Pathfinder: WotR - Metamagic, What Is It & How To Use It

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[Music] what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you a look at the metamagic system in pathfinder wrath of the righteous now if you come from say dungeons and dragons and you're new to pathfinder and you're curious how to cast a spell on a higher spell slot that is one of the things meta magic can do for you however it can also do quite a few other things starting right there metamagic is a way to augment and change your spells typically at the cost of raising the spell level required to cast it so first how do we actually obtain the abilities to use metamagic well metamagic will come to you through feats typically there are however metamagic rods that you can find throughout the game that upon toggling them typically through your ability window well then as long as the rod is toggled cast whatever that metamagic is on the spell you cast while it is toggled as an ability however most of your meta magic is going to come to you through feats most characters get a feet every other level though characters like wizards and things can pick up extra feats related to spell casting which helps out with meta magic and why i mentioned that specifically though pretty much any character can pick these up through their regular feed choices however you would typically speaking not actually want to grab all of them by any means next up what kinds of metamagic are there and how can you actually use them we're going to go through the list of all the meta magic we can actually use first up we have bolster bolster will cause your spells to deal additional area of effect damage making them stronger so spells will deal two more points of damage per die rolled to all of its targets additionally all enemies in five foot of the spell targets are dealt two damage per die roll of the original spell however the spell won't be able to apply precision damage which is typically like sneak attack damage and then at the bottom here we can see that this will increase the effective spell level of the spell by one so if we gave this to a level three spell we would now have to use a level four spell slot to cast it this video assumes you know the magic system of pathfinder in the spell slot system we might cover that in another video in the future but if you're looking into meta magic i'm going to guess you have a basic understanding of the magic system itself and pathfinder and we're going to see this level increase plus one come up quite a bit next we have empower empower will increase the power of our spells causing them to deal more damage so all of the variable numeric effects on an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those roles however the saving throws and the opposed rolls that block the spell from hitting or taking effect are not affected by this this will cause the level of the spell to increase by two then we have extend extend make sure spells last twice as long however it won't affect spells that have a duration of concentration instantaneous or permanent as they obviously don't have anything to extend or in the case of concentration require your concentration but typically you'd use this on things like buffs to make them last longer and then probably the most useful honestly is heighten heighten is basically what allows you to use your spells in a higher spell slot if you apply heightened to a spell you actually get to choose the effective level that you want to cast that spell at so the level increase is whatever you chose to bring that spell to so we can bring a level 1 spell all the way to level 9 if we so choose or we could just bring like a level 4 spell to level 5 that kind of thing this is important to understand because heightened metamagic is effectively raising the spell level of the spell that it modifies so this actually will increase the saving throw dc's and its ability to penetrate through spell resistance all of that jazz is calculated with the higher spell level in mind then we have maximize maximize is the stronger version of empower however you can actually use both on the same spell but maximize will maximize all the numeric effects of a spell besides the of course saving throws and opposed rolls to block the spell basically it will just deal maximum damage the level increase on this is plus three and if you maximize and empower a spell it gets maximized first and then you get plus half of the normally rolled result so you don't get half of the maximized result but you get half of the normal roll on top of the maximized then we have persistent this will give the spell the effect of whenever a creature is targeted by a persistent spell or within its area succeeds on its saving throw against the spell typically to reduce damage etc it is forced to make a second roll if that creature fails the second savings throw it still suffers the full effects of the spell as if it had failed the first saving throw basically this forces enemies to re-roll their savings throw and basically force them to either succeed twice or fail this will increase the level of a spell by two and obviously won't affect spells that don't require a saving throw to resist or lessen the spell's effects then we have a quicken quicken is very cool but it comes at a high cost quicken lets you cast your spells as a swift action meaning that you can cast the spell and then also do something else that same round which would be your standard action which could potentially be casting two spells in the same round actually now any spell that has a casting time of more than one round or one full round cannot be quickened the level increase for this though is a solid plus four and casting a quicken spell won't provide an attack of opportunity to your enemies if you're in range and that brings us to the reach spell the reach spell will simply increase the reach of your spells if it has a range of touch close or medium you get to increase its range by one range category so touch would go to close close would go to medium and medium would go to long this increases the level of the spell by one and moreover spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks will then require range touch attacks instead and if you already have a spell with a range of long you can't actually increase the range further with this it only affects medium and below and then last but not least we have selective selective is basically what allows you to not actually hit your friends with friendly fire when you're casting your spells provided it has an area of effect and a duration of instantaneous you can choose a number of targets in that area equal to the ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells of the same type if you were a wizard it would be your intelligence if you were a sorcerer it would be your charisma etc but the modifier on that is how many targets you get to protect basically and then they simply don't get hit by your spell even if they are in the area of effect because if you're unaware friendly fire is a thing and if you fireball your allies they will in fact get hit so that is all the various types of metamagic and now let's go into how to actually apply them to your spells because it's fairly easy to miss so when you're in your inventory and you bring up your spell book which is where you will go to either memorize or look at the spells you know because if you're a spontaneous caster you don't of course have to memorize anything you simply get a number of casts per day but regardless of any of that when you tab over to your spell book you'll want to find the meta magic tab in the lower left corner this is going to bring up the following menu and the top left there where we see all the circles is all of the metamagic you know out of all of the ones available now to the right just above our actual spells if you know any meta magic you will then see little circles above your spells these circles are the metamagic you have applied if any to it moreover these are also a good indication of how many metamagic things that are actually available to you if you have several for instance here you can see where we have two dots above some of them that is because we only have two types of metamagic that could possibly affect that spell and thus it only shows the applicable dots but to the left here if we drag over a spell it will then open up the metamagic we could apply to it and we just click those the white number on the red dot is the level increase that that spell will take if we choose to apply that metamagic right below this we of course see the resultant spell level and then with the heightened metamagic we of course get to choose the resultant spell level and then below where it says decoration this is actually what will allow us to change the icon of the resultant spell thus allowing you to you know differentiate it on your hotbar now once you click right spell you can find this spell either in your favorites menu which is the star spell level over there on the right or it will now be in the appropriately leveled spell level selection that it resulted in after you got done with it and then of course now that we cast this spell from now on provided we choose the one that actually has the metamagic applied it will cast it as that spell level with the appropriate meta magic so there you go guys there is a look at how to use metamagic in pathfinder wrath of the righteous in my experience it's usually best to identify which metamagic you're probably going to be using the most for instance heighten is very versatile but in select situations you might of course want to use something like selective but given the fact that it comes at a feed cost if you don't have a rod to use in place of the feats it is one of those things where it's best to have a plan hopefully after seeing this video you feel a little more confident in your understanding of what metamagic is and how to apply it in game so with that out of the way i hope you enjoyed the video if you did please remember to like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 13,844
Rating: 4.9198666 out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Pathfinder, WotR, Metamagic, Guide, Spells, Levels, Gameplay
Id: fSu8715gNvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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