Pathfinder Creator Jason Bulmahn plays Wrath of the Righteous: Evil Playthrough Part 1

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I hope you all enjoy this video. It is the first in a series that I will be releasing over the next week, one per day. In this ep I create a elven hex-channeler witch with an evil shadow chicken familiar that later comes to be known as EGGATHOA!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JasonBulmahn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't wait to check this out. Pathfinder's been a big part of my life ever since I was first introduced ~2012. I've always loved RPGs, but I only started DMing after Pathfinder and it helped me realize my love for creating and designing dungeons.

I know I'm just a random guy on the internet, but I hope you see this and let the homies at Paizo know you guys have had a profound impact on this semi-forever DM. Best of luck on your playthrough!

PS: I know this isn't an AMA but can I ask what your favorite class/archetype is? I stan for rangers but for me Inquisitor/Sanctified Slayer is best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thealtcowninja πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I skimmed through and saw part 1 is just through the intro, haven’t listened to it yet. (I’ll watch when my daughter goes to bed). Will this be a turn based playthrough or real time? All my favorite content creators are doing real time so I’m really looking for a turn based one.

If you aren’t doing turn based, do you have any suggestions of any content creator who is?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrTankerson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you can't wait for the rest check out his Twitch VODs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CanadianJudo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't even know he streamed. It's going to be really interesting to see his take on the game.

I'll watch it later.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nameless_One_99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great, will love to see your insights of the passage from tabletop to computer RPG.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TantamountDisregard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He had same bug in character creation during feats/spells I had where the Right area kept jumping in front when you try to slide it down.

I'm not sure if it is too sensitive or what, but it was annoying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slade23703 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This dude seems like a great time. I’ll watch this with dinner tomorrow

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cudizonedefense πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Everyone in the crusade is so positive and tolerate to different people its like an idealised world scenario against pure evil (i mean what is even the point of demons??) so feels hard to act evil in this game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sephelutis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi there everybody i am jason bulman i am the director of game design at paizo and the creator of the pathfinder role playing game and this is our first playthrough of pathfinder wrath of the righteous let's uh let's see here so we got the intro screen here this is pretty much the same as last time you know i'm gonna check something this is purely for my own vanity i hate to start things off this way but in kingmaker they misspelled my name in the credits so i have to think they fixed it right it has to be better right so let's take a peek all right so yeah this is this is uh i'll cat supporters and whatnot here's the pathfinder tab okay my name is spelled correctly yay what a son of a ah they have me listed as the stairfinder senior developer well you know there are a fair number of us jason's uh here at uh paiso so well mental note i'm gonna have to send a bug report i'll do that later well i'm sure they'll get it for the next one [Laughter] all right let's get this going we gotta we got a brand new game you know i that's fair it may actually be a running joke now i don't know i i hope that it's not okay uh yes yeah okay sure uh all right main story uh new game difficulty level we're just gonna go normal i'm not gonna do anything special here um i don't think there's anything about this i really want to adjust so we're just going to play it straight out of the box here go to next all right um oh okay i jumped straight to that okay yeah great okay so we got some pre-generated characters but come on we're we're not doing that i mean i'm sure these characters are great i'm sure they are oriented oh that's cool that worried in here i it's interesting because right you know pathfinder has an awful lot of ancestries in it and uh orient is an interesting choice that's a that's a fun choice a tiefling no surprises there but we're obviously gonna make a custom character right uh yes create a custom character yes let's let's do all right so first thing we need is a portrait um boy you know they're asking me to pick a portrait before i even decide my character that's that's a that's a tall order this guy looks pretty grim and looks too much i think i want to go with a spellcaster uh i'm obviously uh leaning towards making a uh [Laughter] evil merchant that's who i'm going to be looking for someone who who who could be a spellcaster of some sort that's an orient spellcaster that's interesting there's a lot of good art in here uh lots of kitsune is obviously a character option that's fun none of these quite have the wizard look that i'm looking for to be honest it's uh know what to do about that oh i can go back to the kingmaker portraits as well oh hey well that's handy there's definitely a king maker portrait in here that'll work that might be it actually that's not bad either this is this is a really a raceland type character um maybe i will go elf no elf wizard that could be fun [Music] uh so many memories all right well you know just to keep things moving i think we're gonna go elf wizard here we're gonna we're gonna play with this uh this fella [Music] yeah we're not going with the vampire lady all right uh yeah let's let's let's play with the let's play with the nice pasty elf here um okay so uh we are now up to classes um let's see what all we got um alchemist ooh we can play arcanist that's not bad arcanist is a fun class that's for sure barbarian bard blood rager cavalier cleric druid fighter hunter inquisitor kineticist magus monk oracle paladin ranger rogue shaman skull slayer sorcerer war priest witch and wizard wow they really built a lot of classes into this i know a bunch of these got added to king maker a little later on but a lot of these are kind of deep deep dive classes from the advanced class guide from pathfinder first edition so that's cool um i don't know [Music] um i am thinking boy magus uh magus could be fun arcanist could be fun um i want to go something that uh that goes that goes uh uh lich nicely though a witch would be interesting that could be fun you get a lot of fun uh toys playing with a a witch hexes are always a good time uh elemental sure ag bound okay i could play a death uh focused hex channeler that could be fun [Laughter] let me let me see if they've got a so we do have we do have sorcerer and can go the undead bloodline that's also true but you know what i'm feeling rich i'm honestly i'm feeling rich i really am i think we're gonna go uh let's see what does hex channeler get here [Music] i like that it lets you uh kind of take a peek so i'm gonna get some channel uh energy uh but that's gonna hurt all my allies so that's fun [Laughter] which familiar patron hacks [Music] boy i am torn uh you know the the only thing that's the challenge with this game is is the placement and placing of characters in the middle of the fight can be very very tricky so i'm really worried that if i end up with uh negative channeling i'm just gonna end up killing all of my companions [Laughter] uh but you know price you pay i guess uh [Music] yeah i suppose selective channeling is a option i could totally get into i think we're gonna go you know what let's do it let's see let's see how it works i'm not sure i'm not sure how how how well this is gonna play out i don't know how well it's supported but they made lich an option so we're gonna see if we can play a uh hex channeler an evil hex channeling witch destined for lichtstein we're doing that that's what we're doing elf i'm thinking elf i think elf will play into which nicely the con hit will suck but uh yeah i think that's the way to go [Music] all right what's blightborn loses elven immunities in elven magic but gains a plus two racial bonus on saving those against necromancy spells and spell-like abilities no uh loses elven magic and keen senses but gains a plus due bonus on arcane knowledge and use magic device um so uh if you're curious what's being traded out here for a lot of these so it's always good to you know these are alternate racial packages these were a thing that we kind of did more piecemeal in pathfinder first edition in second edition we handle these with heritages so you just kind of pick your heritage and it gives you a package of things uh but for first edition you you know both of these are trading out elven immunities or elven magic both are trading out ellen magic one's trading out evan immunities and uh the other one's trading out keen senses so uh elven uh magic says you get a plus two ratio bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance there's no way i want to give that up no way no way whatsoever so we're going basic um that is far too useful an ability especially when dealing with demons um okay let's move on background okay now this is a thing that they they lifted from uh second edition the way it works we kind of uh pushed him towards it when making the first version of this game as well none why would you pick none um [Music] scholars street urchin wanderer warrior [Music] i know oblate yeah no that's a new word for me as well um i think we would have called that acolyte because it's clearly for someone who has spent their time in the faith uh i don't know what regional is oh it's it's by region okay um well that's cool oh i can be a gabby and necromancer done what's that give me adds lore religion to my list of class skills uh necromancers some and undead creatures and companions get up summoned undead creatures and companions you don't say [Laughter] yes plus three uh bonus to maximum hit points uh let's see if the character already has the class skill weapon for the armor screen okay great cool yes yes yes that okay uh looks good okay ability scores uh i'm playing a witch so i mean obviously this this is one of those things where my spell casting is based off of my int boy they really should include that here so that you know right [Laughter] they do give you they do give you a thumb that's cool at least or is that thumb from the racial bonus i don't know it's hard to tell okay yeah sure anyway how high can we make my ant go all right we can get it up there that's uh is it in the description oh yeah there it is okay well that's handy all right well that's good [Music] we definitely need to get that up out of the of the gutter i got one point left what can i tank boy it's not a should i should i you know i'm not sure i should tank cha i should take strength i'm i'm not gonna need strength with this with this build but i definitely need some points to get a few things up here i want this character to be a bit charismatic i should probably uh i should probably try and get that that charisma up higher if i can i mean i could take this down and get that up to 14. that that that's maybe a more balanced build yeah i have a sneaking suspicion i'm gonna need chop for a bunch of my abilities [Music] yeah we can't tank wisdom that's just not gonna work all right there we go i'm happy with that that's as good as i'm gonna be able to get it balance wise wisdom isn't great uh but uh as a witch i'm gonna be pretty decent on though all right so uh we've got some things marked here as class skills we're definitely going to want to take some of those um so we get five points here so we're going to want religion because that governs undead we're going to want uh some perception we're going to want persuasion uh arcana obviously um oh boy i'm running out of points real quick do i want world nature yeah belf i definitely don't need stealth for this character mercury is probably not very useful either i suppose i should probably get world all right trying to decide here i don't i don't think i'm gonna need to use magic device i'll probably try and just keep the uh the party balanced um [Music] mobility is useful but uh i'm hoping to get a uh more nimble character to take care of that for me um yeah all right all right that's about as good as it's gonna get we'll uh we'll roll with that we'll keep my main character focused on all the lore things because frankly missing out on those things always is kind of a bummer okay beat boy accomplished sneak attacker there's a great feat for a witch to start out with [Music] all right let's [Music] hmm there's an awful lot here i mean this is a gigantic way [Music] that's that's irritating come on let me get let me get the scroll bar no i don't i don't want you i want this roll bar okay [Music] all right i guess i just have to finger scroll all right um [Music] i can channel additional times per day it could take selective channel right out the get-go [Music] i mean that's probably the right thing to do [Laughter] just so i'm not killing people my own characters right out the get-go yeah i [Music] do i not have channeling yet so [Music] oh so i don't have x channeling yet when do i get text channeling that's just not something i have yet i don't get it till second so there you go alright so that explains it i don't actually get it till seconds see there you go that's why this is useful all right well in that case since i can't take it at first um point blank shot come on now why would it even i mean spell focus is always a good call like you can't go wrong with spell focus this early in the game right [Music] necromancy [Music] i mean who am i joking right [Music] i need necromancy yeah i mean i i think you know that you there is always the debate of between spell focus and spell penetration but playing an elf at least early on i've kind of got that uh covered at least in the brief period of time and i can always pick it up later all right all right let's keep moving here familiars [Laughter] chicken [Laughter] uh yeah so um most of these are just a bonus on either a saving throw a skill check some bonus hit points you know they kind of bounce all over the place um there you i think there are some that are better than others frankly um you know uh a plus one natural bone uh natural armor bonus is is good but not not the best um rat isn't bad plus two on fort saves let's do on perception right i mean if you want a bonus to a saving throw you can certainly get one um [Music] bonus on mobility raven's pretty cool persuasion checks and perception checks that's not bad i mean i could always go uh you know cat familiar and get a bonus on stealth but i don't really think i'm gonna be stealthy much with this character uh bonus hit points are actually not very good the chicken's really funny like i want to take the chicken really bad just because it's so ridiculous uh but the plus three hit points is is kind of not a great bonus to be honest that is that is a pretty terrible bonus i mean it is funny a necromancer with a chicken is funny do i just go funny do i say screw it screw screw being screw being good and just take a chicken [Laughter] screw we're taking the chicken done chicken it is all right we need to take a patron um this can go a lot of different ways um so let's take a peek here agility um is gonna give you well obviously a bunch of agility and movement abilities ancestors gives you like a whole bunch of cleric-y type things um you know you get blasts and aid and prayer and all stuff um deception is going to give you a bunch of illusion spells devotion um is uh more clarity kind of spells but uh more along the lines of boosters uh elements is going to give you a bunch of elemental damage spells endurance is obviously all about uh bumping you up healing um interestingly enough has a bunch of the other components of the healing school um but it's the opposite of the direction i'm going so we're not taking that uh insanity uh has a bunch of save spells mercy that's weird shocking graphs yes definitely a mercy spell um shadow vanish blur displacement that's good those are some good defensive spells phantasmal putrefaction shadow is pretty good uh strength is boosting transformation is about changing yourself and winter is all ice spells i'm kind of thinking shadow to go necromancy um i i think you could make an argument of go uh healing but but frankly if you look at the spells granted um you know remove fear restoration lesser restoration remove disease and stuff like that that's not kind of what my character is all about i mean i know that healing spells are necromancy spells i mean i get it but yeah i'm thinking i'm thinking shadow i'm thinking shadow fits the the character concept better so let's go with that uh [Music] yeah let's go that okay now we get a hex always always a big choice here uh cackle's great but not at first because you don't have anything to cackle um evil eye is uh always a solid choice um fortune is really good [Music] uh yeah i mean uh hex channeler is great but i don't have the requisites yet and will definitely be something i'm throwing hexes into later uh misfortune is also really good i honestly think um i honestly think that evil eye is probably my best bet here early on uh because it is a very solid debuff you can kind of use uh a lot so so whatever i get has to be something that is mostly going to be able to sit on its own because i'm going to burn a bunch of my hexes on hex channeling we're going to go evil eye spells all right well we definitely want um let's see what we got in necromancer we got inflict raven feeblemen that's really good what's ray of sickening do sickened okay ray of infieldment's kind of better a second isn't bad but it's it's a much better condition in in pathfinder 2e uh let's see here um not a ton of spells yet we definitely need to grab mage armor that's that's definitely one um we should definitely grab raven feeblement i'm thinking cause fear as well just to round out some of my necromancy uh decisions um a large person is always powerful um sleep is useful at low levels not so much later [Music] we have plenty of choices to go with here so uh let's go ahead let's go ahead and grab cure i'm thinking because i'm not a litch yet [Laughter] uh remove sickness that's not bad [Music] no remove sickness is very solid okay yeah we will take one of those [Music] ear piercing is always solid yeah i might take your piercing that's pretty good or a single target spell it's pretty good [Music] uh enlarge is kind of always worth taking [Music] i got one more um let's see here leap ball burning hands isn't a bad choice i don't have any aoe right now [Music] yeah let's go with that i think that's solid yeah let's go let's go with that i i've tried to do sleep and i tried to do asleep a bit in king maker and it just never played out you know sometimes i let the characters just go and attack stuff and they just attack the sleeping person and wake him up it doesn't work i mean if i do point by point careful character management it can work but but that's not word deity hmm i wonder who we're gonna go with huh i just don't know oh oh what oh what's this i ran into ergothoa that's that's weird oh that's odd i don't know why i would pick ergothoa that's that's strange it's a strange choice for a gabbian necromancer witch [Laughter] odd no rasmir on this list if rasmir was on here we would go rasmir all the way but we don't have raspberries so we're we're going to go with we're going to go with erga there we are alignment huh well uh that's oh my finger slipped [Laughter] that's odd just slipped right down there to neutral evil that's that's weird oh well no changing it now [Music] all right let's uh let's see body type here we're definitely going real thin um [Music] do we go evil do we just make him look as evil as we possibly can everyone knows that scars denote you as being evil that's um [Music] how pale can we make this character about as pale as we can get that's fine hairstyle all right okay let's let's take a look at these here all right so we got kind of a whoa [Music] i think that might be our winner there i think i'm going with four but let's take a look at the others now that's whoa [Music] [Laughter] well i don't know four or seven do we do we go with kind of traditional swoop back evil elf hair the widow's peak i think the widow's peak is more evil than bald i think i think we're gonna go widow's peak all right uh no beard yeah we're definitely not going beard just too too terrible we make his hair white [Music] how many hair colors we got here [Music] yeah no mustache tutorial yeah right okay so uh does he wear war paint i don't know what's going on with that [Music] oh boy i mean he's not a follower of nephes but that would be great if you were making a nether's character right nephes is the is the pathfinder deity who's half f burned half f pristine represent the two halves of magic just just a hand on your face oh hey a skull [Music] oh i'm not sure i can take him seriously if he's [Laughter] that look at him he's ridiculous okay uh i kind of like the black and the blood red i kind of like the black and the blood red he's pretty necromancery now oh no no definitely not that that's all right uh i got here oh that matches his hair a little bit more [Music] [Laughter] all right okay now he looks appropriately necromancery a mere flesh wound ooh burn slice be head hmm all right this will hurt let's shake a leg yeah well we're no we're not going pious i shall not falter oh come on this is my path oh see that that was the voice over for uh for my character in king maker the path is clear i am superior whoa all right no not that time's not waiting i'm not touching that that's a dwarf voice [Music] i'm always ready [Music] enemy let us bide our time this will hurt i didn't even break a sweat we will be victorious calm down not dead yet calm down i'm not dead yet that's gonna be really awkward if i turn him into a litch [Laughter] i'll go ahead someone else would make better use of this he's almost kind of creepy i didn't even break a sweat this will hurt i think i think we go pragmatic i i think we go pragmatic i think i think it's creepy [Laughter] [Music] all right so now we need a name [Music] if we're not going random yeah welcome to the hardest part everybody trying to think um so every evil necromancer i've ever played had a name that started with a z so uh [Laughter] tar bath on two uh was suggested by chat yeah thank you chat [Laughter] [Music] zelf yeah [Music] uh oh let's see here [Music] [Laughter] ah that's kind of funny [Laughter] yes in honor of the joke i made to name this character we're going to call him sathras [Laughter] very good very good all right [Music] [Music] all right [Laughter] [Music] his birthday should be halloween right that would be what lamashin the 31st 31st of lamashin yeah we'll go with that not dead yet yeah i know i'm trying to get you there calm down we'll get you there it's only a matter of time all right i think i think we're good everybody i think that's it i think we've got every we've made every decision we need to make it only took 30 minutes or so to get through character creation that's not too bad uh considering all the options you get in pathfinder 30 minutes is is not too shabby so uh let's uh let's go ahead and complete and start this playthrough that's right we have a chicken familiar what other choices have we made here we got evil eye that's gonna be fun we got a bunch of good spells um i don't think it's allowed me to prepare any spells so uh that should be fun um but we'll see how that plays out um what do we got down here armor class 12 saves are those those don't look great yeah those saves are not good [Laughter] all right and we're evil we're gonna play the evil play-through the the king maker i played as a lawful good paladin so this time we're going we're going we're going exactly the opposite let's get this started okay [Music] who invited a necromancer to the party fetch a healer or a or a undertaker whatever somebody we got a wounded fighter can we get a healer over here fighter boy i've been misidentified already all right my my would you look at this but why would you drag a wounded fighter into the middle of the festival square couldn't he be carted off somewhere else like oh i don't know an infirmary or an accommodating ditch [Laughter] aaron here is a real winner don't bring this necromancer to our party throw him in a ditch [Music] make room everyone step back now what's the matter what happened to him the wound looks nasty who did this to him i don't know he probably did it to himself let's be honest demonstrate we found him barely alive outside the wars of canaveras so this takes place in canaabras it's a city uh north up near the uh world wound um it's one of the the cities that is on the border of the edge of the world wound where there is a massive crusade going on against uh the the demon scourge from the world wound so um getting wounded by demons outside the city is not not exactly in a strange occurrence [Laughter] the walls you say enemy doesn't usually stray so close to the city must fortify the defenses and you hold fast don't die we'll see you right i'll i'll try not to die get you patched up now but first you there guard take his weapons airing arms is not permitted during the festival wounded or not everyone must abide by the rules he can get his things back after the festival quick strip the wounded man of his weapons he might stumble out of bed and hurt himself oh inheritance leader of our troops the shark the edge of our blades and the unyielding strength of our armor ioma day never see you grant your mercy heal his wounds no let me die let me die please let me die i'm going to become a lich none of that now we need every pair of hands we can get in this city we'll get you back on your feet and you'll have the chance to seek vengeance i don't want vengeance i want to die my powers are not enough here someone call for surrender left you then yes you stop dithering and gobbing and make yourself useful go and get surrender live is that a litch surely there is somebody else here better suited to running errands i'll get her tyrande has anyone seen tyrandelev [Music] oh a paladin be quick about it before it's too late now who are you i don't remember seeing you before and i have an excellent memory for faces uh i'm a traveler just passing by i was going to the world wound to look for lich dust just passing by and how am i to know that you're not a demon spy or worse oh that's fair [Laughter] my dear prelate please for the sake of the festivities stop interrogating this poor man he has been through enough already go on i'll take care of him uh-huh this is going to go great [Laughter] all right you are our protector and a dragon at that so i shall defer to your wisdom what be on your guard i've been informed he was wounded near canaveras that means the demons are prowling just outside the walls and the city is crawling with their spies others may be able to relax on this holiday but not you or i not the defenders of this city so uh it is interesting that uh you know they have identified uh uh tyrandelev as a dragon it's just like oh hey welcome to the party we know you're a dragon and we know you're kind of busy but could you could you do us a solid [Laughter] i mean but keep protecting us don't get too drunk let light and life go forth in triumph to repel the skulking shade of death there [Laughter] is it okay if i go yeah who are you my name is terendalev i am the protector of the city you really a dragon you don't believe me perhaps i should retake my true form and engulf this square with my ice breath to win your trust [Laughter] pay no mind to my current guys i appear this way when i walk among the people i would hamper the festivities if i tried to attend in my true form [Laughter] no but could you get back to the icy breath murdering everyone bit i would get so many minions that way what what happened to me though i do not know yet and that troubles me i am not entirely sure what the demons did to you this wound is no ordinary injury and it was inflicted by no ordinary weapon i have rid you of your pain and restored your strength but only time will allow you to heal fully yeah tyrandelov here is the one talking and she has the uh symbol of ioma day on her shield uh that's pretty pretty stand out can i go now certainly but be careful i have managed to get you back on your feet but i have not healed you fully alas sooner or later your pain will return the condition of life don't be discouraged you will recover i promise you that tomorrow come to the cathedral and say that you are expected by tyrandelev protector of cannabrus we will find a way to help you but for now put this out of your mind and enjoy the festival they are all too rare in this time of war and merriment is one of the best medicines merriment [Laughter] down in gab we don't subscribe to merriment being the best medicine all right so we've got a bit of a note here uh and it's gone uh when quest updates okay movement okay so this is standard kind of point and click stuff nothing too complicated here um before we get too deep into this let me see what do i have i have a burning hands prepared i have a mage armor prepared cause fear i can dismiss one of my spells and i have evil eye okay and that is saving throws ac and attack rolls so i got all that that's great um let me go ahead and take a look at my well b gets me to spell book um okay to move the camera okay your cue to rotate right uh so here we are um it looks like i also have a a scroll that i cannot use so that's nice scroll of cause fear scroll array of thickening which i should probably uh get into my i'm gonna have my chicken eat that at some point in time uh [Music] all right good on that front faves are uh oh i've got some luck do i have luck racers what plus one luck bonus to ac and to saving throws well that's a nice thing to start with that is a uh very valuable item there's it's worth way more than 250 [Laughter] but i will take it uh spellbook there's the journal we've got an encyclopedia here that's going to go through all the basics and we've got a map of the area there's a drinking contest wait a minute [Music] got some citizens to talk to let's drink to kanabras [Music] guard up to the one thing i remembered from the from the original game is when you when you hold down tab uh all the name plates pop up which is nice because yeah now you can see who's who and go talk to whoever you want so turned 11 whole runner over here chatting that's fine go ahead um if i recall tab also will highlight things you can interact with like um damien freeman okay [Music] go ahead and rotate around here [Music] [Applause] this the drinking contest yes more liquor [Music] pearl okay that up i don't know i can't tell is that a normal hamline i don't like either of them fela iconic character selah [Music] i'm primarily just going around talking to named characters just to see if anybody has anything interesting to say everybody's laying their hair down drinking all right yeah i'm sure some of these will become important characters later this is the jerk who was telling people to throw me in the ditch they call this a celebration this is a poultry imitation of what goes on in my mansion on a dull toil day evening wow [Laughter] well he he's out our of uh that's a name that feels like a name we we invented i have to check it out though i'm not sure [Music] so we've made a character we're uh we're wandering around this uh party here we're currently just kind of chatting with some folks let me go back to the map what else is around here to do we've got some main characters over here i just did the drinking contest there wasn't really much to that i'm kind of avoiding talking to these two in the middle uh instead i'm gonna go uh let me go let me go up here and chat check out corgis worm corgus that's a great name there are names in the office that we often associate with various people horgus gworm is a very erik mona name i don't know if he's the one who wrote it but it is a very eric mona name horgas this is a very eric mona name [Music] [Laughter] yes yes happy city day and now step away please i do not wish for august gwerm to be seen next to you i like him already so if ever if this is this game uh for those of you who are just joining are is is mostly first edition roles uh first edition pathfinder rules um it has some uh some second edition kind of modes to it but nothing nothing too what what's going on oh that is that is really not good i am not remotely high enough level for this nonsense [Music] i can't handle one brock i certainly can't handle handle what sticks and make with more of those flame strikes leave my city oh no oh oh this is very bad oh oh the feasts begin [Laughter] and i'm just like well himself [Music] one minute we had a dragon the next she was gone okay so first of all that was great i remember playing it uh i remember uh playing this a bit in the beta and they didn't have that they didn't have the animation kind of fully in so uh that was delightful [Laughter] boy yeah vorpal scythes those are i should nerf those i should have ratted those [Laughter] oh that's ridiculously great i like how there's murder happening everywhere and it's like well here are your conversation options um i've seen you somewhere before shall we go and get a beer yeah you have you owe me your life i'm the one who found you outside the walls and brought you inside to be healed i see they patched you up good thing they did it before the attack or else you'd have been done for so uh who's this discari you must have got a good drug around the head brother discar is a demon lord the most fearsome enemy of all crusaders and all living things come to think of it well don't worry i'm i'm not going to be alive soon so we we could maybe be friends what's the situation uh i mean other than like i like how this guard this guard and this uh this uh bow over here are just in an endless murder spree blood flying everywhere who knows everything's on fire crashing down around our ears place is crawling with demons looks like a whole army attacked the city we're sitting ducks well give me a weapon sure thing here take this best crossbow i've got the person who made it said it could pierce the heart of a demon lord even he lied to you that is not true good luck try not to get eaten now oh great great i've got a crossbow so i should shoot the demon lord right a mortal knack snaps its jaws at the lord of locusts holy crap i did it oh no [Laughter] thanks for watching everybody if you want to see more of zothras's and egathoa's continuing adventures make sure to like and subscribe and thanks to everybody who watches me live on twitch you guys have made this all possible see you next time you
Channel: Jason Bulmahn
Views: 12,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wrath of the Righteous, Jason Bulmahn, Pathfinder RPG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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