Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Neutral Evil Cruoromancer Lich - Part 2

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we are back again with more pathfinder wrath of the righteous let's dive right into it we finally have the full version i can't wait to see more of the game this tragedy may not have happened if you spent less time surveilling honest citizens and more time tracking the real spies and demon worshipers brilliant idea how come i didn't think of it now if only the coaches would tell us they were cultists then we wouldn't have to waste time investigating honest citizens who decide to go all cloak and dagger right under our noses porgus and anivia sit some distance apart sniping at one another in an idle fashion that testifies to their long acquaintance and mutual dislike when they notice you they quickly fall silent what's the bad blood between you two about it's an old matter mrs terrorbaid here had the notion of spying on me then of rummaging through my goods i ask you do i look like a cultist [Music] cultists don't tend to look like cultures you know that's kind of the whole problem and you mr worm built a whole secret operation of buying and smuggling into the city what was it oh yeah magical weapons how was i supposed to know that all the rigmarole with middlemen was so you could anonymously donate supplies to the crusade don't you see i have a reputation to uphold one that i value most highly corgis worm is a hard-nosed businessman not a good fairy from a tale yes i care about my city yes i wish to see that his defenders my defenders were well fed healthy and well armed but to make those donations openly was unthinkable i might as well hang a sign outside my door welcoming in every sponge leech and parasite in the city i appreciate your help for the crusade no jokes you're an all right bloke but carrying on secret dealings in a city that's teeming with cultists is a huge pain in the backside for us a lot whose job it is to keep an eye on that sort of thing anivia how's the leg the girl scrunches up her nose well it hasn't fallen off yet so that's good they've bandaged me up all night to smear some stinking stuff on the wound so it looks like i'm gonna live they said wait a day and i'll be right as rain so i'm waiting what do you think is happening in the city now perhaps the city is no more if this car himself appeared there's no telling how bad things are can you hold off on writing our obituaries just yet the city is full of fighters and besides that it's barely a stone's throw from neuroscience i think our people will hold on long enough for reinforcements to come from the queen this ain't discari's home turf he's gonna have to retreat or else fight off the whole mendevian army what do you think of the mongols i thought they were just a story the sort of thing drunks and the tavern would come out with now i discover that it's true well what can i possibly think of them the poor creatures are most unfortunate with their faces and their minds so deformed it's a miracle they're even alive the part that boggles my mind is that the descendants of the first crusaders all these years they've been fighting but they've been living beneath our feet in caves in the dirt if i had known the legends about them were true i'd have dedicated my life to getting them out of this place to what end the people of canada's would have stoned them on site and prelate holron would have had them tossed on the fire in mass whatever the ills of this place it is their home how long do you think they would have survived on the surface what are you going to do when you get back to the surface i'm going to go home last i knew i owned a very fine mansion i shall see if it's still standing or if i am now homeless i'm going to find arabeth she's my wife and the leader of the eagle watch as long as she lives she won't allow the numbers to fall we have to go go on then and don't dilly dally the sooner we get out of here the likelier we are to find some people still alive up there take care of yourself okay there's never there but we're gonna circle back to them let's move and you also have the option to rest but we're going to loot loop loop and that just goes okay it just goes in a hidey hole no reason to go all the way up there okay all right now let's look what we have and see if there's anything in particular we want to let go so you should probably hold on to a crossbow just in case at least for now anybody else nobody else needs a crossbow none of this is a upgrade for anybody else either um resistance we'll put that on sealer she is our front tank after all it says braces of armor um i guess uh none land we'll put this on you and all the rest is nothing else to worry about oh what is this anyway oh wand of pure light wounds she can take that make use of it pull the covers up a bunch of scrolls that's cool we'll keep this on you and we'll take everything off the window walk all right i'm not sure why they flash yellow right there but okay you there a tall woman with a face deformed by an enormous swelling smiles broadly at you showing off her double roll small sharp teeth you from the surface you must be tough to make it all the way here never thought i'd see the day call me dira let's trade who are you the people around here call me all sorts dyro the hoarder dyra the coin diver the city girl like that's a bad thing i travel the caves picking up all kinds of things from the surface that watch down here through the sewers i trade all kinds of junk for food and clothes but i only part with my best finds for coins got no coins forget what money is well then i have no use for you if you want city goods you need to pay for them with gold like city folk why are you so easy to trade with me because all the people here are no better than animals now dairy yells with surprising anger before being overcome with coughing wiping her mouth she continues her forefathers lived in the city like you our people love to reminisce about armies knights crusades but i couldn't care less about that savages with clubs can fight a war only civilized folk can buy and sell they've all forgotten what training is they've forgotten the value of gold they bought our hides for plant roots and go on about the feats of the crusaders who cares about them i don't need help remembering i have coins and i have things to sell now let's trade like proper city folk let's trade all right so like i mentioned this guy oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i forgot sila does not need to be sword and board so we're actually going to go ahead and give her you can use this to bulk sell obviously your items and then if you click on this button it allows you to narrow down what exactly you're selling so once all of your crew has plus one or better weapons you can go ahead and sell all your masterwork stuff well for right now we're not at that point um what do they have here now uh first of all i have very little money let's keep that in mind whenever an enemy oh this is a eight max dexterity whenever an enemy confirms a critical hit against where there's plus one pattern armor they must pass footage or become a name but attack with a wiper for one round that's actually pretty good that's actually not bad at all on this quiver of cold ammunition actually we'll take that we'll take that um okay and that's all we need for right now okay let's go ahead and save hey okay cool i was worried that if all my saves from the beta would um with junk up my safe out here but nope is complete considered completely different so that's awesome okay he land is a zen archer i think that makes zero sense in my personal opinion his personality does not come off as a monk at all and he makes no mention to my knowledge of being particular about what weapon he uses so i don't understand why they gave him something that really hones in on worshiping the bow and using the bow now my question is i don't remember strike zen masked they use this wisdom modified his dick instead of his dexterity modifier and reigns attack rolls okay we're gonna take this up to level three and then we'll flip over to something different so we're still gonna stick with zen archer for now um athletics mobility and perception that all makes sense to me precise shot definitely makes sense um way of the longbow yep i i prefer using the longbow with him that makes sense so we're good with him camellia she's a shaman spirit hunter that may give you the impression that she's like this great caster but i don't consider her a particularly um great caster as far as using offensive spells against enemies i think she's best used when she's buffing herself and overall party throwing out summons and then you can also use a kind of like a skill a spell monkey almost where she holds a lot of the things to clear up spaces for other people who are using more offensive based powers and this hex grants you a plus two natural armor bonus to ac um yep i think that definitely makes sense for her you wanna up front in the midst of the action sila we're gonna definitely stick with paladin they increase our mobility i think that makes zero sense she's wearing heavy armor the entire time um and even without the shield she's taking such a penalty to mobility that it doesn't make sense to me to be able to stick with that um knowledge world is okay for her but professor snape is already building up knowledge world he doesn't need another companion that's doing that since she's a tank and upfront i definitely recommend giving her perception even though she does not have it as a class skill perception on as many of your allies as possible is definitely to your advantage and she gets uh divine grace at this level so you get a bonus equal to your charisma bonus if any on all saving throws she has pretty nice charisma as you see and then she gets lay on hands which does healing and will be able to remove certain statuses as we go on in the game very very nice stuff all right my wizard is at level two now oh my skills go up some we get to add some more spells technically i i would usually add magic missile but you know what we're just going to dig in all the way to hey i love necromancy i'm stupid with necromancy so i'm not going to worry about it um we'll add ray of the feeble mint just for kicks i'm not sure how much we'll use that and i guess we could one minute per level i guess we could add reduced person or hurricane both either one of these could actually be useful to us actually i'm gonna go with reduced person okay and let's go here real quick all right so we've got a bunch of different options not very many slots um so we have to have a necromancy spell available and this is not a cone this allows just to target someone so that's fine it is shaky for one round that's okay yeah sure we'll go with that um i'm not as worried about defense i'm all about keep them from getting to me in the first place so that that and you know i think we'll take ray of the feeble man you know what not ray is sickening ray is sick i mean we'll go with that uh sila doesn't have spells yet camellia it's actually really useful having um having a little bit more healing that's the biggest issue right for right now some of this other stuff will solve itself okay and that's all we need to worry about cool we will save here boom the messenger returned the tribes are gathering at the entrance to the maze our people have already gone there i've warned the needy of that old guy who won't even acknowledge me take your time there's no rush the most important people always show up late and the land looks around everything's going to plan but one thing's bothering me when dogs gone all the tribes so whole army is marching on the maze then by mongol standards yes but don't be too disappointed when you see the reality there aren't many of us who can hold a weapon and fewer still who can do any damage with one what do you think happened to windual land shakes his head i don't know she was always stubborn maybe she decided she could do it all on her own i hope she comes back will struggle without her and she'll struggle without us no matter how hard she tries to deny it what about anivia and horgas are we just going to lead them there once we clear the maze the way ahead will be safe and even is in no state to fight and that horgus guy he doesn't look like he'll shift an inch unless we roll out a red carpet all the way to the exit [Laughter] still are you sure the maze is the only way to the surface land nods there was another passage the one i used with my dad when we left and they came back the chief back then he found it and filled it in to stop anybody else going against the ancestors wishes and what the ancestor wanted was for everyone to go through the maze i'm not sure of anything right now but we don't have a choice we could only go forward there were other passages but they're far from here and with all these earthquakes who knows what condition they're in now so our best bet is the maze if it doesn't lead anywhere then we can consider our next move we have this evil option here we're not going to do that again my character respects the crusaders and respects anybody who's willing to stand up and fight against the demons so we're not gonna treat land cruelly let's go there's no time to lose let's go but before we do thank you i was so happy i forgot to thank you before but you've done something no one else has in a long time you've given the mongrels hope it's like we're starting to believe that we're worth something now that we have the power of the angels on our side land's face grows solid it won't change anything of course but at least you'll help us save the young ones hopefully let's go through the main gate straight road is the shortest all right [Music] and now we enter the maze [Music] i chose land over windua because i think it makes more sense for a lawful lich who is trying to help the crusade and believes that the demons are a blight but winter walk of course is amazing and someone who is absolutely there's actually a fight anyway here okay together we stand you are fighting defensively we don't have himself okay cool and uh no reason to poke this only helps you a little bit um what do we have here feather stab the shield of faith armor is deflection but it only lasts one minute per level so not all that much okay here's what it is we'll keep going we will win this war um what was i saying oh yeah so i went to walk is great despite the fact that i didn't use our this particular time it's just that land with his uh lawful alignment and just the type of character we're running right now he just makes more sense for the party and our demon playthrough will definitely switch back over the window off the tribes are gathering sure we will attack how long can we wait the other tribes haven't turned up yet we're going to wait for them just another while longer no one saw the preparations will take the better part of a day let's go take a look at amaze ourselves and see what's what okay obviously you can make this section ten times easier if you go ahead and do it uh with uh land having to be ready for the worst sacred huntsman giving impact sound of the um weapons and spells like you really really feel it especially when you land like a critical hit the game absolutely let you know um so yeah if you go ahead and and make him sacred huntsman right off the bat you can have a a pet with you and just like king maker pets make this game significantly easier so we're definitely uh going to do that over time because i was something i was given the feedback that i don't play enough um in my playthroughs i don't use pets they're like why why do you always avoid pets i i've been avoiding pets in the play throughs that i did in the beta because i feel like people complain and they say like hey you're using pets as a crutch and i don't want people to feel that way plus i want people to know that the game is absolutely the last one for me something you can go with go through competently without having a pet it helps but it's not in any way shape form or fashion necessary that was that was true part of the reason for that was because i haven't put on our freaking hats we got to do that um but we will go at least part of the way with uh pet from land so you all will see what that experience is like uh keep in mind that in this play through long term i do plan to replace all party members with undead party members extensive but slightly water damaged collection of writings on ritual and demon worship um of course lynch is the only mythic path that allows you to replace your party members with undead so i think it's well worth it just go ahead and find out what that looks like um shaman surrounds himself with the spirit of battle allies within 30 feet of the shaman including the shaman receive a plus one more round bonus on attack rules and weapon damage rolls these balls the ashami can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to three plus a charisma out modifier so this lasts for four rounds okay so that's something to keep in mind ghost touch but well oh wait i'm looking for the hats but okay so they just automatically make it a part of your armor class you don't need to manually select it okay cool that works well then maybe what she we should also do is let her fight defensively so that she's not getting hit up quite as much we can also remove this we don't need that we could throw this all the way on the edge we'll keep this over here she's going to be using that probably quite a bit for now and she's good bright future adventures await um you're not gonna use that stuff much yet no we don't need that here and no we don't need that nor do we need that what's this i'll turn on dead cool that's something to keep in mind for a later time okay all right much better and you don't have any trouble anyway right yeah no this is useless oh you could turn on this though and we might use that every so often doubtful okay all right continuing on let us be off i found something come on show up there we go i'm like i know y'all are back there meditate on your mistakes it might make you feel better we are the light lads stares at the dead mongrel with sour in his eyes hovland his name was hoblin did you know him yeah he's not from our tribe but we're both hunters so we cross paths from time to time in the cave passages we share news and leave supplies for each other then he just disappeared land frowns he used to talk about one to try his luck in the maze i thought he was long dead if only he had been why would mongols attack us aren't we all on the same side something's wrong with them look their bodies it's like something's eating them from the inside out sure maybe these guys just ate something weird or were having an off day but i think something drove them out of their minds or someone seems like the shield maze of yours is crawling with cultists how did they get here i have no idea this is my first time here too maybe they fell down here the same way you did land shrugs awkwardly and looks away windual comes here all the time i'd ask her about it that you were here come to think of it where is she let's go this place might be even more dangerous than we thought and there i was hoping that we'd be the meanest things in here lands laughter sounds strange these mongols and cultists now that i did not expect i need to find out what's going on here so if you haven't already picked it up um definitely to your advantage to kick off fights with your archer a lot of times they can flat out kill enemies um before they are in melee range this is even more true if the blood stains still mar the ground around them are comfortable benches with pillows someone clearly enjoyed watching others suffer this is even more true if you are playing in turn-based mode i am helpful am i not because all of the enemies are essentially standing around while the archer does his first turn you can wipe out two sometimes even three enemies before a single action is taken very very powerful stuff let's move we'll come back to that open your heart to me i will help you what's on your mind i wonder i hate the voice of the spirits okay always be ready for the worst we should move and you should be enfeebled what did i get oh i decided to get rid of sickening instead of a field man okay fine i'm fine whatever um actually you know i'll watch your back oh no we didn't get that forward so that's ready that works on all enemies so i want to burn that now um yeah we'll do sickening instead or you know let's just do flat out fear let's see how that works yet another obstacle nice very nice ah you go through a lot of this at first but over time of course we're going to get more abilities we're going to get better weapons things of that nature and these misses will happen significantly less but right now i'm sorry it's unavoidable masterwork dueling very very nice variety of weapons in this game you also get a party member who really helps you use whatever weapon it is that you like so it was kind of a problem in king maker where if you specialize in some really rare weapon types you would have trouble finding good versions of that weapon that's not the case here at all so worth it if you want to use you know something that [Music] would be considered kind of um exotic or rare no problem go ahead go for it you'll be able to get good versions of it i am helpful am i not good meaning you know plus three four five oh i like the new the designs oh yeah this is definitely new okay cool i'm gonna have to get used to now i don't know what things are automatically just by seeing their photos which i'll take it i appreciate the effort definitely um what's that there uh yeah good meaning that you'll be able to get plus three four five birth uh level enchantment versions of the weapon you won't survive do not waive her excellent better better um i think there's a person over here there we go doubt is the heart's greatest challenge we are the light they what are you doing what's the problem get to it girl and of course coela gets it because you're busy standing around golfing come on now that's not appreciated cannabis system of aqueducts channeling water from the river to the city it was seriously damaged in the earthquake together we stand you can trust me let us be off this guy okay um i know we will try to go ahead and you sleep on him no reason to pause what is he he is chaotic death is life's final surprise we in the end we did what we need to do excellent [Music] unfortunately we're not able to identify the islands we are picking up right now i think that's based around your arcane magic skill so you definitely want to make sure you have at least one person who's skilled in that so that you right when you pick it up be able to identify all the really nice gear that you get over time otherwise you'll be stuck in a situation where whatever companion i am helpful am i not uh you have that skill in it they'll be able to identify it when you give back to home base but that's definitely not a situation you would really want to leave yourself in because you'll come across items that if you are able to actually see the stats you look at it and say oh yeah i want to put this on right here right now okay these are the people i should have usually i'll make my own but whatever um don't meditate on your mistakes oh yeah oh yeah great job bam so that letter just informed me that there's some sort of hidden lever that i need to take advantage of in order to be able to get to the exit of this cave and then there's a group of folks here who basically have been always using this area did we find trouble no they did as you can see land is very very competent as an archer no downgrade whatsoever as far as his capabilities in comparison with window up window is competent as well i would say that they're uh they're very good but in different ways comes as a fighter and so she's going to be able to burn through all those great archer feats that will help you really really decimate foes whereas land if you keep them at his base class is a zen archer which means she's going to be able to take advantage of some of those uh monk abilities that you get over time and be able to use it to um really boost up the effectiveness of his abilities with the bow both of them absolutely deadly but kind of in different ways we just picked up scale mail but again i'm not able to identify it um when i when i increase when i created this character i was thinking about not repeating things that i don't need that other other party members get but now playing through this game it feels kind of weird to be a lich who's not specializing in arcane magic so when my intelligence score raises and i'm able to specialize in another skill i'll probably go ahead and throw all these adventures away throw arcane magic onto there all right um i don't know if this upcoming enemy can be sickened but protection chaos no protection evil no reduced person no shield of faith yes didn't we [Music] huh i swear they gave you no not major armor i swear they gave you maybe they changed that used to be you could pick up protection from some sort of protection from ice on the way here but i'm not seeing that so all right it is what it is um in large person sure i'll take that and then i think i saw a reduced person somewhere around here right so then lawrence feather step cats grace she'll she could take cats grace absolutely chaos evil ha here goes reduced person and she'll actually throw bless on everybody this fight is kind of um annoying if you don't go ahead and prepare for it properly um do we have anybody who can use that prayers well no we don't all right and for those who want to know these are the these are the orders that we picked up that gave us more information about how to complete this quest okay now looking at that you don't need anything right now she and then what's on your mind you you all right hopefully this gives us enough to survive this it's always kind of dicey right doubt is the heart's greatest challenge land will kick it off i tire of waiting i don't remember can you be sickened i don't see immune from sickened so it looks like you can be so this is my path go ahead and try to thicken the character that'll work and i will help where i can you can you charge nope we are the light they are the darkness there we go yeah that worked great okay charge and then move here move you here move you here you got to turn this on for you and in fact this is a good time for this as well think about it just that quick just that quick how is it possible that you got lit up like that that quickly uh oh that's because of the lack of uh protection hold now think about it wow she got hit i'm bad real bad and if amelia goes down it's probably all over hey there we go i'll take it ah that fight is just always always annoying let us be off it's really weird that they would take away the protection from cold i feel like i must have missed something my protection from coal potion is not enough to make me backtrack kitchen smelling of burnt fat and garlic food was clearly cooked here in vast quantities all right all that stuff excellent we will move on and that i believe does it for this underground little area excellent so come out of here and then next part is over here together [Music] we're gonna make a b line for the cleric after we're up on the surface so i don't feel a need to be judicious about my use of the cure spells on the wand all right make every strike count did we step on their toes as well okay that's worth sure sword there we go so as you can see our skipper with the regular weapons is usually not worth weighing down your inventory with them but the masterwork weapons sell nicely in comparison to how much they actually cost so i feel like it's worth it to go ahead and add those on now here comes another tough fight not that bad though but just one that i prefer to be properly prepared for we just got shield of faith right you still got that on um we got one more of these strength boosts but i don't feel like it's worth putting that on we've got other tough fights that are gonna be coming up no reason to pause oh for those who may not know what i'm using um enlarged person is going to give us a size increase to strength it does reduce your dexterity which is part of the reason that ice monster was able to hit me up so badly but i find it difficult a lot of times to penetrate through his defenses so i felt like the increase in strength was worth the trade-off um and then we're also using shield of faith to kind of make up for that loss of dexterity gives you a plus two deflection bonus to ac so basically it makes you a little bit more sturdy and then bears endurance is gonna add a plus four enhancement bonus to constitution so again just something to make a little bit more tanky a little bit more sturdy then camellia is depending upon the rapier which is using her dexterity so i give her catch grace which gives her a plus four enhancement bonus to dexterity all right now with that oh and this is what i'm doing i'm using a can trip for uh snape so he's using the uh reigns touch attack at the target and it deals 13 points of acid damage it's not good for him at all but i really don't have anything else right now that i can consistently do that's gonna affect enemies so you just gotta deal with this for a couple of levels until you have a better rotation of spells all right are we in trouble yet there's a wizard back here i prefer if at all possible to try to focus on him first you've crossed the wrong mind and there we are that wizard can really hit up your uh allies and back in so definitely worth it to go ahead and eliminate them asap and then you can just focus on the melee guy and i don't remember what's in this door i think there's a fight that start right now can't hide from me lots of ingredients i will try to do a better job this playthrough of cooking and creating um scrolls i almost completely ignored it in all of my beta play throughs and it has been mentioned that a couple of things that i was having issues with or that i wasn't are spells that i wasn't able to use on a regular basis that it could be alleviated if i did more cooking and spell creation so definitely going to do this this time let's play around with the system and see if it really helps to fill in some of the gaps that you may need to be as efficient as you possibly can always be ready for the worst yet another obstacle so there is a concept of concentration in this game meaning that you have to be able to concentrate in order to use spells um so there are feats you can take to improve that over time and it does affect your enemies as well so your attacks ritual pool filled with fresh blood your attacks can interrupt enemy spell casting and that's also part of the reason why it is sometimes worth it to go ahead and focus on a spell caster before you focus on the melee members of a particular group make sure that they're not able to rain down issues on you from safe back in their little hidey holes meditate on your mistakes now you got a key that you can use to get out of here take that the bodies of the maze builders lie where they were caught by the earth elementals enraged by the earthquake the builder's tools lie scattered next to their bodies okay hate this fight hate hate this fight always seems like it is way harder than it should be gives me a ton of problems i don't know why [Music] and it's going to be even worse because camellias i mean uh sila's in a bad state so she really can't afford to go down here so we're gonna take all necessary precautions i should give her expeditious retreat but we're not gonna go overboard okay and unfortunately we can't identify any of this that would probably have helped her as well she doesn't need these two you can take this all right you can also activate this and this is should be they're not chaotic right yeah they're neutral well that's one that's the regular monitor well well well i wonder if they reduced the difficulty of this that felt much easier than it has in times past a large aggressive creature was kept in this cage judging by the bit bars that creature is now loose ah that was very satisfying okay good to know i am helpful i did am i not i don't feel like that fight was poorly balanced in the beta at all it didn't felt it didn't feel like oh man it's just so unfair blah blah blah blah well it was just something you needed to be prepared for all right so some traps you can just walk up to other traps will have a remote switch that you have to use in order to actually be able to take it off and they use that in a bunch of different ways so sometimes the switch will be in a different room entirely than the crap actually is [Music] sometimes when you uh see things like that in games it feels like an unnecessary complication but i feel like in this game is it's actually kind of fun you know it's um it's not a big deal it doesn't add a whole lot of time to your playthrough hmm now what is that there used to be a uh a low magnifying glass here where you get some information about the statue i wonder why they decided to move remove that all right masterwork club i hope you appreciate this potion of blur blur is a great defensive um spell for you and that's half plate armor pretty sure that that's better than what she's using right now it is so we'll go ahead and throw that on here another remote switch i am helpful am i not [Music] i know you follow me i'm all ears they will break against them why is land as such low health what happened then i don't remember that very nice job all right all right excellent macho oh that's what i already picked up okay light puzzle supposedly some of the notes that you previously picked up help you figure out how to solve this i have never figured out um what those notes are or how that works so i'll try to uh do that and if i and if i can figure it out then um oh the fur very very nice i knew some combination of those three um i'll try to figure out what is the method you're supposed to use to be able to solve that based upon information they provide and probably do a video on it so that people are aware seal appears closely at the sword which seems utterly unexceptional to you wait this is no it can't be her eyes light up i know that hilt radiance the sword of the great daniel that's what this is but it's meant to be in the tower of estrada with all the other relics that's what i heard at least well of course this rusted piece of metal must be that very same sword camellia rolls our eyes i think you merely wish that this was the illustrious sword of legend you don't get it i've oh achievements oh i wasn't even thinking about that i haven't looked at the list of achievements yet i'll definitely have to do that okay you don't get it i've seen this sword a hundred times in paintings and in the hands of the daniel statue i've even thought of going to the s drive museum to see the real thing in person how did it get here what's so special about it see the frowns now nothing i guess but this sword was legendary in its day people say that when yaniel had lit the blade would glow striking demons left and right soldiers would see radiance as light from afar and take heart rushing into the fray and winning i don't know what's wrong with it now how to restore its power all i can sense is that they made a mockery of it you're empathizing with an object extraordinary are all paladins so tender hard and insensitive sensitive in a way yes we're highly attuned to evil and everything wrought by demons radiance was in evil hands and as a paladin i can tell you they did nothing good to it who is daniel no you've never heard of daniel she's famous all over galorean she was a great woman she was born in mendez and when the crusade started she couldn't just sit idly by she dedicated her life to the crusade people say she was audacious and spirited she was always the first into battle and she never sacrificed other people's lives for a tactical advantage that's how she's been remembered as an incredible warrior who seemed a blaze with righteous fury and all the images of her she looks capable of driving all the demons back to the abyss single-handedly but then something happened between her and her commanders maybe they injuried her maybe there was more to it than that i don't know but anyway she went into the whirlwind without her fellow soldiers and she didn't just survive the mission she even brought back crusaders she rescued in there can you imagine she died as she lived with pride she was one of the people defending dresden to the very end that's where she perished sila frowns don't take this the wrong way but i really hope that she died quickly a hero's death because if she didn't that means she was taken prisoner and had to endure unspeakable horrors i wouldn't wish that on anyone you know a lot about yaniel are you a fan of hers or something i suppose you could say that sila chuckles i've always felt an affinity with daniel i know what it's like to not be what your commanders want you to be whenever i used to feel under pressure i always thought of yaniel maybe some people didn't like how she was but to the people she pulled out of the world she was perfect and to the people she saved on the battlefield she was incredible and to those who keep her memory alive she is a hero that's what counts how could a priceless relic end up down here daniel disappeared but by some miracle radius was recovered from the battle no one else has ever wielded it it is daniel's blade and always will be that's why it was put in the tower of estrada with the other crusade relics but now it turns out that somebody stole it sila laughs i have this weird feeling like i'm rescuing a fellow warrior from a dungeon we can't just abandon it even if it's no use to us it's no use to anyone down here but what if they could be repaired let's keep going all right pro tip ah yes ooh radius even has a different look compared to other ones other long swords that's awesome pro tip yes uh radiates is linked to a crusader who is on the side of good and is on the side of i am all day regardless even if you are doing an evil playthrough do not sell radiance and keep it on your person at all times times keep radiance on your person it is worth it regardless of who you are playing you can trust me well well worth it in fact we don't one more just for just to be sure all right let us be off let us be off doubt is the heart's greatest challenge did we step on their toes as well come on it's a stupid rock thing let's get it done oh wow he might actually he's really hidden he'll stop snake come on now don't do that oh cool meteor does all right and all right that's it for downstairs let's go back up one last little fight the music in this game is fantastic for a bunch of different situations it doesn't matter whether you're what why is this what's that there hmm but it's saying or maybe i can't just go ahead and i see this string which makes me feel like you're supposed to go somewhere separate to deal with it follow me hold on right you do have to go somewhere separate so how am i supposed to get over there that's just weird okay uh i don't remember that i'll watch your back does she have enough room to go along the edge here the spirits guide me okay you do interesting i hope you appreciate it i don't remember having to do that i think that's new all right let's continue on are we in trouble yet get another option yeah damage reduction most enemies have damage production and honestly quite a bit of it so uh figuring out how to get around that is one of the challenges of playing the game judging by the corpses littered around the summoning site the cultists did manage to summon a demon in the end um luckily this game gives you a lot of great ways to get around damage reduction so as long as you're paying attention and using the systems you should be fine all right and we will go ahead and camp here get our stuff back because the next section is kind of no joke all right when we actually get out and about in the world i'll go through more of what camping is about but it doesn't matter much here so we're not going to worry about it too much camouflage here right because that's a negative five whereas over oh he's not in here he's got a plus four on camouflage that's weird why i don't have i don't think i have i oh well i got a decent dexterity uh score right i think about who's really best in this they're both plus three he's plus four here and then over here all right yeah he's whoops land's great for that whoa up here there we go then down here awesome all right camping doesn't matter i don't understand you paladins well really it's that i don't understand the huge clinking suits of as you wear watch out here comes sir claims a lot everybody so what this way everybody knows that good is on its way to beat down evil [Laughter] nice all right cool camping matters a lot more when you get up on the um when you get outside the first city but for now we don't have to worry about it too much save here okay and i think that's a good place to stop i hope all of you enjoy the play session today if you did please leave me a like down below share the content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 9,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruoromancer, dhampir lich, dhampir pathfinder, lich build, lich mythic, lich mythic path, lich pathfinder build, pathfinder, pathfinder full playthrough, pathfinder neutral evil, pathfinder playthrough, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wotr playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic path
Id: E78Z2aQ16L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 52sec (3712 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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