm Mike Tyson so we have the 44 magnum hit right here on the eye hips if we roll it over now we do have back face deformation from the nine mil as well pretty significant uh that would present a problem on the human skull this is pretty consistent with combat helmets and how they perform in that they're they can stop larger calibers but at further distances at oblique angles this would obviously be a save you would be in the hospital for a while and uh how it how would how would uh how would Charlie say it I don't know what he says he says a lot of things he says something about uh like potato headed I can't remember what he said something about Russians oh they have um Russians have the stupid little square heads with the small eyes ech I hit lower which I presented a problem the closer you get to the edge as you can see here it just pretty much pushed it out and then was able to slip through so we are going to redo that shot um I'm thinking that the ezh is likely going to perform as good um unfortunate I I wasn't good enough Micah he's a vegetable now you know you know the hardest part about eating a vegetable is right the wheelchair we have our backface deformation which is very comparable to the eye hips this being a little bit less due to the fact that we already did have some back face deformation with the nine millimeter round on the eye hips but so far they are performing roughly the same right now I'm pleasantly surprised that uh you know so far a pretty good helmet so we're going to go ahead and we're going to step it up to Rifle rounds helmets aren't specifically rated for rifle there are a few but they're not rated for like any type of normal round usually it's like a Lead Core type round helmets do have a lot of saves on rifle rounds but it's typically from oblique angles or from very far away next up we have the akm the most common rifle in the world if you're going to encounter any rifle a very high likelihood that it will be an akm foreign structural integrity but you can see it bulged out the round was not caught exited into the brain and uh yeah that's a close range rifle shot at longer range it's going to perform better and will likely catch or deflect the round but at close range it's not really a whole lot you can do to stop yourself from getting killed by a rifle around through your helmet this is kind of uh kind of the end also that back face deformation is also lethal as well right here we have the eye hips with the entrance right here do have no exit it did catch the round it did perform better than the ech that being said the amount of deformation that we do see is enough to be lethal however it did stop the round so I would say overall that that indicates that the performance at longer range is going to be some amount better than the ech which is quite surprising because again ech is a really good helmet has been used for a very long time so that is uh very surprising I did not expect that at all I'm like like yeah I am I am very I'm very interested I really want to try a longer shot with with the on the on the eye hips the ech we can try a longer shot on but I really want to see the performance of a rifle round at low at longer range so we are at 300 right here the 300 it's a bit of a difficult shot however it could certainly occur so we're going to see how the helmet will perform and this is going to be 556 out of a 12-5 pretty good velocity uh this is an LMT spec War got it yes foreign so there are a lot of different rounds of 556 so you're going to have a lot of different results depending on what you're using I think if we had used m855 ma55 Alpha One a lot of the typical rounds are used in war which is the ss-109 projectile it's at 62 grain projectile with that steel insert for extreme penetration there you go with different rounds you're not going to have as good so we're using rounds of less penetration here but on the ech you can see we have that nice little hole right there and then it caught it with not too much deformation again I believe this would have been way worse had we used a round of the penetrator of any type and then we had roughly the same result with the eye hips the difference between with the eye hips it's a little bit harder to tell so if you'd already had deformation there point being that these helmets will make saves on rifle rounds at longer ranges it's pretty typical of by the way the blood on these helmets is from the blood from the from the ech from earlier but there are multiple cases of rounds traveling into helmets and traveling through the air mid through whatever material it is and then exiting it out so where they actually don't make contact with the person's brain they just travel through the ballistic material it's very odd but there are a lot of saves when it comes to these helmets so we mostly have the backs mostly intact so I definitely want to try out shotguns and uh for good measure in SVD I'm just at close range just just to finish it off why not next up we have the Benelli M4 with flight control a pretty commonly used uh 12 gauge round and uh we'll see how it performs you guys ready foreign we had almost all nine pellets enter the uh back of the helmet right there they were caught by the material however that is a potentially lethal backface deformation uh getting hit with Buckshot bad day point of all this is uh donut don't get into a gunfight with Marines because they tend to have those M101 for us yeah pull I think I missed that I'm throwing it this way nice [Music] all right we have an SVD it is a clone that is made in is match Factory basically an SED a little bit shorter of a barrel this is a very bad case scenario which is taking the SVD round I thought we'd finish up with something fun you ready foreign ly a FMJ 7.62 by 54R is going to uh go straight through a helmet so we've done a lot of shooting let's go and let's wrap this up let's talk about the performance overall so we've done a lot of testing how did it perform the ech performed very well it's about what we expected to see the ech is a well-proven combat helmet and uh you know like the results that we saw with it I was uh I had a lot of questions about the ihips specifically because I've seen oxides video where it really didn't perform all that well I think this can be chalked up to a couple things uh one types of round to use and then two generation of helmet used so but overall um I think it should be noted that the I have performed very well I'm very pleased with the types of performance that I'm seeing from it and especially given the claim of blunt force trauma that it does better with that I'm very much so inclined to believe that this is a definite improvement over the ech I'm I have no dog in the fight I'm not a guy to shill for the US government at all but I do believe in this case that we do have a better helmet that is lighter that is providing more capability so I have to say that the eye hits in my mind is a clear winner Micah uh yeah especially with some of the stuff we saw going for it I was a little bummed out but uh it's a good helmet it's a good helmet it's a good solid combat helmet we'll see how long it stays in service and uh and what conflicts it uh participates but yep we have the ihips and that kind of brings us on to the end uh ladies and gentlemen there are a lot of good helmets out there um what we're always going to say on this channel when it comes to ballistic comments is use good reputable companies uh ceradine with their eye hips with their ech are great helmets um you can get ech helmets for really not that expensive if you want to spend a little bit more money you do have Ops core you have Team Wendy both of which make very good high cut helmets where it's easier to get those comms on there however you do lose a little bit of protection however with the Ops scores you also have better at the back of the head protection so there's always some trade-off somewhere in the Shell design find the helmet that's going to work for you but most importantly buy it from a reputable manufacturer we do not recommend chinese-made helmets just due to Quality Control issues if you're gonna trust your life to something spend a little bit more money to save yourself that goes for armor as well guys as always all this is cool but get training you can have the coolest helmet in the world but if you have not gone out and for a day trained with your boys and had a good time and got into the mountains and seen how you uh react when you're wearing a helmet for months on end when you're sweating in it then it doesn't matter get training tons of great places to get trained from vet them get out there hang with the boys that is always a good time and as always we have nothing else for you final thing for you guys I'm going to say it again because this comes right down the helmets that is Fitness you need to be fit if you truly believe in the Second Amendment and you know what it's for which is resisting a tyrannical government you need to have some order of Fitness because if you're not fit you're gonna die
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 2,516,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ihps, army’s new helmet, is the army’s new helmet a disaster, us army helmet, army helmet, military helmet, integrated head protection system, ech test, ihps test, ballistic test, ballistic helmet test
Id: SwDoWSkiGZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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