Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Ep. 01: Quite Vexed

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[Music] hey retcon raider here and welcome to pathfinder wrath of the righteous by owlcat games and paizo publishing now honestly i feel like this game doesn't really need an extensive introduction i mean i did do something like 50 videos about it before it even came out but for those who somehow missed it it is a retro style fantasy crpg with an optional turn based or real-time with pause combat system based on the wrath of the righteous series of adventure modules using the popular pathfinder tabletop rule system now uh we are going to be jumping in momentarily we've got a lot a lot of ground to cover um we will have to retread some general material given that i ran the beta series out to the about the end of act two but we're gonna be using a new character i'm gonna make a new set of decisions and hopefully that should change things enough to keep it fresh but before we do uh i should of course thank the raiders the fine folks who help make these videos possible revenant halloweens and urban war paint antonio hernandez dragon matrix seven excelsior goat lib kazoom lima nathan welch jr thomas piakowski you guys know who you are that said let's get started okay first things first difficulty we are going to be playing on core difficulty uh basically i'm going for as close to the tabletop experience as i can get enemies are full strength and more numerous that'll give us a bit more loot and xp but we'll have to really work for it and we are going to make a few tweaks here just for the sake of streamlining the series [Music] well i do of course appreciate a proper challenge i also want to make sure things keep moving and i do want to allow for the occasional course correction as needed [Music] so we are going to enable character retraining i don't know if i'm actually going to use it i do like to have the option basically if i find out i made a terrible decision i want to have some wiggle room just so we don't have to roll things back too far to fix it we're also going to go ahead and turn off encumbrance based movement speed it is immersive which i appreciate but it is also not fun to watch your characters crawling around at five miles an hour doubly so when um it's supposed to be in a video series [Music] i don't think anyone's going to disagree on that [Music] and finally um i did debate it a bit but we are going to turn on death's door that won't prevent our characters from dying but it will give us a small buffer zone between tenuous life and instantaneous crit-fueled death again that's not so much because i want things to be easier but it's more because i just don't want to have to roll things back too frequently it's not fun and it doesn't make for a good video with just the occasional bit of death as opposed to having to roll things back every time one of our characters randomly takes a 4x crit to the face and yeah i think that's good i might make a few further tweaks off screen once i've really had a chance to think about this but nothing's really jumping out at me but hey let me know what you guys think oh you are a nightmare go away so going back to the uh raiders real quick thanks for your support guys uh just like with creed iron fang our character this time out is also partially designed by a series of polls i ran over on my patreon last time we ended up with an oread crusader and this time the polls have pointed me towards a dex-based halfling hunter which i am looking forward to putting through its paces now i have given this a fair amount of thought and from what i understand the hunter class is essentially a hybrid of the cavalier and the pet-based ranger classes we lose a lot of the free marshall feats that would normally go with cavalier or ranger but we get a boatload of free teamwork feats in their place which we automatically share with our pet and then um we lose about 25 on base attack bonus but we theoretically make up for that with more divine casting we can go up to six level nature spells and we pick up a special animal focus ability which for us is essentially going to amount eventually to a plus six dexterity bonus and then probably the rogue's evasion ability via aspect of the mouse i think ultimately what we're going for here is a mounted dodge tank with a heavy focus on attacks of opportunity and crowd control especially once we start getting the mythic trickster tricks into the mix we're aiming for about a mid-level damage output we're going to start off really low but that should show up once we hit level four and five which will give us access to mounted combat and fencing grace respectively but the bulk of our real damage is going to be coming from our backline range strikers so it's really just the hunter's job to keep people off of them and you know occasionally kill someone [Music] with that in mind it is imperative that we take a background that grants mobility as a class skill because apparently hunters do not get that by default i've looked at all our options and i think our best bet is river kingdom daredevil which grants us both mobility proficiency and uh a free plus two to our armor class against attacks of opportunity and that is actually pretty ideal um essentially when i was running creed i noticed that when you're mounted enemies tend to primarily focus on attacking your mount except for when you trigger attacks of opportunity if you cruise past someone they'll attack the rider instead my train of thought here is that we're gonna really stack mobility we're gonna take mounted combat indomitable mount and spirited charge and eventually as an aspiring trickster we're eventually going to get the ability to counter-attack anyone who takes an attack of opportunity against us in combat my ultimate goal is to eventually be able to just make spirited charge after spirited charge through enemy formations tripping and counter attacking everyone in a five mile radius not sure if it'll work but it certainly sounds fun as far as stats go obviously our biggest dump is going to be into dexterity we need that both for offense and defense and to keep our mounts alive we'll crank that up to 19 with the goal being to set it to 20 at level eight we also have to shore up our strength at least a little uh although we are a dex build we need to have a high enough encumbrance rating to comfortably wear a full kit of light armor and accessories because otherwise we'll be suffering -3 penalties to a bunch of important stats i think 10 will get us by at least in the early game we are going to want to eventually shore that up though just to give us some extra wiggle room otherwise every time we get fatigued we'll also become encumbered speaking of which um let's go ahead and pull two points out of charisma that's a pretty safe dumb stat for us we are going to be investing in persuasion but in that case it's more about the ranks than the overall score and we will immediately put those points in the constitution just to make ourselves slightly less of a glass cannon after that we have to crank our wisdom all the way up to 15 that's because our minimum wisdom needs to be at least 16 so we can cast six level divine spells i figure we'll give that stat a bump up to 16 once we hit about level 12 that should be right before it becomes relevant that leaves us with three more points to play with and all three of those are going into intelligence which might seem a bit odd but that is both to meet prerequisites but also because we need that extra skill point um in my testing i realized no one in our party had a strength over 10 or athletics training so our hunter needs to pick up the slack that aside uh it turns out there is some interesting synergy between athletics and the mythic trickster path and i would like to dabble in that a bit we're never going to be great at it but it is a nice thing to have in our pocket just in case so we're pretty much done with stats that brings us to skills and i feel like i've already covered most of the important stuff here we will of course invest in athletics which despite our lack of a strength bonus we actually pull a plus two racial bonus on not to mention as an impending trickster we'll eventually also get a plus three to all skills so that'll give us a base bonus of plus five not great but passable and then of course we're going to put a point into uh mobility for about a million reasons at least a few of which i have already stated that starts off at a respectable plus 11 and it's only going to go up from there i'm actually reasonably certain we should be over 20 by the time we start cruising the world map in act 2. that'll be about the time we tag in mounted combat which should hopefully provide a pretty decent defensive buffer then we'll also toss points into perception and nature lore for obvious reasons we're a hunter we might as well play the part with our final point as aforementioned going into persuasion and that is an interesting one because as i previously stated um the overall score here isn't going to matter a whole lot we're always going to have other people in the party who are better at persuading than us what is important though is that we keep stacking ranks there because one of the mythic abilities revolves around the number of ranks you have in persuasion not your overall score it would be nice if we could stack that a bit higher just to give ourselves a better chance of triggering the relevant abilities but i'm not too worried about it there's no shortage of persuasion boosting enchantments and items so i think we'll be able to shore that up pretty nicely by the time those abilities actually come into play after that we get our feet and this is a no-brainer we have to take weapon finesse uh right off the bat it's the difference between a plus zero bonus to hit and a plus four bonus to hit not to mention it's a prerequisite for fencing grace which we won't be able to grab to level five as aforementioned our biggest problem here is going to be that our damage output for the first three levels is going to be garbage it's gonna be like 1v4 with no modifiers but we should see a significant spike once we hit about four which is when we can ride our leopard and then again when we hit five and pick up fencing grace next we have patron deity and as per the raiders decision we will be going with calistria the goddess of passion both for um vengeance and you know other things i will freely admit i am not really familiar with this goddess aside from that one mission from king maker but um she does on paper appear to be a pretty good fit for the trickster path i will admit i am i'm pretty curious to see exactly how she gets involved in the campaign since the deities all take a more active role in wrath than they did in king maker it also helps that um her favorite weapon is rapier which is the weapon we're going to be going with i mean the odds of her lobbing us a divine rapier of colistria are pretty slim but you never know it's not beyond the realms of possibility this is pathfinder after all stranger things have definitely happened [Music] after that we've got our animal companion and as per the pickle whims of the raiders we'll be going with a leopard mount uh which honestly suits me just fine from what i understand this is the only animal companion that's keyed off of dexterity instead of strength we should be rocking a plus seven decks bonus to both armor class and two hits right off the bat plus i believe this is the only animal that uh hits its growth spurt at level four at which point it'll also start using decks for damage and we can start riding it as if that weren't enough it also gets a tripping bite attack just like dogs and wolves except in this case because it's keyed off dexterity it opens the door to really stacking our bonus to trip with feats like fury's fall and agile maneuvers after that we've got spells and nothing really fancy here we're just aiming for an assortment of useful buffs short term long strider will help offset our halfling speed but it will of course become much less useful once we can start riding everywhere and then beyond that i am hoping to have greater enduring spells by the time we hit about level 10 or 11. so at that point uh we should be able to cast a variety of other useful buffs with uh 24 hour durations so we can one and done them at the beginning of extended dungeon crawls honestly uh given that uh we are going to be leaning into a bit of a cast or heavy party this time out unlikely to uh slap greater enduring spells on at least three characters being able to cast spells like crusader's edge or or greater heroism with 24 hour durations is incredible as for alignment um we're going to go middle of the road kind of i want to mix things up a bit here i want to keep it interesting i don't want to go full good like i did with creed i don't want to be evil all the time i'm going to make a mix of decisions in either direction but always leaning towards chaotic just to see what sort of responses we can prompt overall we're gonna be running this guy as somewhat self-centered but reasonably decent he'll help someone who is clearly in need of assistance but he'll demand rewards otherwise he'll be good to his friends but it'll take a while for people to actually become friends he'll be flippant in the face of authority and escalate if people keep pushing him and if someone outright betrays him then they probably get stabbed in the throat but you know we'll play that by ear if someone thinks about betraying him or betrays him in a way that doesn't hurt him directly then then he might give them a pass as long as they make proper amends we'll see we are after all chaotic we've got to keep people guessing which pretty much concludes the actual mechanical stuff for our character generation so at this point it's really just cosmetics and character details [Music] let's go ahead and see if we can match that image we need a a proper furrowed brow of consternation [Music] yeah that'll do and then we'll slap some gruesome scars on there for some extra scowl factor very nice and unfortunately i don't think we actually have that braided style from the picture but that's fine we'll uh we'll just take this one and we'll say he let his hair down the profile picture is outdated it's from his uh river kingdom driver's license and we'll also slap some nice chunky mutton chops on there just to make it clear that people are dealing with a grown halfling not a surly child i'd like to think that the murder cat and the stabbing would make that clear but you know it doesn't hurt to head your bets and once again no options that really match what's in the portrait i mean i guess this one's pretty close but it feels like too much yeah we'll we'll go with this one as for primary colors i think we've actually already got that covered yeah yeah that uh that's a decent match not exact but pretty close i think we'll just leave that as is we do it my way nope sorry i am this character's voice ah and name the bane of any rpg player i will shamelessly admit i agonized over this for far too long i've never played a halfling before so i had no idea what sort of name felt right and ultimately i just resorted to my usual fallback which is obscure 80s or 90s comic characters though ironically i think the last time i actually did that that character then promptly appeared in a live-action adaptation of that comic so not exactly obscure at that point nonetheless say hello to vex god glove capricious halfling hunter and his pet murder cat kaz there are a few minor tweaks i would have liked to make i wish we had another skill point for stealth i wish we had a little bit more wiggle room on strength and charisma but overall i think i'm pretty happy with this [Music] anyway let's get this train wreck rolling shall we [Music] [Music] make way coming through fetch a healer quick hey somebody we got a wounded fighter can we get a healer over here my my would you look at this but why would you drag a wounded fighter into the middle of the festival square couldn't he be carted off somewhere else like oh i don't know an infirmary or an accommodating ditch love you too darren make room everyone step back now what's the matter what happened to him hmm the wound looks nasty who did this to him you hear the stern voice of an elderly man but you're so weak you can't even turn your head to look in his direction demons prelit we found him barely alive outside the wars of canaabras the walls you say enemy doesn't usually stray so close to the city must fortify the defenses and you hold fast don't die we'll see you right we'll get you patched up now but first you there guard take his weapons bearing arms is not permitted during the festival wounded or not everyone must abide by the rules he can get his things back after the festival yes i agree that should take precedence over saving my life oh inheritance leader of our troops the sharpened edge of our blades and the unyielding strength of our armor ioma day i beseech you grant your mercy heal his wounds the magic envelops you but your pain lessens only slightly me my powers are not enough here someone call for turendalev you there yes you stop dithering and gobbing and make yourself useful go and get surrender left prelit surely there is somebody else here better suited to running errands the lady raises her head in an advection of surprise i'll get her tyrandelive has anyone seen tyrandelev be quick about it before it's too late now who are you i don't remember seeing you before and i have an excellent memory for faces the old man leans over you you know it's crazy but i don't remember [Music] you don't remember at all all right we'll wait until your memory returns huh you know i really thought he would push back on that sure [Laughter] my dear prelate please for the sake of the festivities stop interrogating this poor man he has been through enough already go on i'll take care of him all right as you wish you are our protector and a dragon at that so i shall defer to your wisdom but be on your guard i've been informed he was wounded near canaveras that means the demons are prowling just outside the walls and the city is crawling with their spies others may be able to relax on this holiday but not you or i not the defenders of this city muttering discontentedly the old man walks off loose the grudging grip of pain cast off the veil of suffering flesh let light and life go forth in triumph to repel the skulking shade of death there a beautiful silver-haired woman leans over you she seems ageless her face wholly unlined but centuries-old sadness gleams in her eyes [Music] thanks for helping me i guess i accept your thanks but my work is not yet done cool cool um what exactly happened to me i do not know yet and that troubles me i am not entirely sure what the demons did to you this wound is no ordinary injury and it was inflicted by no ordinary weapon i have rid you of your pain and restored your strength but only time will allow you to heal fully nice and um who are you my name is terendalev i'm the protector of the city so i was kind of out of it when i got here but did that one guy say you're a dragon you don't believe me perhaps i should retake my true form and engulf this square with my ice breath to win your trust [Laughter] pay no minds to my current guys i appear this way when i walk among the people i would hamper the festivities if i tried to attend in my true form cool cool i do like that joke about murdering everyone i'm gonna go certainly but be careful i have managed to get you back on your feet but i have not healed you fully alas sooner or later your pain will return neat thanks for that but do not be discouraged you will recover i promise you that tomorrow come to the cathedral and say that you are expected by surrender lev protector of canaveras we will find a way to help you but for now put this out of your mind and enjoy the festival they are all too rare in this time of war and merriment is one of the best medicines ah yes all this merriment and carousing will help soothe my gaping chest wound thank you hey kaz what's up let's get our uh snow cat set up now as i mentioned before leopards are decks based so we need to keep that in mind and we'll be able to ride him at four but until then we're on foot they're also one of the only animal companions to have an auto trip on bite so again we want to lean into that we're going to go ahead and grab the bully archetype which grants us the trip feat one that you would not normally be able to get on a leopard from what i understand that should net us a plus two bonus on our attempts to trip when biting and then also more importantly it'll also serve as a prerequisite for important future feats like fury's fall i did do a little uh number crunching in my spare time and uh it seems pretty reasonable to hit like a plus 20 cmb on tripping by fifth level or so and then you tag stuff like tandem tripping on top of that and we should be able to trip just about anything that ends up coming close to us it does cost us our multi-attack bonus that that is unfortunate but at the end of the day the uh secondary paw attacks are just icing on the trippy cake nothing fancy for skills uh we're basically just going for mobility and perception i guess i was tempted to invest in stealth because of that high dex but stealth gets weird when you're riding i think it actually bases the stealth checks on the rider if you're mounted so in that case it really wouldn't help us because vex is not stealthy if caz here could actually make stealth checks on behalf of the party like when we're camping then it would be a different story but for some strange reason our party won't trust our poor snow cat with that kind of responsibility they must be dog people as for feats right off the bat we can see their recommending fury's fall and we are going to grab that at level three we however need to pick up weapon finesse because that is the difference between a plus one strength bonus to hit and a plus seven decks bonus so it's kind of a no-brainer aside from that we're looking at weapon focus biting and agile maneuvers and then vex should be ready to pick up tandem tripping once we get out towards level eight then we have to name this thing and that by special raider request is kaz hello kaz i have been informed that apparently that means destroyer of peace which does seem like a rather fitting name for a giant murder cat or any cat cats yeah that's right i'm talking to you kaiser stop trying to sit on my keyboard please hmm that doesn't look right uh one moment let me get this straightened out ah i see it's because our animal focus by default set itself to bull we will just change that to tiger [Music] there we go that is a bit more what i was expecting a whopping plus eight to hit and 24 ac at level one not too shabby alright now we can enjoy the festivities i do like that they populated the festival with a lot of familiar faces npcs will be meeting throughout canaabras but we're not going to worry about talking to anyone right now we haven't officially met any of these people especially not that guy aravashnil what are you doing here buddy he's from the original adventure path but he got bounced to make room for another character i have a feeling something terrible is going to happen as usual yeah you think so i'm sure it's nothing just relax everything's fine [Applause] [Music] let's put that dex to good use left aim further to the left huzzah get in bullseye oh what about 100 paces can you do it we'll never know bye now let's go tie one on before there stranger i can't actually talk to him oh well back to getting drunk [Music] good day fellow halfling i love a drink me especially when the city's footing the bill what do you say another round uh yes please but you better make that to go your city will fall to me your followers will feed my hunger lord of locusts leave my city let the feast begin [Music] [Music] the next man she was gone what are you gonna do fight or flee the flea is your plan let me help you out i've got a scroll here with a good protective spell halfling's armor is splashed with blood and he is armed to the teeth with a sword a blade and a hatchet on his belt and a crossbow on his back his voice sounds familiar to you nice hat i know you from somewhere don't i yeah you have you owe me your life i'm the one who found you outside the walls and brought you inside to be healed i see they've patched you up good thing they did it before the attack or else you'd have been done for yeah yeah um what the hell is a discari what am i looking at you must have got a quick driving around the head brother discar is a demon lord the most fearsome enemy of all crusaders and all living things come to think of it oh good so the the city who knows everything's on fire crashing down around our ears place is crawling with demons looks like a whole army attacked the city we're sitting ducks excellent yes that uh that does seem fantastic you mentioned weapons sure thing yeah take this best crossbow i've got the person who made it said he could pierce the heart of a demon lord even well i'll just take your word on that shall i good luck try not to get eaten now the hamling's words are drowned out by a terrible rumbling and the rustling of countless wings [Music] a mortal knack snaps its jaws at the lord of locusts behold behold the death i saw yeah that exchange went about as well as i could have expected it to that guy did not exaggerate about that crossbow that was impressive the silver dragon tyrandelev the defender of canabras fell in battle hardly surprising as she had to fight the demon lord discari himself he willed the land to part and swallow all who dared to stand in his way but the war was still far from over ah excellent still alive that is the way i generally prefer it caz glad you could join us now where exactly are we [Music] ah yes i see impromptu mass grave perfect so you guys good oh holy mother a small woman with messy brown hair winces in pain uttering a stream of curses through clenched teeth she is pinned to the ground by a couple of weighty boulders inappropriate hey hey stay with me you actually got pretty lucky you fell down into a black hole but at least you're not on your own you've got a great companion everything's going to be just fine tell me something can you feel your legs the young woman in knight's armor studies the rocks intently clearly trying to work out how to move them i feel them all right one say no do a little less feeling in them my ankle's killing me but my back seems to still be in one piece my head too that's all that matters now we're going to hey fancy meeting you down here you're the one that tyrundel have healed today right you aren't injured are you will you help me get her out from under the boulders the knight scrutinizes your face momentarily and raises her hand in greeting you sure you guys need my help you realize i'm a halfling right what kind of a question is that we should help her because we're crusaders not animals or demons that's why wow kaz is right here so ease up on the animal talk but your casual speciesism aside i guess you're right this person does appear to be getting crushed to death so i suppose we can't just in good conscience walk by the pendulum of chaotic neutral starts on good i'll have to balance that out later all right let me get my hands on those boulders summoning all your strength you managed to lift the rocks up enough to free the wounded woman from the rubble ah damn it all i think it's broken oh well i've had worse i'll just make myself a splint out of something thanks for the help i wouldn't have lasted long on my own stuck under there i'm a nevia teravate of the eagle watch i was overseeing security at the festival square i thought maybe spies or demon worshipers might have something nasty planned what actually happened though now that i did not see coming i don't think anyone could have been prepared for that the woman feels her leg fishing a piece of twine from her pocket she gets to work well i'm sila paladin by the grace of ioma day i cross the whole continent to come to mendev and fight demons and well i've been fighting for a while now i don't even want to think what might be happening up there in the city canaabrez has lost the protection of tyrandelev and of the wardstone2 looks like it's a relic without equal it was placed here personally by iomede's herald with a goddess's blessing i really wanted to go see it to pray before it but there's no point worrying about a stone when there are people dying in the streets zilla's expression darkens yeah things are looking grim enough but don't lose heart wardstone or no dragon or no cannabis will never give in simple as well we've introduced ourselves what about you anevia's eyes shift to you well you know what they say one person's war is another person's opportunity i think i was in town to seek my fortune it does sound like me yeah we've seen plenty of your type before sale of frowns at least it's an honest answer now then i'll hobble my way out of here somehow the city ain't far only 30 paces or so that's if you're going straight up of course i'm afraid we're gonna have to go the long way round and anevia tightly ties off the twine on her improvised splint and leaning on a stick holds herself to her feet to summarize there are three of us with five working legs three pairs of decent hands two clear heads and one made of wood that's mine underground monsters beware anevia you stay behind us you're in no fit state to fight if we do come up against anything the two of us will try to manage on our own first well onward may the good deities lead us back to the open sky soon taylor winks and thus our epic adventure has truly begun in a pit with a pile of bodies eh i've seen worse come on [Music] look horrend put all the confiscated weapons in this chest take a look maybe your thing survived the fall yes my things clearly these all belongs to me ooh cold iron short sword yes don't mind if i do okay i can work with this at least in the short term eventually we will want to switch off to a rapier and buckler huh we almost look intimidating not bad backs the murder cat does help tyrandelev's scale a single silvery scale from tyrandelev's body it is warm to the touch and seems to glow softly from within oh i see so that is essentially a buffer just in case one of us does manage to slip up enough to outright get ourselves killed something i would of course prefer to avoid but you know crits happen hey there who's there you done thank you the fine apparel of this young half elf woman is torn and stained with blood dust and dirt however she holds herself with such dignity that you would be forgiven for thinking you were at a high society party and not in the dank catacombs under the city her fingers grip her rapier hilt with confidence ready to draw it at a moment's notice at her feet lies a dead body so mutilated that at first glance it's hard to tell if it's animal or human relax friend we're not demons or cultists don't poke my eye out with that thing all right we fell down here during the attack i'm sila that's a nevia and this is our new friend we're looking for a way back to the surface really i'm so ever glad to hear it allow me to introduce myself i am camellia i was also in the square when when i can scarcely believe it how did all those demons get into the city i thought naively it now seems that the wardstone protected us from attack and tyrandelev i can't wrap my head around it camellia huh the girl relaxes slightly but she keeps her hand on her sheathed weapon her self-control falters for a moment and you glimpse the fear beneath her mask of perfect placidity she licks her lips nervously yeah well it turns out that not many can withstand the strike of a demon lord uh i guess tyrandelov was no exception i can't argue with that we're fortunate to be alive albeit underground daskari himself has come to konabras there's no mistaking that ugly mug tyrandel have tried to fight him but what could she do against a near deity even the wardstone was no help our city used to be protected by powerful forces but now aneba shakes her head we've seen how powerless they truly are henceforth we shall have no one but ourselves to rely on i suppose camellia finishes anebia's thought with ruthless precision yeah that is super inspiring um who are you who am i just an ordinary citizen who decided to take a stroll through the square on the day of the festival but that's not what you wish to know is it you most likely wish to know whether i'll be a burden should you ask me to join your group no need to worry about that i can assure you that i am skilled with a rapier and i also possess some knowledge of magic the girl gives an elegant shrug and touches the polished snake skull amulet that hangs around her neck and uh this guy what's his deal i don't know he must have been in the square when disaster struck i tried to revive him but he was already dead sadly he didn't get these wounds from the fall be on your guard whatever killed him likely hasn't gone far sela's eyes wearily scan the area hang on i think i know him his name's aravashnil the egghead from the library he was a good lad even if he was kind of stuck up may his soul rest in peace a nevi appears at the dead man's face yeah rest in peace bash at least you got one line this time and he officially retires with 100 accuracy on his divinations not too shabby well it has been great talking but uh we should really get moving bye that's right it would be the height of foolishness to survive a demon attack only to perish under a pile of rubble are you coming with us then the more the merrier and that blade of yours is nothing to sniff at right right i was curious what might happen if i uh if i didn't actively try to recruit her about what i expected certainly survivors should stick together it's only sensible who knows what else could be prowling about in these caves let's see if this poor bloke is anything useful on them not to sound like a heartless brigand or nothing but we kind of need all the supplies we can get right now you heartless brigand that corpse had a name it was a arab bash nail show some gosh darn respect he said as he blightly wandered off with the masterwork dagger in his pocket looks like we're in for a fight here some nice low-level enemies to warm up on we don't have any range strikers to take the first shot at the moment so let's get the murder cat up front oh good that did work i am going to try to keep these fights moving at a decent clip at least until we get past the first level stuff huh um i'm not one to question you game but uh are you sure you know what a critical hit is crit for crit truly a battle of epic proportions we are going to eventually need to switch off to something lighter leather or padded but not just yet while we are redlining it on encumbrance that extra two points of ac is pretty valuable right now oh look at that at this rate we're well on our way to building our own dragon pardon me i'll cut you wide open hey they finally got animal companions full of tax games working that's nice huh die please thank you what's on your mind rely on me no didn't feel like attacking this time that's cool uh the spirits demand your blood oh do they that's not unsettling once again we emerge triumphant from another epic battle and as our reward another batch of momentos from the fallen heroes of canaabras let me give this one to my cat what kind of fly-by-night operation is this this will not stand you are today's sacrifice [Music] the inheritor guide my blade our foes fall before us like tightness wheat what else do you have for us vile cave oh blizzard this thing can poison us so that does warrant some caution a truly mighty blow we worked hard for that truly a richly deserved victory no i can't just walk away it's got to be here somewhere you struggle to make out the man's features and the gloom as soon as he steps into the circle of light however you realize that you have never encountered a creature like this before the stranger looks like the work of a vivisectionist who attempted to stitch together a lizard and a man windwalk the man notices you and freezes the curling horn protruding from his head casts a malevolent shadow on the cave wall lan did you find it who is that the woman looks just as strange as her companion like a cross between a cat and a spider when she catches sight of you she immediately drops into a fighting stance her movement reveals the lethal grace of a wild predator the do-gooders here to save our mongrel's souls no doubt wait they might know what's going on up there what am i looking at what are you guys thinklings tieflings are the descendants of people who sullied themselves by mating with demons our ancestors would never sink that low we are the underground crusaders the children of the crusades finest wendell's face twists scornfully sadly underground crusaders is a bit of a mouthful so people usually just call us mongrels you just love repeating that don't you len mongrels that's what the uplanders call us but we call ourselves neithers no matter what you call us it's not gonna stop our horns hooves or tails from growing i don't know i ain't never heard of no underground crusaders before in canaabras they're called mongrels people say that they come up to the surface at night and eat anyone foolish enough to wander alone after midnight to tell you the truth i thought you guys were just a tale to tell kids at night oh good that does put my mind at ease thank you sila that's human gratitude for you our forefathers suffered the consequences of demonic corruption all to protect mendev and golarian and for what so we could become monsters used to frighten children yeah it's just tough all over every mongrel has their own take on it our chief for example thinks of us as something like a reserve military force he thinks we're standing by until the moment we're needed and when we emerge on the surface and save the day all the people will see how good we are and they'll love us for it yeah he leaves that last part out when he talks about it of course but it's easy enough to read between the lines cool so uh i have not heard any compelling reasons to tell you anything counterpoints i just thought it might be nice to know why the roof was shaking land tries to appear nonchalant but he is visibly agitated what happened on the surface has caused problems for us and we need to fix them you know what that's fair uh it is a slight problem for us as well what with the uh full-scale demon invasion and all that if things are as bad as you say then we all have to hurry land's expression hardens you didn't come from the direction of the shield mace damn it i couldn't care less about what's happening on the surface but the maze i realize that you guys have your own troubles but we need to be in canaabras people are dying up there please show us the way out hey uh what is this place anyway this is the hall where we remember the glory of our forebears sorry about the mess it doesn't usually look like this trust me sometimes we even wipe the dust off the exhibits this is where the relics of the first crusaders are displayed our lives are short our glories are quickly forgotten but this place helps us to remember that we are just as worthy as anyone else and that our lives are not lived in vain the first crusaders you've been down here that long that's crazy yes and goodness knows today has been a perfectly normal non-crazy day how you guys doing that's none of your pit we're looking for a holy sword it was here in the center sticking out of a rock the sooner we find it the better some kids from our tribe took off for the shield maze they figured it had collapsed and now it's their time to go up to the surface like all the legends foretold except they don't have a clue what's waiting for them up there they're not fighters and saul the chief of our tribe is dead set against it he says that now isn't the time for the underground crusaders to take up arms if we get the holy sword we might be able to change the chief's mind it's a fool's errand none of us will be able to hold the sword let alone use it to save anyone it's not an ordinary weapon it's made from righteous heavenly flame and will burn anyone who touches it do you think your special lamb i'll pick it up with my teeth and tie it to my hand if i have to it doesn't matter an angel sword and a troop of stalwart mongrels will be able to work a minor miracle uh speaking of which you're still here wendu which means that deep down you know it's possible wendog shrugs and turns away a sword of holy flame um forgive me if i sound skeptical but how did that wind up down here it came here with its owner a long time ago fifty thousand gongs to be precise seventy years ago in uplander time fifty thousand gongs ago our forebears found a dead angel here along with the bodies of his comrades the tribe gave them a dignified burial and they were laid to rest with their weapons but the flaming angelic sword was stuck in a rock and no one was able to pull it out it burned to the touch like a real fire so the rock was placed over the angel's grave it should be here somewhere maybe the angel will dig himself out and find the sword for us that might be our best shot in this chaos len watch your tongue to be fair stranger things have happened this maze um will that really get us out of here yes there are other ways up but they are far from here and after the earthquakes there's a good chance they've collapsed but the maze there's a legend among our people that when the walls of the maze fall that will be a signal for us the underground crusaders that the time has come to go up to the surface and fight the demons in the final confrontation until then the people say the maze is shielding us from taking rash actions i'm the only one in our whole tribe to have been in the maze and even i don't know if it's true but the further i went in the maze the fresher the air became that means that it really must lead to the surface when the ceiling and walls started shaking the young ones in our tribe lost their heads they figured the maze was going to collapse so it was time to go up to the surface they grabbed whatever weapons were on hand and ran off toward the maze they think the maze is no longer a danger to them they've been listening to wendog too much his eyes are filled with genuine concern don't try to blame this on me yes i told them that our people are capable of making our way through the maze in the future but i always told them to wait until i had made a map of all the mazes dangers i warned them a hundred times but it was no use my words just went in one ear and out the other you hear a hint of emotion in wendell's voice for the first time i don't know i felt like she was already being plenty emotional mostly snarky and disgusted well i would love to help you but i am not sure you can afford it can you of course how about we do this you help us and we don't leave you here to rot in these underground tunnels that only we know i think that sounds fair yes that uh proposal does speak my interest go on yeah and we could throw in a dozen fresh rats to sweeten the deal that's a tempting offer in these parts help us and we'll help you this is very important wendell believes the maze leads to the outside she knows what she's talking about all right underground folks you got yourselves a deal but if you find the sword first don't forget we helped you our agreement still stands and thus a pact was forged in exchange for not dying in a cave and also a dozen rats our hero vex god glove agreed to help the underground crusaders in their quest to find a sword that no one can pick up that does sound practical but you know i do like the part of the agreement where we don't die in a cave that is something on my bucket list what's the worst that could possibly happen that said we are past the hour mark so i think we're at a pretty good breaking point let's hit the pause button for now we'll get this thing packed up and online and we will pick up here next time as we track down the unwieldable sword and hopefully find our way out of the death cave adventure awaits see you then [Music] oh and remember although i do love playing pathfinder wrath of the righteous you can find out more about the game by visiting the official website the official social media feeds or the official store pages and if you'd like to help support the channel and help me make more videos like this one feel free to push the buttons that do the things or maybe even check out the patreon links are in the description yeah we've seen plenty of your time before [Music]
Channel: Retcon Raider
Views: 17,502
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 11sec (4271 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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