Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Angel Mythic Path Progression / Overview | Pathfinder WOTR

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hey everybody it's leroy from lira gaming and in today's video for pathfinder wrath of the righteous we're gonna go and do a full deep dive on the angel mythic pathway this is for the retail version of the game in this video we're going to go through everything involved through all the mythic level progressions i'm going to show you spells the kind of special abilities related to this pathway if they're summons i'm going to show you what they look like in game you can get a really good feel for what this is gonna be all about before you commit down this pathway now as of all my videos you're gonna see extensive timestamps in the description below make sure to utilize those to get the best experience possible and as always if you enjoy this content and want to see more of it make sure to like subscribe hit the notification bell we're going to be seeing a lot of videos in the next couple days going over the different mythical pathways as well as various builds so with that being said let's go ahead and jump in and take a look at what the angel pathway has to offer so before we get started i didn't want to point out something very important before we look at the actual mythic pathway that we're going to feature today um pretty late in the progression there will be a quest related option to get your final transformation now not everybody's going to complete this and i want to point this out because when we look at the actual mythic abilities and features it is not going to be listed in the system because again some people will never even get it you will have to kind of stay in alignment so if you got kind of a evil um pathway or a lawful pathway you're going to need to kind of make decisions that are online of that and if you do you're going to look really really cool you're going to transform into a demon or kind of like an angel figure etc and then you're also going to get some nice buffs from it so again when we look at this video today do note that portion will not be shown unfortunately even though this is the release version my channel was not big enough to get kind of early access so i'm kind of having to start out with everybody else but note everything else should be shown and featured within this video all right now let's take a look at all the content for leveling up as an angel so here's an overview from some key features so the angel is a mighty champion of good who sets a shining example for the crusaders smiting demons of a sort of holy flame those who fight alongside the angel can be certain that they will be protected healed and even resurrected in the event of their untimely demise here are some of the mythic abilities gonna get to summon spirit paladin for a minute you're also gonna have a couple of abilities that impact your angelic halo they're gonna read about in just a second so flame of life is first while angelic halo is active whenever an ally suffers damage they receive fast healing equal to angel's mythic rank for one round and this is basically regeneration uh you also get blinding light whenever angelic hill is active an enemy that attacks the angel first time in a round must pass a fortitude saving throw dc equals 10 place twice the angels mythic rank or be blinded for 1d4 plus 1 rounds on a successful saving throw an enemy becomes days for one minute also piercing rays whenever angelic halo is active all enemies in a 50-foot area suffer a penalty to spell resistance equal to one plus half the angel's mythic rank as well as a penalty to all saving throws equal to the half the penalty to spell resistance now i want to point out as we look at the progression that you we start with angel progression at level three that's when you get to choose it the first two levels are part of the mythic hero progression now if you haven't seen my video on the mythic hero options make sure to check out the video that's going to be popping up and link in the description i chose close to heaven because it's thematic and you know very similar to angels uh but you don't have to choose that you could have picked dance macabre or any other options and it wouldn't make us incompatible so there's even more flexibility and a way to make things unique now again in particular level three you're gonna start with sword of heaven so angels can imbue their weapon with holy power weapons imbued with holy power dealing additional 2d6 holy damage on attacks while spells and abilities used while holding imbued weapons deal an additional two dice damage or heal an additional two dice of damage you're going to get a mythic ability now do note if you haven't seen my video on mythic abilities make sure to check it out i'll make sure to link it in description below and it should be popping up and there's a ton of them so in this guide i'm just going to be picking one automatically to keep this moving but do check out those videos for all the options you're going to get that angelic halo and don't forget all those extra multipliers that we're going to see popping up for them that we saw during the description so at its base mythic angel gains a celestial halo each ally within 50 feet of the angel gains a bonus equal to half angel's mythic rank plus one to ac and saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures you're also going to get access to a mythic spell book now do note it says angels receive the ability to cast mythic spells you can either choose to take it as part of an existing full divine spell cast or spell book or as a standalone spell book this is important because let's say you're like a paladin or a cleric you could just add on add into it but let's say like you're like a fighter like this character is you know we don't get to cast spells but guess what now you do and you get summon spirit paladin now here's you choosing a mythic spell book and remember if you had other classes here that had those spell books if you've chosen one but because i'm a fighter i will choose this by default and i want to point out as soon as you hit and become that angel you are going to get a bunch of spells right off the bat you're gonna get blessed level one your light wounds divine favor obviously pause this video if you want to read any of these descriptions remove sickness and break unbreakable heart level two suppose you get access to are aid arrow of light blessing of courage blessing of luck and resolve your moderate wounds delay poison remove paralysis restoration lesser and sound burst and level three suppose you get access to are archons aura pure serious wounds delay poison communal grant repose prayer remove blind remove disease shield from demon kind and ward against disease now i want to point out the kind of halo effect here which is looks pretty cool on a character and you can now activate it and deactivate it here's the sword of heaven effect and that looks pretty amazing and then here's summon spirit paladins and there you go you now have two spirit paladins you can summon all right level four you're gonna get another mythic feat and so again if you haven't seen my video on mythic feats make sure you check that out it's going to pop up and i'll be in the description below there's a ton of them and again just like the mythic abilities i'm just going to be picking one randomly but there's a ton of them so make sure to check out that video you're also going to get an improved sort of heaven so starting at second level and it's going to continue on at 4 6th and 8th 10th an angel can select an improvement to the sort of heaven ability improvements that are available eighth and ten ranked are significantly more powerful and we're going to be looking at all the options as we go on and you're also going to get someone moving diva we'll be looking at that in a second as well so here are the initial options for improved sword of heaven i'm going to go over all of them abolish disease so weapons of the angel become vein to all diseases future wielding them becomes immune to disease healing spells cast by the creature now remove all diseases from the target also remove fatigue exhaustion sickness nauseating conditions creatures that apply disease on attacks or are otherwise closely linked to disease suffer additional fifty percent of damage from the wielder as holy damage there's abolish guile weapon of angel become vain to all guile creatures wielding them become immune to compulsion effects healing spells cast by the creature now remove all mind affecting effects from the target creatures that commonly use compulsions suffer additional 50 of the damage from the wielder as holy damage and this stuff reminds me like you've played the paladin they're lay on hands get different like um abilities and like the lens different effects this feels like that this is like on crack steroids and i don't know you know chocolate all combined at the same time uh very bonkers abolish poison weapons of the angel become a bane to all poisons creature wielding them becomes immune to poisons healing spells cast by the creature again we're the creature now remove all poisons from the target and heal all ability damage and ability drain creatures that apply poison on attacks or are otherwise closely linked to poison suffer additional 50 damage so from the wielder as holy damage we've abolished on death weapons of angel become bane to all undead or on death creature wielded by becomes immune to death effects but not immune to dying but death effects and energy drain healing spells cast by the creature now remove paralysis and all negative levels from the target undead creatures suffer additional fifty percent of damage from the wielder as holy damage if bestow the divine angel can now imbue weapons of others with the same holy power wow angel can still imbue weapons of only one creature so if you don't want to buff yourself you can put on somebody else that's obviously something you probably do as a subsequent choice not your first choice probably everlasting flame sword of heaven now lasts for one minute per mythic rank grand blessing additional damage and healing from sword of heaven are now maximized so this means you know instead of like 1d6 you don't roll 186 it would do full six damage or six healing for example and then guide the faithful as the final lower level option attacks of the imbued weapon now mark the target for one minute making the target visible give the target minus 40 penalty to stealth checks and a minus four penalty to you ac so uh you had no going invisible or hiding now you're also gonna get access to level 4 spells now and your new options are blade of the sun your critical wounds divine power neutralize poison your form repel the profane restoration ward against disease communal and ward against impurity and here's what summon movina movanic looks like sweet check out that badass angel with wings and gold and everything all right now we're at level five and you're gonna start with improved angelic halo so it starts at fifth and then you're gonna get it again at seventh to ninth you can select an improvement to the angelic halo ability you're also gonna get a mythic ability and you're gonna get summoned movanic divas or plural so these are the upgrades and when we first looked at the the overview the the first four were kind of highlighted we already saw a blinding light we talked about burning bright oh uh my apologies actually no we saw a blinding light we did not see burning light right whenever jericho was active all demons and undead creatures of the 50 foot area suffered 2d6 plus mythic range points of polar damage each round that's amazing uh flame a light we did see this piercing ray rays we saw this and here are some new ones solar winds you can choose this one whenever j kilo is active all eyes in 50 foot range get a bonus to fire old acid and like literally the resistance equal to five per angel's mythic rank so right off the bat here at level five that's 25 and a bonus to sonic and negative uh energy resistance equal to three per angel's mythic rank so at this point it's really going to be level 15. um as well as a bonus to force unholy holy and divine resist equal to angel's mythic ring now i guess this is my only question about it as far as the calculations we are mythic length three or sorry five but um we technically have three levels of angel the other ones are mythic hero so i'm not a hundred percent sure on that and then we have unfailing beacon whenever angelic halo is active the angel doesn't suffer any damage from the allies spells that have an area effect so if like somebody casts fireball on you and a bunch of enemies you don't take damage you don't need like the improved fireball that basically is like selective damage uh if it ain't if angel is the main target of such a spell it becomes empowered as though using empowered spell feet and the dc of the saving throw against it is increased by two but you basically would want to like have the angel tank in the middle of a bunch of enemies cast us on the angel and anybody near it is gonna just get absolutely obliterated like this improved version we're gonna go ahead and just pick one now you're gonna be getting access to level five spells now and the options are going to be breath of life burst of glory lens cleansing flames pure light one's mass flame strike pillar of life raised dead sacred nimbus serenity fine trap ward against and word against impurity communal and last but not least let's take a look at what summon movanic divas plural looks like there we go we got two of them now all right we have level six now and you're gonna get a mythic feat also you can get an improved sort of heaven so we're gonna take a look at uh we're gonna show you those options again in a moment and you get to summon an astral diva so here are the improvements again we chose abolish disease last time and here are all the same ones no new ones have been added so those are all the same you just pick another one you're also going to get access to level six spells and so the options are aegis of the faithful blade barrier blessing of luck and resolve fault of justice chains of light pure moderate wounds mass ego soul eel holy hem inspiring recovery joyful rapture ward against harm communal ward against weakness now let's take a look what summon astral diva looks like damn okay and even though it says diva it's summoned two of them i don't know if that's a bug or not but that's pretty awesome all right moving on to level seven we're going to get to improve the angelic halo again and again another mythic ability and you're going to upgrade or you're going to get halos holy aura so angel's halo now emanates an aura similar to the effective holy aura spell a brilliant divine radiance surrounds a subject protecting them from attacks granting them resilience to spells as for evil creatures and causing evil creatures to become blinded and they strike the subjects this app duration has four effects first each warded creature gets a plus four deflection bonus to ac and a plus four resistance bonus on saves unlike protection from evil this benefit applies against all attacks not just against attacks by evil creatures that's amazing second each worded creature gained spell resistance 20 plus angels mythic rank against evil spells spells cast by evil creatures third the ab duration protects from all mind affecting misspells and effects finally if an evil creature succeeds on a melee attack against a creature awarded by a holy aura the offending attacker is blinded or to save negates as blindness but against holy aura save dc this is ridiculously good if you haven't figured out already you know this angelic pathway really strong against this like evil demon-infested expansion but that should not be a surprise and then we got summon astral divas so here are the upgrades and we're going to just pick another one we already went over what these all meant for spells you're going to get access to level 7 spells so you get choose from cure serious one mass holy word jolting important radiant round restoration greater resurrection sun marked wall of light ward against weakness communal now let's see what summon astral divas does remember someone astral diva also summoned two so i know this is a bug but they both summon two i it's got to be a bug that the other one does one er two even though it should be one uh but yeah here we go what the divas looks like all right now at level eight you're going to get another mythic feat you're going to get greater sword of heaven they're going to get a powerful improvement that's going to be much more powerful than the ones we had earlier and summon astral divas but now it's going to be four of them so we went uh one two four even though it was bugged at two two four let's take a look all right so for greater sort of heaven you notice we have all the original ones and some of these will not have prerequisites so be stored of divine heavenly host okay let's see which ones are new i believe it's just the bottom ones here we go yeah here are the big ones overwhelming flames attacks of the owner of the imbued weapon now additionally deal damage to all enemies within five feet wow so it's like mass cleave uh or aoe i don't know i won't call but that's just bonkers like especially like a big all three handed sword or something and then speed of light the owner of the imbued weapon now so it says the owner because you remember you can cast the potential on other people now is under effect similar to haste but granting two additional attacks instead of one and making all spells of level seven or lower weakened as though using the quicken spell feat wow and quicken spell it tells you here casting a quicken spell is a swift action you can perform another action even casting another spell on the same round as you can written spell spell whose casting time is more than one round or one all round action cannot be quickened so you can dual cast or cast an attack that's just crazy i wonder if you can stack this with haste since it's saying it's similar to haste that'll have to be something that's uh tested out but these are both ridiculously good all right and we also get access to level eight spells so your options are avengers blessing your critical wounds mass euphoric tranquility firestorm yale of life solar chains storm of justice and storm bolts all right now let's take a look at some astral divas in action here check that out you have an army of astral divas to fight on your behalf that is awesome all right level nine um you're gonna innately get another mythic ability and you're gonna get a summon spirit guardian even though this is in the retail version i wonder if there's anything else that's meant to be here that maybe you get based off storyline or not this seems a little light compared to everything else but at its base you do get the mythic ability and summon spirit guardian let's take a look at what that looks like now you also get access to level 9 spells which are obviously extremely powerful you can choose from bring back of faithful heal mass overwhelming presence sun form and wrath of the righteous uh yeah casting wrath of the righteous and pathfinder wrath of the righteous how absolutely meta love this that's awesome and now let's take a look now let's take a look with what summon spirit guardian looks like there we go check him out [Music] pretty cool right and finally mythic level 10 you're gonna get a mythic feat you're gonna get sword of heaven here uh angel's so interesting so uh angels can imbue their weapon of holy power weapons of beauty of holy power deal an additional 2d6 holy damage on attacks and while spells and abilities use while holding imbued weapon the additional two dice of damage or heal additional two dice damage so and obviously it's depending on whatever dice are used for that spell and you're also gonna get another greater sort of heaven buff and summon spirit guardians you're going to get to summon three of them so here's your options and again you're probably going to take the one supercharged one at this point which is ridiculously powerful i mean you're gonna be looking at having at least at high level you know four six attacks potentially if you're like a martial class uh just maybe more even if haste stacks of disability wow all right and here's basically some inspired guardians for whatever reason um it's a little bugged here um it's not letting me cast it but it's basically just three spirit guardians so just imagine i'm casting this guy here imagine three of these suckers popping up for you that is what it's gonna look like all right guys and that right there is the full angel progression so outside of maybe some story based uh features that could or could not be added to this this should be the full progression i hope you guys find it helpful as always if you uh do enjoy this content make sure to like subscribe hit that notification bell if you want to support the channel you can check out all the really cool swag the t-shirts mugs etc or leroy gaming in our merch store you can find that in a link in the description below and as always guys i'll see you guys in the next video or check me out on twitch at leroygamingstream see you guys you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 21,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Angel Mythic Path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, wrath of the righteous mythic paths, pathfinder wotr mythic hero, pathfinder wotr mythic paths, mythic paths, mythic path, pathfinder wrath of the righteous mythic paths, mythic paths pathfinder, mythic paths pathfinder wotr, pathfinder wotr mythic heroe, Pathfinder wrath of teh righteous angel mythic path, pathfinder wotr
Id: QflYuVFudrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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