IMPROVE your PULL-UPS for Tactical Professionals

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so honestly if I'm thinking pull-ups we instantly want to be able to get the first pull-up where we should be inverse thinking this we should think okay if I'm trying to pull myself up over the bar how do I get stronger doing that going down and holding so what I would program for someone if they're trying to get their first pull-up if they're really starting out and you're just trying to get your first one it would be an isometric first so like jump up there and hold like a 90 degree position if you don't mind yep so I'm going to have DJ just hold this 90 degree position and I'm going to be like hey I want you to hold this for as long as you can physically hold this position he's not going to hold it as long as he possibly can because we don't have enough recording time on this [ __ ] camera but he's just gonna hold this as long as he can and then once he gets to the point where he's like I can't hold it anymore then he's going to slowly start dropping his body down he's gonna shake his arms out get to the bottom Shake him out reset and he's going to go back up and you program that no different than like a bench press like okay well keep track of your time like all right well today I got 30 seconds on my first hang tomorrow and I'm on my second rep I got 28 seconds my third rep I got 20 seconds maybe in two weeks you're doing it for 40 seconds maybe in a month later you're doing it for a minute but holding that isometric you're building that lap because you can focus on it when you're pulling your body more than likely when most people start working out if you're trying to get your first pull-up you're probably beginning you when you think pull and grab you're you're you're gonna grab and pull with your bicep and your form to get someone to think about using their lats that's why I like the isometric I like some of the stuff you're doing here because I tell guys be creative when you get in those weird positions and you're holding them for a while if you say hold I think about what muscles are actually firing and try to connect to them like I try to think of a specific spot on my lap like there it is right there I can feel I can feel it stretching out and I try to pull that spot if I just shot a muscle through it Kip it or whatever else yep that makes sense um so connecting the muscle connecting the mind to that that contraction after you hold an isometric then we're maybe going to go to like eccentrics so once you can hold that 90 degree hold maybe we load it maybe we put like a weight vest or something but that would be jumping up chin above the bar or chest of the bar like you said and then just slow cadence maybe like a seven count all the way down if you don't mind showing that DJ so now we can start to involve the core musculature of what's going on because we don't want to be just opened up flayed as well like a butterfly we want to have tension on the front side of our body because if you're passing for a test like you told me you can just hang at the bottom and if you have no core function with that like I mean that's a pretty uncomfortable position to begin yeah you can only hear them pull the bar for so long you kind of want to maximize it yeah but the guys that can hang on it forever it's really a superpower it's a cheat code it is we have multiple guys they hang selection courses they'll hang on one arm they'll Shake It Out they'll pop back up because as long as your feet don't touch the ground you're still in the game yeah I'm mixing guys crank up 150 pull-ups straight shot Jesus you look at me what a freak yeah that's all they do minutes are that's their superpower so we did the isometric now we'll go eccentric so jump up and then slow cadence down so get that chin above the ball or the chest of the bar whatever you think and then let's just go like a seven countdown seven six five four three two one hold this dead hang be flat on the ground jump back up seven six five five four three two one hold that dead hang time on the bar time under tension that's what's going to increase the strength focus on the strength we want slowly down so we built on isometrics time and attention focus on the last eccentric I feel like when you go eccentric it allows you to kind of feel that stretch with the lats that establish that connection that you're talking about for sure and then from there then now I would start to talk about the concentric portion so then we could do like a banded pull-up it's like assist going up set that up so we talked about like an isolated contraction eccentric slow down and now the up portion to me this is the portion that everyone wants to go to they want to just ban their pull-ups because they want to feel good about doing eight where they should just feel good about building the strength taking the time and then the concentric in my opinion is the last step so we can go feet knee whatever he feels comfortable here DJ it's gonna feel comfortable if it doesn't pop perfect now we're connecting the dots no different than we previously did we just get the concentric help and then we still get that seven countdown nine countdown five countdown whatever you want nice and slow and controlled use the band to assist you up bands are great because it has that accommodated resistance so the most help will be at the bottom which is probably where you need the most help with pull-up so when you're at the top that's more of your body weight that's holding and then that way you get the accommodated resistance band helps us out let's get one more nice and slow seven six five four three two one get out of there so that's three kind of steps on how to get your first pull-up what if you were someone that was trying to go so like I'm sure you've experienced this with your teammates with you you're trying to go from 10 to 20 or 10 to 30. well what would you uh what would your suggestion be for me it was the Latin endurance lasted burnout but if it couldn't hang on the bar I couldn't do any more so I did a lot of I called accessory movement lat pull Downs we did these bands did them in reverse so we'd hang a 70 80 pound kettlebell I'd Loop them around we clip into a belt so you'd have the most resistance at the top exactly okay it pulled me down really trying to slow it down or even if it was a lot of bad attention I couldn't even get up I could only pull it 50 50 is what I'm doing that was a cheat code for me really building the backup and then just reps man comfortable being on the bar you said one thing to me and it's always stood out when people think about passing a pull-up test they think oh I can do 10 pull-ups I can do if you can do 10 and that's the number that you confidently can do then under stress you can do five and I remember when you said that like you have to be able to be able to do the max out amount of pull-ups when you're stressed when you're fatigued when you're cold when you're sick when you're tired like that's the number that matters because I I you were telling me a story one time about you were just up on the bar and the guy was like up and then down and you're just hanging there and people like hey I'm used to getting that that stretch reflex I'm used to getting the bottom and then immediately coming back up and the second they take that away people are like oh what the [ __ ] like exactly you have to be able to do them an unlimited amount of time or whatever the time is but on someone else's count and I thought that was fascinating when you said that and it wasn't even a crazy number I think we had to do 15 pillows like well you know I can do 35 I can do 40 we do whatever that's easy 15 on someone else's count on their own timeline whenever they want to give yourself dude by five it's like you're looking left and right like this is so much harder than I anticipated thank God I can do 40 pull-ups because I would not be able to pass this otherwise and you saw guys failing and the person that's doing the Cadence they know that they do they know that that bounce at the bottom makes it easier so they're going to take it away like their job it's a game of attrition the game is for you not to make it through yeah so like it's being prepared for that worst case scenario like this guy's just gonna be a dick that's fine I I'm used to this same thing with push-ups anything else yep oh I've only got to do 50 push-ups they're on their count up you're just holding in a point position down they don't call up I didn't say up just dropped it identity oh my God like it starts like that you have to make it that much harder yeah because if not that's what would be on game day and you won't pass it you have to make it harder than it is yep yeah and really on pull-ups too finding with that comfortable spot for you is if it's nose just barely clearing the bar it's angled back just a little bit more like a lap pull down and playing around with it like not not getting that uh because they don't they don't count that no or you can't do a kid no it's got to be dead yeah it's like a lot of guys will use that momentum they'll use that kit motion back and forth we can dead subtle I've seen some guys that have really strong and built like biceps and forearms um that will have a more narrow grip because they'll be more powerful but then they fatigue way faster than a wider grip because they're not using those bigger muscles it's almost like a like a close grip push-up versus like a wide like they can have more velocity like they're cranking them out but they can't do it endlessly whereas having that wider grip not only can you hang here easier than here because if you're hanging closer your your body's probably back because you can't be through so it to me it's like finding that proper shape like you talked about I feel like most guys when they start they look at the bar they pick a single spot on it right here and they they jump straight up in the up in this kind of configuration which isn't isn't isn't bad but you can see where my elbows are pretty close in if I aim just a little bit wider like if I kind of went out with football goal style oh there you go like right here like that's a pretty good measure for me I can jump straight up I can grab the bar and I'll hinge back just a little bit and I'll think about stirring them up to the bar I don't have to smack it but if I kind of get that angle I feel like it puts more focus on my lats and not just my forearms my bicep it's interesting you say that because if anyone grabs a lap pull down bar No One's Gonna grab it thin no but it's when you commit to jumping for whatever reason you always grab it narrow it's interesting I think so you can see it right yeah a few steps atrocity okay it's good jump up man we grab it kind of get settled lock in yep I always bend my legs I know a lot of guys keep them straight they'll kind of Kip them if I leave them here they're you know they're centered up they're neutral they're not swaying around but I'm accountable them all and I go from here to there yeah just said head out of the hula hoop that's beautiful good tempo right balance it's like just being accountable the entire time like I can feel it when I get to the top squeezing everything down loading position if I dropping it yep it's not like a yeah I don't want to drop all I want to drop my entire body weight so much on my my elbows and everything else I have to rebuild all that up keep the tension reversing okay tension reverse it jump back up there I can point out something too because uh you did it you do it automatically especially when we're doing like our overhead holds but like when you're about to do a pull-up you're creating tension you're locking your scaps down but being able to hang and letting the scaps upwardly rotate and move and hold this position that's a skill in itself because that's why we put so much emphasis on a lot of the row patterns and stuff that we do is moving the scaps letting them move freely because if everything's just bolted down and locked you can't hold for time no like this lack like you you have to like let that happen because if you're like this you're wasting so much intention and effort and Contracting to hold the position that you should just be able to hang out in but you remember like we got my shoulder rebuild I couldn't get my hand overhead dumbbell shoulder press I mean we were in this kind of motion we couldn't get anything it took us forever with bands to be able to extend and that's really what we were trying to get I'd be in this configuration we need this to go to there yep now I can pull back into it that two or three inches the scapula movement was everything as soon as we got it but for your situation and I think a lot of others it's the confidence like it's like you're you're seeing it and you're just like waiting for pain to happen and then when it doesn't happen you're like oh yeah okay like now I can do more but until you've experienced till you put yourself in that position you don't know what feels good I feel like that's I'd say 50 of what I get for military law enforcement about Fitness in general is I'm just coming back from a surgery how do you rebuild confidence rebuilding the foundation yeah right starting over I know nobody wants to hear that like that's a 135 deadlift that's rebuilding the entire process that's my shoulder rebuilt we're going 45 pound bar my friend like we're I mean we've had to switch our my grip I used to bend super wide I mean crazy wide blew it out now we're narrow it's mainly tricep we talked about that you go from benching almost 400 pounds to I can't unrack 225 because everything's basically a tricep yep you know bench press now and now we just got to rebuild the whole Foundation now we have so much stronger so much more accountable for it all and I can always go wider but now you know narrow where I couldn't before I was stuck in this position if I went in narrow super weak it's like deficit's not that dress it takes the right mindset and having to check your ego because just because you can't do it doesn't mean you won't be able to do it but if you're constantly comparing yourself like man I just bench 405 last week bro well that's not going to happen right now that doesn't mean it won't happen in six months but like if you jump to that and trying to get to that right away like your ceiling is so short because you're just going to be right back to where you were so checking your ego starting from the bottom like you said building up correctly because you know you know because if you got the 405 bench you didn't just stumble upon that no if you got the 40 pull-ups you didn't stumble on that like you weren't to that so it's like hey remembering like your journey went up you occurred some sort of issue it dropped back down like you you go back to where the journey started and you work your way up you don't go back up to here and then keep climbing like it to me it you have to check your ego with something like that this is a common theme like people they say it's like I don't want to start over well you got 52 weeks in the year start over it doesn't matter if you don't want to start over you have to yeah you just have to accept it everybody doesn't care if you're playing NFL MLB MBA it doesn't matter injury when you have to come back from it yep Achilles rupture you're building an entire thing all over again really it's just the mindset piece as soon as you as soon as you understand that everybody has to rebuild you're like part of the process man yeah everybody's doing it you're not the victim yeah yeah when you're not the victim anymore and you're like oh this is this is common this is commonplace this is this happens just and then then get started
Channel: Vernon Griffith II
Views: 65,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gbrs, gbrs group, tactical training, tactical strength and conditioning, tactical performance, military training, buds prep, selection training, pull up tutorial, pull up tips, how to get your first pull up, dj shipley, dj gbrs group, vernon griffith, vernon gbrs group, functional training, bodyweight training, pull ups, pull up
Id: Rk1EWtqNto0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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