Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Neutral Evil Cruoromancer Lich - Part 3

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder rather than righteous let's get right into it full release unfortunately i wanted to put on more bus but i know this conversation coming up is long and i think last time i had the experience that basically all my bus timers had ran out before i could start fighting so it was all just a waste praise i am a day does that look painful here you are huddled together like a herd of animals pitiful monsters not human or demon even tieflings are less effective than you but i your master sava malek can make you better stronger i can satisfy your hunger starvedlings of the dark submit it to me no we are the descendants of crusaders trusting a demon would be a betrayal of their memory hasella well who is the next descendant of crusaders who values old legends more than their life beast monsters and human guys reveal your true nature this is the sweet wholesome flesh of a righteous asamar eat underground crusaders eat the flesh of the crusader from above find your true strength you rush at the demon but the air seems to grow thicker with every step you feel like you're watching from underwater as you see the marvels fall to their knees one after another and crawl to the asamar's body you hear their fangs tearing through the flesh you hear the sloshing of blood you hear the former mongrel snarl like animals fighting over the most the moist tender and juicy bits of meat some lines from ergothora sacred texts float into your mind as if of their own volition you can make a great marinade for isomere flesh using honey and pomegranate juice to make the meat even more tender roll it in breadcrumbs before frying that's awesome so of course i chose ergothor as my deity that's why i'm getting this purpose that's awesome your companions writhe in agony one clutches at their head another doubles over you feel saliva pull in your mouth the metallic tang awakens hunger in you the hunger turns to rage this winged filth dares to try to bind you to its will it dares to tempt you with the sweet scent of meat untainted by corruption the wretch must die die and still the clarity remains with you somewhere deep down beneath the veil of rage and anger you sense the light trying to break through requires angel mythic path sees the light hidden within you and i heard a couple of people in the comments saying that they feel like uh the the lich wouldn't reveal the light but this character would this character deeply believes in the crusade and in stopping the demons and so he's not interested in just running around raging and doing evil things just to do evil things he grows into someone who believes that the undead are the key to winning so for now angel mythopath by sheer force of will you master your rage and almost in response warmth suffices you from within warmth and joy from a simple realization you can win you can save these people the power of heaven bolsters and guides you its light breaks free and envelops the mongols grants them the gift of blissful oblivion lowering your gaze you see a scarlet stain on your chest the wound has reopened and instead of blood pouring forth you see only radiant light [Music] that show is pretty the demon convulse is in pain when the light reaches him what are you destroy this vermin a cellar points at you he's already wounded when do i kill when do i silently emerges for the shadows i'm no longer your slave of seller but i will gladly kill anyone who pokes their nose in where it doesn't belong we will be victorious boom boom yeah yeah i guess why not um keep in mind that even if you show the light to chief saul if you go the demon route here windwall will still join you um all right a little bit of that and a little bit of this and that's good enough okay and why not we'll do a little bit of this take a little damage and a little bit of this oh you some of my um oh she just rolled crazy crazy high all right fine it is what it is um come on come on billiard what you doing girl ah this is not going well oh wow oh yeah oh yeah but land makes everything better in combat personality whack but combat he knows what to do all right and do i need now let's just do regularly there we go [Music] now here is this what you need okay still not heading what is your problem hey oh crap that's why um oh wow land don't survive me all right and you still got yes you do i'll cut you wide open oh yellow y'all are killing me y'all are killing me um he doesn't have damage i guess why not a little ray is sickening and just everything just everything just everything try again there we go thank you i appreciate it oh mighty south of my leg your faithful servant evokes you now demons protect your mistress do not feed do not waver endure this oh come on she's still alive she's still alive she's up the spirits demand your blood all right no glory without risk we won't falter there we go excellent and let's back up some take land lands much easier make every strike count [Music] oh come on um [Music] all right we can do it [Music] well are you going to finish me off it's not exactly unexpected what else are we supposed to do with you you're not just a traitor you're a monster the young ones believed you and you lured them to a demon and watched them eat human flesh i was trying to make them strong what have you done for them what were you doing while i was looking for ways to bring strength to our tribe you're useless i led by example i trained i tried to become stronger so i could go to the surface and maybe do something worthwhile with my stupidly short life and i will do it i might be the one to bring our whole tribe to the surface but you why would you want any power that turns you into a monster these young guys and girls they trusted you and they were turned into mindless animals ready to eat corpses at a demon's command i went through the same ritual as them and i didn't become an animal i conquered my anger the anger that has been building and building in every one of us for decades unlike you i have no intention of just lying down and politely accepting death i will rise above all this well you'll still be stuck with your pride chewing on rats expect inspect the wound on your chest the bleeding deep wound on your chest is gone like it was never there in the first place the skin is totally smooth and unmarred it's gone it was just there and now it's gone it's gotta be some kind of demonic trickery you need to have a cleric look at that if he had been marked by the abyss do you think some nobody priests will be able to help no the demons have branded this uplander and judging by the smell of his blood pouring from his chest the demons will be able to find him wherever he goes and they'll find you too lamb the huntress permits herself an indolent gloating smile her sharp fangs glint menacingly in the gloom so you've been serving solomon like this whole serve time strong master than to eek out an existence in a dark hole with no hope i am of the neithers our lives are short but we are heartier than humans i realized a long time ago that i was capable of more than this life offered and i follow whomever is the strongest i thought you were better than that i thought you were proud of your heritage but you're willing to crawl on your belly before anyone who's even a little bit stronger than you you're not a mangrove you're a cave slug you have no understanding of the meaning of family or tribe oh so now you think you know everything about me you're one of the best hunters and the tribe that benefited me to incarciate myself with you so i acted in a way that pleased you why didn't you try to stop us from going inside the maze sava malik is always in need of new servants you'd make as good a servant as anyone else and then once you've gone missing in the maze not even their doubtable land would have dared look for you but then why did you come with me to look for the sword so i could kill you quietly if you found it and stop you taking it to the village you idiot i would have told everyone that you got caught in a cave-in but then the uplanders showed up and i had to change my plans you said you went through the same ritual does that mean you ate human flesh too yes priscilla found me in the caves i was lost and hungry and she offered me a choice die as a nobody or live and gain the power to change everything sava malik tore off a piece of an asimar priestess's thigh a big juicy meat than i'd ever received in the tribe that was the first time i knew what it was like to be happy to have a full belly i swore to myself that it would always be that way then the madness and rage took over i came very close to turning into an animal no better than the weaklings you saw in the maze but i am strong i mastered myself i brought myself under control i fell so that i could rise again you should have chosen death dying's better than living like that you're saying i should have died that day len but then who would have listened to your feeble jokes who would have showed you the best caves for hunting who would have made you a man i would have been fine without all that and without you your death will make the world a slightly better place when to ought what did your service to husilla entail it was simple i lured those i deemed worthy into the maze to the rest i told stories of the horrors of the maze making them stay away it all hung in the balance when the cave walls shuddered and many of the young ones decided that the time of their great exodus had come i had no doubt that josela would dispatch a dozen young meters easily but what would become of the maze if all the tribes poured in so when llan ran off looking for the angel's sword i went after him not to help him but to make sure that the sword never reached neath home it's a pity that you got involved and stopped me from killing him but then again the evening gong has not yet been struck you sickened me join me windwalk oh no you need idiots like lan do-gooders like that nice lady in her nice armor it makes you weak and i don't follow weak people the lady in the nice armor already beat you down once and she'll do it again you can be sure of that you tell us i understand why you're with them first you went along with lan a fool and a dreamer by showing soul the light of heaven then you interrupted the ritual with your so-called holy light not even considering what that would lead to weak-willed fools always flock together oh so you think we're weak when dog tell me which of us is crawling in the dirt right now sucking up to strong people hasn't turned you into a conqueror it's turned you into a pathetic piece of trash the final gong hasn't struck yet lan but when it does you'll regret being such a gullible fool leave i never want to see your face again when the walk do you think i like looking at you a blender i'll just wait till you're asleep and then i'll slit your throat no matter where you are she's gone but next time she won't get away damn it wendy why'd you have to go in anyway there's no point crying over spilt milk give me a couple of minutes i'll bring the chief and the rest i need to clear my head so this is interesting this is a change from the beta in the beta no matter which one you initially chose the other one would try to convince you that they were the one who you should bring on but in this situation wendell is like i want nothing to do with you because you're weak i think that's actually a cool change it fits her character more and creates a stronger role-playing experience chief saul appears flanked by mongrels the journey has taken his toll on him his breath is labored and the sweat is dripping from his bloated face and even gives a low whistle well i'll be damned turns out old horron isn't as crazy as we all thought there really were demons down here i should have listened and sent a patrol down here damn it horgas's lips curl and distaste and he tries to keep his distance from the unconscious mongrels you said you were in charge of reconnaissance for the eagle watch anivia how could you miss a nest of demons beneath canterbury's yeah right like it wasn't enough that i sniffed after every damn shadow in the city everyone knows the stories about the demons living beneath the streets of canterbury's those tales are as old as the crusades themselves i messed up but you fixed my mistake so thanks anivia how's the leg anemia winces slightly but forces a smile better than yesterday worse than day before i'm not gonna die don't worry this place must be burned with holy flame this place is overrun with demons but that's not the worst part wendell she's been working for the demons all this time luring the young strong mongols into the maze he nods at the unconscious mongrels we might still be able to save these ones they can't get any stupider that's for sure but they might be meaner than they were before but i suppose all teenagers are monsters in their own way it's all last but it comes out as a rasp [Music] we don't wish words on people who don't listen to the tribe you act the fool you suffer the consequences saul gives a ragged sigh oh bring the walk how could she she deceived them and then she left watch become a rush chin up chief the kids you rescued are safe now the demons are gone and the trait has been dealt with all's well that is well i say you need to look after the young mongrels i don't know what they'll be like when they come to but look after them chief they went through something horrific today not everybody is capable of enduring something like that it will change them forever as long as they can hunt the rush can wait uplander and you land and save them only the gods can salvage their souls we are trying we will think of something and when they're stronger they could go up to the surface the time has come it's time to get out of here chief i think i'm going to lead our visitors to the surface and i'm going to keep going something interesting is happening out there in the world maybe it's my chance to do something more useful than skinning cave rats so he's a sigh hmm never were one of us you always look dark you think i don't know these days our life is not for you you must go but where where's the way out beats me but these beasts got down here somehow lance searches the cilla's body and shows you some papers and a key i don't know what these documents are but i'm sure this key will come in handy and eva's eyes quickly skim over the letter and she passes it to you those cheeky sons of this is all the information on the cultists in the city their meeting places passwords the secret hideouts i think we should show this whoever's in charge of cannabis right now as soon as we get back to the surface we'll find out what's what [Music] all right and that's that and the beta if you rested down here some of the mongrel cycles jump you while you're in the camp so we're gonna not do that oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't do that okay uh yeah avoid that bam that helps anything else uh yeah can you use those you you cannot she can but aura let's go all right well that was almost brutal okay we can go ahead save here bam move right we're just gonna go ahead and move right along leave anything behind no no no no no no no no rabies just look really cool so every time i pass by them i always think it must be something all right oh wait wait excuse me we're gonna put this on you right now okay there we go let's go as soon as we get nania we'll have someone who can while the survivors wander the dungeons the battle on the surface rages on the warriors of canabras are trying to defend the wardstone but their strength is flagging their resistance is valiant yet it will all be in vain if no one rises up to turn the tide the surface finally i missed the surface air so much all right what's in this i'm gonna take that we're in the basement it looks like the gray garrison let's be someone new let us be off i was going to say we'll be able to um identify these objects we keep picking up once we have nino the have for before you wearing armor adorned with i am a days golden swords is clearly exhausted she obviously hasn't gotten much sleep over the last few days there's soot on her face and fresh blood on her sword her hazel eyes are hard and focused and her firm voice sounds accustomed to giving orders she sizes you up surprised judging whether you are friend or foe and opens her mouth to ask you something but freezes when she spots anivia by the goddess nevi i i'd almost lost all hope everything's fine beth i'm here i'm here this here's a new friend he rounded up those of us who survived the fall and led us up to the surface without him we'd never have made it out let me introduce you to my wife arabeth tyrabade head of the eagle watch until the army arrives i'm the temporary warden of canabras and you're just in time as you can see we're in the middle of a battle and thank you for getting an evia out of there where are we the gray garrison until recently it served as barracks for the crusaders but it's now been taken over by cultists what is the target of this battle when the demons attacked the city their main target was the ward stone i trust i don't have to explain to you what the ward stone is and how important it is to the crusaders we must retake it at any cost or the fall of canabras will be the beginning of the end of the crusades and with them the rest of the world i see that you had a difficult journey to the surface you need to rest but there's a lot riding on this battle i have no right to command you but i'm asking you to help us i have important information about the location of a cult is dead very good report to me in full when we get back to the defender's heart it's our temporary headquarters right now the most dangerous cultists are here the ones occupying the grey garrison we met some mongrels who live beneath canaabras this is land most people in canada think that the children of the first crusaders are simply a legend other people say that the day you emerge on the surface heralds the start of the end of the world i'm not superstitious but the situation is apocalyptic all right having a living legend on our side can't hurt come on living legend a walking folktale maybe i just need to make sure i don't turn into a running joke i i'm not a fan of last character overall but i think he has a great sense of humor what's the situation in the city the city's gone most of the defenders including the dragon tyrandelev fell in the first few hours the civilians either fled or died in the chaos the place is overrun with cultists and demons don't talk like that canabras hasn't fallen not while it still has defenders like you and me sweet words don't change the grim truth no she's right thank you knight until we no longer have the strength to hold a weapon until ioma day abandons us we will fight for cannabis i didn't like arabesque's voice at first but now i have really really grown to enjoy it and i think they made an excellent choice with her character tell me about the ward stone why is it so important the wardstones are a gift of ioma day created personally by her herald a mighty angel and a general of the celestial armies the ward stones keep the world wound from expanding they stand along the border of the territory controlled by the demons creating a barrier to keep them inside the canabras obelisk was the first to be placed it is the key to the whole barrier we cannot leave it in the hands of those monsters from the abyss how did the wartstone end up in the grey garrison the demons have long laid siege to canabrus but this time their lord discari appeared in the flesh he ripped the wardstone from the ground and hurled it halfway across the city to here i thought the stone was destroyed but it seems all is not lost yet the scary has gone but the ward stone is surrounded by a horde of those creatures what are they going to do to it from nothing good that's for certain but how did he do that he's a demon the wardstone should have burned his filthy hide it should have but what happened happened we don't know why let's not waste any time to battle that's the spirit you take a navy to the rear the rest of you with me you hear labored breathing interspersed with disgruntled muttering horgus is holding his rapier hilt in a white-knuckled grip a bead of sweat trickles down from this temple lord forgive me i did not realize we had civilians among us my people will escort you somewhere safe to the extent that anywhere in canaaburus can be said to be safe right now that's right fighting spirit is the one thing that we've got plenty of actual fighting power that's not so great fighting know-how even worse but fighting spirit at least we're rich in that for ioma day for the queen kill the beast airbuff raises her blade and the soldiers inspired by her cry rush into battle with renewed vigor let's move we cannot be defeated no there's nobody serious here [Music] all right he's still alive hurry up there we go i feel like everything we've seen in this last couple episodes is just all one extended intro and it does a fantastic job pulling you into the world setting up some of the major characters and making you care about what's going on without actually really knowing and understanding what's going on just off of the strength of the quality of the characters and the storytelling just really really great job like i'm already fully invested as a player and i feel like so many games get that part wrong even great games where they have this horrible intro but as long as you get through it you'll really enjoy the overall content hey i know you so you're one of these cultists how's it going pal want to join your lot will all be dead soon but we'll be alive i uh i can't come on leave those losers the crusades are over soon the demons will rule the whole world everybody should have just stabbed their back right then here goes nothing all hell bothered me cowardly traitor i swallowed the sword of i ever day you will answer for your betrayal [Applause] you looked around like what am i doing the inheritor [Music] come on [Music] right oh my god you are lacking we find you lacking [Music] hmm [Music] the stairs are severely damaged this way is impassable okay let's get you healed up all right let's go the battle let's take a nombre's back extra and we're good okay and the beta all of a sudden the whole just uh show up there and it was always really weird [Laughter] oh this voice acting what's this do we have guests just in time the place is a bit of a mess and i haven't even poured the blood into the goblets yet why don't you oh what an unexpected surprise stompin my little sweetheart a long time no see i've missed you so much have you missed me admit it you missed me terribly you again you wench manago the one who be careful she's one of the deadliest creatures in the whole demon horde she was once responsible for a massacre in canalbruce she must be back to finish what she started starting do you know this demon does he know me staunton darling tell them all how close we were that wench she's the one who led me astray she's the reason my life is gone to the abyss she's the reason why dressing fell oh my like butter wouldn't melt what i remember is how eagerly you would run to our trests how you begged to see me again how you promised you'd do anything i asked by your own free will you said this and now you claim that dresden fell because of me no no my dear that was entirely your own doing i'll beat your lying lips into your filthy throat now staunton don't say things like that not about these lips the ones you kissed so sweetly stunt and dearest don't you love me anymore remember how good we were together i was so hoping that we could patch things up i'll kill you great acting all the way around from both parties manago is fantastic manago might in my opinion be the most well voice acted character in this whole freaking game and then i'm really impressed with the work that stalin's voice actor did as well just great great stuff all the way around um let's see now we're not gonna do that yet and this is all there's nobody here who's left heavy heavy hitters so let's just get it done uh [Applause] [Music] all right yep yep [Music] yep yep yep we have anybody with religions nope an occult symbol drawn in human blood what does it mean all right let's do a little save here thanks len you're so awesome i don't remember the beta having that panned up for this scene that's really really cool as soon as you step into the chamber your vision seems to darken and your knees buckle you struggle to keep your balance the air in here is laden with the power coming from the stone suddenly your head is filled with voices screaming whispering cackling threatening voices pleading for help shrieking curses and taunts you blink and the illusion passes congratulations you made it all the way here this isn't your precious ward stone i could kill you where you stand but wouldn't it be nice if you could die in battle like heroes no i want you to die in despair scrabbling around like rats in the blighted ruins of your city blind and broken your flesh scabbed and seeping and every moment knowing precisely what was done to you sounds terrifying except that's how we've been living for generations there isn't a soul that can resist the temptations of the abyss even a stone can be turned i'm not joking your precious warm stone weakened from the injury inflicted by dascari has almost succumbed the gift of your useless goddess will be a weapon of the abyss just a little more and we'll turn into smoking craters and all the mortals into red sludge beneath our hosts so you have a choice especially you my pet kiss me on my dainty hoof pledge your loyalty to baphomet and when the world falls it's ruined shall be yours who are you you've already forgotten me you mortals have awfully short memories even shorter than your little lies stanton sweden don't you want to introduce me to your friends properly no well i'd better do it myself i am minago nearly too and faithful servant of battlenet and leader of his armies the city is mine now i'm just starting to settle in good things just how i like them but once i'm finished i promise you the results will be simply to die for and it was such a charming little place until you sullied it with your presence it had such lovely boulevards quiet and shaded you took those away from me and i shan't forgive you for that they've done much worse things than spoil the promenades all the people they've killed yes yes of course you're right i grieve for the common focus well [Laughter] wow you feel righteous fury swell within you how dare this demon besmirch the ground of this beautiful world with her hooves a world created by the gods and cultivated by mortals and these cultists how dare they betray all that is sacred in this world and join the forces of the foulest evil can they repent and redeem themselves or have they follow the path of evil past the point of no return the ward stone seems to sense your thoughts the chamber grows slightly brighter what are you doing to the stone well quite what am i doing to it probably the same thing i did to many of your comrades sweetly and tenderly persuading it to abandon the mortals and join our side prepare to fight to the death demon we won't let that happen you feel a sudden rush of wild rage and with it comes the feeling of monstrous unbridled destructive power it is like the power you felt in the shield maze when you were confronting southern millet but now it feels more fully fledged more conscious shut your filthy mouth scum make me one of the sweetest spoils of war is gloating over your broken and humiliated enemy you want to deny me that pleasure good requires angel mythic path reveal the light of heaven your victory celebrations are a little premature demon [Music] echoing the holy flame erupting from your hand the light also gets brighter and brighter until it floods the chamber you hear the voices again stronger now they repeat your words like a choir of angels hey no eyes didn't you tell us that heaven had turned its back on us and no one would come to our aid don't listen to her the fiend wants us to lose our hope she won't succeed i'm done with this i only followed this hoofed menace because i thought the crusaders had had it and there was no other way to protect my family but now i see that there is hope i won't bow before these heinous idols ever again if they kill me at least i'll die in decent death yes return to our side friends have courage we will welcome you back and heaven never abandoned you no matter what this deceiver told you turn code i'll cut out your heart we'll see how tough you really are we'll let you frighten us once but it won't happen again awesome let me draw this all right actually here we'll start with this this is unfortunate i'm tired of playing around now you want to know what will happen when i'm done with the ward stone here's a little demonstration the demons whispers a spell and a wave of darkness sweeps through the chamber your companions wince in pain but it is nothing compared to what you feel thousands of voices once again burst into your mind drowning you in their screams moans and sobs pain rocks through your skull evil you will pay for this demon scum you will pay dearly your vision goes dark [Applause] praise ioma day you woke up healing your wounds was easy but you were unconscious for so long i was starting to worry we'd lost you what happened we couldn't stand up to the demon s her spells were too strong it's all right we'll handle it somehow you blacked out but stoneton and i managed to get you here to the defender's heart it used to be a tavern but now it's our headquarters we're gathering our forces here and we're preparing to strike back i found a cultist dispatch in the dungeons it seems they are holed up in the tower of estrad demons have been filling cannabis with their spies and infiltrators for a long time unfortunately i don't have enough people to attack the police right now at least not blindly i'd be grateful if you snuck in there and scouted out the situation but just scouting they'll be a hero what is the situation in the city bad but not hopeless we're constantly getting news and new sources of resistance keep springing up in the districts where everyone seemed to be dead the survivors are gathering here you should see them their faces their eyes burning with determination the city is destroyed but our resistance is not broken we will keep fighting what do you plan to do next you heard what the demon said they're going to desecrate the ward stone and blow up the whole barrier around the world wound that would be an even worse disaster than the world wounds expansion before the second crusade not only abras but every city with a ward stone will be destroyed including the capital we can't allow that no matter what we will retake it even destroy it if we must ioma day's gift must not become a weapon of the abyss tell me about the ward stone why is this so important the wardstones are a gift of ioma day created personally by her herald a mighty angel and a general of the celestial armies the ward stones keep the world wound from expanding they stand along the border of the territory controlled by the demons creating a barrier to keep them inside the canabras obelisk was the first to be placed it is the key to the whole barrier we cannot leave it in the hands of those monsters from the abyss can i help you in any way first of all we need to decide what to do with the stone once we get it what i'm about to say is classified a traveler came to the city recently a blind elf calling himself the storyteller he insisted he be allowed to examine the ward stone and he raised the alarm when his study was finished even before the demon attack he had found some damage or flaw in the stone prolet holroon dismissed his words as nonsense borderline blasphemy but between you and me the prelat's opinion isn't worth much the storyteller knew what he was talking about we could use his advice right now if only we knew where he was i remember the storyteller spent a lot of time talking to staunton a dwarf for my unit you saw him during the demon attack the elf asked him about the history of the crusades maybe the storyteller told stompton something about where we could find him if anything happened there's another problem after the attack the demons began to gather their forces at the grey garrison it'll be even harder to take them with a head-on assault but i once heard soldiers talking about a secret entrance to the garrison trouble is i have no idea where to look for it while you explore the city please keep your eyes open in case you find something we can use the half orcs smiles at you encouragingly and one last thing the eagle watch has lost a lot of soldiers recently some were killed but others simply haven't been seen since the attack in the chaos that is now canabras it's next to impossible to confirm anything for sure one of the missing fighters is jana aldori a new recruit in the watch she got along well with selah and she often went drinking with her i honestly thought sila and janna had died together but now sila's returned with you and there's no sign of janna if you learn anything of her whereabouts when you're out in the city please report back everything is clear may the goddess help you we're still fighting which means that canabra still hasn't fallen if you come across any groups in the city that can fight send them here to the defender's heart we'll need every fighter we can muster for the final assault yes one more thing if you're in the area check out this address it's our house mine and anevia's well it was our house if the building is still standing open the hidden compartment in the kitchen it's filled with supplies for a rainy day you can take whatever you find you have more need of it awesome awesome awesome all right [Music] great introduction hey wait mind if i bend your ear about something anivia is outside your door leaning casually against the shelf so here's the first and most important thing beth gave you a crucial mention i get that and i know you get the job done i saw you in action but here's the rub by sending you out on an errand we're weakening our defenses here if they come at us while you're gone i don't know if we'll be able to fight them off [Music] when do you think the demons will attack next your guess is as good as mine it might not be here they could attack the whole damn city those vermen know they've got the other hand know they've lost the upper hand and that we're going to push back hard if things kick off here you should know after they attack some things can be changed beyond recognition so if you've got any business that needs taken care of you'd better do it soon everything seems clear so far what else do you want to discuss so the rift that damn beetle left with its side yeah well it's kind of the city into two and it's kind of difficult to get across my scouts tell me there's a halfway decent place to set up a crossing in market square not that any of them tried to make it to try to make sure but if you've got a mind to go across and i think you're going to have to eventually you might want to give the square once over you want me to stay here and guard the tavern you what no your task is far too important you can't just hold up here all cozy like waiting for the demons to knock on the door we need to take the fight to them but if those freaks try to make a move on this place beth will send a runner to get you if that happens you leg it back here all right because if you don't you'll be coming back to an ash pile got it thank you for the warning see you later later watch yourself out there so um before i was able to do this whole thing without the fitness heart being attacked we'll see if i'm able to get that done this time i'm not sure how much of it has changed in the full release but that is enough for one video i hope all of you enjoyed the session today if you did please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 6,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruoromancer, dhampir lich, dhampir pathfinder, lich build, lich mythic, lich mythic path, lich pathfinder build, pathfinder, pathfinder full playthrough, pathfinder neutral evil, pathfinder playthrough, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wotr playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic path
Id: AKDRr61pEBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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