Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta - Seelah Oradin Build

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hey everybody it's bolshy here back with another pathfinder wrath of the righteous build video if you like this build make sure you like and subscribe it will really help me grow the channel all right check it out today we're going to be looking at a build specifically for the companion sela for pathfinder wrath the righteous sila starts out a lawful good paladin of ioma day and i want to come up with a build for her that stays true to her character but at the same time i really hate paladins they just don't offer a lot in terms of customization so really the only thing on a base paladin you get to choose are your mercies so what i did was i built her as an oregon which is a popular class combination and pathfinder we take a couple levels of paladin and then we go the rest in the oracle class you end up with a really tough frontline melee character that's capable of tanking healing and buffing my first playthrough with ceelo was a three-person party where ceelo was the main tank so a lot of the choices in this build are going to be with defense in mind now ciela starts out level one as a paladin she starts out with the feats of dodge shield focus which are good defensive feats to start off with and she's got high strength reasonable dexterity and constitution and pretty high charisma as well so our second level you can see i took second level in paladin that gives us divine grace so for the rest of the game we get to add our charisma bonus to all saving throws and at level three is when i jump into oracle just base oracle here so i really want to maintain seal as kind of like a warrior of the for good you know warrior of the divine and uh this is the path i chose so actually what i did here was we want to get rank 3 mobility because she's going to be fighting defensively and after that i kind of maxed out persuasion and religion with her but really for your party whatever skills you're missing she can pick up our first feat is going to be improved on arm strike we are going to go the crane feeds here like i said i built this as a tank so we definitely want to pick up those crane feeds and that's a prerequisite um the curse here is really up to you i think the one that has the least amount of drawbacks is wolf's guard face if you're you know min maxing if you want to come up with a story for her this is a good place to kind of role play but i went with wolf's guard face and mystery i went with battle first of all the battle mystery gives you a ton of great spells a lot of which are not on the cleric oracle spell list to begin with like an orange person legendary proportions so getting those spells for free is really nice magical investment is also a great spell it can buff everybody's ac and eventually what we're going to do is we're going to take the second revelation and go life so that i can get these spells and the uh life revelations as well our first revelation since we got marshall weapon proficiency from the paladin we're going to go with weapon mastery and i kind of built her as your pretty standard paladin of ioma day or a warrior of islam a day so i went with a long sword and this um these revelations are really great because we get weapon focus at level one at eighth level we get improved critical for free and at twelfth level we're going to get greater weapon focus which you wouldn't get a normally you can't get this feat unless you're a fighter and our first couple of spells i went with divine favor and shield of faith shield of faith is is nice so that you can buff your yourself and your party's ac so every level from here on out is in oracle we're going to take our fourth level in oracle i bumped up strength as much as possible i did want her to be effective in melee persuasion religion and i also had her cook so knowledge world there she gets in large person as a bonus spell and at this point in the game i was kind of buffing ceelo by herself so um i had ninio in the party and she would buff my main character and then coela was kind of responsible for buffing herself our feet is going to be at fifth level actually prioritize outflank over uh crane style just so melee can can all have that a revelation at fifth level is going to be warsight which allows us to roll twice for initiative at seventh level we get uncanny dodge so we can't be flat-footed and at 11th level we need to roll three times for initiative and take the best result i took bless as my next spell here oracle any skills you want now at this point there's some some really good choices at second level um things i found myself using a lot were a line weapon uh there's a lot of enemies in the game that have damage reduction that can be negated if your weapon is aligned to be good so this as a minute per level buff adds a lot of damage level seven our feet at level seven is going to be crane style and we're pretty much going to be fighting defensively all the time now get another first level spell oh remove fear is really good it's a 10 minute buff and if you cast it on somebody who is frightened it cancels out the frightened effect so i think at this point in the game there's a few enemies that will either cause you to be shaken or frightened and if you drop this on them then they're no longer frightened the next spell i like to go with in second level is lesser restoration for ability damage having this on command as a spontaneous caster really helps me out more strength skills out of the way and third level i prioritize arkansaura here this gives a minus two penalty to attack rules saving throws and armor class if they fail their wisdom save and it's a minute per level buff so this is really good this is honestly so good that it's worth taking heightened spell for so that you can have arkansas at every spell level to make sure that the difficulty check is still high i didn't do that on this build but it's definitely worth considering okay at level nine our feet is going to be crane wing i'm kind of prioritizing crane feats first getting that ac ramp at this point in the game is pretty important there's really nothing exceptional about her ac you know an oracle doesn't have anything other than spells to to boost ac so getting these crane feets is pretty important and here i went with combat healer which is kind of glitchy right now but once a day you can cast a quickened heel for off healing or for yourself if you get in trouble first double spell i can't remember i think at this point we have all the good ones um yeah maybe unbreakable heart kind of the same idea as remove fear if you have a spell that relies on negative emotions then you can cast this on them and it will suppress the effect of that spell for its duration at this point i went with remove paralysis that's nice to have on demand there's not a whole lot of other things i mean getting the heal spells is good too i guess we already have those naturally effortless armor is another good one here i went with prayer it's a nice luck buff for your whole party not a lot of luck buffs in the game so it's very nice to have skills this is where we get to pick what weapon we get improved critical from four this is from weapon mastery our first revelation so i'm going all in on long sword and i use radiance with sila so you kind of it's a weapon you get really early in the game and as you progress through the story the weapon gets upgraded so that was a great choice for her first spell here crusader's edge this is a phenomenal weapon it gives you bane property for evil outsiders which are all demons and the main weapon property is you get plus two to hit on top of your weapons normal enhancement bonus and you also do an extra 2d6 force damage which isn't reduced by damage reduction and also if you hit a evil outsider they have to make a saving throw or they'll be nauseated so they basically get stunned for one to three rounds this is a fantastic buff if you have a lot of melee in your group you should try and keep this up at all times skills out of the way let's see here at 11 we can pick up crane boss this is our final feat in the crane suite now we're taking only a minus one penalty on attack rules for fighting defensively and we get to make attacks of opportunity when something hits us or gets close to hitting us with crane wing active i think at this point i took effortless armor and resist energy communal for my third level spell um there are other good spells here animate dead is always nice i'm not really a huge a big fan of summoning spells delay poison communal is something you want to have um you can get it from scrolls i think at some point i actually did pick this up on sela just because i didn't want to have to buy schools all the time remove curse and disease are helpful as well and blindness as well here i went with divine power this is a round pro level buff that gives you a luck bonus to attack damage and strength checks it also gives you an extra attack like haste this is a an amazing short duration buff and that's actually something that this build is really good at when you need something to die quickly there's a number of round pro level buffs that are extremely strong that you can cast on yourself this is the first i guess prayer is actually the first that's a good round pro level buff skills out of the way fifth level spells let's see the first one i went with here was true seeing um more the more true seeing you get at this point in the game the better there's a lot of enemies that have um uh mirror image displacement you know illusion spells that prevent you from hitting them this completely negates those so this is a really great spell to have here at level 13 we're going to take another level in oracle our feet is going to be dazzling display we're working up towards shatter defenses later and our revelation at this point um i think it was mythic rank 3 i took second mystery life so now we get the um what do you call it the life revelations as well as the battle revelations and at this point in the game i took channel just because i was using healing potions a lot and having channel out of combat to heal up your party just cuts down on down time a lot and because we're charisma based the oracle is a charisma based caster we actually get to do this a lot more second level spells i can't remember what i chose at this point we already have all the good ones so maybe fine traps for more perception grace is nice sometimes when you want to run as a swift action without getting a tax of opportunity and i would choose one of these removed spells depending on what you're getting hit with the most some diseases are have really high dc so they're hard to get off with religion checks so that could be helpful and at this point our fourth level spell there's a lot of good ones here um i think i went with protection from energy which is always nice it's nice to have a spell that you can cast on the fly that can do you know five different things acid cold electricity fire sonic production is nice to have on the fly i also eventually picked up death ward because there was just a lot of energy drain at this point in the game and a fifth level spell i believe here i went with burst of glory which is a sacred bonus to attack roles and saves for your whole party very rare to get sacred bonuses and again another round per level buff which is what divine casters kind of specialize in next level are we get our greater weapon focus for a long sword and at six level let's see here we get some things for free we get heal for free from our life revelation and we get bull strength for free so don't take those i think at this point i chose eagle soul which is a really strong round pro level buff you get um plus two sacred bonus to ac plus four sacred bonuses strength which stacks with everything else plus five sacred bonus on persuasion checks um initiative checks fast healing all crips confirm against evil creatures all these things are really solid buffs level 15 our feet at level 15 now we can get shatter defenses and hopefully somebody in your party is going to be intimidating things if you have a bard with georgia doom somebody with dazzling display something along these lines we want something to be auto intimidating so that we can attack five footed ac we're going to pick that up in a couple of levels actually when we get a frightful aspect but for now we want somebody else doing it i think i went with cleanse for myself here for level five having raised dead on command is nice too because occasionally people do go down up to you though and our sixth level spell i think i went with inspiring recovery here again to be able to raise somebody that drops down real quick i'm not entirely sure actually i know that for the most part i used heal and eagle soul and anything after that was kind of a spell i didn't use level seven we already get this for free because we took two levels in paladin but i would choose this i don't know maybe i'm missing something but the level seven spells are kind of underwhelming here um they're kind of limited by hit dice and uh yeah i just i'm not a big fan of the level 7 spell so i think i went with resurrection because we get greater restoration for free and we get legendary proportions from battle revelation our feet at level 17 at this point we're kind of picking up on damage since we've got all of our defensive abilities so i went with power attack and i went with enhanced cures so your cure spells are no longer limited by a level um now one i shouldn't say they're not limited by level usually they have a maximum of like you know 1d8 plus 5 but now you can add your full oracle level so your first curolite wound spell would do 1d8 plus in this case 15 because we have 15 levels of oracle and it really gives you a lot of use out of those low-level healing spells that help you pick yourself up out of combat i think i'm with break enchantment here angelic aspect is is pretty good but i'm i'm gonna pick up the greater version later and uh the spell magic crater i think i chose at that point these maybe holy word you know for for a low level you know trash mobs this can be good all right level 8 we get some good spells here um holy aura is great this gives you immunity for one round per level to mind affecting spells it gives you a bunch of stuff actually but the most important thing to me is the immunity to mind affecting spells so no enchantments no illusions all those things that get cast at you this is kind of your your counter to those abilities level 19 more oracle our feet at this point um i think at this point you know there's this is kind of a filler fee whatever you you think your weaknesses are that you want to want to fill up this would be a good time to take like i think we have relatively low will saves so iron will you can take toughness for more health you can take a skill focus up to you level seven spells maybe a summoning spell would be good at this point i went with frightful aspect here i went with frightful aspects here because we um holy auric kind of takes priority the mind affecting spells can really be a pain but this now gives us automatic shaken by aura so we don't need to cast any abilities to have everybody shaken which is really nice for shatter defenses and other things and finally level 18 oracle you know don't bump up strength because you had an even number here i would probably bump up charisma which is nice to get that extra bonus to smite evil heals and things like that we get mass heal is an eighth level spell from our life revelation so don't take that i think that i would probably take wings of vengeance here which is a really nice buff for your tank you get full concealment against ranged attacks if a creature hits you you can lash out and make an immediate attack for 58 bludgeoning damage and i think you get a much higher speed i didn't actually reach this point in the game with sila i hit level 19 on sila so i didn't get to try out this spell but as i was looking at him this looks like the strongest one we already have massiel all right for mythic path um you have a lot of options oracles have a lot of choices here i went with thundering blows just because at this point in the game with a three-person party and my main characters build really hadn't come online we were short damage and you know this is guaranteed damage just about every round when it counts because when you miss you get some sonic damage so there were many times at this point in the game where my party had died except for selah and thundering blows was just doing all the work so i liked that mythic rank 2 i took extra mythic ability and took abundant casting here mythic rank 3 is when i took my second mystery life so that's the dome where is it here it's mythic ability second mystery here and then you choose life and you get all those life spells and if you hit level 20 like with a main character you get the life for uh final revelation as well and we also get those revelations so that was important at mythic rank four i chose improved abundant casting abundant smite at mythic rank five and uh this really gets the most out of those two paladin levels so now i think we're smiting like five or six times a day and since this scales primarily with charisma this is a really nice buff to the class and then finally at mythic rank 6 which is when 7th 8th and 9th level spells were kind of coming online we went with greater abundant casting for gear nothing too fancy here i just tried to max out strength and charisma as much as possible um there are a couple of items here that uh really help out with paladins so i can't remember where i got this but it gives you an extra use of smite evil that's nice for her since we only took two levels we don't get that many smites radiance shield uh and this item i can't remember i picked this up either but now your smite evil changes the ac to sacred so that stacks with your shield of faith ring of protection bonuses which is really nice as well and everything else is just standard i just always heavy armor here just take the highest ac you can grab that's pretty much it so you know all together with you know round pro level buffs like prayer divine power righteous might burst to glory eagle soul what else we got holy aura i mean those are those are a lot of um really great round for level buffs so when you some when you need something to really die fast you pop those things and by the way this is just herself buffed so all of these buffs are just things that she can cast on herself and uh and then we smite and that's pretty much it let's see here plus 47 to hit as a tank not too bad with power attack and fighting defense loot and everything let's see what her ac is 67 so that's fully buffed and that's also with the minus two from shaken so not bad i never had a problem with her going down in my playthrough it's very very survivable very tough tank and she's also got pretty good heels alright that's the build i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it like comment subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: BolshyPlays
Views: 75,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder, kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, WotR, Build, Guide, Classes, Seelah, Companion, Oracle, Oradin
Id: UYwE6D4jGw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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