PATREON SHORTS - Best & Worst Leadership

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Ryan wants to know what's the best and worst qualities you've seen in leaders throughout your career what do you find most challenging as a leader best and worst qualities I've definitely seen um I've definitely seen some really badass leaders and most of those guys the war drum they were beating they were beating long before it was cool to do so like the guys who really focus on mindset and being accountable for the noise you create and just how your individual shooter skills pertain to the rest of the team how your individual job can make or break this entire thing by just how you present yourself the guys who were thinking that like very philosophical in nature and the way they they approach problems they've been doing that for a very very long time long before it was cool do it on the internet it's like those guys they set their own pace and they didn't give a [ __ ] they already knew the way they got shown away and they just kept pushing that same message they don't adopt their style based on what's cool and you know pop culture social media they don't do any of that just what they believe is what they believe and they can back it up by trying true facts the other thing they do and this will go on to my to the worst leaders I hate I [ __ ] hate when people have to tell you they're in charge if I have to remind you that you work for me or that I'm in charge of you I'm not I am not if you have to say it to the group because they ask why like Hey we're doing this why because I [ __ ] said so Bro you've got about two of those in your entire career and then everyone would just leave you no one wants to be around you and there are a [ __ ] ton of people like that there are [ __ ] ton of people like that on the [ __ ] internet too they can't tell you why because they just want you to listen to them they just want whatever comes out of their mouth to be gospel and it's not the truth everybody in this room everybody in this team has an equal vote because we're all doing it together I understand you've been here longer and ultimately you are our mouthpiece but to dismiss our thoughts our theories our concerns that is not leadership that is toxicity at its finest and we don't have time for that so if you're one of the people that have to remind your your subordinates every day that they work for you you're probably a terrible leader you probably are if you're not willing to do the things you're asking him to do or if you're not already doing them if you haven't been already doing them you're already a step behind dude you got to believe the stuff you say and you've gotta you gotta live it man that in people that refuse to be positive I feel like there's a lot of people who they they search for negative stuff all day long and they try to bring the negative to the surface like they're trying to better the group and it's not what you're doing is eroding confidence in this group all you do is point out negative [ __ ] all day long and not that 55 000 things that have been going amazing like that single dude over there has been busting his ass for 40 [ __ ] days to get whatever done you don't even acknowledge it it's like the missing tile concept 55 000 pounds in a ceiling right now and you're syring to won this officer that's all you talk about all day long you're at the gym and you're talking about it you're driving home you're texting about it hey man I'm gonna be honest dude like nobody wants to hear about that tile anymore that tile is not going to be fixed this year it's not going to be when it's time to fix that tile we will it's not the time for it it's not on the top priority list right now I think yeah man just be be mindful your message be mindful the energy you put out in the atmosphere because once it goes toxic and people can't stand to be around you they won't and people just distance themselves from you every time you walk in the room they'll just get up and leave every time you get to say something it might be it might be the gospel like you might be preaching some serious [ __ ] but it's been so negative for so long that people can't even stomach it and nobody wants that like people want to be like they want to be accepted they want their ideas and Concepts to be validated by the group by the collective but if you're so nasty and you're so hateful and toxic all the time people just won't be able to stomach it I tell guys if you want to be a successful leader and I won't even say that I am one I'll say that I'm striving to be one one percent better every day concept if you try to become the person you wish you were the guy you wish you would have had when you really needed a leader and you try to emulate that person just a better version a more repeatable version a more less taxing version because you see some badass leaders but it's going to take so much to be that and you don't even know if it's real because a lot of guys it's height it's it's internet trickery and [ __ ] it's [ __ ] but when you finally meet them when you meet that dude in real life you're like damn he is really like that okay well that is manageable like he's a normal dude like he's got a wife he's got kids like he's got a job he's got stressors and he's still able to leave lead effectively that's the kind of guy you want to be just emulate that a little more put your own spin on it take a couple key Concepts four or five things that that dude does that you associate with that'd make me a better leader that would it could be physical presence it could be the way you speak to the group it could be the way you make eye contact it could be anything it could be the way you truly just give a [ __ ] like you walk in Monday morning you're checking in on everybody in your department like not just lip service like hey how's your weekend like actually sit down and engage them in some serious dialogue people respect that man and people appreciate it because you do give a [ __ ]
Channel: GBRS Group
Views: 93,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gbrs group, dj shipley, cole fackler, navy seal, tier 1, military, us navy, mindset, leadership
Id: cmF6zpy3mtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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